Introduction to Python/Practical Django Skills: Places Still Available

2010-01-13 Thread Steve Holden
Please note that it isn't too late to join either or both of these New
York City classes.

Introduction to Python runs from January 19-21.

Practical Django Skills runs on January 22.

More details from


Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC

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Sphinx 0.6.4 released

2010-01-13 Thread Georg Brandl
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

I'm proud to announce the release of Sphinx 0.6.4, which is a
bugfix-only release in the 0.6 series.

What is it?

Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful
documentation for Python projects (or other documents consisting of
multiple reStructuredText source files).


What's new in 0.6.4 (short version)?

Over 20 bugs and problems have been fixed.
The full list is at


Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)


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Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jan 13)

2010-01-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
QOTW:  ... if I want to know something new (be it a computer language or
anything else, such as economics, history, science) I skip the introductory
material and go directly to the discussion, to the issues. This is for me
the most effective and interesting way of learning something new. And if
there is too much consensus, I don't take the topic seriously...:-) This is
the reason why I like your summaries so much. - Marko Loparic, on his
judgment of 'Python-URL!'

The second alpha release of Python 2.7 -the last major version in the 2.x
series- has been recently released:

Giampaolo Rodola on how to correctly use asyncore:

Small differences on how list comprehensions and generator expressions
handle inner exceptions (old thread):

What's the best strategy to speed up multiple downloads: threads,
processes, Twisted...?

Why were exceptions chosen as the primary error handling mechanism?
Also, guidelines for designing a good API regarding errors.

Lists, arrays, abstract data types, and promised algorithmic
complexity (for language lawyers only):

Lightweight encryption of a text file:

How exec/locals/globals interact themselves:

Looking for a modern configuration file format:

Tips on improving a bad database design and application logic:

Some people feels that reporting a bug in Python is not as simple as
it should be:

Is Python not good enough? -- or, why Google choose to develop the
Go language?

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
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Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python
hyperlinks retains a few gems.

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Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Stefan Behnel:

Alf P. Steinbach, 13.01.2010 06:55:

* Steven D'Aprano:
I think you need to chill out and stop treating a simple bug report 
as a personal slight on you.

I'm sorry but you're again trying to make people believe something 
that you know is false, which is commonly called lying: it is not the 
case that I have strong feelings or any feelings at all about that bug 
report or any other.

Then why don't you just stop blaming the world for that terrible doom 
that was laid upon you by running into a bug?

I'm sorry but as Steven did in the quoted material above you're trying to make 
people believe something that you know is false: I haven't blamed the world, nor 
described the bug as terrible or a doom, and you know that.

On the other hand, I did let out some steam here, at the start of thread. :-)

While making sure that nobody else would have to waste time on that bug.

It shouldn't be anything to get upset by.

However, that happens. In Norway in the week that was a woman died because the 
emergency services got upset about the nephew's strong language. They decided 
that instead of an ambulance let's send the police, so the poor woman died while 
the police where shackling all the relatives (with force) outside the house...

But you're starting to annoy me.

Funny that it's you writing that.

Yeah, it's understandable if you harbor Negative Feelings about me. I have the 
annoying habit of seeing that something's wrong and saying it, and as I recall 
there was a very poular movie about such a guy once, where many of the laughs 
came from just how incredibly annoying it was that he was right all the time in 
spite of his social position at the bottom of the ladder, sort of exremely 
incongruous. Happily *I* am often wrong, perhaps 40% of the contested issues, so 
if you focus on that then perhaps all may still be well. :-)

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

usage of .pth files

2010-01-13 Thread swapnil
Python's documentation (
index.html#modifying-python-s-search-path) states that we can add more
locations to python's module search path by
add a path configuration file to a directory that’s already on
Python’s path, usually to the .../site-packages/ directory

sys.path for my Python installation show the following
['', 'C:\\WINNT\\system32\\', 'c:\\python26\\DLLs', 'c:\
\python26\\lib', 'c:\\python26\\lib\\plat-win', 'c:\\python26\\lib\
\lib-tk', 'c:\\python26', 'c:\\python26\\lib\\site-packages']

I tried appending certain location by putting a .pth file in all of
the above locations, but it gets appended only when the .pth file is
present in 'c:\\python26\\lib\\site-packages' or 'c:\\python26', but
according to the documentation it should work for all of the above
locations. Any ideas??

I'm running Python 2.6.4 on WinXP

get back my simple little string after re search and replace

2010-01-13 Thread Gontrand Trudau


I have read the python doc pretty much, played around with python code, 
but unable to get back my string after made my replacement with python RE

Here my string :

;   ;name, 

I used Kodos (version 2.4.9) under ubuntu 9.04 to get this code :

import re

# common variables

rawstr = r\s*\;
embedded_rawstr = r\s*\;
matchstr =  
;   ;name, 

# method 1: using a compile object
compile_obj = re.compile(rawstr)
match_obj =

# method 2: using search function (w/ external flags)
match_obj =, matchstr)

# method 3: using search function (w/ embedded flags)
match_obj =, matchstr)

# Replace string
newstr = compile_obj.subn('','', 0)

By the way I use Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41) 
under ubuntu.

My objective is to remove all the white space except the one between the 
name and the firstname, that is OK.

I understand that re.compile compile my re stored in rawstr... match_obj 
return : _sre.SRE_Match object at 0xbc28 that mean there were a 
match... I can extract information from this objet in a couple of way 
with : or match_obj.start...

Sorry to be a newbie who is trying to make something easy but just felt 
on technical programmer stuff... :-)

I would just like to be able to do something like that :

print match_obj

and have the result of the modification I just did :','','name, firstname','info','2010-01-01T00:00:00

Thank you


Re: parsing an Excel formula with the re module

2010-01-13 Thread Paul McGuire
On Jan 5, 1:49 pm, Tim Chase wrote:
 vsoler wrote:
  Hence, I need toparseExcel formulas. Can I do it by means only of re
  (regular expressions)?

  I know that for simple formulas such as =3*A7+5 it is indeed
  possible. What about complex for formulas that include functions,
  sheet names and possibly other *.xls files?

 Where things start getting ugly is when you have nested function
 calls, such as

    =if(Sum(A1:A25)42,Min(B1:B25), if(Sum(C1:C25)3.14,

 Regular expressions don't do well with nested parens (especially
 arbitrarily-nesting-depth such as are possible), so I'd suggest
 going for a full-blown parsing solution like pyparsing.

 If you have fair control over what can be contained in the
 formulas and you know they won't contain nested parens/functions,
 you might be able to formulate some sort of kinda, sorta, maybe
 parses some forms of formulas regexp.


This might give the OP a running start:

from pyparsing import (CaselessKeyword, Suppress, Word, alphas,
alphanums, nums, Optional, Group, oneOf, Forward, Regex,
operatorPrecedence, opAssoc, dblQuotedString)

test1 = =3*A7+5
test2 = =3*Sheet1!$A$7+5
test3 = =if(Sum(A1:A25)42,Min(B1:B25),  \
 if(Sum(C1:C25)3.14, (Min(C1:C25)+3)*18,Max(B1:B25)))

EQ,EXCL,LPAR,RPAR,COLON,COMMA,DOLLAR = map(Suppress, '=!():,$')
sheetRef = Word(alphas, alphanums)
colRef = Optional(DOLLAR) + Word(alphas,max=2)
rowRef = Optional(DOLLAR) + Word(nums)
cellRef = Group(Optional(sheetRef + EXCL)(sheet) + colRef(col) +

cellRange = (Group(cellRef(start) + COLON + cellRef(end))
| cellRef )

expr = Forward()

COMPARISON_OP = oneOf( =  = = != )
condExpr = expr + COMPARISON_OP + expr

ifFunc = (CaselessKeyword(if) +
  LPAR +
  Group(condExpr)(condition) +
  COMMA + expr(if_true) +
  COMMA + expr(if_false) + RPAR)
statFunc = lambda name : CaselessKeyword(name) + LPAR + cellRange +
sumFunc = statFunc(sum)
minFunc = statFunc(min)
maxFunc = statFunc(max)
aveFunc = statFunc(ave)
funcCall = ifFunc | sumFunc | minFunc | maxFunc | aveFunc

multOp = oneOf(* /)
addOp = oneOf(+ -)
numericLiteral = Regex(r\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)
operand = numericLiteral | funcCall | cellRange | cellRef
arithExpr = operatorPrecedence(operand,
(multOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
(addOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),

textOperand = dblQuotedString | cellRef
textExpr = operatorPrecedence(textOperand,
('', 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
expr  (arithExpr | textExpr)

import pprint
for test in (test1,test2, test3):
print test
pprint.pprint( (EQ + expr).parseString(test).asList() )


[[['3', '*', ['A', '7']], '+', '5']]

[[['3', '*', ['Sheet1', 'A', '7']], '+', '5']]

=if(Sum(A1:A25)42,Min(B1:B25), if(Sum(C1:C25)3.14, (Min(C1:C25)+3)
 ['sum', [['A', '1'], ['A', '25']], '', '42'],
 [['B', '1'], ['B', '25']],
 ['sum', [['C', '1'], ['C', '25']], '', '3.14'],
 [['min', [['C', '1'], ['C', '25']], '+', '3'], '*', '18'],
 [['B', '1'], ['B', '25']]]

-- Paul

Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

Alf P. Steinbach, 13.01.2010 09:00:
I'm sorry but as Steven did in the quoted material above you're trying 
to make people believe something that you know is false: I haven't 
blamed the world, nor described the bug as terrible or a doom, and you 
know that.

I admit that I took the freedom to rephrase your original wording.

However, that happens. In Norway in the week that was a woman died 
because the emergency services got upset about the nephew's strong 
language. They decided that instead of an ambulance let's send the 
police, so the poor woman died while the police where shackling all the 
relatives (with force) outside the house...

So, if I understand your anecdote right, who is it you are trying to kill here?

But you're starting to annoy me.

Funny that it's you writing that.

Yeah, it's understandable if you harbor Negative Feelings about me.

Sorry to disappoint you - I don't.


Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 06:55:27 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

 * Steven D'Aprano:
 On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 23:47:31 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 PS: Next time it would have helped to include a URL to the issue.

 FYI there is already some feedback in the tracker.
 Yeah, someone who had the bright idea that maybe there isn't a bug,
 thinking instead that maybe a wrong name in *a comment* might be the
 culprit  --  of all things!

 He was probably just trying to be helpful.

 But what do you say to someone who tries to help but is really just
 making a mess of things?
 Before pointing out the mote in another person's eye, you should
 consider the enormous beam in yours. You initially reported a
 completely bogus error (NameError: name 'framerate' is not defined) and
 Brian responded to that.
 I don't know why you're claiming he was responding to a name that was
 commented out, when you included a traceback clearly showing that the
 line was executed.
 No, the out-commented line was not executed and was not shown in any

I have no idea what commented lines NOT shown you are talking about, but 
you attacked Brian for referring to the NameError relating to framerate. 
You claimed that he was:

thinking instead that maybe a wrong name in *a comment* 
might be the culprit

But in fact your initial error report included this traceback, which 
displays a very much uncommented line of code:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Alf\sound\, line 6, in module
writer.setframerate( framerate )
NameError: name 'framerate' is not defined

Alf, I know you are able to read tracebacks, because you've demonstrated 
the ability in the past. And I'm pretty sure that you're aware that can 
too, because you're not an idiot.

So what puzzles me is, given that you can read the traceback you posted, 
and we can too, why on earth do you claim that the reference to framerate 
was commented out? The line that was executed is right there.

 Comments are not executed.

Really? Well, that explains why none of my programs do anything!


 The error report included the line numbers of the buggy lines, plus a
 correction of the output: I first pasted incorrect error message, then
 corrected that *immediately*. But I just found no way to edit the
 original message, so both that and the correction ended up present. The
 correction with Sorry, here's the correct message, or words to that
 effect. In the one and only original submission.

Right. A simple, silly error that anyone could have made. We've all made 
similarly embarrassing mistakes.

But you then responded with a public put-down on Brian all out of 
proportion for his sin of *answering your initial post*. And that just 
makes you look obnoxious.

 I think you need to chill out and stop treating a simple bug report as
 a personal slight on you.
 I'm sorry but you're again trying to make people believe something that
 you know is false, which is commonly called lying: 

It must be nice to know what other people are thinking.

What am I thinking now?

 it is not the case
 that I have strong feelings or any feelings at all about that bug report
 or any other.

Reading back over this thread, it's obvious how cool, calm and collected 
you are. I can't imagine what I was thinking, that somebody who would say

Well how f*g darn patient do they expect me to be?

has strong feelings over the issue? 

(For the sarcasm impaired, that's sarcasm.)

 But you're starting to annoy me.

I'm truly sorry to hear that.


Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Steven D'Aprano:

Nobody is trying to understate the complexity of writing a large 
application that supports both 2.6 and 3.x, or of taking an existing 
library written for 2.5 and upgrading it to support 3.1. But the 
magnitude of these tasks is no greater (and potentially smaller) than 
supporting (say) 2.3 through 2.5. To describe it as hopeless is simply 
mistaken and weakens your credibility.

It seems that people here put a lot of meaning into hopeless...

Would it be better to say that it's hard or very hard or impractical for 
the novice?

After all, the bug that this thread is about demonstrated that unit tests 
designed for 2.x do not necessarily uncover 3.x incompatibilities.

Even at the level of Python's own standard library.

