Re: deploying big python applications

2006-05-25 Thread Serge Orlov
AndyL wrote:

 let me describe how I do that today. There is standard python taken from installed in a c:\python23 with at least dozen different
 additional python packages (e.g. SOAPpy, Twisted, wx, many smaller ones
 etc) included. Also python23.dll moved from c:\windows to c:\python23.
 This is zipped and available as over 100MB file to anyone to manually
 unzip on his/her PC. This is a one time step.

 On top of that there is 30K lines of code with over 100 .py files
 application laid out within a directory tree. Very specific for the
 domain, typical application. This again is zipped and available to
 anyone as much smaller file to unzip and use. This step is per software

 There is one obvious drawback - I can not separate python from standard
 libraries easily.

True, python releases on windows are forward incompatible with C
extensions, so don't even think about that. I'm not even talking about
big pure python packages that could probably break because of small
subtle changes in python API between releases.

 So when upgrade to 2.4 comes, I need to reinstall all
 the packages.

Yes, but how much time it will *actually* take? I bet it's 1 hour.
Seriously, why don't you *time* it with a stopwatch? And then compare
that time to the time needed to debug the new release.

 In order to address that as well as the Linux port I
 project following structure:
   -default installation or one time step on Windows
   -set of platform dependent libraries in directory A
   -set of platform independent libraries in directory B
   -application in directory C

I would suggest the same structure I described for deploying over LAN:;

The only problem is that exemaker cannot find python relative to
itself, you will have to mash exemaker, python and application launcher
in one directory. So the layout is like this:

engine/  -- directory with your actual application
app.exe  -- renamed exemaker.exe  -- dispatching module, see below
lib -- python stdlib, etc

=== ===
from engine import real_application

This way file engine/ is platform independant.

On Linux/Unix shell script is an equivalent of exemaker. Or C program
like exemaker, but you will have to compile it for all platforms.


Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread James
 We seem to have strayed a long way from Voltaire's
 I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your
 right to say it.

Not at all. My problem with Xah Lee is that he is abusing the Usenet as
a personal BLOG. He has a web site to post these articles and he can
certainly put up a discussion board there if he wants a vigorous
discussion of his ideas. It's worse. He does not even respond to
questions directly posed to him in the thread of his articles. Just
imagine if every blogger on the Internet started using Usenet instead
and cross-posting at that.


Re: Conversion of perl based regex to python method

2006-05-25 Thread Peter Otten
Andrew Robert wrote:


 perl -ple 's/([^\w\s])/sprintf(%%%2X, ord $1)/ge'  somefile.txt


 # Evaluate captured character as hex
 def ret_hex(ch):
 return chr((ord(ch) + 1) % )

Make it compile at least before posting :-)
 # Evaluate the value of whatever was matched
 def eval_match(match):
 return ret_hex(
 # open file
 file = open(r'm:\mq\mq\scripts\testme.txt','r')
 # Read each line, pass any matches on line to function
 for line in file.readlines():
 re.sub('[^\w\s]',eval_match, line)

for line in file:

without readlines() is better because it doesn't read the whole file into
memory first. If you want to read data from files passed as commandline
args or from stdin you can use fileinput.input():

import re
import sys
import fileinput

def replace(match):
return %%%2X % ord(

for line in fileinput.input():
sys.stdout.write(re.sub([^\w\s], replace, line))



Re: determining available space for Float32, for instance

2006-05-25 Thread Robert Kern
David Socha wrote:
 Robert Kern wrote: 

However, keeping track of the sizes of your arrays and the 
size of your datatypes may be a bit much to ask.
 Exactly.  Building a duplicate mechanism for tracking this informaiton
 would be a sad solution.  Surely Python has access to the amount of
 memory being used by the different data types.  How can I get to that

I meant that you shouldn't bother doing any of this manually at all. *Using*
such a mechanism is going to be a sad solution much less building a duplicate
one. Instead, use a persistent data store like PyTables or possibly an SQL
database (but I do recommend PyTables for your use-case).

For numpy arrays, I showed you how to calculate the memory footprint (modulo the
bytes for the actual Python structure itself that contains the metadata, but
that's tiny compared to the actual array). I think there's a more general
function that tries to guess the number of bytes used, but it's not terribly
reliable, and I don't recommend its use. For example, how does one measure the
memory footprint of a Python list? Do you count the memory footprint of each of
the items? What if the items are repeated or shared between other objects?

numpy (definitely not Numeric) does have a feature called 
record arrays which will allow you to deal with your agents 
much more conveniently:

Also, you will certainly want to look at using PyTables to 
store and access your data. With PyTables you can leave all 
of your data on disk and access arbitrary parts of it in a 
relatively clean fashion without doing the fiddly work of 
swapping chunks of memory from disk and back again:
 Do RecordArrays and PyTables work well together?  

Yes. Currently, PyTables uses numarray's implementation of record arrays to
represent HDF5 tables (which are essentially equivalent in structure to record
arrays). It can interact with numpy record arrays just fine. Eventually,
PyTables will be using numpy and numpy only.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: How does a generator object refer to itself?

2006-05-25 Thread Michele Simionato
Why don't you use a class ?

class MyGen(object):
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(2):
yield I know who I am %s % self

gen_obj = MyGen()

for x in gen_obj:
print x

For language lawyers: strictly speaking gen_obj is not a generator
object (since it is
restartable) but it may work for you anyway.

  Michele Simionato


Re: Best way to handle exceptions with try/finally

2006-05-25 Thread Zameer
I wonder where the else goes in try..except..finally...


Re: NEWB: how to convert a string to dict (dictionary)

2006-05-25 Thread Duncan Booth
manstey wrote:

 Thanks.  I didn't know eval could do that. But why do many posts say
 they want a solution that doesn't use eval?
Because it is a sledgehammer: capable of driving in nails or breaking 
rocks. Most times people say 'I want to use eval' they are using it to 
drive nails and something like 'getattr' would be more appropriate.

If you have a string which could have come from an untrusted source it can 
be dangerous. Quite easily you can construct strings which will execute 
arbitrary Python code.
e.g. If you are running an application on a web server and part or all of 
the string has come from another system (which you don't necessarily 
trust), then using eval could potentially do anything. Don't give people 
you don't know a sledgehammer to use on your code.


Re: how to change sys.path?

2006-05-25 Thread per9000
also se topic named
'problem(s) with import from parent dir: from ../ import
sir_robin '

I use this every day now:

best wishes,


Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread Tim X
Mitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 John Bokma wrote:
 Mitch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Bokma wrote:
 You're mistaken. All you need to do is report it. After some time Xah
 will either walk in line with the rest of the world, or has found
 somewhere else to yell. As long as it's not my back garden and not
 around 4AM, I am ok with it.

 Walk in line with the rest of the world?  Pah.

 This is no-ones back garden.
 Funny how people who always think they can change Usenet have no
 clue about what Usenet is and how it works in the first place.

 Who said anything about changing it?  I like it just the way it is.

 Usenet is just that, each server participating can be thought of as
 being the back yard of the news master.

 Sure, each server has terms and conditions that apply, doesn't mean
 you should be able to ban people from speaking just because you don't
 like what they say.  My point is that this isn't *your* back garden,
 it isn't *my* back garden.  It isn't something I own, and it *IS*
 something I can filter and/or ignore.  Someone shouting in your back
 garden is a whole different ball game where your desires prevail.  Not
 here.  You know what you are getting into when you sign in, and it is
 your responsibility to deal with those you don't agree with

 I understand you consider his writings spam, and so can see why you
 have reported him.  All I'm saying is that as long as the articles are
 remotely on topic, I believe he has a right to post his opinions here.

 If you have no clue about how Usenet works, first read up a bit.
 What a Usenet server is, a feed, and how Usenet is distributed.
 And then come back if you finally have something to say that you can
 back up.

 Thankfully I'm aware enough of all the above that I don't feel the need.

 As these are all opinions, I don't see any need to back up any of it.

Personally, I think this is getting a bit out of hand. Originally,
John and others suggested reporting Xah to his ISP for spamming
multiple groups. There was never any suggestion I have seen (except
from Xah himself) that the objective was to gag his contraversial
thoughts/comments/ideas. I have no problem with him posting comments
which are relevant to the group he posts to. However, I do object to
anyone who has the arrogance to believe their opinions are so
important they should be posted to any remotely related group they can
think of. 

I don't agree with nearly 99% of what Xah says - he often raises a
well known issue (i've not seen anything original yet), outlines it
reasonably well, but then proposes solutions which strike me as being
very poorly considered or narrow of thought. He also tends to look at
something for a couple of days and then rubbish it with a tone of
authority and experience he obviously hasn't yet obtained. 

However, he has just as much right to do so as anyone else and
therefore, its not because of his content he should be reported - its
because of his irresponsability in how he distributes it.

I also seem to remember a page on his website from a couple of years
back in which he admits enjoying trolling and starting flame wars -
but I can't find it now, so maybe I'm mistaken. However, I suspect
this is the main motivation for his posts rather than a genuine desire
to solve problems he perceives. At any rate, its not
like he hasn't been told his constant behavior of mass cross posting
was considered bad form - he has been told many many times and just
ignores it. 

If someone wrote up there essays and got them printed on millions of
leaflets which they then dumped all over the place, would you be
outraged when they were fined for littering and claim their right to
free speech was being gagged? Of course not. This is the same. I think
most would have no problem with Xah posting if he did it in a
responsible manner. 

