Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 20:47:49 -0800, Peng Yu wrote:

 I observe that python library primarily use exception for error handling
 rather than use error code.
 In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning
 Communications of the ACM
 Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56
 It says Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
 expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
 handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

This is very, very wrong.

Firstly, notice that the author doesn't compare the same thing. He 
compares catching AND HANDLING the exception (emphasis added) with 
*only* testing a return value. Of course it is faster to test a value and 
do nothing, than it is to catch an exception and then handle the 
exception. That's an unfair comparison, and that alone shows that the 
author is biased against exceptions.

But it's also wrong. If you call a function one million times, and catch 
an exception ONCE (because exceptions are rare) that is likely to be 
much, much faster than testing a return code one million times.

Before you can talk about which strategy is faster, you need to 
understand your problem. When exceptions are rare (in CPython, about one 
in ten or rarer) then try...except is faster than testing each time. The 
exact cut-off depends on how expensive the test is, and how much work 
gets done before the exception is raised. Using exceptions is only slow 
if they are common.

But the most important reason for preferring exceptions is that the 
alternatives are error-prone! Testing error codes is the anti-pattern, 
not catching exceptions.

See, for example:

Despite the title of that last page, it has many excellent arguments for 
why exceptions are better than the alternatives.

(Be warned: the c2 wiki is filled with Java and C++ programmers who 
mistake the work-arounds for quirks of their language as general design 
principles. For example, because exceptions in Java are evcen more 
expensive and slow than in Python, you will find lots of Java coders 
saying don't use exceptions instead of don't use exceptions IN JAVA.)

There are many problems with using error codes:

* They complicate your code. Instead of returning the result you care 
about, you have to return a status code and the return result you care 
about. Even worse is to have a single global variable to hold the status 
of the last function call!

* Nobody can agree whether the status code means the function call 
failed, or the function call succeeded.

* If the function call failed, what do you return as the result code?

* You can't be sure that the caller will remember to check the status 
code. In fact, you can be sure that the caller WILL forget sometimes! 
(This is human nature.) This leads to the frequent problem that by the 
time a caller checks the status code, the original error has been lost 
and the program is working with garbage.

* Even if you remember to check the status code, it complicates the code, 
makes it less readable, confuses the intent of the code, and often leads 
to the Arrow Anti-pattern:

That last argument is critical. Exceptions exist to make writing correct 
code easier to write, understand and maintain.

Python uses special result codes in at least two places:

str.find(s) returns -1 if s is not in the string
re.match() returns None is the regular expression fails

Both of these are error-prone. Consider a naive way of getting the 
fractional part of a float string:

 s = 234.567
 print s[s.find('.')+1:]

But see:

 s = 234
 print s[s.find('.')+1:]

You need something like:

p = s.find('.')
if p == -1:
print ''
print s[p+1:]

Similarly, we cannot safely do this in Python:

 re.match(r'\d+', '123abcd').group()
 re.match(r'\d+', 'abcd').group()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

You need to do this:

mo = re.match(r'\d+', '123abcd')
if mo is not None:  # or just `if mo` will work

Exceptions are about making it easier to have correct code. They're also 
about making it easier to have readable code. Which is easier to read, 
easier to understand and easier to debug?

x = function(1, 2, 3)
if x != -1:
y = function(x, 1, 2)
if y != -1:
z = function(y, x, 1)
if z != -1:
print result is, z
print an error occurred
print an error occurred
print an error occurred


x = function(1, 2, 3)
y = function(x, 1, 2)
print result is, function(y, x, 1)
except ValueError:
print an error occurred


Re: Not Incrementing

2010-01-01 Thread Victor Subervi
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 2:47 AM, Victor Subervi victorsube...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 3:46 PM, MRAB wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 3:01 PM, MRAB wrote:

Victor Subervi wrote:

On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Dave Angel wrote:


   Incidentally, good naming would help to make the code easier to
   debug.  This finalTrees and trees variables don't look to me
   you intended them to be trees at all, but lists of
tab-indented data.

No kidding. Many people have commented on my poor choices of
names. That's one of the things on my agenda to change (with
some tools that I understand are out there) once I get this
program finished and working for clients.

Your clients will get it _with_ its faults? You'll fix it with some
tools that you _understand_ are out there, ie you haven't looked
for/found them yet? Yikes! :-)

 How many espressos do you drink a day? Do you mainline the stuff? Relax,
 dude. Rome wasn't made in a day. I'll get there. Chill out, dude.

  Programming is about attention to detail. It's not like poetry, with its
 poetic licence. Has a mistake in poetry ever caused a rocket to fail
 (Ariane 5, flight 501)? :-)

 Heavens no! And thank goodness! Yes, as I like to say, The devil is in the
 details...and well employed in software development! LOL!


Poetry is the art of writing
what goes without saying.


Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Aahz
In article,
Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

In Python, throwing exceptions for expected outcomes is considered
very bad form [...]

Who says that?  I certainly don't.
Aahz (   *

Weinberg's Second Law: If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote 
programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Martin v. Loewis
Peng Yu wrote:
 I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
 handling rather than use error code.
 It says Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
 expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
 handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return
 My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If
 my observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

Your observation is not wrong, but, as Benjamin already explained,
you are misinterpreting Michi Henning's statement. He doesn't condemn
exception handling per se, but only for the handling of *expected*
outcomes. He would consider using exceptions fine for *exceptional*
output, and that is exactly the way they are used in the Python API.

Notice that in cases where the failure may be expected, Python
also offers variants that avoid the exception:
- if you look into a dictionary, expecting that a key may not
  be there, a regular access, d[k], may give a KeyError. However,
  alternatively, you can use d.get(k, default) which raises no
  exception, and you can test k in d in advance.
- if you open a file, not knowing whether it will be there,
  you get an IOError. However, you can use os.path.exists in
  advance to determine whether the file is present (and create
  it if it's not).

So, in these cases, it is a choice of the user to determine whether
the error case is exceptional or not.


Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Jan 1, 12:43 am, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article,
 Benjamin Kaplan wrote:
 In Python, throwing exceptions for expected outcomes is considered
 very bad form [...]

 Who says that?  I certainly don't.


int(asdf) is supposed to return what, exactly? Any language that
tries to return an int is horribly broken.

Re: twenty years ago Guido created Python

2010-01-01 Thread J Peyret
On Dec 31 2009, 2:06 pm, Steve Howell wrote:

 Python is a truly awesome programming language.  Not only is Guido a
 genius language designer, but he is also a great project leader.  What
 an accomplishment.  Congratulations to everybody who has contributed
 to Python in the last two decades!

Notwithstanding all of the above, which are all true, having met
Guido, I say he is a genuinely nice human being.  Go BSD derivatives.


