OSX application built with py2app can't see bundled PySide module?

2011-09-01 Thread Aaron Scott
I'm trying to deploy a Python app on OSX that was built with PySide. py2app 
packages it without issue, copying and linking a lot of PySide and Qt files in 
the process. But then, when I try to run the built app, I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 31, in module
 line 28, in _run
execfile(path, globals(), globals())
 line 9, in module
from PySide.QtCore import *
  File PySide/__init__.pyc, line 2, in module
  File PySide/private.pyc, line 2, in module
  File PySide/QtCore.pyc, line 18, in module
  File PySide/QtCore.pyc, line 15, in __load
ImportError: '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload/PySide/QtCore.so' not found

The weird thing is, QtCore.so IS included in the application bundle: py2app 
copied it to the build under 
Contents/Resources/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload/PySide/. Is there a reason the 
application isn't seeing this?

Including a remote file -- permission denied?

2010-05-14 Thread Aaron Scott
I have a Python script running on the default OSX webserver, stored
in /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables. That script spits out a list of
files on a network drive, a la os.listdir('/Volumes/code/
directory/'). If I just execute this from the terminal, it works as
expected, but when I try to access it through a browser
(computer.local/cgi-bin/test.py), I get a permissions error (type
'exceptions.OSError': [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Volumes/code/

Is there any way to give the script permission to access the network
when accessed via CGI?

Problem with arrays in a recursive class function

2009-08-20 Thread Aaron Scott
I have a list of nodes, and I need to find a path from one node to
another. The nodes each have a list of nodes they are connected to,
set up like this:

class Node(object):
def __init__(self, connectedNodes):
self.connectedNodes = connectedNodes

nodes = {
1: Node([4]),
2: Node([3]),
3: Node([2, 4, 5]),
4: Node([1, 6, 3]),
5: Node([3, 7]),
6: Node([4, 9]),
7: Node([5, 8]),
8: Node([7, 9]),
9: Node([6, 8])

I made a quick brute-force pathfinder to solve it (in this case, a
path from node 1 to node 9). Here it is:

class PathFind(object):
def __init__(self, source, destination):
self.source = source
self.destination = destination
self.solved = []
def Search(self):
if self.solved:
print Solutions: 
for i in self.solved:
print \t + str(i)
print Couldn't solve.
def PathFind(self, trail):
location = trail[-1]
if location == self.destination:
print Solution found:  + str(trail)
possibilities = []
for i in nodes[location].connectedNodes:
if not i in trail: possibilities.append(i)
for i in possibilities:
if not possibilities:
print Dead end:  + str(trail)

finder = PathFind(1, 9)

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be giving me the result I was after.
This is the output:

Solution found: [1, 4, 6, 9]
Dead end: [1, 4, 6, 3, 2]
Solution found: [1, 4, 6, 3, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9]
[1, 4, 6, 9]
[1, 4, 6, 3, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9]

The problem is the array trail[], which seems to survive from instance
to instance of PathFind(). I thought that by calling self.PathFind
(trail[:]), I was creating a new copy of trail[], but obviously
something isn't running like I expected. Is there something I'm
misunderstanding here, or is there just a stupid bug in my code I
haven't caught?

Re: Problem with arrays in a recursive class function

2009-08-20 Thread Aaron Scott
Never mind -- ditched the attempt and implemented Dijkstra.

Pickling classes -- disappearing lists?

2009-07-13 Thread Aaron Scott
I'm trying to pickle an instance of a class. It mostly works just fine
-- I can save the pickle to a file, restore it from that file, and
it's mostly okay. The problem is, some lists seem to disappear. For
example (snipped and crunched from the code giving me trouble):


class InitGame:
value = False
journal = []


def Save():
global game
import cPickle, gzip, os

# Change some data
game.journal.append(A value)
game.value = True

pickles = {'game': game}
jar = gzip.open(pickefile, 'wb')
cPickle.dump(pickles, jar, 2)

def Load():
global game
import gzip, os, cPickle
jar = gzip.open(picklefile, 'r')
loaded = cPickle.load(jar)
game = loaded[game]


Now, if I save a pickle, then load it back in, I'll get an instance of
InitGame called game, and game.value will be true, but the list
journal will be empty.

Am I missing something obvious about the pickle spec? Am I doing
something wrong? Or should I be hunting for a deeper bug in the code?
I've noticed that pretty much anything that's a list isn't saving to
the pickle (or loading from the pickle... it's hard to tell which).

