Tryton 2.6 released

2012-10-26 Thread Cédric Krier

We are happy to announce the 2.6 release of Tryton.

What is Tryton

Tryton is a three-tiers high level general purpose application
platform using either PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQLite as database engine.

The core of Tryton (also called Tryton kernel) provides all the
necessary functionalities for a complete application framework: data
persistence, extensive modularity, users management (authentication,
fine grained control for data access, handling of concurrent access of
resources), workflow and report engines, web services and
internationalisation. Thus constituting a complete application platform
which can be used for any relevant purpose.


What's new

This release brings major changes in the API with the introduction of the
Active Record pattern. But also the graphical user interface was not left
without improvements. And as usual there are many bugfixes, module
improvements and new modules (as announced in the previous release news).
Of course, migration from previous series is fully supported.

Major changes in graphical user interface

* Management of model access and create/delete field access.
  The client is now aware of the model access which allows the disable buttons
  when the user doesn't have access to it.
  It is also possible to manage the create/delete event on fields in addition
  to read/write.

* Dynamic size limit on the One2Many, Many2Many and Char
  It is now possible to limit the size of those fields and the client will
  enforce it.

* Remove Please wait box. The popup was annoying because it make the client
  lost the focus.

* Paste in editable list view. It is possible to paste from a spreadsheet to
  update a set of rows.

Major changes on the server side

* Allow to use Reference field in One2Many  Many2Many.
  In addition to the Many2One, the reverse field could be a Reference field.
  In the future, the link between Move and Shipments will be done like that
  instead of having 4 exclusive Many2One fields.

* All kind of buttons have been merge into one simple concept.

* Active Record: This is the result of refactoring work started 2 years ago.
  Here are some benefits:

* Reduce the amount of code (about 2.2k lines removed) for example
  on_change_with and getter of Function field can be merged.

* Unify access to the value of record if it is stored or not in the
  database. It allows to remove of values dictionary on on_change method.

* Remove loop over ids in getter of Function field:


def getter(self, ids, name):
res = {}
for record in self.browse(ids):
res[] = ...
return res


def getter(self, name):
return self

* Rationale the register process of Model (use copy of fields etc.)

* Remove session in wizard. Now the wizard instance is the session.

* Allow to store the views in a XML file instead of the database. This supports
  the modification of a view without updating the database. A good speedup for
  designing views.

* A new kind of validation has been added the pre_validation. The new
  'pre_validation' allows to validate a record without saving it. This is used
  by the client to validate lines of a One2Many. With 'pre_validation' it is
  possible to provide feedback to the user as soon as possible and before the
  record is saved.



* The Trial Balance report displays now the start and end balance in addition
  to the debit and credit columns.

* Double-clicking on Balance Sheet opens accounts.

* The Account Chart doesn't show cumulate Debit/Credit by default but only for
  the current period.

* The Aged Balance is computed over all fiscalyears.

* The Account Moves have been refactored to include an origin field which
  allows to easily link it to the master document. They have two number fields
  for draft and posted.


* Updating cost price create automaticaly a stock accounting move.


* The purchase manages negative quantities on lines, they will generate Return
  Shipments and Credit Note.


* A graph has been added showing the evolution in past and future of the stock
  level for a product per warehouse.

New modules

* stock_lot defines lot of products.
* stock_split adds a wizard to split move.
* account_fr adds French account chart.
* production defines the basics for production management.
* stock_supply_production adds automatic supply mechanisms via production

Other changes graphical user interface

* Constant interpolation has been added to line graph.
* The group could have a readonly state.
* It is possible to define a time 

Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 25Oct2012 22:04, Terry Reedy wrote:
| Containment of nan in collection is tested by is, not ==.
|   nan = float('nan')
|   nan2 = float('nan')
|   nan2 is nan
| False

This argues otherwise, and for use of math.isnan() instead.

I expect you were making the point that another NaN is distinct, but it
didn't seem clear to me.

Cameron Simpson

In article, (Mcrider) writes:
Could one of you physicist-type cyber-riders give a lucid description/
explanation of what some folks loosely refer to as a 'tank-slapper'?

An undamped oscillation of camber thrust, with positive feedback,
applied to the front contact patch?  :^)
- Ed Green,, DoD#0111

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Paul Rubin
Dan Loewenherz writes:
 In this case, profile_id is None when the loop breaks. It would be
 much more straightforward (and more Pythonic, IMO), to write:

 client = StrictRedis()
 while client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id:
 print profile_id

That is pretty loose, in my opinion.  If the loop is supposed to return
a string until breaking on None, the break test should explicitly check
for None rather than rely on an implicit bool conversion that will also
test as false on an empty string.  Code that handles strings should do
the right thing with the empty string.  What you posted relies on an
unstated assumption that the strings that come back are never empty.

 it's a net negative from just doing things the canonical way (with the
 while / assignment pattern).

Yeah, the while/assignment is a bit ugly but it doesn't come up often
enough to be a bad problem, imho.

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 5:06 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:
 Dan Loewenherz writes:
 In this case, profile_id is None when the loop breaks. It would be
 much more straightforward (and more Pythonic, IMO), to write:

 client = StrictRedis()
 while client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id:
 print profile_id

 That is pretty loose, in my opinion.  If the loop is supposed to return
 a string until breaking on None, the break test should explicitly check
 for None rather than rely on an implicit bool conversion that will also
 test as false on an empty string.

while (client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id) is not None:
print profile_id

Why is everyone skirting around C-style assignment expressions as
though they're simultaneously anathema and the goal? :)

But seriously, this new syntax would probably enhance Python somewhat,
but you're going to end up with odd edge cases where it's just as
almost-there as current syntax is for what this will solve. Is it
worth doing half the job?


Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread Terry Reedy

On 10/25/2012 10:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:04:52 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

It is a consequence of the following, which some people (but not all)
believe is mandated by the IEEE standard.

   nan = float('nan')
   nan is nan

The IEEE 754 standard says nothing about object identity. It only
discusses value equality.

   nan == nan

IEEE 754 states that all NANs compare unequal to everything, including
NANs with the same bit value. It doesn't make an exception for
comparisons with itself.

I'm not entirely sure why you suggest that there is an argument about
what IEEE 754 says about NANs.

I did not do so.

As far as I can see, the argument is
whether or not language designers should pick and choose which bits of
the standard they want to follow, thus taking a step backwards to the
chaos of numerical computing prior to the IEEE 754 standard.

There has been disagreement about whether the standard mandates that 
Python behave the way it does. That is a fact, but I have no interest in 
discussing the issue.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread Terry Reedy

On 10/25/2012 10:19 PM, MRAB wrote:

On 2012-10-26 03:04, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 10/25/2012 9:46 PM, wrote:

a = [float('nan'), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

[nan, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]


This is a second nan object, and it is not in the list.

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
ValueError: list.index(x): x not in list

That means, the function .index() cannot detect nan values.
It happens on both Python 2.6 and Python 3.1

Is this a bug? Or I am not using .index() correctly?

It is a consequence of the following, which some people (but not all)
believe is mandated by the IEEE standard.

   nan = float('nan')
   nan is nan
   nan == nan

   nanlist = [nan]
   nan in nanlist

.index found the nan.

Containment of nan in collection is tested by is, not ==.

   nan2 = float('nan')
   nan2 is nan
   nan2 == nan
   nan2 in nanlist

In summary, .index() looks for an item which is equal to its argument,
but it's a feature of NaN (as defined by the standard) that it doesn't
equal NaN, therefore .index() will never find it.

Except that is *does* find the particular nan object that is in the 
collection. So nan in collection and list.index(nan) look for the nan by 
identity, not equality. This inconsistency is an intentional decision to 
not propagate the insanity of nan != nan to Python collections.

Terry Jan Reedy


better way for ' '.join(args) + '\n'?

2012-10-26 Thread Ulrich Eckhardt


General advise when assembling strings is to not concatenate them 
repeatedly but instead use string's join() function, because it avoids 
repeated reallocations and is at least as expressive as any alternative.

What I have now is a case where I'm assembling lines of text for driving 
a program with a commandline interface. In this scenario, I'm currently 
doing this:

  args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
  line = ' '.join(args) + '\n'

So, in other words, I'm avoiding all the unnecessary copying, just to 
make another copy to append the final newline.

The only way around this that I found involves creating an intermediate 
sequence like ['foo', ' ', 'bar', ' ', 'baz', '\n']. This can be done 
rather cleanly with a generator:

  def helper(s):
  for i in s[:-1]:
   yield i
   yield ' '
  yield s[-1]
  yield '\n'
  line = ''.join(tmp(args))

Efficiency-wise, this is satisfactory. However, readability counts and 
that is where this version fails and that is the reason why I'm writing 
this message. So, dear fellow Pythonistas, any ideas to improve the 
original versions efficiency while preserving its expressiveness?

Oh, for all those that are tempted to tell me that this is not my 
bottleneck unless it's called in a very tight loop, you're right. 
Indeed, the overhead of the communication channel TCP between the two 
programs is by far dwarving the few microseconds I could save here. I'm 
still interested in learning new and better solutions though.




Re: bit count or bit set Python3

2012-10-26 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 25-10-12 16:47, Charles Hixson wrote:
 In Python3 is there any good way to count the number of on bits in an
 integer (after an  operation)?
 Alternatively, is there any VERY light-weight implementation of a bit
 set?  I'd prefer to use integers, as I'm probably going to need
 thousands of these, if the tests work out.  But before I can test, I
 need a decent bit counter.  (shift, xor, , and | are already present
 for integer values, but I also need to count the number of true
 items after the logical operation.  So if a bitset is the correct
 approach, I'll need it to implement those operations, or their
 equivalents in terms of union and intersection.)

 Or do I need to drop into C for this?

Some time ago I implemented this. Maybe you can use it as inspiration.

def CardSet(iter):
bits = 0L
for el in iter:
  bits = bits | (1L  el)
return CardSetType(bits)

def CSt(*args):
  return CardSet(args)

class CardSetType:
  def __init__(self, bits):
self.bits = bits

  def __str__(self):
return '{' + ','.join(map(str , self)) + '}'

  def __repr__(self):
return 'CSt(' + ','.join(map(str , self)) + ')'

  def __eq__(self, term):
return self.bits == term.bits

  def __contains__(self, el):
return (1L  el)  self.bits == 1L  el

  def __and__(self, term):
return CardSetType(self.bits  term.bits)

  def __or__(self, term):
return CardSetType(self.bits | term.bits)

  def __xor__(self, term):
return CardSetType(self.bits ^ term.bits)

  def __sub__(self, term):
return CardSetType(self.bits  ~term.bits)

  def __le__(self, term):
return self.bits  term.bits == self.bits

  def __ge__(self, term):
return self.bits | term.bits == self.bits

  def __len__(self):
bits = self.bits
full = 1L
shift = 1L
index = 0
mask = []
while full  bits:
  for i in range(index):
mask[i] = (mask[i]  shift) + mask[i]
  full = (full  shift) + full
  index = index + 1
  shift = 2 * shift
shift = 1
for i in range(index):
  bits = ((bits  shift)  mask[i]) + (bits  mask[i])
  shift = 2 * shift
return int(bits)

  def incl(self, el):
self.bits = self.bits | 1L  el

  def excl(self, el):
self.bits = self.bits  ~(1L  el)

  def __iter__(self):
return SetIterator(self.bits)

class SetIterator:

  def __init__(self, bits):
self.bits = bits
self.offset = 0

  def __iter__(self):
return self

  def next(self):
if self.bits == 0:
  raise StopIteration
  while True:
shift = 0
delta = 1
full = 1L
while (self.bits  full) == 0:
  full = (full  delta) + full
  shift = delta
  delta = delta * 2
if shift == 0:
self.offset = self.offset + shift
self.bits = self.bits  shift
  result = self.offset
  self.offset = self.offset + 1
  self.bits = self.bits  1
  return result


Re: better way for ' '.join(args) + '\n'?