But, regarding reformulations that don't imply untrue things to anyone (or 
nearly), I'd like the text on that page to still fit on one page. :-)


- Alf

Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 09:34:55 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

 * Steven D'Aprano:
 Nobody is trying to understate the complexity of writing a large
 application that supports both 2.6 and 3.x, or of taking an existing
 library written for 2.5 and upgrading it to support 3.1. But the
 magnitude of these tasks is no greater (and potentially smaller) than
 supporting (say) 2.3 through 2.5. To describe it as hopeless is
 simply mistaken and weakens your credibility.
 It seems that people here put a lot of meaning into hopeless...

Only the dictionary meaning.

 Would it be better to say that it's hard or very hard or
 impractical for the novice?

I don't even know why you feel the need to discuss 2.x in a book that's 
about 3.x.

But given that you feel the need to, all I can ask is that you don't 
overstate the difficulty. For a new project that doesn't rely on third-
party libraries that don't support 3.x, supporting 2.6 - 3.x shouldn't be 
much harder than (say) supporting 2.3  through 2.5. That is to say, of 
course it's hard, but it's always hard to support a range of versions 
with different capabilities. The transition to 3.x is no different in 
that regard.


Re: Confusion about scan_code in (in python 2.6)

2010-01-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 12 Jan 2010 23:15:17 -0300, Brock Pytlik  

I've been working with the code recently and I've come  
across a bit of code I'm not grasping. In the scan_code function, there  
are the following lines:

if sys.version_info = (2, 5):
scanner = self.scan_opcodes_25
scanner = self.scan_opcodes
I don't understand their purpose. Why would I be running a version of  
python less than 2.6 and using the 2.6 module? Should this be looking at  
the version of python that was used to compile 'co'?

According to the comment at the top of, for some reason  
(unknown to me) the module must remain compatible with Python 2.2. So the  
code from the 2.6 version should work fine when run under Python 2.2 (and  
indeed it does).

In my use, I'm subclassing the modulefinder class and adapting the  
scan_code function to do what I need, but I've found I need separate  
classes for (2.4, 2.5) and 2.6 because when running 2.4 or 2.5, the  
above code traces back. (In 2.4 because self.scan_opcodes isn't defined,  
in 2.5 because self.scan_opcodes_25 isn't.)

You could use a private copy of the last released version of modulefinder.

In the end, I've gotten everything working to my satisfaction, but I'm  
curious about how this module (and those lines in particular) were  
designed to be used. Any insight would be appreciated.

The bit I don't know is *why* modulefinder must remain 2.2 compatible;  
PEP291 says nothing. Maybe it is required by distutils.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Is python not good enough?

2010-01-13 Thread
On Jan 13, 12:55 am, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article,
 ikuta liu wrote:

 Is python not good enough? for google, enhance python performance is
 the good way better then choose build Go language?

 It is not at all clear that -- despite some comments to the contrary --
 the Go developers are intending to compete with Python.  Go seems much
 more intended to compete with C++/Java.  If they're successful, we may
 eventually see GoPython.  ;-)
 Aahz (           *

 If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
 until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

GoPython i think would be neat.

Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Steven D'Aprano:

On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 06:55:27 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Steven D'Aprano:

On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 23:47:31 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

PS: Next time it would have helped to include a URL to the issue.

FYI there is already some feedback in the tracker.

Yeah, someone who had the bright idea that maybe there isn't a bug,
thinking instead that maybe a wrong name in *a comment* might be the
culprit  --  of all things!

He was probably just trying to be helpful.

But what do you say to someone who tries to help but is really just
making a mess of things?

Before pointing out the mote in another person's eye, you should
consider the enormous beam in yours. You initially reported a
completely bogus error (NameError: name 'framerate' is not defined) and
Brian responded to that.

I don't know why you're claiming he was responding to a name that was
commented out, when you included a traceback clearly showing that the
line was executed.

No, the out-commented line was not executed and was not shown in any

I have no idea what commented lines NOT shown you are talking about, but 
you attacked Brian for referring to the NameError relating to framerate. 

Well, first, let me state that this is debating details of something irrelevant 
to anything.

Now, that said, Brian responded (first response, Brian subsequently made a patch 
which fixed not just the bugs but also the unit test, so very good everything!),

  In your example, the n_frames name does not exist, which is causing the
  problem. In your first comment, framerate also did not exist.

  I don't know what a proper frame rate value is, but I just put 10 in there
  and it worked fine. Can you confirm?

Note that the n_frames that Brian here thinks is causing the problem is a 
name only used in a comment in the demo code.

You claimed that he was:

thinking instead that maybe a wrong name in *a comment* 
might be the culprit

But in fact your initial error report included this traceback, which 
displays a very much uncommented line of code:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Alf\sound\, line 6, in module
writer.setframerate( framerate )
NameError: name 'framerate' is not defined

Note (1) that n_frames does *not* occur here  --  or anywhere.

And that (2) the error report included this correction:

  Sorry, here's correct error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Alf\sound\, line 8, in module
writer.writeframes( b\0*2*4 )
  File C:\Program Files\cpython\python31\lib\, line 432, in writeframes
  File C:\Program Files\cpython\python31\lib\, line 416, in 
  File C:\Program Files\cpython\python31\lib\, line 459, in 

  File C:\Program Files\cpython\python31\lib\, line 472, in 
self._sampwidth * 8, 'data'))
struct.error: required argument is not an integer
Exception struct.error: 'required argument is not an integer' in bound method 
Wave_write.__del__ of wave.Wave_write ob

ject at 0x00FE87F0 ignored

Which you can see that Brian was very well aware of, since he referred to qIn 
your first comment, framerate also did not exist./q, as opposed to this 
corrected output.

But again, even though he did get off on the wrong foot, probably assuming that 
it was a novice posting (and regarding Python I'm still a novice!), after that 
he did superb job. So very much thanks to him, people will not have to struggle 
with this bug. And perhaps the [wave] module will start getting more used! :-)

Alf, I know you are able to read tracebacks, because you've demonstrated 
the ability in the past. And I'm pretty sure that you're aware that can 
too, because you're not an idiot.

So what puzzles me is, given that you can read the traceback you posted, 
and we can too, why on earth do you claim that the reference to framerate 
was commented out? The line that was executed is right there.

I don't claim and haven't claimed that framerate was commented out.

I referred to the fact that Brian (at first) thought that n_frames was, quote, 
causing the problem, and that that name only occurred in a comment.

Comments are not executed.

Really? Well, that explains why none of my programs do anything!


The error report included the line numbers of the buggy lines, plus a
correction of the output: I first pasted incorrect error message, then
corrected that *immediately*. But I just found no way to edit the
original message, so both that and the correction ended up present. The
correction with Sorry, here's the correct message, or words to that
effect. In the one and only original submission.

Right. A simple, silly error that anyone could have made. We've 

Re: get back my simple little string after re search and replace

2010-01-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 13 Jan 2010 02:12:31 -0300, Gontrand Trudau  

I have read the python doc pretty much, played around with python code,  
but unable to get back my string after made my replacement with python  

Here my string :

;   ;name,  

My objective is to remove all the white space except the one between the  
name and the firstname, that is OK.

Is it enough to remove all whitespace preceding a ';'?

py text =  ;
;name, firstname 

py import re
py re.sub('\s+;', ';', text)
';;name, firstname;info;2010-01-01T00:00:00'

I would just like to be able to do something like that :

print match_obj

and have the result of the modification I just did :','','name,  

Those single quotes are confusing -- they aren't in the original string as  
you posted it... Apart from that, my solution worked fine in this example.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Lie Ryan
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 * Stefan Behnel:
 Alf P. Steinbach, 13.01.2010 06:39:
 * Steven D'Aprano:
 On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 23:42:28 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 It is hopeless, especially for a newbie, to create correct Python
 2.x+3.x compatible code, except totally trivial stuff of course.

 So you allege, but André points out that there are existing,
 non-trivial applications that work unmodified under both Python 2.x
 and 3.x. For example, CherryPy:

 You're welcome to your own opinion, of course, but not your own
 reality, and the reality is that it is NOT hopeless to write
 correct Python code that operates under both 2.6 and 3.x. It's not
 hopeless because it's been done. You might even be able to target
 versions older than 2.6 if you really work at it, as CherryPy does.

 Continuing to assert something which is demonstrably untrue simply
 means you lose credibility among those who are familiar with Python.

 You're confusing the existence of special cases where something has
 been done, at great cost, with a belief that it's practical to do so
 in general.

 Unless you can prove that it's *not* practical in general, you will
 have to live with the fact that it was, and continues to be, practical
 for existing code bases (and certainly for new code), so it clearly is
 not hopeless to do so, not even in general.
 Simple proof: Python 3.x still lacks widespread usage. :-)

That's not a really sound proof, there was a after the release of 2.6
that people start migrating their code from 2.5; migration to 3.x is not
going to be different. Even nowadays, there are still a lot of codes
targeted for python 2.5 or 2.4 that will never have a chance to be
ported to 2.6.

It is valid to argue that the time gap is a bit longer in python 3.x;
but don't forget that 3.0 is intended to be a preview version, 3.1 a
beta and 3.2 a more stable production release. The recommended migration
path is to port to 2.x code to 2.6 then to 2.7 and then to 3.x. So to
establish a fairer comparison of the migration gap, you would have to
measure the adoption time between 2.7 to 3.2 (or 2.6 to 3.1, but not to

We have yet releases 2.7 and 3.2, so it is still not possible to tell
how hard it is people think porting to 3.x is.

 Over in C++-land it's opposite.
 Even the most enhusiastic C++ programmers almost revel in finding 
 faults with the language and its standard library, tools etc. And
 I think that's because there's no inferiority complex, or very
 little of it. So, repeating: Python is a great language, it really
 is, but There Are Issues, of course there are issues, and the best
 way or at least a good way to go about it is adopt that (great,
 but of course has issues) as one's basic view, and be critical.

if what you said is true, that will be a proof that python programmer's
PHI (programmer's happiness index) is higher than C++'s :)

Re: Is python not good enough?

2010-01-13 Thread tanix
In article, wrote:
On Jan 13, 12:55=A0am, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article 1b42700d-139a-4653-8669-d4ee2fc48...@r5g2000yqb.googlegroups.=
 ikuta liu wrote:

 Is python not good enough? for google, enhance python performance is
 the good way better then choose build Go language?

 It is not at all clear that -- despite some comments to the contrary --
 the Go developers are intending to compete with Python. =A0Go seems much
 more intended to compete with C++/Java. =A0If they're successful, we may
 eventually see GoPython. =A0;-)
 Aahz ( =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 * =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0http:/=

 If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
 until you hire an amateur. =A0--Red Adair

GoPython i think would be neat.

Well, as soon as they restore the braces to identify the code
blocks and provide the functionality of advanced statically
type languages, such as threads, async processing, all synchronization
primitives, garbage collection, events and GUI, i'd be willing
to switch to Python. Some of it is already there. But not all.

Except, before doing it, I'd like to know what Python buys me
compared to say Java.

Programmer's Goldmine collections:

Tens of thousands of code examples and expert discussions on
C++, MFC, VC, ATL, STL, templates, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP,
organized by major topics of language, tools, methods, techniques.


Re: Is python not good enough?

2010-01-13 Thread Chris Rebert
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 1:06 AM, tanix wrote:
 In article, wrote:
On Jan 13, 12:55=A0am, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article 1b42700d-139a-4653-8669-d4ee2fc48...@r5g2000yqb.googlegroups.=
 ikuta liu wrote:

 Is python not good enough? for google, enhance python performance is
 the good way better then choose build Go language?

 It is not at all clear that -- despite some comments to the contrary --
 the Go developers are intending to compete with Python. =A0Go seems much
 more intended to compete with C++/Java. =A0If they're successful, we may
 eventually see GoPython. =A0;-)
 Aahz ( =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 * =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0http:/=

 If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
 until you hire an amateur. =A0--Red Adair

GoPython i think would be neat.

 Well, as soon as they restore the braces to identify the code
 blocks and provide the functionality of advanced statically
 type languages, such as threads, async processing, all synchronization
 primitives, garbage collection, events and GUI, i'd be willing
 to switch to Python. Some of it is already there. But not all.

 Except, before doing it, I'd like to know what Python buys me
 compared to say Java.

The lack of knowledge shown here gives me even less confidence in your
Goldmine collections than before.


 Programmer's Goldmine collections:

 Tens of thousands of code examples and expert discussions on
 C++, MFC, VC, ATL, STL, templates, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP,
 organized by major topics of language, tools, methods, techniques.

Re: Is python not good enough?

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

tanix, 13.01.2010 10:06:

Well, as soon as they restore the braces to identify the code
blocks and provide the functionality of advanced statically
type languages, such as threads, async processing, all synchronization
primitives, garbage collection, events and GUI, i'd be willing
to switch to Python. Some of it is already there. But not all.

Why don't you write up a proposal for the python-ideas list?


Re: usage of .pth files

2010-01-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 13 Jan 2010 05:01:41 -0300, swapnil  

Python's documentation (
index.html#modifying-python-s-search-path) states that we can add more
locations to python's module search path by
add a path configuration file to a directory that’s already on
Python’s path, usually to the .../site-packages/ directory

sys.path for my Python installation show the following


['', 'C:\\WINNT\\system32\\', 'c:\\python26\\DLLs', 'c:\
\python26\\lib', 'c:\\python26\\lib\\plat-win', 'c:\\python26\\lib\
\lib-tk', 'c:\\python26', 'c:\\python26\\lib\\site-packages']

I tried appending certain location by putting a .pth file in all of
the above locations, but it gets appended only when the .pth file is
present in 'c:\\python26\\lib\\site-packages' or 'c:\\python26', but
according to the documentation it should work for all of the above
locations. Any ideas??

