Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread Paul Rubin
Nobody  writes:
> A better metric is whether using N features has O(N) complexity, or O(N^2)
> (where you have to understand how each feature relates to each other
> feature) or even O(2^N) (where you have to understand every possible
> combination of interactions).

M. Felleisen wrote a paper trying to formalize some metric on the
expressive power of programming languages.  I skimmed through it for
about a minute and wasn't convinced, but it apparently has gathered some
respect.  I want to read it more carefully sometime:

Re: PEP 3147 - new .pyc format

2010-02-02 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
>>> Personally, I think it is a terribly idea to keep the source file and
>>> byte code file in such radically different places. They should be kept
>>> together. What you call "clutter" I call having the files that belong
>>> together kept together.
>> I see why you think so, it's reasonable, however there is compelling
>> argument, I think, for the opposite view: namely to keep things
>> separate. An average developer definitely wants easy access to .py
>> files. However I see no good reason for having access to .pyc files. I
>> for one have never inspected a .pyc file. Why would you want to have a
>> .pyc file at hand?
> If you don't care about access to .pyc files, why do you care where they
> are? If they are in a subdirectory module.pyr, then shrug and ignore the
> subdirectory.
> If you (generic you) are one of those developers who don't care
> about .pyc files, then when you are browsing your source directory and
> see this:
> module.pyc
> you just ignore the .pyc file. Or delete it, and Python will re-create it
> as needed. So if you see
> module.pyr/
> just ignore that as well.
>> If we don't really want to have .pyc files in convenient locations
>> because we (almost) never want to access them really, then I'd say it's
>> a good idea to keep them totally separate and so make don't get in the
>> way.
> I like seeing them in the same place as the source file, because when I
> start developing a module, I often end up renaming it multiple times
> before it settles on a final name. When I rename or move it, I delete
> the .pyc file, and that ensures that if I miss changing an import, and
> try to import the old name, it will fail.
> By hiding the .pyc file elsewhere, it is easy to miss deleting one, and
> then the import won't fail, it will succeed, but use the old, obsolete
> byte code.

Okay, I see your point but I think your argument about importing shows
that python is doing something suboptimal because I have to worry
about .pyc files. Ideally, I only would need to worry about python
source files. There is now a chance to 'fix' (quotation marks because
maybe there is nothing to fix, according to some) this issue and make
all pyc files go away and having python magically doing the right
thing. A central pyc repository would be something I was thinking
about, but I admit it's a half baked or not even that, probably
quarter baked idea.


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Feb 2, 3:28 am, Steven D'Aprano
> There is no module numbers in the standard library, at least not in 2.5.

It's new in 2.6 (and 3.0, I think;  it's there in 3.1, anyway).  It
provides abstract base classes for numeric types;  see the fractions
module source for some of the ways it can be used.  Here are the docs:

and also PEP 3141, on which it's based:


Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread waku
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Jan 2010 16:58:34 +, tanix wrote:


> > The very idea of using a number of blanks to identify your block level
> > is as insane as it gets.
> Not at all. People do it all the time. The very idea of expecting people
> to count nested braces to identify block level is what is crazy, which is
> why in languages with braces people still indent the blocks.

for reading written code, it's surely helpful to have the code
indented, though for *human* reading, the count of blanks seems rather
inessential, as long as intended difference in indents is more
pronounced than incidental difference between same-level lines.

for writing new code, it's not necessarily that helpful to be *forced*
to keep with strict indenting rules.  in early development phases,
code is often experimental, and parts of it may need to be blocked or
unblocked as the codebase grows, and for experimentation, the need to
carefully and consistently indent and de-indent large chunks of code
can easily lead to a mess (blame it on the programmer, not the
language, but still).  yes, there are editors that help you indent
chunks of code, but see below.

there are languages where indentation can be either enforced and allow
one to omit some syntactic nuissance like braces or begin-end clauses,
or made optional, requiring other syntactic means for delimiting
blocks etc.  (consider f# with its #light declaration, for example.)


> In any case, if your IDE mixes tabs and spaces, your IDE is broken and
> you should fix your tools rather than blame the language.

as long as you are limited to your own code, sure.  but if many work
on the same bit, and use different editors and indentation policies,
blanks-tabs indentation issues are not unlikely.  you can have blanks
converted to tabs and vice versa automatically, but that's clearly a

> > Braces is the most reliable way to identify blocks.
> Nonsense. For the compiler, both are equally reliable, and for the human
> reader, indents beat braces easily.

if blanks and tabs are mixed together as indentation, the setting of
your ide can easily mess up the indentation, making the structure
unclear.  in some editors, you can have braces highlighted, so that
it's even easier to see where a block ends or starts.  and more
advanced editors help one see the structure of the code, whereby both
indentation and braces are made less important for the reader.

but yes, indentation surely helps in reading the code.

> > Sane compilers ignore blanks altogether.
> Really? So a "sane compiler" sees no difference between:
> for x in mylist:
> and
> forxinmylist:
> I'm glad I don't have to program using a compiler you consider "sane".

the point here was, i think, that blanks may have no syntactic
meaning, though they can still be essential at the lexical level.
your example targeted the lexical level, and that's rather irrelevant
to the problem of syntactically meaningful indentation discussed here.


Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Carl Banks wrote:

On Feb 1, 7:33 pm, Tim Chase  wrote:

Stephen Hansen wrote:

First, I don't shadow built in modules. Its really not very hard to avoid.

Given the comprehensive nature of the batteries-included in
Python, it's not as hard to accidentally shadow a built-in,
unknown to you, but yet that is imported by a module you are
using.  The classic that's stung me enough times (and many others
on c.l.p and other forums, as a quick google evidences) such that
I *finally* remember:

   bash$ touch
   bash$ python
   >>> import smtplib
   Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 1, in 
 File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 46, in 
   import email.Utils
   ImportError: No module named Utils

Using "" is an innocuous name for a script/module you
might want to do emailish things, and it's likely you'll use
smtplib in the same code...and kablooie, things blow up even if
your code doesn't reference or directly use the built-in is not an innocuous name, it's a generic name in a global
namespace, which is a Bad Thing.  Plus what does a script or module
called "" actually do?  Send email?  Parse email?  "email" is
terrible name for a module and you deserve what you got for using it.

Name your modules "" or "" or if it's a
library module of related functions, "".  Modules and
scripts do things (usually), they should be given action words as

(**) Questionable though it be, if the Standard Library wants to use
an "innocuous" name, It can.

Carl Banks
That does not solve anything, if the smtplib follows your advice, then 
you'll be shadowing its send_email module.
The only way to avoid collision would be to name your module

That way, the probabilty you'd shadow one package hidden module is below 
the probability that Misses Hilton ever says something relevant.

However nobody wants to use such names.

Stephen gave good advices in this thread that helps avoiding this issue.



unable to catch this exception

2010-02-02 Thread mk

Exception in thread Thread-9 (most likely raised during interpreter 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/", line 522, in 

  File "/var/www/html/", line 875, in run
  File "/var/www/html/", line 617, in ssh_connect
: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 

This happens on interpreter shutdown, even though I do try to catch the 
AttributeError exception:

fake = paramiko.BadAuthenticationType
self.conobj.connect(self.ip, username=self.username, 
key_filename=self.sshprivkey, port=self.port, timeout=opts.timeout)

loginsuccess = True
except paramiko.BadAuthenticationType, e: # this is line 617
self.conerror = str(e)
except paramiko.SSHException, e:
self.conerror = str(e)
except socket.timeout, e:
self.conerror = str(e)
except socket.error, e:
self.conerror = str(e)
except AttributeError:
# this happens on interpreter shutdown
self.conerror = 'shutdown'

It's clear what happens: paramiko gets its attributes cleared or the 
module perhaps gets unloaded and as result "paramiko" label leads to 
None, which obviously has no attribute BadAuthenticationType.

However, even though this is surrounded by try .. except AttributeError 
block, it evidently isn't catch. How to catch that exception? Or at 
least preven displaying this message?



Re: For loop searching takes too long!

2010-02-02 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Jan 29, 7:07 pm, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Jan 2010 14:49:06 -0800, Jonathan Gardner wrote:
> > On Jan 28, 3:52 pm, elsa  wrote:
> >> I've got a problem with my program, in that the code just takes too
> >> long to run. Here's what I'm doing. If anyone has any tips, they'd be
> >> much appreciated!
> > First of all, don't play with large lists. Large lists have a tendency
> > to grow larger over time, until they get absurdly large.
> > If you're dealing with a long list, work with it like you'd work with a
> > file. If you need random access, stick it in some form of database, such
> > as BDB or PostgreSQL. If you need an index, stick it in some form of DB.
> > Eventually, large lists end up like that anyway. Don't fool yourself
> > early on---prepare for the worst and solve the problems of tomorrow
> > today.
> Talk about premature optimization. The OP probably has a few hundreds of
> thousands of items, millions at most, which is trivial on a modern PC.
> Your way of thinking is what has led to Firefox using a database to
> manage a few thousand bookmarks and cookies, which in turn leads to
> consistent data corruption problems. (I've been keeping note, and so far
> my installation of Firefox 3 has had database corruption at startup one
> time out of five.)

I think there's a difference between writing your code so that you
have the option of using a database, or a flat file, or any other type
of serial data source, and actually using a database (or whatever.)

I prefer to write my code so that I don't have to re-write it 6 months

Having worked with datasets that are truly enormous, whenever I see a
list that is unbounded (as this appears to be), I freak out because
unbounded can be a really, really big number. Might as well write
software that works for the truly enormous case and the really large
case and be done with it once and for all.

ANN: GMPY 1.11 released

2010-02-02 Thread casevh

I'm pleased to annouce the final release of GMPY 1.11.
GMPY is a wrapper for the MPIR or GMP multiple-precision
arithmetic library. GMPY 1.11 is available for download from:

In addition to support for Python 3.x, there are several new
features in this release:

- Even faster conversion to/from Python longs.
- Performance improvements by reducing function overhead.
- Performance improvements by improved caching.
- Support for cdivmod, fdivmod, and tdivmod.
- Unicode strings are accepted on Python 2.x and 3.x.
- Fixed regression in GMPY 1.10 where True/False were no
  longer recognized.

Changes since 1.11rc1:
- Recognizes GMP 5.
- Bugs fixed in Windows binaries (MPIR 1.3.0rc3 -> 1.3.1).

Comments on provided binaries

The 32-bit Windows installers were compiled with MinGW32 using MPIR
1.3.1 and will automatically recognize the CPU type and use code
optimized for the CPU at runtime. The 64-bit Windows installers were
compiled Microsoft's SDK compilers using MPRI 1.3.1. Detailed
instructions are included if you want to compile your own binary.

Please report any issues!



threading+popen2 hang

2010-02-02 Thread lofic

I've seen many messages and bug reports on popen2 about pipes, buffer
size problems, sub-processes not properly closed, race conditions,
popen2 not being thread safe... But I still can't figure what applies
to my case.

This piece of code:

import threading
import popen2

class MyThread ( threading.Thread ):
   def run ( self ):
#popenChild = popen2.Popen3("cat /etc/passwd")
#popenChild = popen2.Popen3("/usr/bin/iostat -V")
popenChild = popen2.Popen3("/usr/bin/iostat -k -x 1 2")
print 'Bye'


Works fine on RHEL5/python 2.4.3
Hangs on RHEL4/python 2.3.4

I presume it hangs on wait().

It does not hang with:
popenChild = popen2.Popen3("/usr/bin/iostat -V") # short output
popenChild = popen2.Popen3("cat /etc/passwd") # long output

It does not hang outside of a thread:
import popen2
popenChild = popen2.Popen3("/usr/bin/iostat -k -x 1 2")
#print popenChild.fromchild.readlines()
print 'Bye'

Could someone explain this to me ?

Thanks in advance.

Louis Coilliot


Re: Logging oddity: handlers mandatory in every single logger?

2010-02-02 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Masklinn wrote:

When trying to load the following config file, I get an error 
``ConfigParser.NoOptionError: No option 'handlers' in section: 'logger_0'`` (in 
both Python 2.6.4 and  Python 3.1.1 on OSX, obviously ConfigParser is spelled 
configparser in 3.1):


the goal is simply to have a logging level different on ``0`` than it is on 
``root``, but to get it I have to include a handler on ``0`` and stop 
propagation (or messages are displayed on both root and 0).

Do note that this behavior (of mandating handlers) does *not* happen when 
loggers are configured programmatically.

Should this be considered a bug? Worthy of opening a request on the tracker?

And while I'm at it, a few other oddities/annoyances I noticed in logging:

* have to specify the `root` logger in loggers/keys, even though it's mandatory 
to configure the root logger, or I get the following error::

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 6, in 
 line 82, in fileConfig
_install_loggers(cp, handlers, disable_existing_loggers)
 line 183, in _install_loggers
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

* the ``args`` option is required when defining a handler, even in the example 
above where the handler doesn't take any argument (mandatory ones, anyway)

* Logger.log() doesn't take level names, only numerical levels, even after 
having called ``addLevelName``. This makes logging with custom levels much less 
clear as one has to write something along the lines of ``logging.log(100, 
'Houston, we have a problem')`` instead of the clearer 
``logging.log('PANTS_ON_FIRE', 'Houston, we have a problem')``. Note that since 
the introduction of _checkLevel fixing that is trivial:


To add a custom level, I would proceed that way:

logging.ALERT = 45
logging.addLevelName(logging.ALERT, 'ALERT !!')
logging.getLogger().log(logging.ALERT, 'test')

Passing a string to the log method as you did is incorrect.

