Re: The following modules appear to be missing ['_sysconfigdata']

2019-01-11 Thread dude . jimbo
OK, stop the presses. Or, rather, refresh your browser, I guess.

In a 'what the !@#$ am I doing'-moment (I don't get those often) I uninstalled 
everything and went gardening. But it was raining so I installed everything 
again, this time using pip for wxpython. Lo and behond, this time it did not 
crash the cmd-window, but in stead it successfully installed it.


Then I compiled again with same command and same setup-py and - stubbornly - 
with py2exe, and got… different errors! That's actually I good sign. No, really.

Because this time, the error was about missing Windows DLLs and for these I got 
plenty of help from my best friend Google (don't tell JackD he's actually 
second best friend). So, after x iterations I ended up with the following cute
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe


'py2exe': { 
'dll_excludes': ['api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll', 
'api-ms-win-core-psapi-l1-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-heap-obsolete-l1-1-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-heap-l2-1-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-core-string-l2-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll']

After which all the missing DLL errors were finally gone (and no, I don’t wanna 
know why all of the above is even necessary). Success!! Or not? Because I was 
now right back at:

The following modules appear to be missing
['Carbon.Appearance', '_sysconfigdata']

You cannot possibly be serious!? _sysconfigdata is back… with a friend!

Luckily it was still raining so my plan to blow up the PC in my garden fire pit 
(and dancing hysterically around the glorious resulting bonfire, while in the 
nude) got scrapped, which allowed me to notice that an actual dist folder had 
in fact been created, and not just that, there was an EXE inside!

So I ran it.

and it worked.

It worked!

It did exactly what it needed to do. Just like on my old machine. I even got 
the fancy progress popup and the date string in my file names.

(At this point I ~did~ dance in the nude, albeit in front of the PC)

So what lessons did I learn:
1) compile errors apparently mean Sweet-BLEEP-All;
2) close the curtains when dancing naked around the PC;
3) the back of modern day PCs, which typically sit at groin height on your 
desk, get really hot at the back. Avoid contact with exposed and/or dangling 
body parts;
4) there's clearly a reason why I 'gave up on Python' those 10 years ago, and 
perhaps I'm slowly starting to remember why… :|


Re: The following modules appear to be missing ['_sysconfigdata']

2019-01-11 Thread dude . jimbo
OK, stop the presses. Or, rather, refresh your browser, I guess.

In a 'what the !@$$ am I doing'-moment (I don't get those often) I uninstalled 
everything and went gardening. But it was raining so I installed everything 
again, this time using pip for wxpython. Lo and behond, this time it did not 
crash the cmd-window, but in stead it successfully installed it.


Then I compiled again with same command and same and - stubbornly - 
with py2exe, and got… different errors! That's actually a good sign. No, really.

Because this time, the error was about missing Windows DLLs and here I got 
plenty of help from my best friend Google (don't tell JackD he's actually 
second best friend). So, after x iterations I ended up with the following cute
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe


'py2exe': { 
'dll_excludes': ['api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll', 
'api-ms-win-core-psapi-l1-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-heap-obsolete-l1-1-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-heap-l2-1-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-core-string-l2-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll',
'api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll', 'api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll']

After which all the missing DLL errors were finally gone (and no, I don’t wanna 
know why all of the above is even necessary). Success!! Or not? Because I was 
now right back at:

The following modules appear to be missing
['Carbon.Appearance', '_sysconfigdata']

You cannot possibly be serious!? _sysconfigdata is back… with a friend!

Luckily it was still raining so my plan to blow up the PC in my garden fire pit 
(and dancing hysterically around the glorious resulting bonfire, while in the 
nude) got scrapped, which allowed me to notice that an actual dist folder had 
in fact been created, and not just that, there was an EXE inside!

So I ran it.

and it worked.

It worked!

It did exactly what it needed to do. Just like on my old machine. I even got 
the fancy progress popup and the date string in my file names.