I'm running Python 2.6.4 on WinXP

It's a long standing documentation bug - not every directory in sys.path  
is searched for .pth files, only those explicitely added by
On Windows, those are: the main installation directory (c:\PythonNN  
usually), the site-packages directory (c:\PythonNN\lib\site-packages) and  
the user site directory (%APPDATA%\Python\PythonNN\site-packages); for  
the last one see PEP 370.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Is python not good enough?

2010-01-13 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Jan 13, 9:06 am, (tanix) wrote:
 Well, as soon as they restore the braces to identify the code
 blocks and provide the functionality of advanced statically
 type languages, such as threads, async processing, all synchronization
 primitives, garbage collection, events and GUI, i'd be willing
 to switch to Python. Some of it is already there. But not all.

 Except, before doing it, I'd like to know what Python buys me
 compared to say Java.

Hey tanis.

The absence of braces from Python is a thoughtful, deliberate choice.
There are good reasons for it, and many people (especially people
round these parts) think Python is better without braces. If you don't
like it then fair enough, your preferences are your own to choose.

Other than that, Python does have every single one of the things you

Regarding static versus dynamic typing - many people (especially
people round these parts) believe dynamic typing to be superior to
static typing in many situations. Again, personal taste seems to weigh
heavily in this topic, but there are strong reasons to prefer dynamic
typing - it allows you to write some programs that simply couldn't be
written statically, and this greater flexibility sometimes allows you
to choose algorithms and code organisation that is a better match for
your problem than a statically typed language would, making your
programs easier to write, shorter, and simpler to read.

As for a direct comparison with Java, then perhaps the most prominent
differences are that Python generally produces shorter, simpler-
looking programs, which are easier to write and read. Dynamic typing
is an advantage of Python in most situations. On the other hand,
Python often has poorer performance than Java. My personal hypothesis
is that this performance mismatch is most pronounced in small,
benchmark-like data churning inner-loops, and becomes less significant
for most real-world programs that have high complexity, since Python's
power-through-simplicity allows developers to visualise better
algorithms and refactor more easily than would otherwise be the case.

Best regards,


Re: parsing an Excel formula with the re module

2010-01-13 Thread Chris Withers

John Machin wrote:
The OP was planning to dig the formula text out using COM then parse the 
formula text looking for cell references and appeared to have a rather 
simplistic view of the ease of parsing Excel formula text -- that's why 
I pointed him at those facilities (existing, released, proven in the 
field) in xlwt.

Which bits of xlwt are you referring to? (at a guess, the stuff that 
turns a piece of text into the correct formulae gubbinz when you write a 
formula to a cell with xlwt?)



Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting

Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Nico Grubert

Hi there

I have the following list 'mylist' that contains some dictionaries:

mylist = [{'title':'the Fog', 'id':1},
  {'title':'The Storm', 'id':2},
  {'title':'the bible', 'id':3},
  {'title':'The thunder', 'id':4}

How I can sort (case insensitive) the list by the dictioary's 'title' key?

The result should be this list:
[{'title':'the bible', 'id':3},
 {'title':'the Fog', 'id':1},
 {'title':'The Storm', 'id':2},
 {'title':'The thunder', 'id':4}

I am using Python 2.4.


Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

Terry Reedy, 13.01.2010 04:40:
What might be changed more easily is to accept a report but impound it 
until the confirmation reply. Being able to spit out what one has to say 
while it is still fresh in the mind should make the email wait more 
tolerable. What do you think?

Sounds like a very good idea to me. It could still send out a notification 
to the relevant component maintainers, so that they can deal with the bug 
(e.g. open it up manually or drop it as spam) even if the reporter takes a 
day or two to respond to the confirmation e-mail.


Re: Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Nico Grubert wrote:
 Hi there

 I have the following list 'mylist' that contains some dictionaries:

 mylist = [{'title':'the Fog', 'id':1},
          {'title':'The Storm', 'id':2},
          {'title':'the bible', 'id':3},
          {'title':'The thunder', 'id':4}

mylist.sort(key = lambda d: d['title'])

Use operator.itemgetter() to optimize in the unlikely event it becomes


Re: Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Peter Otten
Nico Grubert wrote:

 I have the following list 'mylist' that contains some dictionaries:
 mylist = [{'title':'the Fog', 'id':1},
{'title':'The Storm', 'id':2},
{'title':'the bible', 'id':3},
{'title':'The thunder', 'id':4}
 How I can sort (case insensitive) the list by the dictioary's 'title' key?
 The result should be this list:
 [{'title':'the bible', 'id':3},
   {'title':'the Fog', 'id':1},
   {'title':'The Storm', 'id':2},
   {'title':'The thunder', 'id':4}
 I am using Python 2.4.

Python 2.4.6 (#2, Mar 19 2009, 10:02:47)
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import locale
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, )
 mylist = [{'title':'the Fog', 'id':1},
...{'title':'The Storm', 'id':2},
...{'title':'the bible', 'id':3},
...{'title':'The thunder', 'id':4}
...   ]
 mylist.sort(key=lambda item: locale.strxfrm(item[title]))
 import pprint
[{'id': 3, 'title': 'the bible'},
 {'id': 1, 'title': 'the Fog'},
 {'id': 2, 'title': 'The Storm'},
 {'id': 4, 'title': 'The thunder'}]


Re: Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Chris Rebert
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 2:41 AM, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Nico Grubert wrote:
 Hi there

 I have the following list 'mylist' that contains some dictionaries:

 mylist = [{'title':'the Fog', 'id':1},
          {'title':'The Storm', 'id':2},
          {'title':'the bible', 'id':3},
          {'title':'The thunder', 'id':4}

 mylist.sort(key = lambda d: d['title'])

Er, that should have been mylist.sort(key = lambda d:
d['title'].lower())  of course.
Goes for more coffee


Re: Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Florian Diesch
Nico Grubert writes:

 Hi there

 I have the following list 'mylist' that contains some dictionaries:

 mylist = [{'title':'the Fog', 'id':1},
   {'title':'The Storm', 'id':2},
   {'title':'the bible', 'id':3},
   {'title':'The thunder', 'id':4}

 How I can sort (case insensitive) the list by the dictioary's 'title' key?

mylist.sort(key=lambda x: x['title'].lower())


Compiling Python 2.7a2 on AIX6.1 (also pycrypto)

2010-01-13 Thread knipknap

I have just successfully compiled Python 2.7a2 on AIX6.1, using the
IBM XL compiler (no gcc). I am documenting this here in case somebody
needs it:

First, I installed the following dependencies:

1. readline-6.1;
2. tcl8.4.19/unix/
3. tk8.4.19/unix/
4. zlib-1.2.3

All of these compiled without a problem using

  ./configure  make  make install

Second, the Python installation procedure. Here is the patch, see
below for comments:

1. cd Python-2.7a2

2. cp Modules/Setup.dist Modules/Setup

3. vi Modules/Setup
   - Edit the path flags to the tcl and tk libraries (see the below
patch for an example)
   - Add the following flags: -ltk8.4 -ltcl8.4 -lld -lX11

4. Apply the below patch to configure. This adds AIX6 support.

5. vi Modules/ld_so_aix: Set the following CCOPT variable
 CCOPT=$CCOPT -Wl,-bM:SRE -Wl,-T512 -Wl,-H512 -Wl,-brtl -Wl,-
bnortllib -lm -lbsd -o $objfile
   Note that the alternate CCOPT variable that is mentioned in the
comments of that file does NOT work, so just use this instead.

6. ./configure  make  make install

Done. Caveats: The following modules did not work:

   _bsddb _ctypes bz2 gdbm.

However, since we do not need them I did not attempt to debug them.

Third, we also needed pycrypto. Here are the instructions:

 - cd pycrypto-2.0.1
 - In src/SHA256.c, remove all lines starting with //.
 - python2.7 build  python2.7 install --prefix /

Hope this helps,

Re: Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Nico Grubert

Er, that should have been mylist.sort(key = lambda d:
d['title'].lower())  of course.

Thanks a lot for the tip, chris.
Unfortunately, I only have Python 2.3.5 installed and can't upgrade to 
2.4 due to an underliying application server.

In python 2.3 the 'sort()' function does not excepts any keywords 
arguments (TypeError: sort() takes no keyword arguments), so is there a 


Re: Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Peter Otten
Nico Grubert wrote:

 Er, that should have been mylist.sort(key = lambda d:
 d['title'].lower())  of course.
 Thanks a lot for the tip, chris.
 Unfortunately, I only have Python 2.3.5 installed and can't upgrade to
 2.4 due to an underliying application server.
 In python 2.3 the 'sort()' function does not excepts any keywords
 arguments (TypeError: sort() takes no keyword arguments), so is there a

There is a technique called decorate-sort-undecorate:

 def sorted(items, key):
... decorated = [(key(item), index, item) for index, item in 
... decorated.sort()
... return [item[2] for item in decorated]
 items = Atem Äther ähnlich anders.split()
 print  .join(sorted(items, key=lambda s: s.lower()))
anders Atem Äther ähnlich
 print  .join(sorted(items, key=lambda s: locale.strxfrm(s)))
ähnlich anders Atem Äther

The above may run on 2.3, but I actually ran it on 2.6.



Re: Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

Peter Otten, 13.01.2010 13:25:

 items = Atem Äther ähnlich anders.split()
 print  .join(sorted(items, key=lambda s: s.lower()))

If you can make sure that 's' is either always a byte string or always a 
unicode string (which is good programming practice anyway), an unbound 
method can simplify (and speed up) the above, e.g.

sorted(items, key=unicode.lower)



2010-01-13 Thread yamamoto
I am new to Python. I'd like to extract a tag from a website by
using beautifulsoup module.
but it doesnt work!


from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs
import urllib
for i in result:
print i

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Users\falcon\workspace\p\pyqt\, line 8, in module
  File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\, line 1499, in
BeautifulStoneSoup.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\, line 1230, in
  File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\, line 1263, in
  File C:\Python26\lib\, line 108, in feed
  File C:\Python26\lib\, line 148, in goahead
k = self.parse_starttag(i)
  File C:\Python26\lib\, line 226, in parse_starttag
endpos = self.check_for_whole_start_tag(i)
  File C:\Python26\lib\, line 301, in
self.error(malformed start tag)
  File C:\Python26\lib\, line 115, in error
raise HTMLParseError(message, self.getpos())
HTMLParser.HTMLParseError: malformed start tag, at line 276, column 36

any suggestion?
thanks in advance


Re: Where's a DOM builder that uses the Builder Pattern to ... build DOMs?

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

Phlip, 07.01.2010 17:44:

On Jan 7, 5:36 am, Stefan Behnel wrote:

Well, then note that there are tons of ways to generate XML with Python,
including the one I pointed you to.

from lxml.html import builder as E
xml =

All I want is foo/, but I get AttributeError: 'module' object has
no attribute 'foo'.

A peek at dir(E) shows it only has HTML tags, all hard coded.

Note how you imported 'E' from a package called 'lxml.html'. The last part 
of that package name gives a hint on what it specialises in.

So how to get it to generate any random XML tag my clients think of?

Have you thought of taking a look at the tutorial?


Re: BeautifulSoup

2010-01-13 Thread Peter Otten
yamamoto wrote:

 I am new to Python. I'd like to extract a tag from a website by
 using beautifulsoup module.
 but it doesnt work!
 from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs
 import urllib
 for i in result:
 print i
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Users\falcon\workspace\p\pyqt\, line 8, in module
   File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\, line 1499, in
 BeautifulStoneSoup.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
   File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\, line 1230, in
   File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\, line 1263, in
   File C:\Python26\lib\, line 108, in feed
   File C:\Python26\lib\, line 148, in goahead
 k = self.parse_starttag(i)
   File C:\Python26\lib\, line 226, in parse_starttag
 endpos = self.check_for_whole_start_tag(i)
   File C:\Python26\lib\, line 301, in
 self.error(malformed start tag)
   File C:\Python26\lib\, line 115, in error
 raise HTMLParseError(message, self.getpos())
 HTMLParser.HTMLParseError: malformed start tag, at line 276, column 36
 any suggestion?

When BeautifulSoup encounters an error that it cannot fix the first thing 
you need is a better error message:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs
import urllib
import HTMLParser

url =;
doc = urllib.urlopen(url).read()

#doc = doc.replace(\, /)

except HTMLParser.HTMLParseError as e:
lines = doc.splitlines(True)
print lines[e.lineno-1].rstrip()
print   * e.offset + ^
result = soup.findAll(a)
for i in result:
print i

Once you know the origin of the problem you can devise a manual fix. Here 
you could uncomment the line

doc = doc.replace(\, /)

Keep in mind though that what fixes this broken document may break another 
(valid) one.


Re: os.system function

2010-01-13 Thread Lie Ryan
On 01/13/10 04:59, r0g wrote:
 so you may want to look into pythons core GUI library, TKL.

I know Tk and Tcl has been close since their childhood; did they get
married too?

memory problem with list creation

2010-01-13 Thread Allard Warrink
Within a python script I'm using a couple of different lists
containing a large number of floats (+8M). The execution of this
script fails because of an memory error (insufficient memory).
I thought this was strange because I delete all lists that are not
longer necessary directly and my workstation theoretically has more
than enough memory to run the script.

so I did some investigation on the memory use of the script. I found
out that when i populated the lists with floats using a for ... in
range() loop a lot of overhead memory is used and that this memory is
not freed after populating the list and is also not freed after
deleting the list.