2012-10-26 Thread Peter Otten
Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

 General advise when assembling strings is to not concatenate them
 repeatedly but instead use string's join() function, because it avoids
 repeated reallocations and is at least as expressive as any alternative.
 What I have now is a case where I'm assembling lines of text for driving
 a program with a commandline interface. In this scenario, I'm currently
 doing this:
args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
line = ' '.join(args) + '\n'
 So, in other words, I'm avoiding all the unnecessary copying, just to
 make another copy to append the final newline.
 The only way around this that I found involves creating an intermediate
 sequence like ['foo', ' ', 'bar', ' ', 'baz', '\n']. This can be done
 rather cleanly with a generator:
def helper(s):
for i in s[:-1]:
 yield i
 yield ' '
yield s[-1]
yield '\n'
line = ''.join(tmp(args))
 Efficiency-wise, this is satisfactory. 

No, it is not. In a quick timeit test it takes 5 to 10 times as long as the 
original. Remember that function calls are costly, and that with s[:-1] you 
are trading the extra string for an extra list. Also, you are doubling the 
loop implicit in str.join() with the explicit one in your oh-so-efficient 

 However, readability counts and
 that is where this version fails and that is the reason why I'm writing
 this message. So, dear fellow Pythonistas, any ideas to improve the
 original versions efficiency while preserving its expressiveness?
 Oh, for all those that are tempted to tell me that this is not my
 bottleneck unless it's called in a very tight loop, you're right.
 Indeed, the overhead of the communication channel TCP between the two
 programs is by far dwarving the few microseconds I could save here. I'm
 still interested in learning new and better solutions though.

Even if it were the bottleneck the helper generator approach would still be 


Re: Quickie - Regexp for a string not at the beginning of the line

2012-10-26 Thread Janis Papanagnou

Am 26.10.2012 06:45, schrieb Rivka Miller:

Thanks everyone, esp this gentleman.

Who is this?

The solution that worked best for me is just to use a DOT before the
string as the one at the beginning of the line did not have any char
before it.

Which was what I suggested, and where you rudely answered...

no one has really helped yet.

And obviously...

I am a satisfied custormer.

...your perception about yourself and about the role of us
Usenet posters seems also not be very sane. Good luck.


Re: better way for ' '.join(args) + '\n'?

2012-10-26 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 09:49:50 +0200, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

 General advise when assembling strings is to not concatenate them
 repeatedly but instead use string's join() function, because it avoids
 repeated reallocations and is at least as expressive as any alternative.
 What I have now is a case where I'm assembling lines of text for driving
 a program with a commandline interface. In this scenario, I'm currently
 doing this:
args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
line = ' '.join(args) + '\n'
 So, in other words, I'm avoiding all the unnecessary copying, just to
 make another copy to append the final newline.


The difference between ' '.join(sequence) and (' '.join(sequence) + '\n') 
is, in Big Oh analysis, insignificant. The first case does O(N) 
operations, the second does O(N) + O(N) = 2*O(N) operations, which is 
still O(N). In effect, the two differ only by an approximately constant 

If you really care, and you don't mind ending your last line with a 
space, just append '\n' to the sequence before calling join.

 The only way around this that I found involves creating an intermediate
 sequence like ['foo', ' ', 'bar', ' ', 'baz', '\n']. This can be done
 rather cleanly with a generator:
def helper(s):
for i in s[:-1]:
 yield i
 yield ' '
yield s[-1]
yield '\n'
line = ''.join(tmp(args))
 Efficiency-wise, this is satisfactory. 

Have you actually tested this? I would not be the least surprised if 
that's actually less efficient than the (' '.join(seq) + '\n') version.


Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 17:23:12 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

 Why is everyone skirting around C-style assignment expressions as though
 they're simultaneously anathema and the goal? :)

Only if your goal is to introduce an anathema :P


Re: Question about long-running web scripts

2012-10-26 Thread Gilles
On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 08:53:11 -0400, David Hutto wrote:
 OTOH, Python web scripts can be written as long-running scripts: In
 this case, what is the added-value of using FastCGI? Why can't the
 web server simply call the Python script directly, just like CGI?

The server should call a the script, or script.sleep()

There are also server options to setup when a script is run, other
than a cron jo for php.

Thanks. Does it mean that Python scripts that rely on either
or WSGI really have some endless loop somewhere and will keep running
once they're launched by FastCGI?

Re: Question about long-running web scripts

2012-10-26 Thread Gilles
On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 14:24:16 +0100, Tim Golden
 But actually, I didn't mean one-shot scripts, where the Python
 interpreter + script must be loaded each time, but rather: If I leave
 a Python running in an endless loop, why not just use either CGI or
 some other basic way to call the script instead of FastCGI?

In essence, you're describing FastCGI. A Python program (or, indeed, any
program) which uses FastCGI runs continuously and waits for the incoming
request on a TCP socket (instead of as a sys.stdin stream + env vars
immediately after process startup).

Thanks for the clarification.

Since, unlike PHP, the Python interpreter is not available in a
FastCGI-capable version, this explains why the www server must be told
which specific Python script to run through FastCGI.

The reason I ask for all this, is that I want to understand how things
work under the hood before relying on a Python framework to handle the

Re: Quickie - Regexp for a string not at the beginning of the line

2012-10-26 Thread Asen Bozhilov
Rivka Miller wrote:
 I am looking for a regexp for a string not at the beginning of the

 For example, I want to find $hello$ that does not occur at the
 beginning of the string, ie all $hello$ that exclude ^$hello$.

The begging of the string is zero width character. So you could use
negative lookahead (?!^).
Then the regular expression looks like:


var str = '$hello$ should not be selected but',
str1 = 'not hello but all of the $hello$ and $hello$ ... $hello$
each one ';

str.match(/(?!^)\$hello\$/g); //null
str1.match(/(?!^)\$hello\$/g); //[$hello$, $hello$, $hello$]


RE: Fastest web framework

2012-10-26 Thread Andriy Kornatskyy


You can read wheezy.web introduction here:


Andriy Kornatskyy

 Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 18:26:16 -0700
 Subject: Re: Fastest web framework

 On Oct 15, 11:40 pm, Andriy Kornatskyy
  Comments or suggestions are welcome.

 Performance speed is possibly the least interesting aspect of web
 frameworks; ease of use  readily re-usable 3rd party code figures
 much higher, IMO. Rather than constantly hammer on about performance,
 maybe you could take the time to explain any other advantages your
 framework provides.

Re: Question about long-running web scripts

2012-10-26 Thread Tim Golden
On 26/10/2012 10:58, Gilles wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 14:24:16 +0100, Tim Golden
 But actually, I didn't mean one-shot scripts, where the Python
 interpreter + script must be loaded each time, but rather: If I leave
 a Python running in an endless loop, why not just use either CGI or
 some other basic way to call the script instead of FastCGI?

 In essence, you're describing FastCGI. A Python program (or, indeed, any
 program) which uses FastCGI runs continuously and waits for the incoming
 request on a TCP socket (instead of as a sys.stdin stream + env vars
 immediately after process startup).
 Thanks for the clarification.
 Since, unlike PHP, the Python interpreter is not available in a
 FastCGI-capable version, this explains why the www server must be told
 which specific Python script to run through FastCGI.

I think that this is the distinction you're making:

PHP: mod_php (fastcgi mode) runs myscript.php

Python: some python fcgi runs

which is, essentially, true, not least because PHP and web apps are
pretty much synonymous in many people's minds. Both ways: the only thing
PHP does is web; the simplest route to a web app is PHP.

Certainly there are Python equivalents (mod_python, mod_wsgi, etc.)
which can run in effectively the same way as mod_php, and they could be
configured to run an fcgi frontend script, I presume. There's always a
certain confusion here because you can often one mechanisms (say,
mod_wsgi) to act as another (say legacy one-shot CGI) and because some
things are both mechanism and protocol and it's not always easy to tease
the two apart.

 The reason I ask for all this, is that I want to understand how things
 work under the hood before relying on a Python framework to handle the

Good scheme.


Re: Question about long-running web scripts

2012-10-26 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 12:00:17 +0100, Tim Golden
Certainly there are Python equivalents (mod_python, mod_wsgi, etc.)
which can run in effectively the same way as mod_php, and they could be
configured to run an fcgi frontend script, I presume. There's always a
certain confusion here because you can often one mechanisms (say,
mod_wsgi) to act as another (say legacy one-shot CGI) and because some
things are both mechanism and protocol and it's not always easy to tease
the two apart.

Thanks again.

Re: Quickie - Regexp for a string not at the beginning of the line

2012-10-26 Thread Ben Bacarisse
Rivka Miller writes:

 Thanks everyone, esp this gentleman.

Kind of you to single me out, but it was Janis Papanagnou who first
posted the solution that you say works best for you.


Re: Quickie - Regexp for a string not at the beginning of the line

2012-10-26 Thread Ed Morton

On 10/25/2012 11:45 PM, Rivka Miller wrote:

Thanks everyone, esp this gentleman.

The solution that worked best for me is just to use a DOT before the
string as the one at the beginning of the line did not have any char
before it.

That's fine but do you understand that that is not an RE that matches on 
$hello$ not at the start of a line, it's an RE that matches on any 
char$hello$ anywhere in the line? There's a difference - if you use a tool 
that prints the text that matches an RE then the output if the first RE existed 
would be $hello$ while the output for the second RE would be X$hello$ or 
Y$hello$ or

In some tools you can use /(.)$hello$/ or similar to ignore the first part of 
the RE (.) and just print the second $hello, but that ability and it's 
syntax is tool-specific, you still can't say here's an RE that does this, 
you've got to say here's how to find this text using tool whatever.


I guess, this requires the ability to ignore the CARAT as the beginning of the 

I am a satisfied custormer. No need for returns. :)

On Oct 25, 7:11 pm, Ben Bacarisse wrote:

Rivka Miller writes:

On Oct 25, 2:27 pm, Danny wrote:

Why you just don't give us the string/input, say a line or two, and
what you want off of it, so we can tell better what to suggest

no one has really helped yet.

