[issue47228] Document that naïve datetime objects represent local time

2022-04-05 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

Currently, the `datetime` documentation has this to say about naïve datetimes:

> A naive object does not contain enough information to unambiguously locate 
> itself relative to other date/time objects. Whether a naive object represents 
> Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), local time, or time in some other timezone 
> is purely up to the program, just like it is up to the program whether a 
> particular number represents metres, miles, or mass. Naive objects are easy 
> to understand and to work with, at the cost of ignoring some aspects of 
> reality.

This was accurate in Python 2.7, but as of Python 3, the picture is a bit more 
nuanced. `.astimezone()` and `.timestamp()` work for naïve datetimes, but they 
are treated as *system local times*. It is no longer really appropriate to use 
a naïve datetime to a datetime in any specific concrete time zone — instead, 
they should be considered either abstract datetimes for the purposes of 
calendar calculations, or they should be considered as representing the 
realization of that abstract datetime *in the current system locale*. This new 
behavior is referenced in, for example, the warning in `.utcnow()`: 

We make reference to this in the documentation for `.timestamp()`: 
and in `.astimezone()`: 
 but the top level explanation makes no reference to it.

I have written a blog post about *why* this is the case: 
https://blog.ganssle.io/articles/2022/04/naive-local-datetimes.html and made 
reference to this behavior in an earlier blog post about `utcnow`: 
https://blog.ganssle.io/articles/2019/11/utcnow.html, but I think it would be a 
good idea to revamp the official documentation to reflect this change in status 
(12 years or so after the change…)

assignee: p-ganssle
components: Documentation
messages: 416778
nosy: belopolsky, p-ganssle
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Document that naïve datetime objects represent local time
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9

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[issue47207] Switch datetime docstrings / documentation to using "Returns" rather than "Return"?

2022-04-03 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

In bpo-9305, Fred Drake recommends preferring `Returns ...` over the imperative 
`Return ...`: https://bugs.python.org/issue9305#msg110912

Currently we're pretty consistent about `Return ...`, which is consistent with 
PEP 257: https://peps.python.org/pep-0257/

That said, I actually think "Returns ..." sounds much better in the 
documentation, and I'd be happy to see it changed if others agree.

I have spun this off from bpo-9305 so that we can unblock 

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 416628
nosy: belopolsky, docs@python, fdrake, p-ganssle, slateny
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Switch datetime docstrings / documentation to using "Returns" rather 
than "Return"?
versions: Python 3.11

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[issue46614] Add option to output UTC datetimes as "Z" in `.isoformat()`

2022-04-03 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I think this approach is probably the best we can do, but I could also imagine 
that users might find it to be confusing behavior. I wonder if there's any 
informal user testing we can do?

I guess the ISO 8601 spec does call "Z" the "UTC designator", so 
`use_utc_designator` seems like approximately the right name. My main 
hesitation with this name is that I suspect users may think that 
`use_utc_designator` means that they *unconditionally* want to use `Z` — 
without reading the documentation (which we can assume 99% of users won't do) — 
you might assume that `dt.isoformat(use_utc_designator=True)` would translate 
to `dt.astimezone(timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None).isoformat() + "Z"`.

A name like `utc_as_z` is definitely less... elegant, but conveys the concept a 
bit more clearly. Would be worth throwing it to a poll or something before 


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[issue35829] datetime: parse "Z" timezone suffix in fromisoformat()

2022-02-02 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I don't think it's necessary to add a feature to `isoformat()` just for the 
purpose of being able to add the corresponding parser, particularly when the 
plan is to implement a much broader ISO 8601 parser for Python 3.11 (I've done 
most of the implementation in C already, I can share the progress I've made, 
particularly if someone else wants to pick up the baton there before I get back 
to it).

That said, I think it's useful for `isoformat()` to be able to output UTC times 
as "Z", so we may as well do that as part of 3.11 anyway. I think that's a 
separate issue to discuss, so I've created bpo-46614 to hammer out the details.

versions: +Python 3.11 -Python 3.8

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[issue46614] Add option to output UTC datetimes as "Z" in `.isoformat()`

2022-02-02 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

As part of bpo-35829, it was suggested that we add the ability to output the 
"Z" suffix in `isoformat()`, so that `fromisoformat()` can both be the exact 
functional inverse of `isoformat()` and parse datetimes with "Z" outputs. I 
think that that's not a particularly compelling motivation for this, but I also 
see plenty of examples of `datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + "Z"` out there, so 
it seems like this is a feature that we would want to have *anyway*, 
particularly if we want to deprecate and remove `utcnow`.

I've spun this off into its own issue so that we can discuss how to implement 
the feature. The two obvious questions I see are:

1. What do we call the option? `use_utc_designator`, `allow_Z`, `utc_as_Z`?
2. What do we consider as "UTC"? Is it anything with +00:00? Just 
`timezone.utc`? Anything that seems like a fixed-offset zone with 0 offset?

For example, do we want this?

>>> LON = zoneinfo.ZoneInfo("Europe/London")
>>> datetime(2022, 3, 1, tzinfo=LON).isoformat(utc_as_z=True)
>>> datetime(2022, 6, 1, tzinfo=LON).isoformat(utc_as_z=True)

Another possible definition might be if the `tzinfo` is a fixed-offset zone 
with offset 0:

>>> datetime.timezone.utc.utcoffset(None)
>>> zoneinfo.ZoneInfo("UTC").utcoffset(None)
>>> dateutil.tz.UTC.utcoffset(None)
>>> pytz.UTC.utcoffset(None)

The only "odd man out" is `dateutil.tz.tzfile` objects representing fixed 
offsets, since all `dateutil.tz.tzfile` objects return `None` when `utcoffset` 
or `dst` are passed `None`. This can and will be changed in future versions.

I feel like "If the offset is 00:00, use Z" is the wrong rule to use 
conceptually, but considering that people will be opting into this behavior, it 
is more likely that they will be surprised by `datetime(2022, 3, 1, 
tzinfo=ZoneInfo("Europe/London").isoformat(utc_as_z=True)` returning 
`2022-03-01T00:00:00+00:00` than alternation between `Z` and `+00:00`.

Yet another option might be to add a completely separate function, 
`utc_isoformat(*args, **kwargs)`, which is equivalent to (in the parlance of 
the other proposal) `dt.astimezone(timezone.utc).isoformat(*args, **kwargs, 
utc_as_z=True)`.  Basically, convert any datetime to UTC and append a Z to it. 
The biggest footgun there would be people using it on naïve datetimes and not 
realizing that it would interpret them as system local times.

assignee: p-ganssle
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 412384
nosy: belopolsky, brett.cannon, p-ganssle
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Add option to output UTC datetimes as "Z" in `.isoformat()`
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.11

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[issue46447] datetime.isoformat() documentation does not point to the risk of using it with naive datetime objects

2022-01-24 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Sorry I missed this! Thank you for taking the time to write this up and to make 
a PR.

Unfortunately, I don't think I agree with the idea of warning about this. The 
warnings about `utcnow` and `utcfromtimestamp` are a problem because `utcnow` 
and `utcfromtimestamp` are intended to represent times in UTC, but they return 
datetimes that actually represent local times in the semantics of modern 
Python. Basically, these functions are dangerous not because they are using 
naïve datetimes, but because they are *mis*using naïve datetimes.

The same can not be said of `.isoformat()`, which is doing the right thing when 
you use `datetime.now().isoformat()`. If you look at Wikipedia's article on ISO 
8601 (which is pretty much the best resource on this, since ISO 8601 is itself 
paywalled and we never should have standardized on a proprietary standard in 
the first place), you'll see it says:

> Local time (unqualified)
> If no UTC relation information is given with a time representation, the time 
> is assumed to be in local time. While it may be safe to assume local time 
> when communicating in the same time zone, it is ambiguous when used in 
> communicating across different time zones.

It may be that for the kind of programming you do, it doesn't make sense to use 
local datetimes in an interchange format — but it is a legitimate use case and 
there are definitely situations where it is very much the right thing to do, so 
I don't think we should warn against it in the `datetime.isoformat` 

There is *might* be some case for warning about this or something like it in 
the `datetime.now` documentation. The major use cases for naïve datetimes are 
things where you are working with system time or things where you are working 
with dates in the future — you don't want to specify that some event is going 
to happen at 2030-03-31T12:00Z if the actual event is planned for April 1, 2030 
at 13:00 *London time*, because if, between now and then, the UK decides to 
cancel DST or move the start back a week, the event you've stored as a UTC time 
now longer represents what it was intended to represent. In a lot of cases 
`datetime.now()` will just be used as "what time is it now", which is not 
subject to that particular problem because by the time the datetime gets stored 
or used, `datetime.now()` is a date in the *past*, and can safely be converted 
to UTC for all time.

Of course, if you are consuming a bunch of event dates stored in local time and 
you want to compare them to the current time, then `datetime.now()` would be 
appropriate. Similarly if you want to display the current time to a user on a 
given system (rather than logging or storing it), it would also make sense to 
do things like `print(datetime.now().isoformat())`, so there are definitely 
also legitimate use cases for `datetime.now()`.

I'm inclined to say that we should *not* have a warning on `datetime.now()`, 
because we will  give people warning fatigue if we do, and we definitely want 
people to see `now()` as the correct alternative to `utcnow()`. I am more 
sympathetic to rewording the `.now()` documentation to make it clear that this 
will be a naïve time *representing the current time in the system local time 
zone* if `None` is passed (i.e. rewording or appending to the "If optional 
argument `tz`" paragraph).

nosy: +belopolsky, p-ganssle

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[issue12756] datetime.datetime.utcnow should return a UTC timestamp

2022-01-10 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

> from practical experience, it is a whole lot better to not deal with 
> timezones in data processing code at all, but instead only use naive UTC 
> datetime values everywhere, expect when you have to prepare reports or output 
> which has a requirement to show datetime value in local time or some specific 
> timezone.

This is not good advice. It is out of date, and has some significant pitfalls. 
See my blog post on the subject: 

If you are working with `datetime` objects that represent time in a specific 
time zone other than the system local zone, you should probably have them carry 
around a tzinfo object.

> Note also that datetime.now() gives you a naive datetime.  From an API 
> consistency standpoint I think it makes sense that datetime.utcnow() gives a 
> naive datetime.

This... is not accurate. `.now()` gives you the local time; to the extent that 
they represent a date in a time zone at all, naïve time zones represent times 
in the *system local time*, which is why it makes sense for `.now()` to default 
to returning naïve time zones. For example, `datetime.now().timestamp()` will 
give accurate information, whereas `datetime.utcnow().timestamp()` will *not* 
(unless your local zone happens to be UTC or equivalent).

> It would actually be confusing (IMO) for it to return an aware datetime.  I 
> can see why you might disagree, but backward compatibility wins in this case 
> regardless.

As evidenced by this thread, the fact that we have some APIs that return naïve 
datetimes generated by a process that treats them as localized datetimes in 
something other than system local times is actually the source of confusion 

That said, from a backwards compatibility point of view, we simply cannot 
change this. It has been proposed many times and it would be a major breaking 
change for almost no reason. The best we can do is to deprecate the offending 
methods and remove them.