Note that normally I try to remove all the cross posted groups in
replies to Xah's thread, but this time, I'm leaving them as I feel the
nature of this thread warrants it. If you disagree, please don't
hesitate to report me to my ISP as I'm more than willing to defend my
decision. If I lose, there not an ISP I'd want to stay with anyway!

tcross (at) rapttech dot com dot au

Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread bugbear
Mitch wrote:
 Sure, each server has terms and conditions that apply, doesn't mean you 
 should be able to ban people from speaking just because you don't like 
 what they say. 

You are a silly person.


Re: Scipy: vectorized function does not take scalars as arguments

2006-05-25 Thread ago
I have installed numpy-0.9.6 I haven't tried 0.9.8.



2006-05-25 Thread Tim Williams
Does anyone have a copy of the wincerapi module.It appears not to
be in the win32 extensions anymore, and I've googled lots but not
found it available anywhere.



Tim Williams

regex in python

2006-05-25 Thread gisleyt
I'm trying to compile a perfectly valid regex, but get the error

 r =
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 179, in compile
return _compile(pattern, flags)
  File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 230, in _compile
raise error, v # invalid expression
sre_constants.error: nothing to repeat

What does this mean? I know that the regex
is valid because i'm able to use it in Regex Coach. But is Python's
regex syntax different that an ordinary syntax?

By the way, i'm using it to normalise strings like:


By using \1\2\4 as replace. I'm open for other suggestions to achieve



Qrcode and python

2006-05-25 Thread bussiere
Title: Qrcode and python

Iam loooking for some information on qrcode module for python (making qrcode in python qrcode is a special kind of barcode)

Or i only found japanese documentation

If someone have english or french documentation i twill be nice



I have some problems with this email and i dunnow if my old post ive been sent, if so excuse me


Re: Modify one character in a string

2006-05-25 Thread keirr

mp wrote:
 How do I go about modifying one character in a string elegantly?
 In other words, I want a function that will change '' to 'aaza',
 given the index 2 of the character in the string.

 Also, how do I do this when dealing with a file ; which file mode
 should I use and what function should I use to modify a single
 character once in that file mode?


Technically you can't - strings are immutable.  If you use the StringIO
module then you can
use a common approach between 'strings' in memory, and files, using
seek and write.

All the best,



[no subject]

2006-05-25 Thread carlosperezs

hello together !!!

I would like to know if it is available the com component for
wmeditor in python language?
This program is called windows media file editor, lets users to create marks 
into a movie and belongs to installation packet of windows encoder.

thank you


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2006-05-25 Thread andrea

Early Registration Deadline for ISSPR is 25 MAY, 2006
23-28 JULY, UK

NEW...EXTENDED Early Bird Deadline for Registration. 
New Deadline 25th May 2006! and payments can be made Online

The 4th International Summer School on Pattern Recognition will be organised at 
the University of Plymouth, UK (23-28 July, 2006). The  school programme is 
listed below. Please pass on this email to your interested colleagues and 
students. This is a  great summer school which I would recommend for everyone 
to attend. 
DEADLINE: Register BEFORE 25 MAY, 2006 through the website to get a discount on 
the fee. Limited seats left!

Speakers at the Summer School (ISSPR'2006)
Dr. Sam Roberts Mathworks, UK (Introduction to Matlab)
Prof. Wojtek Krzanowski University of Exeter, UK (Multivariate Statistics: Data 
Dr. Mike Tipping, Microsoft Research, UK (Bayesian Pattern Recognition: 
Principles and Practice)
Prof. Chris Bishop, Microsoft Research, UK (Latent Variables, Mixture Models 
and EM)
Dr. Richard Everson, University of Exeter, UK (Dimensionality Reduction)
Dr. Peter Tino  University of Birmingham, UK (Probabilistic framework for 
model-based topographic map formation)
Prof. Chris Williams, University of Edinburgh, UK (Neural Networks and Kernel 
Dr. Colin Campbell, University of Bristol, UK (Support Vector Machines and 
Kernel Methods: An Introduction and  Review)
Prof. John Shawe- Taylor, University of Southampton, UK (Kernel Based Methods)
Dr. Steve Gunn, University of Southampton, UK (Matlab for Support Vector 
Prof. Mahesan Niranjan, University of Sheffield, UK (Classifier Performance 
Particle Filters for Tracking and  Sequential Problems) 
Dr. Andrew Webb Qinetiq, UK (Decision TreesData Clustering)
Prof. Xin Yao, University of Birmingham, UK (A Gentle Introduction to 
Evolutionary Computation; ATutorial on  Evolutionary Multi-objective 
Dr. Richard Deardon, University of Birmingham, UK (Sequential Decision Making; 
Markov Chains Monte Carlo Methods)
Dr. Jeremy Wyatt, University of Birmingham, UK (An Introduction to 
Reinforcement Learning)
Dr. Ludmila Kuncheva, University of Wales, UK   (Classifier Combination)
Prof. Joseph Kittler, University of Surrey, UK  (Feature Selection and 
Prof. Sameer Singh, Loughborough University, UK (Multiresolution Pattern 
Prof. Susan Craw, Robert Gordon University, UK  (Case Based Reasoning)
SUPPORTED BY: Microsoft, Springer, British Computer Society, and Mathworks. 
17-22 June, 2006
Registration Deadline is now 2nd of June, 2006
August 20-24, 2006
Early Bird Registration: 31 May, 2006
Please see the event websites to get FULL information.

Compiled by: Dr. Heather Mclleland 

access to TimesTen using python

2006-05-25 Thread gunsupancar
is there any module to access
TimesTen in-memory database using python?


pc 2 mobile via bluetooth

2006-05-25 Thread Yasmeen Alkadi
hello :)could some1 help me plzzz  is there a python script to connect my windows pc with my s60 mobile via bluetooth on both  so i could send text files from my pc and recivee them on my phonethank u so much . . 
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.--

Two idle questions

2006-05-25 Thread Edward K. Ream
I've asked these questions on idle-dev with no answer.

1. How can code tell whether it is being run from Idle's debugger?

2. How can code being run from Idle's debugger simulate a breakpoint, such
as pdb.set_trace() does?

Yes, pdb.set_trace() does work, but I want to enable idle's debugging
console and get all of Idle's nice debugging features.



P.S.  I've studied Idle's debugger code for several hours and the answers
are not exactly jumping out at me :-)  Perhaps it would be good to create
wrapper functions (no idea where) to make these tasks easier.  Or maybe they
already exist?


Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


a good explanation

2006-05-25 Thread s99999999s2003
my friend has written a loop like this
cnt = 0
files = [a,b,c,d]
while cnt  len(files) :

i told him using
for fi in files:

is better, because the while loop method makes another call to
len..which is slower..
am i partly right? or is there a better explanation for using the for


Re: Request for comments on python distributed technologies

2006-05-25 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 Carl J. Van Arsdall [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CJVA) wrote:

CJVA Hey everyone, another question for the list. In particular i'm
CJVA looking for comments on some of the distributed technologies
CJVA supported in python. Specifically, I'm looking at XML-RPC, RPyC,
CJVA CORBA, and Twisted.

Although it doesn't cover exactly the technologies mentioned above 
the following article may be interesting for you:

Python Web services developer: Messaging technologies compared

Piet van Oostrum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: regex in python

2006-05-25 Thread Tim Chase
  r =
 sre_constants.error: nothing to repeat

The error gives something away (like any good error message should)

You're attempting to repeat something that may not exist.  In 
this case, it's the last question-mark.  The item before it


could be empty, and thus have nothing to repeat.

Simply removing the question-mark in question, making it


has the same effect as desired (AFAIU) without the error.



Re: Bind an instance of a base to a subclass - can this be done?

2006-05-25 Thread Maric Michaud
Le Jeudi 25 Mai 2006 01:10, vous avez écrit :
 The ratio of two durations has no meaning???
Oh, sorry, sure it has, I wanted to say it has no meaning in timedelta 
provided arithmetic.
It's a ratio (no dimension) not a duration. In that sense the expected result 
should be a float, and the proposed operator will break the timedelta's 
arithmetic consistence.

t, u, v - timedeltas
t+u # valid
t / u # valid
t / u + v # invalid while all terms are valids

It's a big design flaw and I think it's the full answer to the original 

Le Jeudi 25 Mai 2006 02:26, Robert Kern a écrit :
  what you want is :
  num_weeks = time_diff.days / 7
  num_weeks = (time_diff / 7).days

 Uh, no. Besides the integer division problem in your first line, keep in
 mind that the .days attribute does not give you the time interval measured
 in days. It gives you the number of *whole* days in the interval. The first
 method will be incorrect if time_diff is not an even multiple of 1 day.
 The latter will be incorrect if time_diff is not an even multiple of 7 days.
In fact i was computing the exact number of whole weeks in the delta. In 
respect of that both expression are perfectly correct, but the second one 
isn't clear IMO (why this days attribute should give me the number of 
weeks ?).

This said it's not hard to figure out the correct expression of the decimal 
value of weeks in deltas (discarding the microseconds which are not 
relevant) :
num_weeks = (time_diff.days * 24* 3600 + time_diff.seconds) / (7.*24*3600)

If I need to do much of these in a piece of code I would probably define some 
helper functions like this :

def tomicroseconds(td) :
return td.days * 24* 3600 * 10**6 +
   td.seconds * 10 ** 6 + td.microseconds

def toseconds(td) : return float(tomicroseonds(td)) / 10 ** 6
tominute, tohours, todays, toweeks, etc...

and use float and int / and % operators.
This is an easy and clean implementation IMHO.