Really?  I was going to reply but then I saw Janis had given you the
answer.  If it's not the answer, you should just reply saying what it is
that's wrong with it.

I want to search and modify.

Ah.  That was missing from the original post.  You can't expect people
to help with questions that weren't asked!  To replace you will usually
have to capture the single preceding character.  E.g. in sed:

   sed -e 's/\(.\)$hello\$/\1XXX/'

but some RE engines (Perl's, for example) allow you specify zero-width
assertions.  You could, in Perl, write


without having to capture whatever preceded the target string.  But
since Perl also has negative zero-width look-behind you can code your
request even more directly:


I dont wanna be tied to a specific language etc so I just want a
regexp and as many versions as possible. Maybe I should try in emacs
and so I am now posting to emacs groups also, although javascript has
rich set of regexp facilities.

You can't always have a universal solution because different PE
implementations have different syntax and semantics, but you should be
able to translate Janis's solution of matching *something* before your
target into every RE implementation around.


$hello$ should not be selected but
not hello but all of the $hello$ and $hello$ ... $hello$ each one

I have taken your $s to be literal.  That's not 100 obvious since $ is a
common (universal?) RE meta-character.



Re: Quickie - Regexp for a string not at the beginning of the line

2012-10-26 Thread Joel Goldstick
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 8:32 AM, Ed Morton wrote:
 On 10/25/2012 11:45 PM, Rivka Miller wrote:

 Thanks everyone, esp this gentleman.

 The solution that worked best for me is just to use a DOT before the
 string as the one at the beginning of the line did not have any char
 before it.

 That's fine but do you understand that that is not an RE that matches on
 $hello$ not at the start of a line, it's an RE that matches on any
 char$hello$ anywhere in the line? There's a difference - if you use a tool
 that prints the text that matches an RE then the output if the first RE
 existed would be $hello$ while the output for the second RE would be
 X$hello$ or Y$hello$ or

 In some tools you can use /(.)$hello$/ or similar to ignore the first part
 of the RE (.) and just print the second $hello, but that ability and
 it's syntax is tool-specific, you still can't say here's an RE that does
 this, you've got to say here's how to find this text using tool


 I guess, this requires the ability to ignore the CARAT as the beginning of
 the line.

 I am a satisfied custormer. No need for returns. :)

 On Oct 25, 7:11 pm, Ben Bacarisse wrote:

 Rivka Miller writes:

 On Oct 25, 2:27 pm, Danny wrote:

 Why you just don't give us the string/input, say a line or two, and
 what you want off of it, so we can tell better what to suggest

 no one has really helped yet.

 Really?  I was going to reply but then I saw Janis had given you the
 answer.  If it's not the answer, you should just reply saying what it is
 that's wrong with it.

 I want to search and modify.

 Ah.  That was missing from the original post.  You can't expect people
 to help with questions that weren't asked!  To replace you will usually
 have to capture the single preceding character.  E.g. in sed:

sed -e 's/\(.\)$hello\$/\1XXX/'

 but some RE engines (Perl's, for example) allow you specify zero-width
 assertions.  You could, in Perl, write


 without having to capture whatever preceded the target string.  But
 since Perl also has negative zero-width look-behind you can code your
 request even more directly:


 I dont wanna be tied to a specific language etc so I just want a
 regexp and as many versions as possible. Maybe I should try in emacs
 and so I am now posting to emacs groups also, although javascript has
 rich set of regexp facilities.

 You can't always have a universal solution because different PE
 implementations have different syntax and semantics, but you should be
 able to translate Janis's solution of matching *something* before your
 target into every RE implementation around.


 $hello$ should not be selected but
 not hello but all of the $hello$ and $hello$ ... $hello$ each one

 I have taken your $s to be literal.  That's not 100 obvious since $ is a
 common (universal?) RE meta-character.



I would use str.find('your string')

It returns -1 if not found, and the index if it finds it.

why use regex for this?

Joel Goldstick

Re: bit count or bit set Python3

2012-10-26 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2012-10-25, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Neil Cerutti wrote:
 Yes indeed! Python string operations are fast enough and its
 arithmetic slow enough that I no longer assume I can beat a
 neat lexicographical solution. Try defeating the following
 with arithmetic:

 def is_palindrom(n):
s = str(n)
return s = s[::-1]

 Problems like these are fundamentally string problems, not math
 problems.  The question being asked isn't about some essential
 property of the number,  but about its digital representation.
 Certainly they can be reasoned about mathematically, but the
 fact remains that the math being done is about the properties
 of strings.

The unexpected part, to me, is that an optimal arithmetic based
solution conceptually is more efficient. You need to compute just
half the digits of the number and then perform a contant compare

Neil Cerutti

Escaping from the tedium of naive datetime objects.

2012-10-26 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
Yesterday I stumbled upon a nice solution to dealing with naive
datetimes vs. localized datetimes, and much of the tedium that issues
from that problem.   Maybe this is very common knownledge but it wasn't
mentioned in anything I've read - it really cleans up some opertaions.

[constructive] Feedback and other suggestions appreciated.

Adam Tauno Williams


Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Dan Loewenherz
On Thursday, October 25, 2012 11:06:01 PM UTC-7, Paul Rubin wrote:
 Dan Loewenherz writes:
  In this case, profile_id is None when the loop breaks. It would be
  much more straightforward (and more Pythonic, IMO), to write:
  client = StrictRedis()
  while client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id:
  print profile_id
 That is pretty loose, in my opinion.  If the loop is supposed to return
 a string until breaking on None, the break test should explicitly check
 for None rather than rely on an implicit bool conversion that will also
 test as false on an empty string.  Code that handles strings should do
 the right thing with the empty string.  What you posted relies on an
 unstated assumption that the strings that come back are never empty.

I think this is a good point. However, I can't think of any situation where I'd 
want to work with an empty string (in the applications I've worked with, at 

We also don't special case things like this just because x is an empty string. 
If this while EXPR as VAR thing were to move forward, we shouldn't treat the 
truth testing any differently than how we already do. IMO we should write our 
applications with the understanding that '' will return False and work with 

Here's a workaround BTW. Just have that method return a tuple, and do the truth 
testing yourself if you feel it's necessary.

while client.spop(profile_ids) as truthy, profile_id:
if not truthy:

print profile_id

Here, client.spop returns a tuple, which will always returns true. We then 
extract the first element and run a truth test on it. The function we use is in 
charge of determining the truthiness.


Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 03:54:02 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

 On 10/25/2012 10:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:04:52 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

 It is a consequence of the following, which some people (but not all)
 believe is mandated by the IEEE standard.

nan = float('nan')
nan is nan

 The IEEE 754 standard says nothing about object identity. It only
 discusses value equality.

nan == nan

 IEEE 754 states that all NANs compare unequal to everything, including
 NANs with the same bit value. It doesn't make an exception for
 comparisons with itself.

 I'm not entirely sure why you suggest that there is an argument about
 what IEEE 754 says about NANs.
 I did not do so.

I'm afraid you did. Your quote is shown above, and repeated here:

... some people (but not all) believe is mandated by the IEEE standard

This suggests that there is a disagreement -- an argument -- about what 
the IEEE standard mandates about NANs. I don't know why you think this 
disagreement exists, or who these some people are. The standard is not 
ambiguous, and while it is not readily available at no cost, it is widely 
described by many secondary sources.

Every NAN must compare unequal to every float, including itself.

 There has been disagreement about whether the standard mandates that
 Python behave the way it does. That is a fact, but I have no interest in
 discussing the issue.

I'm not entirely sure which behaviour of Python you are referring to 
here. If you choose not to reply, of course I can't force you to. It's 
your right to make ambiguous statements and then refuse to clarify what 
you are talking about.

If you are referring to *identity comparisons*, the IEEE 754 says nothing 
about object identity, so it has no bearing on Python's `is` operator.

If you are referring to the fact that `nan != nan` in Python, that is 
mandated by the IEEE 754 standard. I can't imagine who maintains that the 
standard doesn't mandate that; as I said, the disagreement that I have 
seen is whether or not to follow the standard, not on what the standard 

If you are referring to something else, I don't know what it is.


Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Ian Kelly
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Dan Loewenherz wrote:
 while client.spop(profile_ids) as truthy, profile_id:
 if not truthy:

 print profile_id

 Here, client.spop returns a tuple, which will always returns true. We then 
 extract the first element and run a truth test on it. The function we use is 
 in charge of determining the truthiness.

I don't like the idea of testing the first element.  There's a large
element of surprise in doing that, I think.  I would expect the truth
test to be the same with or without the existence of the as clause
there.  That is, you should be able to remove the as clause and have
exactly the same behavior, just without the assignments.  So it would
need to test the entire tuple.

That brings up an interesting additional question in my mind, though.
Should the while loop syntax attempt to perform the assignment on the
very last test, when the expression is false?  I think there is a good
argument for doing so, as it will allow additional inspection of the
false value, if necessary.  In the above, though, if the return value
is false (an empty tuple or None) then the assignment would fail
during unpacking, raising an exception.

Re: bit count or bit set Python3

2012-10-26 Thread casevh
On Thursday, October 25, 2012 7:56:25 AM UTC-7, Charles Hixson wrote:
 In Python3 is there any good way to count the number of on bits in an 
 integer (after an  operation)?

You may want to look at gmpy2[1] and the popcount() function.

 Alternatively, is there any VERY light-weight implementation of a bit 
 set?  I'd prefer to use integers, as I'm probably going to need 
 thousands of these, if the tests work out.  But before I can test, I 
 need a decent bit counter.  (shift, xor, , and | are already present 
 for integer values, but I also need to count the number of true items 
 after the logical operation.  So if a bitset is the correct approach, 

Whether or not gmpy2 is considered light-weight is debateable. :)

 I'll need it to implement those operations, or their equivalents in 
 terms of union and intersection.)
 Or do I need to drop into C for this?


 Charles Hixson


Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Paul Rubin
Dan Loewenherz writes:
 We also don't special case things like this just because x is an empty
 string. If this while EXPR as VAR thing were to move forward, we
 shouldn't treat the truth testing any differently than how we already
 do. IMO we should write our applications with the understanding that
 '' will return False and work with that.

We don't already treat the truth testing any particular way because we
don't have this construction in the language at the moment.  However,
it's well-established in Python that converting a string to a bool
results in False iff the string is empty.

The empty string is a perfectly good string and code that deals with
strings should handle the empty string properly, unless it knows the
string won't be empty.  Basic modularity principles say to avoid putting
such knowledge into more of the code than necessary.  

The conclusion is to not automatically convert the parameter to a bool.
However, if the as can be part of an expression as in Chris Angelico's
post, Chris's suggestion

 while (client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id) is not None:
 print profile_id

looks good to me.

 while client.spop(profile_ids) as truthy, profile_id:
 if not truthy:

This is ugly on two levels.  First of all, if the .spop() still returns
None at the end of the input, the tuple unpacking will fail.  Second,
the separate test and break defeats the purpose of the while ... as
construction.  Might as well use the current style of assignment and
test inside the loop.

Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 04:00:03 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

 On 10/25/2012 10:19 PM, MRAB wrote:

 In summary, .index() looks for an item which is equal to its argument,
 but it's a feature of NaN (as defined by the standard) that it doesn't
 equal NaN, therefore .index() will never find it.
 Except that is *does* find the particular nan object that is in the
 collection. So nan in collection and list.index(nan) look for the nan by
 identity, not equality.

So it does. I made the same mistake as MRAB, thank you for the correction.

 This inconsistency is an intentional decision to
 not propagate the insanity of nan != nan to Python collections.

That's a value judgement about NANs which is not shared by everyone.

Quite frankly, I consider it an ignorant opinion about NANs, despite what 
Bertrand Meyer thinks. Reflectivity is an important property, but it is 
not the only important property and it is not even the most important 
property of numbers. There are far worse problems with floats than the 
non-reflexivity of NANs.

Since it is impossible to have a fixed-size numeric type that satisfies 
*all* of the properties of real numbers, some properties must be broken. 
I can only imagine that the reason Meyer, and presumably you, think that 
the loss of reflexivity is more insane than the other violations of 
floating point numbers is due to unfamiliarity. (And note that I said 
*numbers*, not NANs.)

Anyone who has used a pocket calculator will be used to floating point 
calculations being wrong, so much so that most people don't even think 
about it. They just expect numeric calculations to be off by a little, 
and don't give it any further thought. But NANs freak them out because 
they're different.

In real life, you are *much* more likely to run into these examples of 
insanity of floats than to be troubled by NANs:

- associativity of addition is lost
- distributivity of multiplication is lost
- commutativity of addition is lost
- not all floats have an inverse


(0.1 + 0.2) + 0.3 != 0.1 + (0.2 + 0.3)

1e6*(1.1 + 2.2) != 1e6*1.1 + 1e6*2.2

1e10 + 0.1 + -1e10 != 1e10 + -1e10 + 0.1

1/(1/49.0) != 49.0

Such violations of the rules of real arithmetic aren't even hard to find. 
They're everywhere.

In practical terms, those sorts of errors are *far* more significant in 
computational mathematics than the loss of reflexivity. I can't think of 
the last time I've cared that x is not necessarily equal to x in a 
floating point calculation, but the types of errors shown above are 
*constantly* effecting computations and leading to loss of precision or 
even completely wrong answers.

Once NANs were introduced, keeping reflexivity would lead to even worse 
situations than x != x. It would lead to nonsense identities like 
log(-1) ==log(-2), hence 1 == 2.


Re: better way for ' '.join(args) + '\n'?

2012-10-26 Thread Hubert Grünheidt

Hi Ulrich,

is this acceptable?

args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
line = ' '.join(args)


On 10/26/2012 09:49 AM, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:


General advise when assembling strings is to not concatenate them
repeatedly but instead use string's join() function, because it avoids
repeated reallocations and is at least as expressive as any alternative.

What I have now is a case where I'm assembling lines of text for driving
a program with a commandline interface. In this scenario, I'm currently
doing this:

   args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
   line = ' '.join(args) + '\n'

So, in other words, I'm avoiding all the unnecessary copying, just to
make another copy to append the final newline.

The only way around this that I found involves creating an intermediate
sequence like ['foo', ' ', 'bar', ' ', 'baz', '\n']. This can be done
rather cleanly with a generator:

   def helper(s):
   for i in s[:-1]:
yield i
yield ' '
   yield s[-1]
   yield '\n'
   line = ''.join(tmp(args))

Efficiency-wise, this is satisfactory. However, readability counts and
that is where this version fails and that is the reason why I'm writing
this message. So, dear fellow Pythonistas, any ideas to improve the
original versions efficiency while preserving its expressiveness?

Oh, for all those that are tempted to tell me that this is not my
bottleneck unless it's called in a very tight loop, you're right.
Indeed, the overhead of the communication channel TCP between the two
programs is by far dwarving the few microseconds I could save here. I'm
still interested in learning new and better solutions though.




Re: bit count or bit set Python3

2012-10-26 Thread Charles Hixson wrote:

On Thursday, October 25, 2012 7:56:25 AM UTC-7, Charles Hixson wrote:

In Python3 is there any good way to count the number of on bits in an
integer (after an  operation)?

You may want to look at gmpy2[1] and the popcount() function.

Alternatively, is there any VERY light-weight implementation of a bit
set?  I'd prefer to use integers, as I'm probably going to need
thousands of these, if the tests work out.  But before I can test, I
need a decent bit counter.  (shift, xor,, and | are already present
for integer values, but I also need to count the number of true items
after the logical operation.  So if a bitset is the correct approach,

Whether or not gmpy2 is considered light-weight is debateable. :)

I'll need it to implement those operations, or their equivalents in
terms of union and intersection.)

Or do I need to drop into C for this?



Charles Hixson
I can see many times when that would be useful, but for this particular 
case I think that bin(val).count(1) is probably the better solution.  
The other options that I need are already available directly in integer 
numbers, and I will be surprised if I need more than a 32-bit set, so 
integers should be a reasonable approach.  It doesn't seem to have the 
overhead that I feared a string conversion would have (possibly because 
converting an integer to a bit string is trivial),  so I don't think 
that gmpy would add value to this program.

Next I need to decide about weak pointers, and then shelve vs. 
tokyocabinet.  (I sort of don't like shelve, because of its use of 
pickle, with the attendent security risks.  OTOH, the file will be local 
to the computer, not going over the net, which minimizes that.  Still, I 
may decide to reimplement it using ast.literal_eval, as I'm not 
intending to store anything that it won't handle.


Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread MRAB

On 2012-10-26 17:23, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 04:00:03 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 10/25/2012 10:19 PM, MRAB wrote:

In summary, .index() looks for an item which is equal to its argument,
but it's a feature of NaN (as defined by the standard) that it doesn't
equal NaN, therefore .index() will never find it.

Except that is *does* find the particular nan object that is in the
collection. So nan in collection and list.index(nan) look for the nan by
identity, not equality.

So it does. I made the same mistake as MRAB, thank you for the correction.

Yes, I forgot that Python checks for identity before checking for

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#0, line 1, in module
ValueError: nan is not in list
 nan = float(nan)


Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 3:23 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 In real life, you are *much* more likely to run into these examples of
 insanity of floats than to be troubled by NANs:

 - associativity of addition is lost
 - distributivity of multiplication is lost
 - commutativity of addition is lost
 - not all floats have an inverse


 (0.1 + 0.2) + 0.3 != 0.1 + (0.2 + 0.3)

 1e6*(1.1 + 2.2) != 1e6*1.1 + 1e6*2.2

 1e10 + 0.1 + -1e10 != 1e10 + -1e10 + 0.1

 1/(1/49.0) != 49.0

 Such violations of the rules of real arithmetic aren't even hard to find.
 They're everywhere.

Actually, as I see it, there's only one principle to take note of: the
HMS Pinafore Floating Point Rule...

** Floating point expressions should never be tested for equality **
** What, never? **
** Well, hardly ever! **

The problem isn't with the associativity, it's with the equality
comparison. Replace x == y with abs(x-y)epsilon for some epsilon
and all your statements fulfill people's expectations. (Possibly with
the exception of 1e10 + 0.1 + -1e10 as it's going to be hard for an
automated algorithm to pick a useful epsilon. But it still works.)
Ultimately, it's the old problem of significant digits. Usually it
only comes up with measured quantities, but this is ultimately the
same issue. Doing calculations to greater precision than the answer
warrants is fine, but when you come to compare, you effectively need
to round both values off to their actual precisions.


Recommended way to unpack keyword arguments using **kwargs ?

2012-10-26 Thread Jeff Jeffries
I have been doing the following to keep my class declarations short:

class MyClass(MyOtherClass):
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
self.MyAttr = kwargs.get('Attribute',None) #To get a default

Is there a recommended way to get keyword arguments (or default) when using
** notation?

Jeff Jeffries III

Re: Recommended way to unpack keyword arguments using **kwargs ?

2012-10-26 Thread Ian Kelly
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Jeff Jeffries wrote:
 I have been doing the following to keep my class declarations short:

 class MyClass(MyOtherClass):
 def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
 self.MyAttr = kwargs.get('Attribute',None) #To get a default

 Is there a recommended way to get keyword arguments (or default) when using
 ** notation?

It's better form to use .pop() instead of .get(), as if MyClass is
receiving the argument then MyOtherClass is probably not expecting it.

If using Python 3, you can use the keyword-only argument syntax:

def __init__(self, *args, attribute=None, **kwargs):
# Do something with attribute
MyOtherClass.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

Either way, you should really only do this when there are a large
number of possible arguments or you don't really know what arguments
to expect.  When practical to do so, it is preferable to explicitly
list the arguments so that the method signature can be inspected, e.g.
by the help() command.

Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 27 Oct 2012 03:45:46 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 3:23 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 In real life, you are *much* more likely to run into these examples of
 insanity of floats than to be troubled by NANs:

 - associativity of addition is lost
 - distributivity of multiplication is lost 
 - commutativity of addition is lost
 - not all floats have an inverse


 (0.1 + 0.2) + 0.3 != 0.1 + (0.2 + 0.3)

 1e6*(1.1 + 2.2) != 1e6*1.1 + 1e6*2.2

 1e10 + 0.1 + -1e10 != 1e10 + -1e10 + 0.1

 1/(1/49.0) != 49.0

 Such violations of the rules of real arithmetic aren't even hard to
 find. They're everywhere.
 Actually, as I see it, there's only one principle to take note of: the
 HMS Pinafore Floating Point Rule...
 ** Floating point expressions should never be tested for equality ** 
 ** What, never? **
 ** Well, hardly ever! **
 The problem isn't with the associativity, it's with the equality
 comparison. Replace x == y with abs(x-y)epsilon for some epsilon
 and all your statements fulfill people's expectations.


Would you care to tell us which epsilon they should use?

Hint: *whatever* epsilon you pick, there will be cases where that is 
either stupidly too small, stupidly too large, or one that degenerates to 
float equality. And you may not be able to tell if you have one of those 
cases or not.

Here's a concrete example for you: 

What *single* value of epsilon should you pick such that the following 
two expressions evaluate correctly?

sum([1e20, 0.1, -1e20, 0.1]*1000) == 200
sum([1e20, 99.9, -1e20, 0.1]*1000) != 200

The advice never test floats for equality is:

(1) pointless without a good way to know what epsilon they should use;

(2) sheer superstition since there are cases where testing floats for 
equality is the right thing to do (although I note you dodged that bullet 
with hardly ever *wink*);

and most importantly

(3) missing the point, since the violations of the rules of real-valued 
mathematics still occur regardless of whether you explicitly test for 
equality or not.

For instance, if you write:

result = a + (b + c)

some compilers may assume associativity and calculate (a + b) + c 
instead. But that is not guaranteed to give the same result! (KR allowed 
C compilers to do that; the subsequent ANSI C standard prohibited re-
ordering, but in practice most C compilers provide a switch to allow it.)