There is more information about the challenge that doing this would present in 
this datetime-SIG thread: 

I am sympathetic to the idea of removing it, but we would probably want to put 
some optimizations in place for `UTC` first, to make the transition more 
seamless in the few places where there are legitimate uses for `utcnow` and 

> I would argue that PEP20 should win over backward compatibility, in addition 
> to the points I hinted at above, practicality beats purity

PEP 20 contains a bunch of contradictory advice, and it's not really a binding 
document anyway, so it definitely doesn't "win" over anything, but in this case 
you have it backwards. "Purity" would be making a breaking change for the 
purposes of making the function do what a lot of people think it does, but 
doing so would actually be impractical, because it would cause a lot of work 
for people, and create a lot of ambiguity in what people meant when they wrote 
a given line of code. The practical things to do here would be to either do 
nothing (not break anything that works and try and guide people away from using 
`utcnow` — maybe get a linting rule added to `pylint` to warn against it), or 
to deprecate and remove the function.


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[issue46319] datetime.utcnow() should return a timezone aware datetime

2022-01-09 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Yes, this is the documented behavior, including a warning against using UTC now 
in the documentation!

There is some possibility of removing utcnow entirely as an "attractive 
nuisance", but I suspect that this will lead to much consternation and 
hand-wringing, and there are some legitimate uses for `utcnow`, so I haven't 
made it a high priority to have that particular fight...

resolution:  -> duplicate
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue46124] Deprecation warning in zoneinfo module

2021-12-28 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Jason's patch looks good to me, but I don't understand why Karthikeyan 
originally suggested using `normalize_path`. Trying to dig through exactly how 
`files().joinpath().open` is implemented has so many layers of indirection and 
abstract classes that I can't quite figure out if the two things are equivalent 
or not. Seems like `joinpath()` is the right thing to do, but does it have less 
validation than the `normalize_path` method?


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[issue41260] datetime, date and time: strftime method takes different keyword argument: fmt (pure) or format (C)

2021-11-16 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Updating this issue to cover the problem in date, time and datetime.

title: datetime: strftime method takes different keyword argument: fmt (pure) 
or format (C) -> datetime, date and time: strftime method takes different 
keyword argument: fmt (pure) or format (C)

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[issue45814] datetime.time.strftime: use the same function signature for C and Python implementations

2021-11-16 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I think this is mostly a duplicate of bpo-41260, which has an open PR on it. I 
think that got lost in the shuffle, I'm sad we didn't fix it in Python 3.10. I 
think we should migrate all of these signatures that differ to whichever one 
the C implementation is using (I believe that's 3.11).

I'm going to close that one and edit the other one to cover `time` and `date` 
as well. Thanks for the report Yevhenii!

resolution:  -> duplicate
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed
superseder:  -> datetime: strftime method takes different keyword argument: fmt 
(pure) or format (C)

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[issue45515] Add reference to zoneinfo in the datetime module documetnation

2021-10-18 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +27309
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/29038

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[issue45515] Add reference to zoneinfo in the datetime module documetnation

2021-10-18 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

Right now the datetime documentation recommends using `dateutil.tz` for IANA 
time zones, but we should update this to point to `zoneinfo`.

assignee: p-ganssle
components: Documentation
messages: 404207
nosy: p-ganssle
priority: low
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add reference to zoneinfo in the datetime module documetnation
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9

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[issue45414] pathlib.Path.parents negative indexing is wrong for absolute paths

2021-10-08 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

This is a great bug report, but for anyone else who gets a bit lost in the 
details, here's the core of the issue:

>>> p = Path("/1/2")
>>> q = Path("1/2")

>>> p.parents[-1]  # This is correct
>>> q.parents[-1]

>>> p.parents[-2]  # Should be PosixPath('/1')
>>> q.parents[-2]

>>> p.parents[-3]  # Should be PosixPath('/1/2')
>>> q.parents[-3]

I think a refactoring where '/' doesn't appear in ._parts would be a good idea 
if we can get past Chesterton's Fence and determine that this was indeed not a 
deliberate design decision (or at least one whose concerns no longer apply), 
but at least in the short term, I agree that transforming negative indexes into 
positive indices is the right, expedient thing to do.

We'll definitely want to make sure that we're careful about bad indices (and 
add relevant tests), though, since it would be easy to get weird behavior where 
too-large negative indexes start "wrapping around" (e.g. p.parents[-4] with 
len(p._parents) == 3 → p.parents[-1]).

type:  -> behavior

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[issue45414] pathlib.Path.parents negative indexing is wrong for absolute paths

2021-10-08 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

nosy: +p-ganssle

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[issue44831] Inconsistency between datetime.now() and datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time(), None)

2021-08-06 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I think this is a rounding issue. `time.time()` returns an epoch timestamp as a 
float and at the current epoch time, floats are spaced ~500ns apart.

`datetime.datetime.now` does a floor division when rounding: 

`datetime.fromtimestamp` uses the standard banker's round (round above half, 
tie goes to the nearest even number): 

Presumably if we change these two to be consistent, this issue will go away. I 
am not entirely sure if anyone is relying on a particular rounding behavior for 
one or both of these, and I'm not sure which one is the right one to harmonize 

For now I'm going to say that we should target 3.11 on this, since it will 
change an existing observable behavior for at least one of these functions in a 
way that isn't necessarily going from "obviously wrong" to "obviously right", 
so I think we should be cautious and not change this in a patch release.

versions: +Python 3.11 -Python 3.6, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue44829] zoneinfo.ZoneInfo does not check for Windows device names

2021-08-04 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Sorry you didn't receive a response to your security@ email, I guess my 
response just went to the PSRT, not to you as well. I believe we determined 
that this was an issue in importlib.resources generally, not specific to 

I think `importlib.resources.open_binary` should check if a resource is a file 
with `os.isfile` before opening it. That will solve the issue in zoneinfo and 
other similar situations.


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[issue44603] REPL: exit when the user types exit instead of asking them to explicitly type exit()

2021-07-13 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

stage: resolved -> 

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[issue44603] REPL: exit when the user types exit instead of asking them to explicitly type exit()

2021-07-13 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Re-opening this because I think the discussion is not done and I don't see any 
reason why this was rejected.

> Related 2005 python-dev discussion: 
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-...@python.org/thread/VNGY2DLML4QJUXE73JLVBIH5WFBZNIKG/

@Mark Thanks for digging these up! From what I can tell, that discussion ended 
up with a combination of there not being quite enough enthusiasm for the idea 
to drive it forward and no one coming up with a good way to localize the effect 
to just the case where we know the person was trying to type "exit" in a REPL.

I think Pablo's patch shows that a very limited addition to the "REPL layer" is 
actually plausible, and we *could* implement this without taking on an enormous 
amount of additional complexity or affecting non-interactive use cases.

Fernando's point about it being dangerous to generalize this additional layer 
of "interactive-use only" keywords is a good one (see: 
 though it seems that it was this thread that prompted him to add exit/quit as 
auto-call magic keywords to IPython, and I think that has worked out in the 
intervening 16 years. I don't think there's much danger of us wanting to 
generalize this concept, since the only really compelling argument for doing it 
this way for exit/quit is that almost everyone seems to think it *should* work 
this way (despite it never having worked this way, and there not being any 
equivalents), and gets tripped up when it doesn't.

> and the related issue: https://bugs.python.org/issue1446372

Looks to me like that is an issue for adding the message when you type "exit". 
There's no additional discussion disqualifying the use of "exit" as an 
interactive-only keyword.

resolution: rejected -> 
status: closed -> open

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[issue44603] REPL: exit when the user types exit instead of asking them to explicitly type exit()

2021-07-13 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

At this point I think we should probably start a thread on python-dev to see 
how people feel about it. I'd be happy to author or co-author a PEP for this if 
need be.


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[issue44603] REPL: exit when the user types exit instead of asking them to explicitly type exit()

2021-07-13 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

> In fact, you're proposing to use exit as a keyword, but lying about it to the 
> users. If it were really so important, then it _should_ be a keyword, and at 
> least I'd know that I can't use it for my variables anymore. (It's not the 
> first time such a thing would happen. The same thing happened with `async` a 
> few years ago.) But please don't introduce those "keywords just in a 
> particular context", they are horrible from the perspective of usability.

We already have so-called "soft keywords", e.g. `match`, so the horse is out of 
the barn at this point.

I'm not sure why this is closed as rejected — I don't see any decision one way 
or the other in this thread or on the PR, did I miss it?

I am struggling to understand how this is a user-hostile change; it is not 
unreasonable for a REPL to have some commands for interacting with the REPL 
which are not Python functions. I have accidentally typed `exit` instead of 
`exit()` many times, and one of the reasons I and many others like IPython is 
that `exit` exits the REPL. It has never once caused a problem for me, as far 
as I can tell. I cannot imagine that it is a common scenario for someone to 
type "exit" in order to inspect the "exit" object — it doesn't even have a 
useful repr!

The only reason you'd do this would be if you knew what it does and were 
demonstrating it, or if you were exploring what the various builtins are (which 
I think is very rare, and you'd probably only have to learn that lesson once).

Vedran's point, however, that you could do `exit = some_func()` and then type 
`exit` to try and inspect the `exit` object is a solid one. That said, I think 
we can get around this fairly easily (albeit with the cost of some additional 
complexity in the "handle the exit keyword" function) — if there's a single AST 
node that is a name and the name is "exit" or "quit", the REPL inspects locals 
and globals to see if the object referred to is a Quitter, and if so it exits, 
otherwise pass through the command as normal (possibly raising a warning like, 
"Did you mean to exit? You have shadowed the `exit` builtin, so use 
Ctrl-Z/Ctrl-D to exit or delete your `exit` object and try again").

I understand the arguments for purity and explicability and I'm often one of 
the first people to argue for keeping things consistent and understandable, but 
this is one of those things where we could significantly improve user 
experience for no practical cost. We can identify with very high certainty the 
situations in which a user intended to exit the REPL, we should go ahead and do 
it to provide a more intuitive REPL experience.


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[issue44603] REPL: exit when the user types exit instead of asking them to explicitly type exit()

2021-07-12 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I'm +1 for Pablo's approach. That's approximately what I meant by "special-case 
it in the REPL layer" anyway.

Are there any downsides to doing it this way? It seems tightly scoped and with 
minimal overhead.


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[issue44603] REPL: exit when the user types exit instead of asking them to explicitly type exit()

2021-07-12 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

If we want to confine the behavior to just the repl, we could possibly have the 
repl set an environment variable or something of that nature for interactive 
sessions, so that `__repr__` of `exit` can tell the difference between being 
invoked in a REPL and not — though I suppose it could cause some pretty 
frustrating and confusing behavior if some library function is doing something 
like this behind the scenes:

def get_all_reprs():
return {
  v: repr(obj) for v, obj in globals()

You could invoke some function and suddenly your shell quits for no apparent 
reason. And if it only happens when triggered in a REPL, you'd be doubly 
confused because you can't reproduce it with a script.

I do think the "type exit() to exit" is a papercut. The ideal way to fix it 
would be in the REPL layer by special-casing `exit`, but I realize that that 
may introduce unnecessary complexity that isn't worth it for this one thing.

> Second, if absolutely necessary we could ask the user to confirm that they 
> want to exit.

A thought occurs: we could simply re-word the message to make it seem like 
we're asking for confirmation:

>>> exit
Do you really want to exit? Press Ctrl+Z to confirm, or type exit() to exit 
without confirmation.

Then it won't seem as much like we know what you meant to do but aren't doing 
it, despite the fact that the behavior is exactly the same .

nosy: +p-ganssle

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[issue44307] date.today() is 2x slower than datetime.now().date()

2021-06-04 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Yeah, I knew this was slower and it's been on my long list to look at it (tied 
to this is the fact that `datetime.today()` is basically just a slow version of 
`datetime.now()`, in defiance of user expectations).

