Re: Python, Be Bold!

2020-01-05 Thread Andrea D'Amore
On Thu, 2 Jan 2020 at 09:38, Chris Angelico  wrote:

> The wheel does not need to be reinvented.

I see what you did there.


Re: Jupyter Notebook -> PDF with A4 pages?

2019-11-01 Thread Andrea D'Amore
On Thu, 31 Oct 2019 at 22:08, Martin Schöön  wrote:
> Den 2019-10-16 skrev Piet van Oostrum :
>> Why should that not work?
> pip install --user pip broke pip.  I have not been able to repair pip

I guess that's just the local pip shadowing the system one when you
let the command "pip" to be resolved by the shell.
, try calling the absolute path /usr/bin/pip .

I do keep pip updated in the user directory with on Ubuntu with no issue.


Re: (New to Python) Shopping List Code

2019-10-28 Thread Andrea D'Amore
On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 at 14:42, ferzan saglam  wrote:
> How can I stop this code when -1 is typed or at a maximum item count of ten.
> At the moment the code seems to be in a infinite loop meaning it keeps on 
> asking for an entry until -1 is typed

> item = input()
> item != -1:

Try these two in REPL and see how the break condition you are using in
your code is evaluated, then check each of the comparison operands.


Re: what's the differences: None and null?

2019-09-15 Thread Andrea D'Amore
On Sat, 14 Sep 2019 at 03:40, Random832  wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2019, at 21:22, Hongyi Zhao wrote:
> > what's the differences: None and null?
> null isn't really a concept that exists in Python...

I'd say the opposite, according to [1] "None" is just the name of the
null object.



On Sat, 14 Sep 2019 at 03:40, Random832  wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2019, at 21:22, Hongyi Zhao wrote:
> > what's the differences: None and null?
> null isn't really a concept that exists in Python... while None fills many of 
> the same roles that null does in some other languages, it is a proper object, 
> with __str__ and __repr__ methods (that return 'None'), __hash__ (that 
> returns an arbitrary value), etc.
> NULL, the C/C++ null pointer, is used in CPython for things like error 
> returns, things like slots or cell variables that are not initialized (as 
> opposed to being set to None), etc. This is an implementation detail, and 
> should never come up in Python code.
> --


Re: issue in handling CSV data

2019-09-08 Thread Andrea D'Amore
On Sun, 8 Sep 2019 at 02:19, Sharan Basappa  wrote:
 This is the error:
> my_data_3 = my_data_2.astype(np.float)
> could not convert string to float: " "81

> As you can see, the string "\t"81 is causing the error.
> It seems to be due to char "\t".

It is not clear what format do you expect to be in the file.
You say "it is CSV" so your actual payload seems to be a pair of three
bytes (a tab and two hex digits in ASCII) per line.

Can you paste a hexdump of the first three lines of the input file and
say what you expect to get once the data has been processed?


Re: How do I decouple these two modules?

2019-08-28 Thread Andrea D'Amore
On Wed, 28 Aug 2019 at 10:04, Spencer Du via Python-list
> I have code for a GUI and MQTT […] currently they rely on each other to some 
> extent.


I am failing to see the circular dependency there.


Re: Mergesort problem

2016-12-22 Thread Andrea D'Amore
I know a code review wasn't the main goal of you message but I feel
it's worth mentioning two tips:

On 22 December 2016 at 01:55, Deborah Swanson  wrote:
> ls = []
> with open('E:\\Coding projects\\Pycharm\\Moving\\New Listings.csv',
> 'r') as infile:
> raw = csv.reader(infile)
> indata = list(raw)
> rows = indata.__len__()
> for i in range(rows):
> ls.append(indata[i])

This block init an empty list, creates a csv.reader, processes it all
converting to a list then loops over every in this list and assign
this item to the initially created list. The initial list object is
actually useless since at the end ls and rows will contain exactly the
same objects.
Your code can be simplified with:

 with open(your_file_path) as infile:
 ls = list(csv.reader(infile))

Then I see you're looping with an index-based approach, here

> for i in range(rows):
> ls.append(indata[i])
> # find & mark dups, make hyperlink if not dup
> for i in range(1, len(ls) - 1):

and in the other functions, basically wherever you use len().

Check Ned Batchelders's "Loop like a native" talk about that, there
are both a webpage and a PyCon talk.
By using "native" looping you'll get simplified code that is more
expressive in less lines.