Regarding your first point, I guess it's anti pattern. One way to do it:
1/ Configure the root logger with the lowest value 0, so the root logger 
does not filter any level.

2/ Configure each of your logger with the correct level

That way you can configure your '0' logger as you (badly :o)) named it 
with one level, and configure a potential '1' logger with another level. 
Don't bother with propagation. That way you won't need to duplicate your 
handlers on every logger.


Re: unable to catch this exception

2010-02-02 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 3:20 AM, mk  wrote:
> Exception in thread Thread-9 (most likely raised during interpreter
> shutdown):
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/", line 522, in
> __bootstrap_inner
>  File "/var/www/html/", line 875, in run
>  File "/var/www/html/", line 617, in ssh_connect
> : 'NoneType' object has no attribute
> 'BadAuthenticationType'
> This happens on interpreter shutdown, even though I do try to catch the
> AttributeError exception:
> try:
>    fake = paramiko.BadAuthenticationType
>    try:
>        self.conobj.connect(self.ip, username=self.username,
> key_filename=self.sshprivkey, port=self.port, timeout=opts.timeout)
>        loginsuccess = True
>    except paramiko.BadAuthenticationType, e: # this is line 617
>        self.conerror = str(e)
>    except paramiko.SSHException, e:
>        self.conerror = str(e)
>    except socket.timeout, e:
>        self.conerror = str(e)
>    except socket.error, e:
>        self.conerror = str(e)
> except AttributeError:
>    # this happens on interpreter shutdown
>    self.conerror = 'shutdown'
> It's clear what happens: paramiko gets its attributes cleared or the module
> perhaps gets unloaded and as result "paramiko" label leads to None, which
> obviously has no attribute BadAuthenticationType.
> However, even though this is surrounded by try .. except AttributeError
> block, it evidently isn't catch. How to catch that exception? Or at least
> preven displaying this message?

Let's see if psychic debugging 4 am...
Pure conjecture: Do you have something like the following elsewhere in
your code?:

except SomeError, AttributeError:

For why this causes problems, consider:

except SomeError, e:
except SomeError, SomeOtherError:

raise IndexError
except IndexError, IOError:
print repr(IOError) #==> IndexError()

Hence, in your case, `AttributeError` may no longer refer to
AttributeError. You can check this by adding a `print
repr(AttributeError)` at the right place in your code.
I further conjecture that pyflakes/pychecker/etc. might issue a
warning about the offending bit of code.

"Third Option" solution: Since you take the same action no matter the
exception's type, have you considered simplifying your code to:

fake = paramiko.BadAuthenticationType
self.conobj.connect(self.ip, username=self.username,
key_filename=self.sshprivkey, port=self.port, timeout=opts.timeout)
loginsuccess = True
except Exception, e:
self.conerror = str(e)


passing string for editing in input()

2010-02-02 Thread mk


Is there an easy way to get an editing (readline) in Python that would 
contain string for editing and would not just be empty?

I googled but found nothing.



Re: passing string for editing in input()

2010-02-02 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:24 AM, mk  wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there an easy way to get an editing (readline) in Python that would
> contain string for editing and would not just be empty?
> I googled but found nothing.

It's the third hit for "python readline".

Actually reading the page, sounds like you want readline.insert_text()

Satan, thy name is MMW

Re: recv_into(bytearray) complains about a "pinned buffer"

2010-02-02 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Le Tue, 02 Feb 2010 00:12:34 +0100, Martin v. Loewis a écrit :
>> recv_into() should simply be fixed to use the new buffer API, as it
>> does in 3.x.
> I don't think that's the full solution. The array module should also
> implement the new buffer API, so that it would also fail with the old
> recv_into.

There was a patch for this in , but the 
bug was closed when hashlib was "fixed".


Re: passing string for editing in input()

2010-02-02 Thread Peter Otten
mk wrote:

> Is there an easy way to get an editing (readline) in Python that would
> contain string for editing and would not just be empty?


Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread kj

Let me preface everything by thanking you and all those who
replied for their comments.

I have only one follow-up question (or rather, set of related
questions) that I'm very keen about, plus a bit of a vent at the

In  Steven D'Aprano 

>As for fixing it, unfortunately it's not quite so simple to fix without 
>breaking backwards-compatibility. The opportunity to do so for Python 3.0 
>was missed.

This last point is to me the most befuddling of all.  Does anyone
know why this opportunity was missed for 3.0?  Anyone out there
with the inside scoop on this?  Was the fixing of this problem
discussed in some PEP or some mailing list thread?  (I've tried
Googling this but did not hit on the right keywords to bring up
the deliberations I'm looking for.)


[NB: as I said before, what follows begins to slide into a vent,
and is quite unimportant; I've left it, for whatever grain of truth
it may contain, as an grossly overgrown PS; feel free to ignore
it, I'm *by far* most interested in the question stated in the
paragraph right above, because it will give me, I hope, a better
sense of where the biggest obstacles to fixing this problem lie.]

P.S. Yes, I see the backwards-compatibility problem, but that's
what rolling out a whole new versions is good for; it's a bit of
a fresh start.  I remember hearing GvR's Google Talk on the coming
Python 3, which was still in the works then, and being struck by
the sheer *modesty* of the proposed changes (while the developers
of the mythical Perl6 seemed to be on a quest for transcendence to
a Higher Plane of Programming, as they still are).  In particular
the business with print -> print() seemed truly bizarre to me: this
is a change that will break a *huge* volume of code, and yet,
judging by the rationale given for it, the change solves what are,
IMHO, a relatively minor annoyances.  Python's old print statement
is, I think, at most a tiny little zit invisible to all but those
obsessed with absolute perfection.  And I can't imagine that whatever
would be required to fix Python's import system could break more
code than redefining the rules for a workhorse like print.

In contrast, the Python import problem is a ticking bomb potentially
affecting all code that imports other modules.  All that needs to
happen is that, in a future release of Python, some new standard
module emerges (like emerged in 2.6), and this module
is imported by some module your code imports.  Boom!  Note that it
was only coincidental that the bug I reported in this thread occurred
in a script I wrote recently.  I could have written both scripts
before 2.6 was released, and the new along with it;
barring the uncanny clairvoyance of some responders, there would
have been, at the time, absolutely no plausible reason for not
naming one of the two scripts

To the argument that the import system can't be easily fixed because
it breaks existing code, one can reply that the *current* import
system already breaks existing code, as illustrated by the example
I've given in this thread: this could have easily been old pre-2.6
code that got broken just because Python decided to add
to the distribution.  (Yes, Python can't guarantee that the names
of new standard modules won't clash with the names of existing
local modules, but this is true for Perl as well, and due to Perl's
module import scheme (and naming conventions), a scenario like the
one I presented in this thread would have been astronomically
improbable.  The Perl example shows that the design of the module
import scheme and naming conventions for standard modules can go
a long way to minimize the consequences of this unavoidable potential
for future name clashes.)


Re: passing string for editing in input()

2010-02-02 Thread mk

Peter Otten wrote:

mk wrote:

Is there an easy way to get an editing (readline) in Python that would
contain string for editing and would not just be empty?


Thanks a lot! Just what I needed.



Re: Iterating over a function call

2010-02-02 Thread Gerald Britton
>> 2. side effect of (maybe) leaking the iterator variable "value" into
>> the code following the loop (if the iterator is not empty).
> So? it is sometime useful.

Except that you can't guarantee that it will be set since the for loop
will not execute if the iterable is empty.

>> I can take care of 2 by explicitly deleting the variable at the end:
>>    del value
>> but I'd probably forget to do that sometimes.
> So? If having 'value' bound breaks your subsequent code, I consider it
> buggy.

Quite so.  I just like to eliminate the possibility up front.  If
'value' is never bound, the the bug will show up sooner.

Gerald Britton

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-02-02, Roy Smith  wrote:
> In article , kj  
> wrote:
>> Through a *lot* of trial an error I finally discovered that the
>> root cause of the problem was the fact that, in the same directory
>> as, there is *another* innocuous little script, totally
>> unrelated, whose name happens to be
>> [...]
>> It turns out that imports psycopg2, as you can see, and
>> apparently psycopg2 (or something imported by psycopg2) tries to
>> import some standard Python module called numbers; instead it ends
>> up importing the innocent myscript/, resulting in *absolute
>> mayhem*.
> I feel your pain, but this is not a Python problem, per-se.

I think it is.  There should be different syntax to import from
"standard" places and from "current directory".  Similar to the 
difference between "foo.h" and  in cpp.

> The general
> pattern is:
> 1) You have something which refers to a resource by name.
> 2) There is a sequence of places which are searched for this

Searching the current directory by default is the problem.
Nobody in their right mind has "." in the shell PATH and IMO it
shouldn't be in Python's import path either.  Even those
wreckless souls who do put "." in their path put it at the end
so they don't accidentally override system commands.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! So this is what it
  at   feels like to be potato

Re: Python packet capture utility

2010-02-02 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-02-02, VYAS ASHISH M-NTB837  wrote:
> Dear All
> I want to capture tcp packets in python. I need to do this on both
> Windows and Linux on python3.1
> I came across the following:
> I am not able to evaluate on my own.

And we're supposed to evaluate them for you?

  pycap:  last release 5/2003.

  pylibpcap:  last release 5/2008

  pycap:  last release 1/2007

  pcapy:  last release 3/2007

> Which one should I pick up?

I'd start with the newest one.  It's the one I use, and it
works fine for me.

> Priority is python3.1 support on both windows and Linux.

I don't think any of them support 3.1.

> I don't have to do many/complex operations. If it is not so
> programmer friendly I am OK.
> Also let me know if 2to3 would help here if there is not
> python3 support.

I'f you're not expereienced porting libraries from 2.4 to 3.1,
then you shouldn't be using 3.1.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Did you move a lot of
   visi.comtrip, Dingy?

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 6:13 AM, kj  wrote:

> In  Steven
> D'Aprano  writes:
> >As for fixing it, unfortunately it's not quite so simple to fix without
> >breaking backwards-compatibility. The opportunity to do so for Python 3.0
> >was missed.
> This last point is to me the most befuddling of all.  Does anyone
> know why this opportunity was missed for 3.0?  Anyone out there
> with the inside scoop on this?  Was the fixing of this problem
> discussed in some PEP or some mailing list thread?  (I've tried
> Googling this but did not hit on the right keywords to bring up
> the deliberations I'm looking for.)

The problem with "fixing" the import system is that touching it in any way
potentially breaks *vast* volumes of code that works just right, right now
in any version of Python. It's not even something you can easily test:
there's a lot of edge-cases supporting various features that have been added
over the years. A pure-python import mechanism with a set of test-cases to
"prove" it reliably mimic'd the existing mechanism wasn't even complete by
the time Python3 came out, without that, any changes to "fix" Python3+'s
import system would just be a shot in the dark.

And there'd be no telling just /what/ it would break if you start changing
these very old import semantics.

> P.S. Yes, I see the backwards-compatibility problem, but that's
> what rolling out a whole new versions is good for; it's a bit of
> a fresh start.  I remember hearing GvR's Google Talk on the coming
> Python 3, which was still in the works then, and being struck by
> the sheer *modesty* of the proposed changes (while the developers
> of the mythical Perl6 seemed to be on a quest for transcendence to
> a Higher Plane of Programming, as they still are).

Yes, it was a relatively modest upgrade, thankfully so. We actually have our
fixed language, and Perl6 is coming on some point on the horizon. Python3
allowed backwards incompatible changes, but they still needed to have a
justification to them: and more importantly, they usually needed to change
from one well-defined state to a new, 'cleaner' well-defined state, so they
could be automatically corrected or at least easily found. The Bytes/Unicode
situation is one case where there wasn't a well-defined state you can
convert from, and so with Python3, every single string you really need to
look at and decide, "Should this have been bytes, or characters?".

Having to ask that question for every string is a significant burden, to
expect someone to have to ask the same sort of question for every single
import is asking -way- too much for people porting to Python 3.

Py3k's adoption is a slow, uphill process-- no one expected (from my reading
at least)-- it to take less then years and multiple 3.x iterations before
people would /really/ significantly start using it. There's too many third
party modules people depend on and they have to slowly be converted. They're
being converted, and IMHO there's steadily growing momentum on this (albeit
not huge momentum), but had they messed with the import semantics-- this
would be /way/ more difficult, and you might end up with a DOA project.

> In particular
> the business with print -> print() seemed truly bizarre to me: this
> is a change that will break a *huge* volume of code, and yet,
> judging by the rationale given for it, the change solves what are,
> IMHO, a relatively minor annoyances.  Python's old print statement
> is, I think, at most a tiny little zit invisible to all but those
> obsessed with absolute perfection.

You have a very strange perception of huge. For one thing, every single use
of print() can be converted -automatically-: the rules of this change are
very clear. The print statement was a bizarre sort of wart (look at >>!) and
fixing it is easy. Further, *huge* volume of code-- /really/?! In my
experience, print isn't really all /that/ common after you get out of the
tutorial and start doing real code. If you're doing lots of shell scripting
maybe that's not the case: but for any sort of server-daemon-process sort of
apps, print is utterly unacceptable. I use the logging module. For GUI apps,

But for those times when you use print.. its /really easy/ to fix.

And I can't imagine that whatever
> would be required to fix Python's import system could break more
> code than redefining the rules for a workhorse like print.