My inclination is that we shouldn't re-implement `fromtimestamp` in 
`date.today`, but rather call `date_fromtimestamp` in the fast path. I believe 
that incurs the overhead of creating one additional Python object (an integer), 
but if it's a sufficiently significant speedup, we could possibly refactor 
`date_fromtimestamp` to a version that accepts a C integer and a version that 
accepts a Python integer, then call the version accepting a C integer.

I think this won't give any speedup to `datetime.today`, since `datetime.today` 
will still take the slow path. If we care about this, we *may* be able to 
implement `datetime.today` as an alias for `datetime.now(None)`, assuming there 
are no behavioral differences between the two.


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[issue42109] Use hypothesis for testing the standard library, falling back to stubs

2021-05-25 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

> I use hypothesis during development, but don't have a need for in the the 
> standard library.  By the time code lands there, we normally have a specific 
> idea of what edge cases needs to be in the tests.

The suggestion I've made here is that we use @example decorators to take the 
hypothesis tests you would have written already and turn them in to what are 
essentially parameterized tests. For anyone who doesn't want to explicitly run 
the hypothesis test suite, the tests you are apparently already writing would 
simply turn into normal tests for just the edge cases.

One added benefit of keeping the tests around in the form of property tests is 
that you can run these same tests through hypothesis to find regressions in 
bugfixes that are implemented after landing (e.g. "Oh we can add a fast path 
here", which introduces a new edge case). The segfault bug from bpo-34454, for 
example, would have been found if I had been able to carry over the 
hypothesis-based tests I was using during the initial implementation of 
fromisoformat into later stages of the development. (Either because I didn't 
run it long enough to hit that particular edge case or because that edge case 
didn't come up until after I had moved the development locus into the CPython 
repo, I'm not sure).

Another benefit of keeping them around is that they become fuzz targets, 
meaning people like oss-fuzz or anyone who wants to throw some fuzzing 
resources at CPython have an existing body of tests that are expected to pass 
on *any* input, to find especially obscure bugs.

> For the most part, hypothesis has not turned up anything useful for the 
> standard library.  Most of the reports that we've gotten reflected a 
> misunderstanding by the person running hypothesis rather than an actual bug. 
> [...]

I don't really think it's a good argument to say that it hasn't turned up 
useful bugs. Most of the bugs in a bit of code will be found during development 
or during the early stages of adoption, and we have very wide adoption. I've 
found a number of bugs in zoneinfo using hypothesis tests, and I'd love to 
continue using them in CPython rather than throwing them away or maintaining 
them in a separate repo.

I also think it is very useful for us to write tests about the properties of 
our systems for re-use in PyPy (which does use hypothesis, by the way) and 
other implementations of Python. This kind of "define the contract and maintain 
tests to enforce that" is very helpful for alternate implementations.

> For numeric code, hypothesis is difficult to use and requires many 
> restrictions on the bounds of variables and error tolerances.  [...]

I do not think that we need to make hypothesis tests mandatory. They can be 
used when someone finds them useful.

> The main area where hypothesis seems easy to use and gives some comfort is in 
> simple roundtrips:  assert zlib.decompress(zlib.compress(s)) == s.  However, 
> that is only a small fraction of our test cases.

Even if this were the only time that hypothesis were useful (I don't think it 
is), some of these round-trips can be among the trickiest and important code to 
test, even if it's a small fraction of the tests. We have a bunch of functions 
that are basically "Load this file format" and "Dump this file format", usually 
implemented in C, which are a magnet for CVEs and often the target for fuzz 
testing for that reason. Having a small library of maintained tests for round 
tripping file formats seems like it would be very useful for people who want to 
donate compute time to fuzz test CPython (or other implementations!)

> Speed is another issue.  During development, it doesn't matter much if 
> Hypothesis takes a lot of time exercising one function.  But in the standard 
> library tests already run slow enough to impact development.  If hypothesis 
> were to run everytime we run a test suite, it would make the situation worse.

As mentioned in the initial ticket, the current plan I'm suggesting is to have 
fallback stubs which turn your property tests into parameterized tests when 
hypothesis is not installed. If we're good about adding `@example` decorators 
(and certainly doing so is easier than writing new ad hoc tests for every edge 
case we can think of when we already have property tests written!), then I 
don't see any particular reason to run the full test suite against a full 
hypothesis run on every CI run.

My suggestion is:

1. By default, run hypothesis in "stubs" mode, where the property tests are 
simply parameterized tests.
2. Have one or two CI jobs that runs *only* the hypothesis tests, generating 
new examples — since this is just for edge case detection, it doesn't 
necessarily need to run on every combination of architecture and platform and 
configuration in our testing matrix, just the ones where it could plausibl

[issue43295] datetime.strptime emits IndexError on parsing 'z' as %z

2021-05-19 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

New changeset c87b81dcb2c22b6d151da39a0f65d5db304f59a8 by Miss Islington (bot) 
in branch '3.9':
bpo-43295: Fix error handling of datetime.strptime format string '%z' 
(GH-24627) (#25695)


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[issue42109] Use hypothesis for testing the standard library, falling back to stubs

2021-05-19 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I do not want to dissuade you from figuring out how minithesis / hypothesis 
works (far from it), but I'm wondering if the question of how shrinking works 
is germane to the issue at hand, which is whether or not hypothesis / 
property-based-testing is suitable for testing the standard library.

I almost don't think it matters *if* shrinking works, much less *how*. 
Shrinking is something of a UI nicety in the sense that when hypothesis finds 
an example that violates a property, it will try to take whatever example it 
has chosen and find something like a "minimal working example" to show to the 
end user. So if we have something like:

def f(x):
assert x >= 0

Hypothesis will presumably tell us that `x == -1` will violate the property 
instead of `-24948929` or some other random thing. But if it did report 
`-24948929` or something, it wouldn't be too hard to see "oh, right, integers 
can be negative". In some cases with the time zone stuff, there isn't a good 
metric for complexity at the moment, so time zones are sorted by their IANA key 
(which is to say, basically arbitrary), and I generally find it useful anyway 
(admittedly, the shrinking still is helpful because most problems affecting all 
zones will return Africa/Abuja, whereas things particular to a specific zone's 
odd time zone history will return whichever zone with that quirk comes 
alphabetically first).

Anyway, do not let me disrupt your process, I just thought it might be worth 
making the point that some of these specific details might be nice to know, but 
don't seem like they should be blockers for hypothesis' adoption in the 
standard library.


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[issue24929] _strptime.TimeRE should not enforce range in regex

2021-05-18 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I also commented on GH-26215 ( https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/26215 ), 
but for posterity, I'll note a few things:

1. It seems that (and this may have changed since 2015), `_strptime._strptime` 
now has a stage that (unconditionally?) constructs a temporary `datetime_date`, 
which means it does do this particular validation in both `time.strptime` and 
`datetime.strptime`. That said, both flavors of `strptime` are *way* slower 
than I'd like them to be, and constructing an unnecessary `date`/`datetime` is 
a pretty good way to slow down your function, so if we ever go around 
optimizing this function, that may be one of the first bits on the chopping 

2. The logic for `strptime` is very complicated and it's very hard to test the 
full input space of the function (particularly since we're not  using property 
tests (yet)...). This makes me somewhat uneasy about moving the validation 
stage from the beginning of the function (in parsing the regular expression) to 
the very *end* of the function (in the datetime constructor).

It's *probably* safe to do so, but it may also be worth exploring the 
possibility of validating this directly in `_strptime` (possibly immediately 
after the string is parsed by the regex), and raising a cleaner error message 
on failure.

Probably not worth spending a ton of time on that compared to improving the 
testing around this so that we can feel confident making changes under the 
hood. `.strptime` is really quite slow, and I wouldn't be surprised if we 
pulled out its guts and replaced most of the regex stuff with a fast C parser 
at some point in the future. Having good tests will both give us confidence to 
make this change (and that making this change won't lead to regressions in the 
future) and help with any future project to replace `_strptime._strptime` with 
a faster version, so I'd say that's the most important thing to do here.

nosy: +p-ganssle

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[issue42109] Use hypothesis for testing the standard library, falling back to stubs

2021-05-14 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:


> The problem with random input tests in not that they are 'flakey', but that 
> they are useless unless someone is going to pay attention to failures and try 
> to find the cause.  This touches on the difference between regression testing 
> and bug-finding tests.  CPython CI is the former, and marred at that by buggy 
> randomly failing tests.

> My conclusion: bug testing would likely be a good idea, but should be done 
> separate from the CI test suite.  Such testing should only be done for 
> modules with an active maintainer who would welcome failure reports.

Are you saying that random input tests are flaky but that that is not the big 
problem? In my experience using hypothesis, in practice it is not the case that 
you get tests that fail randomly. The majority of the time if your code doesn't 
violate one of the properties, the tests fail the first time you run the test 
suite (this is particularly true for strategies where hypothesis deliberately 
makes it more likely that you'll get a "nasty" input by biasing the random 
selection algorithm in that direction). In a smaller number of cases, I see 
failures that happen on the second, third or fourth run.

That said, if it were a concern that every run of the tests is using different 
inputs (and thus you might see a bug that only appears once in every 20 runs), 
it is possible to run hypothesis in a configuration where you specify the seed, 
making it so that hypothesis always runs the same set of inputs for the same 
tests. We can disable that on a separate non-CI run for hypothesis "fuzzing" 
that would run the test suite for longer (or indefinitely) looking for 
long-tail violations of these properties.

I feel that if we don't at least run some form of the hypothesis tests in CI, 
there will likely be bit rot and the tests will decay in usefulness. Consider 
the case where someone accidentally breaks an edge case that makes it so that 
`json.loads(json.dumps(o))` no longer works for some obscure value of `o`. With 
hypothesis tests running in CI, we are MUCH more likely to find this bug / 
regression during the initial PR that would break the edge case than if we run 
it separately and report it later. If we run the hypothesis tests in a 
build-bot, the process would be:

1. Contributor makes PR with passing CI.
2. Core dev review passes, PR is merged.
3. Buildbot run occurs and the buildbot watch is notified.
4. Buildbot maintainers track down the PR responsible and either file a new bug 
or comment on the old bug.
5. Someone makes a NEW PR adding a regression test and the fix for the old PR.
6. Core dev review passes, second PR is merged.

If we run it in CI, the process would be:

1. Contributor makes PR, CI breaks.
2. If the contributor doesn't notice the broken CI, core dev points it out and 
it is fixed (or the PR is scrapped as unworkable).

Note that in the non-CI process, we need TWO core dev reviews, we need TWO PRs 
(people are not always super motivated to fix bugs that don't affect them that 
they the caused when fixing a bug that does affect them), and we need time and 
effort from the buildbot maintainers (note the same applies even if the 
"buildbot" is actually a separate process run by Zac out of a github repo).

Even if the bug only appears in one out of every 4 CI runs, it's highly likely 
that it will be found and fixed before it makes it into production, or at least 
much more quickly, considering that most PRs go through a few edit cycles, and 
a good fraction of them are backported to 2-3 branches, all with separate CI 
runs. It's a much quicker feedback loop.

I think there's an argument to be made that incorporating more third-party 
libraries (in general) into our CI build might cause headaches, but I think 
that is not a problem specific to hypothesis, and I think its one where we can 
find a reasonable balance that allows us to use hypothesis in one form or 
another in the standard library.