(At this point I ~did~ dance in the nude, albeit in front of the PC)

So what lessons did I learn:
1) compile errors apparently mean Sweet-BLEEP-All;
2) close the curtains when dancing naked around the PC;
3) the back of modern day PCs, which typically sit at groin height on your 
desk, get really hot at the back. Avoid contact with exposed body parts;
4) there's clearly a reason why I 'gave up on Python' those 10 years ago, and 
perhaps I'm slowly starting to remember why… :|


Re: The following modules appear to be missing ['_sysconfigdata']

2019-01-11 Thread dude . jimbo
Oh, another thing. I installed WX via a windows installer that I found (can't 
find the link again, but fairly certain it was this one: (*)), without giving it much thought 
(yesyes bad mistake).

Since I get wx runtime errors, I'm assuming I have the wrong version. So, in 
all my 45-yo youthful ignorance, I ran 'pip install -U wxPython' hoping it 
would magically erase the previously installed version - whatever that is - and 
get me the newest one. What actually happens is the cmd-window freezing, and 
nothing else…

(*) The 'proper' method to install it, I obviously found on 
";, but that led 
me to 'pip', which at that moment in time - 2 days ago LOL - I was not ready 
for yet (Hey, I'm doing this in between actual work, putting kids in bed, and 
passing out on the sofa)

Re: The following modules appear to be missing ['_sysconfigdata']

2019-01-11 Thread dude . jimbo
Really, no-one?

OK, more purging then. I ~think~ I need said missing component because the 
script gets the system date (to run once on a Friday, in automatic mode). But 
I've never used it in automatic mode (since I came to my senses about having an 
infinite looping script in my autoexec.bat, doing nothing, except executing 
once on a friday, and wasting resources).

So, if I scrap the automatic mode, I guess I might finally have something that 

Still disappointed though that I can't get it to work again with the same 
'tools' as previously. Especially since I also use the date to add to the name 
of the backup files that the script is making.

Oh, as for 'distributing' this thing. It's a private/personal script, so I'm my 
only customer. In this sense, I don't even need the EXE now that I've scrapped 
automatic mode. I can just run the *.py straight from a console. Oh well.

Would anyone be interested in seeing the - now infamous - script, to have a go 

Re: The following modules appear to be missing ['_sysconfigdata']

2019-01-10 Thread dude . jimbo
Well that escalated quickly :).

So, no-one can tell me which component to pip to get rid of "missing 
['_sysconfigdata']" error?

Re: The following modules appear to be missing ['_sysconfigdata']

2019-01-09 Thread dude . jimbo
On Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 6:06:35 AM UTC+1, Matthew Lemon wrote:
> Hi,
> I would start from scratch with this.
> 1. You have latest Python 2 version.
> 2. Use virtualenv to create and activate a new virtual environment.
> 3. pip install wxPython and other dependencies.
> 4. Get your application running from the command line first and follow up any 
> DLL exceptions.
> 5. Use pyinstaller ( to create 
> a new exe file once you know everything works. 
> Matt
> On 8 January 2019 10:38:16 GMT, I wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >first time using python groups (and long time since using any other
> >group for that matter). This might not be the right group due to wx
> >being involved.
> >
> >Long story as short as possible. I have an old python script that I did
> >~10 years ago, and have forgotten basically everything about Python
> >since then (sorry!). Converted it to EXE way back when, and have kept
> >using the EXE ever since then (on XP, and on Win7).
> >
> >I've just gotten a new PC, Windows10 (!), needed to update the script,
> >so needed to recompile the EXE, and now it no longer compiles/works. It
> >was fine on Windows7 (I'm not specifically stating that the problem is
> >with windows10 - I simply don't remember all the hoops I jumped through
> >on my previous machine).
> >
> >Here is the compile error:
> >The following modules appear to be missing
> >['_sysconfigdata']
> >
> >And here is the runtime error:
> >Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File "", line 3, in 
> >  File "wx\__init__.pyc", line 45, in 
> >  File "wx\_core.pyc", line 4, in 
> >  File "wx\_core_.pyc", line 12, in 
> >  File "wx\_core_.pyc", line 10, in __load
> >ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
> >
> >Here is how I compile: python py2exe
> >
> >And this is my
> >from distutils.core import setup
> >import py2exe
> >
> >setup(console=[''])
> >
> >Yes, that says 'console' for a Windows EXE, but swapping it to 'window'
> >didn't help. Besides which, the file is straight from the old
> >computer, so 'it used to work'.
> >
> >What I have installed:
> >. python 2.7.13 (this in itself may be a problem - I don't even
> >remember which version I was using earlier, other than knowing for sure
> >it wasn't a 3.x release)
> >. wxpython  (since I also got an error that wx module was missing -
> >that rang some bells, since the script uses a Windows pop-up window to
> >inform me about its progress, and I remember using wx for that, so I
> >installed it, but don't know how to get its' version. using "python -c
> >"import wx;print wx.__version__" just gives runtime errors).
> >
> >Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> >And yes, I googled, but can't really find anything (well, d'Uh!, I
> >wouldn’t be here then would I?) - there's ~some~ references, but
> >usually it's about similar issues on Linux, with solutions that are not
> >applicable at all. Except one I thought: I found some link stating that
> >_sysconfigdata is part of sysconfig, and that this needed to be
> >installed with pip, so I used the pip that came with my python distro
> >and did 'pip install [[_]sys]config[data]' (all possible combo's) but
> >pip claims it can't find said module, and TBH, I can't seem to find
> >anything myself about said module.
> >
> >Thx,
> >Jimbo
> >-- 
> >
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device