Re: pywinauto to show the dialog , menu, etc

2010-01-01 Thread Simon Brunning
2009/12/31 Hari
 I am using pywinauto to automate an custom program to startup and load
 process , execute etc. But cannot determine menuselect. Is there a way or
 tool which can run against the exe to show the menu, dialog box, list box
 which are contained within it.

Winspector might be worth a try:

Simon B.

Re: twenty years ago Guido created Python

2010-01-01 Thread Krishnakant
On Fri, 2010-01-01 at 03:25 -0800, J Peyret wrote:
 On Dec 31 2009, 2:06 pm, Steve Howell wrote:
  Python is a truly awesome programming language.  Not only is Guido a
  genius language designer, but he is also a great project leader.  What
  an accomplishment.  Congratulations to everybody who has contributed
  to Python in the last two decades!
 Notwithstanding all of the above, which are all true, having met
 Guido, I say he is a genuinely nice human being.  Go BSD derivatives.

python is a great programming language.
May be it was not marketted as much as languages like java or not as
much as platforms like rails.
But who cares?  I must mention here that I am totally blind and the
talking software (screen reader ) I use on GNU/Linux called Orca is also
programmed using python.

And I make web applications and off late started to use pylons (  again
centered around python).
I see that python is for 2 kind of programmers.
one which are absolute beginners to programming itself who want to learn
the scientific art of programming and the second is the extreme experts
who need the power and performance nicely balanced.

Great work!

happy hfacking.


Re: adding python engine into c++ application

2010-01-01 Thread bobicanprogram
On Dec 29 2009, 6:25 am, griwes wrote:
 Hello, I am going to write an application in C++, application which
 should be easy to extend by scripts. I chose python for script
 language in this application. I'd like to have own API for python. And
 here the question arises: how do I implement a python engine within an
 application written in C++?

 Sory for any mistakes, english isn't my native language ;)

If you want to keep your C++ and Python as separate but interacting
modules you might want to check out the SIMPL project's (http:// Python hooks.   There is some tutorial
level code here:


Re: multivariable assignment

2010-01-01 Thread Lie Ryan

On 1/1/2010 3:13 AM, davidj411 wrote:

I am not sure why this behavior is this way.
at beginning of script, i want to create a bunch of empty lists and
use each one for its own purpose.
however, updating one list seems to update the others.

a = b = c = []

['1', '1', '1']


['1', '1', '1']


['1', '1', '1']

Every time people get confused because of how python object model works, 
I always refer them to this article:


Re: Dangerous behavior of list(generator)

2010-01-01 Thread Wolfram Hinderer
On 1 Jan., 02:47, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 11:34:39 -0800, Tom Machinski wrote:

  On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Wed, 30 Dec 2009 15:18:11 -0800, Tom Machinski wrote:
  Bottom line, I'm going to have to remove this pattern from my code:

    foo = (foo for foo in foos if

  I don't see why. What's wrong with it? Unless you embed it in a call to
  list, or similar, it will explicitly raise StopIteration as expected.

  Exactly; this seems innocuous, but if some caller of this code uses it
  in a list() constructor, a very subtle and dangerous bug is introduced -
  see OP. This is the entire point of this post.

 Then don't use it in a list() constructor.

 That's a glib answer, of course. A better answer is to point out that the
 problem is not with the above expression, but with letting StopIteration
 bubble up as an error exception instead of dealing with it immediately.
 That's not what it's for, and you can't trust it not to be captured by
 something. If StopIteration represents an error condition, you need to
 deal with it immediately and convert it to an exception which isn't
 likely to disappear.

  In a large, non-trivial application, you simply cannot afford the
  assumption that no caller will ever do that. Even if you have perfect
  memory, some of your other developers or library users may not.

 You shouldn't put the responsibility of dealing with the StopIteration on
 the caller, because StopIteraction is a signal not an error condition,
 and you can't tell when that signal will disappear. The responsibility
 lies on the writer of the function containing the line (that is, the
 Original Poster of this thread).

 So you need something like this:

 def my_function():
         foo = (foo for foo in foos if
     except StopIteration:

 handle_empty_foos may be as simple as raising a new exception and letting
 that bubble up to whatever layer of the application is expected to deal
 with it.

  As for what's wrong with the if not any solution, Benjamin Kaplan's
  post hits the nail on its head. This is a bioinformatics application, so
  the iterable foos tends to be very large, so saving half the runtime
  makes a big difference.

 Possibly you haven't seen my reply to Benjamin, so I'll paraphrase:
 that's incorrect, because any() is lazy and will return as soon as it
 hits a non-false item.

Tom's point is that
if not any(foo for foo in foos if
foo = (foo for foo in foos if
iterates twice over (the same first few elements of) foos, which
should take about twice as long as iterating once. The lazyness of
any does not seem to matter here.
Of course, you're right that the iteration might or might not be the
bottleneck. On the other hand, foos might not even be reiterable.

 If the foo items are arbitrary objects which have an equal chance of
 being considered true or false, then on average it will have to look at
 half the list,

By which definition of chance? :-)


Where is urllib2 module in windows python3.1.1?

2010-01-01 Thread Hidekazu IWAKI
I'd like to import urllib2 in windows python 3.1.1, but I'm not able to
do it.
So, I researched the library directory; the result is following:

2009/06/07  19:1161,749
2010/01/01  22:18DIR  urllib
2007/12/06  09:48 6,318
2008/11/30  20:4021,534

Although it has urllib, it doesn't have urllib2. I guess to download
and install the module. But I can't find urllib2 module for windows
with google.

I wonder if it would be possible for me to give the location?

Re: Where is urllib2 module in windows python3.1.1?

2010-01-01 Thread Duncan Booth
Hidekazu IWAKI wrote:

 I'd like to import urllib2 in windows python 3.1.1, but I'm not able to
 do it.

Python 3 doesn't have a urllib2 module; use the urllib package instead.


Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On Fri, 01 Jan 2010 11:34:19 +0100 Martin v. Loewis wrote:

 Your observation is not wrong, but, as Benjamin already explained,
 you are misinterpreting Michi Henning's statement. He doesn't condemn
 exception handling per se, but only for the handling of *expected*
 outcomes. He would consider using exceptions fine for *exceptional*
 output, and that is exactly the way they are used in the Python API.

May I point out at this point that exceptional does not mean
unexpected? You catch exceptions, not unexpectations. An exception
is rare, but not surprising. Case in point: StopIteration.

To put it differently: When you write catch DeadParrot, you certainly
expect to get a DeadParrot once in a while -- why else would you get it
in your head to try and catch it? An unexpected exception is the one
that crashes your program.




Re: Where is urllib2 module in windows python3.1.1?

