Re: best performance for storage of server information for python CGI web app?

2009-11-28 Thread Aahz
In article <>,
davidj411   wrote:
>i was also thinking about using SQL Lite with one DB to store all the
>info. with this option, i would not have to worry about concurrent
>updates, but as the file size increases, i could expect performance to
>suffer again?

Depends what you mean by "suffer".  Performance always decreases as size
gets larger unless you take specific steps (such as better algorithms or
bigger hardware).  Using indexes should give SQLite reasonable
performance; you can always upgrade to a faster SQL implementation or
switch to another kind of storage.  But honestly, until you get to
millions of records, you should be fine with SQLite.
Aahz (   <*>

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best performance for storage of server information for python CGI web app?

2009-11-18 Thread davidj411
I am wondering what will give me the best performance for storing
information about the servers in our environment.
currently i store all info about all servers in a single shelve file,
but i have concerns.
1) as the size of the shelve file increases, will performance suffer ?
2) what about if 2 updates occur at the same time to the shelve file?
when a shelve file is opened, is the whole file read into memory?

if either scenario (1 or 2) is true, then should i think about
creating a shelve file per server?
i was also thinking about using SQL Lite with one DB to store all the
with this option, i would not have to worry about concurrent updates,
but as the file size increases, i could expect performance to suffer

I am running Python 2.6 CGI scripts on Apache web server on windows
platform. they interact with the current shelve file to pull info or
request info from a python service which will go collect the info and
put it into the shelve file.