Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Mark H Harris

On 3/25/14 12:48 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

Yup. Welcome to timezones. I'm UTC +11 here, although we'll drop back
to +10 shortly as DST finishes (yay!). It's currently 0547 UTC, so
you're presumably five hours behind UTC, which would put you east
coast USA, most likely. (Especially since your mailer is putting the
dates as mm/dd/yy, which is an abomination peculiar to Americans.)

No, we're already DST; so we're normally UTC -6, now  UTC -5. We're CDST 
Minnesota (Southeast)

Its entirely weird working with people all over the world in seconds 
24-7 365 (we're on one tiny planet, you know?)


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Mark H Harris

On 3/25/14 12:48 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

(Especially since your mailer is putting the
dates as mm/dd/yy, which is an abomination peculiar to Americans.)

I did not know that; so is  25 Mar 2014 the preferred way?


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:19:50 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Mark H Harris
 I personally think the answer is extended key maps triggered by meta
 keys shift ctrl opt alt command |  which call up full alternate
 mappings of Greek|Latin|Math|symbols c which can be chosen by
 mouse|pointing device.

 The mac calls these keyboard viewer, and character viewer. In that way
 the full unicode set can be available from a standard qwerty keyboard
 without modifying the hardware right away.
 I can get up a character map on any platform fairly easily, and if not,
 I can always Google the name of the character I want and copy and paste
 from or some other handy site. It's not that hard. But
 if I want to say copyright, it's still quicker for me to type nine
 letters than to hunt down U+00A9 © to paste in somewhere. 

I hear what you are saying, but that's not *necessarily* the case. Back 
when I was a Mac user, in the 1980s and 90s, *every* application accepted 
the same keyboard shortcuts for the entire Mac character set. Nearly all 
of the chars had trivially simple mnemonics, e.g Option-p for π. Now, I 
don't happen to remember what the mnemonic for © (it has been 20 years 
since I was regularly using a Mac), but I remember it used to be really 
easy. Easier to type Option-whatever and get a © than typing copyright.

So, if applications could standardise on a single interface for at least 
the common Unicode characters [er, common for who? English speakers? 
Japanese people? Arabs? Dutch?] then things would be more like 1984 on a 


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:14:42 -0500, Mark H Harris wrote:

 On 3/25/14 12:08 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 How quickly can you switch, type one letter (to generate one Cyrillic
 character), and switch back?
 ... very fast.
 Is not this nicer?
   Π = pi

That's the product operator.

py from unicodedata import name
py name('Π')

You want lower-case pi, π.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:47 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:57:02 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
 No, I'm not missing that. But the human brain is a tokenizer, just as
 Python is. Once you know what a token means, you comprehend it as that
 token, and it takes up space in your mind as a single unit. There's not
 a lot of readability difference between a one-symbol token and a
 one-word token.

 Hmmm, I don't know about that. Mathematicians are heavy users of symbols.
 Why do they write ∀ instead of for all, or ⊂ instead of subset?

 Why do we write 40 instead of forty?

Because the shorter symbols lend themselves better to the
super-tokenization where you don't read the individual parts but the
whole. The difference between 40 and forty is minimal, but the
difference between 86400 and eighty-six thousand [and] four
hundred is significant; the first is a single token, which you could
then instantly recognize as the number of seconds in a day (leap
seconds aside), but the second is a lengthy expression.

There's also ease of writing. On paper or blackboard, it's really easy
to write little strokes and curvy lines to mean things, and to write a
bolded letter R to mean Real numbers. In Python, it's much easier to
use a few more ASCII letters than to write ⊂ ℝ.

 Also, since the human brain works largely with words,

 I think that's a fairly controversial opinion. The Chinese might have
 something to say about that.

Well, all the people I interviewed (three of them: me, myself, and I)
agree that the human brain works with words. My research is 100%
scientific, and is therefore unassailable. So there. :)

 I think that heavy use of symbols is a form of Huffman coding -- common
 things should be short, and uncommon things longer. Mathematicians tend
 to be *extremely* specialised, so they're all inventing their own Huffman
 codings, and the end result is a huge number of (often ambiguous) symbols.

Yeah. That's about the size of it. Usually, each symbol has some read
form; ℕ ⊂ ℝ would be read as Naturals are a subset of Reals (or
maybe Naturals is a subset of Reals?), and in program code, using
the word subset or issubset wouldn't be much worse. It would be
some worse, and the exact cost depends on how frequently your code
does subset comparisons; my view is that the worseness of words is
less than the worseness of untypable symbols. (And I'm about to be
arrested for murdering the English language.)

 Personally, I think that it would be good to start accepting, but not
 requiring, Unicode in programming languages. We can already write:

 from math import pi as π

 Perhaps we should be able to write:

 setA ⊂ setB

It would be nice, if subset testing is considered common enough to
warrant it. (I'm not sure it is, but I'm certainly not sure it isn't.)
But it violates one obvious way. Python doesn't, as a general rule,
offer us two ways of spelling the exact same thing. So the bar for
inclusion would be quite high: it has to be so much better than the
alternative that it justifies the creation of a duplicate notation.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:17:51 AM UTC+5:30, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:57:02 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

  What you are missing is that programmers spend 90% of their time
  reading code
  10% writing code
  You may well be in the super-whiz category (not being sarcastic here)
  All that will change is upto 70-30. (ecause you rarely make a mistake)
  You still have to read oodles of others' code
  No, I'm not missing that. But the human brain is a tokenizer, just as
  Python is. Once you know what a token means, you comprehend it as that
  token, and it takes up space in your mind as a single unit. There's not
  a lot of readability difference between a one-symbol token and a
  one-word token.

 Hmmm, I don't know about that. Mathematicians are heavy users of symbols. 
 Why do they write ∀ instead of for all, or ⊂ instead of subset?

 Why do we write 40 instead of forty?

  Also, since the human brain works largely with words,

 I think that's a fairly controversial opinion. The Chinese might have 
 something to say about that.

 I think that heavy use of symbols is a form of Huffman coding -- common 
 things should be short, and uncommon things longer. Mathematicians tend 
 to be *extremely* specialised, so they're all inventing their own Huffman 
 codings, and the end result is a huge number of (often ambiguous) symbols.

 Personally, I think that it would be good to start accepting, but not 
 requiring, Unicode in programming languages. We can already write:

 from math import pi as π

 Perhaps we should be able to write:

 setA ⊂ setB

Agree with all examples -- chinese being the best!

Something that Chris may relate to:

You type a music score into lilypond
Then call lilypond to convert it into standard western staff notation

Why not put up the lilypond (ASCII) directly on the piano/organ when you play?

This is far from rhetorical... ABC,Guido,etc (not python's!) have some
claim to be *musically* (not just textually) readable and easier to
master than standard staff notation

Still for someone
- used to staff notation
- under the standard presumptions of western music:
  -- harmony
  -- spelling c# ≠ d♭
  -- a note is a note ie C to D is as much a note as D to E

staff notation is hard to beat

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Mark H Harris wrote:
 On 3/25/14 12:48 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

 Yup. Welcome to timezones. I'm UTC +11 here, although we'll drop back
 to +10 shortly as DST finishes (yay!). It's currently 0547 UTC, so
 you're presumably five hours behind UTC, which would put you east
 coast USA, most likely. (Especially since your mailer is putting the
 dates as mm/dd/yy, which is an abomination peculiar to Americans.)

 No, we're already DST; so we're normally UTC -6, now  UTC -5. We're CDST
 Minnesota (Southeast)

 Its entirely weird working with people all over the world in seconds 24-7
 365 (we're on one tiny planet, you know?)

It is one small planet, in many ways, yes. Plus, as well as timezones,
you have different people working different schedules. Some of us are
active in the weird hours of the night, others might be posting from
work (a good bit of python-dev traffic right now involves one of Red
Hat's Python people, so it's entirely possible he's posting during
business hours his time), and others will be active here during their
evenings. Net result: The list never goes quiet!

 (Especially since your mailer is putting the
 dates as mm/dd/yy, which is an abomination peculiar to Americans.)

 I did not know that; so is  25 Mar 2014 the preferred way?

Putting the month in words is unambiguous (at least among users of the
Gregorian calendar or its derivatives). For numeric dates, there are
broadly three competing formats: d/m/y, m/d/y, and y/m/d. (Or using
dots or hyphens between the components, or in the case of y/m/d, no
separator at all - I'll write today's date as 20140325 in some
contexts.) Of them, y/m/d is both the clearest and the least commonly
used; with a four-digit year, there's no way it could be confused for
anything else.


Re: Explanation of this Python language feature? [x for x in x for x in x] (to flatten a nested list)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:44:37 -0500, Mark H Harris wrote:

 On 3/24/14 6:01 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Easy fix. Use the explicit capture notation:
 adders[n] = lambda a, n=n: a+n
 And there you are, out of your difficulty at once!
 Yes, yes, yes,  and example:
   adders= list(range(4))
   for n in adders:
  adders[n] = lambda a, n=n: a+n
 But, and this is the big (WHY?) is that necessary? In other words,
 its not about experts knowing how to make this work, its about normal
 people not understanding in the first place why its a problem, and why
 the various solutions work to fix it; even though we all know that
 nothing is 'broken'.

The reason this is surprising is that people want their functions to 
magically read their mind and do what they want, even when they want it 
to do something different each time.

If you have early binding, then people who want late binding will 
complain that it does the wrong thing. If you have late binding, then 
people who want early binding will complain that it does the wrong thing. 
Even when they are the same people.

And *none of this has anything to do with lambda*. Functions created with 
def exhibit the exact same behaviour.


Re: Explanation of this Python language feature? [x for x in x for x in x] (to flatten a nested list)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:58:11 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Mark H Harris
Aside from the sin of spelling out lambda,
   should be   ( \x y - x + y ) a b )  but, neither here nor
 Well no, it *should* be λx y . x + y but apparently some people don't
 have that character on their keyboards, so it gets written as lambda or
 \ instead. 

Holy cow! Is that where the Haskell syntax comes from?

I never would have guessed in a million years that backslash \ was meant 
to be an ASCII-ified version of lambda. What a stupid idea that is. 
Writing lambda out in full is much more sensible.

 Personally I dislike the \ style; it doesn't really resemble
 a λ that closely, and to me the backslash denotes escape sequences and
 set differences.  Nor is Python alone in spelling out lambda: Scheme and
 Common Lisp spell it the same way. As far as I know the \ for λ is
 unique to Haskell.

At least they don't spell it fun. 


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 5:04 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I can get up a character map on any platform fairly easily, and if not,
 I can always Google the name of the character I want and copy and paste
 from or some other handy site. It's not that hard. But
 if I want to say copyright, it's still quicker for me to type nine
 letters than to hunt down U+00A9 © to paste in somewhere.

 I hear what you are saying, but that's not *necessarily* the case. Back
 when I was a Mac user, in the 1980s and 90s, *every* application accepted
 the same keyboard shortcuts for the entire Mac character set. Nearly all
 of the chars had trivially simple mnemonics, e.g Option-p for π. Now, I
 don't happen to remember what the mnemonic for © (it has been 20 years
 since I was regularly using a Mac), but I remember it used to be really
 easy. Easier to type Option-whatever and get a © than typing copyright.

Easy enough with a restricted character set. When you're working with,
say, 128 common characters and another 128 less common, it's not too
hard to organize keystrokes for them all.

 So, if applications could standardise on a single interface for at least
 the common Unicode characters [er, common for who? English speakers?
 Japanese people? Arabs? Dutch?] then things would be more like 1984 on a

And that's the problem. So what we'll have is a programming interface
that makes it easy to type a bunch of symbols used in code, and it'll
differ from pretty much everything else, and if you want to type
lambda into an email you have to jump over to your code window, key it
in, and then copy/paste... it wouldn't work without it being pretty
much universal.


Re: Explanation of this Python language feature? [x for x in x for x in x] (to flatten a nested list)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 19:16:15 -0500, Mark H Harris wrote:

 On 3/24/14 7:11 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Mark H 
 What is needed is the explicit closure grab recommended by ChrisA.

 Which does work. You do know why, right?
 Sure.  ... but again, that's not the point. The point is NOT can you
 explain why it works, the point is that as a lambda construct it is NOT
 clear why it works, and because the construct does not match what lambda
 users might expect (naturally) there are *constant* questions about it.
 So, again, I'll restate that the community might consider (over time)
 whether the confusion created by lambda in python

Functions created with def work exactly the same way. If you are 
surprised by lambda's binding behaviour, and you replace the lambda with 
def, you will still be confused. You'll have gone from a nice, concise 
expression to a bulky statement, and be no better off. You'll be worse 


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:
 Something that Chris may relate to:

 You type a music score into lilypond
 Then call lilypond to convert it into standard western staff notation

 Why not put up the lilypond (ASCII) directly on the piano/organ when you play?