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[issue15443] datetime module has no support for nanoseconds

2021-04-07 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

> I don't think full nanosecond support is feasible to complete in the 
> remaining weeks

This may be so, but I think the important part of that question is "what work 
needs to be done and what questions need to be answered?" If the answer is that 
we need to make 3 decisions and do the C implementation, that seems feasible to 
do in under a month. If the answer is that we've got 10 contentious UI issues 
and we probably want to go through the PEP process, I agree with your 
assessment of the timing. Regardless, we'll need to know what work needs to be 
done before we do it...

> but we can try to add nanoseconds to timedelta only.  The mixed datetime + 
> timedelta ops will still truncate, but many time-related  operations will be 
> enabled. I would even argue that when nanoseconds precision is required, it 
> is more often intervals no longer than a few days and rarely a specific point 
> in time.

To be honest, I don't find this very compelling and I think it will only 
confuse people. I think most people use `timedelta` to represent something you 
add or subtract to a `datetime`. Having the `nanoseconds` part of it truncate 
seems like it would be frustrating and counter-intuitive. 

>From the use cases in this thread: 
 - ns-precision timestamps: https://bugs.python.org/issue15443#msg180125
 - ns-precision timestamps: https://bugs.python.org/issue15443#msg223039
 - Your suggestion that `datetime` should be able to support what `timespec` 
does: https://bugs.python.org/issue15443#msg223042
 - ns-precision timestamps: https://bugs.python.org/issue15443#msg270266

So I don't think there's high enough demand for nanosecond-timedelta on its own 
that we need to rush it out there before datetime gets it.


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[issue43484] valid datetimes can become invalid if the timezone is changed

2021-03-19 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

> That it allows creating the datetime instance looks like a bug to me, i.e. a 
> time before 0001-01-01 00:00 UTC is invalid. What am I misunderstanding?

`datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=1)))` is a valid 
datetime, it's just that it cannot be converted to all other timestamps, 
because in some time zones, the same absolute time is out of datetime's range.

`datetime.datetime` is a representation of an abstract datetime, and it can 
also be annotated with a time zone to basically tag the civil time with a 
function for converting it into other representations of the same *absolute* 
time. The range of valid `datetime.datetime` objects is based entirely on the 
naïve portion of the datetime, and has nothing to do with the absolute time. So 
this is indeed a natural consequence of the chosen design.

If we wanted to change things, it would cause a number of problems, and the 
cure would be much worse than the "disease". For one thing, accessing UTC 
offsets is done lazily, so `.utcoffset()` is not currently called during 
`datetime` creation. The datetime documentation lays out that this is 
consistent with the raison d'être of `datetime`: "While date and time 
arithmetic is supported, the focus of the implementation is on efficient 
attribute extraction for output formatting and manipulation." In order to 
determine whether a given `datetime` can always be converted to an equivalent 
datetime in any time zone, we'd need to actively determine its UTC offset, 
which would be a major performance regression in creating aware datetimes. We 
could avoid this performance regression by only doing the `.utcoffset()` check 
when the datetime is within 2 days of `MINYEAR` or `MAXYEAR`, but while this 
would be a more minor performance regression, it would also add new edge cases 
where `.utcoffset()` is sometimes called during the constructor and sometimes 
not, which is not ideal. Not to mention if we were to ever open up the allowed 
return values for `.utcoffset()` the logic might get hairier (depending on the 
nature of the allowed values).

Another issue with "fixing" this is that it would take currently-valid 
datetimes and turn them into invalid datetimes, which violates backwards 
compatibility. I imagine in most cases this is only done as part of test 
suites, since TZ-aware datetimes near 0 and 10,000 CE are anachronistic and not 
likely to be of much instrumental value, but the same can be said of these 
potentially "invalid" dates in the first place.

Additionally, even worse is that even naïve datetimes can be converted to UTC 
or other time zones, and if we want to add a new constraint that 
`some_datetime.astimezone(some_timezone)` must always work, then you wouldn't 
even be able to *construct* `datetime.MINYEAR` or `datetime.MAXYEAR`, since 
`datetime.MINYEAR.astimezone(timezone(timedelta(hours=-24)))` would fail 
everywhere, and worse, the minimum datetime value you could construct would 
depend on your system locale! Again, the alternative would be to make an 
exception for naïve datetimes, but given that this change is of dubious value 
to start with, I don't think it is worth it.

> So I'm pretty sure this is "not a bug" but it's a bit of a problem and I have 
> a user suggesting the "security vulnerability" bell on this one, and to be 
> honest I don't even know what any library would do to "prevent" this.

I don't really know why it would be a "security vulnerability", but presumably 
a library could either convert their datetimes to UTC as soon as they get them 
from the user if they want to use them as UTC in the future, or they could 
simply refuse to accept any datetimes outside the range 
`datetime.datetime.MINYEAR + timedelta(hours=48) < dt.replace(tzinfo=None) < 
datetime.datetime.MAXYEAR - timedelta(hours=48)`, or if the concern is only 
about UTC, then refuse datetimes outside the range 
`datetime.MINYEAR.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) < dt < 

> Why's this a security problem?   ish?because PostgreSQL has a data type 
> "TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE" and if you take said date and INSERT it into your 
> database, then SELECT it back using any Python DBAPI that returns datetime() 
> objects like psycopg2, if your server is in a timezone with zero or negative 
> offset compared to the given date, you get an error.  So the mischievous user 
> can create that datetime for some reason and now they've broken your website 
> which can't SELECT that table anymore without crashing.

Can you clarify why this crashes? Is it because it always returns the datetime 
value in UTC?

> So, suppose you maintain the database library that helps people send data in 
> and out of psycopg2.We have, the end user's application, we have the 

[issue43382] github CI blocked by the Ubuntu CI with an SSL error

2021-03-03 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

nosy: +p-ganssle

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[issue43354] xmlrpc.client: Fault.faultCode erroneously documented to be a string, should be int

2021-03-01 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

The evidence you have here seems pretty compelling and this change seems 
straightforward enough. I don't see an expert listed here, but I'm happy to 
merge a docs PR fixing this.

Probably a good idea to make a PR to typeshed in parallel, in case they have 
some further insight into this.

nosy: +p-ganssle

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[issue43132] Incorrect handling of PyObject_RichCompareBool() in the _zoneinfo module

2021-02-05 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Re-opening because this was merged without tests.

@ZackerySpytz would you mind adding tests to hit these error cases? I've spent 
some time satisfying myself that it's indeed possible, and I've detailed a 
general outline here: 

nosy: +p-ganssle
resolution: fixed -> 
stage: resolved -> needs patch
status: closed -> open
type:  -> behavior

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[issue42874] running configure on Solaris 10 gives grep "illegal option" errors

2021-01-12 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

This particular grep statement is used to validate the `tzpath` variable. 
Apparently it is easy enough to achieve what I was going for using vanilla grep 
with no options, so I've created GH-24200 to fix the issue.

I notice that there are other uses of `-q` and `-E` in the configure file, but 
presumably those are on more optional paths.

@martin.wheatley.home: Can you check to see if GH-24200 fixes your issue?

Also, can you clarify whether this happens with a plain `./configure` 
invocation, or are you specifying `./configure 

versions: +Python 3.10

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[issue42874] running configure on Solaris 10 gives grep "illegal option" errors

2021-01-12 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23025
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/24200

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[issue42697] 3.8.7rc1 regression: 'free(): invalid pointer' after running backports-zoneinfo test suite

2020-12-21 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

For future reference, this bug is triggered only when `.fromutc` is called on a 
subclass of `datetime` and the resulting date is the second ambiguous time 
(e.g. if there's a DST transition from 02:00 → 01:00, and the result of the 
`.fromutc` call is the *second* 01:30, you will trigger this issue).

Here's an MWE:

from backports.zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
from datetime import datetime, timezone

class SubDT(datetime):

LON = ZoneInfo("Europe/London")
d = SubDT(2020, 10, 25, 1, 30, tzinfo=timezone.utc)

# Each pass through the loop inappropriately reduces the reference count on the
# `1` object by 1. Since there are usually a large number of live references to
# `1`, this won't have any immediate noticeable effect unless you do it a lot.
for i in range(1):


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[issue42663] zoneinfo does not support full range of allowed transition hours in fallback string

2020-12-16 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

TZif files consist of a list of transitions followed by a POSIX TZ var-style 
string of a form like "AAA3BBB,M3.2.0/01:30,M11.1.0/02:15:45", which decodes to 
"AAA (UTC-3) is the standard time and BBB (UTC-2) is the DST time, DST applies 
starting at 02:15:45 local time on the 1st Sunday in November and ending at 
1:30:00 local time on the 2nd Sunday in March". After the last listed 
transition, the rule specified by the TZ variable applies.

POSIX says that the "hours" part of the transition rule must be in the range 
±24, but as mentioned in a TODO comment in _zoneinfo.c, RFC 8536 §3.3.1 
specifies that the hours part of transition times may range from -167 to 167 
https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Modules/_zoneinfo.c#L1844-L1847 ).

Currently, zoneinfo does not support the full range of possible transitions, 
and a TZif file with a 3-digit transition hour would likely fail to parse. This 
isn't a terribly high priority at the moment, but if the tz project ever 
releases a TZif file with one of these TZ strings on it, it will all of a 
sudden become very critical to fix it, so we should probably try to get it 
fixed before Python 3.9 is EOL, so that all versions of Python with `zoneinfo` 
can handle this properly.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 383206
nosy: p-ganssle
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: zoneinfo does not support full range of allowed transition hours in 
fallback string
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.9

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[issue42660] _zoneinfo.c incorrectly checks bounds of `day` variable in calenderrule_new

2020-12-16 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

> Adding a static assertion about the signedness of uint8_t looks meaningless 
> to me.

My proposal is to add a static assertion that `day` is an unsigned type. In the 
code it would look something like it does in the backports.zoneinfo code 

// The actual bounds of day are (day >= 0 && day <= 6), but since day is an
// unsigned variable, day >= 0 is always true. To ensure that a bug is not
// introduced in the event that someone changes day to a signed type, we
// will assert that it is an unsigned type.
if (day > 6) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Day must be in [0, 6]");
return -1;

> I propose to change types of function parameters and local variables. In any 
> case the constructor checks the range of parameters, so there is no problem 
> with packing them into compact structure.

> This will help to avoid errors of implicit conversion between different 
> integer types. Also it can help to avoid code duplication in parsing integers 
> of different size and signedness.

This is not entirely unreasonable in my opinion, though in this case everything 
is determined by the POSIX standard and an RFC, so it is unlikely that we'll 
ever see anything outside of 8 bit integers for these things. If you'd like to 
refactor the parsing code to use signed integers unconditionally and have them 
converted as part of the constructor that seems reasonable.


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[issue42660] _zoneinfo.c incorrectly checks bounds of `day` variable in calenderrule_new

2020-12-16 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

There are at least two issues with this:

1. This is a constructor for a struct, and the struct would really 
unnecessarily balloon in size if we switched everything over to be 32-bit 
integers (which I think is your suggestion?). This is not a major concern 
because in typical operation there are not likely to be more than 500 of these 
structs in existence at any one time (due to the cache), but it's still a minor 

I would guess that accepting `int` in the constructor function and converting 
it to uint8_t as part of building the struct would be maybe neutral to 
negative, since it involves casting a large signed type to a small unsigned 
one. This could cause more problems with overflow, not less.

