Re: Love to get some feedback on my first python app!!!

2014-09-20 Thread Nicholas Cannon
I have just committed a new file on github. I added alot more comments 
and slimmed down the getinfo() function. 

one problem in cx_Freeze4.3.3 for Python3.4

2014-09-20 Thread 8pa2y han
import re
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse

urltemp = ''
urlinput = urllib.parse.quote(input('Please input keywords:'))
url = urltemp + urlinput
content = 
recon = re.findall(r'href="(magnet:.+?)"',content)
print('Order address'+'\n'+str(recon))
for temp in recon:
b = re.sub(';','&',temp)
print('Right address'+'\n'+str(a))
print('Address has been updated')
file = open('torrent.txt','w')
for temp2 in a:

I use cx_Freeze to project it into '.exe',but when I turn on 'torrent.exe' it 
tips that:
AttributeError: 'module  object has no attribute '_fix_up_module'

cx_Freeze log:
creating directory dist
copying D:\Program 
 -> dist\torrent.exe
copying C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\python34.dll -> dist\python34.dll
writing zip file dist\torrent.exe

  Name  File
m __main__
m _bisect   
m _bootlocale   
m _bz2  D:\Program Files\Python\DLLs\_bz2.pyd
m _codecs   
m _codecs_cn
m _codecs_hk
m _codecs_iso2022   
m _codecs_jp
m _codecs_kr
m _codecs_tw
m _collections  
m _collections_abc  
m _datetime 
m _dummy_thread 
m _functools
m _hashlib  D:\Program Files\Python\DLLs\_hashlib.pyd
m _heapq
m _imp  
m _io   
m _locale   
m _lzma D:\Program Files\Python\DLLs\_lzma.pyd
m _md5  
m _multibytecodec   
m _operator 
m _osx_support  D:\Program Files\Python\lib\
m _random   
m _sha1 
m _sha256   
m _sha512   
m _socket   D:\Program Files\Python\DLLs\_socket.pyd
m _sre  
m _ssl  D:\Program Files\Python\DLLs\_ssl.pyd
m _stat 
m _string   
m _strptime 
m _struct   
m _thread   
m _threading_local  
m _warnings 
m _weakref  
m _weakrefset   
m abc   
m argparse  
m array 
m atexit
m base64
m binascii  
m bisectD:\Program Files\Python\lib\
m builtins  
m bz2   
m calendar  
m codecs
P collections   
m contextlib
m copy  
m copyreg   
m cx_Freeze__init__ D:\Program 
m datetime  
P distutils D:\Program Files\Python\lib\distutils\
m distutils.debug   D:\Program Files\Python\lib\distutils\
m distutils.errors  D:\Program Files\Python\lib\distutils\
m distutils.log D:\Program Files\Python\lib\distutils\
m distutils.spawn   D:\Program Files\Python\lib\distutils\
m distutils.sysconfig   D:\Program Files\Python\lib\distutils\
m distutils.text_file   D:\Program Files\Python\lib\distutils\
m dummy_threading   
P email D:\Program Files\Python\lib\email\
m email._encoded_words  D:\Program Files\Python\lib\email\
m email._header_value_parser D:\Program 
m email._parseaddr  D:\Program Files\Python\lib\email\
m email._policybase D:\Program Files\Python\lib\email\
m email.base64mime  D:\Program Files\Python\lib\email\
m email.charset D:\Program Files\Python\lib\email\
m email.contentmanager  D:\Program Files\Python\lib\email\
m email.encodersD:\Program Files\Python\lib\email\
m email.errors  D:\Program Files\Python\lib\email\
m email.feedparser  D:\Program Files\Python\lib\email\
m email.generator   D:\Program Files\Py

Re: Love to get some feedback on my first python app!!!

2014-09-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Nicholas Cannon
> Yeah this is exactly what I was looking for I know the comments are horrible 
> and I had no idea about the camelCase stuff. Should I use
> '''
> Use this commenting on my functions or not. I think they are called 
> docStrings or something
> '''

Yes, they're called docstrings (without the capital S - again, Python
doesn't tend to work that way). You can find info and advice all over
the web about how to write good, useful docstrings.


Re: Love to get some feedback on my first python app!!!