Re: Help me cythonize a python routine!

2016-11-09 Thread Andrea D'Amore
On 10 November 2016 at 00:15, Steve D'Aprano  wrote:
> py> import collections
> py> import os
> py> os.listdir('/usr/local/lib/python3.5/collections/')



since it's already there?


Re: Lua tutorial help for Python programmer?

2016-11-08 Thread Andrea D'Amore
On 7 November 2016 at 20:27, Skip Montanaro  wrote:
> I just got Lua scripting dumped in my lap as a way to do some server
> side scripting in Redis. The very most basic stuff isn't too hard (i =
> 1, a = {"x"=4, ...}, for i = 1,10,2 do ... end), but as soon as I get
> beyond that, I find it difficult to formulate questions which coax
> Google into useful suggestions. Is there an equivalent to the
> python-tutor, python-help, or even this (python-list/comp.lang.python)
> for people to ask Lua questions from the perspective of a Python
> programmer? Maybe an idiom translation table?

There's lua-list, I figure all your questions fit better there than here.
There's the official wiki on lua-users [1], I don't know about a
Py-Lua Rosetta Stone.

> 1. print(tbl) where tbl is a Lua table prints something useless like
> How can I print a table in one go so I see all its keys and values?

Use the pairs() iterator function (check the reference manual for
ipairs() as well):

for key, value in pairs(my_table) do
print(key, value)

> 2. The redis-py package helpfully converts the result of HGETALL to a
> Python dictionary. On the server, The Lua code just sees an
> interleaved list (array?) of the key/value pairs, e.g., "a" "1" "b"
> "2" "c" "hello". I'd dictify that in Python easily enough:
> Skimming the Lua reference manual, I didn't see anything like dict()
> and zip().

IIRC tables are the only data structures in Lua, actually I liked this
simplification very much.

> I suspect I'm thinking like a Python programmer when I
> shouldn't be. Is there a Lua idiom which tackles this problem in a
> straightforward manner, short of a numeric for loop?

IIRC the standard library is quite compact, so no.
If you want something like more straightforward than

dict = {}
for i = 1, #results, 2 do
dict[results[i]] = results[i+1]

You can define your own iterator function and have "for key, value in
…" in the for loop. Not sure it's worth it.

Beware that I'm no Lua expert, I just liked the language and read
about it but never actually used in any project. I suggesting checking
the mailing list or the IRC channel.

> As you can see, this is pretty trivial stuff, mostly representing
> things which are just above the level of the simplest tutorial.

Check "Programming in Lua" book, older versions are made available
online by the author.



Re: advanced SimpleHTTPServer?

2016-11-02 Thread Andrea D'Amore
On 2 November 2016 at 08:27, Ulli Horlacher
> "python -m SimpleHTTPServer" is really cool :-)

> - some kind of a chroot, to prevent file access higher then the base
>   directory

Shouldn't that be done by chrooting the python process in the calling


Re: Need help with coding a function in Python

2016-11-01 Thread Andrea D'Amore
On 31 October 2016 at 23:09,   wrote:
> How do I code a function that returns a list of the first n elements
> of the sequence defined in the link? I have no idea!

For those who didn't open the page (that you should have linked at
least as direct link to the image rather than to the javascript based
frontend of imgur) here's the description: there's a mathematical
sequence where

a_0 = 0
a_n = a_{n-1} - nif a_{n-1} is positive and not already in the sequence
  a_{n-1} + notherwise

so it's based off a simple sequence of kind   a_n = a_{n-1} + n   with
a conditional that brings the value back at times.

> So far this is my best shot at it (the problem with it is that the n that
> i'm subtracting or adding in the if/else part does not represent the
> element's position, but just the n that I am plugging into the function):

Since I've been lately trying to tackle small problems in the most
idiomatic way I can (much to Raymond Hettinger's enjoyable talks'
fault) I had my attempt at it.
You tried to build a list and return it while I make a function whose
return value is then iterated upon:

def sequence(n):
"""Returns a generator for the mathematical sequence

a_0 = 0
a_n = a_{n-1} - nif a_{n-1} is positive and not
already in the sequence
  a_{n-1} + notherwise

value, past = 0, {}

for c in range(n):
t = value - c
value = t if (t > 0 and t not in past) else (value + c)

past[value] = True

yield value

I'm not sure this can be made without the past state in the closure
since the sequence conditional rule depends on it.