A real-world example: Python's math.fsum is a high-precision summation 
with error compensation based on the Kahan summation algorithm. Here's a 
pseudo-code version:

which includes the steps:

t = sum + y;
c = (t - sum) - y;

A little bit of algebra should tell you that c must equal zero. 
Unfortunately, in this case algebra is wrong, because floats are not real 
numbers. c is not necessarily zero.

An optimizing compiler, or an optimizing programmer, might very well 
eliminate those calculations and so inadvertently eliminate the error 
compensation. And not an equals sign in sight.


Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread Terry Reedy

On 10/26/2012 11:26 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 03:54:02 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 10/25/2012 10:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:04:52 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

It is a consequence of the following, which some people (but not all)
believe is mandated by the IEEE standard.

nan = float('nan')
nan is nan

The IEEE 754 standard says nothing about object identity. It only
discusses value equality.

nan == nan

IEEE 754 states that all NANs compare unequal to everything, including
NANs with the same bit value. It doesn't make an exception for
comparisons with itself.

I'm not entirely sure why you suggest that there is an argument about
what IEEE 754 says about NANs.

I did not do so.

I'm afraid you did. Your quote is shown above, and repeated here:

The quote precedes and refers to Python code.

... some people (but not all) believe is mandated by the IEEE standard

This suggests that there is a disagreement -- an argument -- about what
the IEEE standard mandates about NANs.

Disagreement about what Python should do has been expressed on the lists 
and even on the tracker. There was one discussion on python-ideas within 
the last month, another a year or so ago.

Python does not implement the full IEEE standard with signalling and 
non-signalling nans and multiple bit patterns.

When a nan is put in a Python collection, it is in effect treated as if 
it were equal to itself.

See the discussion in
including I'm not sure that Python should be asked to guarantee
anything more than b == b returning False when b is
a NaN.  It wouldn't seem unreasonable to consider
behavior of nans in containers (sets, lists, dicts)
as undefined when it comes to equality and identity

Terry Jan Reedy


[ANN] pypiserver 1.0.0 - minimal private pypi server

2012-10-26 Thread Ralf Schmitt

I've just uploaded pypiserver 1.0.0 to the python package index.

pypiserver is a minimal PyPI compatible server. It can be used to serve
a set of packages and eggs to easy_install or pip.

pypiserver is easy to install (i.e. just 'pip install pypiserver'). It
doesn't have any external dependencies. should contain enough
information to easily get you started running your own PyPI server in a
few minutes.

The code is available on github:

Changes in version 1.0.0

- add passlib and waitress to pypi-server-standalone
- upgrade bottle to 0.11.3
- Update scripts/opensuse/pypiserver.init
- Refuse to re upload existing file
- Add 'console_scripts' section to 'entry_points', so
  'pypi-server.exe' will be created on Windows.
- paste_app_factory now use the the password_file option to create the
  app. Without this the package upload was not working.
- Add --fallback-url argument to pypi-server script to make it


Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread Terry Reedy

On 10/26/2012 12:23 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 04:00:03 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

This inconsistency is an intentional decision to
not propagate the insanity of nan != nan to Python collections.

That's a value judgement about NANs which is not shared by everyone.

Quite frankly, I consider it an ignorant opinion about NANs, despite what
Bertrand Meyer thinks. Reflectivity is an important property, but it is
not the only important property and it is not even the most important
property of numbers.

Reflexivity is one of the definitional properties of the mathematical 
equality relationship and of equivalence relationships in general. It is 
not specific to numbers. It is assumed by the concept and definition of 

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: a.index(float('nan')) fails

2012-10-26 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 The problem isn't with the associativity, it's with the equality
 comparison. Replace x == y with abs(x-y)epsilon for some epsilon
 and all your statements fulfill people's expectations.


 Would you care to tell us which epsilon they should use?

I would assume some epsilon that bounds the error of their
computation. Which one to use would depend on the error propagation
their function incurs.

That said, I also disagree with the sentiment all your statements
fulfill people's expectations. Comparing to be within some epsilon of
each other may mean that some things that are the result of
mathematically unequal expressions, will be called equal because they
are very close to each other by accident. Unless perhaps completely
tight bounds on error can be achieved? I've never seen anyone do this,
but maybe it's reasonable.

 Hint: *whatever* epsilon you pick, there will be cases where that is
 either stupidly too small, stupidly too large, or one that degenerates to
 float equality. And you may not be able to tell if you have one of those
 cases or not.

 Here's a concrete example for you:

 What *single* value of epsilon should you pick such that the following
 two expressions evaluate correctly?

 sum([1e20, 0.1, -1e20, 0.1]*1000) == 200
 sum([1e20, 99.9, -1e20, 0.1]*1000) != 200

Some computations have unbounded error, such as computations where
catastrophic cancellation can occur. That doesn't mean all
computations do. For many computations, you can find a single epsilon
that will always return True for things that should be equal, but
aren't -- for example, squaring a number does no worse than tripling
the relative error, so if you square a number that was accurate to
within machine epsilon, and want to compare it to a constant, you can
compare with relative epsilon = 3*machine_epsilon.

I'm not sure how commonly this occurs in real life, because I'm not a
numerical programmer. All I know is that your example is good, but
shows a not-universally-applicable problem.

It is, however, still pretty applicable and worth noting, so I'm not
unhappy you did. For example, how large can the absolute error of the
sin function applied to a float be? Answer: as large as 2, and the
relative error can be arbitrarily large. (Reason: error scales with
the input, but the frequency of the sin function does not.)

(In case you can't tell, I only have studied this stuff as a student. :P)

-- Devin

Re: better way for ' '.join(args) + '\n'?

2012-10-26 Thread Tycho Andersen
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 09:49:50AM +0200, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
 General advise when assembling strings is to not concatenate them
 repeatedly but instead use string's join() function, because it
 avoids repeated reallocations and is at least as expressive as any
 What I have now is a case where I'm assembling lines of text for
 driving a program with a commandline interface. In this scenario,
 I'm currently doing this:
   args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
   line = ' '.join(args) + '\n'

Assuming it's the length of the list that's the problem, not the
length of the strings in the list...

args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
args[-1] = args[-1] + '\n'
line = ' '.join(args)


Re: better way for ' '.join(args) + '\n'?

2012-10-26 Thread Dave Angel
On 10/26/2012 05:26 PM, Tycho Andersen wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 09:49:50AM +0200, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

 General advise when assembling strings is to not concatenate them
 repeatedly but instead use string's join() function, because it
 avoids repeated reallocations and is at least as expressive as any

 What I have now is a case where I'm assembling lines of text for
 driving a program with a commandline interface. In this scenario,
 I'm currently doing this:

   args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
   line = ' '.join(args) + '\n'
 Assuming it's the length of the list that's the problem, not the
 length of the strings in the list...

 args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
 args[-1] = args[-1] + '\n'
 line = ' '.join(args)


Main problem with that is the trailing space before the newline.  If
that's not a problem, then fine.

Not sure why we try so hard to optimize something that's going to take
negligible time.




Re: better way for ' '.join(args) + '\n'?

2012-10-26 Thread Tycho Andersen
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 05:36:50PM -0400, Dave Angel wrote:
 On 10/26/2012 05:26 PM, Tycho Andersen wrote:
  Assuming it's the length of the list that's the problem, not the
  length of the strings in the list...
  args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
  args[-1] = args[-1] + '\n'
  line = ' '.join(args)
 Main problem with that is the trailing space before the newline.  If
 that's not a problem, then fine.

What trailing space before the newline? The other solutions have it,
the above does not. However, the above does mutate args, which isn't
all that great. Alas, if you want the performance of mutable
structures, you're probably going to have to mutate something. (In any
case, it's easy enough to change it back, though ugly.)

 Not sure why we try so hard to optimize something that's going to take
 negligible time.

The same reason some people enjoy sporting events: it's fun :-)


Re: How to set 250000 baud rate in pyserial ?

2012-10-26 Thread kurabas
Error is like cannot set special baud rate.
But as I said pyserial set this speed without problem  for ttyUSB0
So it seems pyserial uses diefferent code depending of port type.
I tried to simlink ln -s ttyACM0 ttyUSB0 but it does not work

On Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:11:23 PM UTC+3, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 04:09:56 -0700 (PDT), declaimed
 the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
  I use Arduino 1280 and Arduino 2560 under Fedora 15. 
  1280 creates ttyUSB0 port  and can be set at 250 successfully.
  2560 creates ttyACM0 port and can be only set at speeds from list (no 
  25) in pyserial. How to set 25 to ttyACM0 port?? Need I patch 
  kernel or python?
   You don't say what error you are receiving but looking at the source
 ( implies that it accepts nearly anything on Linux, and
 relies on the OS returning a success/failure if the value is allowed or
   xxxBSD, SunOS, HPUX, IRIX, and CYGWIN systems don't allow special
 baudrates at all.
   .NET, JVM, and Windows don't seem to have explicit call outs for bad
 rates -- just a generic port configured OK test.
   Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN


Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 26Oct2012 09:10, Paul Rubin wrote:
| However, if the as can be part of an expression as in Chris Angelico's
| post, Chris's suggestion
|  while (client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id) is not None:
|  print profile_id
| looks good to me.

Now this pulls me from a -0 to a +0.5.

Instead of burdening the control constructs with further structure, make
as a binding operation for keeping intermediate results from expressions.

It will work anywhere an expression is allowed, and superficially
doesn't break stuff that exists if as has the lowest precedence.

Any doco would need to make it clear that no order of operation is
implied, so that this:

  x = 1
  y = (2 as x) + x

does not have a defined answer; might be 2, might be 3. Just like any
other function call with side effects.

Speaking for myself (of course!), I definitely prefer this to adding
as as a post expression struction on if/while/etc.

I'm not +1 because to my mind it still presents a way for
assignment/binding to not be glaringly obvious at the left hand side of
an expression.

It would probably mean folding the except/with as uses back into
expressions and out of the control-structural part of the grammar. I can't
see that that would actually break any existing code though - anyone else?

Cameron Simpson

UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that
would also stop you from doing clever things.   - Doug Gwyn

Re: How to set 250000 baud rate in pyserial ?

2012-10-26 Thread Michael Torrie
On 10/26/2012 04:01 PM, wrote:
 Error is like cannot set special baud rate. But as I said pyserial
 set this speed without problem  for ttyUSB0 So it seems pyserial uses
 diefferent code depending of port type. I tried to simlink ln -s
 ttyACM0 ttyUSB0 but it does not work

No the difference in how baud rate is set is most likely in the driver.
 pyserial just uses standard kernel apis and ioctls to control the device.

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Ian Kelly
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 It will work anywhere an expression is allowed, and superficially
 doesn't break stuff that exists if as has the lowest precedence.

Please, no.  There is no need for it outside of while expressions, and
anywhere else it's just going to be bad practice.  Even if it's
considered an expression, let's only allow it in while expressions.