2010-01-01 Thread IWAKI, Hidekazu
Python 3 doesn't have a urllib2 module; use the urllib package instead.

Thank you for your answer and the link.
Oh, sorry. It was one of the changes from .2.x to 3.x. I didn't know.
There are really important and a lot of changes.

Thank you!

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 10:57 PM, Duncan Booth

 Hidekazu IWAKI wrote:

  I'd like to import urllib2 in windows python 3.1.1, but I'm not able to
  do it.

 Python 3 doesn't have a urllib2 module; use the urllib package instead.



Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 01 Jan 2010 02:43:21 -0800, Jonathan Gardner wrote:

 On Jan 1, 12:43 am, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article,
 Benjamin Kaplan wrote:
 In Python, throwing exceptions for expected outcomes is considered
 very bad form [...]

 Who says that?  I certainly don't.
 int(asdf) is supposed to return what, exactly? Any language that tries
 to return an int is horribly broken.

No no, the right way to deal with that is have int(asdf) return some 
arbitrary bit pattern, and expect the user to check a global variable to 
see whether the function returned a valid result or not. That's much 
better than catching an exception!


Re: Where is urllib2 module in windows python3.1.1?

2010-01-01 Thread Lie Ryan

On 1/2/2010 12:46 AM, Hidekazu IWAKI wrote:

I'd like to import urllib2 in windows python 3.1.1, but I'm not able to
do it.
So, I researched the library directory; the result is following:

2009/06/07  19:1161,749
2010/01/01  22:18DIR   urllib
2007/12/06  09:48 6,318
2008/11/30  20:4021,534

Although it has urllib, it doesn't have urllib2. I guess to download
and install the module. But I can't find urllib2 module for windows
with google.

I wonder if it would be possible for me to give the location?

urllib2 is merged into urllib in python3.

Re: Dangerous behavior of list(generator)

2010-01-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 01 Jan 2010 05:19:02 -0800, Wolfram Hinderer wrote:

 On 1 Jan., 02:47, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 11:34:39 -0800, Tom Machinski wrote:
  As for what's wrong with the if not any solution, Benjamin Kaplan's
  post hits the nail on its head. This is a bioinformatics application,
  so the iterable foos tends to be very large, so saving half the
  runtime makes a big difference.

 Possibly you haven't seen my reply to Benjamin, so I'll paraphrase:
 that's incorrect, because any() is lazy and will return as soon as it
 hits a non-false item.
 Tom's point is that
 if not any(foo for foo in foos if
 foo = (foo for foo in foos if
 iterates twice over (the same first few elements of) foos, which should
 take about twice as long as iterating once. The lazyness of any does
 not seem to matter here.

That's no different from any Look Before You Leap idiom. If you do this:

if key in dict:
x = dict[key]

you search the dict twice, once to see if the key is there, and the 
second time to fetch the value. Whether that is better or faster than the 

x = dict[key]
except KeyError:

depends on how often you expect the lookup to fail.

In any case, I would claim that Tom's argument is a classic example of 
premature optimization: by his own admission: 

'the iterable foos tends to be very large'

which implies that whatever happens to the foos after this test, it will 
probably be very time consuming. If it takes (for the sake of the 
argument) 10 milliseconds to process the entire iterable, who cares 
whether it takes 0.01 or 0.02 ms to check that the iterable is valid?

 Of course, you're right that the iteration might or might not be the
 bottleneck. On the other hand, foos might not even be reiterable.

If that's the case, then the existing solution potentially throws away 
the first value of foos every time the caller tests to see if it is empty.

Dealing with non-reiterable iterators can be a nuisance. In such a case, 
it may be best to avoid Look Before You Leap altogether:

empty = True
for foo in foos:
empty = False
if empty:


Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:26:09 -0500, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 11:47 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
 I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
 handling rather than use error code.

 In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning

 Communications of the ACM
 Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56

 It says Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
 expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
 handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

 My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If my
 observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

 Otherwise, could some python expert explain to me why exception is
 widely used for error handling in python? Is it because the efficiency
 is not the primary goal of python?

 Read the quote again Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing
 exceptions *for expected outcomes*
 In Python, throwing exceptions for expected outcomes is considered very
 bad form (well, except for StopIteration but that should almost never be
 handled directly by the programmer).

Exceptions are *exceptional*, not errors or unexpected. They are 
exceptional because they aren't the normal case, but that doesn't mean 
they are surprising or unexpected. Are you surprised that your for x in 
range(1000) loop comes to an end? Of course you are not -- it is 
completely expected, even though less than 1% of the iterations are the 
last loop. The end of the sequence is EXCEPTIONAL but not UNEXPECTED.

If you program without expecting that keys can sometimes be missing from 
dictionaries (KeyError), or that you might sometimes have to deal with a 
list index that is out of range (IndexError), or that the denominator in 
a division might be zero (ZeroDivisionError), then you must be writing 
really buggy code. None of these things are unexpected, but they are all 

The urllib2 module defines a HTTPError class, which does double-duty as 
both an exception and a valid HTTP response. If you're doing any HTTP 
programming, you better expect to deal with HTTP 301, 302 etc. codes, or 
at least trust that the library you use will transparently handle them 
for you.

 To answer why people recommend using Easier to Ask Forgiveness than
 Permission as opposed to Look Before You Leap : Because of the way
 it's implemented, Python works quite differently from most languages. An
 attribute look-up is rather expensive because it's a hash table look-up
 at run time. Wrapping a small piece of code in a try block however,
 isn't (relatively) very expensive at all in Python.

It's not just relatively inexpensive, it's absolutely inexpensive: it 
costs about as much as a pass statement in CPython, which is pretty much 
as cheap as it gets. (If anyone can demonstrate a cheaper operation 
available from pure Python, I'd love to see it.)

 It's only catching the exception that's expensive, 


 but if you're catching the exception, 
 something has gone wrong anyway and performance isn't your biggest

The second try...except clause in the urllib2 module reads:

kind = int(kind)
except ValueError:

In this case, the error is simply ignored. Nothing has gone wrong.

Here's an example from my own code: I have an API where you pass a 
mapping (either a dict or a list of (key, value) tuples) to a function. 
So I do this:

it = obj.iteritems()
except AttributeError:
it = obj
for key, value in it:

There's nothing wrong with catching exceptions.


Re: change an exception's message and re-raise it

2010-01-01 Thread Phlip
On Dec 31 2009, 4:30 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

 ...     1/0
 ... except ZeroDivisionError, e:
 ...     e.args = e.args + ('fe', 'fi', 'fo', 'fum')
 ...     raise

When I added print e.args it showed the old args. Maybe I was trying
too hard - this is why I said e seemed locked or something.