 This is far from rhetorical... ABC,Guido,etc (not python's!) have some
 claim to be *musically* (not just textually) readable and easier to
 master than standard staff notation

 Still for someone
 - used to staff notation
 - under the standard presumptions of western music:
   -- harmony
   -- spelling c# ≠ d♭
   -- a note is a note ie C to D is as much a note as D to E

 staff notation is hard to beat

I wouldn't say it's hard to beat... I happily beat time while looking
at staff notation!

(Of course, I shouldn't beat time. He doesn't like that.)

Staff notation isn't perfect by any means (and there've been various
projects to improve on it), but it's a lot better than the source
code form in Lilypond. This is partly because my source code tends to
look at multiple (often four) separate lines of harmony, often plus a
separate line of chords, but when I'm playing, I want to be able to
eyeball all of it at once.

But I've used WYSIWYG notation editors plenty, and *for note entry*
they offer me nothing above Lilypond's notation. I don't yearn to be
able to scribble notes on a paper staff, scan it in, and have that
functional. I don't look back with longing at NoteWorthy Composer (for
which I do own a license, and could probably hunt down the install CD
if I tried). There's a huge difference between the two.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:42:50 AM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:47 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:57:02 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
  No, I'm not missing that. But the human brain is a tokenizer, just as
  Python is. Once you know what a token means, you comprehend it as that
  token, and it takes up space in your mind as a single unit. There's not
  a lot of readability difference between a one-symbol token and a
  one-word token.
  Hmmm, I don't know about that. Mathematicians are heavy users of symbols.
  Why do they write ∀ instead of for all, or ⊂ instead of subset?
  Why do we write 40 instead of forty?

 Because the shorter symbols lend themselves better to the
 super-tokenization where you don't read the individual parts but the
 whole. The difference between 40 and forty is minimal, but the
 difference between 86400 and eighty-six thousand [and] four
 hundred is significant; the first is a single token, which you could
 then instantly recognize as the number of seconds in a day (leap
 seconds aside), but the second is a lengthy expression.

 There's also ease of writing. On paper or blackboard, it's really easy
 to write little strokes and curvy lines to mean things, and to write a
 bolded letter R to mean Real numbers. In Python, it's much easier to
 use a few more ASCII letters than to write ⊂ ℝ.

  Also, since the human brain works largely with words,
  I think that's a fairly controversial opinion. The Chinese might have
  something to say about that.

 Well, all the people I interviewed (three of them: me, myself, and I)
 agree that the human brain works with words. My research is 100%
 scientific, and is therefore unassailable. So there. :)

  I think that heavy use of symbols is a form of Huffman coding -- common
  things should be short, and uncommon things longer. Mathematicians tend
  to be *extremely* specialised, so they're all inventing their own Huffman
  codings, and the end result is a huge number of (often ambiguous) symbols.

 Yeah. That's about the size of it. Usually, each symbol has some read
 form; ℕ ⊂ ℝ would be read as Naturals are a subset of Reals (or
 maybe Naturals is a subset of Reals?), and in program code, using
 the word subset or issubset wouldn't be much worse. It would be
 some worse, and the exact cost depends on how frequently your code
 does subset comparisons; my view is that the worseness of words is
 less than the worseness of untypable symbols. (And I'm about to be
 arrested for murdering the English language.)

  Personally, I think that it would be good to start accepting, but not
  requiring, Unicode in programming languages. We can already write:
  from math import pi as π
  Perhaps we should be able to write:
  setA ⊂ setB

 It would be nice, if subset testing is considered common enough to
 warrant it. (I'm not sure it is, but I'm certainly not sure it isn't.)
 But it violates one obvious way. Python doesn't, as a general rule,
 offer us two ways of spelling the exact same thing. So the bar for
 inclusion would be quite high: it has to be so much better than the
 alternative that it justifies the creation of a duplicate notation.

I dont think we are anywhere near making real suggestions for real changes
which would need to talk of compatibility, portability, editor support
and all such other good stuff.

Just a bit of brainstorming to see how an alternative python would look like:

Heres a quickly made list of symbols that may be nice to have support for

… (ellipsis instead of range)


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:03:24 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:
  Something that Chris may relate to:
  You type a music score into lilypond
  Then call lilypond to convert it into standard western staff notation
  Why not put up the lilypond (ASCII) directly on the piano/organ when you 
  This is far from rhetorical... ABC,Guido,etc (not python's!) have some
  claim to be *musically* (not just textually) readable and easier to
  master than standard staff notation
  Still for someone
  - used to staff notation
  - under the standard presumptions of western music:
-- harmony
-- spelling c# ≠ d♭
-- a note is a note ie C to D is as much a note as D to E
  staff notation is hard to beat

 I wouldn't say it's hard to beat... I happily beat time while looking
 at staff notation!

 (Of course, I shouldn't beat time. He doesn't like that.)

 Staff notation isn't perfect by any means (and there've been various
 projects to improve on it), but it's a lot better than the source
 code form in Lilypond. This is partly because my source code tends to
 look at multiple (often four) separate lines of harmony, often plus a
 separate line of chords, but when I'm playing, I want to be able to
 eyeball all of it at once.

ALl of which is isomorphic to Steven's point that forty is less
eyeballable than 40

And mine that ∅ is more eyeballable than set([])

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:
 I dont think we are anywhere near making real suggestions for real changes
 which would need to talk of compatibility, portability, editor support
 and all such other good stuff.

 Just a bit of brainstorming to see how an alternative python would look like:

 Heres a quickly made list of symbols that may be nice to have support for

 … (ellipsis instead of range)

Most of those look fine, but that's a fair bunch of characters you'd
need to type. And will you stop there? Would other symbols want to be
typable too? And if you have ellipsis (the character) would you also
support three consecutive U+002E to mean the same thing? (People
*will* type it that way, and would be extremely annoyed if it didn't

And will you turn Python into APL?


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Mark H Harris

On 3/25/14 12:08 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

How quickly can you switch, type one letter (to generate one Cyrillic
character), and switch back?

Ok.. after installing Ukelete from Summer Institute of Linguistics SIL I 
can now edit the installed keymaps and select them from input sources at 
the top of the menu bar.

So, I mapped the alt-l key to λ and whalla, lambda in zero time; 
whoohoo.  Same for π,  just alt-p. Control has an entire blank page for 
key mappings so the sky is the limit.

very fast, no mouse

marcus  λ π


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 5:41 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:
 ALl of which is isomorphic to Steven's point that forty is less
 eyeballable than 40

 And mine that ∅ is more eyeballable than set([])

I don't disagree that it is; the short tokens are easier to read in
quantity. I just don't think that it's sufficient to justify piles of
new and hard-to-look-up operators and things. (And a literal notation
for an empty set would be a good thing. If I were designing a
Python-like language from scratch now, I'd probably differentiate sets
and dictionaries better, which would allow each one to have its own
empty literal.)


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:15:11 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:
  I dont think we are anywhere near making real suggestions for real changes
  which would need to talk of compatibility, portability, editor support
  and all such other good stuff.
  Just a bit of brainstorming to see how an alternative python would look 
  Heres a quickly made list of symbols that may be nice to have support for
  … (ellipsis instead of range)

 Most of those look fine, but that's a fair bunch of characters you'd
 need to type. And will you stop there? Would other symbols want to be
 typable too? And if you have ellipsis (the character) would you also
 support three consecutive U+002E to mean the same thing? (People
 *will* type it that way, and would be extremely annoyed if it didn't

 And will you turn Python into APL?

Yes APL is a good example to learn mistakes from
- being before its time/technology
- taking a good idea too far
- assuming that I understand clearly implies so do others
- maybe some others

As for ellipsis I guess its misguided
[Was actually looking for 'center-ellipsis' which would not be so ambiguous]

Re: Explanation of this Python language feature? [x for x in x for x in x] (to flatten a nested list)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:39:33 -0500, Mark H Harris wrote:

 On 3/24/14 8:20 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 3/24/2014 7:56 PM, Mark H Harris wrote:
 the list which is used for each of the adder[] functions created.

 Wrong. Functions look up global and nonlocal names, such as n, when the
 function is called.

 hi Terry, yeah, I know; this is what's *wrong* all at once.
 Functions look up global and nonlocal names such as n, is semantics
 for each created function 'grabs' the last number (n) in the list,
 well, because that (n) is bound at call-time to (3).
 Your version semantically is detailed and correct; my version
 semantically is how it is perceived by the user, which is also

No it isn't. You can demonstrate that some mental models are closer to 
the actual behaviour of the interpreter, while other models are 
incorrect, by writing just a little more complex code. 

py def test(arg):
... results = []
... for n in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
... results.append(lambda: n)
... n = arg
... return results
py for func in test(1000):
... print(func())

The functions don't grab the last value from the list. They see whatever 
value the variable n has at the time the function is called.

Are you surprised by this? If you are, it is because you haven't thought 
it through in any detail. Let me show you something superficially 

py funcs = []
py for n in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
... def f():
... return n
... funcs.append(f)
py n = 1000
py for f in funcs:
... print(f())

Are you still surprised? I bet you aren't. How else would you expect a 
variable to work?

Early binding may be *useful* sometimes, but it would be terribly 
surprising if it were the default:

my_name = Fred
def greet():
print(Hello, my_name)

my_name = Barney

Would you expect to see Hello Fred?

The problem here is that Python is consistent, but people *want* it to be 
inconsistent. When it doesn't magically read their mind, they get 
confused that it isn't working the way they expected.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:56:19 -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:

 Paren vs tuples: why do we need to write (x,) not (x)

You don't. You can write x, without the brackets:

py t = 23,
py type(t)
class 'tuple'

It's the comma that makes tuples, not the brackets.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:19:10 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

 I'll write today's date as 20140325 in some contexts.) Of them,
 y/m/d is both the clearest and the least commonly used; with a
 four-digit year, there's no way it could be confused for anything else.

Shame on you Chris! Don't you know the One True Way to write unambiguous 
dates is the ISO data format? 



Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:19:10 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

 I'll write today's date as 20140325 in some contexts.) Of them,
 y/m/d is both the clearest and the least commonly used; with a
 four-digit year, there's no way it could be confused for anything else.

 Shame on you Chris! Don't you know the One True Way to write unambiguous
 dates is the ISO data format?


Bah, BIND won't let me use ISO format!

rosuav@sikorsky:~$ dig soa +short 2014030601 7200 3600 2419200 604800

Looks like I last edited that on the 6th inst.

But yes, hyphens are more common than slashes for delimited ymd dates.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:33:49 PM UTC+5:30, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:56:19 -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:

  Paren vs tuples: why do we need to write (x,) not (x)

 You don't. You can write x, without the brackets:

 py t = 23,
 py type(t)

 It's the comma that makes tuples, not the brackets.

Yeah Chris already corrected that misconception of mine
Doesn't chage my point much though -- () overloaded to ',' overloaded


Re: Asyncio (or something better) for control of a vacuum system/components.

2014-03-25 Thread dieter
Shishir writes:
 I am writing a software to control and monitor a vacuum
 furnace+attachments. It has a few mass flow controllers, a butterfly valve,
 a labjack unit for analog/digital outputs etc. They use RS485, RS232 and
 USB to communicate with the computer and follow special protocols for
 commands and response. The response time to execute commands can be from 5
 ms to 1 s.

 To achieve this, I thought of a server which reads commands on a network
 connections, parses the command and calls methods of appropriate device
 classes, which then use the corresponding channel protocol to execute the
 command. The response provided by the devices (flow controllers, valve) is
 sent back on the network connection.

 As there can be multiple clients (e.g. for monitoring from several
 computers), and some commands can take long, the server should not block
 when getting a command executed.

Asyncio is targeted at asynchronous (i.e. non-blocking) input/output.

To ensure that the server remains responsive during command execution,
you will need something in addition - e.g. threads or subprocesses.
This way, the commands can be executed (by a separate thread/subprocess)
while the server is still listening to communication.

I know of one framework which supports this kind of interaction:
medusa/ZServer. However, it is targeted mainly towards standard
internet communication protocols (HTTP, FTP, ...).

From your message, I have gained the impression that you want to support
multiple (concurrent) requests on the same communication channel.
This significantly complicates the task as the responses to those
requests may arrive out of order and may even mix with one another
(on the channel), unless you avoid this carefully.

The medusa/ZServer framework (mentioned above) supports HTTP pipelining (i.e.
the client can issue multiple requests without waiting for a response).
However, it starts processing of a request only when all previous
requests from the same (communication) channel have been completed.
This way, it ensures that all responses are delivered in the
same order as the requests (as required by HTTP pipelining).