 Any doco would need to make it clear that no order of operation is
 implied, so that this:

   x = 1
   y = (2 as x) + x

 does not have a defined answer; might be 2, might be 3. Just like any
 other function call with side effects.

Actually, the docs are clear that expressions are evaluated left to
right, so the expected result of the above would be 4.

 It would probably mean folding the except/with as uses back into
 expressions and out of the control-structural part of the grammar. I can't
 see that that would actually break any existing code though - anyone else?

Yes it would, because the meaning is a bit different in both of those
cases.  For except, the result of the expression (an exception class
or tuple of classes) is not stored in the target; the exception
*instance* is.  Similarly for with, the result of the expression is
not stored; the result of calling its __enter__ method is, which is
often but not always the same thing.

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 1:12 AM, Dan Loewenherz wrote:
 It seems the topic of this thread has changed drastically from the original 

 1) while EXPR as VAR in no way says that EXPR must be a boolean value. In 
 fact, a use case I've run into commonly in web development is popping from a 
 redis set. E.g.

 client = StrictRedis()
 while True:
 profile_id = client.spop(profile_ids)
 if not profile_id:
 print profile_id

 In this case, profile_id is None when the loop breaks. It would be much 
 more straightforward (and more Pythonic, IMO), to write:

 client = StrictRedis()
 while client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id:
 print profile_id

For loops are pythonic. You can do this in Python today:

client = StrictRedis()
for profile_id in iter(lambda: client.spop(profile_ids), None):

I would like a better iter(), rather than a better while loop. It is
irritating to pass in functions that take arguments, and it is
impossible to, say, pass in functions that should stop being iterated
over when they return _either_ a None or a, say, False.

-- Devin

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 2:23 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 while (client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id) is not None:
 print profile_id

 Why is everyone skirting around C-style assignment expressions as
 though they're simultaneously anathema and the goal? :)

Why should these two statements behave differently? :(

with foo() as bar: bar.baz()
with (foo() as bar): bar.baz()

I don't understand why everyone is so attached to this as syntax.
It's confusing because it behaves subtly differently than how it works
in with, and it puts the variable on the wrong side of the
assignment operator.

(I've always been partial to :=, personally.)

-- Devin

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Tim Chase
On 10/26/12 17:03, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 On 26Oct2012 09:10, Paul Rubin wrote:
 |  while (client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id) is not None:
 Now this pulls me from a -0 to a +0.5.
 Any doco would need to make it clear that no order of operation is
 implied, so that this:
   x = 1
   y = (2 as x) + x
 does not have a defined answer; might be 2, might be 3. Just like any
 other function call with side effects.

I really don't like undefined (or underdefined) specs.  If it was to
be PEP'd out, I'd want to address as many edge cases as possible.
Such as

  y = (2 as x) + (3 as x) + (4 as x)
  y = (2 as x) + 4 as x
  y = booleanish and (2 as x) or (4 as x)
  y = booleanish and 2 or 4 as x
  y = (2 as x) if booleanish else (3 as x)
  y = (2 as x) if booleanish else (3 as z)

regardless of how $PEJORATIVE, that's a dumb thing to do! it is.

I hate C for how underdefined a lot of corners are. (amongst my
hatreds of C are such diverse elements as: underdefined corners, a
pitiful standard library, the ease of shooting yourself in the foot,

 I'm not +1 because to my mind it still presents a way for
 assignment/binding to not be glaringly obvious at the left hand side of
 an expression.

I think this is why I like it in the while (and could be twisted
into accepting it for if) because it also introduces an
implied/actual scope for which the variable is intended.  In an
arbitrary evaluation/assignment, it's much easier to lose the
definition nature of it at the top of a block.



Re: SSH Connection with Python

2012-10-26 Thread Gelonida N

On 10/25/2012 12:47 PM, Kamlesh Mutha wrote:

You can use paramiko module. Very easy to use.

I also use paramiko for a small script.

However I'm a little hesitant to use paramik for new code.

The web page says: last updated 21-May-2011

and the github url
yields me a 404

However I didn't really find any alternative.
For cross platform scripts  (Linux / windows)
subprocess is not such a good alternative.

Another problem is, that paramiko depends on pycrypto 2.1+
which doesn't exist as binary release for python 2.7

Is fabric capable of performing scp / sftp

Is there any other library as alternative?


Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Dan Loewenherz
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Devin Jeanpierre jeanpierr...@gmail.comwrote:

 For loops are pythonic. You can do this in Python today:

 client = StrictRedis()
 for profile_id in iter(lambda: client.spop(profile_ids), None):

 I would like a better iter(), rather than a better while loop. It is
 irritating to pass in functions that take arguments, and it is
 impossible to, say, pass in functions that should stop being iterated
 over when they return _either_ a None or a, say, False.

You can kind of do this by creating a class implementing __eq__ and passing
that in as the sentinal to the iter method.

class FlexibleEquality(object):
def __init__(self, *candidates):
self.candidates = candidates

def __eq__(self, other):
return any(other == candidate for candidate in self.candidates)

client = StrictRedis()
for profile_id in iter(lambda: client.spop(profile_ids),
FlexibleEquality(False, None)):

But this is yucky. I'd much rather have something a bit more clear to the
reader. The above is somewhat convoluted. I would far prefer for while
EXPR as VAR to run through the results of EXPR as an iterable and continue
the loop if any of the values in the iterable is truthy, maybe passing only
the first value of the iterable to VAR. Gives maximum flexibility with the
cleanest resulting code.

 client.spop(profile_ids) # conditional succeeds, '123' passed to
'123', True
 client.spop(profile_ids) # conditional succeeds, '' passed to
'', True
 client.spop(profile_ids) # conditional fails
'', False


Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 Any doco would need to make it clear that no order of operation is
 implied, so that this:

   x = 1
   y = (2 as x) + x

 does not have a defined answer; might be 2, might be 3. Just like any
 other function call with side effects.

But function calls with side effects _do_ have a defined order of
evaluation. Left to right. And the answer should be 4.

 def set_(d, k, v):
... d[k] = v
... return v
 d = {}
 set_(d, 'x', 1)
 set_(d, 'y', set_(d, 'x', 2) + d['x'])

-- Devin

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 26Oct2012 19:41, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
| On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
|  Any doco would need to make it clear that no order of operation is
|  implied, so that this:
|x = 1
|y = (2 as x) + x
|  does not have a defined answer; might be 2, might be 3. Just like any
|  other function call with side effects.
| But function calls with side effects _do_ have a defined order of
| evaluation. Left to right.
| And the answer should be 4.

No. Separate _expressions_ are evaluated left to right.

So this:

  f(1), f(2)

calls f(1) first, then f(2). But this:

  f(1) + f(2)

need not do so. Counter-documentation welcomed, but the doco you cite
does not define an order for the second example above.

|  def set_(d, k, v):
| ... d[k] = v
| ... return v
| ...
|  d = {}
|  set_(d, 'x', 1)
| 1
|  set_(d, 'y', set_(d, 'x', 2) + d['x'])
| 4

That may just be a coincidence of implementation - there's no special
reason to change the evaluation order form the lexical order there, but
expression optimisers should have a free hand generally.

Cameron Simpson

Acceptance Testing: Dropping your mods straight into the production
environment to see if the users will accept them.

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Dan Loewenherz wrote:
-- snip insanity --

 But this is yucky. I'd much rather have something a bit more clear to the

That's why I said I wanted a better iter, not some equality-overriding
object strawman thing.

I was thinking more like this:

for profile_id in iter(None)(client.spop, profile_ids):

or alternatively:

for profile_id in iter(bool)(client.spop, profile_ids):

Or perhaps either as keyword arguments (which is the only reason I
curried iter).

The interesting case for in-place assignment is not here. This is a
trivial case. It's in cases like this:

while True:
x = foo(bar())
if x is None: break
if x % 2 == 0: break

print x

Imagine doing that with iter. :)

-- Devin

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 7:56 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 No. Separate _expressions_ are evaluated left to right.

 So this:

   f(1), f(2)

 calls f(1) first, then f(2). But this:

   f(1) + f(2)

 need not do so. Counter-documentation welcomed, but the doco you cite
 does not define an order for the second example above.

Actually, it does. Both f(1) and f(2) are separate (sub-)expressions
in f(1) + f(2). More to the point, it gives the following example:

In the following lines, expressions will be evaluated in the
arithmetic order of their suffixes:
expr1 + expr2 * (expr3 - expr4)

I sympathize with your concern, though. Order of evaluation is very
bitey, and it's better to be safe than sorry.

-- Devin

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 26Oct2012 18:26, Tim Chase wrote:
| On 10/26/12 17:03, Cameron Simpson wrote:
|  On 26Oct2012 09:10, Paul Rubin wrote:
|  |  while (client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id) is not None:
|  Now this pulls me from a -0 to a +0.5.
|  Any doco would need to make it clear that no order of operation is
|  implied, so that this:
|x = 1
|y = (2 as x) + x
|  does not have a defined answer; might be 2, might be 3. Just like any
|  other function call with side effects.
| I really don't like undefined (or underdefined) specs.  If it was to
| be PEP'd out, I'd want to address as many edge cases as possible.

I would not. Big time. One of the reasons C is so successful as a
lower level language is that by defining only what is needed to be
defined to make it _possible_ to get predictable and useful behaviour,
maximum flexibility is left for implementation to adapt to particular
environments as freely as possible.

Pinning down all the corner cases is in general a bad idea, IMO. Every
corner case you pin down is an early decision for inflexibility that may
later prove to be illfounded.

Specify what _needs_ to be specified to achieve the required effect.
And stay the hell away from things that only constraint outcomes while
not providing the required effect.

To take an obvious counter example: your stance would encourage defining
the iteration order of dictionary keys. To no good purpose, merely to
present definition of _all_ operations instead of just the necessary

| Such as
|   y = (2 as x) + (3 as x) + (4 as x)
|   y = (2 as x) + 4 as x

I would want these to be ambiguous, myself.

|   y = booleanish and (2 as x) or (4 as x)
|   y = booleanish and 2 or 4 as x
|   y = (2 as x) if booleanish else (3 as x)
|   y = (2 as x) if booleanish else (3 as z)

None of these is ambiguous. The second one could be harder to read and
want some brackets purely for clarity, but it is perfectly well defined
in outcome already.

| regardless of how $PEJORATIVE, that's a dumb thing to do! it is.

No, sometimes dumb things should remain bad ideas. Defining them to all
just makes them no longer obviously bad ideas, merely subtly bad ideas.
And subtly bad ideas are worse!

| I hate C for how underdefined a lot of corners are. (amongst my
| hatreds of C are such diverse elements as: underdefined corners, a
| pitiful standard library, the ease of shooting yourself in the foot,
| ...)

The C standard library was pretty good for when it came out. And the higher
up the available facilities tree you go the more choices there are about
how something should be done. C is still one of my favourite languages
in its domain, though I haven't used it much for several years.