This started working:

new_exception = self.format_fault(e.args[0])
e.args = (new_exception,) + (e.args[1:])

May I ask if args always has more than one entry? I need to bypass the
silly 'tuple' object does not support item assignment issue...

Re: change an exception's message and re-raise it

2010-01-01 Thread Phlip
On Dec 31 2009, 4:30 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

 For the record you can get the exception type from type(e):

 raise type(e)(whatever you want)

 but that creates a new exception, not re-raising the old one.

Except if a type constructs with some other number of arguments,

Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Lie Ryan

On 1/1/2010 3:47 PM, Peng Yu wrote:

I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
handling rather than use error code.

In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning

Communications of the ACM
Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56

It says Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If
my observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

Otherwise, could some python expert explain to me why exception is
widely used for error handling in python?

Simple, when an exception is thrown and I don't catch it, the exception 
terminates the program immediately and I got a traceback showing the 
point of failure. When I return error value and I don't check for it, I 
passed passed errors silently and gets a traceback forty-two lines later 
when trying to use the resources I failed to acquire forty-two lines prior.

 Is it because the efficiency
 is not the primary goal of python?

Efficiency is not primary goal of python, but since python encourages 
EAFP (Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission); the design decisions 
chosen makes setting up a try-block much cheaper than a language 
designed over LBYL (Look Before You Leap) and return codes.


How to Suppress Interactive Assignment to _

2010-01-01 Thread JKPeck
The gettext module uses the convention of defining a function named
_ that maps text into its translation.
This conflicts with the automatic interactive interpreter assignment
of expressions to a variable with that same name.

While if you are careful, you can avoid that assignment while
debugging, and you can choose a different function for gettext, this
conflict is a nuisance.  I am looking for a way to suppress the
expression assignment to _ or to change the name of the variable
assigned to.  Is this possible?  Using Python 2.6.

Jon Peck

Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Exceptions are *exceptional*, not errors or unexpected. They are
 exceptional because they aren't the normal case, but that doesn't mean
 they are surprising or unexpected. Are you surprised that your for x in
 range(1000) loop comes to an end? Of course you are not -- it is
 completely expected, even though less than 1% of the iterations are the
 last loop. The end of the sequence is EXCEPTIONAL but not UNEXPECTED.

Sorry if my word choice was confusing- I was trying to point out that
in Python, you don't test errors for your typical conditions, but for
ones that you know still exist but don't plan on occurring often.

Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Mel
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Fri, 01 Jan 2010 02:43:21 -0800, Jonathan Gardner wrote:
 On Jan 1, 12:43 am, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article,
 Benjamin Kaplan wrote:
 In Python, throwing exceptions for expected outcomes is considered
 very bad form [...]

 Who says that?  I certainly don't.
 int(asdf) is supposed to return what, exactly? Any language that tries
 to return an int is horribly broken.
 No no, the right way to deal with that is have int(asdf) return some
 arbitrary bit pattern, and expect the user to check a global variable to
 see whether the function returned a valid result or not. That's much
 better than catching an exception!

Or the other way around, as in C (I suspect the original ACM article assumed 
C.)  Look at the legion of C library subroutines that return only 0 for good 
or -1 for bad, and do all their real work in side-effects (through pointers 
as function arguments.)  Python is a big improvement: use the function 
return values for the payload, and push the out-of-band omyghod response 
into an Exception.



Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 01 Jan 2010 11:02:28 -0500, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

 I was trying to point out that in
 Python, you don't test errors for your typical conditions, but for ones
 that you know still exist but don't plan on occurring often.

I'm sorry, but that makes no sense to me at all. I don't understand what 
you are trying to say.

You do understand that exceptions aren't just for errors? They are raised 
under specific circumstances. Whether that circumstance is an error or 
not is entirely up to the caller.

n = mylist.index('fault')
except ValueError:
print All is good, no fault detected
print Your data contains a fault in position, n

People get hung up on the idea that exceptions == errors, but they 
aren't. They *may* be errors, and that is one common use, but that 
depends entirely on the caller.


MySQL Error

2010-01-01 Thread Victor Subervi
I'm trying to avoid the mortal sin of blank excepts. I intentionally threw
this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /var/www/html/, line 137,
in ?
  File /var/www/html/, line 108,
in createAssociations2
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line 163, in
self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line 35,
in defaulterrorhandler
raise errorclass, errorvalue
ProgrammingError: (1146, Table 'test.productsAssociations' doesn't exist)

However, ProgrammingError is not an error. How do I discover the real
error, so I can write the appropriate except statement?

The Logos has come to bear

Re: twenty years ago Guido created Python

2010-01-01 Thread MRAB

J Peyret wrote:

On Dec 31 2009, 2:06 pm, Steve Howell wrote:


Python is a truly awesome programming language.  Not only is Guido a
genius language designer, but he is also a great project leader.  What
an accomplishment.  Congratulations to everybody who has contributed
to Python in the last two decades!

Notwithstanding all of the above, which are all true, having met
Guido, I say he is a genuinely nice human being.

And anyone who says he isn't will be put into the comfy chair! :-)

Re: MySQL Error

2010-01-01 Thread Carsten Haese
Victor Subervi wrote:
 However, ProgrammingError is not an error. How do I discover the real
 error, so I can write the appropriate except statement?

You're not making any sense. How did you determine that ProgrammingError
is not an error or that it's not the real error? Show us the code you
ran, the output you expected, and the output it produced instead.

Blind guess: You're using except ProgrammingError when you should be
using except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError. If this guess is incorrect, see

Carsten Haese


Re: MySQL Error

2010-01-01 Thread MRAB

Victor Subervi wrote:

I'm trying to avoid the mortal sin of blank excepts. I intentionally 
threw this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /var/www/html/, line 137, in ?

  File /var/www/html/, line 108, in 

  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line 
163, in execute

self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line 
35, in defaulterrorhandler

raise errorclass, errorvalue
ProgrammingError: (1146, Table 'test.productsAssociations' doesn't exist)

However, ProgrammingError is not an error. How do I discover the real 
error, so I can write the appropriate except statement?

What makes you think it isn't?

As the traceback says, Table 'test.productsAssociations' doesn't
exist, and that's the cause.

Re: How to Suppress Interactive Assignment to _

2010-01-01 Thread Peter Otten
JKPeck wrote:

 The gettext module uses the convention of defining a function named
 _ that maps text into its translation.
 This conflicts with the automatic interactive interpreter assignment
 of expressions to a variable with that same name.
 While if you are careful, you can avoid that assignment while
 debugging, and you can choose a different function for gettext, this
 conflict is a nuisance.  I am looking for a way to suppress the
 expression assignment to _ or to change the name of the variable
 assigned to.  Is this possible?  Using Python 2.6.