If out of order responses must be supported, then medusa/ZServer
is not an appropriate approach. Special logic is then necessary on
both server and client to associate the responses to the proper


Re: gdb python how to output integer for examine memory

2014-03-25 Thread dieter
Wesley writes:

   I am trying to use gdb debug python script.
 I am using gdb7.7 and python2.7.6, here is my simple test script: 
 import time

 def next(i):
 i = 1 - i

 i = 1
 while True:
 When this script running, gdb attach to it, and here is snippet:

 (gdb) frame 5
 #5  0x004d01a7 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=Frame 0x201e130, for file, line 6, in next (i=1), throwflag=0) at Python/ceval.c:2666
 2666x = call_function(sp, oparg);
 (gdb) py-locals
 i = 1
 (gdb) pyo i
 No symbol i in current context.

Quite a lot of time has passed since I last had to debug Python
processes at C level -- thus, my memory may be unreliable.

When I remember right, then pyo is used to interprete
a C level variable as a Python object (and print it) -- not
a Python level variable. In your case, i is a Python level variable.

You must carefully distinguish between the C level and the Python level.
Some commands expect C level names/objects;
others may expect Python level names/objects.

To learn how you can obtain the value of a Python variable,
I see two approaches: look through the list of provided commands
(and their documentation) and try to figure out which might be applicable
and then may some tests; or look at the implementation of py-locals
and use this knowledge to define you own command (for this,
you will also need to understand the gdb language to define commands).


Re: Memory error

2014-03-25 Thread dieter
Jamie Mitchell writes:
 I then get a memory error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File /usr/local/sci/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/, 
 line 2409, in pearsonr
 x = np.asarray(x)
   File /usr/local/sci/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/, 
 line 321, in asarray
 return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)

MemoryError means that Python cannot get sufficent memory
from the operating system.

You have already found out one mistake. Should you continue to
get MemoryError after this is fixed, then your system does not
provide enough resources (memory) to solve the problem at hand.
You would need to find a way to provide more resources.


Re: Time we switched to unicode?

2014-03-25 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Chris Angelico

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Mark H Harris wrote:
 Π = pi

 That's good! (Although typing Π quicker than pi is majorly pushing it.

It don't think that's good. The lower-case letter π should be used. The
upper-case letter is used for a product, although unicode dedicates a
separate character for the purpose: ∏.

I often see Americans, especially, confuse upper and lower-case letters
in symbols (KM for km, L for l etc). However, we are dealing
with case-sensitive programming languages, so our eyes should have been
trained to address meaning to upper and lower case.


Re: gdb python how to output integer for examine memory

2014-03-25 Thread Wesley
在 2014年3月25日星期二UTC+8下午3时49分09秒,dieter写道:
 Wesley writes:
I am trying to use gdb debug python script.
  I am using gdb7.7 and python2.7.6, here is my simple test script: 
  import time
  def next(i):
  i = 1 - i
  i = 1
  while True:
  When this script running, gdb attach to it, and here is snippet:
  (gdb) frame 5
  #5  0x004d01a7 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=Frame 0x201e130, for file, line 6, in next (i=1), throwflag=0) at Python/ceval.c:2666
  2666x = call_function(sp, oparg);
  (gdb) py-locals
  i = 1
  (gdb) pyo i
  No symbol i in current context.
 Quite a lot of time has passed since I last had to debug Python
 processes at C level -- thus, my memory may be unreliable.
 When I remember right, then pyo is used to interprete
 a C level variable as a Python object (and print it) -- not
 a Python level variable. In your case, i is a Python level variable.
 You must carefully distinguish between the C level and the Python level.
 Some commands expect C level names/objects;
 others may expect Python level names/objects.
 To learn how you can obtain the value of a Python variable,
 I see two approaches: look through the list of provided commands
 (and their documentation) and try to figure out which might be applicable
 and then may some tests; or look at the implementation of py-locals
 and use this knowledge to define you own command (for this,
 you will also need to understand the gdb language to define commands).

Hi Dieter,
Actually, I can now see the varialbe names at Python level and C level.
I just want to verify x command to monitor the memory content.
So, in my origin post, I can get variable i's address, and see the value is 1,
then, I wanna have a try x command, the issue is, when use x/format i's 
address, the output is not 1, but other things:-(

Re: Time we switched to unicode?

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 Chris Angelico

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Mark H Harris wrote:
 Π = pi

 That's good! (Although typing Π quicker than pi is majorly pushing it.

 It don't think that's good. The lower-case letter π should be used. The
 upper-case letter is used for a product, although unicode dedicates a
 separate character for the purpose: ∏.

 I often see Americans, especially, confuse upper and lower-case letters
 in symbols (KM for km, L for l etc). However, we are dealing
 with case-sensitive programming languages, so our eyes should have been
 trained to address meaning to upper and lower case.

This has been pointed out multiple times, and I did notice it myself.
But it's not significant, and I was trying to avoid nit-picking. If
you can type a capital ∏, you can type a lower-case π, unless there's
something very weird going on. So it still makes his point.


Re: Time we switched to unicode?

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:23:45 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

 I was trying to avoid nit-picking

What, on comp.lang.python? What's wrong with you?



Re: Time we switched to unicode?

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:23:45 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

 I was trying to avoid nit-picking

 What, on comp.lang.python? What's wrong with you?


I know, it's like refraining from bike-shedding on python-ideas or not
reading the Bible in a Presbyterian church service. But occasionally I
do try to be polite, or to make a point without worrying about the
detlais... :)


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 25-03-14 06:08, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:
 Its already there -- and even easier
 Switch to cyrillic-jis-russian (whatever that is!)
 and I get л from k Л from K
 How quickly can you switch, type one letter (to generate one Cyrillic
 character), and switch back? If you can do that more quickly than
 typing a word, then (for you!) it might be worth using those letters
 as symbols.


I thought programs were read more than written. So if writing is made
a bit more problematic but the result is more readable because we are
able to use symbols that are already familiar from other contexts, I
would say it is worth it.

Antoon Pardon


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 I thought programs were read more than written. So if writing is made
 a bit more problematic but the result is more readable because we are
 able to use symbols that are already familiar from other contexts, I
 would say it is worth it.

It's a matter of extents. If code is read ten times for every time
it's written, making it twenty times harder to write and a little bit
easier to read is still a bad tradeoff.

Also: To what extent IS that symbol familiar from some other context?
Are you using Python as a programming language, or should you perhaps
be using a mathematical front-end? Not everything needs to perfectly
match what anyone from any other context will expect. This is, first
and foremost, a *programming* language.


Re: Explanation of this Python language feature? [x for x in x for x in x] (to flatten a nested list)

2014-03-25 Thread 88888 Dihedral

  x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
  for x in x:
 ... for x in x:
 ... print(x)
This is valid in the syntax level 
in python. But it is only good
for those  writing obscure programs in 
my opinions at most team works. 

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 25-03-14 05:14, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Rustom Mody
 I don't know about the difference between {} in set theory and Python,
 but the multiple uses of () actually boil down to two:
 In set theory {} makes sets
 In python {} makes dictionaries
 That's a backward-compatibility issue. Braces in Python meant a
 dictionary before it acquired a set type (at least, so I learned in
 history class - I wasn't using Python back then), so empty braces have
 to continue to mean empty dictionary.

No they didn't have to. With the transition to python3, the developers
could have opted for empty braces to mean an empty set. And if they
wanted a literal for an empty dictionary, they might have chosen {:}.
Backward-compatibility was already broken so that wasn't an argument.

  I sympathize with the confusion,
 but short of confusing everyone terribly by changing dicts to use
 something other than braces (maybe borrow Pike's mapping notation, ([
 ])??), I don't really see a solution.

Come on. The problem isn't that both set and dictionary literal use
braces. That doesn't seem to be a problem in python3. The only question
was what should {} represent and how do we get an empty collection of
the other kind. If {} had been an empty set, dict() could have been
used for an empty dictionary is {:} had been unacceptable.

Antoon Pardon


[newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Jean Dubois
I'm confused by the behaviour of the following python-script I wrote:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#I first made a data file 'test.dat' with the following content
#1.0 2 3
#4 5 6.0
#7 8 9
import numpy as np
lines=[line.strip() for line in open('test.dat')]
#convert lines-list to numpy-array
#fetch element at 2nd row, 2nd column:
print array_lines[1, 1]

When running the script I always get the following error:
IndexError: invalid index

Can anyone here explain me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it?

thanks in advance

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 25-03-14 10:54, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 I thought programs were read more than written. So if writing is made
 a bit more problematic but the result is more readable because we are
 able to use symbols that are already familiar from other contexts, I
 would say it is worth it.
 It's a matter of extents. If code is read ten times for every time
 it's written, making it twenty times harder to write and a little bit
 easier to read is still a bad tradeoff.

 Also: To what extent IS that symbol familiar from some other context?
 Are you using Python as a programming language, or should you perhaps
 be using a mathematical front-end? Not everything needs to perfectly
 match what anyone from any other context will expect. This is, first
 and foremost, a *programming* language.

So? We do use + -, so why shouldn't we use × for multiplication. Would
such a use already indicate I should use a mathematical front-end?

When a programming language is borrowing concepts from mathematics,
I see no reason not to borrow the symbols used too.

Antoon Pardon. 


Have you ever wondered why there are so many flavors of python. This post answers all your queries.

2014-03-25 Thread Amit Khomane

Re: [newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 03:26:26 -0700, Jean Dubois wrote:

 I'm confused by the behaviour of the following python-script I wrote:
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 #I first made a data file 'test.dat' with the following content 
 #1.0 2 3
 #4 5 6.0
 #7 8 9
 import numpy as np
 lines=[line.strip() for line in open('test.dat')] 
 #convert lines-list to numpy-array
 #fetch element at 2nd row, 2nd column: 
 print array_lines[1, 1]
 When running the script I always get the following error: IndexError:
 invalid index
 Can anyone here explain me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it?

Yes. Inspect the array by printing it, and you'll see that it is a one-
dimensional array, not two, and the entries are strings:

py import numpy as np
py # simulate a text file
... data = 1.0 2 3
... 4 5 6.0
... 7 8 9
py lines=[line.strip() for line in data.split('\n')]
py # convert lines-list to numpy-array
... array_lines = np.array(lines)
py print array_lines
['1.0 2 3' '4 5 6.0' '7 8 9']

The interactive interpreter is your friend! You never need to guess what 
the problem is, Python has powerful introspection abilities, one of the 
most powerful is also one of the simplest: print. Another powerful tool 
in the interactive interpreter is help().

So, what to do about it? Firstly, convert your string read from a file 
into numbers, then build your array. Here's one way:

py values = [float(s) for s in data.split()]
py print values
[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
py array_lines = np.array(values)
py array_lines = array_lines.reshape(3, 3)
py print array_lines
[[ 1.  2.  3.]
 [ 4.  5.  6.]
 [ 7.  8.  9.]]

There may be other ways to do this, but that works for me.

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 No they didn't have to. With the transition to python3, the developers
 could have opted for empty braces to mean an empty set. And if they
 wanted a literal for an empty dictionary, they might have chosen {:}.
 Backward-compatibility was already broken so that wasn't an argument.

Python 3.0 didn't just say to Hades with backward compatibility. The
breakage was only in places where it was deemed worthwhile. Changing
the meaning of {} would have only small benefit and would potentially
break a LOT of programs, so the devs were right to not do it.

Python 3 and Python 2 are not, contrary to some people's opinions,
completely different languages.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:38:38 +0100, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 On 25-03-14 10:54, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 I thought programs were read more than written. So if writing is made
 a bit more problematic but the result is more readable because we are
 able to use symbols that are already familiar from other contexts, I
 would say it is worth it.
 It's a matter of extents. If code is read ten times for every time it's
 written, making it twenty times harder to write and a little bit easier
 to read is still a bad tradeoff.

 Also: To what extent IS that symbol familiar from some other context?
 Are you using Python as a programming language, or should you perhaps
 be using a mathematical front-end? Not everything needs to perfectly
 match what anyone from any other context will expect. This is, first
 and foremost, a *programming* language.
 So? We do use + -, so why shouldn't we use × for multiplication. 

I can't find × on my keyboard!

I tried using x instead, but I got a syntax error:

py 2x3
  File stdin, line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

 such a use already indicate I should use a mathematical front-end?
 When a programming language is borrowing concepts from mathematics, I
 see no reason not to borrow the symbols used too.

I'd like to sum the squares of the integers from n=1 to 10. In the old 
Python, I'd write sum(n**2 for n in range(1, 11)), but with the brave new 
world of maths symbols, I'd like to write this:

How do I enter that, and what text editor should I use?

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 25-03-14 12:14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:38:38 +0100, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 On 25-03-14 10:54, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 I thought programs were read more than written. So if writing is made
 a bit more problematic but the result is more readable because we are
 able to use symbols that are already familiar from other contexts, I
 would say it is worth it.
 It's a matter of extents. If code is read ten times for every time it's
 written, making it twenty times harder to write and a little bit easier
 to read is still a bad tradeoff.

 Also: To what extent IS that symbol familiar from some other context?
 Are you using Python as a programming language, or should you perhaps
 be using a mathematical front-end? Not everything needs to perfectly
 match what anyone from any other context will expect. This is, first
 and foremost, a *programming* language.
 So? We do use + -, so why shouldn't we use × for multiplication. 
 I can't find × on my keyboard!

