Re: Using a background thread with asyncio/futures with flask

2024-03-22 Thread Lars Liedtke via Python-list

Sorry, must have missed that :-/

Lars Liedtke
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Am 22.03.24 um 08:58 schrieb Chris Angelico via Python-list:

On Fri, 22 Mar 2024 at 18:35, Lars Liedtke via Python-list
<> wrote:


As far as I know (might be old news) flask does not support asyncio.

You would have to use a different framework, like e.g. FastAPI or similar. Maybe someone 
has already written "flask with asyncio" but I don't know about that.

Did you try searching their documentation?



Re: Using a background thread with asyncio/futures with flask

2024-03-22 Thread Lars Liedtke via Python-list


As far as I know (might be old news) flask does not support asyncio.

You would have to use a different framework, like e.g. FastAPI or similar. Maybe someone 
has already written "flask with asyncio" but I don't know about that.



Lars Liedtke
Lead Developer

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Am 20.03.24 um 09:22 schrieb Thomas Nyberg via Python-list:


I have a simple (and not working) example of what I'm trying to do. This is a 
simplified version of what I'm trying to achieve (obviously the background 
workers and finalizer functions will do more later):


import asyncio
import threading
import time
from queue import Queue

from flask import Flask

in_queue = Queue()
out_queue = Queue()

def worker():
   print("worker started running")
   while True:
   future = in_queue.get()
   print(f"worker got future: {future}")
   print("worker sleeped")

def finalizer():
   print("finalizer started running")
   while True:
   future = out_queue.get()
   print(f"finalizer got future: {future}")
   print("finalizer set result")

threading.Thread(target=worker, daemon=True).start()
threading.Thread(target=finalizer, daemon=True).start()

app = Flask(__name__)

async def root():
   future = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_future()
   print(f"root put future: {future}")
   result = await future
   return result

if __name__ == "__main__":

If I start up that server, and execute `curl http://localhost:5000`, it prints 
out the following in the server before hanging:

$ python3
worker started running
finalizer started running
* Serving Flask app 'app'
* Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production 
deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit
root put future: 
worker got future: 
worker sleeped
finalizer got future: 
finalizer set result

Judging by what's printing out, the `final result = await future` doesn't seem 
to be happy here.

Maybe someone sees something obvious I'm doing wrong here? I presume I'm mixing 
threads and asyncio in a way I shouldn't be.

Here's some system information (just freshly installed with pip3 install 
flask[async] in a virtual environment for python version 3.11.2):

$ uname -a
Linux x1carbon 6.1.0-18-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.76-1 
(2024-02-01) x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ python3 -V
Python 3.11.2

$ pip3 freeze

Thanks for any help!


Re: pip-sync

2023-07-24 Thread Lars Liedtke via Python-list

Did maybe pip-sync create the venv with --system-site-packages (at least that's 
the commandline option for pip)

I only saw behaviour like this so far, when my venv was with 
--system-site-packages and a package was installed by the system.

Sorry for the first mess.


Lars Liedtke
Senior Software Developer

[Fax]   +49 721 98993-

solute gmbh
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Am 21.07.23 um 20:08 schrieb Larry Martell via Python-list:

I am trying to set up and maintain a venv with pip-sync. On my bare
metal I have the apparmor python package installed, but it is not
installed in my venv and it's not in my requirements file. When I run
pip-sync I get:

Found existing installation: apparmor 2.13.3
ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'apparmor'. It is a distutils installed
project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to
it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.

Since it's not installed in the venv why does it want to uninstall it?


Re: pip-sync

2023-07-24 Thread Lars Liedtke via Python-list
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Lars Liedtke
Senior Software Developer

[Fax]   +49 721 98993-

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--- Begin Message ---
Did maybe pip-sync create the venv with --system-site-packages (at least 
that's the commandline option for pip)

I only saw behaviour like this so far, when my venv was with 
--system-site-packages and a package was installed by the system.



Am 21.07.23 um 20:08 schrieb Larry Martell via Python-list:

I am trying to set up and maintain a venv with pip-sync. On my bare
metal I have the apparmor python package installed, but it is not
installed in my venv and it's not in my requirements file. When I run
pip-sync I get:

Found existing installation: apparmor 2.13.3
ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'apparmor'. It is a distutils installed
project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to
it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.

Since it's not installed in the venv why does it want to uninstall it?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
--- End Message ---

Re: Best practices for using super()

2023-07-05 Thread Lars Liedtke via Python-list


When you have multiple inheritance and you e.g. want to explicitely call 
__init__ of one of the classes inherited from, that is not the first in the 
list of classes to inherit from.



Lars Liedtke
Senior Software Developer

[Tel.]  +49 721 98993-
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Am 04.07.23 um 14:20 schrieb Peter Slížik via Python-list:

As a follow-up to my yesterday's question - are there any recommendations
on the usage of super()?

It's clear that super() can be used to invoke parent's:
- instance methods
- static methods
- constants ("static" attributes in the parent class, e.g. super().NUMBER).

This all works, but are there situations in which calling them explicitly
using a parent class name is preferred?