$ cat
import sys
import __builtin__ as builtin

def displayhook(obj):
if obj is not None:
builtin._last_result = obj
print repr(obj)

sys.displayhook = displayhook
$ python -i
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name '_' is not defined


Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Martin v. Loewis
 You do understand that exceptions aren't just for errors? They are raised 
 under specific circumstances. Whether that circumstance is an error or 
 not is entirely up to the caller.

I think that's a fairly narrow definition of the word error, and
probably also the source of confusion in this thread.

ISTM that there is a long tradition of giving different meaning to
the word error in computing. For example, the Unix man pages
list various conditions as errors purely by their outcome, and
completely ignoring on whether the caller would consider the result
erroneous - ISTM that a system call reports an error iff it is

By that (common) usage of error, it is a condition determined by
the callee, not the caller (i.e. callee could not successfully
complete the operation). In that sense, it is indeed equivalent
to Python's usage of exceptions, which are also determined by the
callee, and typically also in cases where successful completion is
not possible. Whether these cases are exceptional in the word
sense (i.e. deviating from the norm) would have to be decided by
the application, again (which would set the norm).


Re: MySQL Error

2010-01-01 Thread Victor Subervi
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 12:10 PM, MRAB wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:

 I'm trying to avoid the mortal sin of blank excepts. I intentionally threw
 this error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /var/www/html/, line 137, in ?
  File /var/www/html/, line 108, in

  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line 163,
 in execute
self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line
 35, in defaulterrorhandler
raise errorclass, errorvalue
 ProgrammingError: (1146, Table 'test.productsAssociations' doesn't

 However, ProgrammingError is not an error. How do I discover the real
 error, so I can write the appropriate except statement?

  What makes you think it isn't?

Because I've tried
except ProgrammingError:
before and *that* threw an error. So I didnt' try again.

Re: twenty years ago Guido created Python

2010-01-01 Thread Steve Howell
On Jan 1, 9:03 am, MRAB wrote:
 J Peyret wrote:
  On Dec 31 2009, 2:06 pm, Steve Howell wrote:

  Python is a truly awesome programming language.  Not only is Guido a
  genius language designer, but he is also a great project leader.  What
  an accomplishment.  Congratulations to everybody who has contributed
  to Python in the last two decades!

  Notwithstanding all of the above, which are all true, having met
  Guido, I say he is a genuinely nice human being.

 And anyone who says he isn't will be put into the comfy chair! :-)

And poked with the soft cushions!

Re: How to Suppress Interactive Assignment to _

2010-01-01 Thread JKPeck
On Jan 1, 10:06 am, Peter Otten wrote:
 JKPeck wrote:
  The gettext module uses the convention of defining a function named
  _ that maps text into its translation.
  This conflicts with the automatic interactive interpreter assignment
  of expressions to a variable with that same name.

  While if you are careful, you can avoid that assignment while
  debugging, and you can choose a different function for gettext, this
  conflict is a nuisance.  I am looking for a way to suppress the
  expression assignment to _ or to change the name of the variable
  assigned to.  Is this possible?  Using Python 2.6.

 $ cat
 import sys
 import __builtin__ as builtin

 def displayhook(obj):
     if obj is not None:
         builtin._last_result = obj
         print repr(obj)

 sys.displayhook = displayhook
 $ python -i 42

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 NameError: name '_' is not defined _last_result


Thanks.  It's just what I needed.
-Jon Peck

Re: MySQL Error

2010-01-01 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Victor Subervi wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 12:10 PM, MRAB wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:

 I'm trying to avoid the mortal sin of blank excepts. I intentionally
 threw this error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /var/www/html/, line 137, in ?
  File /var/www/html/, line 108, in
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line 163,
 in execute
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line
 35, in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
 ProgrammingError: (1146, Table 'test.productsAssociations' doesn't

 However, ProgrammingError is not an error. How do I discover the real
 error, so I can write the appropriate except statement?

 What makes you think it isn't?

 Because I've tried
 except ProgrammingError:
 before and *that* threw an error. So I didnt' try again.

Just because it's not in the current namespace doesn't mean it's not
an error. From PEP 249 (the db api v2) :


Exception raised for programming errors, e.g. table not
found or already exists, syntax error in the SQL
statement, wrong number of parameters specified, etc.  It
must be a subclass of DatabaseError.



Re: MySQL Error

2010-01-01 Thread MRAB

Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Victor Subervi wrote:

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 12:10 PM, MRAB wrote:

Victor Subervi wrote:

I'm trying to avoid the mortal sin of blank excepts. I intentionally
threw this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File /var/www/html/, line 137, in ?
 File /var/www/html/, line 108, in
 File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line 163,
in execute
   self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
 File /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line
35, in defaulterrorhandler
   raise errorclass, errorvalue
ProgrammingError: (1146, Table 'test.productsAssociations' doesn't

However, ProgrammingError is not an error. How do I discover the real
error, so I can write the appropriate except statement?

What makes you think it isn't?

Because I've tried
except ProgrammingError:
before and *that* threw an error. So I didnt' try again.

Just because it's not in the current namespace doesn't mean it's not
an error. From PEP 249 (the db api v2) :


Exception raised for programming errors, e.g. table not
found or already exists, syntax error in the SQL
statement, wrong number of parameters specified, etc.  It
must be a subclass of DatabaseError.

You shouldn't just that it threw an error and give up, you should look
at what the error was, in this case a NameError, which means that it
doesn't know that name. Why? Because it's defined in the MySQL module
that you imported, but you didn't import the name ProgrammingError.

Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2010-01-01 Thread python

Thank your for sharing your technique - works great with 32-bit Python

Has anyone tried this with a 64-bit version of Python?


Safe file I/O to shared file (or SQLite) from multi-threaded web server

2010-01-01 Thread python
I'm looking for the best practice way for a multi-threaded python web
server application to read/write to a shared file or a SQLite database.

What do I need to do (if anything) to make sure my writes to a regular
file on disk or to a SQLite database are atomic in nature when multiple
clients post data to my application simultaneously?

Do I need to use a Queue type data structure and then run a background
thread that monitors my Queue for data which it (and it alone) removes
and copies to the destination file or SQLite datatbase?

Note: In my specific case, the web server will be based on CherryPy 3.1
but I think this type of question is relevant across other Python based
web server frameworks as well.

Thank you,

Significant whitespace

2010-01-01 Thread Dan Stromberg

I put together a page about significant whitespace (and the lack thereof).

You're invited to check it out:


Re: Significant whitespace

2010-01-01 Thread Chris Rebert
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Dan Stromberg wrote:
 I put together a page about significant whitespace (and the lack thereof).