Then use an editor that allows you to configure it, so you can
easily use it.

That's the kind of advice that is often enough given here if
some python feature is hard for the tools someone is using.
So why should it be different now?

 such a use already indicate I should use a mathematical front-end?

 When a programming language is borrowing concepts from mathematics, I
 see no reason not to borrow the symbols used too.
 I'd like to sum the squares of the integers from n=1 to 10. In the old 
 Python, I'd write sum(n**2 for n in range(1, 11)), but with the brave new 
 world of maths symbols, I'd like to write this:

 How do I enter that, and what text editor should I use?

You have a point. Blindly following mathematical notation will not
work, because mathematics often enough uses positional clues that
will be very hard to incorparate in a programming language.

But often enough languages tried to use the symbols that were
available to them. Now that more are, I see little reason for
avoiding there use.

Antoon Pardon


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 25-03-14 12:12, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 No they didn't have to. With the transition to python3, the developers
 could have opted for empty braces to mean an empty set. And if they
 wanted a literal for an empty dictionary, they might have chosen {:}.
 Backward-compatibility was already broken so that wasn't an argument.
 Python 3.0 didn't just say to Hades with backward compatibility. The
 breakage was only in places where it was deemed worthwhile. Changing
 the meaning of {} would have only small benefit and would potentially
 break a LOT of programs, so the devs were right to not do it.

More programs than those who broke because print was now a function?
Do you think it would have been so problamatic that it couldn't have
been handled by '2to3'?

Maybe breaking backward-compatibility wasn't considered worthwhile,
but that is not the same as stating backward-compatibility was
necessary. And that is how I understood how you stated your claim. 

 Python 3 and Python 2 are not, contrary to some people's opinions,
 completely different languages.

And changing the meaning of {} to now indicate the emppty set, wouldn't
have turned it in a completely different language either.

Antoon Pardon.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 5:16:14 PM UTC+5:30, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 25-03-14 12:14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  such a use already indicate I should use a mathematical front-end?
  When a programming language is borrowing concepts from mathematics, I
  see no reason not to borrow the symbols used too.
  I'd like to sum the squares of the integers from n=1 to 10. In the old 
  Python, I'd write sum(n**2 for n in range(1, 11)), but with the brave new 
  world of maths symbols, I'd like to write this:
  How do I enter that, and what text editor should I use?

 You have a point. Blindly following mathematical notation will not
 work, because mathematics often enough uses positional clues that
 will be very hard to incorparate in a programming language.

Two completely separate questions 

1. Symbols outside of US-104-keyboard/ASCII used for python 
2. Non-linear math notation

It goes back not just to the first programming languages but to Turing's paper
that what a mathematician can do on 2-d paper can be done on a 1-d 'tape'.
IOW conflating 1 and 2 is not even a poor strawman argument -- Its only 1 that 
anyone is talking about.

The comparison with APL which had/has at least some pretensions to
being mathematics and also simultaneously being a programming
language are more appropriate

So adding to my earlier list:

 Yes APL is a good example to learn mistakes from
 - being before its time/technology
 - taking a good idea too far
 - assuming that I understand clearly implies so do others

- not taking others' good ideas seriously

Structured programming constructs were hardly known in 1960 when APL was 
10 years down they were the rage. APL ignored them -- to its own detriment

  On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:38:38 +0100, Antoon Pardon wrote:
  On 25-03-14 10:54, Chris Angelico wrote:
  On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Antoon Pardon
  I thought programs were read more than written. So if writing is made
  a bit more problematic but the result is more readable because we are
  able to use symbols that are already familiar from other contexts, I
  would say it is worth it.
  It's a matter of extents. If code is read ten times for every time it's
  written, making it twenty times harder to write and a little bit easier
  to read is still a bad tradeoff.
  Also: To what extent IS that symbol familiar from some other context?
  Are you using Python as a programming language, or should you perhaps
  be using a mathematical front-end? Not everything needs to perfectly
  match what anyone from any other context will expect. This is, first
  and foremost, a *programming* language.
  So? We do use + -, so why shouldn't we use × for multiplication. 
  I can't find × on my keyboard!

 Then use an editor that allows you to configure it, so you can
 easily use it.

 That's the kind of advice that is often enough given here if
 some python feature is hard for the tools someone is using.
 So why should it be different now?

 But often enough languages tried to use the symbols that were
 available to them. Now that more are, I see little reason for
 avoiding there use.

I am reminded that when Unix first came out, some of both the early
adoption as well as the early pooh-pooh-ing was around the
novelty/stupidity of using lower-case in programming


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Come on. The problem isn't that both set and dictionary literal use
 braces. That doesn't seem to be a problem in python3. The only question
 was what should {} represent and how do we get an empty collection of
 the other kind. If {} had been an empty set, dict() could have been
 used for an empty dictionary is {:} had been unacceptable.

By analogy to tuples, it could have been {,}.

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Roy Smith
In article lgquvt$b7t$,
 Mark H Harris wrote:

 On 3/24/14 10:51 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
  Supporting both may look tempting, but you effectively create two ways
  of spelling the exact same thing; it'd be like C's trigraphs. Do you
  know what ??= is,
 This was a fit for me, back in the day IBM (system36  system38). When 
 we started supporting the C compiler (ha!) and non of our 5250 terminals 
 could provide the C punctuation we take for granted today--- so we 
 invented tri-graphs for { and } and others. It was a hoot.

Our ASR-33s didn't have { and }, so we used \( and \).  To be honest, I 
don't remember if the c compiler understood those, or if it was mapped 
at the tty driver level.

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Roy Smith
In article lgr5pq$olp$,
 Mark H Harris wrote:

 (we're on one tiny planet, you know?)

Speak for yourself.

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:07 PM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 25-03-14 12:12, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 No they didn't have to. With the transition to python3, the developers
 could have opted for empty braces to mean an empty set. And if they
 wanted a literal for an empty dictionary, they might have chosen {:}.
 Backward-compatibility was already broken so that wasn't an argument.
 Python 3.0 didn't just say to Hades with backward compatibility. The
 breakage was only in places where it was deemed worthwhile. Changing
 the meaning of {} would have only small benefit and would potentially
 break a LOT of programs, so the devs were right to not do it.

 More programs than those who broke because print was now a function?
 Do you think it would have been so problamatic that it couldn't have
 been handled by '2to3'?

It makes the same notation mean different things, in ways that are
hard to render clearly. You can write a Py3 program and put this at
the top for Py2:

input = raw_input
range = xrange
except NameError:
# We're running on Python 3

But you can't do the same for braces. You'd have to eschew *both*
literal-ish notations and use explicit constructors everywhere. Not


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Rustom Mody wrote:

 And Chris is right in (rephrasing) we may have unicode-happy OSes and
 languages. We cant reasonably have unicode-happy keyboards.
 [What would a million-key keyboard look like? Lets leave the cost aside...]

In a true unicode environment, the input device may be nothing like our 
current keyboards.

Star Trek has been amazingly accurate about it's predictions of the 
future.  Doors that open automatically as you approach them are now 
routine.  One thing they messed up on was mobile devices; they assumed 
tricorders and communicators would be separate devices, when in reality 
our phones now perform both functions.  Today's 3-d printers are giving 
replicators a run for their money.  Some people still get bent out of 
shape when a white man kisses a black woman, but we're working on that.

When's the last time you saw somebody typing commands to a computer on 
Star Trek?

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:08:38 PM UTC+5:30, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 So? We do use + -, so why shouldn't we use × for multiplication. Would
 such a use already indicate I should use a mathematical front-end?

 When a programming language is borrowing concepts from mathematics,
 I see no reason not to borrow the symbols used too.

Matters of taste are personal, touchy-feely things and not easily 

Some of mine:
* for multiply does not bother me; ** for power for some reason does.
Even though the only standard math notation is non-linear and is off-limits

'and' bothers me slightly (maybe because I was brought up on Pascal?)
'' less (and then C)
∧ is of course best (I am a Dijkstra fan)
[But then Dijkstra would probably roll over and over in his grave at
short-circuit 'and'. Non-commutative?!?! Blasphemy!]

÷ for some reason seems inappropriate
(some vague recollection that its an only English; Europeans dont use it??)

And if we had hyphen '‐' distinguished from minus '-' then we could have lispish
names like call‐with‐current‐continuation properly spelt.
And then generations of programmers will thank us for increasing their
debugging overtime!! 

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 25-03-14 13:45, Chris Angelico wrote:

 It makes the same notation mean different things, in ways that are
 hard to render clearly. You can write a Py3 program and put this at
 the top for Py2:

 input = raw_input
 range = xrange
 except NameError:
 # We're running on Python 3

 But you can't do the same for braces. You'd have to eschew *both*
 literal-ish notations and use explicit constructors everywhere. Not

What about it, is not clean? I understand that you prefer it how
it worked out. That is fine by me. But that doesn't make the
alternative unclean. Is having to write set() unclean somehow
when you need an empty set? I wouldn't think so. So I see no
reason why having to write dict() when you need an empty dictionary
wouldn't be clean.

Nor would it be unclean, when you have to write somethings a bit
differently when you want your program to be compatible both
with python2 and python3.

You will also need to prefix all your (unicode) strings with u and
all your byte strings with b. And probably some more stuff if you
want to avoid some pitfalls.

Antoon Pardon


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 6:15:16 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:07 PM, Antoon Pardon
  On 25-03-14 12:12, Chris Angelico wrote:
  On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Antoon Pardon
  No they didn't have to. With the transition to python3, the developers
  could have opted for empty braces to mean an empty set. And if they
  wanted a literal for an empty dictionary, they might have chosen {:}.
  Backward-compatibility was already broken so that wasn't an argument.
  Python 3.0 didn't just say to Hades with backward compatibility. The
  breakage was only in places where it was deemed worthwhile. Changing
  the meaning of {} would have only small benefit and would potentially
  break a LOT of programs, so the devs were right to not do it.
  More programs than those who broke because print was now a function?
  Do you think it would have been so problamatic that it couldn't have
  been handled by '2to3'?

 It makes the same notation mean different things, in ways that are
 hard to render clearly. You can write a Py3 program and put this at
 the top for Py2:

 input = raw_input
 range = xrange
 except NameError:
 # We're running on Python 3

 But you can't do the same for braces. You'd have to eschew *both*
 literal-ish notations and use explicit constructors everywhere. Not

What you are answering (2) is somewhat different from what Anton is asking (1).

1. Use a tool (2to3 inspired) to help move programs to the the new lexicon
2. Use 2to3 to (help) write code that is backward-compatible 

It is an invariable given that when heavily compatible code is desired, the 
programmer gets the worst of all worlds

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:35 PM, Roy Smith wrote:
 When's the last time you saw somebody typing commands to a computer on
 Star Trek?

That's more like what comes up in Cars 2. It's voice activated... but
then, everything is these days!


Re: advice on sub-classing multiprocessing.Process and multiprocessing.BaseManager

2014-03-25 Thread matt . newville
ChrisA -

 I wasn't really asking is multiprocessing appropriate? but whether
 there was a cleaner way to subclass multiprocessing.BaseManager() to 
 use a subclass of Process().  I can believe the answer is No, but 
 thought I'd ask.
 I've never subclassed BaseManager like this. It might be simpler to
 spin off one or more workers and not have them do any network
 communication at all; that way, you don't need to worry about the
 cache. Set up a process tree with one at the top doing only networking
 and process management (so it's always fast), and then use a
 multiprocessing.Queue or somesuch to pass info to a subprocess and
 back. Then your global connection state is all stored within the top
 process, and none of the others need care about it. You might have a
 bit of extra effort to pass info back to the parent rather than simply
 writing it to the connection, but that's a common requirement in other
 areas (eg GUI handling - it's common to push all GUI manipulation onto
 the main thread), so it's a common enough model.
 But if subclassing and tweaking is the easiest way, and if you don't
 mind your solution being potentially fragile (which subclassing like
 that is), then you could look into monkey-patching Process. Inject
 your code into it and then use the original. It's not perfect, but it
 may turn out easier than the subclass everything technique.

Thanks, I agree that restricting network communications to a parent process 
would be a good recommended solution, but it's hard to enforce and easy to 
forget such a recommendation.  It seems better to provide lightweight 
library-specific subclasses of Process (and Pool) and explaining why they 
should be used.  This library (pyepics) already does similar things for 
interaction with other libraries (notably providing decorators to avoid issues 
with wxPython). 

Monkey-patching multiprocessing.Process seems more fragile than subclassing it. 
 It turned out that multiprocessing.pool.Pool was also very easy to subclass.  
But cleanly subclassing the Managers in multiprocessing.managers look much 
harder.  I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, or if it should be filed 
as an issue for multiprocessing.   For now, I'm willing to say that the 
multiprocessing managers are not yet available with the pyepics library.