2014-09-20 Thread Nicholas Cannon
On Saturday, September 20, 2014 9:17:27 PM UTC+8, Nicholas Cannon wrote:
> I have created my first python program and I have learnt a lot about python 
> from this group and wanted some feedback. I am still improving it and trying 
> to tackle some performance and GUI stuff so keep that in mind. I don't think 
> it is the best program but is a good product of 3 months of python.
> link:

Yeah this is exactly what I was looking for I know the comments are horrible 
and I had no idea about the camelCase stuff. Should I use 
Use this commenting on my functions or not. I think they are called docStrings 
or something
I have a free day today and I am going to fix up some GUI stuff and try and 
slim down the processing and amount of variables because it doesnt really run 
as fast. Thanks for the help Chris Angelico!

Re: Pybuez Client sending messages to j2me Server

2014-09-20 Thread kabugimatu
On Wednesday, May 6, 2009 11:38:16 AM UTC+3, CkurtM wrote:
> I have a problem with recieving requests on j2me based bluetooth
> server using RFCOMM. I can send messages from the j2me client to
> python server, but cant receive from the python bluetooth client to
> j2me server, it only connects but doesnt receive??.I can send copy of
> code on request.
> I'm using pybluez on python 2.6
> and standard javax.bluetooth for the mobile interface. Any help wud be
> welcome.
> Thanks in advance.

Hi CkurtM, 
Can you please post your J2ME Client Code that connects to Python Server ? I 

Re: Class Inheritance from different module

2014-09-20 Thread Peter Otten
Juan Christian wrote:

> I have the following structure:
> Third-party API installed via pip:
> steamapi /
> [...]
> My script:
> In the API, the module has a class 'SteamUser' and I want to
> mimic it's usage on my code, like this:
> import steamapi
> [...]
> class User(Inheritance from API):
> def __init__(self, ID):
> steamapi.core.APIConnection(api_key = KEY)
> super( " Inheritance SteamUser" (ID)) # creates the user using the API
> [...]
> So that in my code when I need to create a new user, I just call 'usr =
> User("XXX")' instead of calling 'usr =
> steamapi.user.SteamUser(76561197996416028)', is that possible? 

Yes, it doesn't matter in what module a baseclass is defined. Just go ahead 
and import it:

# untested
import steamapi.user

class User(steamapi.user.User):
def __init__(self, userid=None, userurl=None):
super().__init__(userid, userurl)
# code specific to you subclass

> And of
> course, I want to have access to all the class methods like 'name',
> 'country_code', 'time_created', 'avatar', 'friends' and so on. 

That's the very idea of subclassing.

> And finally, is that a good approach, pythonic? 

It depends ;) If you are planning only small adjustments it might be an 
option to write a few helper functions together with the original 
steamapi.user.User class and be done.

> If not, what would be a good way?

Generally speaking the Python community often favours duck-typing or 
composition over inheritance. I'm not prepared to go into a lengthy 
discussion over this -- if you are interested you have to try a search 
engine or rely on the usual suspects ;)


Re: Love to get some feedback on my first python app!!!

2014-09-20 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 20/09/2014 15:58, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 11:16 PM, Nicholas Cannon

You may
also notice that the camelCase variable names you're using are in
stark contrast to the rest of the language. It's normal to use
lower_case_with_underscores instead.

That may be the PEP 8 guideline but I don't regard it as normal, I find 
camelCase far easier to read.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Love to get some feedback on my first python app!!!

2014-09-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 11:16 PM, Nicholas Cannon
> I have created my first python program and I have learnt a lot about python 
> from this group and wanted some feedback. I am still improving it and trying 
> to tackle some performance and GUI stuff so keep that in mind. I don't think 
> it is the best program but is a good product of 3 months of python.
> link:

Sure! But first, a couple of points that aren't specifically Python...

Firstly, you're using Google Groups. Until someone gets inside Google
and fixes up the code, it will make a mess of every post made through
it. Please use something better... either subscribe to the mailing
list and do everything through email, or access the newsgroup
comp.lang.python via a better client, or something of the sort.

Secondly, a note about verb tenses in English. You have this commit
message on the (as of 20140921) latest commit:

"""Fixed some bugs and did some GUI changes"""

And these comments in the code:

#search API
rawData = 
#loads data from API into json
jsonData = json.loads(rawData)
#extracts the results from API
searchResults = jsonData['responseData']['results']

The more normal way to write these would be in present tense, in a
more imperative style: "Fix some bugs", "Load data", "Extract
results". (Although these comments are actually quite redundant - all
they do is tell you what the single next line of code does.) You may
also notice that the camelCase variable names you're using are in
stark contrast to the rest of the language. It's normal to use
lower_case_with_underscores instead.