Your imagination is lacking here then: virtually every single bit of Python
code uses import, and messing with it can have wide implications that you
can't even /define/ ahead of time. As such you can't write a guide, a 2to3
fixer, or a HOWTO to tell people: hey, this is how you used to do things in
Python2, this is how you do them in Python3. Having them mess with the
import machinery would be throwing every Py3 developer under the bus,
saying, "Well, just run it. Fix whatever errors happen."

> In contrast, the Python import problem is a ticking bomb potentially
> affecting all code that impor

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread bartc

Jonathan Gardner wrote:

One of the bad things with languages like perl and Ruby that call
without parentheses is that getting a function ref is not obvious. You
need even more syntax to do so. In perl:

 foo();   # Call 'foo' with no args.
 $bar = foo;  # Call 'foo; with no args, assign to '$bar'
 $bar = &foo; # Don't call 'foo', but assign a pointer to it to '$bar'
  # By the way, this '&' is not the bitwise-and '&'
 $bar->() # Call whatever '$bar' is pointing at with no args

Compare with python:

 foo()   # Call 'foo' with no args.
 bar = foo() # 'bar' is now pointing to whatever 'foo()' returned
 bar = foo   # 'bar' is now pointing to the same thing 'foo' points to
 bar()   # Call 'bar' with no args

One is simple, consistent, and easy to explain. The other one requires
the introduction of advanced syntax and an entirely new syntax to make
function calls with references.

If you get rid of the syntax specific to Perl, then having to explicitly
obtain a function reference, or to dereference the result, is not such a big

foo  # Call 'foo' with no args.
bar = foo# Call 'foo; with no args, assign to 'bar'
bar = &foo   # Don't call 'foo', but assign a pointer to it to 'bar'
bar^ # Call whatever 'bar' is pointing at with no args

(Here I use ^ instead of -> to dereference.)  Compared with Python, it saves
3 lots of (), but needs & and ^ added. Still a net saving.

One of the bad things with languages like perl and Ruby that call
without parentheses is that getting a function ref is not obvious.

I'd say that having this "&" symbol in front of "foo" makes it more obvious
than just foo by itself. But I agree not quite as clean.

Another thing is that you have to know whether "bar" is a function, or a 
function ref, and use the appropriate syntax. Sometimes this is helpful, 
sometimes not.



Re: Logging oddity: handlers mandatory in every single logger?

2010-02-02 Thread Masklinn
Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
>To add a custom level, I would proceed that way:
>logging.ALERT = 45
>logging.addLevelName(logging.ALERT, 'ALERT !!')
>logging.getLogger().log(logging.ALERT, 'test')
>Passing a string to the log method as you did is incorrect.

I know it's currently incorrect. My point was more along the line that there 
was *no reason* for it to be incorrect. logging already contains all the tools 
for log('PANTS_ON_FIRE') to be allowed

>Regarding your first point, I guess it's anti pattern. One way to do it:
>1/ Configure the root logger with the lowest value 0, so the root logger 
>does not filter any level.
>2/ Configure each of your logger with the correct level
>That way you can configure your '0' logger as you (badly :o)) named it 
>with one level, and configure a potential '1' logger with another level. 
>Don't bother with propagation. That way you won't need to duplicate your 
>handlers on every logger.

re logger 0, no need for complex name for a test case (and it allowed me to 
create easy-to-remember 0.1 and 0.1.2 if needed)

Re your answer, from what I understand you want the root logger to NOTSET and 
then each child logger with its correct level? But that's not a solution, each 
and every level will *still* require a handler explicitly configured on it. 
That's in fact very much my issue: logging refuses that a logger be 
handler-less in a config file, it's mandatory to configure a handler any time a 
logger is configured.

ANN: Leo 4.7 b3 released

2010-02-02 Thread Edward K Ream
Leo 4.7 beta 3   February 2, 2009

Leo 4.7 beta 3 is now available at:

Leo 4.7 beta 3 fixes all known serious bugs in Leo.

Leo is a text editor, data organizer, project manager and much more.

The highlights of Leo 4.7:

- Leo now uses the simplest possible internal data model.
  This is the so-called "one-node" world.
- Leo supports Python 3.x.
- Leo requires Python 2.6 or above.
- Several important improvements in file handling.
- Leo converts @file nodes to @thin nodes automatically.
- @auto-rst now works much more reliably reliably.
- Leo no longer @noref trees.  Such trees are not
  reliable in cooperative environments.
- A new Windows installer.
- Many other features, including new command line options and new
- Dozens of bug fixes.

Edward K. Ream


No return to the parent function

2010-02-02 Thread Joan Miller
I've a main function called i.e. *foo()* which has a block of code
that is repetead several times (for the error catching code and error
reporting), but that code has a return to exit of *foo()*

if self.background:
return ReturnCode.ERROR, None
raise NameError(error)


So I would tu put that code block into a separated function (*throw()
*), but the problem is that it returns to the parent function (foo()).
How to solve it?

Re: Logging oddity: handlers mandatory in every single logger?

2010-02-02 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Masklinn wrote:

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

To add a custom level, I would proceed that way:

logging.ALERT = 45
logging.addLevelName(logging.ALERT, 'ALERT !!')
logging.getLogger().log(logging.ALERT, 'test')

Passing a string to the log method as you did is incorrect.

I know it's currently incorrect. My point was more along the line that there 
was *no reason* for it to be incorrect. logging already contains all the tools 
for log('PANTS_ON_FIRE') to be allowed
The reason is that log takes an *int* as first argument that defines the 
logging level. You gave a string. So There is definitely a reason for it 
to be incorrect.

Regarding your first point, I guess it's anti pattern. One way to do it:
1/ Configure the root logger with the lowest value 0, so the root logger 
does not filter any level.

2/ Configure each of your logger with the correct level

That way you can configure your '0' logger as you (badly :o)) named it 
with one level, and configure a potential '1' logger with another level. 
Don't bother with propagation. That way you won't need to duplicate your 
handlers on every logger.

re logger 0, no need for complex name for a test case (and it allowed me to 
create easy-to-remember 0.1 and 0.1.2 if needed)

Re your answer, from what I understand you want the root logger to NOTSET and 
then each child logger with its correct level? But that's not a solution, each 
and every level will *still* require a handler explicitly configured on it. 
That's in fact very much my issue: logging refuses that a logger be 
handler-less in a config file, it's mandatory to configure a handler any time a 
logger is configured.

the field handlers must be defined even if empty.









import logging; import logging.config
l1 = logging.getLogger("1")
l0 = logging.getLogger("0")
l1.debug('I am l1')
l0.debug('I am l0')
... 2010-02-02 17:48:55,710:DEBUG   :0::I am l0


Re: No return to the parent function

2010-02-02 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Joan Miller  writes:

> I've a main function called i.e. *foo()* which has a block of code
> that is repetead several times (for the error catching code and error
> reporting), but that code has a return to exit of *foo()*
> ---
> foo():
>   ...
> if self.background:
> _log.exception(str(error))
> return ReturnCode.ERROR, None
> else:
> raise NameError(error)
> ---
> So I would tu put that code block into a separated function (*throw()
> *), but the problem is that it returns to the parent function (foo()).
> How to solve it?

If I understand correctly, you can simply do this:

def throw(...):
if ...:
return ...
raise ...

def foo():
return throw(...)


I.e. if throw returns something, foo returns it as well.  If throw
raises an exception, it will go through foo.  Is this what you want?


Re: No return to the parent function

2010-02-02 Thread Joan Miller
On 2 feb, 16:55, Arnaud Delobelle  wrote:
> Joan Miller  writes:
> > I've a main function called i.e. *foo()* which has a block of code
> > that is repetead several times (for the error catching code and error
> > reporting), but that code has a return to exit of *foo()*
> > ---
> > foo():
> >   ...
> >     if self.background:
> >         _log.exception(str(error))
> >         return ReturnCode.ERROR, None
> >     else:
> >         raise NameError(error)
> > ---
> > So I would tu put that code block into a separated function (*throw()
> > *), but the problem is that it returns to the parent function (foo()).
> > How to solve it?
> If I understand correctly, you can simply do this:
> def throw(...):
>     if ...:
>         ...
>         return ...
>     else:
>         raise ...
> def foo():
>     ...
>     return throw(...)
> I.e. if throw returns something, foo returns it as well.  If throw
> raises an exception, it will go through foo.  Is this what you want?
> --
> Arnaud

Yes, that is it. It was more simple that I had thinked, thanks!

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 15:00:28 +, Grant Edwards wrote:

>>> It turns out that imports psycopg2, as you can see, and
>>> apparently psycopg2 (or something imported by psycopg2) tries to
>>> import some standard Python module called numbers; instead it ends
>>> up importing the innocent myscript/, resulting in *absolute
>>> mayhem*.
>> I feel your pain, but this is not a Python problem, per-se.
> I think it is.

I agree.

> There should be different syntax to import from
> "standard" places and from "current directory".  Similar to the 
> difference between "foo.h" and  in cpp.

I don't know if that's necessary. Only supporting the "foo.h" case would
work fine if Python behaved like gcc, i.e. if the "current directory"
referred to the directory contain the file performing the import rather
than in the process' CWD.

As it stands, imports are dynamically scoped, when they should be
lexically scoped.

>> The general
>> pattern is:
>> 1) You have something which refers to a resource by name.
>> 2) There is a sequence of places which are searched for this
> Searching the current directory by default is the problem.
> Nobody in their right mind has "." in the shell PATH and IMO it
> shouldn't be in Python's import path either.  Even those
> wreckless souls who do put "." in their path put it at the end
> so they don't accidentally override system commands.

Except, what should be happening here is that it should be searching the
directory containing the file performing the import *first*. If
contains "import bar", and there's a in the same directory as, that's the one it should be using.

The existing behaviour is simply wrong, and there's no excuse for it
("but it's easier to implement" isn't a legitimate argument).

The only situation where the process' CWD should be used is for an import
statement in a non-file source (i.e. stdin or the argument to the -c


Re: No return to the parent function

2010-02-02 Thread MRAB

Joan Miller wrote:

I've a main function called i.e. *foo()* which has a block of code
that is repetead several times (for the error catching code and error
reporting), but that code has a return to exit of *foo()*

if self.background:
return ReturnCode.ERROR, None
raise NameError(error)


So I would tu put that code block into a separated function (*throw()
*), but the problem is that it returns to the parent function (foo()).
How to solve it?

Call it in a return statement.

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Nobody:

On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 15:00:28 +, Grant Edwards wrote:

It turns out that imports psycopg2, as you can see, and
apparently psycopg2 (or something imported by psycopg2) tries to
import some standard Python module called numbers; instead it ends
up importing the innocent myscript/, resulting in *absolute

I feel your pain, but this is not a Python problem, per-se.

I think it is.

I agree.

There should be different syntax to import from
"standard" places and from "current directory".  Similar to the 
difference between "foo.h" and  in cpp.

I don't know if that's necessary. Only supporting the "foo.h" case would
work fine if Python behaved like gcc, i.e. if the "current directory"
referred to the directory contain the file performing the import rather
than in the process' CWD.

As it stands, imports are dynamically scoped, when they should be
lexically scoped.

The general
pattern is:

1) You have something which refers to a resource by name.

2) There is a sequence of places which are searched for this

Searching the current directory by default is the problem.
Nobody in their right mind has "." in the shell PATH and IMO it
shouldn't be in Python's import path either.  Even those
wreckless souls who do put "." in their path put it at the end
so they don't accidentally override system commands.

Except, what should be happening here is that it should be searching the
directory containing the file performing the import *first*. If
contains "import bar", and there's a in the same directory as, that's the one it should be using.

The existing behaviour is simply wrong, and there's no excuse for it
("but it's easier to implement" isn't a legitimate argument).


The only situation where the process' CWD should be used is for an import
statement in a non-file source (i.e. stdin or the argument to the -c

Hm, not sure about that last.


- Alf

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/2/2010 9:13 AM, kj wrote:

As for fixing it, unfortunately it's not quite so simple to fix without
breaking backwards-compatibility. The opportunity to do so for Python 3.0
was missed.

This last point is to me the most befuddling of all.  Does anyone
know why this opportunity was missed for 3.0?  Anyone out there
with the inside scoop on this?  Was the fixing of this problem
discussed in some PEP or some mailing list thread?  (I've tried
Googling this but did not hit on the right keywords to bring up
the deliberations I'm looking for.)

There was a proposal to put the whole stdlib into a gigantic package, so 

import itertools

would become, for instance

import std.itertools.

Guido rejected that. I believe he both did not like it and was concerned 
about making upgrade to 3.x even harder. The discussion was probably on 
the now closed py3k list.

Terry Jan Reedy


What's this vText() annotation mean?

2010-02-02 Thread tinnews
What does this vText() annotation mean in a returned list:-

[['Apr 19', vText(u'PAYE'), ''], ['Mar 31', vText(u'VAT'), ''], ['May 19', 
vText(u'Year end PAYE'), '']]

I *guess* it's some sort of indication of non-constant text, I need a
way to make it constant (well, to get a constant copy of it) because a
function I'm passing it to is complaining about a type mismatch:-

TypeError: in method 'Fl_Input__value', argument 2 of type 'char const *'

Chris Green


Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Carl Banks
On Feb 2, 9:02 am, Nobody  wrote:
> I don't know if that's necessary. Only supporting the "foo.h" case would
> work fine if Python behaved like gcc, i.e. if the "current directory"
> referred to the directory contain the file performing the import rather
> than in the process' CWD.
> As it stands, imports are dynamically scoped, when they should be
> lexically scoped.

Mostly incorrect.  The CWD is in sys.path only for interactive
sessions, and when started with -c switch.  When running scripts, the
directory where the script is located is used instead, not the
process's working directory.