2. In the current implementation `day` is unsigned by its nature — it 
represents a value indexed at 0 for which negative indices have no meaning. If 
we leave `day` as a uint8_t, then that tells the compiler at least something 
about the valid range of the value. By turning `day` (and presumably the other 
elements of this struct) into a less-suitable type, we're depriving ourselves 
of possibly *useful* compiler warnings.

Barring a solution where we have a simple and robust way to suppress warnings, 
I think the next-best solution is to add a static assertion about the 
signedness of the type for this particular case. I'd be happy to write it in a 
relatively general way so that it can be re-used elsewhere in CPython for the 
same purpose.


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[issue42660] _zoneinfo.c incorrectly checks bounds of `day` variable in calenderrule_new

2020-12-16 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

> Just my two cents, this isn't just "some compilers". Everything from gcc, 
> msvc, C# to the rust compiler complain about this sort of code. As they 
> should, this is effectively dead code.

They complain because most of the time it's a sign that people were intending 
to use a signed integer, and it's an indicator that they may be susceptible to 
integer overflow.

In this case, it was a deliberate choice to include the extra check knowing 
it's dead code, because it is essentially a machine-checked documentation of 
the bounds of that particular variable.

> I think the more pragmatic way to enforce and document this assumption would 
> be to have a unit test that actually checks that the constructor fails with 
> "negative" days. It'll continue to fail right now as its interpretation as an 
> unsigned int will be large and it will start failing if someone changes this 
> to a signed type.

This would be helpful, but it's not an either-or situation. This particular 
thing would be tricky to write a targeted unit test for, because it's a very 
deep implementation detail. Such a unit test would also be quite physically 
separated from the code in question, whereas if we left the code as-is, we'd 
never see this type of bug, and if we added a static assertion we'd be told at 
compile time exactly what is wrong.

The biggest problem here is the fact that we cannot disable compiler warnings 
when complying with them makes the code less readable and/or less robust. This 
makes compiler warnings less useful, since it changes the calculus around 
whether or not it's worth it to introduce a new compiler warning.


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[issue42660] _zoneinfo.c incorrectly checks bounds of `day` variable in calenderrule_new

2020-12-16 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

As I mentioned, it's a style issue. Yes this did not introduce any 
user-observable bugs, nor should it have changed the machine code emitted by 
the assembly on any competent compiler.

The issue is that I had deliberately chosen to do a "redundant" check to 
improve the readability and to be robust against someone saying, "Why is this a 
unit8_t instead of an int? I don't think it makes anything faster..." or some 
other justification for changing all the uint8_t fields to ints.

Previous to this, we had something where the compiler would fix any bugs caused 
by that by itself by emitting an additional bounds check. In my proposed fix to 
the compiler warnings, there was a static assertion where the machine would 
alert us if the situation changed. The problem is that we now have a 
non-machine-checked comment for something that would be difficult to issue 
tests for.

Frankly, I think that even the worst case scenario here isn't that bad — TZif 
files malformed in a very specific way would be accepted as valid. As it's 
coded now, this would probably just lead to a crash later, or possibly some 
weird results in time zone math. Still, I think we need a solution to this 
problem because our blind adherence to an invalid compiler warning is leading 
us to write more fragile code, whic h is especially problematic in C, which is 
notoriously dangerous and problematic to write.


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[issue42660] _zoneinfo.c incorrectly checks bounds of `day` variable in calenderrule_new

2020-12-16 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

This is a code style issue — in https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/23614, a 
regression was deliberately introduced to satisfy an overzealous compiler. The 
`day` variable has logical bounds `0 <= day <= 6`. In the original code, both 
sides of this boundary condition were explicitly checked (since this logically 
documents the bounds of the variable).

Some compilers complain about checking `day < 0`, because `day` is an unsigned 
type. It is not an immutable fact that `day` will always be an unsigned type, 
and implicitly relying on this fact makes the code both less readable and more 
fragile. This was changed over my objections and despite the fact that I had a 
less fragile solution available that also satisfied the overzealous compiler.

In the short term, my preferred solution would be to add in a static assertion 
that `day` is an unsigned type — this does not have to work on every platform, 
it simply needs to serve as a notification to make the code less fragile and to 
document our assumptions to both readers and the compiler.

In the long term, I think we need a way to solve the problem that it is 
apparently not possible to disable any compiler warnings even if they don't 
apply to the situation!

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 383180
nosy: p-ganssle
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: _zoneinfo.c incorrectly checks bounds of `day` variable in 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.9

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[issue35498] Parents objects in pathlib.Path don't support slices as __getitem__ arguments

2020-11-23 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

New changeset 79d2e62c008446fbbc6f264bb8a30e2d38b6ff58 by Yaroslav Pankovych in 
branch 'master':
Added support for negative indexes to PurePath.parents (GH-21799)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21041] pathlib.PurePath.parents rejects negative indexes

2020-11-23 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

New changeset 79d2e62c008446fbbc6f264bb8a30e2d38b6ff58 by Yaroslav Pankovych in 
branch 'master':
Added support for negative indexes to PurePath.parents (GH-21799)

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42444] pathlib.PurePath properties annotated with .. data directive

2020-11-23 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

Currently, it seems that the pathlib module uses `.. data::` to annotate the 
properties of the PurePath type (e.g. .parts, .drive, .root, etc). See: 

According to the documentation 
(https://devguide.python.org/documenting/#information-units), `data` is for 
module-level constants, specifically:

> Describes global data in a module, including both variables and values used
> as “defined constants.” Class and object attributes are not documented using
> this directive.

I believe that we should switch these over to use the `.. attribute:` directive 

>From what I can tell, you can still link to these attributes using the 
>`:attr:` role. I haven't checked if you can link to `:attribute:`s using the 
>`:data:` role, though. If not, it might break some links to change these to 

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 381673
nosy: docs@python, eric.araujo, ezio.melotti, mdk, p-ganssle, willingc
priority: low
severity: normal
status: open
title: pathlib.PurePath properties annotated with .. data directive
versions: Python 3.10

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21041] pathlib.PurePath.parents rejects negative indexes

2020-11-23 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I think you may have confused my thoughts as to why this might be considered 
ambiguous with an actual suggestion for what the semantics should be.

I think that we should stick with `p.parents[x] == tuple(p.parents)[x]` for any 
valid value of `x`, which means that `p.parents[-1]` will always be `Path('.')` 
for any non-empty `p`.


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[issue35498] Parents objects in pathlib.Path don't support slices as __getitem__ arguments

2020-11-20 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

dependencies:  -pathlib.PurePath.parents rejects negative indexes
resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35498] Parents objects in pathlib.Path don't support slices as __getitem__ arguments

2020-11-20 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

New changeset 452058448335b39c784af9a047f9c4a1767c0b00 by Joshua Cannon in 
branch 'master':
bpo-35498: Added slice support to PathLib parents attribute. (GH-11165)


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35498] Parents objects in pathlib.Path don't support slices as __getitem__ arguments

2020-11-19 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

One question I would have about this is that `.parents` is a lazily-calculated 
sequence, not a list or a tuple, so it's not immediately obvious what the 
return type of a slice would be. I don't think it makes sense to return, e.g. a 
`_PathParents` object with fewer parts, but I don't know if there's any 
traditional choice here, other than that the result of slicing Sequence is 
another Sequence.

The PR returns a list, but I'm inclined to say we should return a tuple.

nosy: +p-ganssle
versions: +Python 3.10 -Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21041] pathlib.PurePath.parents rejects negative indexes

2020-11-19 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I am not seeing any compelling reasons to avoid supporting negative indexes 
*or* slices here.

If I had to guess about the confusing semantics of negative indices, I would 
guess it's the fact that the index in the -1 position for a non-empty Path will 
always be `Path('.')`. Since that's not terribly useful, it might be reasonable 
to have negative indices start counting at `len(p)-2`.

That said, I don't think this is a big deal, and I think we have more 
speculation on why this was avoided in the first place than we have actual 
objections to changing it, so I vote for changing it.

I think our best option is to say that the semantics of indexing `.parents` 
should be the same as indexing the result of casting it to a tuple, so this 
should be true:

p = Path(x)
assert p.parents[y] == tuple(p.parents)[y]

For all values of `x` and `y`.

I've gone ahead and changed the version support matrix to 3.10 only, since I 
think that this was a deliberate choice and we should be considering this an 
enhancement rather than a bugfix. That said, I'll admit that it's on the 
borderline — the semantics of sequences are unambiguous (see, which says that 
sequences support both slices and negative indices: 
https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#typesseq ), and PEP 428 
explicitly says that .parents returns a "an immutable sequence of the path's 
logical ancestors": 
https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0428/#sequence-like-access . So if someone 
is motivated to try and make the case that this is a bugfix that could be 
backported to earlier supported versions, I won't stand in their way.

nosy: +p-ganssle
versions:  -Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42390] Other Python implementations may not expose the module name in datetime type names

2020-11-17 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

What is an example of another Python implementation that has this property? Is 
there a concrete issue open somewhere that this is solving?

I am not unsympathetic to the idea of accommodating other implementations of 
Python, but this is very abstract and I think the assumption is probably that 
if we're explicitly testing for something and we don't say it's 
implementation-defined that it is part of the language spec.

If there's some evidence that stuff like this is intended to be 
implementation-defined always, or there's some concrete problem that we can 
solve (and possibly also add tests to avoid regressions), I'd be much more 
comfortable with something like this.


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[issue42094] isoformat() / fromisoformat() for datetime.timedelta

2020-11-17 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

This is probably more feasible than the proposal in bpo-41254 since it's a 
well-defined spec (mostly — it includes an optional alternative format and the 
number of digits allowed is defined "by agreement", thus defeating the purpose 
of using a spec in the first place) that's not even particularly difficult to 
implement, but there are still a few problems (and one reason I've never 
implemented this, despite desperately wanting a better string representation 
for time deltas). Two minor problems first:

1. Unlike ISO 8601 datetimes, these are not especially "human-friendly" 
formats, so I don't think they're especially useful for displaying timedeltas.

2. Also unlike ISO 8601 datetimes, I don't think these are in particularly wide 
use, or widely supported. That's not a major strike against it, but if it's not 
useful as something to show to humans and it's not especially useful as 
something to show to / read from other computers, that weighs against its 
inclusion in the standard library.

The biggest problem, however, is that `timedelta` does not and cannot represent 
"Year" or "Month", which means that `P1Y` or `P1M` would always need to be 
invalid to parse. We could eliminate this format, but it means that we would 
never at any point in the future be able to implement a parser for the full 
spec. Since the concept of a year and a month are ambiguous and at least the 
2016 version of ISO 8601 doesn't seem to define what it means for a duration to 
last 1 year or 1 month, you can't even really count on such a thing as an 
interchange format, because different implementations might give you different 
results! What does `20200131T00:00:00/P1M` represent? The interval (2020-01-31, 
2020-02-29)? (2020-01-31, 2020-03-02)? Something else?

A better target for parsing ISO 8601 durations would be something like 
`dateutil.relativedelta`, which does have defined semantics for years and 
months (though as I mentioned above, those are not necessarily consistent with 
the semantics of other libraries parsing or writing out this format).

I am also not entirely clear on whether "weeks" is just an alias for "7 days" 
or if it means something related to weeks in the ISO calendar (and if that 
makes a difference for durations).

I imagine that generating these formats is a bit more forgiving, because you 
would simply never generate the forbidden formats, and we can offer 
configuration options in the formatter method to allow the user to tweak the 
various ambiguities in the spec.