 You're invited to check it out:

For those of us who weren't around during the heyday of FORTRAN, can
anyone describe this apparently much-reviled significant whitespace
feature that continues to make some programmers unjustly fearful about
Python's use of indentation?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Safe file I/O to shared file (or SQLite) from multi-threaded web server

2010-01-01 Thread Diez B. Roggisch schrieb:

I'm looking for the best practice way for a multi-threaded python web
server application to read/write to a shared file or a SQLite database.

What do I need to do (if anything) to make sure my writes to a regular
file on disk or to a SQLite database are atomic in nature when multiple
clients post data to my application simultaneously?

Do I need to use a Queue type data structure and then run a background
thread that monitors my Queue for data which it (and it alone) removes
and copies to the destination file or SQLite datatbase?

Note: In my specific case, the web server will be based on CherryPy 3.1
but I think this type of question is relevant across other Python based
web server frameworks as well.

AFAIK, sqlite ensures process-serialization via locking, and threads 
synchronize themselves as well.

So you shouldn't need to worry at all.


Re: twenty years ago Guido created Python

2010-01-01 Thread dennis
On Jan 1, 6:04 am, Krishnakant wrote:
 On Fri, 2010-01-01 at 03:25 -0800, J Peyret wrote:
  On Dec 31 2009, 2:06 pm, Steve Howell wrote:

   Python is a truly awesome programming language.  Not only is Guido a
   genius language designer, but he is also a great project leader.  What
   an accomplishment.  Congratulations to everybody who has contributed
   to Python in the last two decades!

  Notwithstanding all of the above, which are all true, having met
  Guido, I say he is a genuinely nice human being.  Go BSD derivatives.

 python is a great programming language.
 May be it was not marketted as much as languages like java or not as
 much as platforms like rails.
 But who cares?  I must mention here that I am totally blind and the
 talking software (screen reader ) I use on GNU/Linux called Orca is also
 programmed using python.

 And I make web applications and off late started to use pylons (  again
 centered around python).
 I see that python is for 2 kind of programmers.
 one which are absolute beginners to programming itself who want to learn
 the scientific art of programming and the second is the extreme experts
 who need the power and performance nicely balanced.

 Great work!

 happy hfacking.

That's incredible.

Trying to run a sudo command from script

2010-01-01 Thread Kent Tenney

A script running as a regular user sometimes wants
to run sudo commands.

It gets the password with getpass.
pw = getpass.getpass()

I've fiddled a bunch with stuff like
proc = subprocess.Popen('sudo touch /etc/foo'.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

getting assorted errors with all variations I try.

Googling says use pexpect, but I'd prefer a stdlib solution.

Any help appreciated.


Re: Trying to run a sudo command from script

2010-01-01 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Kent Tenney schrieb:


A script running as a regular user sometimes wants
to run sudo commands.

It gets the password with getpass.
pw = getpass.getpass()

I've fiddled a bunch with stuff like
proc = subprocess.Popen('sudo touch /etc/foo'.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

getting assorted errors with all variations I try.

Googling says use pexpect, but I'd prefer a stdlib solution.

pexpect is pure python, and it's needed. There is no easy way around the 
issue, so if you insist on not using pexpect, you re-invent the wheel 
and write the exact same code - just more error-prone, because of 


Re: Significant whitespace

2010-01-01 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Chris Rebert wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Dan Stromberg wrote:
  I put together a page about significant whitespace (and the lack thereof).
  You're invited to check it out:
 For those of us who weren't around during the heyday of FORTRAN, can
 anyone describe this apparently much-reviled significant whitespace
 feature that continues to make some programmers unjustly fearful about
 Python's use of indentation?

 I know it's bad form to cite yourself, but I think I said it pretty well 
(oh my) 12 years ago:

To address your question more directly, here's a couple of ways Fortran 
treated whitespace which would surprise the current crop of 
Java/PHP/Python/Ruby programmers:

1) Line numbers (i.e. the things you could GOTO to) were in column 2-7 
(column 1 was reserved for a comment indicator).  This is not quite 
significant whitespace, it's more like significant indentation.

2) Whitespace was not required in many places.  For example, the following 
two statements (this will only make sense in a fixed-width font) are 

   DO 10 I = 1, 10

People make fun of Fortran these days, but it was a staggeringly important 
advance in software development compared to what came before (i.e. 
assembler).  The move from assembler to Fortran was a far more significant 
advance than the move from, say, Perl to Python.

Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2010-01-01 Thread Jonathan Hartley
 the method involves editing python26.dll in order to remove
 dependency references and then dropping msvcr90.dll in the same
 directory as the py2exe produced executable.

Clever idea Waldemar, thanks for that, but for the moment, using the
dll as a win32 assembly (ie. with a manifest file, as described by
others earlier in this thread) seems to work just as well.

  You'll need to include Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest and msvcr90.dll.

So, for the record, I have included these two files in a directory
called 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT', which is in the same dir as my
executable, and that makes everything work, even on my 'bare bones'
windows XP virtual machine.

The end result is a small game some friends and I put together for the
PyWeek competition a few months ago. If anyone wants to see exactly
how the resulting dll and manifest look, you can download the Windows
binary under the 'featured downloads' from here:

I appreciate David Bolen's comment that an installer isn't that hard
to put together: Acknowledged, but for the moment I still seem to be
getting away without needing one.

Best regards,


Re: Significant whitespace

2010-01-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 01 Jan 2010 14:19:28 -0800, Chris Rebert wrote:

 For those of us who weren't around during the heyday of FORTRAN, can
 anyone describe this apparently much-reviled significant whitespace
 feature that continues to make some programmers unjustly fearful about
 Python's use of indentation?

I'm not a Fortran expert, but I understand that whitespace was optional 
within lines unless needed to make something unambiguous.

In Python terms, imagine if we could write


instead of the usual 

for i in range(10):

Since the colon makes it unambiguous that it is some sort of block 
construct, and it starts with for, it must be a for loop. Pretty 
horrible, yes?


Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Peng Yu
On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 11:24 PM, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:47 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
 I observe that python library primarily use exception for error
 handling rather than use error code.

 In the article API Design Matters by Michi Henning

 Communications of the ACM
 Vol. 52 No. 5, Pages 46-56

 It says Another popular design flaw—namely, throwing exceptions for
 expected outcomes—also causes inefficiencies because catching and
 handling exceptions is almost always slower than testing a return

 My observation is contradicted to the above statement by Henning. If
 my observation is wrong, please just ignore my question below.

 Otherwise, could some python expert explain to me why exception is
 widely used for error handling in python? Is it because the efficiency
 is not the primary goal of python?

 Correct; programmer efficiency is a more important goal for Python instead.
 Python is ~60-100x slower than C;[1] if someone is worried by the
 inefficiency caused by exceptions, then they're using completely the
 wrong language.