Best regards,


Re: for a 'good python'

2023-04-13 Thread Lars Liedtke

Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

[Tel.]  +49 721 98993-
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Am 13.04.23 um 00:21 schrieb jak:
Barry ha scritto:

On 12 Apr 2023, at 18:10, jak <mailto:nos...@please.ty> wrote:
Hi everyone,
some time ago I wrote a class to determine if an ipv4 address belonged
to a subnet. Seldom using python I'm pretty sure it's not written in
'good python' nor too portable. Could you give me some advice to make it

class calcip:
   def __init__(self, psubnet: str):
   ssubnet, scidr = psubnet.replace(' ', '').split('/')
   subnet = int.from_bytes(tuple(
 map(lambda n: (int(n)), ssubnet.split('.'))),
   cidr = int(scidr)
   mask = ((2 ** cidr) - 1) << (32 - cidr)
   self.__network = subnet & mask
   self.__wildcard = ~mask & 0x
   self.__broadcast = (subnet | self.__wildcard) & 0x
   self.__tsubnet = tuple(subnet.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
   self.__tnetwork = tuple(self.__network.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
   self.__tbroadcast = tuple(self.__broadcast.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
   self.__tmask = tuple(mask.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
   self.__twildcard = tuple(self.__wildcard.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
   self.__host_min = tuple((self.__network + 1).to_bytes(4, 'big'))
   self.__host_max = tuple((self.__broadcast - 1).to_bytes(4, 'big'))

   def __to_str(val: tuple):
   return '.'.join(str(v) for v in val)

   def subnet(self):
   return self.__to_str(self.__tsubnet)

   def network(self):
   return self.__to_str(self.__tnetwork)

   def broadcast(self):
   return self.__to_str(self.__tbroadcast)

   def mask(self):
   return self.__to_str(self.__tmask)

   def wildcard(self):
   return self.__to_str(self.__twildcard)

   def host_min(self):
   return self.__to_str(self.__host_min)

   def host_max(self):
   return self.__to_str(self.__host_max)

   def hosts_num(self):
   return self.__wildcard - 1

   def net_class(self):
   tst = (self.__tnetwork[0] & 0xf0) >> 4
   if (tst & 0x8) == 0:
   clx = 'A'
   elif (tst & 0xc) == 0x8:
   clx = 'B'
   elif (tst & 0xe) == 0xc:
   clx = 'C'
   elif (tst & 0xf) == 0xe:
   clx = 'D'
   elif (tst & 0xf) == 0xf:
   clx = 'E'
   return clx

   def __contains__(self, item):
   ret = True
   row_hdr = None
   row_hdr = int.from_bytes(tuple(map(lambda n: (int(n)), 
item.split('.'))), 'big')
   ret = False
   if ret:
   if not self.__network < row_hdr < self.__broadcast:
   ret = False
   return ret

def main():
   sn = calcip('')

   print(f"subnet: {sn.subnet}")
   print(f"network: {}")
   print(f"broadcast: {sn.broadcast}")
   print(f"mask: {sn.mask}")
   print(f"wildcard: {sn.wildcard}")
   print(f"host_min: {sn.host_min}")
   print(f"host_max: {sn.host_max}")
   print(f"Avaible hosts: {sn.hosts_num}")
   print(f"Class: {sn.net_class}")

   tst_hdr = ''
   is_not = 'is '
   if not tst_hdr in sn:
   is_not = 'is NOT '
   print("hdr %s %sin range %s - %s" %
 (tst_hdr, is_not, sn.host_min, sn.host_max))

if __name__ == '__main__':

There is this if you just want a 

Or are you after code review feedback?



Thank you too. I had seen this library but I always try not to use
libraries outside the standard ones. Now I don't remember why I was
convinced that this wasn't part of it, perhaps because it was like that
at the time or because I got confused. Only now I realized that it is
not necessary to install it. Now I'm considering whether to use
'ipaddress' or 'socket'. What is certain is that this one you have
suggested is really comfortable. Thanks again for the report.

Unless I am not mistakes, ipadress is "standard" because it is in the standard 

Re: 转发: How to exit program with custom code and custom message?

2023-03-13 Thread Lars Liedtke

I totally understand your reasoning here, but in some way it follows the unix 
philosophy: Do only one thing, but do that good.

And exiting is something different from printing to STDOUT or STDERR. Yes 
sometimes you want to print something before exiting. But then you should do 
that explicitly and to the output you want and not implicitly rely on 
adfdtitional parameters of exit. Yes, not all functions work this way. But that 
does not mean they shouln't ;-)



On 13.03.23 11:18, scruel tao wrote:


It doesn't actually take a list of arguments; the square brackets

indicate that arg is optional here.

Oh, I see, it seems that I mistunderstood the document.

but for anything more complicated, just print and then exit.
It's worth noting, by the way, that sys.exit("error message") will
print that to STDERR, not to STDOUT, which mean that the equivalent

Yes, I know, but don’t you think if `sys.exit` can take more parameters and 
have a default output channel selection strategy will be better?

Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

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Re: Fast lookup of bulky "table"

2023-01-15 Thread Lars Liedtke


before you start optimizing. I would suggest, that you measure response times and query 
times, data search times and so on. In order to save time, you have to know where you 
"loose" time.