Thx for your feedback. I am a tad afraid you're giving me a bit too much credit 
though; it's all a bit Chinese to me. (I'm not Chinese, BTW, but I'm not making 
up these expressions myself so there's that).

Step 2 you've lost me already. What is virtualenv, and why do I need it (this 
time round, not last time when I got it to work)? You don’t really need to 
respond, this is more of a rethorical question :).

Step 3 is I think the real issue. At first I was missing 'wx' and 
'_sysconfigdata', so I installed wxPhyton (via a windows installer that I 
found, not with pip), and that made the compile error go away (though it still 
throws runtime errors, of course). But what is '_sysconfigdata', and how do I 
install it? I - and pip :) - can't find a repo with that name!?

step 5, pyinstaller, is yet another hurdle I hope to avoid. It worked with 
py2exe, and it should still work with py2exe (within the efforts I'm prepared 
to put into this). Of

The following modules appear to be missing ['_sysconfigdata']

2019-01-08 Thread dude . jimbo

first time using python groups (and long time since using any other group for 
that matter). This might not be the right group due to wx being involved.

Long story as short as possible. I have an old python script that I did ~10 
years ago, and have forgotten basically everything about Python since then 
(sorry!). Converted it to EXE way back when, and have kept using the EXE ever 
since then (on XP, and on Win7).

I've just gotten a new PC, Windows10 (!), needed to update the script, so 
needed to recompile the EXE, and now it no longer compiles/works. It was fine 
on Windows7 (I'm not specifically stating that the problem is with windows10 - 
I simply don't remember all the hoops I jumped through on my previous machine).

Here is the compile error:
The following modules appear to be missing

And here is the runtime error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 3, in 
  File "wx\__init__.pyc", line 45, in 
  File "wx\_core.pyc", line 4, in 
  File "wx\_core_.pyc", line 12, in 
  File "wx\_core_.pyc", line 10, in __load
ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

Here is how I compile: python py2exe

And this is my
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe


Yes, that says 'console' for a Windows EXE, but swapping it to 'window' didn't 
help. Besides which, the file is straight from the old computer, so 
'it used to work'.

What I have installed:
. python 2.7.13 (this in itself may be a problem - I don't even remember which 
version I was using earlier, other than knowing for sure it wasn't a 3.x 
. wxpython  (since I also got an error that wx module was missing - that rang 
some bells, since the script uses a Windows pop-up window to inform me about 
its progress, and I remember using wx for that, so I installed it, but don't 
know how to get its' version. using "python -c "import wx;print wx.__version__" 
just gives runtime errors).

Any help would be appreciated.

And yes, I googled, but can't really find anything (well, d'Uh!, I wouldn’t be 
here then would I?) - there's ~some~ references, but usually it's about similar 
issues on Linux, with solutions that are not applicable at all. Except one I 
thought: I found some link stating that _sysconfigdata is part of sysconfig, 
and that this needed to be installed with pip, so I used the pip that came with 
my python distro and did 'pip install [[_]sys]config[data]' (all possible 
combo's) but pip claims it can't find said module, and TBH, I can't seem to 
find anything myself about said module.