Could somebody let me know how the python calls and exceptions are
dispatched? Is there a reference for it?

Potential Conflicts by Installing Two Versions of Python (Windows)?

2010-01-01 Thread W. eWatson
I suspect that if one installs v2.4 and 2.5, or any two versions, that 
one will dominate, or there will be a conflict.  I suppose it would not 
be possible to choose which one should be used. Comments?


Re: Potential Conflicts by Installing Two Versions of Python (Windows)?

2010-01-01 Thread alex23
On Jan 2, 11:37 am, W. eWatson wrote:
 I suspect that if one installs v2.4 and 2.5, or any two versions, that
 one will dominate, or there will be a conflict.  I suppose it would not
 be possible to choose which one should be used. Comments?

I suspect that you're not the first person to ask this question. I
suppose it would not be possible to search the group and find previous
advice given on this subject.

Is phrasing it as an implicit shortcoming of Python supposed to spur
others to comment? Perhaps that's the problem you're having searching:
try keywords that represent what you're looking for, not what you're
naively expecting.

Re: Potential Conflicts by Installing Two Versions of Python (Windows)?

2010-01-01 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
The convention (more used among Unix variants but I guess the same
thing applies to Windows if you're setting the system path) is that
running python from the command line will give you the most recently
installed one. If you want to specify a version, it would be
python24 or python25. Each version of Python is installed in it's
own directory and maintains its own path so there aren't any problems
with stdlib conflicts.

As far as Windows file associations go, I suppose the most recent
install would dominate though you could always reset the associations

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 8:37 PM, W. eWatson wrote:
 I suspect that if one installs v2.4 and 2.5, or any two versions, that one
 will dominate, or there will be a conflict.  I suppose it would not be
 possible to choose which one should be used. Comments?


Re: Potential Conflicts by Installing Two Versions of Python (Windows)?

2010-01-01 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 8:37 PM, W. eWatson wrote:
 I suspect that if one installs v2.4 and 2.5, or any two versions, that one
 will dominate, or there will be a conflict.  I suppose it would not be
 possible to choose which one should be used. Comments?

The convention (more used among Unix variants but I guess the same
thing applies to Windows if you're setting the system path) is that
running python from the command line will give you the most recently
installed one. If you want to specify a version, it would be
python24 or python25. Each version of Python is installed in it's
own directory and maintains its own path so there aren't any problems
with stdlib conflicts.

As far as Windows file associations go, I suppose the most recent
install would dominate though you could always reset the associations

Re: Significant whitespace

2010-01-01 Thread MRAB

Dan Stromberg wrote:

I put together a page about significant whitespace (and the lack thereof).

You're invited to check it out:

You might also want to mention that programmers tend to indent anyway
for clarity.

Re: Significant whitespace

2010-01-01 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 John Machin wrote:

 On Jan 2, 10:29 am, Roy Smith wrote:
  To address your question more directly, here's a couple of ways Fortran
  treated whitespace which would surprise the current crop of
  Java/PHP/Python/Ruby programmers:
  1) Line numbers (i.e. the things you could GOTO to) were in column 2-7
  (column 1 was reserved for a comment indicator).  This is not quite
  significant whitespace, it's more like significant indentation.
 That would also surprise former FORTRAN programmers (who rarely
 referred to the language as Fortran). A comment was signified by a C
 in col 1. Otherwise cols 1-5 were used for statement labels (the
 things you could GOTO), col 6 for a statement continuation indicator,
 cols 7-72 for statement text, and cols 73-80 for card sequence numbers.

My apologies, you are correct.  The long disused neural pathways have 
started to degrade.  Trust me, I really did write FORTRAN.  On punch cards 

Re: Safe file I/O to shared file (or SQLite) from multi-threaded web server

2010-01-01 Thread Roger Binns
Hash: SHA1

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 AFAIK, sqlite ensures process-serialization via locking, and threads
 synchronize themselves as well.

SQLite versions prior to 3.5 did not support using the same connection or
cursors in different threads.  (You needed to allocate, use, and close all
in the same thread.)  Since then SQLite objects can be used in any thread
you want at any time.  The SQLite error handling API is not threadsafe and
requires a lock to be held otherwise you can get incorrect errors or worst
case program crashes.  The sqlite3/pysqlite code does not hold that lock
(API introduced in SQLite 3.6.5) so you are only safe if you continue to
only use objects in the same thread.  If you use APSW then you can use any
SQLite object at any time in any thread (it holds the lock amongst other

 So you shouldn't need to worry at all.

The main gotcha is that SQLite uses file locking and the default behaviour
when unable to get a lock is to immediately return an error.  SQLite does
have an API to specify how long it should wait to acquire the lock (it keeps
retrying until the time expires).

sqlite3/pysqlite only lets you specify this maximum time when opening the
connection and defaults to 5 seconds.  On a busy server this may be too
short so you'll end up getting busy errors.  (Remember that writes require
at least two disk syncs and that the default behaviour for Linux is to flush
all outstanding writes not just for the file requested.)

If you use APSW then you get default SQLite behaviour and two APIs - one
lets you set/change the timeout period and the other lets you install your
own busy handler which can do whatever it wants in order to prod things along.

(Disclosure: I am the author of APSW.)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: Significant whitespace

2010-01-01 Thread Donn
On Saturday 02 January 2010 00:02:36 Dan Stromberg wrote:
 I put together a page about significant whitespace (and the lack thereof).
The only thing about Python's style that worries me is that it can't be 
compressed like javascript can*, and perhaps that will prevent it becoming a 
browser-side language one day. How I'd love to code PyQuery instead of JQuery!

* Or am I wrong?

Re: Significant whitespace

2010-01-01 Thread Chris Rebert
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 9:56 PM, Donn wrote:
 On Saturday 02 January 2010 00:02:36 Dan Stromberg wrote:
 I put together a page about significant whitespace (and the lack thereof).
 The only thing about Python's style that worries me is that it can't be
 compressed like javascript can*, and perhaps that will prevent it becoming a
 browser-side language one day. How I'd love to code PyQuery instead of JQuery!

 * Or am I wrong?

Not to my knowledge, but CPython's bytecode format could be used to
similar effect.

However, the larger and much more daunting obstacle to client-side
Python would be that it's not sandboxed or secured like JavaScript is,
although there are some people working on it.


Re: Raw string substitution problem

2010-01-01 Thread Aahz
In article,
Gregory Ewing wrote:
MRAB wrote:

 In simple cases you might be replacing with the same string every time,
 but other cases you might want the replacement to contain substrings
 captured by the regex.

But you can give it a function that has access to the match object and
can produce whatever replacement string it wants.