Does your service really have to load the whole table at once? Yes that might 
lead to quicker response times on requests, but databases are often very good 
with caching themselves, so that the first request might be slower than 
following requests, with similar parameters. Do you use a database, or are you 
reading from a file? Are you maybe looping through your whole dataset on every 
request? Instead of asking for the specific data?

Before you start introducing a cache and its added complexity, do you really 
need that cache?

You are talking about saving microseconds, that sounds a bit as if you might be 
“overdoing” it. How many requests will you have in the future? At least in 
which magnitude and how quick do they have to be? You write about 1-4 seconds 
on your laptop. But that does not really tell you that much, because most 
probably the service will run on a server. I am not saying that you should get 
a server or a cloud-instance to test against, but to talk with your architect 
about that.

I totally understand your impulse to appear as good as can be, but you have to 
know where you really need to debug and optimize. It will not be advantageous 
for you, if you start to optimize for optimizing's sake. Additionally if you 
service is a PoC, optimizing now might be not the first thing you have to worry 
about, but about that you made everything as simple and readable as possible 
and that you do not spend too much time for just showing how it could work.

But of course, I do not know the tasks given to you and the expectations you 
have to fulfil. All I am trying to say is to reconsider where you really could 
improve and how far you have to improve.

Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

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Am 15.01.23 um 05:26 schrieb Dino:

Hello, I have built a PoC service in Python Flask for my work, and - now that 
the point is made - I need to make it a little more performant (to be honest, 
chances are that someone else will pick up from where I left off, and implement 
the same service from scratch in a different language (GoLang? .Net? Java?) but 
I am digressing).

Anyway, my Flask service initializes by loading a big "table" of 100k rows and 
40 columns or so (memory footprint: order of 300 Mb) and then accepts queries through a 
REST endpoint. Columns are strings, enums, and numbers. Once initialized, the table is 
read only. The endpoint will parse the query and match it against column values 
(equality, inequality, greater than, etc.) Finally, it will return a (JSON) list of all 
rows that satisfy all conditions in the query.

As you can imagine, this is not very performant in its current form, but 
performance was not the point of the PoC - at least initially.

Before I deliver the PoC to a more experienced software architect who will look 
at my code, though, I wouldn't mind to look a bit less lame and do something 
about performance in my own code first, possibly by bringing the average time 
for queries down from where it is now (order of 1 to 4 seconds per query on my 
laptop) to 1 or 2 milliseconds on average).

To be honest, I was already able to bring the time down to a handful of microseconds 
thanks to a rudimentary cache that will associate the "signature" of a query to 
its result, and serve it the next time the same query is received, but this may not be 
good enough: 1) queries might be many and very different from one another each time, AND 
2) I am not sure the server will have a ton of RAM if/when this thing - or whatever is 
derived from it - is placed into production.

How can I make my queries generally more performant, ideally also in case of a 
new query?

Here's what I have been considering:

1. making my cache more "modular", i.e. cache the result of certain (wide) 
queries. When a complex query comes in, I may be able to restrict my search to a subset 
of the rows (as determined by a previously cached partial query). This should keep the 
memory footprint under control.

2. Load my data into a numpy.array and use numpy.array operations to slice and 
dice m

Re: How to enter escape character in a positional string argument from the command line?

2022-12-21 Thread Lars Liedtke

Or you could have "native" bash ($SHELL) with WSL. But I assume not everyone is 
using it.



Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

[Tel.]  +49 721 98993-
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Am 21.12.22 um 13:15 schrieb Albert-Jan Roskam:

  On Dec 21, 2022 06:01, Chris Angelico 
<> wrote:

On Wed, 21 Dec 2022 at 15:28, Jach Feng 
<> wrote:
> That's what I am taking this path under Windows now, the ultimate
solution before Windows has shell similar to bash:-)

Technically, Windows DOES have a shell similar to bash. It's called
bash. :) The trouble is, most people use cmd.exe instead.

  I use Git Bash quite a lot:
  Is that the one you're referring to?


Re: sqlite3 double quote behavior

2022-12-13 Thread Lars Liedtke


this might be not the answer you are searching for at all, and it is only a 
mitigation. But as far as I know, sqlalchemy (and other ORMs) do that for you. 
I am mention sqlalchemy, because it has got a query builder as well. So you 
don't have to change your DB-Layer to full ORM, but you could let it build the 
queries for you.

Of course, I know that this would mean a dependency and additional complexity. 
I just could not leave it unmentioned ;-)



Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

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Am 13.12.22 um 01:41 schrieb John K. Parejko:

Asking here before I file an improvement request issue on the python GitHub:

sqlite has a known misfeature with double-quoted strings, whereby they will be 
interpreted as string literals if they don’t match a valid identifier [1]. The 
note in the sqlite docs describe a way to disable this misfeature at compile 
time or by calling an `sqlite3_db_config` C-function, but I don’t see any way 
to do that in the python sqlite library [2].

Am I missing a way to manage this setting, or is it not available within 
python? This would be very useful to enable, so that python’s sqlite library 
will treat queries more like standard sql, instead of this particular version 
of MySQL. I was just burned by this, where some tests I’d written against an 
sqlite database did not fail in the way that they “should” have, because of 
this double-quoted string issue.