[issue33129] Add kwarg-only option to dataclass

2018-07-26 Thread Jimbo Jim

Jimbo Jim  added the comment:

first post in are people normally scary around here?

Another usecase of keyword-only arguments is that I can mix default and 
non-default fields in any order. This could be achieved by either marking all 
fields as read-only, or by implicitly adding an asterisk before the first 
"conflicting" non-default argument (or by translating .../etc into an asterisk).

(Is it a bad idea to create a private fork of `pip install dataclasses` with 
implicit asterisk, purely for my own project?)

nosy: +Jimbo Jim

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Import Problem on WIndows py3

2012-09-04 Thread Jimbo Jim
On Tuesday, September 4, 2012 1:45:55 PM UTC-7, Werner Thie wrote:
 On 9/4/12 9:49 AM, jimmyli1528 wrote:
  I have a main program and a 3rd party module. Trying to import colorama, 
  where colorama is a folder with files in it, returns an ImportError: No 
  module named colorama. How should I import folders?
 Do you have a (empty) file present in this particular directory?

OK works perfectly!

[WxPython] Advice on Temperature Application Method Structure

2010-05-26 Thread Jimbo

I have made a simple application using WxPython that is a temperature
converter. This is my first application made in WxPython, the only
other apps I have made were in Win32 c++ so I am new to widgets in

I am looking for advice  criticism on when you should use classes in
GUI widget apps ( where)  other general advice:
- Structure of a wxPython script/code
- Should every window be in its own class?
- whats the best way to refer to a control (by window name or ID)
- Should a group of controls that are related be in a class
For example should I make a Celsius class that handles the
celsius editbox, static  button  the button action
- Errors, bad things I have done in my code
- When  why use a Validator??

Temperature Converter Application:

Temperature Application

Description: This application uses WxPython to create a simple
windows app to convert temperature from celsius
to fahrenheit  visa versa.

Looking for advice on everything to do with wxPython:
For example:
- Structure of a wxPython script/code
- Should every window be in its own class?
- whats the best way to refer to a control (by window name or ID)
- Should a ground of controls that are related be in a class
For example should I make a Celsius class that handles the
celsius editbox, static  button?
- Errors, bad things I have done in my code
- When  why use a Validator??

import wx

## Constants ##

class Controller(wx.Frame):

def __init__(self, parent, id):

wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id,Temperature Converter,

# Create Controls
panel = wx.Panel(self)
self.create_controls( panel, wx.Validator() )


# Define actions

def create_controls(self, panel, val):
 Create all the controls we will need for the temperature

self.bmp_static = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, Bitmap pic will be here,
(10,5), (150,40))

self.fah_static = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, Fahrenheit: ,
(10,70), (-1,-1))

self.cel_static = wx.StaticText(panel, -1,Celsius: ,
(140,70), (-1,-1))

self.fah_edit = wx.TextCtrl(panel,ID_FAHREN, pos=(70,65),
size=(40,25), style=0, validator=val,

self.cel_edit = wx.TextCtrl(panel,ID_CELSIUS, pos=(180,65),
size=(40,25), style=0, validator=val,

self.to_fah_button = wx.Button(panel,label=To Fahrenheit,

self.to_cel_button = wx.Button(panel,label=To Celsius,

self.exit_button = wx.Button(panel,label=Exit,pos=(157,123),

def Bind_Events(self):
 Bind application events to class functions 





def close_button(self, event):


def close_window(self, event):


def error_check(self, string):
 Check for valid input in editboxes. Valid input
includes float  integer values only 

if string.isalpha() or len(string) = 0:

return False

return True

def convert_to_fahrenheit(self, event):
 Convert the value in fahrenheit window to celsius 
display in our window/edit box 

# Algorithm
# - Get number from fahrenheit editbox
# - convert fahrenheit value to celsius
# - change value in Celsius Window to

# Step 1:
fahren_value = self.fah_edit.GetValue()

if not self.error_check( fahren_value ):

self.fah_edit.SetValue( NA )

# Step 2:
value = (float(fahren_value) - 32) * 5/9

# Step 3:
self.cel_edit.SetValue( str(value) )

def convert_to_celsius(self, event):
 Convert the value in celcius window/editbox to
fahrenheit  display in our window/editbox 