Assuming I remember correctly, the function capability came after the
replacement capability.  I think that breaking replacement would be a
Bad Idea.
Aahz (   *

Weinberg's Second Law: If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote 
programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

Re: Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

2010-01-01 Thread Aahz
In article,
Martin v. Loewis wrote:

Notice that in cases where the failure may be expected, Python
also offers variants that avoid the exception:
- if you look into a dictionary, expecting that a key may not
  be there, a regular access, d[k], may give a KeyError. However,
  alternatively, you can use d.get(k, default) which raises no
  exception, and you can test k in d in advance.
- if you open a file, not knowing whether it will be there,
  you get an IOError. However, you can use os.path.exists in
  advance to determine whether the file is present (and create
  it if it's not).

But you *still* need to catch IOError: someone might delete the file
after the test.  Figuring out how to deal with race conditions is one of
the main reasons Alex Martelli advocates EAFP over LBYL.

Of course, in the real world, you often end up wanting to do it both
Aahz (   *

Weinberg's Second Law: If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote 
programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

Re: multivariable assignment

2010-01-01 Thread Rainer Grimm
On Dec 31 2009, 5:13 pm, davidj411 wrote:
 I am not sure why this behavior is this way.
 at beginning of script, i want to create a bunch of empty lists and
 use each one for its own purpose.
 however, updating one list seems to update the others.

  a = b = c = []
 ['1', '1', '1']
 ['1', '1', '1']

 ['1', '1', '1']
a, b and c are the same objects.
You can check the object identity by
 a = b = c = []
 print id(a),id(b),id(c)
3083044140 3083044140 3083044140
 a is b is c


Re: Potential Conflicts by Installing Two Versions of Python (Windows)?

2010-01-01 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/1/2010 8:57 PM, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

As far as Windows file associations go, I suppose the most recent
install would dominate though you could always reset the associations

The Windows installer asks whether one wants the about-to-be-installed 
version to capture the associations or not.


[issue7617] distutils.unixccompiler.UnixCCompiler.runtime_library_dir_option() should recognize ${configuration_name}-gcc

2010-01-01 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

New submission from Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

currently only recognizes gcc or gcc-${version (e.g. gcc-4.4.2),
but it doesn't recognize ${configuration_name}-gcc (e.g. x86_64-pc-
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc-4.4.2). Python is configured with such fully
qualified configuration names in some distributions (e.g. Gentoo).

Configuration names are described in:

assignee: tarek
components: Distutils
files: python-distutils-recognize_configuration_names.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 97114
nosy: Arfrever, tarek
severity: normal
status: open
title: distutils.unixccompiler.UnixCCompiler.runtime_library_dir_option() 
should recognize ${configuration_name}-gcc
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2
Added file:

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[issue7617] distutils.unixccompiler.UnixCCompiler.runtime_library_dir_option() should recognize ${configuration_name}-gcc

2010-01-01 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis added the comment:

This bug tracker removes parts of splitted, long lines when the
previous line was ending with '-' :( .

There should be:

but it doesn't recognize ${configuration_name}-gcc
(e.g. x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc) or
(e.g. x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc-4.4.2).

The second URL has 2 parts:


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[issue7615] unicode_escape codec does not escape quotes

2010-01-01 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

nosy: +lemburg

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6943] fails to find headers of system libffi

2010-01-01 Thread Benjamin Peterson

Benjamin Peterson added the comment:

Fixed in r77212.

nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6491] Improve --with-dbmliborder option

2010-01-01 Thread Benjamin Peterson

Benjamin Peterson added the comment:

Applied in r77215.

nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution:  - accepted
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5080] PyArg_Parse* should raise TypeError for float parsed with integer format

2010-01-01 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

Applied to trunk in r77218.  The DeprecationWarning for the 'L' format 
needs to be merged to py3k.

versions: +Python 3.2

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7618] optparse library documentation has an insignificant formatting issue

2010-01-01 Thread Artem

New submission from Artem

In optparse documentation, in the end of first chapter there is an
example which shows how optparse can print usage summary for user. In
the last row of this example text color is accidentally changed from
black to blue. Most probably the source of this issue is single quote
sign which is misinterpreted by the code highlighter.

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 97119
nosy: georg.brandl, vazovsky
severity: normal
status: open
title: optparse library documentation has an insignificant formatting issue
versions: Python 3.1

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5080] PyArg_Parse* should raise TypeError for float parsed with integer format

2010-01-01 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

Merged relevant bits to py3k in r77220.

resolution:  - fixed
stage: needs patch - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7619] imaplib shouldn't use cause DeprecationWarnings in 2.6

2010-01-01 Thread djc

New submission from djc

imaplib still calls os.popen2(), which has been deprecated in 2.6. It
should probably use subprocess instead, even in 2.6, IMO.


components: Library (Lib)
messages: 97121
nosy: djc
severity: normal
status: open
title: imaplib shouldn't use cause DeprecationWarnings in 2.6
versions: Python 2.6

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7564] test_ioctl fails when run in background

2010-01-01 Thread Florent Xicluna

Florent Xicluna added the comment:

It fails if the test is run in background, and there's another process
in foreground.

Example 1:

~ $ (./python Lib/test/ test_ioctl )  tail -f /dev/null
test test_ioctl failed -- multiple errors occurred; run in verbose mode
for details
1 test failed:

Example 2 (a shell script):

~ $ cat
./python Lib/test/ -v test_ioctl  test_ioctl.log 
tail -f test_ioctl.log

priority:  - low
title: test_ioctl fails sometimes - test_ioctl fails when run in background
versions: +Python 2.6, Python 3.1, Python 3.2

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[issue7564] test_ioctl may fail when run in background

2010-01-01 Thread Florent Xicluna

Changes by Florent Xicluna

title: test_ioctl fails when run in background - test_ioctl may fail when run 
in background

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7578] Behavior of operations on a closed file object is not documented correctly

2010-01-01 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

Note that one of the reasons for the slightly wishy-washy phrasing in
the docs is to give other implementations a bit more freedom in the way
way they handle these error cases.

Agreed that the main reason is the one Antoine gave though - the
ValueError is looking at things from the point of view that the program
passed in a closed file object when an open one was needed.

nosy: +ncoghlan

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[issue7619] imaplib shouldn't use cause DeprecationWarnings in 2.6

2010-01-01 Thread Benjamin Peterson

Benjamin Peterson added the comment:

Fixed in r77222.

nosy: +benjamin.peterson
resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7611] shlex not posix compliant when parsing foo#bar

2010-01-01 Thread cadf

cadf added the comment:

Here's a patch addressing the behavior described.

keywords: +patch
nosy: +cadf
Added file:

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