Maric Michaud

Aristote -
3 place des tapis
69004 Lyon
Tel: +33 426 880 097

Re: regex in python

2006-05-25 Thread Jim Segrave
gisleyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm trying to compile a perfectly valid regex, but get the error

 r =
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 179, in compile
return _compile(pattern, flags)
  File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 230, in _compile
raise error, v # invalid expression
sre_constants.error: nothing to repeat

What does this mean? I know that the regex
is valid because i'm able to use it in Regex Coach. But is Python's
regex syntax different that an ordinary syntax?

Your problem lies right near the end:

 import re
 r = re.compile(r'(\d*)?')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.4/, line 180, in compile
return _compile(pattern, flags)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.4/, line 227, in _compile
raise error, v # invalid expression
sre_constants.error: nothing to repeat

Since the term \d* can be matched by the empty string, what would it
mean to ask for 0 or 1 copies of the empty string? How is that
different from 17 copies of the empty string.  

r =

will be accepted.

By the way, i'm using it to normalise strings like:


By using \1\2\4 as replace. I'm open for other suggestions to achieve

But you're looking for a string followed by two floats and your sample
input is a string, a float, an integer, a comma and another
integer. If you actually mean the input is


and you want to convert it to:


then the above regex will work

Jim Segrave   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Re: Why can't timedeltas be divided?

2006-05-25 Thread Maric Michaud
oups ididn't post it to the good thread :)

Le Jeudi 25 Mai 2006 01:10, vous avez écrit :
 The ratio of two durations has no meaning???
Oh, sorry, sure it has, I wanted to say it has no meaning in timedelta 
provided arithmetic.
It's a ratio (no dimension) not a duration. In that sense the expected result 
should be a float, and the proposed operator will break the timedelta's 
arithmetic consistence.

t, u, v - timedeltas
t+u # valid
t / u # valid
t / u + v # invalid while all terms are valids

It's a big design flaw and I think it's the full answer to the original 

Le Jeudi 25 Mai 2006 02:26, Robert Kern a écrit :
  what you want is :
  num_weeks = time_diff.days / 7
  num_weeks = (time_diff / 7).days

 Uh, no. Besides the integer division problem in your first line, keep in
 mind that the .days attribute does not give you the time interval measured
 in days. It gives you the number of *whole* days in the interval. The first
 method will be incorrect if time_diff is not an even multiple of 1 day.
 The latter will be incorrect if time_diff is not an even multiple of 7 days.
In fact i was computing the exact number of whole weeks in the delta. In 
respect of that both expression are perfectly correct, but the second one 
isn't clear IMO (why this days attribute should give me the number of 
weeks ?).

This said it's not hard to figure out the correct expression of the decimal 
value of weeks in deltas (discarding the microseconds which are not 
relevant) :
num_weeks = (time_diff.days * 24* 3600 + time_diff.seconds) / (7.*24*3600)

If I need to do much of these in a piece of code I would probably define some 
helper functions like this :

def tomicroseconds(td) :
return td.days * 24* 3600 * 10**6 +
   td.seconds * 10 ** 6 + td.microseconds

def toseconds(td) : return float(tomicroseonds(td)) / 10 ** 6
tominute, tohours, todays, toweeks, etc...

and use float and int / and % operators.
This is an easy and clean implementation IMHO.


Maric Michaud

Aristote -
3 place des tapis
69004 Lyon
Tel: +33 426 880 097

RE: how to change sys.path?

2006-05-25 Thread Michael Yanowitz
  Is there something like a .pythoninitrc which can run whenever we start
that can load a file with many sys.path.append(), etc?
  If not is there some way to modify the Python shell constructor and

Thanks in advance:
Michael yanowitz

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
Of per9000
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 4:07 AM
Subject: Re: how to change sys.path?

also se topic named
'problem(s) with import from parent dir: from ../ import
sir_robin '

I use this every day now:

best wishes,


webbrowser module bug on os x?

2006-05-25 Thread robin

it seems to me like the webbrowser command'http://www...', new=0)

does not work as advertised: all the urls open in seperate windows
regardless of the default browser (safari, firefox, mozilla). i do not
have this problem on windows...

can anyone help?
thank you in advance.



Re: regex in python

2006-05-25 Thread John Machin
On 25/05/2006 7:58 PM, gisleyt wrote:
 I'm trying to compile a perfectly valid regex, but get the error
  r =
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 179, in compile
 return _compile(pattern, flags)
   File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 230, in _compile
 raise error, v # invalid expression
 sre_constants.error: nothing to repeat
 What does this mean? I know that the regex
 is valid because i'm able to use it in Regex Coach.

Say what??? From the Regex Coach website:
(1) can be used to experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions
(2) PCRE (which is used by projects like Python -- once upon a time, 
way back in the dream-time, when the world was young, ...

The problem is this little snippet near the end of your regex:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File C:\Python24\lib\, line 180, in compile
 return _compile(pattern, flags)
   File C:\Python24\lib\, line 227, in _compile
 raise error, v # invalid expression
sre_constants.error: nothing to repeat

The message is a little cryptic, should be something like a repeat 
operator has an operand which may match nothing. In other words, you 
have said X? (optional occurrence of X) *BUT* X can already match a 
zero-length string. X in this case is (\d*)

This is a theoretically valid regex, but it's equivalent to just plain 
X, and leaves the reader (and the re implementors, obviously) wondering 
whether you (a) have made a typo (b) are a member of the re 
implementation quality assurance inspectorate or (c) just plain confused :-)

BTW, reading your regex was making my eyes bleed, so I did this to find 
out which piece was the problem:
import re
pat0 = r'([^\d]*)(\d{1,3}\.\d{0,2})?(\d*)(\,\d{1,3}\.\d{0,2})?(\d*)?.*'
pat1 = r'([^\d]*)'
pat2 = r'(\d{1,3}\.\d{0,2})?'
pat3 =r'(\d*)'
pat4 = r'(\,\d{1,3}\.\d{0,2})?'
pat5 =  r'(\d*)?.*'
for k, pat in enumerate([pat1, pat2, pat3, pat4, pat5]):
 print k+1

 But is Python's
 regex syntax different that an ordinary syntax?

Python aims to lift itself above the ordinary :-)

 By the way, i'm using it to normalise strings like:
 By using \1\2\4 as replace. I'm open for other suggestions to achieve

Well, you are just about on the right track. You need to avoid the 
eye-bleed (by using VERBOSE patterns) and having test data that doesn't 
have typos in it, and more test data. You may like to roll your own test 
harness, in *Python*, for *Python* regexes, like the following:

import re

tests = [
 [AA222.22333,444.44555FF, AA222.22,444.44],
 [foo/geocoord/32.3244,42.1221244, foo/geocoord/32.32,42.12], # 
what you meant
 [foo/geocoord/32.3244,42,1221244, foo/geocoord/32.32,42,12], # 
what you posted

pat0 = r'([^\d]*)(\d{1,3}\.\d{0,2})?(\d*)(\,\d{1,3}\.\d{0,2})?(\d*)?.*'
patx = r
 ([^\d]*)   # Grp 1: zero/more non-digits
 (\d{1,3}\.\d{0,2})?# Grp 2: 1-3 digits, a dot, 0-2 digits 
 (\d*)  # Grp 3: zero/more digits
 (\,\d{1,3}\.\d{0,2})?  # Grp 4: like grp 2 with comma in front 
 (\d*)  # Grp 5: zero/more digits
 (.*)   # Grp 6: any old rubbish

rx = re.compile(patx, re.VERBOSE)
for testin, expected in tests:
 print \ntestin:, testin
 mobj = rx.match(testin)
 if not mobj:
 print no match
 for k, grp in enumerate(mobj.groups()):
 print Group %d matched %r % (k+1, grp)
 actual = rx.sub(r\1\2\4, testin)
 print expected: %r; actual: %r; same: %r % (expected, actual, 
expected ==


testin: AA222.22333,444.44555FF
Group 1 matched 'AA'
Group 2 matched '222.22'
Group 3 matched '333'
Group 4 matched ',444.44'
Group 5 matched '555'
Group 6 matched 'FF'
expected: 'AA222.22,444.44'; actual: 'AA222.22,444.44'; same: True

testin: foo/geocoord/32.3244,42.1221244
Group 1 matched 'foo/geocoord/'
Group 2 matched '32.32'
Group 3 matched '44'
Group 4 matched ',42.12'
Group 5 matched '21244'
Group 6 matched ''
expected: 'foo/geocoord/32.32,42.12'; actual: 
'foo/geocoord/32.32,42.12'; same:

testin: foo/geocoord/32.3244,42,1221244
Group 1 matched 'foo/geocoord/'
Group 2 matched '32.32'
Group 3 matched '44'
Group 4 matched None
Group 5 matched ''
Group 6 matched ',42,1221244'
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\junk\, line 28, in ?
 actual = rx.sub(r\1\2\4, testin)
   File C:\Python24\lib\, line 

Re: a good explanation

2006-05-25 Thread Bas
I guess that your version is faster, although the difference would be
negligible in this small example. The for loop is probably optimized
for speed under the hood (it is written in C), while the 'while' loop
is performed in python, which is much slower.

Much more important than the speed difference is the clarity: your
version is the accepted practice in the python world, so people will
understand it immediately. It also saves two lines of code. And most of
all, it prevents you from making mistakes: your friend, for example,
has forgotten to increase cnt, so he created an infinite loop!