Thanks again,



Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 08:21:19 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

 In article,
  Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Come on. The problem isn't that both set and dictionary literal use
 braces. That doesn't seem to be a problem in python3. The only question
 was what should {} represent and how do we get an empty collection of
 the other kind. If {} had been an empty set, dict() could have been
 used for an empty dictionary is {:} had been unacceptable.
 By analogy to tuples, it could have been {,}.

An empty tuple is (), not (,). {,} is just making up random syntax almost 
unrelated to anything else. One might as well used {?} or {+}.

If Python 3 had introduced {} to mean the empty set, I *guarantee* that 
right now people would be arguing that Python 3 could have used {} for 
the empty dict, and used set() for the empty set -- and very likely the 
same people now arguing the opposite.

Yes, Python could have changed the meaning of {} to mean the empty set. 
But you know what? The empty set is not that important. Sets are not 
fundamental to Python. Python didn't even have sets until 2.3, and at 
first they were just a standard library module, not even built-in. Dicts, 
on the other hand, are fundamental to Python. They are used everywhere. 
Python is, in a very real sense, built on dicts, not sets. You can 
implement sets starting from dicts, but not the other way around: dicts 
are more fundamental than sets.

I'm sure it is awfully impressive that mathematicians can derive the laws 
of integer maths starting only from the empty set ∅, but as far as 
programming goes that's not a very useful thing. Dicts are much more 
important, and they are much more commonly used.

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 25-03-14 13:53, Rustom Mody wrote:
 On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:08:38 PM UTC+5:30, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 So? We do use + -, so why shouldn't we use × for multiplication. Would
 such a use already indicate I should use a mathematical front-end?
 When a programming language is borrowing concepts from mathematics,
 I see no reason not to borrow the symbols used too.
 Matters of taste are personal, touchy-feely things and not easily 

 Some of mine:
 * for multiply does not bother me; ** for power for some reason does.
 Even though the only standard math notation is non-linear and is off-limits

 'and' bothers me slightly (maybe because I was brought up on Pascal?)
 '' less (and then C)
 ∧ is of course best (I am a Dijkstra fan)
 [But then Dijkstra would probably roll over and over in his grave at
 short-circuit 'and'. Non-commutative?!?! Blasphemy!]

 ÷ for some reason seems inappropriate
 (some vague recollection that its an only English; Europeans dont use it??)

 It doesn't bother me. IIRC in primary school before fractions were introduced,
 a colon was used to indicate division.

 And if we had hyphen '‐' distinguished from minus '-' then we could have 
 names like call‐with‐current‐continuation properly spelt.
 And then generations of programmers will thank us for increasing their
 debugging overtime!! 

Sure we could argue some partciculars. Personnaly I would prefer an up-arrow
for exponentiation.

IMO the advantage would be mainly in allowing more disambiguity. So that if
you as a programmer think about something as an operator, you are not obligated
to somehow force it into the mold of + - * / % //.

If → would have been used for attribute access, then we could just write 
5→to_bytes(4, little) without having to consider that the lexer would
try to interpret it as a floating point.

And maybe ⤚ could have been used for concatenation. Which would mean that
if you had a class whose instances could both be added and concatenated,
you could implement both as an operator.

Finally, I think I would prefer the middle dot ⸱ for lispish names so
we would have call⸱with⸱current⸱continuation.


Re: [newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Jean Dubois
Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 12:01:37 UTC+1 schreef Steven D'Aprano:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 03:26:26 -0700, Jean Dubois wrote:

  I'm confused by the behaviour of the following python-script I wrote:
  #!/usr/bin/env python
  #I first made a data file 'test.dat' with the following content 
  #1.0 2 3
  #4 5 6.0
  #7 8 9
  import numpy as np
  lines=[line.strip() for line in open('test.dat')] 
  #convert lines-list to numpy-array
  #fetch element at 2nd row, 2nd column: 
  print array_lines[1, 1]
  When running the script I always get the following error: IndexError:
  invalid index
  Can anyone here explain me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it?

 Yes. Inspect the array by printing it, and you'll see that it is a one-
 dimensional array, not two, and the entries are strings:

 py import numpy as np
 py # simulate a text file
 ... data = 1.0 2 3
 ... 4 5 6.0
 ... 7 8 9
 py lines=[line.strip() for line in data.split('\n')]
 py # convert lines-list to numpy-array
 ... array_lines = np.array(lines)
 py print array_lines
 ['1.0 2 3' '4 5 6.0' '7 8 9']

 The interactive interpreter is your friend! You never need to guess what 
 the problem is, Python has powerful introspection abilities, one of the 
 most powerful is also one of the simplest: print. Another powerful tool 
 in the interactive interpreter is help().

 So, what to do about it? Firstly, convert your string read from a file 
 into numbers, then build your array. Here's one way:

 py values = [float(s) for s in data.split()]
 py print values
 [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
 py array_lines = np.array(values)
 py array_lines = array_lines.reshape(3, 3)
 py print array_lines
 [[ 1.  2.  3.]
  [ 4.  5.  6.]
  [ 7.  8.  9.]]

Dear Steve,
Thanks for answering my question but unfortunately now I'm totally
Above I see parts from different programs which I can't
assemble together to one working program (I really tried hard).
Can I tell from your comment I shouldn't use numpy?
I also don't see how to get the value an element specified by (row,
column) from a numpy_array like array_lines in my original code

All I need is a little python-example reading a file with e.g. three lines
with three numbers per line and putting those numbers  as floats in a
3x3-numpy_array, then selecting an element from that numpy_array using
it's row and column-number.

thanks in advance and kind regards,


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 12:43 AM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 It doesn't bother me. IIRC in primary school before fractions were 
 a colon was used to indicate division.

The way I learned it, a colon was for a ratio, and a horizontal line
was for a fraction. Both of them effectively indicate division, but
with a distinct difference. If you have four red objects and two blue
ones, the ratio of red to blue is 4 : 2 or 2 : 1, but the fraction
(proportion) that are red is 4 / 6 or 2 / 3.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Rustom Mody wrote:
 What you are answering (2) is somewhat different from what Anton is asking 

 1. Use a tool (2to3 inspired) to help move programs to the the new lexicon
 2. Use 2to3 to (help) write code that is backward-compatible

 It is an invariable given that when heavily compatible code is desired, the
 programmer gets the worst of all worlds

That is true. But writing cross-compatible code IS important, and that
means that backward compatibility is still important, and that
breaking it is a cost - which was my original point. Other
non-backward-compatible changes at 3.0 are not justification to
arbitrarily change the meanings of syntactic elements. Don't forget,
even if you're not writing a single file that gets executed unmodified
on two versions, you still have to worry about your brain changing


Re: advice on sub-classing multiprocessing.Process and multiprocessing.BaseManager

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 12:34 AM, wrote:
 Monkey-patching multiprocessing.Process seems more fragile than subclassing 
 it.  It turned out that multiprocessing.pool.Pool was also very easy to 
 subclass.  But cleanly subclassing the Managers in multiprocessing.managers 
 look much harder.  I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, or if it 
 should be filed as an issue for multiprocessing.   For now, I'm willing to 
 say that the multiprocessing managers are not yet available with the pyepics 

Subclassing is actually more fragile than you might think. As you've
found, you need to fidget with more and more classes to make your
change stick, and also, any small change to implementation details
in the superclass could suddenly break things. It's not really any
safer than monkeypatching, despite all the OO fanatics saying how easy
it is to rework by subclassing. At least when you monkeypatch, you
*know* you're fiddling with internals.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 25-03-14 14:36, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 08:21:19 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

 In article,
  Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Come on. The problem isn't that both set and dictionary literal use
 braces. That doesn't seem to be a problem in python3. The only question
 was what should {} represent and how do we get an empty collection of
 the other kind. If {} had been an empty set, dict() could have been
 used for an empty dictionary is {:} had been unacceptable.
 By analogy to tuples, it could have been {,}.
 An empty tuple is (), not (,). {,} is just making up random syntax almost 
 unrelated to anything else. One might as well used {?} or {+}.

 If Python 3 had introduced {} to mean the empty set, I *guarantee* that 
 right now people would be arguing that Python 3 could have used {} for 
 the empty dict, and used set() for the empty set -- and very likely the 
 same people now arguing the opposite.

Sure and other people would have defended that choice and very likely
the same people that are defending the current choice now. What is 
your point?

 Yes, Python could have changed the meaning of {} to mean the empty set. 
 But you know what? The empty set is not that important. Sets are not 
 fundamental to Python. Python didn't even have sets until 2.3, and at 
 first they were just a standard library module, not even built-in. Dicts, 
 on the other hand, are fundamental to Python. They are used everywhere. 
 Python is, in a very real sense, built on dicts, not sets. You can 
 implement sets starting from dicts, but not the other way around: dicts 
 are more fundamental than sets.

Fine, dicts are more fundamental. I just don't see that as such a big
argument against using a different literal for the empty dictionary
than was used in python2 and using {} to indicate the empty set. I
would have preferred it that way, but I don't consider it a big deal.

I just consider the arguments weak for those who seem to argue that
using {} for an empty dictionary in python3 was as good as unavoidable.

Antoon Pardon


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 7:26:47 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 12:43 AM, Antoon Pardon
  It doesn't bother me. IIRC in primary school before fractions were 
  a colon was used to indicate division.

 The way I learned it, a colon was for a ratio, and a horizontal line
 was for a fraction. Both of them effectively indicate division, but
 with a distinct difference. If you have four red objects and two blue
 ones, the ratio of red to blue is 4 : 2 or 2 : 1, but the fraction
 (proportion) that are red is 4 / 6 or 2 / 3.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 7:13:09 PM UTC+5:30, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 25-03-14 13:53, Rustom Mody wrote:
  On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:08:38 PM UTC+5:30, Antoon Pardon wrote:
  So? We do use + -, so why shouldn't we use × for multiplication. Would
  such a use already indicate I should use a mathematical front-end?
  When a programming language is borrowing concepts from mathematics,
  I see no reason not to borrow the symbols used too.
  Matters of taste are personal, touchy-feely things and not easily 
  Some of mine:
  * for multiply does not bother me; ** for power for some reason does.
  Even though the only standard math notation is non-linear and is off-limits
  'and' bothers me slightly (maybe because I was brought up on Pascal?)
  '' less (and then C)
  ∧ is of course best (I am a Dijkstra fan)
  [But then Dijkstra would probably roll over and over in his grave at
  short-circuit 'and'. Non-commutative?!?! Blasphemy!]
  ÷ for some reason seems inappropriate
  (some vague recollection that its an only English; Europeans dont use it??)

  It doesn't bother me. IIRC in primary school before fractions were 
  a colon was used to indicate division.
  And if we had hyphen '‐' distinguished from minus '-' then we could have 
  names like call‐with‐current‐continuation properly spelt.
  And then generations of programmers will thank us for increasing their
  debugging overtime!! 
 Sure we could argue some partciculars. Personnaly I would prefer an up-arrow
 for exponentiation.


 IMO the advantage would be mainly in allowing more disambiguity. So that if
 you as a programmer think about something as an operator, you are not 
 to somehow force it into the mold of + - * / % //.

 If → would have been used for attribute access, then we could just write 


 5→to_bytes(4, little) without having to consider that the lexer would
 try to interpret it as a floating point.

 And maybe ⤚ could have been used for concatenation. Which would mean that

Super! Anything but a (randomly overloaded) +!

 if you had a class whose instances could both be added and concatenated,
 you could implement both as an operator.

 Finally, I think I would prefer the middle dot ⸱ for lispish names so
 we would have call⸱with⸱current⸱continuation.

A bit unreadable out here but not too bad

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 08:35:02 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

 In article,
  Rustom Mody wrote:
 And Chris is right in (rephrasing) we may have unicode-happy OSes and
 languages. We cant reasonably have unicode-happy keyboards. [What would
 a million-key keyboard look like? Lets leave the cost aside...]
 In a true unicode environment, the input device may be nothing like our
 current keyboards.

I doubt it. I expect that they will be based on our current keyboards.

 Star Trek has been amazingly accurate about it's predictions of the


 Doors that open automatically as you approach them are now

It's very easy to predict things that have already happened. Star Trek 
was created in 1966. The electric automatic door was invented in 1954 by 
Lew Hewitt and Dee Horton. (Well, actually the first automatic door was 
built in the 1st century CE by Heron of Alexandra, but that's another 

Electric doors may be common in some commercial premises, such as 
shopping centres and some office buildings, but I wouldn't call them 

 One thing they messed up on was mobile devices; they assumed
 tricorders and communicators would be separate devices, when in reality
 our phones now perform both functions.  Today's 3-d printers are giving
 replicators a run for their money.

Today's 3D printers are to replicators what a stone axe is to a full wood-
working tool shop.

  Some people still get bent out of
 shape when a white man kisses a black woman, but we're working on that.
 When's the last time you saw somebody typing commands to a computer on
 Star Trek?