So, no, it isn't anything like dynamic scoping.

> The only situation where the process' CWD should be used is for an import
> statement in a non-file source (i.e. stdin or the argument to the -c
> switch).

It already is that way, chief.

I think you're misunderstanding what's wrong here; the CWD doesn't
have anything to do with it.  Even if CWD isn't in the path you still
get the bad behavior kj noted.  So now what?

Python's importing can be improved but there's no foolproof way to get
rid of the fundamental problem of name clashes.

Carl Banks

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Carl Banks
On Feb 2, 2:49 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant 
> Carl Banks wrote:
> > Name your modules "" or "" or if it's a
> > library module of related functions, "".  Modules and
> > scripts do things (usually), they should be given action words as
> > names.
> > (**) Questionable though it be, if the Standard Library wants to use
> > an "innocuous" name, It can.
> That does not solve anything,

Of course it does, it solves the problem of having poorly-named
modules.  It also helps reduce possibility of name clashes.

> if the smtplib follows your advice, then
> you'll be shadowing its send_email module.
> The only way to avoid collision would be to name your module

I know, and as we all know accidental name clashes are the end of the
world and Mother Python should protect us feeble victims from any
remote possibility of ever having a name clash.

Carl Banks

Re: What's this vText() annotation mean?

2010-02-02 Thread Arnaud Delobelle writes:

> What does this vText() annotation mean in a returned list:-
> [['Apr 19', vText(u'PAYE'), ''], 

It means your list contains an instance of a class whose __repr__()
method returns "vText(u'PAYE')".  If it follows common practice, the
class is probably named "vText".  You are likely to be importing and
using a module that defines a class called "vText".  I don't know such a
module, I don't think it's in the standard library so it would be useful
if you gave more details about the context.

A quick google for "vtext python" yields something about an iCalendar
package for python.  Is it what you are using?


Re: recv_into(bytearray) complains about a "pinned buffer"

2010-02-02 Thread Martin v. Loewis
> Clearly it was added to work with an array, and it's
> being used with an array. Why shouldn't people use it
> with Python 2.x?

Because it's not thread-safe; it may crash the interpreter if used

Of course, if you don't share the array across threads, it can be safe
to use.


Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Carl Banks wrote:

On Feb 2, 2:49 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant 

Carl Banks wrote:

Name your modules "" or "" or if it's a
library module of related functions, "".  Modules and
scripts do things (usually), they should be given action words as
(**) Questionable though it be, if the Standard Library wants to use

an "innocuous" name, It can.

That does not solve anything,

Of course it does, it solves the problem of having poorly-named
modules.  It also helps reduce possibility of name clashes.

Actually don't you think it will increase the possibility ? There are 
much less possibilties of properly naming an object than badly naming it.
So if everybody tend to properly name their object with their obvious 
version like you proposed, the set of possible names will decrease, 
increasing the clash ratio.

I'm just nitpicking by the way, but it may be better to ask for better 
namespacing instead of naming (which is good thing but unrelated to the 
OP issue).



Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread kj
In  Terry Reedy 

>On 2/2/2010 9:13 AM, kj wrote:

>>> As for fixing it, unfortunately it's not quite so simple to fix without
>>> breaking backwards-compatibility. The opportunity to do so for Python 3.0
>>> was missed.
>> This last point is to me the most befuddling of all.  Does anyone
>> know why this opportunity was missed for 3.0?  Anyone out there
>> with the inside scoop on this?  Was the fixing of this problem
>> discussed in some PEP or some mailing list thread?  (I've tried
>> Googling this but did not hit on the right keywords to bring up
>> the deliberations I'm looking for.)

>There was a proposal to put the whole stdlib into a gigantic package, so 

>import itertools

>would become, for instance

>import std.itertools.

>Guido rejected that. I believe he both did not like it and was concerned 
>about making upgrade to 3.x even harder. The discussion was probably on 
>the now closed py3k list.

Thanks.  I'll look for this thread.


lists as an efficient implementation of large two-dimensional arrays(!)

2010-02-02 Thread Mitchell L Model
An instructive lesson in YAGNI ("you aren't going to need it"),  
premature optimization, and not making assumptions about Python data  
structure implementations.

I need a 1000 x 1000 two-dimensional array of objects. (Since they are  
instances of application classes it appears that the array module is  
useless; likewise, since I am using Python 3.1, so among other things,  
I can't use numpy or its relatives.) The usage pattern is that the  
array is first completely filled with objects. Later, objects are  
sometimes accessed individually by row and column and often the entire  
array is iterated over.

Worried (unnecessarily, as it turns out) by the prospect of 1,000,000  
element list I started by constructing a dictionary with the keys 1  
through 1000, each of which had as its value another dictionary with  
the keys 1 through 1000. Actual values were the values of the second  
level dictionary.

Using numbers to fill the array to minimize the effect of creating my  
more complex objects, and running Python 3.1.1 on an 8-core Mac Pro  
with 8Gb memory, I tried the following

#create and fill the array:
t1 = time.time()
d2 = {}
for j in range(1000):
d2[j] = dict()
for k in range(1000):
d2[j][k] = k
print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))


# access each element of the array:
t1 = time.time()
for j in range(1000):
for k in range(1000):
elt = d2[j][k]
print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))


 My program was too slow, so I started investigating whether I could  
improve on the two-level dictionary, which got used a lot. To get  
another baseline I tried a pure 1,000,000-element list, expecting the  
times to be be horrendous, but look!

# fill a list using append
t1 = time.time()
lst = []
for n in range(100):
print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))


# access every element of a list
t1 = time.time()
for n in range(100):
elt = lst[n]
print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))


What a shock! I could save half the execution time and all my clever  
work and awkward double-layer dictionary expressions by just using a  

Even better, look what happens using a comprehension to create the  
list instead of a loop with list.append:

t1 = time.time()
lst = [n for n in range(100)]
print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))


Half again to create the list.

Iterating over the whole list is easier and faster than iterating over  
the double-level dictionary, in particular because it doesn't involve  
a two-level loop. But what about individual access given a row and a  

t1 = time.time()
for j in range(1000):
for k in range(1000):
elt = lst[j * 1000 + k]
print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))


This is the same as for the dictionary.

I tried a two-level list and a few other things but still haven't  
found anything that works better than a single long list -- just like  
2-D arrays are coded in old-style languages, with indices computed as  
offsets from the beginning of the linear sequence of all the values.  
What's amazing is that creating and accessing 1,000,000-element list  
in Python is so efficient. The usual moral obtains: start simple,  
analyze problems (functional or performance) as they arise, decide  
whether they are worth the cost of change, then change in very limited  
ways. And of course abstract and modularize so that, in my case, for  
example, none of the program's code would be affected by the change  
from a two-level dictionary representation to using a single long list.

I realize there are many directions an analysis like this can follow,  
and many factors affecting it, including patterns of use. I just  
wanted to demonstrate the basics for a situation that I just  
encountered. In particular, if the array was sparse, rather than  
completely full, the two-level dictionary implementation would be the  
natural representation.


Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Carl Banks
On Feb 2, 11:07 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant 
> Carl Banks wrote:
> > On Feb 2, 2:49 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant 
> > wrote:
> >> Carl Banks wrote:
> >>> Name your modules "" or "" or if it's a
> >>> library module of related functions, "".  Modules and
> >>> scripts do things (usually), they should be given action words as
> >>> names.
> >>> (**) Questionable though it be, if the Standard Library wants to use
> >>> an "innocuous" name, It can.
> >> That does not solve anything,
> > Of course it does, it solves the problem of having poorly-named
> > modules.  It also helps reduce possibility of name clashes.
> Actually don't you think it will increase the possibility ? There are
> much less possibilties of properly naming an object than badly naming it.

You've got to be kidding me, you're saying that a bad name like is less likely to clash than a more descriptive name like

> So if everybody tend to properly name their object with their obvious
> version like you proposed, the set of possible names will decrease,
> increasing the clash ratio.

I did not propose obvious module names.  I said obvious names like are bad; more descriptive names like are

Carl Banks

Re: lists as an efficient implementation of large two-dimensional arrays(!)

2010-02-02 Thread Gerald Britton
Did you try it with an array object using the array module?

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Mitchell L Model  wrote:
> An instructive lesson in YAGNI ("you aren't going to need it"), premature
> optimization, and not making assumptions about Python data structure
> implementations.
> I need a 1000 x 1000 two-dimensional array of objects. (Since they are
> instances of application classes it appears that the array module is
> useless; likewise, since I am using Python 3.1, so among other things, I
> can't use numpy or its relatives.) The usage pattern is that the array is
> first completely filled with objects. Later, objects are sometimes accessed
> individually by row and column and often the entire array is iterated over.
> Worried (unnecessarily, as it turns out) by the prospect of 1,000,000
> element list I started by constructing a dictionary with the keys 1 through
> 1000, each of which had as its value another dictionary with the keys 1
> through 1000. Actual values were the values of the second level dictionary.
> Using numbers to fill the array to minimize the effect of creating my more
> complex objects, and running Python 3.1.1 on an 8-core Mac Pro with 8Gb
> memory, I tried the following
> #create and fill the array:
> t1 = time.time()
> d2 = {}
> for j in range(1000):
>    d2[j] = dict()
>    for k in range(1000):
>        d2[j][k] = k
> print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))
> 0.41
> # access each element of the array:
> t1 = time.time()
> for j in range(1000):
>    for k in range(1000):
>        elt = d2[j][k]
> print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))
> 0.55
>  My program was too slow, so I started investigating whether I could improve
> on the two-level dictionary, which got used a lot. To get another baseline I
> tried a pure 1,000,000-element list, expecting the times to be be
> horrendous, but look!
> # fill a list using append
> t1 = time.time()
> lst = []
> for n in range(100):
>    lst.append(n)
> print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))
> 0.26
> # access every element of a list
> t1 = time.time()
> for n in range(100):
>    elt = lst[n]
> print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))
> 0.25
> What a shock! I could save half the execution time and all my clever work
> and awkward double-layer dictionary expressions by just using a list!
> Even better, look what happens using a comprehension to create the list
> instead of a loop with list.append:
> t1 = time.time()
> lst = [n for n in range(100)]
> print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))
> 0.11
> Half again to create the list.
> Iterating over the whole list is easier and faster than iterating over the
> double-level dictionary, in particular because it doesn't involve a
> two-level loop. But what about individual access given a row and a column?
> t1 = time.time()
> for j in range(1000):
>    for k in range(1000):
>        elt = lst[j * 1000 + k]
> print( round(time.time() - t1, 2))
> 0.45
> This is the same as for the dictionary.
> I tried a two-level list and a few other things but still haven't found
> anything that works better than a single long list -- just like 2-D arrays
> are coded in old-style languages, with indices computed as offsets from the
> beginning of the linear sequence of all the values. What's amazing is that
> creating and accessing 1,000,000-element list in Python is so efficient. The
> usual moral obtains: start simple, analyze problems (functional or
> performance) as they arise, decide whether they are worth the cost of
> change, then change in very limited ways. And of course abstract and
> modularize so that, in my case, for example, none of the program's code
> would be affected by the change from a two-level dictionary representation
> to using a single long list.
> I realize there are many directions an analysis like this can follow, and
> many factors affecting it, including patterns of use. I just wanted to
> demonstrate the basics for a situation that I just encountered. In
> particular, if the array was sparse, rather than completely full, the
> two-level dictionary implementation would be the natural representation.
> --

Gerald Britton

python admin abuse complaint

2010-02-02 Thread Xah Lee
This is a short complaint on admin abuse on #python irc channel on

Here's a log:


(12:11:57 PM) The topic for #python is: NO LOL |
| It's too early to use Python 3.x | Pasting > 3 lines? Pastebin: | Tutorial: | FAQ: | New Programmer? Read
| #python.web #wsgi #python-fr #python-es #python-br #python-jp #python-nl #python-ir #python-
(12:12:00 PM) _habnabit: pr100, I replaced it with str.startswith,
(12:12:01 PM) jarray52: Jarray
(12:12:11 PM) _habnabit: jarray52, yes, you are.
(12:12:16 PM) xahlee: is hash={} and hash.clean() identical?
(12:12:18 PM) eggy_: OhnoesRaptor: getting sockets (and event loops
etc) right is quite tricky
(12:12:21 PM) OhnoesRaptor: I know how to do sockets right eggy, just
wondering whats up with the python verison :D
(12:12:24 PM) mode (+o dash) by ChanServ
(12:12:30 PM) You have been kicked by dash: (No.)


I have not been using irc for the past about 2 year. (possibly perhaps
2 times in i think #web channel) In particular, i have not been in in's #python channel. I don't know who is dash.



Re: Threading issue with SQLite

2010-02-02 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Many thanks to all who replied to my questions re. SQLite connections, 
cursors and threading.

Looks like I have got some reading to do regarding connection pooling and
a decent SQLite ORM package.  Does anyone know of any which are Python 3 

Many thanks,

Your impression of for-novice writings on assertions

2010-02-02 Thread Alf P. Steinbach
I've started on ch 3 of my beginner's intro to programming, now delving into the 
details of the Python language.

It's just a few pages yet, file [03 asd.pdf] (no real title yet!) at> which is at Google Docs.

The first topic is about assertions and exceptions. I wonder whether this text 
is easy or difficult to understand for a beginner. Or any improvements that 
could be made.


- Alf

Re: lists as an efficient implementation of large two-dimensional arrays(!)