Any hints on how to make it better are welcome.


Re: Software Needs Philosophers

2016-09-12 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2016-09-12 17:09:03 +, said:

Yes, it does:

Operating systems do as well 



Re: How to split value where is comma ?

2016-09-11 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2016-09-08 09:27:20 +, Joaquin Alzola said:

Cannot do anything about it. It is not on my MTA client and it is added 
by the company server :(

If it depended on my I will remove it but I can not do that.
This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you are 
not the intended recipient, please do not copy or disclose its content 
but contact the sender immediately upon receipt.

At least use a signature (conventionally marked by double dash, space, 
newline) so the part that's automatically added by the mail system is 
clearly separated from the body of your message.



Re: Python source repo

2016-09-11 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2016-09-10 15:27:07 +, Steve D'Aprano said:

Never mind. I got bored and frustrated and Ctrl-C'ed the process and ran it
again. This time it took about 15 seconds to complete.

Out of curiosity I checked for python debugger with "attach" feature 
(aking to gdb/lldb) and I found a few but I figure one has to know some 
hg internal in order to inspect where it hung up.

Btw I experienced similar, sporadic issues with hg in past, I had the 
impression those were network-related, not reproducible on my side 



Re: Help with Debugging

2015-09-28 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2015-09-28 05:26:35 +, Cai Gengyang said:

  File "/Users/CaiGengYang/mysite/mysite/", line 45



SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The syntax looks fine in the pastebin, did you possibly copy text from 
web thus pasting smartquotes or unprintables in your source file?



Re: Question about python package numpy

2015-03-01 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2015-03-01 20:32:34 +, fl said:

import numpy
it succeeds. On, it shows some interesting
code example snippet, such as Cookbook / ParticleFilter, Markov chain etc.

I don't know how I can access these code examples, because I don't know where
Enthought Canopy installs these package.

Did you check Canopy's documentation?

Are you sure the examples in cookbook are installed with the package?
You can print numpy.__file__ to know where the package is installed.

At [1] I see You can get the source code for this tutorial here: with link to the file, why don't you get the source 
files for the example from their pages?




Re: Proposed new conditional operator: or else

2014-12-02 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-12-02 17:41:06 +, Zachary Ware said:

foo == 42 or else

Never going to happen, but I like it!  Perhaps raise IntimidationError
instead of AssertionError when it fails?

That should probably be a DONTPANICError in large, friendly terminal 
font letters.



Re: Idle on Mac issues

2014-11-04 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-11-04 12:43:59 +, Rustom Mody said:

I seem to be stuck with some issues of Idle on macs.
The page
seems to talk only of Tcl/Tk versions 8.5

System's 8.5 should be enough, if not there's explicit mention of the 
ActiveTcl distribution.

Macports seem to have at 8.6

But that won't likely be used by a binary python installation, unless 
you're using python from MacPorts as well.

Using whatever Tcl/Tk comes with python means many things dont work:
- The options menu wont open
- Various keyboard shortcuts dont work

Any suggestions/directions?
[Me: A non Mac-er with Mac-ers in my class!]

I'm on 10.10 (happily) running MacPorts, I have system's python 2.7.6 
as well as 2.7.8 and 3.4.2 from MacPorts, these two built with Xquartz 
I can start the idle binary provided by all of those, the system's with 
native GUI, and have working Options menu in all of them.

I'd suggest the people having issue to describe their issues here, with 
details on the system version, python version, the exact command they 
run and the error they get.


Re: Idle on Mac issues

2014-11-04 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-11-04 19:55:00 +, Ned Deily said:

[…] all Apple 8.5 version have serious bugs that have been fixed 
upstream.  The most

serious involves an immediate, unrecoverable crash in Tk when typing a
composition character in an edit window or the IDLE shell […]

I stand corrected, I wasn't aware of these issues since I've always used the
version available in ports.

Note that the MacPorts Tk 8.6 has two variants: +quartz (for
the native Cocoa Tk) and +x11 (for a traditional X11-based Tk).Because
of many odd implementation choices with X11 and X11 Tk on OS X, I do not
recommend using the X11 Tk on OS X with IDLE.