1986, when I last saw Star Trek IV.

The Star Trek universe also predicts that money will be obsolete. How's 
that prediction working out?

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 1:13 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 08:35:02 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

 In article,
  Rustom Mody wrote:

 And Chris is right in (rephrasing) we may have unicode-happy OSes and
 languages. We cant reasonably have unicode-happy keyboards. [What would
 a million-key keyboard look like? Lets leave the cost aside...]

 In a true unicode environment, the input device may be nothing like our
 current keyboards.

 I doubt it. I expect that they will be based on our current keyboards.

Rule #0 of any voice-activated system: The command word Console MUST
summon a terminal window, and make available a keyboard and screen on
which to use it. This console MAY demand authentication (via typed
password) before operating.

I don't know if that's written anywhere, but it ought to be. It should
be as fundamental as Asimov's laws of robotics. That one simple rule
would improve scifi like Eureka no end. Hey look, we have a rogue
AI... CONSOLE!... hey look, we have a rogue AI on a system that's
now powered off. Crisis averted, now go solve the problem in a mundane
and not very TV-friendly way...

 Star Trek has been amazingly accurate about it's predictions of the


I like the Scott Adams take on that. He predicted (in the 1990s) that
the future would *not* be like Star Trek, because human reproduction
depends on genuine relationships being cheaper/easier than artificial
ones. If you could go onto the holodeck and create yourself the
perfect (wo)man of your dreams, why would you ever date a real one?
The holodeck would be humanity's last invention.

 When's the last time you saw somebody typing commands to a computer on
 Star Trek?

 1986, when I last saw Star Trek IV.

You actually watched it? I got pretty much bored with the series
before even finishing TNG. (I'm not 100% sure, but I think I watched
every TOS episode.)

 The Star Trek universe also predicts that money will be obsolete. How's
 that prediction working out?

And it further predicts that, thanks to the invention of the holodeck
and the replicator, humanity will lose all sense of purpose and
challenge, and will send ships out to go^H^Hgo to places where
nobody's yet been, because the entire human race is *bored out of its
petty little brain* with nothing exciting left to do. Yup, that's the
whole unpublished backstory right there, sorry for the spoilers! (I
got this from Scott Adams too. He seems to know his stuff.)


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 05:53:45 -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:

 And if we had hyphen '‐' distinguished from minus '-' then we could have
 lispish names like call‐with‐current‐continuation properly spelt. And
 then generations of programmers will thank us for increasing their
 debugging overtime!!


Full Unicode support in a language is, alas, a double-edged sword. While 
it has advantages, it also has disadvantages.

py А = 1
py A = А + 1
py assert A == А
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module

While I can see the appeal of certain Unicode symbols, I really wouldn't 
like to have to deal with code that looks like this:


If I wanted line-noise, I know where to get Perl :-)

Steven D'Aprano

Re: [newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Dave Angel
 Jean Dubois Wrote in message:
 Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 12:01:37 UTC+1 schreef Steven D'Aprano:

 py values = [float(s) for s in data.split()]
 py print values
 [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
 py array_lines = np.array(values)
 py array_lines = array_lines.reshape(3, 3)
 py print array_lines
 [[ 1.  2.  3.]
  [ 4.  5.  6.]
  [ 7.  8.  9.]]

 Dear Steve,
 Thanks for answering my question but unfortunately now I'm totally
 Above I see parts from different programs which I can't
 assemble together to one working program (I really tried hard).
 Can I tell from your comment I shouldn't use numpy?
 I also don't see how to get the value an element specified by (row,
 column) from a numpy_array like array_lines in my original code

I don't use numpy,  but I thought Steven's description was clear

Your problem was not the extraction,  but the creation of the
 array.  Use print to prove that to yourself. 

 All I need is a little python-example reading a file with e.g. three lines
 with three numbers per line and putting those numbers  as floats in a
 3x3-numpy_array, then selecting an element from that numpy_array using
 it's row and column-number.

If your instructor wanted you to copy examples,  he would have
 given you one.

First write some code to split and convert each line into floats.
 You don't even try that in your original.  Then do that in a
 loop. Now you have all the floats in one list or array. I presume
 that it's two dimensional.  Use print to check.  If it's not, 
 you'll have to either post process it with a reshape method,  or
 change the way you accumulate it. I can't help with the latter.



Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 05:09:20 -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:

 Two completely separate questions
 1. Symbols outside of US-104-keyboard/ASCII used for python
 2. Non-linear math notation
 It goes back not just to the first programming languages but to Turing's
 paper that what a mathematician can do on 2-d paper can be done on a 1-d
 'tape'. IOW conflating 1 and 2 is not even a poor strawman argument --
 Its only 1 that anyone is talking about.

Not so. Mark Harris said:

But what if python had a math symbols extension so that universal
mathematics could be written the way we do it on a black|board, 
er, I mean white|board?

I think that's pretty explicit that he's talking about writing 
mathematical code the way mathematicians write mathematics.

Antoon Pardon referred to borrowing the symbols used in mathematics. But 
the point is that the symbols come with notation: - (minus) can be prefix 
unary operator or a infix binary operator. ∑ (summation) is a quaternary 
operator, it takes four arguments: a variable name, a lower limit, an 
upper limit, and an expression. To be true to the mathematical notation, 
we ought to write it the way mathematicians do.

The thing is, we can't just create a ∑ function, because it doesn't work 
the way the summation operator works. The problem is that we would want 
syntactic support, so we could write something like this:

p = 2
∑(n, 1, 10, n**p)

This cannot be an ordinary function, because if it were, the n**p 
expression would be evaluated before passing the result to the function. 
We want it to delay evaluation, like a list comp:

[n**p for n in range(1, 11)]

the expression n**p gets evaluated inside the list comp. That cannot be 
written as a function either:

list_comp(n**p, n, range(1, 11))

Mark's idea of a maths blackboard is not ridiculous. That's what 
Mathematica does. To enter a sum like the above in Mathematica, you can 

ESC sum ESC Ctrl+$ n=1 Ctrl+% 10 Ctrl+Space n^p

to give you the summation 

∑  n**p

Obviously this requires a custom editor.

But Mathematica is a specialist system for doing mathematics, not a 
general purpose language like Python. Of course one could *write* a 
Mathematica-like system in Python, and I expect that Sage may even have 
something like this (if it doesn't, it could) but one shouldn't hammer 
the specialised round peg of complex mathematical notation into the 
square peg of a general purpose programming language.

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 7:53:23 PM UTC+5:30, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 05:53:45 -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:

  And if we had hyphen '‐' distinguished from minus '-' then we could have
  lispish names like call‐with‐current‐continuation properly spelt. And
  then generations of programmers will thank us for increasing their
  debugging overtime!!


 Full Unicode support in a language is, alas, a double-edged sword. While 
 it has advantages, it also has disadvantages.

 py А = 1
 py A = А + 1
 py assert A == А
 Traceback (most recent call last):

Even with 'good' ol ASCII giving enough trouble between O and 0, 1 and
l, we certainly dont want more such headaches!

In apps, a serious consideration of unicode entails a cycle of i18n
and l10n.  The l10n for programming languages is arguably harder -- if
python is 'localized' to some (human) language L, maybe all the
builtins should be also translated?  And whats the use of that without
full translation of the docs?  Its not a pleasing thought...

Something intermediate needs to be found...

Some thoughts (quite half cooked):
1. Human -- 'natural' -- languages and math are not in the same category
If Cyrillic A gets in Roman probably shouldn't. 

2. There needs to be some intermediate binding time -- eg when the
system is installed -- when suitable char-tables are set up.
Case-in-point: Many folks in haskell-land have wanted to replace
the '\' with the 'λ'. This has not worked out so far because λ belongs to the
same unicode class as other lower-case letters. So since this is possible:

Prelude let λ = 1
Prelude λ

the other more-natural-to-haskell usage is precluded.
So these classes need to be changeable and late-bindable.
Not as late as runtime but later than build-time.
Probably same as the choice of locales on a system

 While I can see the appeal of certain Unicode symbols, I really wouldn't 
 like to have to deal with code that looks like this:


 If I wanted line-noise, I know where to get Perl :-)

Yes... neither Perl nor Cobol is pleasant

Re: [newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 06:47:23 -0700, Jean Dubois wrote:

 Thanks for answering my question but unfortunately now I'm totally
 Above I see parts from different programs which I can't assemble
 together to one working program (I really tried hard). Can I tell from
 your comment I shouldn't use numpy? 

No, you misunderstood me. I never suggested that you avoid numpy. If you 
read my code, I use numpy. That's the import numpy as np, and then 
later I refer to np.

What I suggested is that you open up the Python interactive interpreter 
and use it for experimentation. Not that you avoid numpy! You will use 
numpy inside the interactive interpreter.

Do you know how to start the interactive interpreter? You seem to be 
using Linux, or maybe Mac. Open a console or xterm window, and type


then press Enter, and the interactive interpreter will start.

 I also don't see how to get the
 value an element specified by (row, column) from a numpy_array like
 array_lines in my original code

Once you build the array, you get the element the same way you tried (but 
failed) earlier:

print array_lines[1, 1]

will print the element at row 1, column 1. The problem you had before was 
that you had a one dimensional array, not a two dimensional one.

 All I need is a little python-example reading a file with e.g. three
 lines with three numbers per line and putting those numbers  as floats
 in a 3x3-numpy_array, then selecting an element from that numpy_array
 using it's row and column-number.

Yes, I'm sure you do. And you will learn much more by writing this code 

You were very, very close with your earlier attempt. In English, you had:

* import the numpy module
* read the file into a list of text lines
* store the text lines in a numpy array
* try to print a single item from the array

but it failed because the list of lines was only one dimensional. I gave 
you some code that was very similar:

* import the numpy module
* fake a text file using a string
* split the string into a list of substrings
* convert each substring into a number (float)
* store the numbers in a numpy array
* change the size of the array to turn it from 1D to 2D
* print the array

Can you identify which part of code goes with each English description? 
That's your first job. Then identify the parts of code you want to take 
from my example and put it into your example.

Good luck, and have fun!

Steven D'Aprano

Re: [newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Peter Otten
Jean Dubois wrote:

 Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 12:01:37 UTC+1 schreef Steven D'Aprano:
 On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 03:26:26 -0700, Jean Dubois wrote:

  I'm confused by the behaviour of the following python-script I wrote:
  #!/usr/bin/env python
  #I first made a data file 'test.dat' with the following content
  #1.0 2 3
  #4 5 6.0
  #7 8 9
  import numpy as np
  lines=[line.strip() for line in open('test.dat')]
  #convert lines-list to numpy-array
  #fetch element at 2nd row, 2nd column:
  print array_lines[1, 1]
  When running the script I always get the following error: IndexError:
  invalid index
  Can anyone here explain me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it?

 Yes. Inspect the array by printing it, and you'll see that it is a one-
 dimensional array, not two, and the entries are strings:

 py import numpy as np
 py # simulate a text file
 ... data = 1.0 2 3
 ... 4 5 6.0
 ... 7 8 9
 py lines=[line.strip() for line in data.split('\n')]
 py # convert lines-list to numpy-array
 ... array_lines = np.array(lines)
 py print array_lines
 ['1.0 2 3' '4 5 6.0' '7 8 9']

 The interactive interpreter is your friend! You never need to guess what
 the problem is, Python has powerful introspection abilities, one of the
 most powerful is also one of the simplest: print. Another powerful tool
 in the interactive interpreter is help().

 So, what to do about it? Firstly, convert your string read from a file
 into numbers, then build your array. Here's one way:

 py values = [float(s) for s in data.split()]
 py print values
 [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
 py array_lines = np.array(values)
 py array_lines = array_lines.reshape(3, 3)
 py print array_lines
 [[ 1.  2.  3.]
  [ 4.  5.  6.]
  [ 7.  8.  9.]]

 Dear Steve,
 Thanks for answering my question but unfortunately now I'm totally
 Above I see parts from different programs which I can't
 assemble together to one working program (I really tried hard).
 Can I tell from your comment I shouldn't use numpy?
 I also don't see how to get the value an element specified by (row,
 column) from a numpy_array like array_lines in my original code
 All I need is a little python-example reading a file with e.g. three lines
 with three numbers per line and putting those numbers  as floats in a
 3x3-numpy_array, then selecting an element from that numpy_array using
 it's row and column-number.

I'll try, too, but be warned that I'm using the same methology as Steven. 
Try to replicate every step in the following exploration.