It doesn’t look like `sqlite3_db_config` is used within the python sqlite3 
codebase at all, so this might not be a trivial change? I only see two 
references to it in the cpython github.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions,



Re: Superclass static method name from subclass

2022-11-11 Thread Lars Liedtke


just use

at least this works for me:

class SuperClass:
   def test():

class SubClass(SuperClass):

   def __init__(self):

subclass = SubClass()





Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

[Tel.]  +49 721 98993-
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Am 11.11.22 um 17:21 schrieb Ian Pilcher:
Is it possible to access the name of a superclass static method, when
defining a subclass attribute, without specifically naming the super-

Contrived example:

 class SuperClass(object):
 def foo():

 class SubClass(SuperClass):
 bar =

Is there a way to do this without specifically naming 'SuperClass'?


Re: How to replace an instance method?

2022-09-18 Thread Lars Liedtke


What has not been mentioned yet is simple delegation.

Often you want to rewrite a method, maybe have different (more or less) 
parameters and additionally keep the old methods for backwards compatibility. 
Or mark it as deprecated at a later point. So you could write the new method 
and change the old method to call the new method but with the parameters the 
new method expects. If you explain this in the docstrings as well. Then you do 
not need to actually replace the method.

Or you had a completely different use-case in mind, that I missed.



Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

[Fax]   +49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
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Am 16.09.22 um 22:55 schrieb Ralf M.:
I would like to replace a method of an instance, but don't know how to do it 

My first naive idea was

inst = SomeClass()
def new_method(self, param):
   # do something
   return whatever
inst.method = new_method

however that doesn't work: self isn't passed as first parameter to
the new inst.method, instead inst.method behaves like a static method.

I had a closer look at the decorators classmethod and staticmethod.
Unfortunetely I couldn't find a decorator / function "instancemethod"
that turns a normal function into an instancemethod.

The classmethod documentation contains a reference to the standard
type hierarchie, and there is an explanation that an instancemethod
is sort of a dynamically created wrapper around a function, which
is accessable as __func__.
So I modified the last line of the example above to

inst.method.__func__ = new_method

but got told that __func__ is read only.

I found some information about methods in the Descriptor HowTo Guide,
but it's about how it works internally and doesn't tell how to solve
my problem (at least it doesn't tell me).

Now I'm running out of ideas what to try next or what sections of the
documentation to read next.

Any ideas / pointers?

Ralf M.

Re: problem downloading python

2022-09-14 Thread Lars Liedtke

Hello and welcome,

Sadly I don't know about Eset internet security, or why you do not get the 
choice of letting the installer do that, but you could try to add Python 
manually to your PATH like it is described in .

But maybe some more windows savvy people than me might chime in to offer better 
advice ;-) .



Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

[Fax]   +49 721 98993-

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Am 14.09.22 um 11:42 schrieb carlharrison:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am working on a PC with windows 10 and use Eset internet security. I have
tried downloading  python 3.10.7 for windows. Using a tutorial I see that a
checkbox should appear called "Add python 3/7 to path" but this does not
appear whichever version I try to download. I wondered if Eset was stopping
this somehow and tried it with Eset switched off but the result is the same.
Can you help?

Best regards,

Carl Harrison.


Re: Question about learning Python

2022-09-07 Thread Lars Liedtke

Hello and welcome,

the answer is a definitive "it depends" ;-)

Generally you do not need knowledge in C for learning Python.

But I'd say that it will not hurt to have some knowledge. Especially 
some packages use C-code to extend Python. But it seems to me that you 
are completely starting to learn how to program. Please correct me if I 
am wrong. So you can definitely learn how to program with learning 
Python and you can learn C afterwards if you need to.



Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

Fax:+49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15   
76185 Karlsruhe

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Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy

Am 07.09.22 um 12:28 schrieb Maruful Islam:

I want to start learning python. I have a question about learning python.

Is learning C essential or not for learning python?


Re: Trying to understand nested loops

2022-08-05 Thread Lars Liedtke


this looks to me like it might be a piece of homework, as it would be 
given by teachers or professors.

This list has got the rule, that members do not solve other's homework. 
Because very often homework is meant to sit down and think about it.

But maybe I interpreted that wrongly, so if you could try to formulate 
in words what this loop does, I or other people on this list, will be 
pleased to show you where you might have got things wrong and how it 
really works.



Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

Fax:+49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15   
76185 Karlsruhe

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Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
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Am 05.08.22 um 09:34 schrieb

Hello, I’m new to learning python and I stumbled upon a question nested loops. 
This is the question below. Can you please how they arrived at 9 as the answer. 

var = 0
for i in range(3):
   for j in range(-2,-7,-2):
 var += 1

Sent from my iPhone


Re: why function throws an error?

2022-06-28 Thread Lars Liedtke


Which error does it throw?
Could you please send the stacktrace as well?



Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

Fax:+49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15   
76185 Karlsruhe

Marken der solute GmbH | brands of solute GmbH | 

Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
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Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy

Am 28.06.22 um 09:57 schrieb נתי שטרן:

 def add_route(self, route):
 #""" Add a route object, but do not change the :data:``
 self.router.add(route.rule, route.method, route,
 #if DEBUG: route.prepare()


Re: Logging into single file from multiple modules in python when TimedRotatingFileHandler is used

2022-06-22 Thread Lars Liedtke

The process that is writing the file must be told that rotation has 
happened for it to work.
Other wise all the logs keep being write to the original file via the 
FD that the process has.

logrotate's config include how to tell the process the log file needs 

Thanks for clearing.

Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

Fax:+49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15   
76185 Karlsruhe

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Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
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USt-ID | VAT ID: DE234663798

Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy


Re: Logging into single file from multiple modules in python when TimedRotatingFileHandler is used

2022-06-22 Thread Lars Liedtke

Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

Fax:+49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15   
76185 Karlsruhe

Marken der solute GmbH | brands of solute GmbH | 

Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
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Registergericht | Register Court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
Registernummer | Register No.: HRB 110579
USt-ID | VAT ID: DE234663798

Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy

Am 21.06.22 um 11:04 schrieb Chethan Kumar S:

I have a main process which makes use of different other modules. And these 
modules also use other modules. I need to log all the logs into single log 
file. Due to use of TimedRotatingFileHandler, my log behaves differently after 
midnight. I got to know why it is so but couldn't get how I can solve it.
Issue was because of serialization in logging when multiple processes are 

Could be unrelated and only a part of a solution, but if you are on a 
unixoid system, you could use logrotate, instead of 
TimedRotatingFileHandler. logfrotate ensures that the logging service 
does not realize, its logs have been rotated. So it can log as if 
nothing has happened.

I don't know, if that helps with your multiple processes, or is a 
solution at all.




Re: Python & nmap

2022-05-20 Thread Lars Liedtke
Ansible has got a shell module, so you could run custom commands on all 
hosts. But it gets more difficult in parsing the output afterwards.

Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

Fax:+49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15   
76185 Karlsruhe

Marken der solute GmbH | brands of solute GmbH | 

Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
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Registergericht | Register Court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
Registernummer | Register No.: HRB 110579
USt-ID | VAT ID: DE234663798

Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy

Am 19.05.22 um 21:16 schrieb ^Bart:
Maybe it could be a good idea to look at Ansible for copying the 
Files to all the hosts, because that is one thing ansible is made for.

I didn't know it... thanks to share it but... I should start to study 
it and I don't have not enought free time... but maybe in the future 
I'll do it! :)

For the nmap part: Ansible does not have a module for that (sadly) 
but is very extensible, so if you start developing something like 
that in Python, you could as well write an ansible module and combine 
both, because Ansible itself is written in Python.

Ah ok, maybe now I just start to write a bash script because I need to 
start this work asap, when I'll have one minute I'll try to move the 
script in Python and after it I could "upload" the work on Ansible! :)





Re: Python & nmap

2022-05-19 Thread Lars Liedtke

# scp "my_file" root@192.168.205.x/my_directory

Maybe it could be a good idea to look at Ansible for copying the Files 
to all the hosts, because that is one thing ansible is made for.

For the nmap part: Ansible does not have a module for that (sadly) but 
is very extensible, so if you start developing something like that in 
Python, you could as well write an ansible module and combine both, 
because Ansible itself is written in Python.



Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

Fax:+49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15   
76185 Karlsruhe

Marken der solute GmbH | brands of solute GmbH | 

Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
Webseite |
Sitz | Registered Office: Karlsruhe
Registergericht | Register Court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
Registernummer | Register No.: HRB 110579
USt-ID | VAT ID: DE234663798

Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy


Re: Why no list as dict key?

2022-04-25 Thread Lars Liedtke

Thx, didn't see it that way yet.

Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

Fax:+49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15   
76185 Karlsruhe

Marken der solute GmbH | brands of solute GmbH | 

Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
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Registergericht | Register Court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
Registernummer | Register No.: HRB 110579
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Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy

Am 25.04.22 um 15:54 schrieb Peter J. Holzer:

On 2022-04-25 15:13:19 +0200, Lars Liedtke wrote:

May I stupidly ask, why one would want to use an iterable (even immutable)
as dict key?

A string is also an immutable iterable, so this is probably even the
most common case.

As for more complex data structures:

* Tuples or immutable dicts are a good fit if want to group records by
   subset of their attributes (think "group by" in SQL)

* Objects in general are often though of as units, even if they have
   composite values and you might want to look up something by that



Re: Why no list as dict key?

2022-04-25 Thread Lars Liedtke
May I stupidly ask, why one would want to use an iterable (even 
immutable) as dict key?

I thought keys were meant to be something "singular". And yes you could 
also combine a string to be a key, and if you combine a string it would 
be somehow the same as a tuple. But anyways I still fail to see the 
application for that, which is most propably to ignorance rather than 



Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

Fax:+49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15   
76185 Karlsruhe

Marken der solute GmbH | brands of solute GmbH | 

Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
Webseite |
Sitz | Registered Office: Karlsruhe
Registergericht | Register Court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
Registernummer | Register No.: HRB 110579
USt-ID | VAT ID: DE234663798

Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy

Am 21.04.22 um 07:00 schrieb Chris Angelico:

On Thu, 21 Apr 2022 at 13:23, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer

Assumes checking for object equality before inserting.
If they are they same, do we need different hashes?