Re: a good explanation

2006-05-25 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 my friend has written a loop like this
 cnt = 0
 files = [a,b,c,d]
 while cnt  len(files) :
 i told him using
 for fi in files:
 is better, because the while loop method makes another call to
 len..which is slower..
 am i partly right? or is there a better explanation for using the for

Several good reasons:

   - his loop won't terminate, as he (or you trying to copy his efforts) 
forgot to increment cnt

   - he needs additional statements  state. The more you have of this, 
the likelier you make errors. he could for example write = len(files)

   - the whole loop is noisier to the eye, makes it harder to grasp what 
it's all about

It seems that your friend comes from a language like C or JAVA (pre 1.5) 
where the for loop was basically what his while loop above is: one 
initializer, one condition test, one last statement, mostly incrementing 
the counter.

Python's for is build around the concept of an iterable. Which lists, 
tuples, strings and many other things are - and thus  the last, and 
possibly strongest reason is: its not idiomatic Python, he tries top 
shoehorn python into some schemes he's used from other languages. Don't 
do that, accept Python  it's ways for a better life :)



Re: a good explanation

2006-05-25 Thread John Machin
On 25/05/2006 9:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 my friend has written a loop like this
 cnt = 0
 files = [a,b,c,d]
 while cnt  len(files) :
 i told him using
 for fi in files:
 is better, because the while loop method makes another call to
 len..which is slower..
 am i partly right? or is there a better explanation for using the for

You are partially right.
More reasons:
(1) It's more elegant; you don't have the cnt if you don't need it, 
there's no extraneous evaluation of len(files).
(2) You don't get the chance to omit cnt += 1, like your friend did 

Re: a good explanation

2006-05-25 Thread mik3
wow!...thanks for both replies..and yes you are right, he comes from a
world of C and java...i have successfully brainwashed him to try out
coding in python...haha.
So he has written his first program in python and i have roughly toook
a glance at it and saw what he did.. i pointed out his mistakes but
couldn't convince him otherwise. Anyway , i am going to show him your
thanks again.


Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread Iain Chalmers

 I also seem to remember a page on his website from a couple of years
 back in which he admits enjoying trolling and starting flame wars -
 but I can't find it now, so maybe I'm mistaken.


Everything you love, everything meaningful with depth and history, 
all passionate authentic experiences will be appropriated, mishandled, 
watered down, cheapened, repackaged, marketed and sold to the people 
you hate.  Mr Jalopy quoting Hooptyrides (on

Re: Bind an instance of a base to a subclass - can this be done?

2006-05-25 Thread Lou Pecora
 Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lou Pecora schrieb:
  Then do something like (I know this isn't right, I'm just trying to 
  convey the idea of what I would like)
  Possible in some way?  Thanks in advance for any clues.
 Nope, not in that way. But you might consider writing a proxy/wrapper 
 for an object. That looks like this (rouch sketch from head):
 class FileWrapper(object):
 def __init__(self, f):
self._f = f
 def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._f, name)
 def myreadline(self):

 Then you do
 f = FileWrapper(open(name, mode))

Interesting.  I have to think about this to understand if it is a 
solution I can use.  But, thank you for a very different angle on this.

-- Lou Pecora  (my views are my own) REMOVE THIS to email me.

Re: how to change sys.path?

2006-05-25 Thread Ziga Seilnacht
Michael Yanowitz wrote:
 Is there something like a .pythoninitrc which can run whenever we start
 that can load a file with many sys.path.append(), etc?
   If not is there some way to modify the Python shell constructor and

 Thanks in advance:
 Michael yanowitz

Yes, there is the user module:
which you have to explicitly import and which will look for file in user's home directory and execute it.

The other option is a sitecustomize module, which should
be put somewhere on the initial search path. It will be
imported automatically during the interpreter initialization.
for details.



Re: Bind an instance of a base to a subclass - can this be done?

2006-05-25 Thread Lou Pecora
 Maric Michaud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Le Mercredi 24 Mai 2006 22:04, Diez B. Roggisch a écrit :
  Nope, not in that way. But you might consider writing a proxy/wrapper
  for an object. That looks like this (rouch sketch from head):
  class FileWrapper(object):
      def   init  (self, f):
         self. f = f
      def   getattr  (self, name):
         return getattr(self. f, name)
      def myreadline(self):
 Why use a proxy when you can just inherit from the builtin file object ?
 class myFile(file) :
   def myreadline(self) : print 'yo'
 In [20]: myFile('frwiki-20060511-abstract.xml')
 Out[20]: open file 'frwiki-20060511-abstract.xml', mode 'r' at 0xa78cc1e4
 In [21]: myFile('frwiki-20060511-abstract.xml').myreadline()
 In [22]:

BINGO!  This is exactly what I want.  I didn't realize that I could open 
using file itself instead of open.  I did find this in another section 
of Python in a Nutshell thanks to your suggestion.  

Thank you.

And thanks to all who answered.

-- Lou Pecora  (my views are my own) REMOVE THIS to email me.

Re: IronPython 1.0 Beta 7 Released

2006-05-25 Thread BartlebyScrivener
Can you recommend a book or a link for a person learning Python on
Windows who does not yet know C# or .NET?




how to clear up a List in python?

2006-05-25 Thread python
I have new a list , when it hava large number of values, I wonna to
delete all the values in it,how to do?
And, if a list have 801 values, I want to get its values index from 300
to 400, could use list1[300:400],are right me?


Re: Finding Upper-case characters in regexps, unicode friendly.

2006-05-25 Thread Kent Johnson
 I'm trying to make a unicode friendly regexp to grab sentences
 reasonably reliably for as many unicode languages as possible, focusing
 on european languages first, hence it'd be useful to be able to refer
 to any uppercase unicode character instead of just the typical [A-Z],
 which doesn't include, for example É.   Is there a way to do this, or
 do I have to stick with using the isupper method of the string class?



Re: how to use matplotlib contour()?

2006-05-25 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-05-24, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, unfortunately, much of the documentation was written by people who were
 very familiar with the Matlab interfaces that these functions are emulating.

Since I've never used matlab, I'm a bit clueless.

 For example one parameter is specied as an array.  No clue as
 to how many dimensions or what the axis are.
 In another place it says the X,Y parameters specify the (x,y)
 coordinates of a surface.  _How_ do they specify the surface?
 Are they just equal length lists of x and y coordinates that
 specify len(X) points.  Or do they specify a len(X) x len(Y)
 grid of points?

 Why would my Z values be a 2D array?

 contour() only does contouring on gridded data.

That's what I was beginning to suspect.  What confused me was
that if it required gridded data, I expected the input parameters to
specify a grid (e.g. for a 5x7 grid, the X parameter would be a
vector of 5 values, and the Y parameter would be a vector of 7
values) rather than just lie on a grid.

 If you want to handle scattered datapoints, you will have to
 do some interpolation.

Thanks, that looks like exactly what I need.  My next step was
actually going to be to use the Delaunay triangulation module
to interpolate the data onto a much finer grid.

 So X, Y, and Z are all 2-D arrays laid out corresponding to
 the grid that you have sampled. I thought the
 example was reasonably clear on this, but if you didn't get it
 to run, then I can see why you wouldn't have read it.

I did delete some code that was attempting to label the graph,
and then it ran.  The examples do use gridded data, but when I
changed them to non-gridded data, it seemed to run fine.

 Talking about this on matplotlib-users will probably get these
 problems fixed faster:

After I got the demos to run, it became apparent that the
contour functions don't do what I want anyway, so it's all moot
at this point.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  YOW!! Now I
  at   understand advanced
   visi.comMICROBIOLOGY and th' new
   TAX REFORM laws!!

Re: [Python-Help] os listdir access denied when run as a service

2006-05-25 Thread Danny Yoo

On Thu, 25 May 2006, Thomas Thomas wrote:

 I am trying to access a mapped network drive folder. everything works 
 fine normally. But when i run the application as service I am getting 
 the error

The error is on the line:

 for filename in os.listdir(folder):#line 25

and I have to assume that the bad call here is to os.listdir().

What's the particular input that's being sent to os.listdir() at the point 
of failure?  As far as I can tell, the error message:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 129, in ?
  File core\PollFiles.pyc, line 332, in doPoll
  File core\PollFiles.pyc, line 47, in createFileList
  File core\PollFiles.pyc, line 25, in addFolderFiles
 WindowsError: [Errno 5] Access is denied:'G:\\DT Hot Folder test/*.*'

suggests that 'G:\\DT Hot Folder test/*.*' might be the folder being 
passed.  If so, that could be the problem, since os.listdir takes the name 
of a directory: it does not take a file glob.

Can you check to see what 'folder' is being passed into your program in 
the context of a file service?  The problem may simply be bad input.

We can check early on this by programming a bit defensively, mandating 
that on entry to addFolderFiles that 'folder' must be an existing 

def addFolderFiles(folder, filelist=[]):
 assert os.path.isdir(folder)

in which case, if we get past the assertion, we'll be able to at least 
know that we're getting in semi-good input.

One other note: it is not recommended that we use a list as a default 
parameter value.  That value will be shared among all calls to 
addFolderFiles, so we will see side effects.  See the Important Warning 

tkFileDialog.Open to select a large number of files

2006-05-25 Thread Alexandre Guimond
Hi. I've noticed that when i select a large number of files ( 400)
using tkFileDialog.Open i get an empty list. Does anyone knows the
limits of that interface regarding the maximum number of files that can
be selected, or the maximum length of the resulting list? Does anyone
have any work around?




Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread Dražen Gemić
Larry Elmore wrote:
 No shit.  Lately it seems that for every spam post of Xah's, there's
 at three or more by John *to all the same newsgroups* bitching about
 Xah's use of bandwidth.  Pot, meet kettle.  I'm killfiling Xah for being
 a useless twit and killfiling John for being a prick about it.