2010-02-02 Thread exarkun

On 08:36 pm, wrote:
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Mitchell L Model  

I need a 1000 x 1000 two-dimensional array of objects. (Since they are
instances of application classes it appears that the array module is

Did you try it with an array object using the array module?


Re: converting XML to hash/dict/CustomTreeCtrl

2010-02-02 Thread Astan Chee

Sorry for being vague but here my question about converting an xml into 
a dict. I found some examples online but none gives the dict/result I 
want. The xml looks like this:

   This is the note
on calculation times







using this script (taken from
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree

class XmlListConfig(list):
   def __init__(self, aList):
   for element in aList:
   if element:
   # treat like dict
   if len(element) == 1 or element[0].tag != element[1].tag:
   # treat like list
   elif element[0].tag == element[1].tag:
   elif element.text:
   text = element.text.strip()
   if text:

class XmlDictConfig(dict):
   Example usage:

   >>> tree = ElementTree.parse('your_file.xml')
   >>> root = tree.getroot()
   >>> xmldict = XmlDictConfig(root)

   Or, if you want to use an XML string:

   >>> root = ElementTree.XML(xml_string)
   >>> xmldict = XmlDictConfig(root)

   And then use xmldict for what it is... a dict.
   def __init__(self, parent_element):
   if parent_element.items():
   for element in parent_element:
   if element:
   # treat like dict - we assume that if the first two tags
   # in a series are different, then they are all different.
   if len(element) == 1 or element[0].tag != element[1].tag:
   aDict = XmlDictConfig(element)
   # treat like list - we assume that if the first two tags
   # in a series are the same, then the rest are the same.
   # here, we put the list in dictionary; the key is the
   # tag name the list elements all share in common, and
   # the value is the list itself
   aDict = {element[0].tag: XmlListConfig(element)}
   # if the tag has attributes, add those to the dict
   if element.items():
   self.update({element.tag: aDict})
   # this assumes that if you've got an attribute in a tag,
   # you won't be having any text. This may or may not be a
   # good idea -- time will tell. It works for the way we are
   # currently doing XML configuration files...
   elif element.items():
   self.update({element.tag: dict(element.items())})
   # finally, if there are no child tags and no attributes, extract
   # the text
   self.update({element.tag: element.text})
tree = ElementTree.parse('test.xml')

root = tree.getroot()

xmldict = XmlDictConfig(root)
print xmldict

Which I get this dict:
{'stats': {'kind': 'position', 'stats': [{'kind': 'section', 'stats': 
{'kind': 'timers', 'name': 'timers', 'timer': [{'system': '65.119100', 
'user': '2531.972081', 'elapsed': '609.081574', 'name': 'totaltime', 
'description': 'Total time'}, {'elapsed': '1772.011230', 'name': 
'partialTimer', 'description': 'Gravitational Displacement'}, 
[{'elapsed': '72.418861', 'name': 'subATimer', 'description': 'Phase 
time A'}, {'elapsed': '28.285192', 'name': 'subBTimer', 'description': 
'Phase time B'}, {'elapsed': '0.000', 'name': 'spaceMem', 'description': 
'Space memory'}], {'elapsed': '607.432373', 'name': 'endTime', 
'description': 'End'}]}, 'name': 'time', 'string': {'name': 
'timersNote', 'description': 'Note:'}, 'description': 'Timing summary'}, 
[[{'current': '483328', 'peak': '483328', 'name': 'heapSpace', 
'description': 'Total Space'}, {'current': '4182777856', 'peak': 
'4182777856', 'name': 'spaceResidentSize', 'description': 'Space 
resident size'}, '1', '1943498', '0'], [{'current': '411307840', 'peak': 
'1640100156', 'name': 'geoSpace', 'description': 'Geo-Space'}, 
{'current': '1406752', 'peak': '709596712', 'name': 'gridSpace', 

Re: Your impression of for-novice writings on assertions

2010-02-02 Thread Raymond Hettinger
On Feb 2, 12:54 pm, "Alf P. Steinbach"  wrote:
> The first topic is about assertions and exceptions. I wonder whether this text
> is easy or difficult to understand for a beginner. Or any improvements that
> could be made.

To my eyes it reads nicely.  You may want to try it out on a real
beginner to get their feedback.

I like your section on assertions.  You could add examples of other
ways assertions can be used (loop invariants, sanity checks, post-
condition contract checks).  For example, validate a loop invariant
during a selection sort.  In the hypot() example, use an assertion for
sanity checking by verifying an expected mathematical relationship
such as the triangle inequality:  assert abs(c) <= abs(a) + abs(b).
The pythagorean triple example can use assertions to check post
conditions:  assert all(isinstance(x, int) for x in (a,b,c)) and a*a



PyQt4 designer custom properties - combo box style

2010-02-02 Thread Andrew
I am creating custom widgets for the PyQt4 Designer. I can create
custom properties, but I'm looking for how to create a custom property
that has a combo box drop down. I've seen them in the example widgets
and tried following them, but they are using pre-defined items to
populate their property, so it's not a very clear example of how to
get the combo box property to work.

Is there any other examples or help for this kind of setup?


PyPI source dependencies?

2010-02-02 Thread Aahz
I'm trying to build PyObjC from source (because the binary doesn't work
on OSX 10.5) and I can't figure out how to get all the dependencies
downloaded automatically.  Am I missing something?
Aahz (   <*>

import antigravity

Re: python admin abuse complaint

2010-02-02 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Feb 2, 12:40 pm, Xah Lee  wrote:
> (12:12:16 PM) xahlee: is hash={} and hash.clean() identical?

I think you mean hash.clear() instead of hash.clean()

The answer is that "hash = {}" will create a new dict and assign it to
"hash", while "hash.clear()" simply guts the dict that "hash" is
pointing to.

In the end, both will result in "has" pointing to an empty dict.

However, if you had something else pointing to what "hash" was
pointing to, they will no longer be pointing to the same, empty hash
after "hash = {}" is run.

>>> a = b = {1:2}
>>> a
{1: 2}
>>> b
{1: 2}
>>> a.clear()
>>> a
>>> b
>>> a = b = {1:2}
>>> a = {}
>>> a
>>> b
{1: 2}

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Roel Schroeven
Op 2010-02-02 18:02, Nobody schreef:
> On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 15:00:28 +, Grant Edwards wrote:
 It turns out that imports psycopg2, as you can see, and
 apparently psycopg2 (or something imported by psycopg2) tries to
 import some standard Python module called numbers; instead it ends
 up importing the innocent myscript/, resulting in *absolute
>>> I feel your pain, but this is not a Python problem, per-se.
>> I think it is.
> I agree.
>> There should be different syntax to import from
>> "standard" places and from "current directory".  Similar to the 
>> difference between "foo.h" and  in cpp.
> I don't know if that's necessary. Only supporting the "foo.h" case would
> work fine if Python behaved like gcc, i.e. if the "current directory"
> referred to the directory contain the file performing the import rather
> than in the process' CWD.

That is what I would have expected, it is the way I would have
implemented it, and I don't understand why anyone would think
differently. Yet not everyone seems to agree.

Apparently, contrary to my expectations, Python looks in the directory
containing the currently running script instead. That means that the
behavior of "import foo" depends very much on circumstances not under
control of the module in which that statement appears. Very fragile.
Suggestions to use better names or just poor workarounds, IMO. Of the
same nature are suggestions to limit the amount of scrips/modules in a
directory... my /usr/bin contains no less than 2685 binaries, with 0
problems of name clashes; there is IMO no reason why Python should
restrict itself to any less.

Generally I like the design decisions used in Python, or at least I
understand the reasons; in this case though, I don't see the advantages
of the current approach.

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge
faster than society gathers wisdom.
  -- Isaac Asimov

Roel Schroeven

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Feb 1, 6:34 pm, kj  wrote:
> An innocuous little script, let's call it, only 10 lines
> long, and whose output should have been, at most two lines, was
> quickly dumping tens of megabytes of non-printable characters to
> my screen (aka gobbledygook), and in the process was messing up my
> terminal *royally*.

In linux terminals, try running the command "reset" to clear up any
gobbledy-gook. It also works if you happen to hit CTRL-C while
entering a password, in the rare case that it fails to set the text
back to visible mode.

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Feb 2, 2:21 am, waku  wrote:
> for writing new code, it's not necessarily that helpful to be *forced*
> to keep with strict indenting rules.  in early development phases,
> code is often experimental, and parts of it may need to be blocked or
> unblocked as the codebase grows, and for experimentation, the need to
> carefully and consistently indent and de-indent large chunks of code
> can easily lead to a mess (blame it on the programmer, not the
> language, but still).  yes, there are editors that help you indent
> chunks of code, but see below.
> there are languages where indentation can be either enforced and allow
> one to omit some syntactic nuissance like braces or begin-end clauses,
> or made optional, requiring other syntactic means for delimiting
> blocks etc.  (consider f# with its #light declaration, for example.)

If you're writing "experimental code", you're doing it wrong. Every
line of code you write may end up on the space shuttle one day (so to
speak!) Why not write the code well-formatted in the first place, so
that any bugs you introduce are as easily visible as possible?

The only reason why you may want to write crap code without proper
formatting is because your text editor is stupid. If that's the case,
get rid of your text editor and find some tools that help you do the
right thing the first time.

> as long as you are limited to your own code, sure.  but if many work
> on the same bit, and use different editors and indentation policies,
> blanks-tabs indentation issues are not unlikely.  you can have blanks
> converted to tabs and vice versa automatically, but that's clearly a
> nuisance.

If you're text editor has a problem with indenting, you have a
terrible text editor. Period, end of sentence.

You can't screw in bolts with a hammer, and you can't level with a
saw. Don't try to write code in any language without a real text
editor that can do proper indentation. Don't let your teammates use
deficient text editors either. I wouldn't appreciate it if I delivered
precision components that my teammates tried to install with

This is the 21st Century. Good text editors are not hard to find on
any platform.

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Feb 1, 6:21 pm, Nobody  wrote:
> You don't need to know the entire language before you can use any of it
> (if you did, Python would be deader than a certain parrot; Python's dark
> corners are *really* dark).

I'm curious. What dark corners are you referring to? I can't think of
any. Especially with the direction Python 3 is going, it seems like
even the slightly dim corners are being rounded away.

I can explain, in an hour, every single feature of the Python language
to an experienced programmer, all the way up to metaclasses,
__getattribute__, __new__ and __get__. These are the darkest corners I
know of, and these are not at all dark. It takes a few paragraphs of
documentation to explain all the details of each these features. I
hold the entire Python language in my head, and I can still remember
when my next meeting is.

Compare that to something like Haskell, where you have to read entire
books before you truly understand what monads are actually doing
behind the scenes, and how Haskell actually interprets and runs your
program, or to understand what the esoteric error messages that crop
up are actually caused be.

Yes, there are people that know how to do stuff in Haskell. These are
really smart people, the cream of the crop, so to speak. But that
doesn't make Haskell a simple language.

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Feb 1, 6:36 pm, John Bokma  wrote:
> Jonathan Gardner  writes:
> > One of the bad things with languages like perl
> FYI: the language is called Perl, the program that executes a Perl
> program is called perl.
> > without parentheses is that getting a function ref is not obvious. You
> > need even more syntax to do so. In perl:
> >  foo();       # Call 'foo' with no args.
> >  $bar = foo;  # Call 'foo; with no args, assign to '$bar'
> >  $bar = &foo; # Don't call 'foo', but assign a pointer to it to '$bar'
> >               # By the way, this '&' is not the bitwise-and '&'
> It should be $bar = \&foo
> Your example actually calls foo...

I rest my case. I've been programming perl professionally since 2000,
and I still make stupid, newbie mistakes like that.

> > One is simple, consistent, and easy to explain. The other one requires
> > the introduction of advanced syntax and an entirely new syntax to make
> > function calls with references.
> The syntax follows that of referencing and dereferencing:
> $bar = \...@array;       # bar contains now a reference to array
> $bar->[ 0 ];          # first element of array referenced by bar
> $bar = \%hash;        # bar contains now a reference to a hash
> $bar->{ key };        # value associated with key of hash ref. by bar
> $bar = \&foo;         # bar contains now a reference to a sub
> $bar->( 45 );         # call sub ref. by bar with 45 as an argument
> Consistent: yes. New syntax? No.

Except for the following symbols and combinations, which are entirely
new and different from the $...@% that you have to know just to use
arrays and hashes.

\@, ->[ ]
\%, ->{ }
\&, ->( )

By the way:
* How do you do a hashslice on a hashref?
* How do you invoke reference to a hash that contains a reference to
an array that contains a reference to a function?

Compare with Python's syntax.

# The only way to assign
a = b

# The only way to call a function

# The only way to access a hash or array or string or tuple

> Also, it helps to think of
> $ as a thing
> @ as thingies indexed by numbers
> % as thingies indexed by keys

I'd rather think of the task at hand than what each of the funky
symbols on my keyboard mean.