This way the memory keeps filling up after each newly populated list
until the script crashes.

I did a couple of tests and found that populating lists with range or
xrange is responsible for the memory overhead.
Does anybody know why this happens and if there's a way to avoid this
memory problem?

First the line(s) python code I executed.
Then the memory usage of the process:
Mem usage after creation/populating of big_list
Mem usage after deletion of big_list

big_list = [0.0] * 2700*3250

big_list = [0.0 for i in xrange(2700*3250)]

big_list = [0.0 for i in range(2700*3250)]

big_list = [float(i) for i in xrange(2700*3250)]

big_list = [float(i) for i in range(2700*3250)]

big_list = [i for i in xrange(2700*3250)]

big_list = [i for i in range(2700*3250)]

big_list = []
for i in range(2700*3250):

big_list = []
for i in xrange(2700*3250):

Re: memory problem with list creation

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

Allard Warrink, 13.01.2010 15:24:

I found out that when i populated the lists with floats using a for ... in
range() loop a lot of overhead memory is used

Note that range() returns a list in Python 2.x. For iteration, use 
xrange(), or switch to Python 3 where range() returns an iterable.


Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

Referring to url:

Due to especially Steven D'Aprano's comments I've replaced hopeless with very 
hard in paragraph 1 of section 1.1  --  I know he'll disagree with that also 
but I think any more downplaying of the difficulties would be misleading.

According to Mensanator's comments I've changed paragraph 2 in section 1.1 to 
point out that the latest version of Python is typically not bundled with an OS.

The two paragraphs now read:

As of this writing two main variants of the Python language are in use, namely 
Python 2.x and Python 3.x (versions 3.0 and greater). Mostly they’re the same 
but the effect of e.g. the / division operator changed in 3.0, so  in practice 
it’s very hard to create programs that work the same  –  or even just work  – 
with both variants. The examples and discussion in this book assume Python 
version 3.1.1 or later.

Python implementations, the tools etc. that you need to create and run Python 
programs  –  at least for some earlier version of Python!  –  are bundled with 
many operating systems such as Linux and Mac OS X, but unfortunately not with 


It's said that the hardest part of a book is the opening sentence  --  It was a 
dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents, except at occasional 
intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the 
streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, 
and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the 
darkness  --  but in my case, not 1st sentence but the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs!

Comments welcome.


- Alf

PS: Now more stuff added to ch 3 but I've not updated the separate TOC since 
that's a bit of work.


Re: install exe in virtualenv --no-site-packages

2010-01-13 Thread Jim Pharis
Solved this by copying the pywin32.pth file into my virtualenv site-packages
and editing the file to point to the path.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Jim Pharis wrote:

 How do I install an exe in a sandboxed virtualenv that's been setup with no
 site packages? The package I'm trying to install is pywin32.


 - Jim


Re: BeautifulSoup

2010-01-13 Thread Rolando Espinoza La Fuente

Also you can check a high-level framework for scrapping:

In their docs includes an example of extracting torrents data from mininova

You will need to understand regular expressions, xpath expressions,
callbacks, etc.
In the faq explains how does Scrapy compare to BeatufilSoup.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:46 AM, yamamoto wrote:
 I am new to Python. I'd like to extract a tag from a website by
 using beautifulsoup module.
 but it doesnt work!


Rolando Espinoza La fuente

Re: Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread Peter Otten
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

 As of this writing two main variants of the Python language are in use,
 namely Python 2.x and Python 3.x (versions 3.0 and greater). Mostly
 they’re the same but the effect of e.g. the / division operator changed in
 3.0, so  in practice it’s very hard to create programs that work the same 
 –  or even just work  – with both variants. The examples and discussion in
 this book assume Python version 3.1.1 or later.

It may be hard to support Python 2 and 3 with the same script, but the 
division operator is not a good example to support that statement because 
you can get the 3.x behaviour in 2.x with a simple

from __future__ import division 

at the top of the module.



Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jan 13)

2010-01-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
QOTW:  ... if I want to know something new (be it a computer language or
anything else, such as economics, history, science) I skip the introductory
material and go directly to the discussion, to the issues. This is for me
the most effective and interesting way of learning something new. And if
there is too much consensus, I don't take the topic seriously...:-) This is
the reason why I like your summaries so much. - Marko Loparic, on his
judgment of 'Python-URL!'

The second alpha release of Python 2.7 -the last major version in the 2.x
series- has been recently released:

Giampaolo Rodola on how to correctly use asyncore:

Small differences on how list comprehensions and generator expressions
handle inner exceptions (old thread):

What's the best strategy to speed up multiple downloads: threads,
processes, Twisted...?

Why were exceptions chosen as the primary error handling mechanism?
Also, guidelines for designing a good API regarding errors.

Lists, arrays, abstract data types, and promised algorithmic
complexity (for language lawyers only):

Lightweight encryption of a text file:

How exec/locals/globals interact themselves:

Looking for a modern configuration file format:

Tips on improving a bad database design and application logic:

Some people feels that reporting a bug in Python is not as simple as
it should be:

Is Python not good enough? -- or, why Google choose to develop the
Go language?

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url

Just beginning with Python?  This page is a great place to start:

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Re: memory problem with list creation

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

Allard Warrink, 13.01.2010 15:24:

so I did some investigation on the memory use of the script. I found
out that when i populated the lists with floats using a for ... in
range() loop a lot of overhead memory is used and that this memory is
not freed after populating the list and is also not freed after
deleting the list.

You didn't say how you investigated the memory usage. Note that the 
Python interpreter does not necessarily free heap memory that it has 
allocated, even if it is not used anymore. Newly created objects will still 
end up in that memory area, so nothing is lost.


Re: Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Nico Grubert

Thanks a lot Stefan  Peter.

I'm almost there (except sorting of umlauts does not work yet).

import locale

def sorted(items, key):
decorated = [(key(item), index, item) for index, item in
return [item[2] for item in decorated]

items = [{'title':'the Ähnlich', 'id':1},
 {'title':'The Storm', 'id':2},
 {'title':'the bible','id':3},
 {'title':'The thunder', 'id':4}]

print sorted(items, key=lambda d: locale.strxfrm(d.get('title')))

- [{'id': 2, 'title': 'The Storm'}, {'id': 4, 'title': 'The thunder'}, 
{'id': 3, 'title': 'the bible'}, {'id': 1, 'title': 'the \xc4hnlich'}]

The entry with the umlaut is the last item in but according to german 
umlaut rules it should be the first item in the result.

Do I have to set anything with the locale module?



Re: Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 As of this writing two main variants of the Python language are in use,
 namely Python 2.x and Python 3.x (versions 3.0 and greater). Mostly
 they’re the same but the effect of e.g. the / division operator changed in
 3.0, so  in practice it’s very hard to create programs that work the same
 –  or even just work  – with both variants. The examples and discussion in
 this book assume Python version 3.1.1 or later.

 It may be hard to support Python 2 and 3 with the same script, but the
 division operator is not a good example to support that statement because
 you can get the 3.x behaviour in 2.x with a simple

 from __future__ import division

 at the top of the module.

I was about to write the same!

Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Aug 21 2009, 12:23:57)
[GCC 4.4.1 20090818 (Red Hat 4.4.1-6)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 from __future__ import division

Also, I would replace

in practice it’s very hard to create programs


in practice it’s very hard to create complex programs

because for small programs it's very possible to write code that will
work with both python 2 and 3. The question is of course what program
is simple/small and what program is large/complex, but without
qualifications your sentence is misleading, I think.



Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

Nico Grubert, 13.01.2010 16:18:

print sorted(items, key=lambda d: locale.strxfrm(d.get('title')))

- [{'id': 2, 'title': 'The Storm'}, {'id': 4, 'title': 'The thunder'}, 
{'id': 3, 'title': 'the bible'}, {'id': 1, 'title': 'the \xc4hnlich'}]

The entry with the umlaut is the last item in but according to german 
umlaut rules it should be the first item in the result.

Do I have to set anything with the locale module?


Re: Is python not good enough?

2010-01-13 Thread ikuta liu
On 1月13日, 上午7時55分, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article,
 ikuta liu wrote:

 Is python not good enough? for google, enhance python performance is
 the good way better then choose build Go language?

 It is not at all clear that -- despite some comments to the contrary --
 the Go developers are intending to compete with Python.  Go seems much
 more intended to compete with C++/Java.  If they're successful, we may
 eventually see GoPython.  ;-)
 Aahz (           *

 If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
 until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair
Thanks for the reply.
I don't think GoPython would be happen... because...

Go is going to take the position from python and browser language
(Native Client),
Don't surprise Go got the interpreter in the future.


Re: Sort list of dictionaries by key (case insensitive)

2010-01-13 Thread Peter Otten
Nico Grubert wrote:

 Thanks a lot Stefan  Peter.
 I'm almost there (except sorting of umlauts does not work yet).
 import locale

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, )

 def sorted(items, key):
  decorated = [(key(item), index, item) for index, item in
  return [item[2] for item in decorated]
 items = [{'title':'the Ähnlich', 'id':1},
   {'title':'The Storm', 'id':2},
   {'title':'the bible','id':3},
   {'title':'The thunder', 'id':4}]
 print sorted(items, key=lambda d: locale.strxfrm(d.get('title')))
 - [{'id': 2, 'title': 'The Storm'}, {'id': 4, 'title': 'The thunder'},
 {'id': 3, 'title': 'the bible'}, {'id': 1, 'title': 'the \xc4hnlich'}]
 The entry with the umlaut is the last item in but according to german
 umlaut rules it should be the first item in the result.
 Do I have to set anything with the locale module?

Adding the setlocale() call will suffice provided your script uses the same 
encoding as your environment. If not something like

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import locale

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, )
encoding = locale.getlocale()[1]

def sorted(items, key):
 decorated = [(key(item), index, item) for index, item in
 return [item[2] for item in decorated]

# book titles use unicode
items = [{'title':u'the Ähnlich', 'id':1},
  {'title':u'The Storm', 'id':2},
  {'title':u'the bible','id':3},
  {'title':u'The thunder', 'id':4}]

def sortkey(item):
s = item[title].encode(encoding)
return locale.strxfrm(s)

print sorted(items, key=sortkey)

may be a bit more robust. If your source code doesn't use UTF-8 you have to 
modify the coding declaration at the top accordingly.



Re: Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

Daniel Fetchinson, 13.01.2010 16:23:

Also, I would replace

in practice it’s very hard to create programs


in practice it’s very hard to create complex programs

because for small programs it's very possible to write code that will
work with both python 2 and 3. The question is of course what program
is simple/small and what program is large/complex, but without
qualifications your sentence is misleading, I think.

We had the example of Cheetah over in the other thread. Would you say that 
Cheetah doesn't qualify as complex program? There are also other 
examples, like Django. Often enough it's just a couple of cleanups and tiny 
try-except blocks in the program header that enables running the program in 
both Py2 and Py3, If it's more, it can usually be done using 2to3. So I 
would change the above statement into something more like for some 
programs, especially large existing code bases, it can be hard to get the 
code to work in both Python 2 and Python 3. Nevertheless, it has been 
done, more than once.

Personally, I don't see much value in deliberately trying to keep people 
from porting their code to Py3 by producing underqualified statements like 
the above.


Code Generator written in python

2010-01-13 Thread nyoka
Can someone help me with sample python code for a code generator

Re: Code Generator written in python

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

nyoka, 13.01.2010 16:48:

Can someone help me with sample python code for a code generator

Such as Cheetah?

BTW, you might want to be more specific about your problem at hand. Code 
generation is a rarely used technique in Python. Most of the time, it's 
more maintainable (and not necessarily harder or more work) to actually 
write the code by hand.


Re: Code Generator written in python

2010-01-13 Thread Peter Otten
nyoka wrote:

 Can someone help me with sample python code for a code generator

 print print

Seriously, you have to provide more information if you want a meaningful 
answer. If the generated code is Python, too, then the advice is most likely 
that you don't need to generate any code at all.


Re: Code Generator written in python

2010-01-13 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
nyoka writes:

 Can someone help me with sample python code for a code generator

Sure, here are some example of self-evaluating python objects, i.e. for each v

   v == eval(v)

I'm quite proud of the last one.

v = (lambda x:x%(+x+))((lambda 

v = (lambda x:x%('r\'+x+'\'))(r(lambda x:x%%('r\'+x+'\'))(%s))

v = (lambda x:x%`x`)('(lambda x:x%%`x`)(%s)')

v = (lambda x: x+(+`x`+))('(lambda x: x+(+`x`+))')

v = \%s\ %% ((r\%s\,)*2) % ((r\%s\ %% ((r\%s\,)*2),)*2)



Re: memory problem with list creation

2010-01-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 13 Jan 2010 11:24:04 -0300, Allard Warrink escribió:

Within a python script I'm using a couple of different lists
containing a large number of floats (+8M). The execution of this
script fails because of an memory error (insufficient memory).
I thought this was strange because I delete all lists that are not
longer necessary directly and my workstation theoretically has more
than enough memory to run the script.

so I did some investigation on the memory use of the script. I found
out that when i populated the lists with floats using a for ... in
range() loop a lot of overhead memory is used and that this memory is
not freed after populating the list and is also not freed after
deleting the list.

This way the memory keeps filling up after each newly populated list
until the script crashes.