Now, let's have a look at the code itself.

query = queryVar.get()
... and further down ...

global queryVar
queryVar = StringVar()

You don't need to say "global" at top level. Everything at top-level
is global. However, I generally like to, as much as possible, define
things higher in the file than their usages - so that as you read the
file, the first reference to anything is the one that tells you what
it is. That may not be practical here, but it's something to keep in
mind. (This is why import statements generally go at the top of the
file, for instance.) The language doesn't require it, but it does make
the code easier for a human to read.

links = []
for result in searchResults:
#loops through the searchResults data to find the title and
URL of the pages
#and then add the links to the links list
title = result['title']
link = result['url']
print links

You're not doing anything with the title, so what you have here is a
loop that builds up a list from empty, by repeated appends. That's a
perfect job  for a list comprehension:

links = [result['url'] for result in searchResults]

I'm not sure why you print the links to stdout there - is that some
left-over debugging code?

Although, the only thing you do with the list of URLs is to iterate
over it, once. You could simply merge the two loops into one:

for result in searchResults:
url = result['url']
pageData = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
... etc ...

Your text insertion is a little inconsistent: you put the URL and
title at the cursor position, then the body at the end. Is that
intentional? If so, that deserves a comment - which would be much more
useful than the comments that say what we can read in the code

textDisplay.insert(INSERT, 'This spider searches for information on
your query and will display it here!')

You haven't written a spider here :) You're just calling on Google's
spider and showing some information. Similarly, the verb "CRAWL" on
your button isn't really accurate - and isn't particularly helpful to
the user either. I'd just word it in terms of how the user will value
it, and say "Search" on the button. Keep it simple.

queryWidgit = Entry(frame, textvariable=queryVar, fg='Blue', bd=5, width=50)

It's normally "Widget", not "Widgit". Not significant, but you seem to
have consistently used two i's, including in your comments.

Well, you asked for feedback. That's normally going to consist of
people pointing out where they think you did badly. But ultimately,
this is all relatively minor, so if the program works, consider
yourself to have broadly succeeded.


Re: Class Inheritance from different module

2014-09-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Juan Christian wrote:

> In the API, the module has a class 'SteamUser' and I want to
> mimic it's usage on my code, like this:
> import steamapi
> [...]
> class User(Inheritance from API):

What do you mean, "Inheritance from API"? You can't inherit from an API,
only from classes.

> def __init__(self, ID):
> steamapi.core.APIConnection(api_key = KEY)
> super( " Inheritance SteamUser" (ID)) # creates the user using the API
> [...]
> So that in my code when I need to create a new user, I just call 'usr =
> User("XXX")' instead of calling 'usr =
> steamapi.user.SteamUser(76561197996416028)', is that possible?

I would do something like this:

# untested
def make_user(ID):
steamapi.core.APIConnection(api_key = KEY)
return steamapi.user.SteamUser(76561197996416028)

usr = make_user("X")

No need for inheritance. make_user returns an actual SteamUser instance, not
some subclass.



Class Inheritance from different module

2014-09-20 Thread Juan Christian
I have the following structure:

Third-party API installed via pip:
steamapi /

My script:

In the API, the module has a class 'SteamUser' and I want to mimic
it's usage on my code, like this:

import steamapi


class User(Inheritance from API):
def __init__(self, ID):
steamapi.core.APIConnection(api_key = KEY)
super( " Inheritance SteamUser" (ID)) # creates the user using the API


So that in my code when I need to create a new user, I just call 'usr =
User("XXX")' instead of calling 'usr =
steamapi.user.SteamUser(76561197996416028)', is that possible? And of
course, I want to have access to all the class methods like 'name',
'country_code', 'time_created', 'avatar', 'friends' and so on. And finally,
is that a good approach, pythonic? If not, what would be a good way?

Love to get some feedback on my first python app!!!

2014-09-20 Thread Nicholas Cannon
I have created my first python program and I have learnt a lot about python 
from this group and wanted some feedback. I am still improving it and trying to 
tackle some performance and GUI stuff so keep that in mind. I don't think it is 
the best program but is a good product of 3 months of python.