# Algorithm
# - Get number from celsius editbox
# - convert celsius value to fahrenheit
# - change value in fahrenheit Window

# Step 1:
celsius_value = self.cel_edit.GetValue()

if not self.error_check( celsius_value ):

self.cel_edit.SetValue( NA )

# Step 2:
value = (float( celsius_value ) * 9/5) + 32

# Step 3:
self.fah_edit.SetValue( str(value) )

if __name__ == __main__:

app = wx.PySimpleApp()

frame = Controller(parent=None,id=-1)

Extract all words that begin with x

2010-05-10 Thread Jimbo

I am trying to find if there is a string OR list function that will
search a list of strings for all the strings that start with 'a' 
return a new list containing all the strings that started with 'a'.

I have had a search of Python site  I could not find what I am
looking for, does a function like this exist?

The only one that I think could work is, use the string
function .count()

algorithm: to exract all the words inside a list that start with 'a'
 - make sure the list is arranged in alphabetical order
 - convert the list to a big string
 - use list_string.count(',a') to obtain the index where the last 'a'
word occurs
 - convert back into string (yes this is a REAL hack :P)
 - and then create a new list, ie, new_list = list[0:32]
 -  return new_list

Ok that algorithm is terrible, I know,  I just realise that it wont
work for letters after 'a'. So if anyone could suggest a function or
algorithm it would be extremely helpful

Use Regular Expressions to extract URL's

2010-04-30 Thread Jimbo

I am using regular expressions to grab URL's from a string(of HTML
code). I am getting on very well  I seem to be grabbing the full URL
I also get a '' character at the end of it. Do you know how I can get
rid of the '' char at the end of my URL

[b]Example of problem:[/b]
I get this when I extract a url from a string;

I want to get this

My regular expression:
def find_urls(string):
 Extract all URL's from a string  return as a list 

url_list = re.findall(r'(?:http://|www.).*?[]',string)
return url_list

Fast Efficient way to transfer an object to another list

2010-04-30 Thread Jimbo
Hello I have a relatively simple thing to do; move an object from one
to list into another. But I think my solution maybe inefficient 
slow. Is there a faster better way to move my stock object from one
list to another? (IE, without having to use a dictionary instead of a
list or is that my only solution?)

class stock:

code = NULL
price = 0

stock_list1 = []
stock_list2 = []

def transfer_stock(stock_code, old_list, new_list):
 Transfer a stock from one list to another 
# is there a more efficient  faster way to

index = 0

for stock in old_list:

temp_stock = stock

if temp_stock.code == stock_code:
del old_list[index]
index += 1

return new_list[/code]

Print Error Type when I catch it

2010-04-22 Thread Jimbo

I have a relatively simple question. I want to use a try except in a
function  when an error occurs I want to print the error type name(eg
IOError, OSError etc) do you know how I can do this without specifying
all possible errors, eg having to do this except (IOError, OSError,
IndexError, ):


... some code

 # Here I want to print type of error that occured
 print errorType

The reason I want to do this is because one of my complex programs is
crashing BUT no python error message is comming up in red when I run
it, so I cant figure out what error occured? So I think its time I
learnt to print out my own errors  their types

Error Occurs: Replace a character in a String

2010-04-10 Thread Jimbo
Hello, I am getting an error in my python script when I try to change
a character in a string. [b]But I dont know why or what to do to fix

I have commented in my code where the error occurs

def format_file(filename):

HTML_file   = open(filename,'r')
HTML_source =

x = 0

# Format all ID's  classes correctly
temp_buf= HTML_source.lower()
class_occurence = temp_buf.count('class')
ID_occurence= temp_buf.count('id')

for n in range(class_occurence):
hit = temp_buf.find('class')
if not hit==-1:
temp_buf[hit] = '~' # Error: 'str' object does not support
item assignment
x = hit+5

# delete any spaces until we reach a letter or number
while xtemp_buf[x]:
if temp_buf[x] == ' ':
tempbuf[x] = ''
HTML_source[x] = ''
elif temp_buf[x] == '=':
#elif temp_buf[x] == ' or temp_buf[x] == ''
x += 1

Simple Cookie Script: Not recognising Cookie

2010-04-07 Thread Jimbo
Hi I have a simple Python program that assigns a cookie to a web user
when they open the script the 1st time(in an internet browser). If
they open the script a second time the script should display the line
 You have been here 2 times. , if they open the script agai it
should show on the webpage You have been here 3 times and so on.