After reading my comments below, please revise your testing and this  
If you build the *same* list several times and the memory usage keeps  
growing, this may indicate a memory leak. But a peak memory consumption  
because of temporary objects is not enough evidence.

I did a couple of tests and found that populating lists with range or
xrange is responsible for the memory overhead.
Does anybody know why this happens and if there's a way to avoid this
memory problem?

First the line(s) python code I executed.
Then the memory usage of the process:
Mem usage after creation/populating of big_list
Mem usage after deletion of big_list

Note that sys.getsizeof(big_list) must be always the same - the list  
itself takes always the same space, it depends on the number of contained  
items alone (and in second place, its history). You didn't take into  
account the memory taken for the contained items themselves.

1) big_list = [0.0] * 2700*3250

This involves the objects 0.0, an intermediate list of size 2700, a couple  
integere and nothing more.

2) big_list = [0.0 for i in xrange(2700*3250)]

This involves creating an integer object representing every integer in the  
range, but most of them are quickly discarded.

3) big_list = [0.0 for i in range(2700*3250)]

This involves building a temporary list containing every integer in the  
range. All of them must be available simultaneously (to exist in the list).
In all these three scenarios, the only permanent objects are a big list  
which holds several million references to the single float object 0.0; on  
my Windows build, 32 bits, this takes 35MB.

4) big_list = [float(i) for i in xrange(2700*3250)]
Like 2) above, but now the final list contains several million different  
objects. 175MB would be required on my PC: getsizeof(big_list) +  

5) big_list = [float(i) for i in range(2700*3250)]
Like 4), the final list requires more memory, and also like in 3), a  
temporary integer list is required.

6) big_list = [i for i in xrange(2700*3250)]
Same as 4). float objects are slightly bigger than integers so this one  
takes less memory.

7) big_list = [i for i in range(2700*3250)]
Compared with 6) this requires building a temporary list with all those  
integers, like 3) and 5)

big_list = []
for i in range(2700*3250):

9) same as 8) but using xrange.

As above, range() requires building an intermediate list.

In Python (CPython specifically) many types (like int and float) maintain  
a pool of unused, freed objects. And the memory manager maintains a pool  
of allocated memory blocks. If your program has a peak memory load and  
later frees most of the involved objects, memory may not always be  
returned to the OS - it may be kept available for Python to use it again.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Code Generator written in python

2010-01-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 13 Jan 2010 13:09:38 -0300, Arnaud Delobelle escribió:

nyoka writes:

Can someone help me with sample python code for a code generator

Sure, here are some example of self-evaluating python objects, i.e. for  
each v


   v == eval(v)

I'm quite proud of the last one.

And I'm still trying to disembowel it! :)

v = (lambda x:x%(+x+))((lambda  

v = (lambda x:x%('r\'+x+'\'))(r(lambda x:x%%('r\'+x+'\'))(%s))

v = (lambda x:x%`x`)('(lambda x:x%%`x`)(%s)')

v = (lambda x: x+(+`x`+))('(lambda x: x+(+`x`+))')

v = \%s\ %% ((r\%s\,)*2) % ((r\%s\ %% ((r\%s\,)*2),)*2)

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 Also, I would replace

 in practice it’s very hard to create programs


 in practice it’s very hard to create complex programs

 because for small programs it's very possible to write code that will
 work with both python 2 and 3. The question is of course what program
 is simple/small and what program is large/complex, but without
 qualifications your sentence is misleading, I think.

 We had the example of Cheetah over in the other thread. Would you say that
 Cheetah doesn't qualify as complex program?

One code base of cheetah works under python 2 and 3? I doubt it, but I
could be wrong. What I can easily imagine is that somebody ported
cheetah to python 3. In this case there are two code bases, one for
python 2 and another for python 3. So it's not the same program that
runs under python 2 and 3.

What the sentence in Alf's book is about is having the same code base
working for both python 2 and 3.

 There are also other
 examples, like Django.

Again, django has been ported to python 3, that's fine, everybody
acknowledges that, but it's not the case that one code base works with
both python versions.

 Often enough it's just a couple of cleanups and tiny
 try-except blocks in the program header that enables running the program in
 both Py2 and Py3.

Yes, this is true. But I'd say it's fair to say that with complex
programs this is usually not the case, but I definitely not want to
enter into a discussion into whether any given program is complex or
simple. It's a matter of judgement and gut feeling it's pointless to
argue about this too much.

 If it's more, it can usually be done using 2to3.

Again, 2to3 helps with porting, but does not help with having a single
code base that will run unmodified on python 2 and 3, which is what
Alf was writing about.

 So I
 would change the above statement into something more like for some
 programs, especially large existing code bases, it can be hard to get the
 code to work in both Python 2 and Python 3.

I actually agree with this sentence :)

 Nevertheless, it has been  done, more than once.

Example? Just to be clear I'm looking for an example where one given
code runs on python 2 and 3 unmodified. I think django and cheetah
doesn't count because they simply take their python 2 code, run it
through 2to3 which gives them a python 3 code (I could be wrong
though). Two codes for the two python versions.

 Personally, I don't see much value in deliberately trying to keep people
 from porting their code to Py3 by producing underqualified statements like
 the above.

Nobody is deliberately trying to keep people from porting! I think you
misunderstand what is being said, these two statements are very
different: (1) single code base working on both python versions (2)
creating a second code from a code so that the second code works with
python 3 and the first one with python 2. Statement (2) is about
porting, statement (1) is about something else.

Having said all that I actually seriously doubt (probably in agreement
with you) that Alf is able to write good and helpful material on the
relationship between python 2 and 3, porting, migrating, etc, based on
his emails :)


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: Do I have to use threads?

2010-01-13 Thread Tom
On Jan 7, 5:38 pm, MRAB wrote:
 Jorgen Grahn wrote:
  On Thu, 2010-01-07, Marco Salden wrote:
  On Jan 6, 5:36 am, Philip Semanchuk wrote:
  On Jan 5, 2010, at 11:26 PM, aditya shukla wrote:

  Hello people,
  I have 5 directories corresponding 5  different urls .I want to  
  images from those urls and place them in the respective  
  directories.I have
  to extract the contents and download them simultaneously.I can  
  extract the
  contents and do then one by one. My questions is for doing it  
  do I have to use threads?
  No. You could spawn 5 copies of wget (or curl or a Python program that  
  you've written). Whether or not that will perform better or be easier  
  to code, debug and maintain depends on the other aspects of your  

  Yep, the more easier and straightforward the approach, the better:
  threads are always (programmers')-error-prone by nature.
  But my question would be: does it REALLY need to be simultaneously:
  the CPU/OS only has more overhead doing this in parallel with
  processess. Measuring sequential processing and then trying to
  optimize (e.g. for user response or whatever) would be my prefered way
  to go. Less=More.

  Normally when you do HTTP in parallell over several TCP sockets, it
  has nothing to do with CPU overhead. You just don't want every GET to
  be delayed just because the server(s) are lazy responding to the first
  few ones; or you might want to read the text of a web page and the CSS
  before a few huge pictures have been downloaded.

  His I have to [do them] simultaneously makes me want to ask Why?.

  If he's expecting *many* pictures, I doubt that the parallel download
  will buy him much.  Reusing the same TCP socket for all of them is
  more likely to help, especially if the pictures aren't tiny. One
  long-lived TCP connection is much more efficient than dozens of
  short-lived ones.

  Personally, I'd popen() wget and let it do the job for me.

  From my own experience:

 I wanted to download a number of webpages.

 I noticed that there was a significant delay before it would reply, and
 an especially long delay for one of them, so I used a number of threads,
 each one reading a URL from a queue, performing the download, and then
 reading the next URL, until there were none left (actually, until it
 read the sentinel None, which it put back for the other threads).

 The result?

 Shorter total download time because it could be downloading one webpage
 while waiting for another to reply.

 (Of course, I had to make sure that I didn't have too many threads,
 because that might've put too many demands on the website, not a nice
 thing to do!)

A fair few of my scripts require multiple uploads and downloads, and I
always use threads to do so. I was using an API which was quite badly
designed, and I got a list of UserId's from one API call then had to
query another API method to get info on each of the UserId's I got
from the first API. I could have used twisted, but in the end I just
made a simple thread pool (30 threads and an in/out Queue). The
result? A *massive* speedup, even with the extra complications of
waiting until all the threads are done then grouping the results
together from the output Queue.

Since then I always use native threads.


Re: Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread André
On Jan 13, 12:30 pm, Daniel Fetchinson

 One code base of cheetah works under python 2 and 3? I doubt it, but I
 could be wrong. What I can easily imagine is that somebody ported
 cheetah to python 3. In this case there are two code bases, one for
 python 2 and another for python 3. So it's not the same program that
 runs under python 2 and 3.

I don't know about Cheetah, but I have read about other programs with
one code base that run under both Python 2 and Python 3.  And I can
guarantee that it is the case for Crunchy.

It *is* possible to have one program working correctly under both
Python 2 *and* 3 with a single code base.  It might not be the
officially recommended way... but that does not make it impossible.



Re: Compiling Python 2.7a2 on AIX6.1 (also pycrypto)

2010-01-13 Thread Josh Volchko
On Jan 13, 6:13 am, knipknap wrote:

 I have just successfully compiled Python 2.7a2 on AIX6.1, using the
 IBM XL compiler (no gcc). I am documenting this here in case somebody
 needs it:

 First, I installed the following dependencies:

 1. readline-6.1;
 2. tcl8.4.19/unix/
 3. tk8.4.19/unix/
 4. zlib-1.2.3

 All of these compiled without a problem using

   ./configure  make  make install

 Second, the Python installation procedure. Here is the patch, see
 below for comments:

 1. cd Python-2.7a2

 2. cp Modules/Setup.dist Modules/Setup

 3. vi Modules/Setup
    - Edit the path flags to the tcl and tk libraries (see the below
 patch for an example)
    - Add the following flags: -ltk8.4 -ltcl8.4 -lld -lX11

 4. Apply the below patch to configure. This adds AIX6 support.

 5. vi Modules/ld_so_aix: Set the following CCOPT variable
      CCOPT=$CCOPT -Wl,-bM:SRE -Wl,-T512 -Wl,-H512 -Wl,-brtl -Wl,-
 bnortllib -lm -lbsd -o $objfile
    Note that the alternate CCOPT variable that is mentioned in the
 comments of that file does NOT work, so just use this instead.

 6. ./configure  make  make install

 Done. Caveats: The following modules did not work:

    _bsddb _ctypes bz2 gdbm.

 However, since we do not need them I did not attempt to debug them.

 Third, we also needed pycrypto. Here are the instructions:

  - cd pycrypto-2.0.1
  - In src/SHA256.c, remove all lines starting with //.
  - python2.7 build  python2.7 install --prefix /

 Hope this helps,

I love you so much it hurts right now.  Installing 2.6 on AIX 5.3 was
a terrifying experience and this will most certainly help when we
upgrade to 6.1 and if we decide to go to Python 2.7.  Everyone with
AIX should post stuff like this. :)

dict's as dict's key.

2010-01-13 Thread Albert van der Horst
I have a type of objects that have complicated enough properties
to warrant a special class for its type.
The class has built in dictionary for all the properties.

Something along the line of
a = ctype({poker:True})
b = ctype({footbal:True, gender:m})
c = ctype({chess:True, residence:Amsterdam})
I can count each type, again using a dictionary:
db = {}

But now I am at a loss as how to look up a ctype z in this db
dictionary efficiently, because all those objects are different
from z.

Is there a way to turn those ctype things into a hashable type?
(I would then convert z in the same way.)
Once a ctype is invented it never changes.
The only data pertinent to a ctype is its property dictionary.

(I encountered this before. A dictionary is a natural for a
boardgame position, i.e. chess. Now we want to look up chess

Groetjes Albert

Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters. =n


Getting access to the process table from python?

2010-01-13 Thread Roy Smith
I need to get information about what processes are running on a box.
Right now, I'm interested in Solaris and Linux, but eventually
probably other systems too.  I need to know things like the pid,
command line, CPU time, when the process started running, and owner.

Has anybody written a module to do this?  I know I can run ps and
parse the output, or troll /proc directly, but if somebody's already
written all that, I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.

Re: Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

Daniel Fetchinson, 13.01.2010 17:30:

Again, django has been ported to python 3, that's fine, everybody
acknowledges that, but it's not the case that one code base works with
both python versions.

Well, if the port is done via 2to3, you can install the same code base in 
Python 2 and Python 3, and the distutils install mechanism will run an 
automated transformation over the code during the installation. If there is 
no manual interaction required to run the code on both platforms, I would 
say that qualifies as one code base works with both Python versions. It's 
not different from generating code or specialised config files during the 
installation or similar things.

 I think django and cheetah
 doesn't count because they simply take their python 2 code, run it
 through 2to3 which gives them a python 3 code (I could be wrong
 though). Two codes for the two python versions.

But just one code base that has to be maintained. And I think the 
maintenance is the main aspect here.

Just to be clear I'm looking for an example where one given
code runs on python 2 and 3 unmodified.

lxml for example. Not only the Cython compiled part (which is automatically 
portable anyway), also all of its Python code base and its entire test 
suite. It runs on all Python versions from 2.3 through 3.1, and it doesn't 
use 2to3 or any other kind of code modification.

The regular Python code base was almost trivial to port, but porting the 
test suite was actually quite involved. The main reasons for that were a) 
doctests and b) the requirement to test exactly string input/output and 
exactly unicode input/output on both platforms. Most code simply doesn't 
have that requirement, but lxml does.


Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Steve Holden
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 * Steven D'Aprano:

 Nobody is trying to understate the complexity of writing a large
 application that supports both 2.6 and 3.x, or of taking an existing
 library written for 2.5 and upgrading it to support 3.1. But the
 magnitude of these tasks is no greater (and potentially smaller) than
 supporting (say) 2.3 through 2.5. To describe it as hopeless is
 simply mistaken and weakens your credibility.
 It seems that people here put a lot of meaning into hopeless...
Because they are programmers, so they tend to read your meaning quite
literally. Would you have them do anything else?

 Would it be better to say that it's hard or very hard or
 impractical for the novice?
What would a novice want with writing portable code anyway?

 After all, the bug that this thread is about demonstrated that unit
 tests designed for 2.x do not necessarily uncover 3.x incompatibilities.
 Even at the level of Python's own standard library.
 But, regarding reformulations that don't imply untrue things to anyone
 (or nearly), I'd like the text on that page to still fit on one page. :-)
Modulo the smiley, what on earth is supposed to be funny about the way
you waste people's time with trips down semantic ratholes?

You say something is hopeless, which can generally be taken to mean
that nobody should even bother to try doing it, and then retreat into
argument when a counter-example is provided.

Just for once, could you consider admitting you might have been wrong?

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC


Re: dict's as dict's key.

2010-01-13 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Albert van der Horst writes:

 I have a type of objects that have complicated enough properties
 to warrant a special class for its type.
 The class has built in dictionary for all the properties.

 Something along the line of
 a = ctype({poker:True})
 b = ctype({footbal:True, gender:m})
 c = ctype({chess:True, residence:Amsterdam})
 I can count each type, again using a dictionary:
 db = {}

 But now I am at a loss as how to look up a ctype z in this db
 dictionary efficiently, because all those objects are different
 from z.

 Is there a way to turn those ctype things into a hashable type?
 (I would then convert z in the same way.)
 Once a ctype is invented it never changes.
 The only data pertinent to a ctype is its property dictionary.

Something like this will work (untested):

class ctype(object):
  def __init__(self, propdict):
  self.propdict = propdict
  self._hash = hash(frozenset(propdict.items()))
  def __hash__(self):
  return self._hash
  def __eq__(self, other):
  return isinstance(other, ctype) and self.propdict == other.propdict

Note: you should capitalize your class names if you want to comply with
PEP 8.



Re: dict's as dict's key.

2010-01-13 Thread Peter Otten
Albert van der Horst wrote:

 I have a type of objects that have complicated enough properties
 to warrant a special class for its type.
 The class has built in dictionary for all the properties.
 Something along the line of
 a = ctype({poker:True})
 b = ctype({footbal:True, gender:m})
 c = ctype({chess:True, residence:Amsterdam})
 I can count each type, again using a dictionary:
 db = {}
 But now I am at a loss as how to look up a ctype z in this db
 dictionary efficiently, because all those objects are different
 from z.
 Is there a way to turn those ctype things into a hashable type?
 (I would then convert z in the same way.)
 Once a ctype is invented it never changes.
 The only data pertinent to a ctype is its property dictionary.

 class CType:
... def __init__(self, data):
... = data
... self._hash = hash(tuple(sorted(data.iteritems(
... def __hash__(self):
... return self._hash
... def __eq__(self, other):
... return self._hash == other._hash and ==
 a = CType({poker:True})
 b = CType({footbal:True, gender:m})
 c = CType({chess:True, residence:Amsterdam})
 db = {}
 CType(dict(poker=False)) in db

Be very careful not to change the dictionary in the data attribute. 
Otherwise you'll break your application.


Django (and Pylons) HTML Form Objects Arrays

2010-01-13 Thread AJ ONeal
Do Django and Pylons use templates which map forms in the php / ruby manner
(generally speaking)?

input name=user[name] type=text/
input name=user[email] type=text/
input name=user[address][street] type=text/
input name=user[address][city] type=text/
input name=user[phones][] type=text/
input name=user[phones][] type=text/

AJ ONeal
(317) 426-6525

Intra-package C extensions with

2010-01-13 Thread Pascal Chambon

Hello everyone
Some times ago, I've had unexpected problems while trying to freeze some 
scripts into a standalone executable with the script.
I had already done it : normally, you simply freeze pure python modules 
into a standalone executable, you package it along with python 
extensions (, etc.), and you're done.

But the problem is that I had a dependency with python-fuse bindings, 
and these bindings contains a python extension ( inside 
the fuseparts package.
So pure python modules of this fuse wrapper got frozen into the 
standalone executable, and I had that fuseparts/ left 
outside, which was not found by the module loader, since it was expected 
to appear inside a fuseparts package now embedded into the executable

I've managed to solve that by manually monkey patching sys.modules, 
before fusemodule's actual import. But this looks like an unsatisfying 
solution, to me.
Does anyone have a clue about how to freeze a python program cleanly, in 
case such inner C extensions are involved ? Does any of the freezers 
(, py2exe, pyrex, cx_freeze...) do that ? I haven't seen such 
things so far in their docs.

Thanks for the attention,


Re: Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread Steve Holden
Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
 Also, I would replace

 in practice it’s very hard to create programs


 in practice it’s very hard to create complex programs

 because for small programs it's very possible to write code that will
 work with both python 2 and 3. The question is of course what program
 is simple/small and what program is large/complex, but without
 qualifications your sentence is misleading, I think.
 We had the example of Cheetah over in the other thread. Would you say that
 Cheetah doesn't qualify as complex program?
 One code base of cheetah works under python 2 and 3? I doubt it, but I
 could be wrong. What I can easily imagine is that somebody ported
 cheetah to python 3. In this case there are two code bases, one for
 python 2 and another for python 3. So it's not the same program that
 runs under python 2 and 3.
 What the sentence in Alf's book is about is having the same code base
 working for both python 2 and 3.
 There are also other
 examples, like Django.
 Again, django has been ported to python 3, that's fine, everybody
 acknowledges that, but it's not the case that one code base works with
 both python versions.
 Often enough it's just a couple of cleanups and tiny
 try-except blocks in the program header that enables running the program in
 both Py2 and Py3.
 Yes, this is true. But I'd say it's fair to say that with complex
 programs this is usually not the case, but I definitely not want to
 enter into a discussion into whether any given program is complex or
 simple. It's a matter of judgement and gut feeling it's pointless to
 argue about this too much.
 If it's more, it can usually be done using 2to3.
 Again, 2to3 helps with porting, but does not help with having a single
 code base that will run unmodified on python 2 and 3, which is what
 Alf was writing about.
 So I
 would change the above statement into something more like for some
 programs, especially large existing code bases, it can be hard to get the
 code to work in both Python 2 and Python 3.
 I actually agree with this sentence :)
 Nevertheless, it has been  done, more than once.
 Example? Just to be clear I'm looking for an example where one given
 code runs on python 2 and 3 unmodified. I think django and cheetah
 doesn't count because they simply take their python 2 code, run it
 through 2to3 which gives them a python 3 code (I could be wrong
 though). Two codes for the two python versions.
 Personally, I don't see much value in deliberately trying to keep people
 from porting their code to Py3 by producing underqualified statements like
 the above.
 Nobody is deliberately trying to keep people from porting! I think you
 misunderstand what is being said, these two statements are very
 different: (1) single code base working on both python versions (2)
 creating a second code from a code so that the second code works with
 python 3 and the first one with python 2. Statement (2) is about
 porting, statement (1) is about something else.
 Having said all that I actually seriously doubt (probably in agreement
 with you) that Alf is able to write good and helpful material on the
 relationship between python 2 and 3, porting, migrating, etc, based on
 his emails :)

OK, let's review the approved strategy for porting to 3.x from 2.x.

1. Ensure you have an acceptable test suite that verifies all major

2. Port your code to the most recent version of 2.x (retaining backward
compatibility with older versions where necessary and practical)

3. Enable Python 3 warnings with the -3 argument and fix all

4. Run 2to3 on your 2.x code and observe the errors obtained when
running the result under 3.x

5. Fix by paraphrasing your 2.x code to remove translation errors and
return to step 4, repeating until there are no more errors.

In other words, you are not recommended to aim for source compatibility,
you instead aim for a 2.x source which produces a correct 3.x source
when run through the 2to3 translator.

In this way you can continue to produce both 2.x and 3.x versions of
your projects form a single source tree until you no longer care about
2.x, at which point you simply use the output of the final 2to3
conversion as your onward source.

Of course this only works for pure Python code, but that's the majority
of Python code produced.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC


PyQt event recognition

2010-01-13 Thread Zabin
Hey Everyone!

I am a new pyqt programmer. I have a tab widget with lots of line
edits, radiobuttons and combo boxes. I want to trigger a single sub
the moment any one of these widgets listed are modified. I tried using
the clicked signal- but it doesnt seem to work. Any suggestion will be
much appreciated.




Re: Join a thread and get the return value of a function

2010-01-13 Thread Aahz
In article,
Lie Ryan wrote:
On 12/25/2009 2:02 AM, mattia wrote:
 Il Fri, 25 Dec 2009 00:35:55 +1100, Lie Ryan ha scritto:

 On 12/25/2009 12:23 AM, mattia wrote:
 Hi all, is there a way in python to get back the value of the function
 passed to a thread once the thread is finished? Something like
 pthread_join() in C?

 Thanks, Mattia

 use a Queue to pass the value out?

 Yes, it can be a solution, but are you indirectly telling me that there
 is no way then?

looking at the source code, it is clear that the return 
value of is ignored, but this is a workaround:

import threading

class MyThread(threading.Thread):
 def join(self):
 super(MyThread, self).join()
 return self.result

class Worker(MyThread):
 def run(self):
 total = 0
 for i in range(random.randrange(1, 10)):
 total += i
 self.result = total

import random
ts = [Worker() for i in range(100)]
for t in ts:

for t in ts:
 print t.join()

That seems like extra work when you can just do this without subclassing

for t in ts:
 print t.result
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 One code base of cheetah works under python 2 and 3? I doubt it, but I
 could be wrong. What I can easily imagine is that somebody ported
 cheetah to python 3. In this case there are two code bases, one for
 python 2 and another for python 3. So it's not the same program that
 runs under python 2 and 3.

 I don't know about Cheetah, but I have read about other programs with
 one code base that run under both Python 2 and Python 3.  And I can
 guarantee that it is the case for Crunchy.

 It *is* possible to have one program working correctly under both
 Python 2 *and* 3 with a single code base.  It might not be the
 officially recommended way... but that does not make it impossible.

Cool, thanks, I didn't know about crunchy having this property, good to know.


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 Again, django has been ported to python 3, that's fine, everybody
 acknowledges that, but it's not the case that one code base works with
 both python versions.

 Well, if the port is done via 2to3, you can install the same code base in
 Python 2 and Python 3, and the distutils install mechanism will run an
 automated transformation over the code during the installation. If there is
 no manual interaction required to run the code on both platforms, I would
 say that qualifies as one code base works with both Python versions. It's
 not different from generating code or specialised config files during the
 installation or similar things.

This is all true, but what we were talking about is not exactly this,
but rather having a single code base running unmodified on python 2
and 3. Another poster actually supplied an example: crunchy.

   I think django and cheetah
   doesn't count because they simply take their python 2 code, run it
   through 2to3 which gives them a python 3 code (I could be wrong
   though). Two codes for the two python versions.

 But just one code base that has to be maintained. And I think the
 maintenance is the main aspect here.

This is true again. But where it all started is Alf's sentence in his
book. And I think he has a point there, it might be possible to do
this (single code base for both versions), but it's not easy.

 Just to be clear I'm looking for an example where one given
 code runs on python 2 and 3 unmodified.

 lxml for example. Not only the Cython compiled part (which is automatically
 portable anyway), also all of its Python code base and its entire test
 suite. It runs on all Python versions from 2.3 through 3.1, and it doesn't
 use 2to3 or any other kind of code modification.

 The regular Python code base was almost trivial to port, but porting the
 test suite was actually quite involved. The main reasons for that were a)
 doctests and b) the requirement to test exactly string input/output and
 exactly unicode input/output on both platforms. Most code simply doesn't
 have that requirement, but lxml does.

Cool, that's another example I was unaware of, thanks!


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: Getting access to the process table from python?

2010-01-13 Thread Aahz
In article,
Roy Smith wrote:

I need to get information about what processes are running on a box.
Right now, I'm interested in Solaris and Linux, but eventually
probably other systems too.  I need to know things like the pid,
command line, CPU time, when the process started running, and owner.

Has anybody written a module to do this?  I know I can run ps and
parse the output, or troll /proc directly, but if somebody's already
written all that, I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.

Google python process table?
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/13/2010 3:44 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 09:34:55 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

Would it be better to say that it's hard or very hard or
impractical for the novice?

Yes, but ...

I don't even know why you feel the need to discuss 2.x in a book that's
about 3.x.

I agree with this. Or at least relegate any discussion of 2.x to an 


Re: Compiling Python 2.7a2 on AIX6.1 (also pycrypto)

2010-01-13 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/13/2010 6:13 AM, knipknap wrote:


I have just successfully compiled Python 2.7a2 on AIX6.1, using the
IBM XL compiler (no gcc). I am documenting this here in case somebody
needs it:

First, I installed the following dependencies:

1. readline-6.1;
2. tcl8.4.19/unix/
3. tk8.4.19/unix/
4. zlib-1.2.3

All of these compiled without a problem using

   ./configure  make  make install

Second, the Python installation procedure. Here is the patch, see
below for comments:

1. cd Python-2.7a2

2. cp Modules/Setup.dist Modules/Setup

3. vi Modules/Setup
- Edit the path flags to the tcl and tk libraries (see the below
patch for an example)
- Add the following flags: -ltk8.4 -ltcl8.4 -lld -lX11

4. Apply the below patch to configure. This adds AIX6 support.

You meant the *above* patch (this fooled me, at first).