First let's make sure we start with the same data:

$ cat test.dat
1.0 2 3
4 5 6.0
7 8 9

Then fire up the interactve interpreter:

$ python
Python 2.7.5+ (default, Feb 27 2014, 19:37:08) 
[GCC 4.8.1] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import numpy
 lines = [line.strip() for line in open(test.dat)]
['1.0 2 3', '4 5 6.0', '7 8 9']

As you can see lines is a list of three strings.
Let's break these strings into parts:

 cells = [line.split() for line in lines]
[['1.0', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6.0'], ['7', '8', '9']]

We now have a list of lists of strings and you can address individual items 


What happens when pass this list of lists of strings to the numpy.array() 

 a = numpy.array(cells)
array([['1.0', '2', '3'],
   ['4', '5', '6.0'],
   ['7', '8', '9']], 

It sort of works, but the array entries are strings rather than floating 
point numbers. Let's fix that:

 a = numpy.array(cells, dtype=float)
array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
   [ 4.,  5.,  6.],
   [ 7.,  8.,  9.]])

OK, now we can put the previous steps into a script:

$ cat
import numpy
cells = [line.split() for line in open(test.dat)]
a = numpy.array(cells, dtype=float)
print a[1, 2]

Run it:
$ python

Seems to work. But reading a 2D array from a file really looks like a common  
task -- there should be a library function for that:

$ python
Python 2.7.5+ (default, Feb 27 2014, 19:37:08) 
[GCC 4.8.1] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import numpy
array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
   [ 4.,  5.,  6.],
   [ 7.,  8.,  9.]])


Re: [newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Mark H Harris

On 3/25/14 9:42 AM, Dave Angel wrote:

All I need is a little python-example reading a file with e.g. three lines
with three numbers per line and putting those numbers  as floats in a
3x3-numpy_array, then selecting an element from that numpy_array using
it's row and column-number.

If your instructor wanted you to copy examples,  he would have
  given you one.


Give them a toad they'll have warts all day; teach them to eat a toad 
they'll never have warts again...   or something like that.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Mark H Harris

On 3/25/14 7:36 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

(we're on one tiny planet, you know?)

Speak for yourself.

Are others on this list, um, on a different planet?  Or, am I the only 
one who knows its tiny?

Yes, we're on a tiny planet revolving around a speck of a star, at the 
edge of an insignificant galaxy ...

{not that it matters}


Re: How to clear all content in a Tk()

2014-03-25 Thread Marcel Rodrigues
What about this:

Put a Frame() inside the root: `frame = Frame(root)`. This frame will be
the only immediate child of root. Everything else will be put inside the
frame. When you need to clear the root, call `frame.destroy()`. This will
destroy `frame` and all its children. You will need to recreate the frame,
but not the root.

2014-03-24 17:30 GMT-03:00

 I have this program, and since I want to change stuff dynamically, I want
 to fully clear the root = Tk(), without deleting it. Is there a way to do


Re: Time we switched to unicode?

2014-03-25 Thread Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 Chris Angelico

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Mark H Harris wrote:
 Π¹ = pi

 That's good! (Although typing Π¹ quicker than pi is majorly pushing it.

 It don't think that's good. The lower-case letter π² should be used. The
 upper-case letter is used for a product, although unicode dedicates a
 separate character for the purpose: ∏³.

 I often see Americans, especially, confuse upper and lower-case letters
 in symbols (KM for km, L for l etc).

“L” is actually valid, and so is “l”.  This happens mainly because
humans (and computers) tend to write “1 l” (one liter, one-ell) in a
way that makes it harder to distinguish (becoming eleven or ell-ell),
especially if you don’t include the space (which is invalid).

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 If you can type a capital ∏³, you can type a lower-case π², unless there's 
 something very weird going on.

Nitpick time!  (because we all love it so much!)


“If you can type an N-ARY PRODUCT, you can type a GREEK SMALL LETTER
PI, unless there’s something very weird going on.”

…like, the user is in the past and is using ISO 8859-7 (instead of a
21st-century encoding, like UTF-8).  An encoding which has support for
Π¹ and π², but not for ∏³… (of course, this assumes that, if we add
those new characters into python, we allow any encoding, somehow.)

That’s not too weird, other than the ancient encoding being used.
(though that’s a bit less weird on Windows, but that’d be

Oh: and speaking of fancy Unicode characters that are worthless
~duplicates, spot the difference here:

µ μ

If you are lucky enough (and, luckiness may involve reading this
e-mail in Helvetica (not Neue though) on a Mac), you can clearly see
that they are different.  If you are using a font that does not
differentiate them, you may think they’re the same.  If you ask some
intelligent software (like `` in Python), you’ll
quickly find out the first is MICRO SIGN, and the other is GREEK SMALL
LETTER MU.  Such craziness is what makes Unicode Unicode.

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick
stop html mail | always bottom-post | only UTF-8 makes sense

Re: python installation on windows

2014-03-25 Thread rborole06
On Tuesday, 25 March 2014 10:16:20 UTC-8,  wrote:
 On Sunday, 23 March 2014 18:22:54 UTC-8, Rhodri James  wrote:
  On Sun, 23 Mar 2014 17:09:09 -, wrote:
   Hi Everybody
   actually i want to run python on web browser.
  Actually you don't.  You want to run Python on a web server, which  
  fortunately is a good deal easier.
   I downloaded python and installed but i'm not able to run it in browser  
   but it running using command prompt. so i trying to install mod_wsgi  
   3.4. So i downloaded precompiled version mod_wsgi-3.4.ap22.win32-py2.6  
   and copied file to C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\modules  
   after i'm trying to run .\configure on path C:\Documents and  
   Settings\Rahul\Desktop\mod_wsgi-3.4.ap22.win32-py2.6 but it giving me  
   error that .\configure is not recognized as internal or external command.
   So please suggest me what can i do for that, i'm so beginner to python  
   and installing and configuring modules for apache.
  The .\configure thing is for Linux installations using autotools; it's  
  not going to work on Windows.
  I don't run Apache on Windows, so I'm just guessing from the documentation  
  here, but the mod_wsgi Installation on Windows page says to follow the  
  instructions for loading mod_wsgi in the Quick Installation Guide.  The  
  Quick Installation Guide page has instructions for editing the Apache  
  config files.  No mention of running .\configure -- why are you doing  
  that?  Try just editing the config files as the documentation suggests and  
  see if that works.
  Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses
 Thanks for your comment but i also edited httpd.conf file then my wamp not 
 LoadModule php5_module c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.0/php5apache2_2.dll
 This line i added on line 128 but nothing. Wampserver showing yellow.
 I'm not getting what happening. I'm doing as per suggested in documentation

And again if i'm removing this line then wampserver works properly

Re: python installation on windows

2014-03-25 Thread rborole06
On Sunday, 23 March 2014 18:22:54 UTC-8, Rhodri James  wrote:
 On Sun, 23 Mar 2014 17:09:09 -, wrote:
  Hi Everybody
  actually i want to run python on web browser.
 Actually you don't.  You want to run Python on a web server, which  
 fortunately is a good deal easier.
  I downloaded python and installed but i'm not able to run it in browser  
  but it running using command prompt. so i trying to install mod_wsgi  
  3.4. So i downloaded precompiled version mod_wsgi-3.4.ap22.win32-py2.6  
  and copied file to C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\modules  
  after i'm trying to run .\configure on path C:\Documents and  
  Settings\Rahul\Desktop\mod_wsgi-3.4.ap22.win32-py2.6 but it giving me  
  error that .\configure is not recognized as internal or external command.
  So please suggest me what can i do for that, i'm so beginner to python  
  and installing and configuring modules for apache.
 The .\configure thing is for Linux installations using autotools; it's  
 not going to work on Windows.
 I don't run Apache on Windows, so I'm just guessing from the documentation  
 here, but the mod_wsgi Installation on Windows page says to follow the  
 instructions for loading mod_wsgi in the Quick Installation Guide.  The  
 Quick Installation Guide page has instructions for editing the Apache  
 config files.  No mention of running .\configure -- why are you doing  
 that?  Try just editing the config files as the documentation suggests and  
 see if that works.
 Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

Thanks for your comment but i also edited httpd.conf file then my wamp not 
LoadModule php5_module c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.0/php5apache2_2.dll
This line i added on line 128 but nothing. Wampserver showing yellow.
I'm not getting what happening. I'm doing as per suggested in documentation



Re: python installation on windows

2014-03-25 Thread rborole06
On Sunday, 23 March 2014 13:07:28 UTC-8, tad na  wrote:
 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:33:02 PM UTC-5, tad na wrote:
  On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:09:09 PM UTC-5, wrote:
   Hi Everybody
   actually i want to run python on web browser. I downloaded python and 
   installed but i'm not able to run it in browser but it running using 
   command prompt. so i trying to install mod_wsgi 3.4. So i downloaded 
   precompiled version mod_wsgi-3.4.ap22.win32-py2.6 and copied 
   file to C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\modules after i'm trying to run 
   .\configure on path C:\Documents and 
   Settings\Rahul\Desktop\mod_wsgi-3.4.ap22.win32-py2.6 but it giving me 
   error that .\configure is not recognized as internal or external command.
   So please suggest me what can i do for that, i'm so beginner to python 
   and installing and configuring modules for apache.
  To set up a web browser: a dos window
  2.navigate to dir you want served
  3.type python -m SimpleHTTPServer  .
 4. open browser and type http://localhost:/

It's saying unable to connect to localhost

Re: python installation on windows

2014-03-25 Thread rborole06
On Sunday, 23 March 2014 19:35:19 UTC-8, Chris Angelico  wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Mark H Harris wrote:
  Anyway, the PSF runs python (the interpreter) from a web server (I can
  access the python interpreter from my browser from the PSF site).
  How is that done simply, is possibly what the OP wants to know (me too).
 That's a much MUCH harder thing to do than running Python code in your
 web server, because of trust issues. I don't know how it's set up, but
 there'll be something in there to protect the server against malicious
 or accidental insanity (spinning with while True: pass, trying to
 read/write files, trying to execute commands, using up all of RAM with
 x = []\nwhile True: x.append(1), etc, etc, etc). That's actually a
 very hard problem to solve, not something where you can just say
 Here, this is how to run Python via a browser.

LoadModule wsgi_module modules/
This line also i added but then also same problem

unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-25 Thread Mark H Harris

greetings, I would like to create a lamda as follows:

√ = lambda n: sqrt(n)

On my keyboard mapping the problem character is alt-v which produces 
the radical symbol. When trying to set the symbol as a name within the 
name-space gives a syntax error:

 from math import sqrt

 √ = lambda n: sqrt(n)
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier

however this works:

 λ = lambda n: sqrt(n)


  The question is which unicode(s) are capable of being proper name 
characters, and which ones are off-limits, and why?



Re: [newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Jean Dubois
Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 17:12:12 UTC+1 schreef Peter Otten:
 Jean Dubois wrote:
  Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 12:01:37 UTC+1 schreef Steven D'Aprano:
  On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 03:26:26 -0700, Jean Dubois wrote:
   I'm confused by the behaviour of the following python-script I wrote:
   #!/usr/bin/env python
   #I first made a data file 'test.dat' with the following content
   #1.0 2 3
   #4 5 6.0
   #7 8 9
   import numpy as np
   lines=[line.strip() for line in open('test.dat')]
   #convert lines-list to numpy-array
   #fetch element at 2nd row, 2nd column:
   print array_lines[1, 1]
   When running the script I always get the following error: IndexError:
   invalid index
   Can anyone here explain me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it?
  Yes. Inspect the array by printing it, and you'll see that it is a one-
  dimensional array, not two, and the entries are strings:
  py import numpy as np
  py # simulate a text file
  ... data = 1.0 2 3
  ... 4 5 6.0
  ... 7 8 9
  py lines=[line.strip() for line in data.split('\n')]
  py # convert lines-list to numpy-array
  ... array_lines = np.array(lines)
  py print array_lines
  ['1.0 2 3' '4 5 6.0' '7 8 9']
  The interactive interpreter is your friend! You never need to guess what
  the problem is, Python has powerful introspection abilities, one of the
  most powerful is also one of the simplest: print. Another powerful tool
  in the interactive interpreter is help().
  So, what to do about it? Firstly, convert your string read from a file
  into numbers, then build your array. Here's one way:
  py values = [float(s) for s in data.split()]
  py print values
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
  py array_lines = np.array(values)
  py array_lines = array_lines.reshape(3, 3)
  py print array_lines
  [[ 1.  2.  3.]
   [ 4.  5.  6.]
   [ 7.  8.  9.]]
  Dear Steve,
  Thanks for answering my question but unfortunately now I'm totally
  Above I see parts from different programs which I can't
  assemble together to one working program (I really tried hard).
  Can I tell from your comment I shouldn't use numpy?
  I also don't see how to get the value an element specified by (row,
  column) from a numpy_array like array_lines in my original code
  All I need is a little python-example reading a file with e.g. three lines
  with three numbers per line and putting those numbers  as floats in a
  3x3-numpy_array, then selecting an element from that numpy_array using
  it's row and column-number.
 I'll try, too, but be warned that I'm using the same methology as Steven. 
 Try to replicate every step in the following exploration.
 First let's make sure we start with the same data:
 $ cat test.dat
 1.0 2 3
 4 5 6.0
 7 8 9
 Then fire up the interactve interpreter:
 $ python
 Python 2.7.5+ (default, Feb 27 2014, 19:37:08) 
 [GCC 4.8.1] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import numpy
  lines = [line.strip() for line in open(test.dat)]
 ['1.0 2 3', '4 5 6.0', '7 8 9']
 As you can see lines is a list of three strings.
 Let's break these strings into parts:
  cells = [line.split() for line in lines]
 [['1.0', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6.0'], ['7', '8', '9']]
 We now have a list of lists of strings and you can address individual items 
 What happens when pass this list of lists of strings to the numpy.array() 
  a = numpy.array(cells)
 array([['1.0', '2', '3'],
['4', '5', '6.0'],
['7', '8', '9']], 
 It sort of works, but the array entries are strings rather than floating 
 point numbers. Let's fix that:
  a = numpy.array(cells, dtype=float)
 array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
[ 4.,  5.,  6.],
[ 7.,  8.,  9.]])
 OK, now we can put the previous steps into a script:
 $ cat
 import numpy
 cells = [line.split() for line in open(test.dat)]
 a = numpy.array(cells, dtype=float)
 print a[1, 2]
 Run it:
 $ python
 Seems to work. But reading a 2D array from a file really looks like a common  
 task -- there should be a library function for that:
 $ python
 Python 2.7.5+ (default, Feb 27 2014, 19:37:08) 
 [GCC 4.8.1] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import numpy
 array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
[ 4.,  5.,  6.],
[ 7.,  8.,  9.]])