There is a person on USENET, particularly in hr. hierarchy that
posts under three different accounts. Sometimes he argues with
himself, and sometimes event supports himself :-)

Maybe we have the similar case here.


regex/lambda black magic

2006-05-25 Thread Andrew Robert
Hi everyone,

I have two test scripts, an encoder and a decoder.

The encoder, listed below, works perfectly.

import re,sys
output = open(r'e:\pycode\out_test.txt','wb')
for line in open(r'e:\pycode\sigh.txt','rb') :
output.write( re.sub(r'([^\w\s])', lambda s: '%%%2X' %
ord(, line))

The decoder, well, I have hopes.

import re,sys
output = open(r'e:\pycode\new_test.txt','wb')
for line in open(r'e:\pycode\out_test.txt','rb') :
   output.write( re.sub(r'([^\w\s])', lambda s: chr(int(, 16))
% ord(, line))

The decoder generates the following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File E:\pycode\, line 9, in ?
output.write( re.sub(r'([^\w\s])', lambda s: chr(int(, 16))
% ord(, line))
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 142, in sub
return _compile(pattern, 0).sub(repl, string, count)
  File E:\pycode\, line 9, in
output.write( re.sub(r'([^\w\s])', lambda s: chr(int(, 16))
% ord(, line))
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): %

Does anyone see what I am doing wrong?


Re: Modify one character in a string

2006-05-25 Thread Roy Smith

 How do I go about modifying one character in a string elegantly?
 In other words, I want a function that will change '' to 'aaza',
 given the index 2 of the character in the string.

Strings are immutable, so you can't change a string.  The best you can do 
is create a new string from the old one.  Something like:

 old = ''
 new = old[:2] + 'z' + old[3:]
 print new

or a few variations on that theme.

 Also, how do I do this when dealing with a file ; which file mode
 should I use and what function should I use to modify a single
 character once in that file mode?

This is a much more complicated question, because it depends on the details 
of the operating system you're using.  On Unix, you can seek to a specific 
place in a file, write a single character, seek to EOF, and you've done an 
in-place single character edit of the file.  I don't know if that works on 
other OS's or not.

Re: wincerapi

2006-05-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I know this isn't helpful at all, but now I'm curious. What's wincer?


Re: wincerapi

2006-05-25 Thread Tim Williams
On 25 May 2006 07:06:02 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I know this isn't helpful at all, but now I'm curious. What's wincer?

Its a module which provides an interface to the win32 CE Remote API


Re: how to clear up a List in python?

2006-05-25 Thread vbgunz
 I have new a list , when it hava large number of values, I wonna to
 delete all the values in it,how to do?

something like this will probably help.

x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
y = x

list([x.pop() for z in xrange(len(x))])

print x, y  # [] []

 And, if a list have 801 values, I want to get its values index from 300
 to 400, could use list1[300:400],are right me?

300 will be included in your slice whereas the 400th index will be
excluded. you will ultimately have 99 items in your slice. if you want
values from index 300 to 400 you'll need to say [300:401]. the first
index is included. the last index is excluded.

good luck!


Re: IronPython 1.0 Beta 7 Released

2006-05-25 Thread Luis M. González
Ravi Teja wrote:
 Also, IronPython cannot access CPython libraries. So it cannot be used
 as a drop-in replacement for CPython in most non-trivial apps. Python
 for .NET however allows you to both use both CPython and .NET

It will be able to access the standard libraries, as long as they are
rewriten in a .NET language. People are doing it already, it's just a
matter of time...


Re: Bind an instance of a base to a subclass - can this be done?

2006-05-25 Thread Lou Pecora
I came up with this solution for subclassing the file object and making 
some easy I/O functions (much thanks to Maric Michaud for pointing me in 
the right direction).  My goal was to make I/O of variables easy and in 
a form that I could easily visually examine the file (which I often need 
to do).  The code also keeps it very clear as to what is being read in 
or out in a single function call.

The class (inherited from file) in file

#  File subclass from file for EZ I/O ===

class ezfile(file):
   #  Write items to file --
   #  converts items list to string first using repr fcn.
   def printline(_, ls):
   #  Scan line from file  return items 
   #  converts scanned string to list first using eval fcn.
   def scanline(_,):
  return eval(sls)

An example in a Python session:

 from ezfile import *

#  Define some variables
 i= 7
 str='Some stuff here'

# Open a file and output the variables to it

# Open the same file and read the values back in to other variables
 print y,j,thestr
2.334 7 Some stuff here

The file content looks like this:

[2.3341, 7, 'Some stuff here']

easy to see what is saved to  the file.

It works!  Thanks, again.  Comments welcome.

-- Lou Pecora  (my views are my own) REMOVE THIS to email me.

Re: how to clear up a List in python?

2006-05-25 Thread robert
python wrote:

 I have new a list , when it hava large number of values, I wonna to
 delete all the values in it,how to do?
 And, if a list have 801 values, I want to get its values index from 300
 to 400, could use list1[300:400],are right me?

del list1[:]
del list1[:-1000]   # keep max. last 1000 appended items in the list


Re: how to change sys.path?

2006-05-25 Thread John Salerno
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Wed, 24 May 2006 17:24:08 GMT, John Salerno
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
 Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 I may have gotten slightly confused
 That's my job. :)
   You have gotten me slightly confused G

Your job is to pay no attention to me and my blathering. :)

Re: how to normalize indentation sources

2006-05-25 Thread John Salerno
John Machin wrote:

 remove empty lines
 at the end of files.  Also ensure the last line ends with a newline.

don't those two things conflict with one another? or is the newline 
added after empty lines are removed?

Re: regex/lambda black magic

2006-05-25 Thread Max Erickson
Andrew Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ValueError: invalid literal for int(): %
 Does anyone see what I am doing wrong?

Try getting rid of the lamba, it might make things clearer and it 
simplifies debugging. Something like(this is just a sketch):

def callback(match):
return chr(int(,16)) % ord(

output.write(re.sub('r([^\w\s])', callback, line)

It looks like your is a '%' character:

 int('%', 16)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#108, line 1, in ?
int('%', 16)
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): %



Re: how to normalize indentation sources

2006-05-25 Thread Tim Peters
[John Machin, quoting docs]
 remove empty lines at the end of files.  Also ensure the last line ends
 with a newline.

[John Salerno]
 don't those two things conflict with one another?

No.  This is the repr of a file with (3) empty lines at the end:

a file\n\n \n  \t\n changes that to:

a file\n

This is the repr of a file with no newline at the end:

a file changes that to:

a file\n

 or is the newline added after empty lines are removed?

False dichotomy ;-)

Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread Kay Schluehr

Dražen Gemic wrote:
 Larry Elmore wrote:
  No shit.  Lately it seems that for every spam post of Xah's, there's
  at three or more by John *to all the same newsgroups* bitching about
  Xah's use of bandwidth.  Pot, meet kettle.  I'm killfiling Xah for being
  a useless twit and killfiling John for being a prick about it.

 There is a person on USENET, particularly in hr. hierarchy that
 posts under three different accounts. Sometimes he argues with
 himself, and sometimes event supports himself :-)

Sounds like me. In rare moments I believe that I'm not alone on usenet
but there are other people as well. I wanted to go to the doctor
because I believed I had a multiple personality but than I discovered
that the doctor was me too.



Re: a good explanation

2006-05-25 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
mik3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So he has written his first program in python and i have roughly toook
  a glance at it and saw what he did.. i pointed out his mistakes but
  couldn't convince him otherwise. Anyway , i am going to show him your

You might want to show him this too...if you happen to need cnt in the
loop, this is what you write

  files = [a,b,c,d]
  for cnt, fi in enumerate(files):
 do_something(cnt, fi)

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: how to clear up a List in python?

2006-05-25 Thread vbgunz
 del list1[:]

thank you for that reply. I never thought of [:] cause to be me I
thought it would immediately make a copy of the list or if anything
that it would delete a copy so I never played with it. nice :)

  del list1[:-1000]   # keep max. last 1000 appended items in the list

very much thanks for the tips. they're great!


Re: Best way to handle exceptions with try/finally

2006-05-25 Thread Kent Johnson
Zameer wrote:
 I wonder where the else goes in try..except..finally...
try / except / else / finally

See the PEP:


Re: how to clear up a List in python?

2006-05-25 Thread Damjan
 And, if a list have 801 values, I want to get its values index from 300
 to 400, could use list1[300:400],are right me?
 300 will be included in your slice whereas the 400th index will be
 excluded. you will ultimately have 99 items in your slice.

No, he'll have 100 items in the slice... 300, 301,... 399 that's 100 items.


script vs inneractive

2006-05-25 Thread Alex Pavluck
I am a little confused because I write most of my programs in a script
editor but not all the code executes unless I run it from the
inneractive shell.  Am I doing something wrong?  A good example is
return 1 in a script returns nothing where as in the inneractive
shell it will return 1 or true.


Re: Telnet linebreaks

2006-05-25 Thread Patrick M. Nielsen
*bump* :)On 5/24/06, Patrick M. Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Oh, and, apologies for the inpythonic nature of this issue.On 5/24/06, Patrick M. Nielsen
 wrote:Hey guys.I have begun playing with the Simple MUD server example from the Stackless website
( )
and it's all good so far, however, I've come to notice something that I remember from backin the days (some old mud code), but I don't remember what I did to fix it.While the MUD reads lines from Telnet clients just fine, clients such as Gmud are practically ignored,
probably because Gmud doesn't send Telnet-valid data ('\x08'?).However, a MUD that is not accessible to one such client or others isn't much good, so I'd appreciatesome help in pinpointing the problem.