If you think any of your patch is generic as opposed to site specific 
and belongs in the file distributed with Python, please submit an issue 
on Ditto if you think any of the docs should be modified.

5. vi Modules/ld_so_aix: Set the following CCOPT variable
  CCOPT=$CCOPT -Wl,-bM:SRE -Wl,-T512 -Wl,-H512 -Wl,-brtl -Wl,-
bnortllib -lm -lbsd -o $objfile
Note that the alternate CCOPT variable that is mentioned in the
comments of that file does NOT work, so just use this instead.

6. ./configure  make  make install

Done. Caveats: The following modules did not work:

_bsddb _ctypes bz2 gdbm.

However, since we do not need them I did not attempt to debug them.

Third, we also needed pycrypto. Here are the instructions:

  - cd pycrypto-2.0.1
  - In src/SHA256.c, remove all lines starting with //.
  - python2.7 build  python2.7 install --prefix /

Hope this helps,


Re: PyQt event recognition

2010-01-13 Thread Zabin
On Jan 14, 9:00 am, Zabin wrote:
 Hey Everyone!

 I am a new pyqt programmer. I have a tab widget with lots of line
 edits, radiobuttons and combo boxes. I want to trigger a single sub
 the moment any one of these widgets listed are modified. I tried using
 the clicked signal- but it doesnt seem to work. Any suggestion will be
 much appreciated.



Essentailly what i am looking for is a way to easily and quickly
attach multiple objects to the same slot via the same signal


Re: Simple distributed example for learning purposes?

2010-01-13 Thread Aahz
In article,
Tim Golden wrote:

I'm trying to come up with something which will illustrate the
usefulness of a distributed processing model. Since I may not be using
the term distributed exactly, my criteria are:

Distributed spider with firewall that limits network I/O per computer
(the firewall is useful but not essential).
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: Getting access to the process table from python?

2010-01-13 Thread John Gabriele
On Jan 13, 1:41 pm, Roy Smith wrote:
 I need to get information about what processes are running on a box.
 Right now, I'm interested in Solaris and Linux, but eventually
 probably other systems too.  I need to know things like the pid,
 command line, CPU time, when the process started running, and owner.

 Has anybody written a module to do this?  I know I can run ps and
 parse the output, or troll /proc directly, but if somebody's already
 written all that, I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.

You might visit the Cheeseshop and search for process table there.
Searching there, I see one good hit that looks like what you're after.


Re: Python and Tkinter Programming by John Grayson

2010-01-13 Thread Peter
On Jan 13, 11:19 am, Ethan Furman wrote:

 I am hoping to acquire a book on Python and Tkinter, and found this one.
   However, it was published in 2000 for Python 1.52...

 Can somebody who has this book comment its continued relevance?  Is it
 still useful for Python 2.5 and Tk 8.4?  Is it *very* useful?

 Comments appreciated!


I have a copy - which I haven't read now for some years :-)

But it was an excellent introduction to using Python and Tkinter and
depending on your level of experience, I would highly recommend it
even now to anybody who is just beginning to use Python and Tkinter.
In fact, I still loan it to any friends who are just starting out with
Python and want to do their first GUI.

Besides, the book is mainly about using Python with Tkinter - and
Tkinter hasn't changed that much since 2000, so I believe it is just
as relevant today as it was back then. The fact it was written back
when Python was 1.52 is probably not relevant either as it isn't a
book about learning Python (all such books quickly become 'dated'
given the speed at which Python develops) but rather producing GUIs
using Python and Tkinter - so it still does an excellent job for that
even though I have abandoned the GUI application framework that John
provides in his book (I used it once for my first GUI, but these days
use Pmw more for my GUIs).


Re: How to iterate the input over a particular size?

2010-01-13 Thread Aahz
In article,
joy99 wrote:

input_string=raw_input(PRINT A STRING:)
if len_word_list9:
 if len_rest_word9:

input_string.split(None, 9) does something like what you want, but it
does require recopying the tail each iteration.  Overall, if you have
enough RAM and you don't need to preserve input_string after splitting,
your approach probably is the one I'd use.
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: Getting access to the process table from python?

2010-01-13 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/13/2010 1:41 PM, Roy Smith wrote:

I need to get information about what processes are running on a box.
Right now, I'm interested in Solaris and Linux, but eventually
probably other systems too.  I need to know things like the pid,
command line, CPU time, when the process started running, and owner.

Has anybody written a module to do this?  I know I can run ps and
parse the output, or troll /proc directly, but if somebody's already
written all that, I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.

Did you try google or pypi?


Re: A question about Python versions

2010-01-13 Thread Gib Bogle

Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:

On 1/12/2010 10:09 PM, Gib Bogle wrote:

I am learning Python, and using PyQt to develop a GUI that will be used
to run a Fortran program on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (I think Python
is great, btw). Without thinking about it I downloaded and started
working with a fairly recent Python version, 2.5.4.  I've now become
aware of the existence of Python 3.1, which apparently is a major
revision of the language.  Does it make sense to stick with Python 2.x
at this point, or should I be starting off with 3.1?

Stick with 2.x.

If it is
recommended to stick with version 2, should I use the latest (2.6.4 or
2.7), and if so why?  Thanks.

2.6.4 definitely (as 2.7 final is not released yet).

Also see:


Thanks, very useful.

Re: A question about Python versions

2010-01-13 Thread Gib Bogle

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 1/13/2010 1:09 AM, Gib Bogle wrote:

I am learning Python, and using PyQt to develop a GUI that will be used
to run a Fortran program on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (I think Python
is great, btw). Without thinking about it I downloaded and started
working with a fairly recent Python version, 2.5.4. I've now become
aware of the existence of Python 3.1, which apparently is a major
revision of the language. Does it make sense to stick with Python 2.x at
this point, or should I be starting off with 3.1? If it is recommended
to stick with version 2, should I use the latest (2.6.4 or 2.7), and if
so why? Thanks.

My view is that if PyQt works with 3.1 (I have the impression it does 
but may be wrong) and that is the only 3rd parth library you need, or 
anything else you need works with 3.1, then strongly consider 3.1 for 
new code. The main difference between 2.6 and 3.1 is the number of old, 
obsolete things removed that you will not even be tempted to learn about.

Terry Jan Reedy

On balance I think I'll stick with 2.x - another factor I didn't mention is that 
most end-users will probably not have 3.x installed on their machines.


Re: Author of a Python Success Story Needs a Job!

2010-01-13 Thread Aahz
In article,
Andrew Jonathan Fine wrote:

I was laid off by Honeywell several months after I had made my
presentation in the 2005 Python Conference.

Since then I have been unable to find work either as a software
engineer or in any other capacity, even at service jobs.  I've sent
resumes and have been consistently ignored.

You don't say where you're located, which probably has some effect.  I
was laid off a year ago and after taking a couple of months off, I found
a new job at the end of July.  I don't have a degree, but I do have a
fairly high profile in the Python community, and I'm located in the SF
Bay Area.  I also got my previous job in 2004 partly through having a
high profile.

I'm not pretending it's easy, and I do think luck played a significant
role, but I also think that you can take action to improve your odds.

Incidentally, my company has had a fair amount of difficulty finding
Python programmers -- anyone in the SF area looking for a job near
Mountain View?
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: PyQt event recognition

2010-01-13 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Jan 13, 12:21 pm, Zabin wrote:
 On Jan 14, 9:00 am, Zabin wrote:

  I am a new pyqt programmer. I have a tab widget with lots of line
  edits, radiobuttons and combo boxes. I want to trigger a single sub
  the moment any one of these widgets listed are modified. I tried using
  the clicked signal- but it doesnt seem to work. Any suggestion will be
  much appreciated.

 Essentailly what i am looking for is a way to easily and quickly
 attach multiple objects to the same slot via the same signal

Zabin, you'd probably get a better response on the PyQt mailing list,
or even the Qt mailing list for Qt API and behavior.

paypal django

2010-01-13 Thread ozgur vatansever

I coded a python interface of a paypal nvp API for django. If you are
interested, you can check it out.

Happy coding.

Re: PyQt event recognition

2010-01-13 Thread Zabin
On Jan 14, 10:22 am, Jonathan Gardner
 On Jan 13, 12:21 pm, Zabin wrote:

  On Jan 14, 9:00 am, Zabin wrote:

   I am a new pyqt programmer. I have a tab widget with lots of line
   edits, radiobuttons and combo boxes. I want to trigger a single sub
   the moment any one of these widgets listed are modified. I tried using
   the clicked signal- but it doesnt seem to work. Any suggestion will be
   much appreciated.

  Essentailly what i am looking for is a way to easily and quickly
  attach multiple objects to the same slot via the same signal

 Zabin, you'd probably get a better response on the PyQt mailing list,
 or even the Qt mailing list for Qt API and behavior.

will try that- thanks=)

Re: interactive terminal in Ubuntu Linux : libreadline5-dev works only in Python 2.6 not 3.1

2010-01-13 Thread Lee Harr

 When you first had this problem, was python3 installed from
 source, or was it from the Ubuntu repository?

 Over a month ago I downloaded the tarball Python-3.1.1 from
 the python website.  Then the Synaptic Package Manager did not
 contain this ( latest ) version. There is already python 2.x on my
 Ubuntu 9.04 ( think its 2.6 ).  Think I saw 3.0 on Synaptic but
 not 3.1  Supposedly 3.1 has faster i/o .

If you are mostly using your Ubuntu system to work with Python 3.1,
I recommend upgrading to 9.10 if that is not a big problem.

The python 3 version in the 9.10 repo is 3.1.1

Actually, if I/O is important, I'd recommend a full install of 9.10 so that
you can get the ext4 file system. I have found it offers some very
impressive speedups with the disk -- especially for deleting files.

Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online.

Re: os.system function

2010-01-13 Thread r0g
Lie Ryan wrote:
 On 01/13/10 04:59, r0g wrote:
 so you may want to look into pythons core GUI library, TKL.
 I know Tk and Tcl has been close since their childhood; did they get
 married too?

Whoops... yes Tk/Tcl, it seems they had become one in my head only!



Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Steve Holden:

Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Steven D'Aprano:

Nobody is trying to understate the complexity of writing a large
application that supports both 2.6 and 3.x, or of taking an existing
library written for 2.5 and upgrading it to support 3.1. But the
magnitude of these tasks is no greater (and potentially smaller) than
supporting (say) 2.3 through 2.5. To describe it as hopeless is
simply mistaken and weakens your credibility.

It seems that people here put a lot of meaning into hopeless...

Because they are programmers, so they tend to read your meaning quite
literally. Would you have them do anything else?

When you write literally you're referring to choosing *a* meaning that does 
not make sense in general.

In some cases that's relevant because to choose a more reasonable meaning may 
require knowledge that a reader doesn't have, and it's good when that's pointed 
out, because it can increase the clarity of the text.

But yes, I would rather have those few people who consistently choose generally 
meaningless interpretations, and they're just a few people, let that be said, to 
rather point out some technical errors or e.g. ways that things can be explained 
so they're more easy to grok.

Would it be better to say that it's hard or very hard or
impractical for the novice?

What would a novice want with writing portable code anyway?

My point is that the (perhaps to be) book is *not* based on that approach, so I 
find it difficult to understand the point of your question.

But treating it as a sort of theoretical question I can think of some reasons, 
including not having to unlearn, easy availability of tools, and the same 
reasons as for a professional, increasing the usability of the code.

But those reasons are all outweighted by the difficulty of doing it.

After all, the bug that this thread is about demonstrated that unit
tests designed for 2.x do not necessarily uncover 3.x incompatibilities.

Even at the level of Python's own standard library.

But, regarding reformulations that don't imply untrue things to anyone
(or nearly), I'd like the text on that page to still fit on one page. :-)

Modulo the smiley, what on earth is supposed to be funny about the way
you waste people's time with trips down semantic ratholes?

Regarding waste of time I would love some more substantial comments, pointing 
out e.g. technical errors. But so far nearly all comments have been about 
terminology, how things can be misunderstood by a non-knowledgable reader. To me 
these comments, while not the kind that I would most prefer, are still useful, 
while it appears that in your view it is a waste of time and about semantic 
ratholes  --  but if it is, then you're characterizing-by-association the 
persons here bringing up those issues, not me.

Are you sure that that's what you wanted to express?

You say something is hopeless, which can generally be taken to mean
that nobody should even bother to try doing it

Almost so: a novice should not bother trying to do it.

, and then retreat into
argument when a counter-example is provided.

I'm sorry but that's meaningless.

This thread is an example that even with the most extensive effort and the 
presumably best programmers one doesn't necessarily manage to get 2.x code to 
work /correctly/ with 3.x  --  even when 2.x compatibility is not required!

That's the kind of example that matters.

Just for once, could you consider admitting you might have been wrong?

That's what a change means, what this thread that you're replying in means: an 
admission that my formulation wasn't perceived the way I thought it would be.

And I thank those people who insisted that I change this.