The point of the hash is to find things that are equal. That's why
1234, 1234.0, and 0j+1234.0 all have the same hash.

If equality changes, the hash does too. It's certainly possible to
have the hash come from object identity, but then so must equality. If
you want that, it's easy to do - just create your own object for the
state, rather than using a list. But then you have to use the original
object to look things up, instead of matching by the data.

Hashes are simply a short-hand for equality. That's all.



Re: Why does datetime.timedelta only have the attributes 'days' and 'seconds'?

2022-04-14 Thread Lars Liedtke

Additionally, which datatype would you expect them to be returned in?

One could argument for int or float (Decimal?),  both could be valid 
datatypes, depending on how exact you might want them, while the second 
is the time base of SI units.


Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

Fax:+49 721 98993-

solute GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 15   
76185 Karlsruhe

Marken der solute GmbH | brands of solute GmbH | 

Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
Webseite |
Sitz | Registered Office: Karlsruhe
Registergericht | Register Court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
Registernummer | Register No.: HRB 110579
USt-ID | VAT ID: DE234663798

Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy

Am 14.04.22 um 17:01 schrieb Paul Bryan:

I think because minutes and hours can easily be composed by multiplying
seconds. days is separate because you cannot compose days from seconds;
leap seconds are applied to days at various times, due to
irregularities in the Earth's rotation.

On Thu, 2022-04-14 at 15:38 +0200, Loris Bennett wrote:

"Loris Bennett"  writes:


With Python 3.9.2 I get

   $ import datetime
   $ s = "1-00:01:01"
   $ t = datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%d-%H:%M:%S")
   $ d = datetime.timedelta(, hours=t.hour,
minutes=t.minute, seconds=t.second)
   $ d.days
   $ d.seconds
   $ d.minutes
   AttributeError: 'datetime.timedelta' object has no attribute

Is there a particular reason why there are no attributes 'minutes'
'hours and the attribute 'seconds' encompasses is the entire

That should read:

   Is there a particular reason why there are no attributes 'minutes'
   'hours' and the attribute 'seconds' encompasses the entire



Dr. Loris Bennett (Herr/Mr)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin Email


How do you log in your projects?

2022-02-08 Thread Lars Liedtke


inspired by this thread 
I finally came around to send in this question.

I know how to use python logging generally. Being on the DevOps-Side of 
things at the moment, I naturally began liking to run tools, which not 
only have logging, but also have different levels of logging 
configurable, because often when you run a couple of different services 
and software projects, logging is often the first help you turn to, and 
sometimes it is the only way to know what is going on. Not that the code 
of most (FLOSS) software is not available, but you simply do not have 
the time to read into the code of every piece of software you run.

So of course I want to write software on my own, if I have to or wpuld 
like to, that has got a decent amount of logging. But how often to 
actually log things? Of course the obvious answer is "it depends".

So how do you do your logging?
- On a line per line basis? on a function/method basis?
- Do you use decorators to mark beginnings and ends of methods/functions 
in log files?
- Which kind of variable contents do you write into your logfiles? Of 
course you shouldn't leak secrets...

- How do you decide, which kind of log message goes into which level?
- How do you prevent logging cluttering your actual code?

Maybe there are some questions I forgot, so please feel free to add 
whatever you think might help finding the best way of logging (tm)



-- GmbH
Lars Liedtke

Kaiserallee 13a 
76133 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 9109 500

AG Mannheim 108285
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein


Re: Best way to check if there is internet?

2022-02-07 Thread Lars Liedtke
P.S.: for ping a startingpoint can be icmplib, for dns dnspython and for 
http requests. But consider as well if you want to check for IPv4 and/or 
IPv6 Connectivity.

Am 07.02.22 um 13:47 schrieb Lars Liedtke:
Each Browser is doing it differently and even Windows or 
Linux-Desktopmanagers (NetworkManager).

I have had cases, where one tool told me I had Internet and another 
one I hadn't.

So What Chris Angelico wrote is propably the best way, ping e.g. 
Google, do a DNS lookup and try http for Status 200. Each with its own 
Errorhandling and if you have got all three, then it is propable that 
you have "Internet".



Am 07.02.22 um 10:33 schrieb Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer:

Popular browsers tell: No internet connection detected. A function that
goes in the same sense. Unless they too are pinging to 
check ...

Kind Regards,

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
about <> | blog
github <>

On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 1:28 PM Chris Angelico  wrote:

On Mon, 7 Feb 2022 at 20:18, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer


Using the standard library or 3rd party libraries, what's the
best way to check if there is internet? Checking if
is reachable is good but I wonder if there is a more native,
way of knowing?

What do you mean by "if there is internet"? How low a level of
connection do you want to test? You could ping an IP address that you
know and can guarantee will respond. You could attempt a DNS lookup.
You could try an HTTP request. Each one can fail in different ways,
for different reasons. It's best to test what you actually care about.