But for some reason, my program is not assigning or recognising an
assigned cookie  outputing the line You have been here x times. I
have gone over my code for like 2 hours now I cant figure out what is
going wrong??

Can you help me figure out whats wrong? I have my own cgi server that
just runs on my machine so its not that its the code to recognise/
assign a cookie

[code]#!/usr/bin/env python

import Cookie
import cgi
import os

HTML_template = 

p %s /p

def main():

# Web Client is new to the site so we need to assign a cookie to
cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
cookie['SESSIONID'] = '1'
code = No cookie exists. Welcome, this is your first visit.

if 'HTTP_COOKIE' in os.environ:
cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie(os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'])
# If Web client has been here before
if cookie.has_key('SESSIONID'):
cookie['SESSIONID'].value = int(cookie['SESSIONID'].value)
code = You have been here %s times. %
cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
cookie['SESSIONID'] = '1'
code = I Have a cookie, but SESSIONID does not exist

print Content-Type: text/html\n
print HTML_template % code

if __name__ == __main__:

Advice Criticism on Python App

2010-03-23 Thread Jimbo
I have made a Python App(really script) that will check a stocks
current values from a website  save that data to a SQLite 3 database.

I am looking for any suggestions  criticisms on what I should do
better or anything at all but mainly in these areas:
- Correct Python Layout of code
- Correct error checking: Am I catching all my errors or are my
exceptions not specific enough? Should I be using more try excepts
inside my functions?
- Are there any areas where huge errors, bugs etc could occur that I
have not compensated for?
- I am also looking for suggestions on how to write a function better,
so if you think that function is really bad  should be rewritten
completely or something I would really like to hear it.
- Anything else that you see
- Is python meant to be used in the way I have used it? To make a
'semi detailed' app?[/QUOTE]

Any advice criticism would be really helpful.

 *Stock Data Builder*
  - Search website for stock
  - Get website HTML source code
  - Search code for target stock data(price,dividends,etc..)
  - Add data to text file

import sys
import os
import sqlite3
import datetime
import time
import urllib2

### Global Variables ###
menu = ***Stock Program*** \n\n1. Add a Stock to track \n2. Get
Todays Tracking Data \n3. Exit \nEnter decision: 
target = 'th scope=row class=rowa href=/asx/research/'
ASXurl = '

class stock:
code = 
purchasePrice= 0
purchaseQuantity = 0
price= []  # list of recent prices
recentBid= []  # list of recent bids for stock
recentOffer  = []  # list of recent offers for stock
stockVol = []  # list of stock quantity available on
def __init__(self):
 Default Constructor 
self.code = 
self.purchasePrice= 0
self.purchaseQuantity = 0

def constructor(self, stockCode, purPrice, purQuant):
self.code = stockCode
self.purchasePrice= purPrice
self.purchaseQuantity = purQuant

def setData(self, stockCode, purPrice, purQuant, priceList,
reBidList, reOffList, popList):
 Defines  implements the objects' public variables 
self.code = stockCode
self.purchasePrice= purPrice
self.purchaseQuantity = purQuant
self.price= priceList
self.recentBid= reBidList
self.recentOffer  = reOffList
self.stockVol = popList


def updateData(self, priceEle, bidEle, offerEle, populEle):
 Adds data to stock object's lists 

def printStats(self):
 Output Stock attributes 

print(Stock Code: +self.code)
print(Stock Purchase Price: +str(self.purchasePrice))
print(Stock Quantity Owned: +str(self.purchaseQuantity))
print(***Initial Investment Value:
if not(len(self.price) = 0):
print(Stock Current Price: +str(self.price[-1]))
print(Recent Bid: +str(self.recentBid[-1]))
print(Recent Offer: +str(self.recentOffer[-1]))
print(Total Stock Volume in market:
print(***Present Investment Value:

### Functions ###
def connectDatabase(dbLocation, dbName, tableName):
 Establish  Return connection to SQLite Database 

if not (os.path.exists(dbLocation)):
os.mkdir(dbLocation) # create folder/dir

os.chdir(dbLocation)# change directory focus to
conn = sqlite3.connect(dbLocation+dbName)
cur = conn.cursor()
createTableQ = CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS +tableName
+ (code varchar PRIMARY KEY, purchase_price float, purchase_quantity
float, purchase_date varchar);
return conn
except IOError or OSError:
print Connection to database failed
return False

def retrieveStockDatabase(conn, tableName):
 Read SQLite3 database  extract stock data into StockList 

stockList  = []
stockQuery = select recent_price, recent_offer, recent_bid,
stock_volume from ? ;
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(select code, purchase_price, purchase_quantity from

for row in cur.fetchall():
newStock = stock()
newStock.code = row[0]
newStock.purchasePrice= row[1]
newStock.purchaseQuantity = row[2]

Re: Best Way to extract Numbers from String

2010-03-20 Thread Jimbo
On Mar 20, 11:51 pm, Luis M. González wrote:
 On Mar 20, 12:04 am, Jimbo wrote:


  I am trying to grab some numbers from a string containing HTML text.
  Can you suggest any good functions that I could use to do this? What
  would be the easiest way to extract the following numbers from this

  My String has this layout  I have commented what I want to grab:
  [CODE] /th
                                  td class=last43.200 /td
                                  td class=change indicator nowrap0.040 

                                                     td43.150 /td #
  I need to grab this number only
                                  td43.200 /td
                                                     td43.130 /td #
  I need to grab this number only
                                  td43.290 /td                            
               td43.100 /td # I need to
  grab this number only
                                  td7,450,447 /td
                                  td class=middlea
                                  td class=middlea
  by=underlyingAsxCodeunderlyingCode=BHPWarrants  Structured
                                  td class=middlea
                                  td class=middlea 
  src=/images/chart.gif border=0 height=15 width=15/a

 You should use BeautifulSoup or perhaps regular expressions.
 Or if you are not very smart, lik me, just try a brute force approach:

  for i in s.split(''):

         for e in i.split():
                 if '.' in e and e[0].isdigit():
                         print (e)


 - Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Thanks very much, I'm going to look at regular expressions but that
for your code, it shows me how I can do it iwth standard python :)

Why this compile error?

2010-03-19 Thread Jimbo

Can you help me figure out why I am getting this compile error with my
program. The error occurs right at the bottom of my code  I have
commented where it occurs.

The error is:
[QUOTE]Expected an indented block[/QUOTE]

 *Stock Data Builder*
  - Search website for stock
  - Get website HTML source code
  - Search code for target stock data(price,dividends)
  - Add data to text file

import sys

# Functions
def getSource(URL, sourceBuffer):
 Retrieve HTML source code from websitr URL 
save in sourceBuffer   

return sourceBuffer

def getData(targetData, dataBuffer):
 Searches the string dataBuffer for the occurence of target
data  returns that whole line

def writeToFile(textFile, dataBuffer):
 Writes data in string dataBuffer to text file 

# CHANGE this to try except to catch errors
fileT = open(textFile,'a')
return True; # function succeeded

def writeToFile(textFile, dataList):
 Writes data in List dataList to text file 

# CHANGE this to try except to catch errors
fileT = open(textFile,'a')

for element in dataList:
return True; # function succeeded

# Main program loop
def main():
programEnd = False;

while (programEnd == False):
#ERROR HERE?? - Error=Expected an indented block

Best Way to extract Numbers from String

2010-03-19 Thread Jimbo

I am trying to grab some numbers from a string containing HTML text.
Can you suggest any good functions that I could use to do this? What
would be the easiest way to extract the following numbers from this

My String has this layout  I have commented what I want to grab:
[CODE] /th
td class=last43.200 /td
td class=change indicator nowrap0.040 /td

   td43.150 /td #
I need to grab this number only
td43.200 /td
   td43.130 /td #
I need to grab this number only
td43.290 /td
 td43.100 /td # I need to
grab this number only
td7,450,447 /td
td class=middlea
td class=middlea
by=underlyingAsxCodeunderlyingCode=BHPWarrants amp; Structured
td class=middlea
td class=middlea 
src=/images/chart.gif border=0 height=15 width=15/a
tda href=/asx/statistics/

Python Script to get Info from Site not working

2010-03-10 Thread Jimbo

I am asking what is probably a very easy thing to do but I cannot find
a tutorial on how to do it anywhere. [b]I want to use a Python script
to get information from a webpage. [/b]

I found a semi Python  internet tutorial here if anyone else would
like it

I would like to create a python script that gets a value from a set of
radio buttons on a HTML page  tell me which one is selected.