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[issue42094] isoformat() / fromisoformat() for datetime.timedelta

2020-11-17 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

nosy: +p-ganssle

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42390] Other Python implementations may not expose the module name in datetime type names

2020-11-17 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Is this an actual problem for another implementation of Python?

Is there some reason to think that we intended the repr of a `datetime` object 
to be implementation-defined?

nosy: +p-ganssle

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42371] datetime.fromisoformat(): Omitted colon in timezone suffix raises ValueError

2020-11-16 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

This is the expected behavior of `.fromisoformat()`. A similar issue is 
https://bugs.python.org/issue35829, which asks for the "Z" suffix to be 

There is a note about this in the documentation: 

"Caution This does not support parsing arbitrary ISO 8601 strings - it is only 
intended as the inverse operation of datetime.isoformat(). A more full-featured 
ISO 8601 parser, dateutil.parser.isoparse is available in the third-party 
package dateutil."

At some point we will work out the kinks in offering as full an ISO 8601 
datetime parser as possible, but the ISO 8601 datetime spec is very complicated 
and includes many optional features. We deliberately chose to keep the scope of 
`.fromisoformat()` minimal at first, whereas `dateutil.parser.isoparse` 
attempts to be a full-featured ISO8601 parser.

Changing the version affected to 3.10, since this is a feature request.

type: behavior -> enhancement
versions: +Python 3.10 -Python 3.8

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[issue42070] Revisit IsoCalendarDate being private from pickle perspective

2020-10-23 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I'm glad that Terry brought up documentation, though, because I realized that 
this is not a documented behavior: 

We should maybe document it? Though if we document it it might be considered 
more of a breaking change to change the behavior than if it's an undocumented 


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[issue42070] Revisit IsoCalendarDate being private from pickle perspective

2020-10-23 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Even if it were accidental (and it wasn't — it was actually somewhat difficult 
to achieve), I'd still argue for not changing it in 3.9, because it would mean 
that pickles created in 3.9.(n+1) would not be readable in 3.9.n.

Still, I don't think I'd be convinced without some real-life use cases. The SO 
question is asking about the reasoning for this in the abstract — the poster 
noticed that we designed it this way and saw a possible objection to this, but 
it was one that we had considered and decided to make the trade-off a different 

I informally asked many people about this, since it was by far the weirdest 
design decision made in that issue (I say that in the passive tense not to 
deflect from the fact that I made the decision, but to own the fact that it was 
weirder than any of the design decisions made by anyone else, either ), and 
generally they could not give me any concrete reasons it would break (but they 
also all counseled not to try to get too clever with pickling logic).

I think I'm happy with the decision if we remain in the realm of the abstract, 
but I recognize how weird it is, and I think if someone came up with a 
compelling workflow that this breaks, we could change it (in a feature 
release). This was specifically proposed to avoid backwards-compatibility 
problems, so it wouldn't be any more of a breakage to change it in future 
feature releases than it would have been to do it in 3.9.


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[issue41056] minor NULL pointer and sign issues reported by Coverity

2020-10-21 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30155] Add ability to get tzinfo from a datetime instance in C API

2020-10-21 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42025] zoneinfo: wrong time difference across transition when tzinfo is equal

2020-10-21 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Yeah, people are very confused by this, which is why I wrote that article.

Maybe there is a place for big warnings somewhere? I have been mulling over the 
possibility of proposing a backwards-incompatible (though minimally so, 
hopefully) change to arithmetic semantics that would work well with how people 
think this should work, but I think any such backwards-incompatible change 
would be a Big Deal™, and unfortunately quite hard to warn about with a proper 
deprecation period.

resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed
type:  -> behavior

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42109] Use hypothesis for testing the standard library, falling back to stubs

2020-10-21 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21805
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22863

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42109] Use hypothesis for testing the standard library, falling back to stubs

2020-10-21 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

Following up on this year's language summit, I would like to propose that we 
start integrating property tests into the standard library. Zac Hatfield-Dodds 
(along with myself and Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick) have put together this 
repository of tests that we run against the standard library as is: 

Here is the blog post covering the proposal from the language summit: 

The biggest challenges here are logistical:

1. Pulling in third party dependencies is difficult to do reliably on CI, but 
checking in hypothesis's entire dependency tree is probably not feasible.
2. We don't necessarily want to require developers running their tests locally 
to have to set up a hypothesis environment just to run the tests.
3. Hypothesis tests are not (by default) deterministic, which some are 
concerned may lead to flakiness by themselves.

To allay these concerns, I propose that we implement a compatibility interface 
for hypothesis that uses the third party module when it's installed, but 
otherwise falls back to stubs. The way I see the stubs working is that `@given` 
*without* `@example`s would simply skip the test. If you specify `@given` and 
one or more `@example`s, the test falls back to a simple parameterized test 
when hypothesis is not available.

At least at first, we won't attempt to add a mandatory PR job that runs with 
hypothesis installed. Instead, I'd like to run either an optional job on PR or 
have one or more buildbots that runs the hypothesis tests.

I would also like to suggest a policy of including at least one example in each 
property test, so that on PR at least some of the inputs are tested.

assignee: p-ganssle
components: Tests
messages: 379226
nosy: Zac Hatfield-Dodds, p-ganssle, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Use hypothesis for testing the standard library, falling back to stubs
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42070] I think the rationale to keep IsoCalendarDate private from the pickle perspective should get revisited

2020-10-18 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

That's a reasonable enough objection, though what use case do you have for 
storing the IsocalendarDate object? The main reason we switched to using a 
named tuple like this was because the vast majority of uses of `isocalendar()` 
that I saw were people doing stuff like `dt.isocalendar()[0]`, rather than 
destructuring the tuple or accessing more than one element from the result.

It seems to me that if you are using a pickle for a cache, you'd either pickle 
the `datetime` itself (and call `.isocalendar()` in the process that has read 
from the cache already), or you'd store one or more of the fields directly on 
the object that you are caching.

A real life use case for this would help.


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[issue30155] Add ability to get tzinfo from a datetime instance in C API

2020-09-23 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

New changeset 2e4dd336e5b50fd30947fdecb605ddcd71f7f6f5 by Zackery Spytz in 
branch 'master':
bpo-30155: Add macros to get tzinfo from datetime instances (GH-21633)


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40536] Addition of a "list of available time zones" function to zoneinfo

2020-09-14 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Thanks Łukasz. Sorry I forgot to respond last time. We've had no feedback on 
this whatsoever, and I think we've probably made the right choice, so we can go 
ahead and call this resolved.

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41025] C implementation of ZoneInfo cannot be subclassed

2020-09-11 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

This is fixed in the 3.9 and master branches, it needs to be cherry-picked into 
the 3.9.0 release (at Łukasz's discretion, of course).

Łukasz: If you cherry-pick GH-20965/GH-21876 into the 3.9.0 release, please 
also cherry-pick GH-21907/GH-21912, since that fixes the refleak. (PRs are 
listed as "master"/"backport" since I don't know your workflow).


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41734] Refactor b32{encode,decode} tests

2020-09-08 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I agree with Filipe here — I think the b32encode/b32decode tests were 
originally written before subtests were available, and this PR has this and 
other real improvements.

I understand why you'd want to have a policy of "no refactoring for its own 
sake", but as I argued in the PR 20441 
(https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/20441#issuecomment-634773049), it's 
safer to leave existing tests alone when making changes to the code under test, 
since there's the possibility that you both introduce an error *and* modify the 
tests in such a way that doesn't catch the error you introduced. In that case, 
"refactoring as you go" doesn't really work, and you need a separate PR for 
improvements like these.

I'm re-opening the ticket for now because I think we should at least discuss 
this before rejecting it out of hand.

> I am a bit confused, in PR 20441 I first just copied the current 
> b32{encode,decode} tests but was given feedback which resulted in the 
> proposed tests, but now I am being told the opposite, that the tests are 
> better as they currently are.

Sorry about the mixed messages. I think you simply chalk this up to the fact 
that Serhiy and I apparently disagree about test structure. I reviewed the 
previous PR and specifically asked for this change, so I think it was a bit 
rash to close the issue right away (though as someone who has probably 
prematurely closed his fair share of issues, I should probably not be tossing 
about stones in the vicinity of my decidedly double-paned domicile).

resolution: rejected -> 
stage: resolved -> patch review
status: closed -> open
versions: +Python 3.10

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32313] Wrong inspect.getsource for datetime

2020-08-27 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I think that we should re-examine this issue after GH-20472 is merged. I'm not 
really sure how that will affect this and indeed *how* it should affect this. I 
am not sure whether people are relying on the current behavior, or what use 
cases would be improved if we had a different behavior.

With regards to this:

> The documentation for getfile says "This will fail with a TypeError if the 
> object is a built-in module, class, or function."

> https://docs.python.org/3/library/inspect.html#inspect.getfile

This is a bit unclear to me, and I'm not entirely sure if `datetime` qualifies. 
I think of built-in classes as things like `int` and `float`, and built-in 
functions as things like `abs` and `sum`, and `datetime` is an extension module 
— albeit one with a C implementation, and one that is in the standard library.

We should probably clarify the wording of `inspect.getsource` and determine 
what the intended semantics are for PEP-399-style modules, with both a C and 
pure Python implementation and the C implementation is what's being used. 
Error? Point to the Python implementation?


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[issue41568] test_zoneinfo leaked [84, 84, 84] references

2020-08-17 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21023
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/21907

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41025] C implementation of ZoneInfo cannot be subclassed

2020-08-17 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

There are two refleaks here. One is a reference leaking to the weak cache in 
`__init_subclass__` (one leak every time a subclass is created), and the other 
is that when `subclass.clear_cache()` is called, it sets `ZONEINFO_STRONG_CACHE 
= NULL`, thus causing a reference leak to the parent class's strong cache.

I'll send a PR to fix it shortly.


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[issue41025] C implementation of ZoneInfo cannot be subclassed

2020-08-14 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Marking as release blocker to put it on the checklist. Feel free to demote it 
if you decide it should be deferred to 3.9.1.

priority: high -> release blocker
resolution:  -> fixed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41025] C implementation of ZoneInfo cannot be subclassed

2020-08-14 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

stage: patch review -> backport needed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41025] C implementation of ZoneInfo cannot be subclassed

2020-08-14 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Łukasz: Would it be possible to backport / cherry-pick the changes from PR 
GH-21876 (https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/21876) into the 3.9.0 branch? 
I think this is a fairly severe issue considering that pendulum is planning to 
use a zoneinfo subclass.

It was merged as commit 33d3c64095bcdf9066a3441f6dda5d2e2f4118a8.


nosy: +lukasz.langa

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41025] C implementation of ZoneInfo cannot be subclassed

2020-08-14 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

New changeset 33d3c64095bcdf9066a3441f6dda5d2e2f4118a8 by Miss Islington (bot) 
in branch '3.9':
bpo-41025: Fix subclassing for zoneinfo.ZoneInfo (GH-20965) (GH-21876)


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41025] C implementation of ZoneInfo cannot be subclassed

2020-08-13 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

New changeset 87d8287865e5c9f137f6b5cf8c34c2c509eb5e9d by Paul Ganssle in 
branch 'master':
bpo-41025: Fix subclassing for zoneinfo.ZoneInfo (GH-20965)


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41530] zoneinfo: ZoneInfo raises IsADirectoryError instead of ZoneInfoNotFoundError

2020-08-12 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

By the way, it might be easiest to start with a PR against backports.zoneinfo, 
because I have a lot more linting, coverage and format checks set up there: 


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41530] zoneinfo: ZoneInfo raises IsADirectoryError instead of ZoneInfoNotFoundError

2020-08-12 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I think that `ZoneInfo('__init__.py')` is also a problem, but a slightly 
different one. That comes from the fact that in order to support 
`importlib.resources`, each of the zoneinfo subdirectories needs an 
`__init__.py`, but the ZoneInfo constructor should probably ignore those, since 
they are added by `tzdata` and not actually part of a tzdata distribution.