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Feb 2, 7:23 am, "bartc"  wrote:
> Jonathan Gardner wrote:
> > One of the bad things with languages like perl and Ruby that call
> > without parentheses is that getting a function ref is not obvious. You
> > need even more syntax to do so. In perl:
> >  foo();       # Call 'foo' with no args.
> >  $bar = foo;  # Call 'foo; with no args, assign to '$bar'
> >  $bar = &foo; # Don't call 'foo', but assign a pointer to it to '$bar'
> >               # By the way, this '&' is not the bitwise-and '&'
> >  $bar->()     # Call whatever '$bar' is pointing at with no args
> > Compare with python:
> >  foo()       # Call 'foo' with no args.
> >  bar = foo() # 'bar' is now pointing to whatever 'foo()' returned
> >  bar = foo   # 'bar' is now pointing to the same thing 'foo' points to
> >  bar()       # Call 'bar' with no args
> > One is simple, consistent, and easy to explain. The other one requires
> > the introduction of advanced syntax and an entirely new syntax to make
> > function calls with references.
> If you get rid of the syntax specific to Perl, then having to explicitly
> obtain a function reference, or to dereference the result, is not such a big
> deal:
>  foo          # Call 'foo' with no args.
>  bar = foo    # Call 'foo; with no args, assign to 'bar'
>  bar = &foo   # Don't call 'foo', but assign a pointer to it to 'bar'
>  bar^         # Call whatever 'bar' is pointing at with no args
> (Here I use ^ instead of -> to dereference.)  Compared with Python, it saves
> 3 lots of (), but needs & and ^ added. Still a net saving.

On one shoulder, a demon taunts the programmer: "Ohmygosh, you can
save three keystrokes if you introduce an entirely new syntax with odd
squiggles that make no pronounceable sound in the English language!
Perhaps one day, you can program APL in Python!"

The angel that sits on the other shoulder says, "Alas, poor
programmer, one day, you'll have to read that and understand it. And
heaven help us when we hire a poor college graduate to maintain the
code we wrote five years ago. Or worse, when that poor college
graduate writes code and expects us to read it!"

Thankfully, Guido has banished that demon from the realm of Python a
long time ago.

> > One of the bad things with languages like perl and Ruby that call
> > without parentheses is that getting a function ref is not obvious.
> I'd say that having this "&" symbol in front of "foo" makes it more obvious
> than just foo by itself. But I agree not quite as clean.
> Another thing is that you have to know whether "bar" is a function, or a
> function ref, and use the appropriate syntax. Sometimes this is helpful,
> sometimes not.

Thankfully, in Python, everything is a ref, so everything is

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Feb 1, 6:50 pm, Nobody  wrote:
> On Mon, 01 Feb 2010 14:13:38 -0800, Jonathan Gardner wrote:
> > I judge a language's simplicity by how long it takes to explain the
> > complete language. That is, what minimal set of documentation do you
> > need to describe all of the language?
> That's not a particularly good metric, IMHO.
> A simple "core" language doesn't necessarily make a language simple to
> use. You can explain the entirety of pure lambda calculus or combinators
> in five minutes, but you wouldn't want to write real code in either (and
> you certainly wouldn't want to read such code which was written by someone
> else).
> For a start, languages with a particularly simple "core" tend to delegate
> too much to the library. One thing which puts a lot of people off of
> lisp is the lack of infix operators; after all, (* 2 (+ 3 4)) works fine
> and doesn't require any additional language syntax. For an alternative,
> Tcl provides the "expr" function which essentially provides a sub-language
> for arithmetic expressions.
> A better metric is whether using N features has O(N) complexity, or O(N^2)
> (where you have to understand how each feature relates to each other
> feature) or even O(2^N) (where you have to understand every possible
> combination of interactions).
> > With a handful of statements,
> > and a very short list of operators, Python beats out every language in
> > the Algol family that I know of.
> Not once you move beyond the 10-minute introduction, and have to start
> thinking in terms of x + y is x.__add__(y) or maybe y.__radd__(x) and also
> that x.__add__(y) is x.__getattribute__('__add__')(y) (but x + y *isn't*
> equivalent to the latter due to __slots__), and maybe .__coerce__() gets
> involved somewhere, and don't even get me started on __metaclass__ or
> __init__ versus __new__ or ...
> Yes, the original concept was very nice and clean, but everything since
> then has been wedged in there by sheer force with a bloody great hammer.

I strongly suggest you read the documentation on these bits of Python.
If you're scared of __new__ versus __init__, then you haven't been
programming very long in any language. There is a case when you need
one over the other. The same goes for the other concepts.

Programming languages that don't provide these features (like
Javascript) are nice for toy programs, but lack the power to
accommodate the needs of large apps.

Re: python admin abuse complaint

2010-02-02 Thread Steve Holden, Chairman, PSF
Xah Lee wrote:
> This is a short complaint on admin abuse on #python irc channel on
> Here's a log:
> 2010-02-02
> (12:11:57 PM) The topic for #python is: NO LOL |
> | It's too early to use Python 3.x | Pasting > 3 lines? Pastebin:
> | Tutorial: | FAQ:
> | New Programmer? Read
> | #python.web #wsgi #python-fr #python-es
> #python-br #python-jp #python-nl #python-ir #python-
> offtopic
> (12:12:00 PM) _habnabit: pr100, I replaced it with str.startswith,
> actually.
> (12:12:01 PM) jarray52: Jarray
> (12:12:11 PM) _habnabit: jarray52, yes, you are.
> (12:12:16 PM) xahlee: is hash={} and hash.clean() identical?
> (12:12:18 PM) eggy_: OhnoesRaptor: getting sockets (and event loops
> etc) right is quite tricky
> (12:12:21 PM) OhnoesRaptor: I know how to do sockets right eggy, just
> wondering whats up with the python verison :D
> (12:12:24 PM) mode (+o dash) by ChanServ
> (12:12:30 PM) You have been kicked by dash: (No.)
> ---
> I have not been using irc for the past about 2 year. (possibly perhaps
> 2 times in i think #web channel) In particular, i have not been in in
>'s #python channel. I don't know who is dash.
>   Xah
> ∑
> ☄

Frankly, Xah Lee, I find it ironic that you see fit to complain about
abuse of the IRC channel when you have apparently felt free to ignore
the many complaints about your behavior on this and other newsgroups
over many years.

"As ye sew, so shall ye reap". I imagine that your reputation has
preceded you, and that dash (whom I *do* know) is simply looking to keep
a well-known nuisance from bothering the rest of the users on the channel.

For the present my sympathies are all with him. The PSF will, however,
investigate this issue and I will report back to you off-list in due course.

Steve HoldenChairman, Python Software Foundation
The Python Community Conference
PyCon 2010 Atlanta Feb 19-21
Watch PyCon on video now!

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread Ben Finney
Jonathan Gardner  writes:

> Compare with Python's syntax.
> # The only way to assign
> a = b
> # The only way to call a function
> b(...)
> # The only way to access a hash or array or string or tuple
> b[...]

For all of your examples, there are other ways supported. I do wish this
focus on “only way” would depart, it's a fallacy and not helpful.

What is important (and supports the main point of your message) is that
for each of the above, whether or not they are the only way, they are
the one *obvious* way to do the operation.

 \   “The cost of education is trivial compared to the cost of |
  `\ ignorance.” —Thomas Jefferson |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Roel Schroeven <> wrote:

> Apparently, contrary to my expectations, Python looks in the directory
> containing the currently running script instead. That means that the
> behavior of "import foo" depends very much on circumstances not under
> control of the module in which that statement appears. Very fragile.
> Suggestions to use better names or just poor workarounds, IMO. Of the
> same nature are suggestions to limit the amount of scrips/modules in a
> directory... my /usr/bin contains no less than 2685 binaries, with 0
> problems of name clashes; there is IMO no reason why Python should
> restrict itself to any less.
> Generally I like the design decisions used in Python, or at least I
> understand the reasons; in this case though, I don't see the advantages
> of the current approach.

This really isn't anything new, novel, or even interesting. Its been known
forever that Python searches the script's directory for other scripts,
there's reasons for this.

Its also been known forever that its not really an ideal situation, and so
over the last seven or so years, Python's been working on fixing it.

In 2.5, you could activate your modules to use absolute imports by default,
thus requiring you to use special syntax to access modules in your own

In 2.6, relative imports of modules in the same dir (thus, possible
shadowing modules) raises a deprecation warning.

In Python 3+, you have to use the explicit syntax to get at modules in the
current directory.

This has taken years to address, yeah, because touching the import machinery
is -dangerous-; you have to do it very carefully to be sure that vast
amounts of code doesn't break that's relying on the existing,
not-entirely-well-documented-or-defined mechanics.

Why was Python designed like this? Ask Guido. I don't know, but I'm not
surprised: python was always very /flat/ originally. Strict, flat scopes,
didn't even have packages, etc. Its slowly gotten a little more nested /
deeper over time-- from limited nested scoping (only for enclosing
functions), to now absolute imports being default.

Its a slow process seeking a delicate balance; "flat is better then nested"
vs "namespaces are one honking great idea" are somewhat contradictory, after
all :)


Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/2/2010 2:43 PM, kj wrote:

In  Terry 
Reedy  writes:

On 2/2/2010 9:13 AM, kj wrote:

As for fixing it, unfortunately it's not quite so simple to fix without
breaking backwards-compatibility. The opportunity to do so for Python 3.0
was missed.

This last point is to me the most befuddling of all.  Does anyone
know why this opportunity was missed for 3.0?  Anyone out there
with the inside scoop on this?  Was the fixing of this problem
discussed in some PEP or some mailing list thread?  (I've tried
Googling this but did not hit on the right keywords to bring up
the deliberations I'm looking for.)

There was a proposal to put the whole stdlib into a gigantic package, so

import itertools

would become, for instance

import std.itertools.

Guido rejected that. I believe he both did not like it and was concerned
about making upgrade to 3.x even harder. The discussion was probably on
the now closed py3k list.

Thanks.  I'll look for this thread.

Stephen Hansen's post explains a bit more than I did. To supplement his 
explanation: since print *was* a keyword, every use of 'print' in 2.x 
denotes a print statement with standard semantics. Therefore 2to3 
*knows* what the statement means and can translate it. On the other 
hand, 'import string' usually means 'import the string module of the 
stdlib', but it could mean 'import my string module'. This depends on 
the execution environment. Moreover, I believe people have intentionally 
shadowed stdlib modules. So. like it or not, 2to3 cannot know what 
'import string' means.

Terry Jan Reedy


Overcoming python performance penalty for multicore CPU

2010-02-02 Thread John Nagle

   I know there's a performance penalty for running Python on a
multicore CPU, but how bad is it?  I've read the key paper
(""), of course.  It would be adequate
if the GIL just limited Python to running on one CPU at a time,
but it's worse than that; there's excessive overhead due to
a lame locking implementation.  Running CPU-bound multithreaded
code on a dual-core CPU runs HALF AS FAST as on a single-core
CPU, according to Beasley.

   My main server application, which runs ""
has both multiple processes and multiple threads in each process.
The system rates web sites, which involves reading and parsing
up to 20 pages from each domain.  Analysis of each domain is
performed in a separate process, but each process uses multiple
threads to read process several web pages simultaneously.

   Some of the threads go compute-bound for a second or two at a time as
they parse web pages.  Sometimes two threads (but never more than three)
in the same process may be parsing web pages at the same time, so
they're contending for CPU time.

   So this is nearly the worst case for the lame GIL lock logic.
Has anyone tried using "affinity" ("";)
to lock each Python process to a single CPU?  Does that help?

John Nagle

Calling a "raw" python function from C++

2010-02-02 Thread Harmon Nine
I've been crawling the web for an answer to this one, but have come up
We can currently only use Boost 1.36 for our project, i.e. we are having
problems using later versions of Boost.  We are using Boost.Python to
interface with Cheetah.
In Boost 1.36, how do you call a "raw" method of a python class from
C++?  In particular, what C++ code is needed to call a "raw
constructor", i.e. a constructor that can take an arbitrary number of
positional and keyword arguments by using *args, **kwargs?
For instance, this is defined in a ".py" file.
class Gain:
   def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
In C++ we have (where "gainClass" is the Gain class above referenced
from C++):
namespace bp = boost::python;
bp::object gainObject = gainClass( /* what goes here to call the above
Gain constructor? */ );
Passing a tuple and a dict doesn't work.  I wish we could use the most
recent version of Boost, since in this you can just do this:
bp::object gainObject = gainClass( *bp::tuple(), **bp::dict() );
But this is not available in Boost 1.36
-- Harmon

Re: lists as an efficient implementation of large two-dimensional arrays(!)

2010-02-02 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/2/2010 3:14 PM, Mitchell L Model wrote:

I need a 1000 x 1000 two-dimensional array of objects.

I would just use 1000 element list, with each element being a 1000 
element list or array (if possible). Then l2d[i][j] works fine.


Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread Steve Holden
Ben Finney wrote:
> Jonathan Gardner  writes:
>> Compare with Python's syntax.
>> # The only way to assign
>> a = b
>> # The only way to call a function
>> b(...)
>> # The only way to access a hash or array or string or tuple
>> b[...]
> For all of your examples, there are other ways supported. I do wish this
> focus on “only way” would depart, it's a fallacy and not helpful.
And besides which most people get the quote wrong. The "authoritative"
version from the Zen is, as you clearly already know

  There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

> What is important (and supports the main point of your message) is that
> for each of the above, whether or not they are the only way, they are
> the one *obvious* way to do the operation.


People might be interested to know the history of the Zen, which I got
directly from Tim Peters over lunch one day. It was composed,
apparently, during the commercial breaks one evening while he was
watching professional wrestling on the television!

So it's wise not to take the Zen too seriously. It wasn't written to
guide, but to amuse. The fact that it can do both is a testament to
Tim's sagacity.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC


Re: Need help with a program

2010-02-02 Thread Aahz
In article ,
D'Arcy J.M. Cain  wrote:
>If you have a problem and you think that regular expressions are the
>solution then now you have two problems.  Regex is really overkill for
>the OP's problem and it certainly doesn't improve readability.

