[issue47068] Improve __repr__ of TypeVar

2022-03-19 Thread Kaleb Barrett

New submission from Kaleb Barrett :

Currently the __repr__ for TypeVar includes the variance information and the 
type name (for example ~T, +T_co, -T_contra), but it does not contain bound or 
constraint information. I'm not sure what value including variance but not 
bound information in the __repr__ is, both are important for the use of 
interfaces that use that variable.

I propose we add the bound and constraint information to the __repr__. The 
__repr__ is arbitrary as popular type checking tools, such as mypy, and 
documentation tools, such as Sphinx, do not use the standard __repr__. Nor is 
the __repr__ eval()-able like many builtin types. And for documentation tools 
that do use the standard __repr__, this improvement will be propagated to those 
tools. (I originally requested this improvement in pdoc which uses the standard 
__repr__; the maintainer agreed with this improvement.)

Bounds can be represented using an ASCII representation of the subset operator 
"<=" and then the bound. Constraints can be represented using "<=" with a tuple 
of the constraints. Perhaps spaces should be added around the "<=" operator? I 
have no opinion.

Some examples of the proposed __repr__:
>>> TypeVar("T")
>>> IntT = TypeVar("IntT", bound=int)
>>> IntT
>>> TypeVar("AnyStr", str, bytes)
~AnyStr<=(str, bytes)
>>> List[IntT]

messages: 415562
nosy: ktbarrett
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Improve __repr__ of TypeVar
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.11

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[issue44529] Using typing.Union in isinstance checks

2021-06-28 Thread Kaleb Barrett

Kaleb Barrett  added the comment:

Ah, this was implemented for 3.10 as a part of PEP 604. 

Feel free to close.


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[issue44373] make Event an Awaitable

2021-06-28 Thread Kaleb Barrett

Change by Kaleb Barrett :

title: make Event and Awaitable -> make Event an Awaitable

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[issue44529] Using typing.Union in isinstance checks

2021-06-28 Thread Kaleb Barrett

New submission from Kaleb Barrett :

I have type aliases of Unions like so:

Request = Union[WriteRequest, ReadRequest]

I'd like to be able to use "Request" in an isinstance check rather than having 
to duplicate the information in a tuple to pass to the check. Currently I get:

TypeError: Subscripted generics cannot be used with class and instance checks

Seems like Unions could be used here interchangeably with tuples since they 
mean the same thing in this context. Of course this would only work if the 
element types are being capable of being used in isinstance checks.

messages: 396658
nosy: ktbarrett
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Using typing.Union in isinstance checks
type: enhancement

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44373] make Event and Awaitable

2021-06-10 Thread Kaleb Barrett

New submission from Kaleb Barrett :

Following on from https://bugs.python.org/issue33544. I don't agree with the 
original suggestion to deprecate the wait() method on Events, but I do agree 
that Event should be made Awaitable. Doing so would make code more expressive, 
but more importantly improve the ability to use Events with generic code that 
can already handles the other Awaitable types in asyncio.

There were generally neutral takes on providing both __await__ and wait, 
besides Yury Selivanov who implied it was complex (???). I just tried the 
below, but maybe I'm missing something?

class AwaitableEvent(Awaitable[None], Event):

def __await__(self) -> None:
yield from self.wait().__await__()

__iter__ = __await__

components: asyncio
messages: 395511
nosy: asvetlov, ktbarrett, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: make Event and Awaitable
versions: Python 3.10

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43836] range.index doesn't support start/stop optional arguments

2021-04-14 Thread Kaleb Barrett

Kaleb Barrett  added the comment:

And so it is... There is also a PR open with a solution from 2017. 
https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/4378/files. Can this get reviewed?

The rationalizations against solving this bug stated in the original issue are 
weak, range.index *is* useful. I use range objects to describe alternate 
indexing schemes for an array type (to model HDL datatypes that allow arbitrary 
indexing schemes). range.index is used to translate user supplied indexes into 
0-based indexes to index into a parallel list with the array values.

Additionally, this causes issues with mypy. If you subclass Sequence, mypy will 
complain if you don't have the optional start and stop arguments in the index 
method. I would need to feed them into a range object in my implementation. I 
guess in my case I'm expected to just reject them? This breaks substitutability 
in my class.

It also breaks substitutability with list, tuples, every built-in Sequence type 
as well.


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[issue43836] range.index doesn't support start/stop optional arguments

2021-04-13 Thread Kaleb Barrett

New submission from Kaleb Barrett :

The range builtin type is a collections.abc.Sequence, which in Python 3.5 added 
the optional start and stop arguments to the index method of Sequences. 
However, range.index does not support these optional arguments required by 

I noticed this when creating a wrapper type around range which was a  Sequence. 
mypy complained 'Signature of "index" incompatible with supertype "Sequence"', 
but attempting to pass the values raised 'TypeError: index() takes exactly one 
argument (3 given)'.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 391029
nosy: ktbarrett
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: range.index doesn't support start/stop optional arguments
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42711] lru_cache and NotImplemented

2020-12-21 Thread Kaleb Barrett

New submission from Kaleb Barrett :

Having to return `NotImplemented` (which counts as a successful function call) 
in `functools.lru_cache` and `functools.cache` decorated binary dunder methods 
has the potential to fill the LRU cache with calls that will in ultimately 
result in errors (read "garbage").

There are a few ways to avoid this IMO:

1. Change `functools.lru_cache` not cache calls that result in `NotImplemented`.
2. Allow a user to easily extend `functools.lru_cache` (the implementation is 
not extensible right now) to do the previously mentioned operation.
3. Add the ability to *throw* `NotImplemented` in binary dunder methods so the 
function call does not complete. This would work exactly like returning 
`NotImplemented` and be handled by the runtime.

And my current solution...

4. Copy-paste `functools.lru_cache` and add in changes for solution 1 :)

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 383573
nosy: ktbarrett
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: lru_cache and NotImplemented
type: performance
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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