But it's very untrue that I'm always right, or that I have some problem 
admitting to wrongs. For example, this thread is a counter example to your 
implication. And one needs only one counter example, but there are many. It 
seems that you're objecting to me being competent, and would rather have me make 
a lot more errors. Which is a bit silly. However, discussing persons is IMHO 
generally off-topic here. In technical forums it's what people do when they 
don't have any good arguments.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: Undo/Redo in PyQt

2010-01-13 Thread David Boddie
On Wednesday 13 January 2010 02:20, Zabin wrote:

 I am trying to implement the undo and redo facility in pyqt. I have
 gone through some sites and was wondering whether iyou always need to
 create subclasses and their definitions for the undo/redo action. My
 program currently has a single window in which the user enters
 information which is used to update a text file as soon as the user
 leaves the field- so i essentially need to undo the text in that field
 as well as the file. I am puzzled as to how to approach this. Any help
 will be much appreciated!

From memory and a quick glance at the documentation for QUndoCommand, I'd
say the answer to your question is yes, you do need to subclass QUndoCommand
for each kind of command you want to make undoable.

You need to derive a subclass because you need to implement undo() and
redo() methods that perform the work of adding the text to the file (redo)
and removing it (undo). You might optionally write text back to the field
when performing an undo command, as well.

I've put some example code on this page:

It's not ideal because the commands are invoked when the window itself
loses focus, but perhaps you can use it as a starting point.


Re: Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 []

2010-01-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Alf P. Steinbach:

* Steve Holden:

Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Steven D'Aprano:

Nobody is trying to understate the complexity of writing a large
application that supports both 2.6 and 3.x, or of taking an existing
library written for 2.5 and upgrading it to support 3.1. But the
magnitude of these tasks is no greater (and potentially smaller) than
supporting (say) 2.3 through 2.5. To describe it as hopeless is
simply mistaken and weakens your credibility.

It seems that people here put a lot of meaning into hopeless...

Because they are programmers, so they tend to read your meaning quite
literally. Would you have them do anything else?

When you write literally you're referring to choosing *a* meaning that 
does not make sense in general.

In some cases that's relevant because to choose a more reasonable 
meaning may require knowledge that a reader doesn't have, and it's good 
when that's pointed out, because it can increase the clarity of the text.

But yes, I would rather have those few people who consistently choose 
generally meaningless interpretations, and they're just a few people, 
let that be said, to rather point out some technical errors or e.g. ways 
that things can be explained so they're more easy to grok.

Would it be better to say that it's hard or very hard or
impractical for the novice?

What would a novice want with writing portable code anyway?

My point is that the (perhaps to be) book is *not* based on that 
approach, so I find it difficult to understand the point of your question.

But treating it as a sort of theoretical question I can think of some 
reasons, including not having to unlearn, easy availability of tools, 
and the same reasons as for a professional, increasing the usability of 
the code.

But those reasons are all outweighted by the difficulty of doing it.

After all, the bug that this thread is about demonstrated that unit
tests designed for 2.x do not necessarily uncover 3.x incompatibilities.

Even at the level of Python's own standard library.

But, regarding reformulations that don't imply untrue things to anyone
(or nearly), I'd like the text on that page to still fit on one page. 

Modulo the smiley, what on earth is supposed to be funny about the way
you waste people's time with trips down semantic ratholes?

Regarding waste of time I would love some more substantial comments, 
pointing out e.g. technical errors. But so far nearly all comments have 
been about terminology, how things can be misunderstood by a 
non-knowledgable reader. To me these comments, while not the kind that I 
would most prefer, are still useful, while it appears that in your view 
it is a waste of time and about semantic ratholes  --  but if it is, 
then you're characterizing-by-association the persons here bringing up 
those issues, not me.

Are you sure that that's what you wanted to express?

You say something is hopeless, which can generally be taken to mean
that nobody should even bother to try doing it

Almost so: a novice should not bother trying to do it.

, and then retreat into
argument when a counter-example is provided.

I'm sorry but that's meaningless.

This thread is an example that even with the most extensive effort and 
the presumably best programmers one doesn't necessarily manage to get 
2.x code to work /correctly/ with 3.x  --  even when 2.x compatibility 
is not required!

That's the kind of example that matters.

Just for once, could you consider admitting you might have been wrong?

That's what a change means, what this thread that you're replying in 
means: an admission that my formulation wasn't perceived the way I 
thought it would be

Oops sorry, wrong thread.

The thread I thought this was in: Those two controversial 2nd  3rd paragraphs 
of my ch 1

And I thank those people who insisted that I change this.

But it's very untrue that I'm always right, or that I have some problem 
admitting to wrongs. For example, this thread is a counter example to 
your implication. And one needs only one counter example, but there are 
many. It seems that you're objecting to me being competent, and would 
rather have me make a lot more errors. Which is a bit silly. However, 
discussing persons is IMHO generally off-topic here. In technical forums 
it's what people do when they don't have any good arguments.

Btw., see above. :-)


- Alf

Re: Those two controversial 2nd 3rd paragraphs of my ch 1

2010-01-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Daniel Fetchinson:

Nobody is deliberately trying to keep people from porting! I think you
misunderstand what is being said, these two statements are very
different: (1) single code base working on both python versions (2)
creating a second code from a code so that the second code works with
python 3 and the first one with python 2. Statement (2) is about
porting, statement (1) is about something else.

Having said all that I actually seriously doubt (probably in agreement
with you) that Alf is able to write good and helpful material on the
relationship between python 2 and 3, porting, migrating, etc, based on
his emails :)

You're mostly absolutely right. :-)

I think it's OK to write things like It's possible to travel to the moon and 
It's very difficult to travel to the moon, because those are just general 
observations  --  even though an astronaut may disagree with the latter stm.

But in order to write about the design of rockets, planning, economics, the 
physics of it, life support, etc., all the nitty gritty details about traveling 
to the moon so as to enable someone to do it, one needs to have done it.

And so far I haven't done that 2.x/3.x compatible code thing except for some 
very trivial stuff. It so happened that what I wrote in Oct 2009 or whenever it 
was, about /, was verified just now by stumbling upon the / bug in 
[]. But that apparent detail was again just a general observation based 
on common sense and experience with similar differences in other languages, much 
like you can expect problems if you have a big hole where your rocket's nose 
tip should be. To write about actual porting, version-compatible code, etc., so 
that it's useful to the reader would or will require far more. I'm probably not 
going to do that.

There are however some comments about 2.x/3.x differences, e.g. about range 
and /, and I'm just now progressing into territory where I'll mention long.

And I think that those comments constitute good and helpful material on the 
relationship between 2.x and 3.x?


- Alf

Re: Author of a Python Success Story Needs a Job!

2010-01-13 Thread Phlip

Andrew Jonathan Fine wrote:

I was laid off by Honeywell several months after I had made my
presentation in the 2005 Python Conference.

Since then I have been unable to find work either as a software
engineer or in any other capacity, even at service jobs.  I've sent
resumes and have been consistently ignored.

6 years ago the silver bullet there was Java. Today, it is Rails. I happen to 
suspect Django has a superior architecture, but it's still RoR that's flying off 
the shelves these days. (And, under MERB's tutelage, they will soon surpass 
Django for modularity!)


heapq._siftdown / decrease-key support?

2010-01-13 Thread Joshua Bronson
I recently implemented A* search in Python using the heapq module and
in my first pass, to accomplish the decrease-key operation I resorted
to doing a linear scan of the list to find the position of the key in
the heap, and then calling the private undocumented method
heapq._siftdown at this position to enforce the heap property after
updating the key's priority[1].

Then I found Daniel Stutzbach's HeapDict[2], which looks like a whole
new package written just to support this operation (it also provides
some nice encapsulation to boot). So I switched[3]. The cost of this
improved implementation is slightly worse performance; I'm guessing
this is because more code is being run in Python now rather than in C.

Now I've just stumbled upon Mikael Lind's python-astar package[4],
which implements A* using heapq without needing to use _siftdown;
instead, if a better path to a neighbor is found, it marks the already-
found node on the worse path as invalid, pushes a new node onto the
heap with the improved priority, and at the end of each iteration,
pops off any invalid nodes from the top of the heap[5].

Before I rewrite my code another time to see what kind of performance
this results in, I figured I'd ask some interested parties first: Does
heapq not provide decrease-key (and increase-key) because it expects
you to work around it as Mikael has done, or for some other reason, or
is it planned for the future?



Re: How to test a URL request in a while True loop

2010-01-13 Thread Aahz
In article,
Philip Semanchuk wrote:

While I don't fully understand what you're trying to accomplish by  
changing the URL to after 3 iterations, I suspect that some  
of your trouble comes from using while True. Your code would be  
clearer if the while clause actually stated the exit condition. Here's  
a suggestion (untested):


count = 0
while count = MAX_ATTEMPTS:
count += 1
   print 'attempt ' + str(count)
   request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
   response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
   if response:
  print 'True response.'
except URLError:
   print 'fail ' + str(count)

Note that you may have good reason for doing it differently:

def retry(url):
count = 0
while True:
count += 1
print 'attempt', count
request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
if response:
print 'True response'
except URLError:
if count  MAX_ATTEMPTS:

This structure is required in order for the raise to do a proper

BTW, your code is rather oddly indented, please stick with PEP8.
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: How to test a URL request in a while True loop

2010-01-13 Thread Aahz
In article hilruv$, Aahz wrote:
In article,
Philip Semanchuk wrote:

While I don't fully understand what you're trying to accomplish by  
changing the URL to after 3 iterations, I suspect that some  
of your trouble comes from using while True. Your code would be  
clearer if the while clause actually stated the exit condition. Here's  
a suggestion (untested):


count = 0
while count = MAX_ATTEMPTS:
count += 1
   print 'attempt ' + str(count)
   request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
   response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
   if response:
  print 'True response.'
except URLError:
   print 'fail ' + str(count)

Note that you may have good reason for doing it differently:

def retry(url):
count = 0
while True:
count += 1
print 'attempt', count
request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
if response:
print 'True response'
Oops, that print should have been a return.

except URLError:
if count  MAX_ATTEMPTS:

This structure is required in order for the raise to do a proper

Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: Python and Tkinter Programming by John Grayson

2010-01-13 Thread Lord Eldritch
Peter wrote:

 provides in his book (I used it once for my first GUI, but these days
 use Pmw more for my GUIs).
Maybe I'm wrong, but for me, it is THE Tkinter reference. I would probably 
choose another organization of the book, but I am not aware of a better, 
more complete treatise about. Even this year I did a small appplication and 
used it as reference.

And it even has a PMW section!
Lord Eldritch

Re: memory problem with list creation

2010-01-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 06:24:04 -0800, Allard Warrink wrote:

 Within a python script I'm using a couple of different lists containing
 a large number of floats (+8M). The execution of this script fails
 because of an memory error (insufficient memory). I thought this was
 strange because I delete all lists that are not longer necessary
 directly and my workstation theoretically has more than enough memory to
 run the script.

Keep in mind that Python floats are rich objects, not C floats, and so 
take up more space: 16 bytes on a 32 bit system compared to typically 8 
bytes for a C float. (Both of these may vary on other hardware or 
operating systems.)

Also keep in mind that your Python process may not have access to all 
your machine's memory -- some OSes default to relatively small per-
process memory limits. If you are using a Unix or Linux, you may need to 
look at ulimit.

 so I did some investigation on the memory use of the script. I found out
 that when i populated the lists with floats using a for ... in range()
 loop a lot of overhead memory is used and that this memory is not freed
 after populating the list and is also not freed after deleting the list.

I would be very, very, very surprised if the memory truly wasn't freed 
after deleting the lists. A memory leak of that magnitude is unlikely to 
have remained undetected until now. More likely you're either 
misdiagnosing the problem, or you have some sort of reference cycle.

 This way the memory keeps filling up after each newly populated list
 until the script crashes.

Can you post us the smallest extract of your script that crashes?

 I did a couple of tests and found that populating lists with range or
 xrange is responsible for the memory overhead. 

I doubt it. Even using range with 8 million floats only wastes 35 MB or 
so. That's wasteful, but not excessively so.

 Does anybody know why
 this happens and if there's a way to avoid this memory problem?
 First the line(s) python code I executed. Then the memory usage of the
 process: Mem usage after creation/populating of big_list
 Mem usage after deletion of big_list
 big_list = [0.0] * 2700*3250

You don't specify what those three numbers are (the middle one is 
getsizeof the list, but the other two are unknown. How do you calculate 
memory usage? I don't believe that your memory usage is 6 bytes! Nor do I 
believe that getsizeof(big_list) returns 35 bytes!

On my system:

 x = [0.0] * 2700*3250

 big_list = [0.0 for i in xrange(2700*3250)]

This produces a lightweight xrange object, then wastefully iterates over 
it to produce a list made up of eight million instances of the float 0.0. 
The xrange object is then garbage collected automatically.

 big_list = [0.0 for i in range(2700*3250)]

This produces a list containing the integers 0 through 8+ million, then 
wastefully iterates over it to produce a second list made up of eight 
million instances of the float 0.0, before garbage collecting the first 
list. So at its peak, you require 35100032 bytes for a pointless 
intermediate list, doubling the memory capacity needed to generate the 
list you actually want.

 big_list = [float(i) for i in xrange(2700*3250)] 

Again, the technique you are using does a pointless amount of extra work. 
The values in the xrange object are already floats, calling float on them 
just wastes time. And again, the memory usage you claim is utterly 

To really solve this problem, we need to see actual code that raises 
MemoryError. Otherwise we're just wasting time.


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