Even this URL recommends checking if a domain is up as a way to 
check for

internet connectivity: 

That talks about a misconfigured proxy as being the most likely cause.
Is that something you're trying to test for?

There is no single concept of "there is internet". (Other than, in a
trivial sense, that the internet does exist.) What you need to know is
"can I use the internet?", and ultimately, that depends on what you
need it to do.


-- GmbH
Lars Liedtke

Kaiserallee 13a 
76133 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 9109 500

AG Mannheim 108285
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein


Re: Best way to check if there is internet?

2022-02-07 Thread Lars Liedtke
Each Browser is doing it differently and even Windows or 
Linux-Desktopmanagers (NetworkManager).

I have had cases, where one tool told me I had Internet and another one 
I hadn't.

So What Chris Angelico wrote is propably the best way, ping e.g. Google, 
do a DNS lookup and try http for Status 200. Each with its own 
Errorhandling and if you have got all three, then it is propable that 
you have "Internet".



Am 07.02.22 um 10:33 schrieb Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer:

Popular browsers tell: No internet connection detected. A function that
goes in the same sense. Unless they too are pinging to check ...

Kind Regards,

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
about <> | blog
github <>

On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 1:28 PM Chris Angelico  wrote:

On Mon, 7 Feb 2022 at 20:18, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer


Using the standard library or 3rd party libraries, what's the
best way to check if there is internet? Checking if
is reachable is good but I wonder if there is a more native,
way of knowing?

What do you mean by "if there is internet"? How low a level of
connection do you want to test? You could ping an IP address that you
know and can guarantee will respond. You could attempt a DNS lookup.
You could try an HTTP request. Each one can fail in different ways,
for different reasons. It's best to test what you actually care about.

Even this URL recommends checking if a domain is up as a way to check for
internet connectivity:

That talks about a misconfigured proxy as being the most likely cause.
Is that something you're trying to test for?

There is no single concept of "there is internet". (Other than, in a
trivial sense, that the internet does exist.) What you need to know is
"can I use the internet?", and ultimately, that depends on what you
need it to do.


-- GmbH
Lars Liedtke

Kaiserallee 13a 
76133 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 9109 500

AG Mannheim 108285
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein


Re: Why dict.setdefault() has value as optional?

2022-02-02 Thread Lars Liedtke

This is a quite philosophical queston if you look at it in general:
"What value do you give a variable, that is not set?"

You are right, at first it seems strange to have a default of None. But 
how do you want to signal that no default is set yet? Especially if you 
think of a dict that can have multiple keys with each different values 
of different types?

Have fun in the rabbithole ;-)



Am 02.02.22 um 13:54 schrieb Marco Sulla:

Just out of curiosity: why dict.setdefault() has the default parameter
that well, has a default value (None)? I used setdefault in the past,
but I always specified a value. What's the use case of setting None by

-- GmbH
Lars Liedtke

Kaiserallee 13a 
76133 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 9109 500

AG Mannheim 108285
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein


Re: Gunicorn - HTTP and HTTPS in the same instance?

2022-01-10 Thread Lars Liedtke

server {
   listen [::]:80;
   listen 80;


   location / {
   return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

   include /usr/local/etc/nginx/include/letsencrypt.conf;

server {
   listen 443 ssl http2;
   listen [::]:443 ssl http2;



   root /var/www/api;

   location /weather/{
   access_log /var/log/nginx/weather-access.log;
   include uwsgi_params;
   rewrite ^/weather(/.*)$ $1 break;
   uwsgi_pass unix:///tmp/uwsgi.sock;

   include /usr/local/etc/nginx/include/ssl.conf;

This is my config for a flask app on uwsgi. granted it is a bit more 
than the 10 lines I said. But there is not much sophistication to it.

Am 08.01.22 um 17:25 schrieb Skip Montanaro:

Thanks all. I was hoping to get away without something more
sophisticated like NGINX. This is just a piddly little archive of an
old mailing list running on a single-core Ubuntu VM somewhere on the
East Coast. Speed is not a real requirement. Load balancing seemed
like overkill to me. Still, I guess if it has to be, then it has to


-- GmbH
Lars Liedtke

Kaiserallee 13a 
76133 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 9109 500

AG Mannheim 108285
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein

Re: Gunicorn - HTTP and HTTPS in the same instance?

2022-01-10 Thread Lars Liedtke
I think this is more a thing of apporach. Nginx is quite simple to 
install and a config doing nothing else than redirecting https to https 
and proxying requests to a service (whichever tat is, in your case 
gunicorn) can become a nobrainer. That is what it became for me. 
Additionally the config for only this functionality are less than 10. So 
it's may seem complicated at first, but is way less oncxe you got used 
to it.



Am 08.01.22 um 17:25 schrieb Skip Montanaro:

Thanks all. I was hoping to get away without something more
sophisticated like NGINX. This is just a piddly little archive of an
old mailing list running on a single-core Ubuntu VM somewhere on the
East Coast. Speed is not a real requirement. Load balancing seemed
like overkill to me. Still, I guess if it has to be, then it has to


-- GmbH
Lars Liedtke

Kaiserallee 13a 
76133 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 9109 500

AG Mannheim 108285
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein


Re: Call julia from Python: which package?