I have 3 radio buttons: Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate  a Submit button

My script is meant to find which radio button is selected  tell me
that. But it just keeps saying No Drink Selected!

Can you help me figure out how to fix this. FYI: My Python script  my
HTML page are both saved in the same directory. And I made the webpage
using Notepad++, I open the webpage in Interent Explorer  I made the
Python Script in Idle.

Python Script:
[code]# Practice 9 CGI

# don't change the following three lines: ###
import cgi
print(Content-Type: text/html\n)
form = cgi.FieldStorage()

## add a form.getvalue for each of the names in your form: ##
drink = form.getvalue(drink)

## start of HTML code ###
head titleWhat would you like to drink/title /head
h4Your drink: /h4p
 end of HTML code #

if drink == tea:
print(You requested tea.)
elif drink == coffee:
print(You requested coffee.)
elif drink == hot chocolate:
print (You requested hot chocolate.)
print (You need to select a drink!)

### start of HTML code ###
print (
pThank you for your visit. Please come again. p
# end of HTML code ##

HTML Code:



form method=post

input type=radio name=drink value=tea checked  Tea br
input type=radio name=drink value=coffee  Coffee br
input type=radio name=drink value=hot chocolate  Hot Chocolate

input type=submit value=Place order


Re: Python Script to get Info from Site not working

2010-03-10 Thread Jimbo
On Mar 11, 12:38 pm, Gabriel Genellina
 En Wed, 10 Mar 2010 20:06:41 -0300, Jimbo escribió:

  I found a semi Python  internet tutorial here if anyone else would
  like it

  My script is meant to find which radio button is selected  tell me
  that. But it just keeps saying No Drink Selected!

 Are you sure? From the code you posted, the message should read You need  
 to select a drink!, not that one.

 Replace the last line with something like this, to see what you are  
 getting exactly:

         print(Sorry, no %r (%r) available. % (

 BTW, which Python version are you using? The tutorial you linked to is  
 aimed at Python 2.x, but your print syntax suggests you're using Python 3.x

 Gabriel Genellina

Yeah that(You need to select a drink!) was the string I was getting
but I should be getting hot chocolate or something else(which ever one
I have selected)

I am using 3.x, do you think I should be using something else? Also
the your code I put in does the some thing, just now it says Sorry no
none drink available all the time.


2005-01-23 Thread jimbo
I am trying to sort how to best programmatically run the debugger on a 
program, and another way that I am trying to explore is by using the 
bdb module. There isn't any documentation for this and I have tried 
reading through the source, which includes an example/test at the end 
of on Python 2.3/OS X.

What I can't figure out is how this might work if you wanted to have 
the function 'step' through each line. I see various functions that 
suggest that they might be for this but I can not get anything to work. 
Has anyone any suggestions or point me in the direction of any other 

Thank you!
From the
def test():
t = Tdb()'import bdb;')
where Tbd subclasses Bdp and overrides the user_ methods (see around 
line 533 of But what about set_step()? Or am I way off here?


debugging process

2005-01-22 Thread jimbo
I am trying to create a separate process that will launch python and 
then can be used to step through a script programmatically.

I have tried something like:
(input, output) = os.popen2(cmd=python)
Then I expected I could select over the two handles input and output, 
make sure they aren't going to block, and then be able to write python 
code to the interpreter and read it back. I intend to import a module, 
run it in the debugger with and the start passing debug 
commands in and read the output.

I hope that makes sense, what I am finding is that whenever I try to 
read from the output handle it blocks. My understanding was that if it 
is returned by select that it is ready for reading and won't block.

I think that this must have something to do with python expecting 
itself to by in a TTY? Can anyone give any idea of where I should be 
going with this?