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[issue36700] base64 has old references that should be updated

2020-08-10 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Now that issue #16995 is resolved, I think we can move forward with updating 
the text.

nosy: +p-ganssle

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[issue16995] Add Base32 support for RFC4648 "Extended Hex" alphabet (patch attached)

2020-08-10 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Thanks Filipe!

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
versions: +Python 3.10 -Python 3.8

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[issue41371] test_zoneinfo fails when lzma module is unavailable

2020-08-04 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I think for now skipping the tests when lzma is missing is the easiest thing, 
though another option would be to drop the compression on the input test data 
so that the tests don't depend on lzma.

Taking a look at the data files, it looks like we get around 50% compression 
using either lzma or gzip, but the uncompressed file is only 32k to start with:

$ du -b tests/data/*
31054   tests/data/zoneinfo_data.json
15127   tests/data/zoneinfo_data.json.gz
12895   tests/data/zoneinfo_data.json.lz

We're also currently using the "fat" binaries that `zic` produces (which 
includes hard-coded transitions all the way until 2038). The new default for 
`zic` is to produce "slim" binaries, and the script to update test data does 
nothing to explicitly request fat binaries. If we were to switch over to "slim" 
binaries, the result would be more like this:

$ du -b tests/data/*
15551   tests/data/zoneinfo_data_unc_slim.json

So we're still looking at ~2:1 compression for both gzip and lzma, but the 
overall file size is 50% of what it was to start with. The biggest downside to 
this is that the way the "slim" binaries work is that once a rule repeats 
indefinitely, `zic` stops producing explicit transitions for it, and falls back 
to a simple repeating rule, meaning that the current set of tests would take a 
different code path.

I think we can go with the following course of action (3 or 4 different PRs):

1. Start by skipping the tests when `lzma` is missing.
2. Update the test suite so that it is testing more or less the same thing when 
the binaries are compiled with `-b slim`.
3. Change `Lib/test/test_zoneinfo/data/update_test_data.py` so that it pulls 
the raw data from the `tzdata` module on PyPI (which is compiled with `-b 
slim`) instead of the user's machine.
4. Change `update_test_data.py` to stop using `lzma` and change the tests so 
that they are able to process the new format of the JSON files.

If we ever decide that we really want the compression again, I assume that 
`gzip` is found more commonly than `lzma` among systems that don't build the 
whole standard library, so it might be mildly preferable to switch to `gzip`.


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[issue41254] Add to/from string methods to datetime.timedelta

2020-07-20 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I think it is unlikely that we'll want to experiment with this directly in 
CPython. I don't think a fixed format (other than the annoying one that you 
already get from calling `str` on a timedelta) is appropriate, but designing a 
modular format for time differences is more complicated than it might seem. I 
have had an open issue on dateutil to implement this for ages, but I haven't 
seen or come up with any proposals for a DSL for specifying timedelta formats: 

It is annoyingly complicated to do this, and I'd rather it be tried out in 
other libraries with more flexibility to make breaking changes and a shorter 
release cadence. Dateutil is a good choice, but a clear and thorough proposal 
(or at least examples of this done well in other ecosystems we can crib from) 
is necessary.


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[issue41321] Calculate timestamp is wrong in datetime.datetime

2020-07-20 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Hi dh4931 — this is the expected result, assuming that the offsets changed 
between those two dates in your system local time.

The .timestamp() method returns an epoch time, which is the number of seconds 
since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC, and so it is inherently timezone-aware. In 
Python 3, naïve datetimes went from being "unitless datetimes" to representing 
"local datetimes", and in certain situations (like calling `.timestamp()`), 
your system's time zone is used.

If you want something that gives the number of seconds that has elapsed between 
two naïve datetimes on the calendar and ignoring any daylight saving time 
transitions, subtract them directly to get a timedelta, then divide the result 
by a timedelta representing 1 second, like so:

>>> (datetime.datetime(1986, 5, 4, 7, 13, 22) - datetime.datetime(1986, 5, 
4, 0, 0, 0)) / datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)

>>> (datetime.datetime(1986, 5, 2, 7, 13, 22) - datetime.datetime(1986, 5, 
2, 0, 0, 0)) / datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)

resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
type:  -> behavior

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[issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils

2020-07-14 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

Oops, just realized my previous post said `pip install distutils`. I meant to 
say that `pip install setuptools` will provide the `distutils` module (right 
now you do `import setuptools; import distutils` and you get the 
setuptools-provided version; we're working on a version where `import 
distutils` comes from `setuptools` regardless of the import order).


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[issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils

2020-07-14 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

> I don't think it's a good idea to replace bad habits from distutils with bad 
> habits in setuptools._distutils.  And this is exactly what you get with 
> pointing directly to setuptools.

These are two different questions. We're not asking people to migrate to 
`setuptools._distutils` (a private module which may not continue to exist in 
that location), `setuptools` is *adopting* `distutils`, such that `distutils` 
is a project provided by `pip install distutils` (mind you, this is happening 
independent of what the standard library does — the only question is whether 
`import distutils` continues to work if you don't have `setuptools` installed).

> While splitting out distutils to a separate package in a Linux distro, I 
> found some creative usages at runtime of a package (see my lightning talk at 
> the language summit 2018, and [1]).  From my point of view, CPython should 
> provide documentation how to forward-port these issues without using 
> setuptools._distutils.

At this point, the extent of CPython's documentation on this should probably 
be, "We are removing `distutils` and moving it into the `setuptools` namespace. 
In future versions, you will need to install `setuptools` to import the 
`distutils` package." `setuptools` should almost certainly deprecate 
`distutils` and probably remove large swathes of it in the process, but that's 
probably on a case-by-case basis, and it's a separate issue from what needs to 
happen in CPython.

> Currently setuptools only has one component (pkg_resources, [2]) which is 
> used at runtime.  I dislike it if more than that is used at runtime of a 
> package.

I don't think anyone is planning to recommend the use of *any* 
`setuptools`-provided packages at runtime, including `pkg_resources`. This move 
is actually a good one from that point of view, because it will require that 
projects using `distutils` declare a *runtime* dependency on `setuptools`, 
which will, hopefully, raise some eyebrows. Better than the current situation, 
where these dependencies are totally undeclared (though probably worse than if 
`setuptools`, `pkg_resources` and `distutils` were all separate PyPI packages).


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[issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils

2020-07-13 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

> So what is the plan to continue to support building cpython itself which 
> depends on Distutils? Currently the build bootstraps itself without the aid 
> of an existing Python interpreter instance. There would also be major impacts 
> across the whole cpython development process.

My understanding was that the plan was to move the standard library distutils 
into a private module somewhere in the standard library and presumably to slim 
it down to only the bare minimum required for what is necessary to build Python 
itself. We're really only concerned with the use of distutils to build packages.

> For example, there are many open Distutils issues in the bugs.python.org bug 
> tracker. We need a plan on how those are to be handled (and that should take 
> into account the expected transition from b.p.o to GitHub issues).  People 
> will continue to submit issues agains Distutils there so triage team members 
> and core developers need to know how to handle such issues. What if an issue 
> applies also or only to a previous release branch (i.e. where Distutils is 
> still in the repo)?

As far as I can tell we've already been telling people that issues in distutils 
should be fixed in setuptools instead for a few years. I don't think anything 
needs to be done about the currently open distutils tickets before we 
*deprecate* distutils, though during the deprecation period we'll probably want 
to decide whether we want to migrate them, do a mass closure or just leave them 
to be ad hoc closed as people stumble upon them later. Mass closure may be 
complicated because tickets affecting CPython itself will still need to be 

> What about Distutils documentation in the Python docset?  THose are just some 
> off the top of my head.

The distutils documentation is already basically just a warning page that says 
"stop using distutils": 

Before these reference materials are removed from the docs we'll need to make 
sure that all the stuff that's still supported is documented on the setuptools 

> I don't think any of these issues are necessarily blockers but they need to 
> be planned for and reviewed.  I think a PEP is definitely in order for a 
> change of this magnitude.

A PEP may be a good idea, but I do think the change doesn't have a particularly 
large magnitude. Anyone using setuptools or pip has already been getting 
setuptools' monkey-patched version of distutils for ages now, and soon they 
will be getting setuptools' vendored version. The documentation already 
indicates that distutils is at least soft-deprecated in favor of setuptools and 
we've already been directing issues and PRs to setuptools instead of distutils. 
This last piece is really formalizing something we've been incrementally 
working towards for a long time now. Doesn't mean we shouldn't do it carefully 
and with a lot of notice, but it's also not a sudden and massive shift.

nosy: +p-ganssle

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[issue41260] datetime: strftime method takes different keyword argument: fmt (pure) or format (C)

2020-07-09 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

I think a positional-only argument would be the best option if we could do it, 
but it would be a backwards-incompatible change and it's probably not worth the 

If anyone is using the keyword argument, they're probably using `format=` 
rather than `fmt=`, since it's pretty rare for anyone to use the pure python 
version of datetime. PyPy uses it, but I think they tend to aim for consistency 
with the C API of CPython, and it seems like they already patch s/fmt/format/ 

If anyone wants to make a PR I think we can fix this for 3.10, though 
unfortunately because it is an API change it can't be backported. I think in 
typeshed they can safely change from `fmt` to `format` even today (which would 
almost certainly be more accurate to end user use cases).

nosy:  -rkm
stage:  -> needs patch

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[issue40799] Create Lib/_pydatetime.py file to optimize "import datetime" when _datetime is available

2020-06-26 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

As for deciding between moving to `datetime/` and moving to `_pydatetime`, I 
think we should send an e-mail to Python-Dev about it to get a wider 
perspective, because the import machinery is a lot of black magic, and I know 
that there are large proprietary code bases out there that pile weird stuff on 
top of it. I'm not sure I can fully appreciate the trade-offs.

The biggest advantage I see to moving `datetime` into its own folder is that it 
gives us a lot more freedom to expand into smaller sub-modules in the future. 
For example, in `zoneinfo`, we have zoneinfo/_common.py 
 which is some logic shared between the C and Python implementations; 
`_zoneinfo.c` is able to rely directly on `_common.py` without importing 
`zoneinfo/_zoneinfo.py` (which saves us a bunch of other module imports as 

Right now the C implementation of `datetime` only directly imports `time` and 
`_strptime`, but I could imagine future enhancements that would be stupidly 
inconvenient to implement in C, but where we wouldn't want to implement all of 
_pydatetime just to get a pure-Python implementation. Having a namespace 
available for such packages would be useful.


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[issue40799] Create Lib/_pydatetime.py file to optimize "import datetime" when _datetime is available

2020-06-26 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

> bout _strptime, I see that the time.strptime() imports internally the 
> _strptime module.

Ah, sorry, my remark about including `_strptime` was off the cuff — I thought 
it was only used in `datetime`, which is why I said "possibly _strptime". If 
it's used for `time` as well, we should leave it where it is.