Re: Memory error due to big input file

2009-07-13 Thread Aaron Scott
 BTW, you should derive all your classes from something.  If nothing
 else, use object.
   class textfile(object):

Just out of curiousity... why is that? I've been coding in Python for
a long time, and I never derive my base classes. What's the advantage
to deriving them?

Re: Pickling classes -- disappearing lists?

2009-07-13 Thread Aaron Scott
 Your class definition isn't right. It makes 'value' and 'journal'
 class variables (Java lingo: static variables) as opposed to the
 instance variables they should be. Here's a corrected version:

Woah, thanks. I can't believe I made such a stupid mistake. It's not
like I'm a newcomer to Python, either. I'm can't believe I never
noticed what I was doing.

No more 2am coding for me.


Using Python for file packing

2009-06-29 Thread Aaron Scott
I'm working on a Python application right now that uses a large number
of audio assets. Instead of having a directory full of audio, I'd like
to pack all the audio into a single file. Is there any easy way to do
this in Python? My first instinct was to attempt to pickle all the
audio data, but something tells me that that experiment would only end
in tears.

Re: Using Python for file packing

2009-06-29 Thread Aaron Scott
 Do you mean like a zip or tar file?


I had no idea you could access a single file from a ZIP or TAR without
explicitly extracting it somewhere. Thanks.

Re: Module caching

2009-04-08 Thread Aaron Scott
 Anyway, this person also posted on mod_python list. One of the things
 I highlighted there was that mod_python for some configurations is
 multithreaded and as such they may not be properly protecting
 variables if they are storing them at global scope. They haven't
 responded to any comments about it on mod_python list. They were also
 told to read:



Thanks, Graham. Sorry I didn't respond -- it's crunch time here, so I
was pulled off the project for a couple days to help with something
else. I just didn't have time to catch up.

In the end, we decided to convert everything from mod_python to CGI,
which ended up getting us the functionality we were looking for. For
development, MaxRequestsPerChild was already set to 1, but this didn't
solve any of the variable caching issues.


Re: Module caching

2009-04-04 Thread Aaron Scott
         del lab.game.settings
         lab.game.settings = lab.game.InitGame()

Sorry, that should have been:

del lab.game.game
try: req.write(str(lab.game.game.daemons))
except: req.write(failed)
lab.game.game = lab.game.InitGame()

Best way to pickle functions

2009-04-03 Thread Aaron Scott
I have a number of functions that I need to pickle without necessarily
knowing their names in advance. My first thought was to put all the
functions in a class, then pickle the class, but it doesn't really
work like I expected it to.

import cPickle
class PickleClass:
def Awesome(self):
stored = cPickle.dumps(PickleClass)
del PickleClass
restored = cPickle.loads(stored)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pickletest.py, line 7, in module
restored = cPickle.loads(stored)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PickleClass'

So, the class itself isn't being pickled, just an instance of it.

This being the case, what's the best way to store these functions?
Maybe dump the class to a string and pull them back with an exec
statement when I need them?

Re: Best way to pickle functions

2009-04-03 Thread Aaron Scott
 Pickling the source code is much sturdier.  It's very unlikely that
 the same code runs differently in different interpreters.  It's much
 more likely that the same code runs the same, or not at all.

Okay, I've run into another problem. I've saved the code to a string,
so I can call it up when I need it. I want to keep these functions all
together, though, so I'm pushing them into a dictionary when I execute
it. It seems like when I put it in a dictionary, though, it messes up
the scope of the functions contained within. For example:

import cPickle
def Main():
holder = {}
functiontest = def PickleTest():\n\tprint cPickle
exec functiontest in holder
print holder[PickleTest]()

... produces:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pickletest.py, line 11, in module
  File pickletest.py, line 9, in Main
print holder[PickleTest]()
  File string, line 2, in PickleTest
NameError: global name 'cPickle' is not defined

Is there any way to do this so that the functions have access to the
higher scope?


Re: Best way to pickle functions

2009-04-03 Thread Aaron Scott
Never mind. Solved the problem by putting the functions in a class and
dumping that into a string. Then, when I need it, I executed the
string to get myself the class, then created an instance of that class
which gave me access to those functions along with the correct scope.
Probably not the smartest solution, but it works for now.

Re: Best way to pickle functions

2009-04-03 Thread Aaron Scott
 Why not use import ?  Simply recreate the source file, if necessary, and
 import it again.