2021-12-17 Thread Lars Liedtke
Additionally I'd like to ask, if you e.g. used pandas and numpy before
you make the effort of rewriting everything.

Yes python is slower than compiled languages, but especially with numpy
you can make use of compiled code underneath.

Of course this could mean rewriting some existing code but staying in

If you have done all of that or there are other impediments, then of
course no one will hold you back.

Am 17.12.21 um 16:12 schrieb Dan Stromberg:
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 7:02 AM Albert-Jan Roskam 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a Python program that uses Tkinter for its GUI. It's rather slow so
>> I hope to replace many or all of the non-GUI parts by Julia code. Has
>> anybody experience with this? Any packages you can recommend? I found three
>> alternatives:
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> Thanks in advance!
> I have zero Julia experience.
> I thought I would share this though:
> Even if you go the Julia route, it's probably still best to profile your
> Python code to identify the slow ("hot") spots, and rewrite only them.

-- GmbH
Lars Liedtke

Kaiserallee 13a 
76133 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 9109 500

AG Mannheim 108285
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein


Re: Create a contact book

2021-10-26 Thread Lars Liedtke
> Here at Homeworks Anonymous, the first step is admitting that what you
> have is a homework problem. :) 
> ChrisA

-- GmbH
Lars Liedtke

Kaiserallee 13a 
76133 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 9109 500

AG Mannheim 108285
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein


Re: memory consumption

2021-03-29 Thread Lars Liedtke
Hello Alexej,

May I stupidly ask, why you care about that in general? Please don't get
me wrong I don't want to criticize you, this is rather meant to be a
(thought) provoking question.
Normally your OS-Kernel and the Python-Interpreter get along pretty well
and whenthere is free memory to be had, or not the necessity to release
allocated memory then why force this? Python will release memory when
needed by running the gc.

Have you tried running your task over all the data you have? Did it
crash your system or prevent other processes from having enough memory?
If not: why care?

I know that there can be (good) reasons to care, but as long as your
tasks run fine, without clogging your system, in my opinion there might
be nothing to worry about.



Am 29.03.21 um 12:12 schrieb Alexey:
> Hello everyone!
> I'm experiencing problems with memory consumption.
> I have a class which is doing ETL job. What`s happening inside:
>  - fetching existing objects from DB via SQLAchemy
>  - iterate over raw data
>  - create new/update existing objects
>  - commit changes
> Before processing data I create internal cache(dictionary) and store all 
> existing objects in it.
> Every 1 items I do bulk insert and flush. At the end I run commit command.
> Problem. Before executing, my interpreter process weighs ~100Mb, after first 
> run memory increases up to 500Mb
> and after second run it weighs 1Gb. If I will continue to run this class, 
> memory wont increase, so I think
> it's not a memory leak, but rather Python wont release allocated memory back 
> to OS. Maybe I'm wrong.
> What I tried after executing:
>  - gc.collect()
>  - created snapshots with tracemalloc and searched for some garbage, diff = 
>smapshot_before_run - smapshot_after_run
>  - searched for links with "objgraph" library to internal cache(dictionary 
>containing elements from DB)
>  - cleared the cache(dictionary)
>  - db.session.expire_all()
> This class is a periodic celery task. So when each worker executes this class 
> at least two times,
> all celery workers need 1Gb of RAM. Before celery there was a cron script and 
> this class was executed via API call
> and the problem was the same. So no matter how I run, interpreter consumes 
> 1Gb of RAM after two runs.
> I see few solutions to this problem
> 1. Execute this class in separate process. But I had few errors when the same 
> SQLAlchemy connection being shared
> between different processes.
> 2. Restart celery worker after executing this task by throwing exception.
> 3. Use separate queue for such tasks, but then worker will stay idle most of 
> the time.
> All this is looks like a crutch. Do I have any other options ?
> I'm using:
> Python - 3.6.13
> Celery - 4.1.0
> Flask-RESTful - 0.3.6
> Flask-SQLAlchemy - 2.3.2
> Thanks in advance!

--- GmbH
Lars Liedtke

Kaiserallee 13a 
76133 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 9109 500

AG Mannheim 108285
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein


Re: Pip standard error warning about dependency resolver

2021-02-24 Thread Lars Liedtke
I understand your problem and I know that sometimes it is not possible
to do it differently. But as far as my understanding goes, your backend
operations should not die on outputs on stderr. I understand that is
what return values are for and as long as the return value is 0
everything went without error, even though there might be output on stderr.

That said. As far as I know you could try the commandline option for
using the new resolver explicitly. I don't know if there is an option
for "silent"



Am 23.02.21 um 17:48 schrieb
> I started seeing this sometimes from pip:
> After October 2020 you may experience errors when installing or updating 
> packages. This is because pip will change the way that it resolves dependency 
> conflicts.
> Yeah, sure, that's something to consider. We seem fine with the new resolver. 
> Is there a way to suppress it? We have some back end operations that fail 
> when we get output on standard error, and they're dying from that notice.

--- GmbH
Lars Liedtke

Kaiserallee 13a 
76133 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 9109 500

AG Mannheim 108285
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein