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[issue41118] datetime object does not preserve POSIX timestamp

2020-06-25 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

There's a pretty clear warning on the documentation that utcfromtimestamp is 
unsuitable for this purpose: 

What you want is a datetime that knows what time zone it's in, so that it can 
be translated back into the absolute number of seconds since UTC. The correct 
way to do that is to tell the datetime it's in UTC by attaching the 
`datetime.timezone.utc` object (or any equivalent `tzinfo`).

I have written a blog post explaining in detail why you should not use `utcnow` 
or `utcfromtimestamp`: https://blog.ganssle.io/articles/2019/11/utcnow.html

Hopefully that is helpful to you.

resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41056] minor NULL pointer and sign issues reported by Coverity

2020-06-24 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

New changeset 6c56356109616ea1292aafa48d30536279ec0937 by Paul Ganssle in 
branch '3.9':
[3.9] bpo-41056: Fix a possible MemoryError leak within zoneinfo. (GH-21007)


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[issue41065] Use zip-strict in zoneinfo

2020-06-23 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

New changeset bc43f6e21244f31d25896875430174cd4ac7604c by Ram Rachum in branch 
bpo-41065: Use zip-strict in zoneinfo (GH-21031)


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[issue41056] minor NULL pointer and sign issues reported by Coverity

2020-06-23 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

nosy: +p-ganssle
nosy_count: 3.0 -> 4.0
pull_requests: +20249
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/21083

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[issue41059] Large number of Coverity reports for parser.c

2020-06-20 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

nosy: +pablogsal

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[issue41025] C implementation of ZoneInfo cannot be subclassed

2020-06-18 Thread Paul Ganssle

Change by Paul Ganssle :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +20143
stage: needs patch -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/20965

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[issue41025] C implementation of ZoneInfo cannot be subclassed

2020-06-18 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

In the C implementation of zoneinfo.ZoneInfo, __init_subclass__ is not declared 
as a classmethod, which prevents it from being subclassed. This was not noticed 
because the tests for ZoneInfo subclasses in C are actually testing 
zoneinfo.ZoneInfo, not a subclass, due to a mistake in the inheritance tree: 

Originally reported on the backport by Sébastien Eustace: 

The fix in the backport is here: https://github.com/pganssle/zoneinfo/pull/83

assignee: p-ganssle
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 371817
nosy: p-ganssle
priority: high
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: C implementation of ZoneInfo cannot be subclassed
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.9

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[issue40933] zoneinfo may give incorrect dst() in Europe/Minsk in 1942

2020-06-09 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

Related to bpo-40930 and bpo-40931, it *seems* that in 1942 only, 
`zoneinfo.ZoneInfo` returns -01:00 for DST in Europe/Minsk:

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> from backports.zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
>>> datetime(1942, 1, 1, tzinfo=ZoneInfo("Europe/Minsk")).dst() // 

It looks like this occurs because they transitioned directly from MSK to CEST, 
jumping back 1 hour, then started switching between CEST and CET.

$ zdump -V -c 1941,1944 'Europe/Minsk'
Europe/Minsk  Fri Jun 27 20:59:59 1941 UT = Fri Jun 27 23:59:59 1941 MSK 
isdst=0 gmtoff=10800
Europe/Minsk  Fri Jun 27 21:00:00 1941 UT = Fri Jun 27 23:00:00 1941 CEST 
isdst=1 gmtoff=7200
Europe/Minsk  Mon Nov  2 00:59:59 1942 UT = Mon Nov  2 02:59:59 1942 CEST 
isdst=1 gmtoff=7200
Europe/Minsk  Mon Nov  2 01:00:00 1942 UT = Mon Nov  2 02:00:00 1942 CET 
isdst=0 gmtoff=3600
Europe/Minsk  Mon Mar 29 00:59:59 1943 UT = Mon Mar 29 01:59:59 1943 CET 
isdst=0 gmtoff=3600
Europe/Minsk  Mon Mar 29 01:00:00 1943 UT = Mon Mar 29 03:00:00 1943 CEST 
isdst=1 gmtoff=7200
Europe/Minsk  Mon Oct  4 00:59:59 1943 UT = Mon Oct  4 02:59:59 1943 CEST 
isdst=1 gmtoff=7200
Europe/Minsk  Mon Oct  4 01:00:00 1943 UT = Mon Oct  4 02:00:00 1943 CET 
isdst=0 gmtoff=3600

This might get fixed automatically if we do the "plurality" heuristic in 
bpo-40930, though we might also consider a heuristic that puts greater weight 
on a transition if the names associated with them different only by 
transforming a single letter, or insertion of a letter.

I am somewhat puzzled as to why only 1943 is affected, since I would have 
thought that all the CEST offsets in that stretch would be considered the same 
ttinfo (and thus all would be assigned the same dstoff).

assignee: p-ganssle
messages: 371141
nosy: p-ganssle
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: zoneinfo may give incorrect dst() in Europe/Minsk in 1942
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue40931] zoneinfo gives incorrect dst() in Europe/Madrid in 1938

2020-06-09 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

Apparently in 1938, Madrid had a "double daylight saving time", where they 
transitioned from WET (+0) → WEST (+1) → WEMT (+2) → WEST (+1) → WET (+0):

$ zdump -V -c 1938,1940 'Europe/Madrid'
Europe/Madrid  Sat Apr  2 22:59:59 1938 UT = Sat Apr  2 22:59:59 1938 WET 
isdst=0 gmtoff=0
Europe/Madrid  Sat Apr  2 23:00:00 1938 UT = Sun Apr  3 00:00:00 1938 WEST 
isdst=1 gmtoff=3600
Europe/Madrid  Sat Apr 30 21:59:59 1938 UT = Sat Apr 30 22:59:59 1938 WEST 
isdst=1 gmtoff=3600
Europe/Madrid  Sat Apr 30 22:00:00 1938 UT = Sun May  1 00:00:00 1938 WEMT 
isdst=1 gmtoff=7200
Europe/Madrid  Sun Oct  2 21:59:59 1938 UT = Sun Oct  2 23:59:59 1938 WEMT 
isdst=1 gmtoff=7200
Europe/Madrid  Sun Oct  2 22:00:00 1938 UT = Sun Oct  2 23:00:00 1938 WEST 
isdst=1 gmtoff=3600
Europe/Madrid  Sat Oct  7 23:59:59 1939 UT = Sun Oct  8 00:59:59 1939 WEST 
isdst=1 gmtoff=3600
Europe/Madrid  Sun Oct  8 00:00:00 1939 UT = Sun Oct  8 00:00:00 1939 WET 
isdst=0 gmtoff=0

However, zoneinfo reports `.dst()` during the "double daylight saving time" 
period as 1 hour:

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta   
>>> from backports.zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
>>> datetime(1938, 5, 5, tzinfo=ZoneInfo("Europe/Madrid")).dst() / 
>>> datetime(1938, 5, 5, tzinfo=ZoneInfo("Europe/Madrid")).tzname()

I believe the issue is that the "WEMT" is bordered on both sides by DST 
offsets, and so the heuristic of "Look for the previous or next non-DST zone 
and calculate the difference" doesn't work. We can probably solve this with one 
of two heuristics:

1. Allow DST → DST transitions to be included in the calculation of the current 
DST, such that when going from x_dst → y_dst, y_dstoff = (y_utcoff - x_utcoff) 
+ x_dstoff
2. Look more than 1 transition away to find the nearest STD zone in either 
direction, and calculate the offsets from there.

Between this bug and bpo-40930, I suspect we may want to write a rudimentary 
parser for `tzdata.zi` to be used only for testing our heuristics, since the 
`tzdata.zi` file (shipped with the `tzdata` package), does actually have the 
information we want, without resorting to heuristics.

assignee: p-ganssle
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 371137
nosy: p-ganssle
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: zoneinfo gives incorrect dst() in Europe/Madrid in 1938
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.9

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[issue40930] zoneinfo gives incorrect dst() in Pacific/Rarotonga between 1978 and 1991

2020-06-09 Thread Paul Ganssle

New submission from Paul Ganssle :

While developing a shim for deprecating pytz, I discovered this issue with the 
Pacific/Rarotonga zone:

  >>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta   
  >>> from backports.zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
  >>> datetime(1991, 2, 1, tzinfo=ZoneInfo("Pacific/Rarotonga")).dst() / 

This reports that the DST offset is 1 hour, but in fact it should be 30 
minutes, because from 1978 to 1991, Pacific/Rarotonga alternated between -0930 
and -10:

$ zdump -V -c 1990,1993 'Pacific/Rarotonga'
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Mar  4 09:29:59 1990 UT = Sat Mar  3 23:59:59 1990 -0930 
isdst=1 gmtoff=-34200
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Mar  4 09:30:00 1990 UT = Sat Mar  3 23:30:00 1990 -10 
isdst=0 gmtoff=-36000
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Oct 28 09:59:59 1990 UT = Sat Oct 27 23:59:59 1990 -10 
isdst=0 gmtoff=-36000
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Oct 28 10:00:00 1990 UT = Sun Oct 28 00:30:00 1990 -0930 
isdst=1 gmtoff=-34200
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Mar  3 09:29:59 1991 UT = Sat Mar  2 23:59:59 1991 -0930 
isdst=1 gmtoff=-34200
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Mar  3 09:30:00 1991 UT = Sat Mar  2 23:30:00 1991 -10 
isdst=0 gmtoff=-36000

I believe that the error comes from the fact that before 1978, they were on 
-1030 time, then they transitioned to -0930, then started alternating between 
-0930 and -10:

$ zdump -V -c 1977,1980 'Pacific/Rarotonga'
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Nov 12 10:29:59 1978 UT = Sat Nov 11 23:59:59 1978 -1030 
isdst=0 gmtoff=-37800
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Nov 12 10:30:00 1978 UT = Sun Nov 12 01:00:00 1978 -0930 
isdst=1 gmtoff=-34200
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Mar  4 09:29:59 1979 UT = Sat Mar  3 23:59:59 1979 -0930 
isdst=1 gmtoff=-34200
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Mar  4 09:30:00 1979 UT = Sat Mar  3 23:30:00 1979 -10 
isdst=0 gmtoff=-36000
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Oct 28 09:59:59 1979 UT = Sat Oct 27 23:59:59 1979 -10 
isdst=0 gmtoff=-36000
Pacific/Rarotonga  Sun Oct 28 10:00:00 1979 UT = Sun Oct 28 00:30:00 1979 -0930 
isdst=1 gmtoff=-34200

This is not amazingly important, but it would be a good idea to make the result 

Right now I think the heuristic looks for the first example of an STD → DST 
transition and decides that's the best option. It might be a good idea to 
change the heuristic to look at *all* examples of such transitions and choose 
the plurality value, and if there's no plurality value and one of the values is 
1H, choose that one.

assignee: p-ganssle
components: Library (Lib)
messages: 371136
nosy: p-ganssle
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: zoneinfo gives incorrect dst() in Pacific/Rarotonga between 1978 and 1991
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.9

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[issue40908] datetime strftime with %Y and 2 digit years

2020-06-08 Thread Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle  added the comment:

This is a duplicate of bpo-13305 and is due to platform-specific 
implementations of %Y. On Linux, `strftime()` does not zero-pad to 4, and if 
you need to represent years <1000, you should use "%4Y" to zero-pad the output.

I think the ideal resolution would be a cross-platform implementation of 
strftime and strptime that does not rely on the system symbols, but that is a 
pretty large and overwhelming project.

resolution:  -> duplicate
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed
superseder:  -> datetime.strftime("%Y") not consistent for years < 1000

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