If you're uncomfortable with C, try to stay away from it. (I try to stay
away from C++ and its bretheren for similar reasons.)

|  I'm not +1 because to my mind it still presents a way for
|  assignment/binding to not be glaringly obvious at the left hand side of
|  an expression.
| I think this is why I like it in the while (and could be twisted
| into accepting it for if) because it also introduces an
| implied/actual scope for which the variable is intended.

A conceptual scope, sure. Presumably not a real one in Python...

| In an
| arbitrary evaluation/assignment, it's much easier to lose the
| definition nature of it at the top of a block.

I'm not sure I agree here. Code example?

Cameron Simpson

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
- Albert Einstein

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 27Oct2012 10:56, I wrote:
| On 26Oct2012 19:41, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
| | But function calls with side effects _do_ have a defined order of
| | evaluation. Left to right.
| | And the answer should be 4.
| |
| No. Separate _expressions_ are evaluated left to right.
| need not do so. Counter-documentation welcomed, but the doco you cite
| does not define an order for the second example above.

On 26Oct2012 16:48, Ian Kelly wrote:
|  does not have a defined answer; might be 2, might be 3. Just like any
|  other function call with side effects.
| Actually, the docs are clear that expressions are evaluated left to
| right, so the expected result of the above would be 4.

Ian, Devin, my apologies. You're right, the docs are clear and my brain
is foggy. So, no ambiguity about that with the suggested as operator.
Cameron Simpson

Well, if you didn't struggle so much, you wouldn't get rope burns.

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 26Oct2012 16:48, Ian Kelly wrote:
| On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
|  It will work anywhere an expression is allowed, and superficially
|  doesn't break stuff that exists if as has the lowest precedence.
| Please, no.  There is no need for it outside of while expressions, and
| anywhere else it's just going to be bad practice.  Even if it's
| considered an expression, let's only allow it in while expressions.

We might just have to differ here.

|  It would probably mean folding the except/with as uses back into
|  expressions and out of the control-structural part of the grammar. I can't
|  see that that would actually break any existing code though - anyone else?
| Yes it would, because the meaning is a bit different in both of those
| cases.  For except, the result of the expression (an exception class
| or tuple of classes) is not stored in the target; the exception
| *instance* is.  Similarly for with, the result of the expression is
| not stored; the result of calling its __enter__ method is, which is
| often but not always the same thing.

Hmm. Good points. Possibly damning points.

  except (E1, E2) as c as d:

anyone? I should hope not!

I may be back to +0 now:-( +0.5 for being able to get at partial
expression results somehow, -0.1 for the conflict above.

Cameron Simpson

Every \item command in item_list must have an optional argument.
- Leslie Lamport, LaTeX

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 19:12:17 -0400, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:

 I would like a better iter(), rather than a better while loop. It is
 irritating to pass in functions that take arguments, and it is
 impossible to, say, pass in functions that should stop being iterated
 over when they return _either_ a None or a, say, False.

Write a trivial helper function. Not everything has to be a one-liner or 
a built-in.

def iterate_until_none_or_false(func, *args, **kwargs):
while True:
x = func(*args, **kwargs)
# Halt if x is None or False, but not other falsey values.
if x is None or x is False:
yield x

for x in iterate_until_none_or_false(
some_function, 1, 2, c, spam=yummy):


Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 26Oct2012 19:19, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
| (I've always been partial to :=, personally.)

I'm less so. It is hard to type (on my keyboard anyway, that's a shifted
keystroke followed by an unshifted one). I mank that up often enough
that I would resent it for something as oft used as an assignment.

Visually, yes, it's good. I was happy with it in Pascal and its like,
though I find the succinctness of plain = very attractive given that
it is only available on the left in Python, where it is easy to see and
not prone to mixups with == later in an expression.

Cameron Simpson

George, discussing a patent and prior art:
Look, this  publication has a date, the patent has a priority date,
can't you just compare them?
Paul Sutcliffe:
Not unless you're a lawyer.

Re: SSH Connection with Python

2012-10-26 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Gelonida N wrote:

 Another problem is, that paramiko depends on pycrypto 2.1+
 which doesn't exist as binary release for python 2.7

I'm running paramiko-1.7.6 with python 2.7.3 on my Ubunto Precise box.  
I'm reasonably sure all I did was pip install paramiko.

On the other hand, it may have built it from source during the install.  
Generally, I just let pip do it's magic and don't worry about the 
details.  If you're in an environment where you don't have the compiler 
tool chain, you may be more constrained.

 Is fabric capable of performing scp / sftp

Fabric uses ssh to make connections, and it is capable of copying files.  
For all intents and purposes, I'd say that means it is capable of 
performing scp / sftp (both of which are just front-ends to the same 
basic ssh protocol.

But, keep in mind that fabric depends on paramiko.  If you can't get 
paramiko installed, you probably can't get fabric either.

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 8:18 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I would like a better iter(), rather than a better while loop. It is
 irritating to pass in functions that take arguments, and it is
 impossible to, say, pass in functions that should stop being iterated
 over when they return _either_ a None or a, say, False.

 Write a trivial helper function. Not everything has to be a one-liner or
 a built-in.

You are missing the point. I was suggesting that the use case of new
syntax might be satisfied instead by new functions, which are clearly
preferable to new syntax from the perspective your rebuttal comes

Indeed, one could write those helper functions, and use them, without
any changes to Python being made at all!

-- Devin

Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 2:23 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 while (client.spop(profile_ids) as profile_id) is not None:
 print profile_id

 Why is everyone skirting around C-style assignment expressions as
 though they're simultaneously anathema and the goal? :)

 Why should these two statements behave differently? :(

 with foo() as bar: bar.baz()
 with (foo() as bar): bar.baz()

 I don't understand why everyone is so attached to this as syntax.
 It's confusing because it behaves subtly differently than how it works
 in with, and it puts the variable on the wrong side of the
 assignment operator.

 (I've always been partial to :=, personally.)

I'm not attached to as, myself. It puts the variable at the wrong
end, and feels backward compared to a convention that exists elsewhere
in the language (regular variable assignment). This is a much stronger
backwardness issue than the Python ternary operator (which is only
backward in comparison to other languages).

Personally, I'm quite happy with assignment itself being an
expression. But since that's unlikely to be directly accepted in
Python, I would be looking for something as general as possible -
something that can truly be used _anywhere_ - rather than a specific
while-statement enhancement. Capturing partial expression results is
an extremely convenient thing to do.


how to change os.popen4 to subprocess

2012-10-26 Thread skyworld

I'm new to python and I'm trying to porting some scripts from v0.96 to
v2.0.1. A piece of code is like this:

cmd_h = os.popen4(env['SYSCMDLINE'])[1]

the system indicates the popen4 is deprecated and suggest to use
subprocess. Can anybody tell me how to use subprocess in this case?
and what does [1] here means?


attaching names to subexpressions

2012-10-26 Thread Steve Howell
I have been reading the thread while expression feature proposal,
and one of the interesting outcomes of the thread is the idea that
Python could allow you to attach names to subexpressions, much like C
allows.  In C you can say something like this:

  tax_next_year = (new_salary = salary * (1 + raise)) * tax_rate

To avoid the = pitfall, folks have proposed something like this for

  tax_next_year = ((salary * (1 + raise)) as new_salary) * tax_rate
  print new_salary, tax_next_year

The basic rule in Python is that you can only do one assignment per
line of code, which generally forces you to write more readable code

  new_salary = salary * (1 + raise)
  tax_next_year = new_salary * tax_rate
  print new_salary, tax_next_year

The above code is slightly more verbose than the as proposal would
permit, but the latter code is arguably easier for a human to parse,
and it's also very amenable to print debugging and/or defensive

  new_salary = salary * (1 + raise)
  print new_salary
  assert new_salary  salary
  tax_next_year = new_salary * tax_rate
  print new_salary, tax_next_year

If the problem statement is How do I name subexpression?, then
Python already has a clear path--break your code up into multiple
lines.  I'm wondering where this simple solution really breaks down
from a readability perspective.  Perhaps with short-circuited boolean


Re: how to change os.popen4 to subprocess

2012-10-26 Thread MRAB

On 2012-10-27 03:28, skyworld wrote:


I'm new to python and I'm trying to porting some scripts from v0.96 to
v2.0.1. A piece of code is like this:

cmd_h = os.popen4(env['SYSCMDLINE'])[1]

the system indicates the popen4 is deprecated and suggest to use
subprocess. Can anybody tell me how to use subprocess in this case?
and what does [1] here means?

os.popen4 returns a tuple of (child_stdin, child_stdout_and_stderr).
The [1] gets the child_stdout_and_stderr member.

Using the subprocess module:

# Untested!
cmd_h = subprocess.Popen(env['SYSCMDLINE'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).stdout


The command line: env['SYSCMDLINE']

Return stdout: stdout=subprocess.PIPE

stderr should be combined with stdout: stderr=subprocess.STDOUT

Let the shell parse the command line: shell=True


Re: how to change os.popen4 to subprocess

2012-10-26 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 27/10/2012 03:28, skyworld wrote:


I'm new to python and I'm trying to porting some scripts from v0.96 to
v2.0.1. A piece of code is like this:

What software are you talking about here, it's certainly not Python 
versions as the most up to date are 2.7.3 and 3.3.0?

cmd_h = os.popen4(env['SYSCMDLINE'])[1]

the system indicates the popen4 is deprecated and suggest to use
subprocess. Can anybody tell me how to use subprocess in this case?
and what does [1] here means?

If you don't know what the [1] means you've got problems :)  I suggest 
you read the tutorial here first then the subprocess module 


No problem.


Mark Lawrence.


Re: while expression feature proposal

2012-10-26 Thread Paul Rubin
Steven D'Aprano writes:
 There's no need for it *inside* of while expressions. It doesn't add to 
 the expressiveness of the language, or increase the power of the 
 language, or help people write correct code. It saves one trivial line of 
 code in some, but not all, while loops, at the cost of increasing the 
 complexity of the language and parser.

I'm maybe +0.25 on the suggestion but it does save more than one line in
the places where it's useful, plus improves clarity.  You get to write
   while (foo() as x) is not None:

instead of

  while True:
x = foo()
if x is not None:

which is much uglier.  Maybe there are even times when you want

   while (left() as x) != (right() as y): ...

that is even messier when expanded out.

There was also the cascaded regexp match example, that happens regularly
in real code and that I've hacked various workarounds for, or wished for
a Maybe monad.

[issue16327] subprocess.Popen leaks file descriptors on os.fork() failure

2012-10-26 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali added the comment:

 No automated testing included because I'm not entirely sure how to replicate 
 this without eating up a ton of ram or doing something naughty with ulimit.

Simply use RLIMIT_NPROC, from a subprocess:

$ cat /tmp/
import subprocess

ps = [ ]

for i in range(1024):
p = subprocess.Popen(['sleep', '10'])
$ python /tmp/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /tmp/, line 7, in ?
p = subprocess.Popen(['sleep', '10'])
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/, line 550, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/, line 919, in _execute_child = os.fork()
OSError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable
$ ulimit -u 1024

Not POSIX, but supported by Linux and BSD, which should be enough.

The problem with monkey-ptching is that you don't test the real
codepath, and it may break in a future version (especially since here
it would be using a preivate API).


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[issue16271] weird dual behavior with changing __qualname__; different values observed through attribute and descriptor

2012-10-26 Thread Benjamin Peterson

Benjamin Peterson added the comment:

Here's a patch for 3.4. __qualname__ ought to have been implemented this way in 
the first place. I'll have to think about what can be done about 3.3. Maybe 
just the same fix without the removal of PyHeapType.ht_qualname. We can hope no 
one has written extensions relying on its value actually being correct.

keywords: +patch
nosy: +benjamin.peterson
Added file:

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[issue16271] weird dual behavior with changing __qualname__; different values observed through attribute and descriptor

2012-10-26 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

I'm not sure why this would be the correct way to do it. First you are removing 
the unicode check, which looks wrong to me. Second, if ht_name works, perhaps 
ht_qualname can be made to work as well?


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[issue16285] Update urllib to RFC 3986

2012-10-26 Thread Chris Rebert

Changes by Chris Rebert

nosy: +cvrebert

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[issue16322] time.tzname on Python 3.3.0 for Windows is decoded by wrong encoding

2012-10-26 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

  import locale

 'cp932' is the same as 'mbcs' in the Japanese environment.

And what is the value.of locale.getpreferredencoding(False)?


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[issue16309] PYTHONPATH= different from no PYTHONPATH at all

2012-10-26 Thread Chris Rebert

Changes by Chris Rebert

nosy: +cvrebert

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[issue16327] subprocess.Popen leaks file descriptors on os.fork() failure

2012-10-26 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali added the comment:

Also, I didn't check, but if the problems also occurs on execve()
failure, then it's much simpler: simply call Popen() with an
invalid/nonexisting executable.


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[issue15494] Move test/ into a subpackage

2012-10-26 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

This whole refactoring project grew out of the fact that Chris and I were 
looking for somewhere to put common helpers for package testing. Specfically, I 
wrote a heap of helpers for test_runpy that I wanted to use for the new pkgutil 

The short term hack (because 3.3 was imminent) is that a couple of the pkgutil 
tests are *in* test_runpy, not because they belong there, but so they can use 
those helper utilities. We knew when we did it that wasn't a viable long term 
solution, but we didn't have a good place to put the helpers so test_pkgutil 
could get at them - they're packaging specific, so junking up with 
them would be bad, and we knew from experience that a separate helper module 
(like script_helper) sucked for discoverability.

So, the idea of making a subpackage was born. The current contents 
of go into the new, script_helper moves there to make it 
more discoverable, and the utilities for packaging tests can move out of 
test_runpy and into Both script_helper and pkg_helper 
can also be easily covered in the docs under the existing caveat.

We didn't start down this road on a whim - we did it because we ran up hard 
against a clear and obvious problem in the structure of the test suite's 
support modules.


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[issue16322] time.tzname on Python 3.3.0 for Windows is decoded by wrong encoding

2012-10-26 Thread Masami HIRATA

Masami HIRATA added the comment:

 And what is the value.of locale.getpreferredencoding(False)?

 import locale


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[issue15498] Eliminate the use of deprecated OS X APIs in getpath.c

2012-10-26 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

Apple seems to have switched to using dlopen in their version of getpath.c (see,
 this is the version in OSX 10.8.2)

This causes a problem for some people, as noticed on the pythonmac mailing 
list. This is something we should test before applying my patch to avoid 

Message-Id: says:

I am trying to work with Apple Mountain Lion's install of Python 2.7. I
have a language interoperability tool, Babel, that used embedded Python when
other languages are calling Python (c.g., C++ calling Python). My
fundamental problem is that sys.path is not being initialized the same
when I dlopen(libpython2.7.dylib) and initialize Python compared with
how the sys.path is set when the Python executable is called directly.
This causes Python to fail to load the numpy module used by Babel.

bash-3.2$ /usr/bin/python2.7 -c import sys; print sys.path; import
numpy  /tmp/out1
bash-3.2$ /usr/bin/python -c import sys; print sys.path; import numpy
bash-3.2$ cat /tmp/out1
bash-3.2$ diff /tmp/out1 /tmp/out2
bash-3.2$ ls -al /usr/bin/python2.7
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  75 Aug 23 11:10 /usr/bin/python2.7 -

Presumably, this C program that uses dlopen(), Py_Initialize, and
Py_SimpleString should have exactly the same output.

/** foo.c */

main(int argc, char **argv)
 // void *lptr =
dlopen(/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Python, RTLD_NOW |
 void *lptr =
 if (lptr) {
   void (*pyinit)(void) = dlsym(lptr, Py_Initialize);
   if (pyinit) {
 int (*runSimple)(const char *);
 (*pyinit)();  /* initialize Python */
 runSimple = dlsym(lptr, PyRun_SimpleString);
 if (runSimple) {
   (*runSimple)(import sys ; print sys.path; import numpy);
   else {
 fprintf(stderr, Unable to locate Py_Initialize: %s\n, dlerror());
 else {
   fprintf(stderr, Error loading Python shared library: %s\n,

bash-3.2$ gcc foo.c ; ./a.out
['/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python2.7',
'/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-darwin', '/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-mac',
'/usr/Extras/lib/python', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk',
'/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload']
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File string, line 1, inmodule
ImportError: No module named numpy

However as you see, it has a completely different sys.path. I can't seem
to find a way to get it to initialize Python with the same sys.path. It
seems like the libpython2.7.dylib is broken. I am at a loss on how to
fix this or even who to ask for help.


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[issue16313] Support xz compression in shutil module

2012-10-26 Thread Hynek Schlawack

Hynek Schlawack added the comment:

Isn’t this a dupe of #5411?


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[issue16313] Support xz compression in shutil module

2012-10-26 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Yes, this is actually a dupe of #5411? Thanks.

resolution:  - duplicate
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed
superseder:  - Add xz support to shutil

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[issue9856] Change object.__format__(s) where s is non-empty to a TypeError

2012-10-26 Thread Berker Peksag

Changes by Berker Peksag

nosy:  -berker.peksag

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[issue5411] Add xz support to shutil

2012-10-26 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

I have not seen this issue and was created a new issue16313 with almost same 
patch as Eric's one (only I have changed the documentation too). Here's the 
patch. I wonder that it was not committed yet to 3.3. I think it would be 
better first to add xz support and the code cleanup to do then (if it takes so 
much time).

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka
versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 3.3
Added file:

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[issue5411] Add xz support to shutil

2012-10-26 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka

stage: needs patch - patch review

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[issue11468] Improve unittest basic example in the doc

2012-10-26 Thread Berker Peksag

Changes by Berker Peksag

nosy:  -berker.peksag

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[issue16327] subprocess.Popen leaks file descriptors on os.fork() failure

2012-10-26 Thread Jesús Cea Avión

Jesús Cea Avión added the comment:

The problem with using RLIMIT is that the testsuite could be executing several 
tests in parallel using independent threads, for instance. You don't want to 
influence unrelated tests.

Overiding private methods is ugly, but if the code evolves the test would 
break, and the programmer just have to update it. I think that sometimes we 
have to be practical. There are plenty of examples of this in the testsuite, 
using implementation details, etc.


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[issue5411] Add xz support to shutil

2012-10-26 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka

Removed file:

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[issue5411] Add xz support to shutil

2012-10-26 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Oh, I see the '.bz2' bug. Patch updated.

Added file:

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[issue16307] multiprocess.pool.map_async callables not working

2012-10-26 Thread Hynek Schlawack

Hynek Schlawack added the comment:

Thanks for taking the time! I remember my frustrations when trying to grok how 
the mp test suite works. :)

A small nit-pick first: you have a lot of extra white space in your patches. 
Just run 'make patchcheck' first, that should warn you about that.

Not sure, but the tests look rather complex to me. I’d humbly propose the the 
simplified test attached, which also ensures that error_callback get only 
called on errors and callback on success.


Added file:

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[issue15222] mailbox.mbox writes without empty line after each message

2012-10-26 Thread lilydjwg

lilydjwg added the comment:

My system has updated to Python 3.3.0 and this bugs me again :-(
I don't see the changes in Python 3.3.0. So when will this be merged into 3.3?


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[issue15222] mailbox.mbox writes without empty line after each message

2012-10-26 Thread Petri Lehtinen

Petri Lehtinen added the comment:

The fix was committed when 3.3.0 was in release candidate mode, and wasn't 
considered important enough to be included in 3.3.0 anymore. It will be 
included in 3.3.1, which is to be released next month.


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[issue16327] subprocess.Popen leaks file descriptors on os.fork() failure

2012-10-26 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali added the comment:

 The problem with using RLIMIT is that the testsuite could be executing 
 several tests in parallel using independent threads, for instance. You don't 
 want to influence unrelated tests.

That's why I suggested to run it in a subprocess: this is used
frequently, e.g. for signal or deadlock tests.


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[issue16307] multiprocess.pool.map_async callables not working

2012-10-26 Thread Janne Karila

Janne Karila added the comment:

Otherwise I agree, but what if one of the callbacks is not called? The test 
case would fail on assertEqual(2, len(call_args)) but you wouldn't know which 
callback is the problem.


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[issue4202] Multiple interpreters and readline module hook functions.

2012-10-26 Thread Winston451

Winston451 added the comment:

I attached a patch that solve the problem

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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[issue16324] MIMEText __init__ does not support Charset instance

2012-10-26 Thread Claude Paroz

Changes by Claude Paroz

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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[issue4202] Multiple interpreters and readline module hook functions.

2012-10-26 Thread Winston451

Changes by Winston451

type:  - behavior
versions: +Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 
3.4, Python 3.5

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[issue4202] Multiple interpreters and readline module hook functions.

2012-10-26 Thread Winston451

Changes by Winston451

Added file:

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[issue4202] Multiple interpreters and readline module hook functions.

2012-10-26 Thread Winston451

Changes by Winston451

Removed file:

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[issue16328] sets wrong user path

2012-10-26 Thread Emil Styrke

New submission from Emil Styrke:

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Python version: 2.7.3 x64 in the scripts directory is supposed to add the Scripts 
directory according to its source.  However, it tries to add 
$PYTHONPATH/Scripts, when in fact the Scripts directory is at 
$PYTHONPATH/Tools/Scripts in 2.7.

However, it seems like e.g. Setuptools still installs itself in 
$PYTHONPATH/Scripts, so maybe the right solution is to add both directories.

Furthermore, the script sets the default user path to %PATH%, which is not 
correct at least on windows 7.  I have to manually delete this part of the user 
path to get the user path merged correctly with the system path in cmd.exe.

components: Demos and Tools, Windows
messages: 173840
nosy: Emil.Styrke
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sets wrong user path
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue16307] multiprocess.pool.map_async callables not working

2012-10-26 Thread Hynek Schlawack

Hynek Schlawack added the comment:

True, it makes sense to push this assert to the end.


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