I know, I'm using tk +x11 on purpose due to an issue with a specific 
program and the +quartz version.

You are well-advised to use the
latest versions of Python, currently 3.4.2 and 2.7.8, to get the best
experience with IDLE.

I mentioned the slightly outdated 2.7.6 as that's the one shipped with 
the system and it's better not to tinker with it, IIRC there are system 
scripts relying on it.



Re: brackets at the end of a method name

2014-09-24 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-09-24 13:30:55 +, ast said:

we have some methods associated with file f


Spot the difference.



Re: find the error

2014-09-13 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-09-13 05:53:37 +, Chris Angelico said:

If you're using sys.argv, you need to provide arguments to your

Or check sys.argv's length ensuring that an element is there before 
accessing it.



Re: Psycopg2 package installation puzzle in Pycharm - any thoughts?

2014-09-01 Thread Andrea D'Amore
You make hard to follow your messages both by sending lot of messages 
and not using an adequate quoting.

Please pick a posting style [1] (possibly interleaved) and stick to it.

On 2014-08-31 23:35:09 +, said:
Andrea - yes I am using the virtualenv interpreter as the Pycharm 
project interpreter

That statement needs to be backed by some proof, saying I'm using such 
interpreter doesn't necessarily mean it's true, print out 
sys.executable and check.

I confirm I just downloaded PyCharm CE 3.4.1 (you didn't provide your 
PyCharm version), set up a virtualenv, created an empty project using 
the interpreter from that environment and was able to run the file with 
the import statement in PyCharm, so the IDE works as expected.
It was actually quite straightforward and PyCharm also offered to 
create the virtualenv while selecting the interpreter.

I suggest to stop messing with your environment (I would revert all 
those changes) and figure what the problem actually is.



Re: Psycopg2 package installation puzzle in Pycharm - any thoughts?

2014-09-01 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-09-01 12:32:38 +, said:

Google groups doesn't exactly help you with that.

Drop it, get a usenet client or subscribe the mailing list (the 
newsgroup and the ml are bridged IIRC).

* Your man on the street would say I described the error fairly well.

That man probably doesn't try to solve other people's issues.

* So far as environment tinkering is concerned I have entered a 
launchctl setenv PATH statement in two places. Both reversible.

That will affect your session environment (that is separated from your 
terminal environment), but since PyCharm doesn't pick a Python 
interpreter from PATH but rather let the user explicitly select one 
you're more intersted in just selecting a correct interpreter.

* I think what I have is an issue pertaining to OSX Mavericks and 
Pycharm. If you have nothing to add, just say it.

I forgot to mention it but I'm on Mavericks and downloaded the latest 
PyCharm just to check you issue, I never used it and just followed the 
new project wizard that asked me to select a python interpeter or to 
create a virtualenv.

* Statements like Please equip yourself with a tool that provides us 
with some context add nothing and are not exactly community inclusive.

Still you took the time to write the message I'm replying to, that 
won't help you much, rather than running

import sys

in your project, that would provide more information about your issue.



Re: Psycopg2 package installation puzzle in Pycharm - any thoughts?

2014-08-31 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-08-31 14:19:24 +, said:

- Installing to a virtualenv python environment.

Are you using the virtualenv interpreter as the Pycharm project interpreter?



Re: Network/multi-user program

2014-07-22 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-07-21 16:07:22 +, Monte Milanuk said:

So I guess I'm asking for advice or simplified examples of how to
go about connecting a client desktop app to a parent/master desktop app,
so I can get some idea of how big of a task I'm looking at here, and
whether that would be more or less difficult than trying to do the
equivalent job using a web framework.

For a similar need I went with a webapp using Flask and a minimal 
amount of js (that I don't know very well and therefore don't like very 
much :-) but the alternative that I considered was Dabo [1], I haven't 
checked how the client-server connection actually works with dabo tho' 
but I'm mentioning in case you're inclined to do so.

For the client part and different from the usual js framework I had a 
brief experience with Cappuccino [2], if you happen to know Cocoa it's 
pretty straightforward to use.




Re: Python 3 on Mac OS X 10.8.4

2014-06-19 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-06-19 07:02:21 +, Une Bévue said:

I want to install Python 3 such as python-3.4.0-macosx10.6.dmg avoiding 
disturbing the built-in version.

Is that possible ?