If you're going to use a quote, it works better if you use the exact
quote and attribute it:

'Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use
regular expressions."  Now they have two problems.' --Jamie Zawinski
Aahz (   <*>

import antigravity

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread
On Feb 2, 5:01 pm, Jonathan Gardner 
> On Feb 1, 6:36 pm, John Bokma  wrote:
> > Jonathan Gardner  writes:
> > > One of the bad things with languages like perl
> > FYI: the language is called Perl, the program that executes a Perl
> > program is called perl.
> > > without parentheses is that getting a function ref is not obvious. You
> > > need even more syntax to do so. In perl:
> > >  foo();       # Call 'foo' with no args.
> > >  $bar = foo;  # Call 'foo; with no args, assign to '$bar'
> > >  $bar = &foo; # Don't call 'foo', but assign a pointer to it to '$bar'
> > >               # By the way, this '&' is not the bitwise-and '&'
> > It should be $bar = \&foo
> > Your example actually calls foo...
> I rest my case. I've been programming perl professionally since 2000,
> and I still make stupid, newbie mistakes like that.
> > > One is simple, consistent, and easy to explain. The other one requires
> > > the introduction of advanced syntax and an entirely new syntax to make
> > > function calls with references.
> > The syntax follows that of referencing and dereferencing:
> > $bar = \...@array;       # bar contains now a reference to array
> > $bar->[ 0 ];          # first element of array referenced by bar
> > $bar = \%hash;        # bar contains now a reference to a hash
> > $bar->{ key };        # value associated with key of hash ref. by bar
> > $bar = \&foo;         # bar contains now a reference to a sub
> > $bar->( 45 );         # call sub ref. by bar with 45 as an argument
> > Consistent: yes. New syntax? No.
> Except for the following symbols and combinations, which are entirely
> new and different from the $...@% that you have to know just to use
> arrays and hashes.
> \@, ->[ ]
> \%, ->{ }
> \&, ->( )
> By the way:
> * How do you do a hashslice on a hashref?
> * How do you invoke reference to a hash that contains a reference to
> an array that contains a reference to a function?
> Compare with Python's syntax.
> # The only way to assign
> a = b

>>> locals().__setitem__('a', 'b')
>>> print a

> # The only way to call a function
> b(...)

>>> def b(a):
...print a*2
>>> apply(b, (3,))

> # The only way to access a hash or array or string or tuple
> b[...]

>>> b={}
>>> b[1] = 'a'
>>> print b.__getitem__(1)


Re: Overcoming python performance penalty for multicore CPU

2010-02-02 Thread exarkun

On 11:02 pm, wrote:

   I know there's a performance penalty for running Python on a
multicore CPU, but how bad is it?  I've read the key paper
(""), of course.  It would be adequate
if the GIL just limited Python to running on one CPU at a time,
but it's worse than that; there's excessive overhead due to
a lame locking implementation.  Running CPU-bound multithreaded
code on a dual-core CPU runs HALF AS FAST as on a single-core
CPU, according to Beasley.

It's not clear that Beasley's performance numbers apply to any platform 
except OS X, which has a particularly poor implementation of the 
threading primitives CPython uses to implement the GIL.

You should check to see if it actually applies to your deployment 

The GIL has been re-implemented recently.  Python 3.2, I think, will 
include the new implementation, which should bring OS X performance up 
to the level of other platforms.  It may also improve certain other 
aspects of thread switching.


Re: Problems embedding python 2.6 in C++

2010-02-02 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Tue, 02 Feb 2010 02:26:57 -0300, Paul  escribió:

I've managed to get it working and so far stable...

Glad to see you finally made it work!

Current working version:
 mycppclass::callpy(funcname, args...)
  m_mypymodule = PyImport_Import(pModuleName)

  pyargs = PyTuple_SetItem * args


So now the module is being imported each function call (luckily I don't  

to worry about performance)

Remember that after the module is successfully imported by the first time,  
a subsequent import returns early, as soon as it finds the module in  
sys.modules[] -- the performance penalty shouldn't be so big.

I assume this means that the internal representation of the imported  
is being corrupted by something. I found another person with a similar  

here: -  
that is

a long time ago but another multi-threaded app.

I'm happy to use the working method but I'd like to understand what is  

on a bit more. Can anyone shed any further light?

Sorry, I cannot help on this. Seems to happen only with an embedded  
interpreter and a multithreaded application, and I've never used Python in  
that scenario.

If you could trim your code to a minimal example that shows the faulty  
behavior, that would be great, so others can test it too and eventually  
determine what's going on.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Your impression of for-novice writings on assertions

2010-02-02 Thread Irmen de Jong

On 2-2-2010 21:54, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

I've started on ch 3 of my beginner's intro to programming, now delving
into the details of the Python language.

I think it's a good read so far. I just don't like the smilies that 
occur in the text. It's a book (or article) that I'm reading, not an 
instant messaging conversation.


Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread bartc

Jonathan Gardner wrote:

On Feb 2, 7:23 am, "bartc"  wrote:

Jonathan Gardner wrote:

One of the bad things with languages like perl and Ruby that call
without parentheses is that getting a function ref is not obvious.
You need even more syntax to do so. In perl:

foo(); # Call 'foo' with no args.


If you get rid of the syntax specific to Perl, then having to
explicitly obtain a function reference, or to dereference the
result, is not such a big deal:

foo # Call 'foo' with no args.
bar = foo # Call 'foo; with no args, assign to 'bar'
bar = &foo # Don't call 'foo', but assign a pointer to it to 'bar'
bar^ # Call whatever 'bar' is pointing at with no args

(Here I use ^ instead of -> to dereference.) Compared with Python,
it saves 3 lots of (), but needs & and ^ added. Still a net saving.

On one shoulder, a demon taunts the programmer: "Ohmygosh, you can
save three keystrokes if you introduce an entirely new syntax with odd
squiggles that make no pronounceable sound in the English language!
Perhaps one day, you can program APL in Python!"

Thankfully, Guido has banished that demon from the realm of Python a
long time ago.

You mean & (bitwise AND in Python) and ^ (bitwise XOR in Python)?




Re: Your impression of for-novice writings on assertions

2010-02-02 Thread Steve Holden
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
> I've started on ch 3 of my beginner's intro to programming, now delving
> into the details of the Python language.
> It's just a few pages yet, file [03 asd.pdf] (no real title yet!) at
>> which is at Google Docs.
> The first topic is about assertions and exceptions. I wonder whether
> this text is easy or difficult to understand for a beginner. Or any
> improvements that could be made.
I don't think it's helpful in Python to refer to "... variables, which
are named locations in memory, ..." because Python specifically eschews
this model, and trying to explain assignment (especially of mutable
objects) in those terms will lead to conceptual difficulties.

Also, why introduce exceptions by talking about "error handling" when
the term "exception handling" is hanging in the air? This is also a
conceptual thing, since you want to get the reader used to the idea that
it's a legitimate programming technique to use exceptions as part of
their programs' normal control flow.

I'd also recommend taking docstrings a little more seriously, since
their use makes code much more self-documenting - someone can import
your module and learn its API using the help() function. You may have
done that in an earlier chapter.

Just a few points for you to think about, and reject if you choose.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC


Re: Your impression of for-novice writings on assertions

2010-02-02 Thread Peter
On Feb 3, 7:54 am, "Alf P. Steinbach"  wrote:
> I've started on ch 3 of my beginner's intro to programming, now delving into 
> the
> details of the Python language.
> It's just a few pages yet, file [03 asd.pdf] (no real title yet!) at 
>> which is at Google Docs.
> The first topic is about assertions and exceptions. I wonder whether this text
> is easy or difficult to understand for a beginner. Or any improvements that
> could be made.
> Cheers,
> - Alf

The only issue I have with what is there is the example - most
programmers are not interested in solving mathematical equations and
the code is enough to make the reader go cross-eyed. IMO the example
code tends to detract from the point you are trying to make about
using and how to use assertions.

I would suggest a much simpler (to read) example than the one given.
Ideally I would like to see more than one example with the examples
graded from simple to more complex. A simple example could be just
using the assert statement to verify pre-condition (assumptions) made
on parameters to a function i.e.

def divide (x, y):
  return x / y

The programmer obviously assumed that y will never be 0 - so with one
simple example you teach two points:

1. how an assert can be used
2. when programming look for unconscious assumptions


P.S. You also raise an interesting issue in my mind when quoting Knuth
and siting TeX as an example application with no known bugs - Knuth
advocated and used literate programming when writing TeX to achieve
"clarity". I believe he (still?) cites the fact that TeX is so bug
free because he used Literate Programming to write it (well, at least
one reason). So should we be trying to teach literate programming to
beginners? You did open that can of worms by quoting and siting Knuth
and TeX... :-)

Python's Reference And Internal Model Of Computing Languages

2010-02-02 Thread Xah Lee
just wrote this essay. Comment & feedback very welcome.

Python's Reference And Internal Model Of Computing Languages

Xah Lee, 2010-02-02

In Python, there are 2 ways to clear a hash: “myHash = {}” and
“myHash.clear()”. What is the difference?

The difference is that “myHash={}” simply creates a new empty hash and
assigns to myHash, while “myHash.clear()” actually clear the hash the
myHash is pointing to.

What does that mean?? Here's a code that illustrates:

# python
# 2 ways to clear hash and their difference
aa = {'a':3, 'b':4}
bb = aa
aa = {}
print bb # prints {'a': 3, 'b': 4}

aa = {'a':3, 'b':4}
bb = aa
print bb # prints {}

This is like this because of the “reference” concept. The opposite
alternative, is that everything is a copy, for example in most
functional langs. (with respect to programer-visible behavior, not how
it is implemented)

From the aspect of the relation of the language source code to the
program behavior by the source code, this “reference”-induced behavior
is similar to dynamic scope vs lexicol scope. The former being un-
intuitive and hard to understand the latter more intuitive and clear.
The former requires the lang to have a internal model of the language,
the latter more correspond to source code WYSIWYG. The former being
easy to implement and is in early langs, the latter being more popular

As with many languages that have concept of references, or pointers,
this is a complexity that hampers programing progress. The concept of
using some sort of “reference” as part of the language is due to
implementation efficiency. Starting with C and others in 1960s up to
1990s. But as time went on, this concept in computer languages are
gradually disappearing, as they should.

Other langs that have this “reference” concept as ESSENTIAL part of
the semantic of the language, includes: C, C++, Java, Perl, Common
Lisp. (of course, each using different terminologies, and each lang
faction will gouge the other faction's eyes out about what is the true
meaning of terms like “reference”, “object”, “list/sequence/vector/
array/hash”, and absolutely pretend other meanings do not exist.
(partly due to, their ignorance of langs other than their own, partly,
due to male power struggle nature.))

Languages that do not have any “reference” or “object”, or otherwise
does not require the programer to have some internal model of source
code, are: Mathematica, JavaScript, PHP. (others may include TCL,
possibly assembly langs.)

For some detail on this, see: Jargons And High Level Languages and
Hardware Modeled Computer Languages.


(perm url of this essay can be found on my website.)



Re: PEP 3147 - new .pyc format

2010-02-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 09:38:07 +0100, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

>> I like seeing them in the same place as the source file, because when I
>> start developing a module, I often end up renaming it multiple times
>> before it settles on a final name. When I rename or move it, I delete
>> the .pyc file, and that ensures that if I miss changing an import, and
>> try to import the old name, it will fail.
>> By hiding the .pyc file elsewhere, it is easy to miss deleting one, and
>> then the import won't fail, it will succeed, but use the old, obsolete
>> byte code.
> Okay, I see your point but I think your argument about importing shows
> that python is doing something suboptimal because I have to worry about
> .pyc files. Ideally, I only would need to worry about python source
> files.

That's no different from any language that is compiled: you have to worry 
about keeping the compiled code (byte code or machine language) in sync 
with the source code.

Python does most of that for you: it automatically recompiles the source 
whenever the source code's last modified date stamp is newer than that of 
the byte code. So to a first approximation you can forget all about 
the .pyc files and just care about the source.

But that's only a first approximation. You might care about the .pyc 
files if:

(1) you want to distribute your application in a non-human readable 

(2) if you care about clutter in your file system;

(3) if you suspect a bug in the compiler;

(4) if you are working with byte-code hacks;

(5) if the clock on your PC is wonky;

(6) if you leave random .pyc files floating around earlier in the 
PYTHONPATH than your source files;


> There is now a chance to 'fix' (quotation marks because maybe
> there is nothing to fix, according to some) this issue and make all pyc
> files go away and having python magically doing the right thing.

Famous last words... 

The only ways I can see to have Python magically do the right thing in 
all cases would be:

(1) Forget about byte-code compiling, and just treat Python as a purely 
interpreted language. If you think Python is slow now... 

(2) Compile as we do now, but only keep the byte code in memory. This 
would avoid all worries about scattered .pyc files, but would slow Python 
down significantly *and* reduce functionality (e.g. losing the ability to 
distribute non-source files).

Neither of these are seriously an option.

> A
> central pyc repository would be something I was thinking about, but I
> admit it's a half baked or not even that, probably quarter baked idea.

A central .pyc repository doesn't eliminate the issues developers may 
have with byte code files, it just puts them somewhere else, out of 
sight, where they are more likely to bite.


Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 12:26:16 -0800, Carl Banks wrote:

> I did not propose obvious module names.  I said obvious names like
> are bad; more descriptive names like are better.

But surely doesn't just send email, it parses email and 
receives email as well?