These are the code blocks that need modification (I believe) def read(self): # TELNET ret = self.readChannel.receive() if self.echo: if ret == '\x08': 
self.send(ret+ ) self.send(ret) return ret def readline(self): # TELNET buf = self.readBuffer while True: if buf.find('\r\n')  -1: # MUD clients that aren't using the telnet protocol
 i = buf.index('\r\n') # need to be able to do stuff. ret = buf[:i+2] self.readBuffer = buf[i+2:] while '\x08' in ret: i = 
ret.index('\x08') if i == 0: ret = ret[1:] else: ret = ret[:i-1]+ret[i+1:] return ret buf +='m suspecting that Gmud doesn't send '\x08', since from looking at some old DIKU code,I see that the if '\n' || '\r' are there as well, but there is no check for '\x08'. If this is indeedthe cause of my problem, how would I go about doing it?
Thanks in advance.


Re: how to normalize indentation sources

2006-05-25 Thread John Salerno
Tim Peters wrote:
 [John Machin, quoting docs]
 remove empty lines at the end of files.  Also ensure the last line ends
 with a newline.
 [John Salerno]
 don't those two things conflict with one another?
 No.  This is the repr of a file with (3) empty lines at the end:
a file\n\n \n  \t\n changes that to:
a file\n
 This is the repr of a file with no newline at the end:
a file changes that to:
a file\n
 or is the newline added after empty lines are removed?
 False dichotomy ;-)

So the line below the last line of the file isn't actually considered an 
empty line, even though you can move the cursor to it in a text editor?

If you have a file that has one line and it ends with a newline, at 
least in my text editor the cursor then moves down to the next line, but 
is this just a detail of the way the editor itself works, and nothing to 
do with the file? (i.e., there is really only one line in the file, not 

Re: regex/lambda black magic

2006-05-25 Thread Andrew Robert
Max Erickson wrote:


 Try getting rid of the lamba, it might make things clearer and it 
 simplifies debugging. Something like(this is just a sketch):
Yeah.. trying to keep everything on one line is becoming something of a

To make this easier, I followed something from another poster and came
up with this.

import re,base64

# Evaluate captured character as hex
def ret_hex(value):
return base64.b16encode(value)

def ret_ascii(value):
return base64.b16decode(value)

# Evaluate the value of whatever was matched
def eval_match(match):
return ret_ascii(

# Evaluate the value of whatever was matched
# def eval_match(match):
#   return ret_hex(


# Read each line, pass any matches on line to function for
# line in file.readlines():
for line in open(r'e:\pycode\','rb'):
print (re.sub('[^\w\s]',eval_match, line))

The char to hex pass works but omits the leading % at the start of each
hex value.

ie. 22 instead of %22

The hex to char pass does not appear to work at all.

No error is generated. It just appears to be ignored.

Re: Web frameworks and credit cards

2006-05-25 Thread Larry Bates
TrustCommerce ( has an easy to use
Python interface (they other interfaces as well) that I've
used on a large Zope project recently.

-Larry Bates

Ed Leafe wrote:
 I may have an opportunity to develop an online ordering system for a
 client, and will have the ability to develop using any tool I choose.
 Given the fact that there are more web frameworks in Python than
 keywords ;-) , what I need to know is any experience anyone out there
 has had integrating credit card processing with the various Python web
 frameworks. Until now, my only practical experience is with Zope 2.x,
 but I'm open to any and all alternatives, so long as it's Python!
 -- Ed Leafe

Re: os listdir access denied when run as a service

2006-05-25 Thread Larry Bates
Thomas Thomas wrote:
 Hi All,
 I am trying to access a mapped network drive folder. everything works fine
 normally. But when i run the application as service I am getting the error
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 129, in ?
   File core\PollFiles.pyc, line 332, in doPoll
   File core\PollFiles.pyc, line 47, in createFileList
   File core\PollFiles.pyc, line 25, in addFolderFiles
 WindowsError: [Errno 5] Access is denied: 'G:\\DT Hot Folder test/*.*'
 below is my code
 def addFolderFiles(folder,filelist=[]):
 folder = folder.encode('ascii') #convert path to ascii for  File Method
 for filename in os.listdir(folder):#line 25
 logger.error(loop file :+file);
 if os.path.isfile(file):
 logger.error(is file :+file);
 if ((not (file.find(.tmp)=0)) and (not
 elif os.path.isdir(file):
 logger.error(file is a directory :+file);
 def createFileList(files,folders,filelist=[]):
 for file in files:
 file = file.encode('ascii') #convert path to ascii for  File Method
 if os.path.isfile(file):
if ((not (file.find(.tmp)=0)) and (not (file.find(~)=0))):
 for folder in  folders:
 logger.error(got a folder :+folder);
 logger.error(it was in the list :+folders.__str__());
 return (1,filelist)
 anything I can do about this..
 Thomas Thomas
Remember that services run under a different context than the
foreground login.  You can configure services to run under
a user context by editing that info in the service control
panel applet under the Log On tab at the top.  The default
is to run the service under Local System account which
probably doesn't have any mapped drives.

-Larry Bates

Re: how to clear up a List in python?

2006-05-25 Thread vbgunz
 No, he'll have 100 items in the slice... 300, 301,... 399 that's 100 items.

you're right, sorry. [300:400] would return 100 items but the item at
index 400 would not return. I suggested if he wanted it to try
[300:401] as the last slice index is excluded from the return.

Thanks for that :)


Re: script vs inneractive

2006-05-25 Thread vbgunz
the interactive shell will immediatly show the result of an expression
without you having to explicitly print the result. In all text editor,
you will have to print the result if you wish to see it.


Re: regex/lambda black magic

2006-05-25 Thread Max Erickson
Andrew Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 import re,base64
 # Evaluate captured character as hex
 def ret_hex(value):
  return base64.b16encode(value)
 def ret_ascii(value):
  return base64.b16decode(value)

Note that you can just do this:

from base64 import b16encode,b16decode 

and use them directly, or 



if you want different names.

As far as the rest of your problem goes, I only see one pass being 
made, is the code you posted the code you are running?

Also, is there some reason that base64.b16encode should be returning a 
string that starts with a '%'? 

All I would expect is:


other than that I have no idea about the expected behavior.



Re: Modify one character in a string

2006-05-25 Thread Larry Bates
mp wrote:
 How do I go about modifying one character in a string elegantly?
 In other words, I want a function that will change '' to 'aaza',
 given the index 2 of the character in the string.
 Also, how do I do this when dealing with a file ; which file mode
 should I use and what function should I use to modify a single
 character once in that file mode?
IMHO the most elegant method is something like:

def switchchar(srcstring, position, character):
return ''.join(b)

You should open file in binary 'b' mode.  Use .seek() method
to seek to the character you want to replace.  use .write() method
to write one character.


Re: logging

2006-05-25 Thread Vinay Sajip

Baurzhan Ismagulov wrote:

 Thanks for the idea! I think this should work for the example I sent.
 However, I have more than one module, and I want to log only l01. How
 can I do that?

I don't know what your logger hierarchy looks like: you could perhaps
log to child loggers of l01 (l01.XXX), or set all other loggers you
use to have a CRITICAL level, or filter them using a filter which
filters out everything.




Re: script vs inneractive

2006-05-25 Thread Robert Kern
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
   If that return 1 is the last line in the program, at the most it
 will be treated as a return code to the OS signaling that the program
 succeeded or failed. I'm not really sure how Python handles a return
 from main program.

It's a syntax error.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: access to TimesTen using python

2006-05-25 Thread Larry Bates
gunsupancar wrote:
 is there any module to access
 TimesTen in-memory database using python?
I didn't find native one, but TimesTen has ODBC
interface that you could use.


Re: Modify one character in a string

2006-05-25 Thread Paul Rubin
Larry Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 IMHO the most elegant method is something like:
 def switchchar(srcstring, position, character):
 return ''.join(b)

If the strings or large or you're doing it a lot, the array module is
likely more efficient.

Re: No handlers could be found for logger xxx ?

2006-05-25 Thread Vinay Sajip
robert wrote:

 some packages like paramiko use the logging. I get this messages:
 No handlers could be found for logger xxx on stderr

 Why is un-initialized logging allowed to chatter at all?

You could invoke logging.basicConfig with a level of CRITICAL. This
will generally filter out logging messages.

Un-initialized logging chatters because in development environments,
it's useful to be able to spot misconfigured loggers. For production
use, set logging.raiseExceptions to 0 and logging should then be quiet.


Vinay Sajip


list comprehensions put non-names into namespaces!

2006-05-25 Thread Lonnie Princehouse
List comprehensions appear to store their temporary result in a
variable named _[1] (or presumably _[2], _[3] etc for nested

In other words, there are variables being put into the namespace with
illegal names (names can't contain brackets).  Can't someone come up
with a better hack than this?  How about using _1, _2, etc, or
actually making _ a list of lists and using the real first, second,
third elements?  This is an unexpected wrench in the works for people
trying to implement custom global namespaces.


class custom_namespace(dict):
  def __getitem__(self, i):
print GET, i
return dict.__getitem__(self, i)

eval([x for x in range(10)], custom_namespace())


Anyone compiling Python 2.3 on an SCO OpenServer 5 box?

2006-05-25 Thread Mike Kent
If anyone is successfully compiling Pyton 2.3 on an SCO OpenServer 5
box, I'd appreciate hearing from you on how you managed to do it.  So
far, I'm unable to get a python that doesn't coredump.


Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread John Bokma
Dra¾en Gemiæ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is a person on USENET, particularly in hr. hierarchy that
 posts under three different accounts. Sometimes he argues with
 himself, and sometimes event supports himself :-)
 Maybe we have the similar case here.