Thank you very much Peter for this great lesson, you made a lot of things
clear to me. 


Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-25 Thread wxjmfauth
Le mardi 25 mars 2014 19:30:34 UTC+1, Mark H. Harris a écrit :
 greetings, I would like to create a lamda as follows:
 √ = lambda n: sqrt(n)
 On my keyboard mapping the problem character is alt-v which produces 
 the radical symbol. When trying to set the symbol as a name within the 
 name-space gives a syntax error:
   from math import sqrt
   √ = lambda n: sqrt(n)
 SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
 however this works:
   λ = lambda n: sqrt(n)
The question is which unicode(s) are capable of being proper name 
 characters, and which ones are off-limits, and why?

S.isidentifier() - bool

Return True if S is a valid identifier according
to the language definition.

cf doc



Re: [newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Jean Dubois
Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 15:42:13 UTC+1 schreef Dave Angel:
 Jean Dubois Wrote in message:
  Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 12:01:37 UTC+1 schreef Steven D'Aprano:
  py values = [float(s) for s in data.split()]
  py print values
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
  py array_lines = np.array(values)
  py array_lines = array_lines.reshape(3, 3)
  py print array_lines
  [[ 1.  2.  3.]
   [ 4.  5.  6.]
   [ 7.  8.  9.]]
  Dear Steve,
  Thanks for answering my question but unfortunately now I'm totally
  Above I see parts from different programs which I can't
  assemble together to one working program (I really tried hard).
  Can I tell from your comment I shouldn't use numpy?
  I also don't see how to get the value an element specified by (row,
  column) from a numpy_array like array_lines in my original code
 I don't use numpy,  but I thought Steven's description was clear
 Your problem was not the extraction,  but the creation of the
  array.  Use print to prove that to yourself. 
  All I need is a little python-example reading a file with e.g. three lines
  with three numbers per line and putting those numbers  as floats in a
  3x3-numpy_array, then selecting an element from that numpy_array using
  it's row and column-number.
 If your instructor wanted you to copy examples,  he would have
  given you one.
please Dave leave that belittling tone behind, there's no instructor
whatsoever involved here. I constructed this example myself as I know very
well I have to start with little pieces of code first to be able to master
larger problems later. I just wanted to figure this example out first,
and as I now learned from Peter's marvellous explanation there _is_ an
elegant solution in Python to this kind of problem.
So if you are irritated by newbie-questions in the future, just neglect


Re: python installation on windows

2014-03-25 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 25/03/2014 18:17, wrote:

Would you please use the mailing list or read and action 
this to prevent us 
seeing double line spacing and single line paragraphs, thanks.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.


Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-25 Thread MRAB

On 2014-03-25 18:30, Mark H Harris wrote:

greetings, I would like to create a lamda as follows:

√ = lambda n: sqrt(n)

On my keyboard mapping the problem character is alt-v which produces
the radical symbol. When trying to set the symbol as a name within the
name-space gives a syntax error:

   from math import sqrt
   √ = lambda n: sqrt(n)
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier

however this works:

   λ = lambda n: sqrt(n)

The question is which unicode(s) are capable of being proper name
characters, and which ones are off-limits, and why?

It's explained in PEP 3131.

Basically, a name should to start with a letter (this has been extended
to include Chinese characters, etc) or an underscore.

λ is a classified as Lowercase_Letter.

√ is classified as Math_Symbol.

Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-25 Thread Mark H Harris

On 3/25/14 1:52 PM, wrote:

 S.isidentifier() - bool

 Return True if S is a valid identifier according
 to the language definition.

 cf doc

Excellent, thanks!


Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-25 Thread Mark H Harris

On 3/25/14 2:24 PM, MRAB wrote:
 It's explained in PEP 3131.

 Basically, a name should to start with a letter (this has been extended
 to include Chinese characters, etc) or an underscore.

 λ is a classified as Lowercase_Letter.

 √ is classified as Math_Symbol.

   Thanks much!  I'll note that for improvements. Any unicode symbol 
(that is not a number) should be allowed as an identifier.


Re: Time we switched to unicode?

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 4:24 AM, Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick wrote:
 “If you can type an N-ARY PRODUCT, you can type a GREEK SMALL LETTER
 PI, unless there’s something very weird going on.”

 …like, the user is in the past and is using ISO 8859-7 (instead of a
 21st-century encoding, like UTF-8).  An encoding which has support for
 Π¹ and π², but not for ∏³… (of course, this assumes that, if we add
 those new characters into python, we allow any encoding, somehow.)

 That’s not too weird, other than the ancient encoding being used.

Since we opened by discussing Unicode, anyone who's cheating and using
an eight-bit character set is, well, cheating. :)


Re:unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-25 Thread Dave Angel
 Mark H Harris Wrote in message:
 greetings, I would like to create a lamda as follows:
 √ = lambda n: sqrt(n)
 On my keyboard mapping the problem character is alt-v which produces 
 the radical symbol. When trying to set the symbol as a name within the 
 name-space gives a syntax error:
   from math import sqrt
   √ = lambda n: sqrt(n)
 SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
 however this works:
   λ = lambda n: sqrt(n)
The question is which unicode(s) are capable of being proper name 
 characters, and which ones are off-limits, and why?

See the official docs

There's also a method on str that'll tell you:  isidentifier (). 
 To see such methods,  use dir ()

As for why, you can get a pretty good idea from the reference
 above, as it lists 12 unicode categories that can be used. You
 can also look at pep3131 and at Potsdam ' s site. Both links are
 on the above page. Letters, marks, connectors,  and numbers,  but
 not punctuation. 



Re: [newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Joel Goldstick
Jean, be aware there is also python tutor list you might like.  This is
sometimes a tough crowd here. Don't be discouraged. It can be a badge of
honor sometimes

Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-25 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Mark H Harris

Thanks much!  I'll note that for improvements. Any unicode symbol
 (that is not a number) should be allowed as an identifier.

I don't know if that's a good idea, but that's how it is in lisp/scheme.

Thus, * and 1+ are normal identifiers in lisp and scheme.


Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-25 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Mark H Harris wrote:
 On 3/25/14 2:24 PM, MRAB wrote:
 It's explained in PEP 3131.

 Basically, a name should to start with a letter (this has been extended
 to include Chinese characters, etc) or an underscore.

 λ is a classified as Lowercase_Letter.

 √ is classified as Math_Symbol.

Thanks much!  I'll note that for improvements. Any unicode symbol (that
 is not a number) should be allowed as an identifier.

√ cannot be used in identifiers for the same reasons that + and ~
cannot: identifiers are intended to be alphanumeric. √ is not
currently the name of an operator, but who knows what may happen in
the future?

Python generally follows Annex 31 of the Unicode standard in this regard:

Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-25 Thread Skip Montanaro
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 I don't know if that's a good idea, but that's how it is in lisp/scheme.

 Thus, * and 1+ are normal identifiers in lisp and scheme.

But parsing Lisp is pretty trivial.


Re: [newbie] confusion concerning fetching an element in a 2d-array

2014-03-25 Thread Dave Angel
 Jean Dubois Wrote in message:
 Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 15:42:13 UTC+1 schreef Dave Angel:

 If your instructor wanted you to copy examples,  he would have
  given you one.
 please Dave leave that belittling tone behind, there's no instructor
 whatsoever involved here. 

It wasn't my intention to belittle you; I'm sorry. But we do get a
 lot of people here asking for homework help, and not saying
 that's what it is. And when it's homework we do better explaining
 than just writing the code. 

In fact you only needed to add a line like
 data= ()
to Steven's original to get a complete working example. 

 I constructed this example myself as I know very
 well I have to start with little pieces of code first to be able to master
 larger problems later. I just wanted to figure this example out first,
 and as I now learned from Peter's marvellous explanation there _is_ an
 elegant solution in Python to this kind of problem.
 So if you are irritated by newbie-questions in the future, just neglect

Not irritated,  just temporarily misguided. 



Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Roy Smith wrote:
Doors that open automatically as you approach them are now 

Star Trek doors seem to be a bit smarter, though.
Captain Kirk never had to stop in front of a door
and wait for it to sluggishly slide open. Also the
doors never open when you're just walking past and
not intending to go through.


Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-25 Thread Tim Chase
On 2014-03-25 14:29, Mark H Harris wrote:
   It's explained in PEP 3131.
   Basically, a name should to start with a letter (this has been
   extended to include Chinese characters, etc) or an underscore.
   λ is a classified as Lowercase_Letter.
   √ is classified as Math_Symbol.  
 Thanks much!  I'll note that for improvements. Any unicode
 symbol (that is not a number) should be allowed as an identifier.

It's not just about number'ness:

   letter = a
   number = 2
   (letter + number).isidentifier()



Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Larry Martell
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Gregory Ewing

 Roy Smith wrote:

 Doors that open automatically as you approach them are now routine.

 Star Trek doors seem to be a bit smarter, though.
 Captain Kirk never had to stop in front of a door
 and wait for it to sluggishly slide open. Also the
 doors never open when you're just walking past and
 not intending to go through.

Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Rustom Mody wrote:

÷ for some reason seems inappropriate
(some vague recollection that its an only English; Europeans dont use it??)

To me it's something you learn in primary school and
then grow out of when you start doing real mathematics.
The / is actually a better approximation of what
mathematicians use.


[ANN] pathlib 1.0

2014-03-25 Thread Antoine Pitrou


I am announcing the release of pathlib 1.0.  This version brings pathlib
up to date with the official Python 3.4 release, and also fixes a couple of 
2.7-specific issues.  Detailed changelog can be found further below.

In the future, I expect the standalone (PyPI) version of pathlib to receive
little to no updates, except if severe issues are found. New developments
and regular bug fixes will happen mostly in the Python standard library,
and be publicly available in official Python releases.


pathlib offers a set of classes to handle filesystem paths.  It offers the
following advantages over using string objects:

* No more cumbersome use of os and os.path functions.  Everything can be
  done easily through operators, attribute accesses, and method calls.

* Embodies the semantics of different path types.  For example, comparing
  Windows paths ignores casing.

* Well-defined semantics, eliminating any warts or ambiguities (forward vs.
  backward slashes, etc.).


Python 3.2 or later is recommended, but pathlib is also usable with Python 2.7.


In Python 3.4, pathlib is now part of the standard library.  For Python 3.3
and earlier, ``easy_install pathlib`` or ``pip install pathlib`` should do
the trick.

Changelog for version 1.0

- Python issue #20765: Add missing documentation for PurePath.with_name()
  and PurePath.with_suffix().
- Fix test_mkdir_parents when the working directory has additional bits
  set (such as the setgid or sticky bits).
- Python issue #20111: pathlib.Path.with_suffix() now sanity checks the
  given suffix.
- Python issue #19918: Fix PurePath.relative_to() under Windows.
- Python issue #19921: When Path.mkdir() is called with parents=True, any
  missing parent is created with the default permissions, ignoring the mode
  argument (mimicking the POSIX mkdir -p command).
- Python issue #19887: Improve the Path.resolve() algorithm to support
  certain symlink chains.
- Make pathlib usable under Python 2.7 with unicode pathnames (only pure
  ASCII, though).
- Issue #21: fix TypeError under Python 2.7 when using new division.
- Add tox support for easier testing.




Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

But you can't do the same for braces. You'd have to eschew *both*
literal-ish notations and use explicit constructors everywhere. Not

This could have been dealt with by giving Python 2.7
a from __future__ import braces_mean_sets option or
something like that.

But I agree that the disruption would not have been
worth the benefit.


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