Ah, you'd think it would be that easy :P

The problem with just importing a module is that the module is then
cached in memory. Multiple copies of the program are running on a
server, and each of them have something akin to a randomfunctions
module. When the first program is accessed, it loads
randomfunctions. When the second program is accessed, it uses the
randomfunctions module already in memory, even though it doesn't
contain the right functions. So, I have to pull in these functions

Module caching

2009-04-03 Thread Aaron Scott
Is there a way to make a Python app running in mod_python with zero
persistence? I have an app that should be resetting its variables
every time you access it, but sometimes -- and only sometimes -- the
variables persist through a couple refreshes. They'll even persist
through multiple browsers, so I know it's a Python issue and not a
browser caching issue.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Re: Module caching

2009-04-03 Thread Aaron Scott
Okay, I'm at my wit's end. I have a Python app, running via
mod_python. There are variables in this app that, when changed, save
their changes to a pickled file tied to a session ID. Then, when the
page is accessed again, the variables are loaded from the respective

But, when one user uses the page and a number of variables are
changed, these changes persist, even if I try to load the saved values
over them. So, if my Python file has a value of 5, the custom
values file has a value of 10, but a user does something that
changes the variable to 20, the next user who accesses the page with
see the value as 20, even if their custom values file tries to set
it differently.

If anyone has experience with mod_python, either drop me a message
here or e-mail me at aaron(at)manlab.com. I'd really appreciate some
help with this.

Re: Module caching

2009-04-03 Thread Aaron Scott
Huzzah, another post.

I just discovered that even physically deleting the variable doesn't

The module storylab.game has the class InitGame, which contains
daemons = {}.

A user runs the code, resulting in some values in daemons:
{'berry2': , 'berry3': , 'berry1': }. These are pickled.

The next user runs the code. I put this in to make sure daemons is
getting reset:

del lab.game.settings
lab.game.settings = lab.game.InitGame()

Okay, that should wipe out any of the values and leave us with a clean
slate, right?

{'berry2': , 'berry3': , 'berry1': }failed{'berry2': , 'berry3': ,
'berry1': }

Oh, you'd be so lucky.

Why? WHY? Why does these values persist? They persist if I change
them, they persist if I delete them.

Help... please :(

Re: Module caching

2009-04-03 Thread Aaron Scott
 are you an experienced python programmer?

Yeah, I'd link to think I'm fairly experienced and not making any
stupid mistakes. That said, I'm fairly new to working with mod_python.

All I really want is to have mod_python stop caching variables. This
seems like it should be easy enough to do, but I can't for the life of
me find information on how to do it.


Find the location of a loaded module

2009-02-20 Thread Aaron Scott
I'm running into a problem that's rapidly reaching keyboard-smashing
levels. I'm trying to import a module into Python, but it seems like
Python is almost randomly loading the module from an entirely
different directory, one that shouldn't be in the module search path.

When I tell Python to load a module, is there a way to tell which
directory the module was loaded from?

Re: Find the location of a loaded module

2009-02-20 Thread Aaron Scott
Okay, I'm going out of my mind. I have three directories -- 'act1',
'act2', and 'act3'. Each of these has a module named 'story'.

Through mod_python, I need to load 'story' in the directory 'act1'. I
do it like this:

req.content_type = text/html
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname( __file__ ))
import story

According to sys.path, these are Python's paths:

['/usr/lib/python25.zip', '/usr/lib/python2.5', '/usr/lib/python2.5/
plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-
dynload', '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages', '/usr/local/python2.5.2/
lib/python2.5/', '/home/www/---/docs/act1']

story.game.Save() returns the location of the story.game module, which
is reported as '/home/www/---/docs/act1/story/game.pyc'. So far so

Now, I'll try the same thing from the 'act2' directory. These are the
paths reported in sys.path:

['/usr/lib/python25.zip', '/usr/lib/python2.5', '/usr/lib/python2.5/
plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-
dynload', '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages', '/usr/local/python2.5.2/
lib/python2.5/', '/home/www/---/docs/act2']

All good, right? Not so fast. Here's what story.game.Save() returns as
its location: '/home/www/---/docs/act1/story/game.pyc'.

Which means it's loading the 'story' module from the old location,
even though that location is no longer in the path.

If I refresh a couple times, eventually it loads the module from the
proper directory ('act2'). Then, I'll go back to the first directory,
and find that it too will be loading the module from 'act2'. I'll
refresh, and it'll load from 'act1' again. I'll refresh a couple
times, and suddenly it's loading from 'act2' again.

I'm seriously going insane. If anyone has any insight, please, please
share it with me.