Wouldn't amaze me if some of the buddies of Xah are actually Xah sitting 
in some Internet cafe, enjoying this troll fest, and already thinking up 
the next one.

John Bokma  Freelance software developer

Experienced Perl programmer:

Re: NEWB: how to convert a string to dict (dictionary)

2006-05-25 Thread Aahz
manstey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks.  I didn't know eval could do that. But why do many posts say
they want a solution that doesn't use eval?

Because it is a security risk!

eval(os.system('rm -rf /'))

I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
right there.  --Steve Gonedes

Re: IronPython 1.0 Beta 7 Released

2006-05-25 Thread Luis M. González
Ravi Teja wrote:
 Also, IronPython cannot access CPython libraries. So it cannot be used
 as a drop-in replacement for CPython in most non-trivial apps. Python
 for .NET however allows you to both use both CPython and .NET

It will be able to access the standard libraries, as long as they are
writen in pure python, otherwise they should be rewriten in a .NET
language. People are doing it already, it's just a matter of time...


sybase open client 15_0

2006-05-25 Thread Dan
I have compiled and installed sybase-.037 , the module to add sybase to 
python.  However, when I try to use it I get Import error: 

undefined symbol: cs_dt_info

I've seen some posts on the internet with other people having this issue. 
But nothing they've suggested has resolved this issue.  Maybe python just 
needs to be installed again or upgraded to support sybase Open Client.



Re: Python Programming Books?

2006-05-25 Thread Aahz
Rony Steelandt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

1.Python for Dummies
 Maruch Stef;Maruch Aahz - Hungry Minds Inc,U.S. - 408 pages - 08 2006

Possibly September if we get behind, but since Neal Norwitz is trying to
accelerate the release of 2.5, that's not too likely.  (This should be
the first 2.5-specific book out.)

2.Programming Python
 Lutz Mark - O Reilly - 1256 pages - 07 2006

3.Core Python Programming
 Chun Wesley J - Peachpit Press - 07 2006

5.Python Essential Reference
 Beazley David - Sams - 03 2006

8.Python Scripting for Computational Science
 Langtangen Hans P. - Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH  Co. 
K - 750 pages - 12 2005

9.WxPython in Action
 Rappin Noel;Dunn Robin - O Reilly USA - 12 2005

Not sure why you suggested these books, they don't appear to be aimed at
beginning programmers.

I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
right there.  --Steve Gonedes

Re: sybase open client 15_0

2006-05-25 Thread Dan
I'm running SLES 9.3 on Tyan with 2 single core 64-bit Opteron  8 GB of 
memory and SWAP.

python 2.3.5

Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
I have compiled and installed sybase-.037 , the module to add sybase to 
python.  However, when I try to use it I get Import error: 

 undefined symbol: cs_dt_info

 I've seen some posts on the internet with other people having this issue. 
 But nothing they've suggested has resolved this issue.  Maybe python just 
 needs to be installed again or upgraded to support sybase Open Client.



Distutils -- specifying compiled output name

2006-05-25 Thread jeremito
I am using distutils to comiple/install a c extension created with
SWIG.  However I need to be able to specify the output filename from
gcc.  I tried doing this with the extra_compile_args and
extra_link_args by setting them equal to -o but
that didn't work.  Can someone show me how to specify the output name?


Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread Geoffrey Summerhayes

John Bokma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Dra¾en Gemiæ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is a person on USENET, particularly in hr. hierarchy that
 posts under three different accounts. Sometimes he argues with
 himself, and sometimes event supports himself :-)

 Maybe we have the similar case here.

 Wouldn't amaze me if some of the buddies of Xah are actually Xah sitting
 in some Internet cafe, enjoying this troll fest, and already thinking up
 the next one.

That's right, we're all Xah, you're the only other one here.

After you kill Navarth, will it be nothing but gruff and deedle
with a little wobbly to fill in the chinks?



Re: regex/lambda black magic

2006-05-25 Thread Andrew Robert

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all of your patience on this.

I finally got it to work.

Here is the completed test code showing what is going on.

Not cleaned up yet but it works for proof-of-concept purposes.


import re,base64

# Evaluate captured character as hex
def ret_hex(value):
return '%'+base64.b16encode(value)

# Evaluate the value of whatever was matched
def enc_hex_match(match):
return ret_hex(

def ret_ascii(value):
return base64.b16decode(value)

# Evaluate the value of whatever was matched
def enc_ascii_match(match):

#remove the artifically inserted % sign

# decode the result
return ret_ascii(arg)

def file_encoder():
# Read each line, pass any matches on line to function for
# line in file.readlines():
for line in open(r'e:\pycode\sigh.txt','rb'):
 output.write( (re.sub('[^\w\s]',enc_hex_match, line)) )

def file_decoder():
# Read each line, pass any matches on line to function for
# line in file.readlines():

for line in open(r'e:\pycode\','rb'):
output.write(re.sub('%[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]',enc_ascii_match, line))



Re: Request for comments on python distributed technologies

2006-05-25 Thread skip

Piet Python Web services developer: Messaging technologies compared

Note a couple things.  One, the article is four years old.  You can't assume
the various technologies have remained static since then.  Two, the authors
apparently didn't use sgmlop (at least it's not mentioned) to boost the
decode performance of XML-RPC.


Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread John Bokma
Geoffrey Summerhayes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After you kill Navarth, will it be nothing but gruff and deedle
 with a little wobbly to fill in the chinks?

Comparing Navarth with Xah is a huge insult to Jack Vance. You should be 
ashamed of yourself for even thinking about it, let alone write it down.

John Bokma  Freelance software developer

Experienced Perl programmer:

Re: Telnet linebreaks

2006-05-25 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On 5/24/06, Patrick M. Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  Hey guys.
  I have begun playing with the Simple MUD server example from the
  Stackless website
  ( )
  and it's all good so far, however, I've come to notice something that I
  remember from back
  in the days (some old mud code), but I don't remember what I did to fix
  While the MUD reads lines from Telnet clients just fine, clients such as
  Gmud are practically ignored,
  probably because Gmud doesn't send Telnet-valid data ('\x08'?).

\x08 is \b is backspace.  Servers support this character so that clients that 
don't actually delete the previous input character when you hit backspace will 
work as the user expects.  Gmud doesn't send it because Gmud has a GUI input 
area and actually deletes characters when you hit backspace.

  However, a MUD that is not accessible to one such client or others isn't
  much good, so I'd appreciate
  some help in pinpointing the problem.

I don't think you've correctly identified the root cause of the problem.

  These are the code blocks that need modification (I believe)
  def read(self): # TELNET
  ret = self.readChannel.receive()
  if self.echo:
  if ret == '\x08':
  self.send(ret+ )

Here the server takes extra pains to actually erase the deleted character 
that the client sent.

  return ret
  def readline(self): # TELNET
  buf = self.readBuffer
  while True:
  if buf.find('\r\n')  -1: # MUD clients that aren't using
  the telnet protocol
  i = buf.index('\r\n') # need to be able to do stuff.
  ret = buf[:i+2]
  self.readBuffer = buf[i+2:]
  while '\x08' in ret:
  i = ret.index('\x08')
  if i == 0:
  ret = ret[1:]
  ret = ret[:i-1]+ret[i+1:]
  return ret

And here it deletes it from the input which it is actually processing, so that 
a user who types wield sq\bword will wield their sword instead of being told 
they don't have a sq\bword to wield (which will probably be rendered as 
sword on their terminal, which would be pretty confusing).

  buf +=
  I'm suspecting that Gmud doesn't send '\x08', since from looking at some
  old DIKU code,
  I see that the if '\n' || '\r' are there as well, but there is no check
  for '\x08'. If this is indeed
  the cause of my problem, how would I go about doing it?

It sounds to me as though the cause of the problem lies elsewhere.

Twisted includes a rather complete telnet implementation (as well as an SSH 
implementation and a VT102 implementation).  You may want to take a look at it, 
either to use for your server, or at least to see the correct way to gather 
input from your clients.


Re: how to clear up a List in python?

2006-05-25 Thread Fredrik Lundh
vbgunz wrote:

 I have new a list , when it hava large number of values, I wonna to
 delete all the values in it,how to do?
 something like this will probably help.
 x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
 y = x
 list([x.pop() for z in xrange(len(x))])
 print x, y  # [] []

if you don't know how to do things, you don't need to post.

if you know why this is about the dumbest way to do what you're doing, 
and you're posted this on purpose, you really need to grow up.



Re: list comprehensions put non-names into namespaces!

2006-05-25 Thread skip

Lonnie List comprehensions appear to store their temporary result in a
Lonnie variable named _[1] (or presumably _[2], _[3] etc for
Lonnie nested comprehensions)

Known issue.  Fixed in generator comprehensions.  Dunno about plans to fix
it in list comprehensions.  I believe at some point in the future they may
just go away or become syntactic sugar for a gen comp wrapped in a list()


Re: how to normalize indentation sources

2006-05-25 Thread John Machin
On 26/05/2006 2:38 AM, John Salerno wrote:
 So the line below the last line of the file isn't actually considered an 
 empty line, even though you can move the cursor to it in a text editor?

That line doesn't exist in a file *until* you (a) type something into 
the editor and (b) save the revised contents back to disk.