Re: pad binary string with a given byte value (python 3)

2014-09-20 Thread Peter Otten
Nagy László Zsolt wrote:

>>> bytes/str.ljust()
>> def pad(b, n=16, c=b"\x0f"):
>>> ... length = (len(b)+n-1)//n*n
>>> ... return b.ljust(length, c)
>> Thanks!
> One more question. How do I create a single char binary string from a
> number? E.g.
>  >>> bytes([65])
> b'A'
> It seems to be wrong again. The bytes constructor requires a sequence,
> and I don't like creating a list or a tuple just to convert it into a
> binary string.

Unfortunately I'm not aware of a function similar to chr() that creates 


Re: pad binary string with a given byte value (python 3)

2014-09-20 Thread Nagy László Zsolt


def pad(b, n=16, c=b"\x0f"):

... length = (len(b)+n-1)//n*n
... return b.ljust(length, c)

One more question. How do I create a single char binary string from a 
number? E.g.

>>> bytes([65])

It seems to be wrong again. The bytes constructor requires a sequence, 
and I don't like creating a list or a tuple just to convert it into a 
binary string.

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Re: pad binary string with a given byte value (python 3)

2014-09-20 Thread Peter Otten
Nagy László Zsolt wrote:

> I can figure out way for example this:
> >>> b'T'+bytearray([32])
> but it just don't seem right to create a list, then convert it to a byte
> array and then convert it to a binary string. What am I missing?

By the way, you can repeat bytes (and strings) by multiplying: 

>>> b"\x01"*3
>>> b"ab"*3


Re: pad binary string with a given byte value (python 3)

2014-09-20 Thread Nagy László Zsolt


def pad(b, n=16, c=b"\x0f"):

... length = (len(b)+n-1)//n*n
... return b.ljust(length, c)


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Re: pad binary string with a given byte value (python 3)

2014-09-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Nagy László Zsolt wrote:

>  >>> BS = 16
>  >>> pad = lambda s: s + (BS - len(s) % BS) * chr(BS - len(s) % BS)
>  >>> pad('L')
> 'L\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f'
>  >>> pad(b'L')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "", line 1, in 
>File "", line 1, in 
> TypeError: can't concat bytes to str
> How do I write this function so it can pad byte strings? chr(charcode)
> creates a normal string, not a binary string.
> I can figure out way for example this:
>  >>> b'T'+bytearray([32])
> but it just don't seem right to create a list, then convert it to a byte
> array and then convert it to a binary string. What am I missing?

You don't need to write your own function, just use the relevant string and
bytes methods. Use the ljust and rjust (left and right justify) methods:

To add padding on the left, justify on the right, and vise versa:

py> "Hello".ljust(20, "\x0f")
py> "Hello".rjust(20, "\x0f")

(The default fill character is space.)

The same works for bytes, except you have to make sure your fill char is
also a byte:

py> b"Hello".rjust(20, b"\x0f")
py> b"Hello".ljust(20, b"\x0f")



Re: pad binary string with a given byte value (python 3)

2014-09-20 Thread Peter Otten
Nagy László Zsolt wrote:

>  >>> BS = 16
>  >>> pad = lambda s: s + (BS - len(s) % BS) * chr(BS - len(s) % BS)
>  >>> pad('L')
> 'L\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f\x0f'
>  >>> pad(b'L')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "", line 1, in 
>File "", line 1, in 
> TypeError: can't concat bytes to str
> How do I write this function so it can pad byte strings? chr(charcode)
> creates a normal string, not a binary string.
> I can figure out way for example this:
>  >>> b'T'+bytearray([32])
> but it just don't seem right to create a list, then convert it to a byte
> array and then convert it to a binary string. What am I missing?


>>> def pad(b, n=16, c=b"\x0f"):
... length = (len(b)+n-1)//n*n
... return b.ljust(length, c)
>>> pad(b"abc", 5)
>>> pad(b"abcde", 5)
>>> pad(b"abcdef", 5)
>>> pad("abcde", 5, "*")
>>> pad("abcdef", 5, "*")


pad binary string with a given byte value (python 3)

2014-09-20 Thread Nagy László Zsolt

>>> BS = 16
>>> pad = lambda s: s + (BS - len(s) % BS) * chr(BS - len(s) % BS)
>>> pad('L')
>>> pad(b'L')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: can't concat bytes to str

How do I write this function so it can pad byte strings? chr(charcode) 
creates a normal string, not a binary string.

I can figure out way for example this:

>>> b'T'+bytearray([32])

but it just don't seem right to create a list, then convert it to a byte 
array and then convert it to a binary string. What am I missing?

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