Re: Find the location of a loaded module

2009-02-20 Thread Aaron Scott
Here's another clue: if I'm trying to run the script from the
directory 'act1', but it's loading the module from 'act2', if I rename
the module directory in 'act2' and refresh, the module still reports
that it's running from '/home/www/---/docs/act2/story/game.pyc'...
even though that files no longer exists. If I refresh a few more
times, both 'act1' and 'act2' will load the module from 'act1's
directory (even though the directory doesn't appear in sys.path when
you try to load it from 'act2').

So, Python is trying to import a module from a directory that isn't in
sys.path, and will generally default to running the module from the
directory where it was last run. If I run it from 'act1', then 'act2',
both times it will load the module from 'act1'. If I do it the other
way around, it will load the module from 'act2' both times.

The question now is... why is it loading from a directory that isn't
in sys.path? How can I avoid this?

Re: Find the location of a loaded module

2009-02-20 Thread Aaron Scott
And more madness...

Executed from inside 'act1', which contains the directory / module

directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
story = apache.import_module('story', path=[directory])


  File /home/www/---/docs/act1/play.py, line 24, in Rebuild
storylab = apache.import_module('story', path=[directory])

  File /usr/local/python2.5.2/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mod_python/
importer.py, line 304, in import_module
return __import__(module_name, {}, {}, ['*'])

ImportError: No module named story

Awesome. I'm going to go stick my head through a wall.

Re: Find the location of a loaded module

2009-02-20 Thread Aaron Scott
Son of a bitch. It gets worse.

 Executed from inside 'act1', which contains the directory / module

         directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
         story = apache.import_module('story', path=[directory])



   File /home/www/---/docs/act1/play.py, line 24, in Rebuild
     storylab = apache.import_module('story', path=[directory])

   File /usr/local/python2.5.2/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mod_python/
 importer.py, line 304, in import_module
     return __import__(module_name, {}, {}, ['*'])

 ImportError: No module named story

If I execute the exact same code from the 'act1' directory after
running it from the 'act2' directory, it successfully loads the
'story' module... from 'act2'. Even though I used the Apache importer
to specify the EXACT LOCATION of the module to import.

'req.write(str(os.path.dirname(__file__)))' returns '/home/www/---/

'req.write(story.game.Save())' returns '/home/www/--/docs/act2/
storylab/game.pyc' as the file being accessed.


Okay, deep breath.

Does anyone know what's going on? Am I just not understanding how
module importing in mod_python works? I'd really appreciate help,
since I'll be stuck at work today until I can get this sorted out, and
I've long since run out of ideas.

Re: Find the location of a loaded module

2009-02-20 Thread Aaron Scott

 'req.write(story.game.Save())' returns '/home/www/--/docs/act2/
 storylab/game.pyc' as the file being accessed.

Sorry, that should have read:
 'req.write(story.game.Save())' returns 
 '/home/www/--/docs/act2/story/game.pyc' as the file being accessed.

Re: Find the location of a loaded module

2009-02-20 Thread Aaron Scott
And finally, an epilogue.

So, the problem lies with how Python cached the modules in memory.
Yes, the modules were in two different locations and yes, the one that
I specified using its direct path should be the one loaded. The
problem is, the module isn't always loaded -- if it's already in
memory, it'll use that instead. And since the modules had the same
name, Python wouldn't distinguish between them, even though they
weren't exactly the same. So, loading the module act1/story would load
act1/story. Then, loading the module act2/story would use the story
module already in memory. Of course, this made the problem hard to
pinpoint, since memory is a fickle thing, and the results weren't
always reproducible.

The final solution? Renaming the 'story' modules to 'story_1' and
'story_2'... and importing them via 'exec(from story_+modulename+
import game)'.

Will I go to hell for this 'solution'? Probably. But hey, it means I
can go home tonight instead of spending all evening at the office
hitting my head against the wall. I'll come back to it Monday and try
to figure out a more reasonable solution.

Checking a string against multiple matches

2008-12-01 Thread Aaron Scott
I've been trying to read up on this, but I'm not sure what the
simplest way to do it is.

I have a list of string. I'd like to check to see if any of the
strings in that list matches another string.


if two in [one, two, three, four]:
 return True

Is there any built-in iteration that would do such a thing, or do I
have to write a function to check for me? I was using .index on the
list, but it would return True for strings that contained the search
string rather than match it exactly, leading to false positives in my

Re: Checking a string against multiple matches

2008-12-01 Thread Aaron Scott
Damn you, Python, and your loose documentation! It never occurred to
me to actually TRY my pseudocode, since I couldn't find anything on
that type of statement. Anyway, feel free to ignore me from now on.