The Installer app won't let you see the target path of each package in 
the metapackage so you'll have to open each of the them (we're talking 
official binaries since you explicitly named that particular DMG file) 
and check where they are going to install their content.
Most likely they'll go in /usr/local so you won't have clashes with 
system's python.

An alternative is to install and learn to use a package manager, I use 
MacPorts that requires full Xcode. Brew should require the smaller 
command line package. Fink should require no additional packages since 
it's basically APT. There are other managers as well, these are the 
most common on OS X.



Re: Da dove prende python il default timezone?

2014-06-06 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-06-06 15:37:24 +, Strae said:

Ho acquistato un server di test in canada; Installato debian 7, settato 
il timezone di Roma tramite dpkg-reconfigure tzdata e sembra tutto ok;

Però sembra che python di default prenda sempre il timezone canadese

I'm on a very similar setup (Wheezy, server in USA, EU timezone) and my 
strftime works as expected:

~ cat /etc/timezone
~ date +%H
~ python -c 'import time; print time.strftime(%H)'

Try reconfiguring tzdata package again.



Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-04 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-06-03 20:43:06 +, Sturla Molden said:

I see no reason to use Swift instead of Python and PyObjC

Most likely there'll be better integration with Xcode and its tools.



Re: IDE for python

2014-05-30 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-05-29 22:40:36 +, Travis Griggs said:

I use either vim or textwrangler for simple one file scripts.

Since you're on OS X have a look at Exedore, it's paid but very cheap. 
It aims at providing a beautiful interface, I fetched the free trial a 
couple days ago and the job so far is impressively neat.

I'm not related to the project, I just found it by accident and want to 
give Cocoa-credit where credit is due.



Re: IDE for python

2014-05-30 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-05-30 07:21:52 +, Andrea D'Amore said:

It aims at providing a beautiful interface,

Side note: the text editing is still green.



Re: How to implement key of key in python?

2014-05-10 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-05-10 03:28:29 +, said:

While it is fine for a small dataset, I need a more generic way to do so.

I don't get how the dataset size affects the generality of the solution here.

From your first message:

attr = {}
with open('test.txt','rb') as tsvin:
tsvin = csv.reader(tsvin, delimiter='\t')
for row in tsvin:
ID = row[1]

so your is solved by adding a simple
 attr[ID] = {}

after the ID assignment. It seems simple to implement and generic enough to me.

unfortunately none of them illustrates how to store the values and 
access them later.

You access the stored value by using the variable name that holds it, 
but here you should probabily make more clear what your actual issue is.

Moreover, they bring some new terms, e.g. combined, [], etc.

The [] syntax is used in Python for lists.

The term combined hasn't a specific pythonic meaning there and is 
just used as a meaningful variable name as the author is combining, 
i.e. adding, numerical values.



Re: Installing PyGame?

2014-04-26 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-04-25 23:57:21 +, Gregory Ewing said:

I don't know what you're doing to hose your system that badly.
I've never had a problem that couldn't be fixed by deleting
whatever the last thing was I added that caused it.

The actual problem with the native MacOSX way is that there's no
official way to uninstall a package once it's installed.

Also the problems I had with one of the third-party package
managers was because it *didn't* keep its own stuff properly
separated. It installed libraries on my regular library path
so that they got picked up by things that they weren't
appropriate for.

This most likely was not MacPorts, its default install path is not
checked by dyld by default.

But I use a wide
variety of libraries, not all of them available that way,
and many of them installed from source, and I find it's
less hassle overall to do everything the native MacOSX way
wherever possible.

Well, the native MacOSX way would probably be registering a package
via installer(8) not compiling from source.

As long as you're comfortable with your system then it's good for you.
In my experience the more libraries/software I install the more useful
a package manager becomes in terms of stray files left when upgrading or

I use a mix of MacPorts to provide the base tools and virtualenv for
project-specific pypi libraries.



Re: Installing PyGame?

2014-04-26 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-04-25 23:42:33 +, Gregory Ewing said:

That's fine if it works, but the OP said he'd already tried
various things like that and they *didn't* work for him.

By reading the original message (the empty reply with full quote of a
ten months earlier message) I couldn't figure what the OP actually did,
he says just about every way possible, or what his an error actually is.

Most likely all those methods are good, I'd rather fix any of those by
providing further info than switch to another one looking for a magical 