 If you have a file that has one line and it ends with a newline, at 
 least in my text editor the cursor then moves down to the next line, but 
 is this just a detail of the way the editor itself works, and nothing to 
 do with the file? (i.e., there is really only one line in the file, not 

Please consider, if the answer to your question were no, how could 
anyone add lines to a file using such an editor.
Why you don't fire up your Python and try something for yourself, like:
print repr(open(

Secure Pickle-like module

2006-05-25 Thread jiba
Hi all,

I'm currently working on a secure Pickle-like module, Cerealizer,
Cerealizer has a pickle-like interface (load, dump, __getstate__,
__setstate__,...), however it requires to register the class you want
to cerealize, by calling cerealizer.register(YourClass).
Cerealizer doesn't import other modules (contrary to pickle), and the
only methods it may call are YourClass.__new__, YourClass.__getstate__
and YourClass.__setstate__ (Cerealizer keeps it own reference to these
three method, so as YourCall.__setstate__ = cracked_method is
Thus, as long as __new__, __getstate__ and __setstate__ are not
dangerous, Cerealizer should be secure.

The performance are quite good and, with Psyco, it is about as fast as
cPickle. However, Cerealizer is written in less than 300 lines of
pure-Python code.

I would appreciate any comments, especially if there are some security
gurus here :-)



Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread Dale King
Xah Lee wrote:
 I'm sorry to trouble everyone. But as you might know, due to my
 controversial writings and style, recently John Bokma lobbied people to
 complaint to my web hosting provider. After exchanging a few emails, my
 web hosting provider sent me a 30-day account cancellation notice last

I'm probably stupid for contributing in this flame fest, but here goes.

The reason that I consider Xah a troll and net abuser has little to do 
with cross-posting (which is still bad) or the length of his messages 
(he really should post them on his website and provide a summary and a 

My main problem is that he unloads his crap and then runs away. He 
doesn't participate in any discussion after that. This shows that he has 
no actual interest in discussion of the issues just in using Usenet as a 
form of publishing.

The mention of free speech was raised. But the fact is that Usenet is 
not free (as in beer). We all pay for it. Your ISP has to pay for a 
server, the space for the messages, the bandwidth to download the 
messages, and the bandwidth to send them to your news reader. In reality 
the cost is shared among all of us.

Therefore you do not have the right to do what you want with Usenet. 
You have a responsibility to use Usenet in a way that benefits the group 
as a whole (e.g. asking interesting questions that educate others).

  Dale King

Re: Secure Pickle-like module

2006-05-25 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On 25 May 2006 13:22:21 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,

I'm currently working on a secure Pickle-like module, Cerealizer,
Cerealizer has a pickle-like interface (load, dump, __getstate__,
__setstate__,...), however it requires to register the class you want
to cerealize, by calling cerealizer.register(YourClass).
Cerealizer doesn't import other modules (contrary to pickle), and the
only methods it may call are YourClass.__new__, YourClass.__getstate__
and YourClass.__setstate__ (Cerealizer keeps it own reference to these
three method, so as YourCall.__setstate__ = cracked_method is
Thus, as long as __new__, __getstate__ and __setstate__ are not
dangerous, Cerealizer should be secure.

The performance are quite good and, with Psyco, it is about as fast as
cPickle. However, Cerealizer is written in less than 300 lines of
pure-Python code.

I would appreciate any comments, especially if there are some security
gurus here :-)

There are a couple factual inaccuracies on the site that I'd like to clear up 

Trivial benchmarks put cerealizer and banana/jelly on the same level as far as 
performance goes:

$ python -m timeit -s 'from cereal import dumps; L = [Hello,  , (w, o, 
r, l, d, .)]' 'dumps(L)'
1 loops, best of 3: 84.1 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s 'from twisted.spread import banana, jelly; dumps = lambda 
o: banana.encode(jelly.jelly(o)); L = [Hello,  , (w, o, r, l, d, 
.)]' 'dumps(L)'
1 loops, best of 3: 89.7 usec per loop

This is with cBanana though, which has to be explicitly enabled and, of course, 
is written in C.  So Cerealizer looks like it has the potential to do pretty 
well, performance-wise.

Similar benchmarks show jelly/banana actually produces shorter encoded forms:

 len(banana.encode(jelly.jelly([Hello,  , (w, o, r, l, d, 
 len(cereal.dumps([Hello,  , (w, o, r, l, d, .)]))

I think the mistake you may have made was thinking that repr(jelly()) is the 
final output form, when really it's banana.encode(jelly()).

You talked about _Tuple and _Dereference on the website as well.  These are 
internal implementation details.  They don't show up in the final decoded 
output at all:

 from twisted.spread import jelly
 output = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly([()] * 2))
[(), ()]
 output[0] is output[1]
 type(output[0]) is tuple

jelly also supports extension types, by way of setUnjellyableForClass and 
similar functions.

As far as security goes, no obvious problems jump out at me, either
from the API for from skimming the code.  I think early-binding
__new__, __getstate__, and __setstate__ may be going further than
is necessary.  If someone can find code to set attributes on classes
in your process space, they can probably already do anything they
want to your program and don't need to exploit security problems in
your serializer.  On the other hand, early-binding may lead to
confusing bugs, albeit only in nasty cases where people are expecting
changes they make to class objects to have an effect on every part
of the system.


Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-05-25 Thread Steve Holden
Robert Boyd wrote:
 On 24 May 2006 08:29:57 -0700, Rune Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I can just declare my support. Reading Mr. Bokmas comments below [*]
certainly makes my suport stronger.

 I sent an email in support of Xah, which I wouldn't have bothered to
 do had I not read the rapid-fire posts from Bokma which were abusive,
 insulting, and arrogant. Xah's posts often make me roll my eyes, or I
 skip them, but sometimes (and more so lately) they have been
 intriguing and foster thought-provoking replies. I'd prefer debate and
 discussion be fostered, rather than squelched. But what does this
 clueless sock-puppet know? ;)

I too wrote to XL's hosting company pointing out that while he might be 
an irritant he wasn't particularly abusive. Bokma, on the other hand, 
can be. I don't like either of them much, but at least Xah Lee insults 
everyone while Bokma appears to resort to ad hominem attacks frequently.
Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Problem with itertools.groupby.

2006-05-25 Thread trebucket
What am I doing wrong here?

 import operator
 import itertools
 vals = [(1, 11), (2, 12), (3, 13), (4, 14), (5, 15),
...  (1, 16), (2, 17), (3, 18), (4, 19), (5, 20)]
 for k, g in itertools.groupby(iter(vals), operator.itemgetter(0)):
... print k, [i for i in g]
1 [(1, 11)]
2 [(2, 12)]
3 [(3, 13)]
4 [(4, 14)]
5 [(5, 15)]
1 [(1, 16)]
2 [(2, 17)]
3 [(3, 18)]
4 [(4, 19)]
5 [(5, 20)]

What I want is tuples starting with identical numbers to be grouped.  I
cannot figure out why this is not working.  If anyone has any insights,
I would appreciate it.

- Alex Ross


Re: regex/lambda black magic

2006-05-25 Thread John Machin
On 26/05/2006 4:33 AM, Andrew Robert wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 Thanks for all of your patience on this.
 I finally got it to work.
 Here is the completed test code showing what is going on.

Consider doing what you should have done at the start: state what you 
are trying to achieve. Not very many people have the patience that Max 
showing ploughing through code that was both fugly and broken in order 
to determine what it should have been doing.

What is the motivation for encoding characters like 
,./;':[EMAIL PROTECTED]*()-+=[]\{}|

 Not cleaned up yet but it works for proof-of-concept purposes.
 import re,base64
 # Evaluate captured character as hex
 def ret_hex(value):
   return '%'+base64.b16encode(value)

This is IMHO rather pointless and obfuscatory, calling a function in a 
module when it can be done by a standard language feature. Why did you 
change it from the original %%%2X % value (which would have been 
better IMHO done as %%%02X % value)?

 # Evaluate the value of whatever was matched
 def enc_hex_match(match):
   return ret_hex(

Why a second level of function call?

 def ret_ascii(value):
   return base64.b16decode(value)

See above.

 # Evaluate the value of whatever was matched
 def enc_ascii_match(match):
   #remove the artifically inserted % sign

Don't bother, just ignore it.
return int(match()[1:], 16)

   # decode the result
   return ret_ascii(arg)
 def file_encoder():
   # Read each line, pass any matches on line to function for
   # line in file.readlines():
   for line in open(r'e:\pycode\sigh.txt','rb'):
output.write( (re.sub('[^\w\s]',enc_hex_match, line)) )

Why are you opening the file with rb but then reading it a line at a time?
For a binary file, the whole file may be one line; it would be safer 
to read() blocks of say 8Kb.
For a text file, the only point of the binary mode might be to avoid any 
sort of problem caused by OS-dependant definitions of newline i.e. 
CRLF vs LF. I note that as \r and \n are whitespace, you are not 
encoding them as %0D and %0A; is this deliberate?

 def file_decoder():
   # Read each line, pass any matches on line to function for
   # line in file.readlines():
   for line in open(r'e:\pycode\','rb'):
   output.write(re.sub('%[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]',enc_ascii_match, line))

Go help the perl list instead Fredrik Lundh

2006-05-25 Thread D H
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 vbgunz wrote:
 I have new a list , when it hava large number of values, I wonna to
 delete all the values in it,how to do?

 something like this will probably help.

 x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
 y = x

 list([x.pop() for z in xrange(len(x))])

 print x, y  # [] []
 if you don't know how to do things, you don't need to post.
 if you know why this is about the dumbest way to do what you're doing, 
 and you're posted this on purpose, you really need to grow up.

He already posted before your post that he made a mistake.
You obviously ignored that and invented some argument that he
posted with malicious intentions.  That better describes most of
your thousands of annoying posts.

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