Reading binary data

2008-09-10 Thread Aaron Scott
I've been trying to tackle this all morning, and so far I've been
completely unsuccessful. I have a binary file that I have the
structure to, and I'd like to read it into Python. It's not a
particularly complicated file. For instance:

signature   char[3] GDE
version uint32  2
attr_count  uint32
attr_id uint32
} ... repeated attr_count times ...

However, I can't find a way to bring it into Python. This is my code
-- which I know is definitely wrong, but I had to start somewhere:

import struct
file = open(test.gde, rb)
output = file.read(3)
print output
version = struct.unpack(I, file.read(4))[0]
print version
attr_count = struct.unpack(I, file.read(4))[0]
while attr_count:
print ---
file.seek(4, 1)
counter = int(struct.unpack(I, file.read(4))[0])
print file.read(counter)
attr_count -= 1

Of course, this doesn't work at all. It produces:

ê Å

I'm completely at a loss. If anyone could show me the correct way to
do this (or at least point me in the right direction), I'd be
extremely grateful.

Re: Reading binary data

2008-09-10 Thread Aaron Scott
 signature, version, attr_count = struct.unpack('3cII',

This line is giving me an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File test.py, line 19, in module
signature, version, attr_count = struct.unpack('3cII',
ValueError: too many values to unpack

Re: Reading binary data

2008-09-10 Thread Aaron Scott
 CORRECTION: '3cII' should be '3sII'.

Even with the correction, I'm still getting the error.

Re: Reading binary data

2008-09-10 Thread Aaron Scott
Sorry, I had posted the wrong error. The error I am getting is:

 struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 12

which doesn't make sense to me, since I'm specifically asking for 11.
Just for kicks, if I change the line to

 print struct.unpack('3sII', file.read(12))

I get the result

 ('GDE', 33554432, 16777216)

... which isn't even close, past the first three characters.

Re: Reading binary data

2008-09-10 Thread Aaron Scott
Taking everything into consideration, my code is now:

import struct
file = open(test.gde, rb)
signature = file.read(3)
version, attr_count = struct.unpack('II', file.read(8))
print signature, version, attr_count
for idx in xrange(attr_count):
attr_id, attr_val_len = struct.unpack('II', file.read(8))
attr_val = file.read(attr_val_len)
print attr_id, attr_val_len, attr_val

which gives a result of:

GDE 2 2
1 4 é
2 4 ê Å

Essentially, the same results I was originally getting :(

mod_python and updated files

2008-08-18 Thread Aaron Scott
I have mod_python running on my server, but when I chance a Python
file on the server, Apache needs to be restarted in order to have the
changes take effect. I assume this is so mod_python can run
persistently, but it's becoming quite a headache for development. Is
there a way to turn off the persistence, or a way to force mod_python
to compile and run the new version of the file?

Using variables across modules

2008-07-23 Thread Aaron Scott
I'm having some trouble understanding how Python handles variables
across multiple modules. I've dug through the documentation, but I
still find myself at a loss.

When you import a module, are you creating an instance of the
variables within? For instance, if I have one file, variables.py,
which contains myvar = 0, and I import it into both foo.py and
bar.py with the line from variables import *, and then set myvar
in foo.py and bar.py to different values, will each file have a
different value for myvar? If so, how can I ensure that a change to
myvar in bar.py is reflected by foo.py? Or am I completely off

Re: Using variables across modules

2008-07-23 Thread Aaron Scott
 Just wirte test code !


 myvar = 5
 print myvar


 from variables import *
 def PrintVar():
  print myvar


 from variables import *
 from foo import *
 print myvar
 myvar = 2
 print myvar

python bar.py output:


... which is what I was expecting, but not what I want. Obviously,
each import is creating its own instance of the variable. What I need
is a way to change myvar from within bar.py so that PrintVar()
returns the new value, even though it's in a different module.

Re: Using variables across modules

2008-07-23 Thread Aaron Scott
 first read this to learn how objects and variables work in Python:


 and then read this to learn how from-import works, and when you're
 supposed to use it:


 hope this helps!

Awesome. After reading those two pages, I was able to correct the code
and get things up and running. Thanks!


Writing a function from within Python

2008-05-28 Thread Aaron Scott
Is it possible to change the content of a function after the function
has been created? For instance, say I make a class:

class MyClass:
def ClassFunction(self):
return 1

And I create an object:

MyObject = MyClass()

Is there any way to change the content of the function, a la pseudo-

MyObject.ClassFunction = return 2

Thanks for any insight you might be able to offer.