Re: unable to catch this exception

2010-02-02 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Tue, 02 Feb 2010 08:20:34 -0300, mk  escribió:

Exception in thread Thread-9 (most likely raised during interpreter  

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/var/www/html/", line 617, in ssh_connect
: 'NoneType' object has no attribute  

So you started several threads, and one of them was in them middle of  
connecting to somewhere when the program exited, correct?

This happens on interpreter shutdown, even though I do try to catch the  
AttributeError exception:

 fake = paramiko.BadAuthenticationType
 self.conobj.connect(self.ip, username=self.username,  
key_filename=self.sshprivkey, port=self.port, timeout=opts.timeout)

 loginsuccess = True
 except paramiko.BadAuthenticationType, e: # this is line 617
 self.conerror = str(e)
 except paramiko.SSHException, e:
 self.conerror = str(e)
 except socket.timeout, e:
 self.conerror = str(e)
 except socket.error, e:
 self.conerror = str(e)
except AttributeError:
 # this happens on interpreter shutdown
 self.conerror = 'shutdown'

It's clear what happens: paramiko gets its attributes cleared or the  
module perhaps gets unloaded and as result "paramiko" label leads to  
None, which obviously has no attribute BadAuthenticationType.

As part of the interpreter shutdown procedure, module globals are set to  
None. Code that might be executed in those very precarious circumstances  
should NOT reference any globals.

However, even though this is surrounded by try .. except AttributeError  
block, it evidently isn't catch. How to catch that exception? Or at  
least preven displaying this message?

You could keep a local reference to those global names; by example, by  
adding 'fake' default arguments:

def ssh_connect(self, other, arguments,
  paramiko=paramiko, socket=socket):

or perhaps:

def ssh_connect(self, other, arguments):
   BadAuthenticationType = paramiko.BadAuthenticationType
   socket_timeout = socket.timeout
   except BadAuthenticationType, e:
   except socket_timeout, e:

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Overcoming python performance penalty for multicore CPU

2010-02-02 Thread alex23
On Feb 3, 9:02 am, John Nagle  wrote:
>     I know there's a performance penalty for running Python on a
> multicore CPU, but how bad is it?  I've read the key paper
> (""), of course.

It's a shame that Python 3.x is dead to you, otherwise you'd be able
to enjoy the new GIL implementation in 3.2:

Actually, it looks like you probably still can:
 + patch for 2.5.4:
 + patch for 2.7?

(Can't comment on affinity, though, sorry)

Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread kj

(For reasons I don't understand Stephen Hansen's posts don't show
in my news server.  I became aware of his reply from a passing
reference in one of Terry Reedy's post.  Then I found Hansen's post
online, and then an earlier one, and pasted the relevant portion

> First, I don't shadow built in modules. Its really not very hard to avoid.

...*if* you happen to be clairvoyant.  I still don't see how the rest of us
could have followed this fine principle in the case of
prior to Python 2.6.

> Secondly, I use packages structuring my libraries, and avoid junk
> directories of a hundred some odd 'scripts'.

(I feel so icky now...)

> Third, I don't execute scripts in that directory structure directly, but
> instead do python -c 'from package.blah import main; main.main()' or some
> such. Usually via some short-cut, or a runner batch file.

Breathtaking...  I wonder why the Python documentation, in particular
the official Python tutorial, is not more forthcoming with these


Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread kj
In  Terry Reedy 

>On 2/2/2010 2:43 PM, kj wrote:
>> In  Terry 
>> Reedy  writes:
>>> On 2/2/2010 9:13 AM, kj wrote:
> As for fixing it, unfortunately it's not quite so simple to fix without
> breaking backwards-compatibility. The opportunity to do so for Python 3.0
> was missed.

 This last point is to me the most befuddling of all.  Does anyone
 know why this opportunity was missed for 3.0?  Anyone out there
 with the inside scoop on this?  Was the fixing of this problem
 discussed in some PEP or some mailing list thread?  (I've tried
 Googling this but did not hit on the right keywords to bring up
 the deliberations I'm looking for.)
>>> There was a proposal to put the whole stdlib into a gigantic package, so
>>> that
>>> import itertools
>>> would become, for instance
>>> import std.itertools.
>>> Guido rejected that. I believe he both did not like it and was concerned
>>> about making upgrade to 3.x even harder. The discussion was probably on
>>> the now closed py3k list.
>> Thanks.  I'll look for this thread.

>Stephen Hansen's post explains a bit more than I did. To supplement his 
>explanation: since print *was* a keyword, every use of 'print' in 2.x 
>denotes a print statement with standard semantics. Therefore 2to3 
>*knows* what the statement means and can translate it. On the other 
>hand, 'import string' usually means 'import the string module of the 
>stdlib', but it could mean 'import my string module'. This depends on 
>the execution environment. Moreover, I believe people have intentionally 
>shadowed stdlib modules. So. like it or not, 2to3 cannot know what 
>'import string' means.

Thanks, this dispels some of the mystery.


Re: libpcap and python

2010-02-02 Thread gashero
On 2月1日, 下午8时47分, Mag Gam  wrote:
> Hello All,
> I used tcpdump to capture data on my network. I would like to analyze
> the data using python -- currently using ethereal and wireshark.
> I would like to get certain type of packets (I can get the hex code
> for them), what is the best way to do this? Lets say I want to capture
> all events of `ping localhost`

You need python module "pypcap" or "pcapy" to capture the packet, and
the you can use Python to analyze it.
To decode the internet packet you can use "dpkt".

Good Luck!

Re: Python's Reference And Internal Model Of Computing Languages

2010-02-02 Thread Ryan Kelly

> On Tue, 2010-02-02 at 17:28 -0800, Xah Lee wrote:

I know, I know, do not feed the trolls.  But this is just so *wrong*
that I can't help myself.

> In Python, there are 2 ways to clear a hash:

No, no there's not.  There's one way to clear a hash and there's one way
to assign a new object to a variable.

>  “myHash = {}” and
> “myHash.clear()”. What is the difference?
> The difference is that “myHash={}” simply creates a new empty hash and
> assigns to myHash, while “myHash.clear()” actually clear the hash the
> myHash is pointing to.
> What does that mean?? Here's a code that illustrates:
> # python
> # 2 ways to clear hash and their difference
> aa = {'a':3, 'b':4}
> bb = aa
> aa = {}
> print bb # prints {'a': 3, 'b': 4}
> aa = {'a':3, 'b':4}
> bb = aa
> aa.clear()
> print bb # prints {}
> This is like this because of the “reference” concept.

...snip inane babble...

> Languages that do not have any “reference” or “object”, or otherwise
> does not require the programer to have some internal model of source
> code, are: Mathematica, JavaScript, PHP. (others may include TCL,
> possibly assembly langs.)

Just so we're all clear exactly how much thought has gone into this
little rant, here's a transcript from a JavaScript session:

  var aa = {};
  var bb = aa;
  aa.hello = "world";
  alert(bb.hello)  -->  "world"
  delete bb.hello
  alert(aa.hello)  -->  "undefined"

OMFG, references!!

Come to think of it, the JavaScript and Python object models are really
very similar.  I'm genuinely curious now - what little sprinkle of magic
fairy dust has earned JavaScript objects the Xah Lee seal of approval
while Python objects miss out?


Ryan Kelly  |  This message is digitally signed. Please visit| for details

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Python's Reference And Internal Model Of Computing Languages

2010-02-02 Thread Paul Rubin
Ryan Kelly  writes:
> I know, I know, do not feed the trolls.  But this is just so *wrong*
> that I can't help myself.


Re: Python's Reference And Internal Model Of Computing Languages

2010-02-02 Thread Xah Lee
 ()On Feb 2, 6:46 pm, Ryan Kelly  wrote:
> > On Tue, 2010-02-02 at 17:28 -0800, Xah Lee wrote:
> I know, I know, do not feed the trolls.  But this is just so *wrong*
> that I can't help myself.
> > In Python, there are 2 ways to clear a hash:
> No, no there's not.  There's one way to clear a hash and there's one way
> to assign a new object to a variable.
> >  “myHash = {}” and
> > “myHash.clear()”. What is the difference?
> > The difference is that “myHash={}” simply creates a new empty hash and
> > assigns to myHash, while “myHash.clear()” actually clear the hash the
> > myHash is pointing to.
> > What does that mean?? Here's a code that illustrates:
> > # python
> > # 2 ways to clear hash and their difference
> > aa = {'a':3, 'b':4}
> > bb = aa
> > aa = {}
> > print bb # prints {'a': 3, 'b': 4}
> > aa = {'a':3, 'b':4}
> > bb = aa
> > aa.clear()
> > print bb # prints {}
> > This is like this because of the “reference” concept.
> ...snip inane babble...
> > Languages that do not have any “reference” or “object”, or otherwise
> > does not require the programer to have some internal model of source
> > code, are: Mathematica, JavaScript, PHP. (others may include TCL,
> > possibly assembly langs.)
> Just so we're all clear exactly how much thought has gone into this
> little rant, here's a transcript from a JavaScript session:
>   var aa = {};
>   var bb = aa;
>   aa.hello = "world";
>   alert(bb.hello)  -->  "world"
>   delete bb.hello
>   alert(aa.hello)  -->  "undefined"
> OMFG, references!!
> Come to think of it, the JavaScript and Python object models are really
> very similar.  I'm genuinely curious now - what little sprinkle of magic
> fairy dust has earned JavaScript objects the Xah Lee seal of approval
> while Python objects miss out?

Thanks. You are right. I think i put JavaScript there without much


Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Steve Holden
kj wrote:
> (For reasons I don't understand Stephen Hansen's posts don't show
> in my news server.  I became aware of his reply from a passing
> reference in one of Terry Reedy's post.  Then I found Hansen's post
> online, and then an earlier one, and pasted the relevant portion
> below.)
>> First, I don't shadow built in modules. Its really not very hard to avoid.
> ...*if* you happen to be clairvoyant.  I still don't see how the rest of us
> could have followed this fine principle in the case of
> prior to Python 2.6.
Clearly the more you know about the standard library the less likely
this is to be a problem. Had you been migrqating from an earlier version
 the breakage would have alerted you to look for some version-dependent

>> Secondly, I use packages structuring my libraries, and avoid junk
>> directories of a hundred some odd 'scripts'.
> (I feel so icky now...)
Be as flippant as you like, but that is good advice.

>> Third, I don't execute scripts in that directory structure directly, but
>> instead do python -c 'from package.blah import main; main.main()' or some
>> such. Usually via some short-cut, or a runner batch file.
> Breathtaking...  I wonder why the Python documentation, in particular
> the official Python tutorial, is not more forthcoming with these
> rules.
Because despite the fact that this issue has clearly bitten you badly
enough to sour you against the language, such issues are remarkably rare
in practice and normally rather easier to debug.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC


Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Carl Banks
On Feb 2, 5:49 pm, Steven D'Aprano
> On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 12:26:16 -0800, Carl Banks wrote:
> > I did not propose obvious module names.  I said obvious names like
> > are bad; more descriptive names like are better.
> But surely doesn't just send email, it parses email and
> receives email as well?

No, it doesn't.

Carl Banks

Re: Python's Reference And Internal Model Of Computing Languages

2010-02-02 Thread Gib Bogle

Paul Rubin wrote:

Ryan Kelly  writes:

I know, I know, do not feed the trolls.  But this is just so *wrong*
that I can't help myself.



Re: How to guard against bugs like this one?

2010-02-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 19:55:15 -0800, Carl Banks wrote:

> On Feb 2, 5:49 pm, Steven D'Aprano
>  wrote:
>> On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 12:26:16 -0800, Carl Banks wrote:
>> > I did not propose obvious module names.  I said obvious names like
>> > are bad; more descriptive names like are
>> > better.
>> But surely doesn't just send email, it parses email and
>> receives email as well?
> No, it doesn't.

Nevertheless, as a general principle, modules will tend to be multi-
purpose and/or generic. How would you rename the math or random modules 
to be less "obvious" and more "descriptive"?

And of course, the less obvious the name, the harder it becomes for 
people to find and use it. Which extreme would you rather?

import zip
import compress_and_decompress_files_to_zip_archives

I'm sympathetic to the position you're taking. It's not bad advice at 
all, but I think you're over-selling it as a complete solution to the 
problem of name clashes. I think it can only slightly alleviate the 
problem of name clashes, not eliminate it.


Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread John Bokma
Jonathan Gardner  writes:

> I can explain, in an hour, every single feature of the Python language
> to an experienced programmer, all the way up to metaclasses,

Either you're a hell of a talker, or I am far, far away from being an
experienced programmer. It's advocacy like this, IMO, that keeps people
away from a language, because you can't feel nothing but a failure after
a statement like this.

John Bokma   j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread John Bokma
Jonathan Gardner  writes:

> On Feb 1, 6:36 pm, John Bokma  wrote:


>> It should be $bar = \&foo
>> Your example actually calls foo...
> I rest my case. I've been programming perl professionally since 2000,
> and I still make stupid, newbie mistakes like that.

Uhm, in another post you wrote that you could explain Python in an hour
to an experienced programmer and you *still* make mistakes like that in

By the way, the language is called Perl. If you write "I've been
programming perl" in a Perl related group some people might read it as
that you've been working on the internals of the perl executable (in C)

>> > One is simple, consistent, and easy to explain. The other one requires
>> > the introduction of advanced syntax and an entirely new syntax to make
>> > function calls with references.
>> The syntax follows that of referencing and dereferencing:
>> $bar = \...@array;       # bar contains now a reference to array
>> $bar->[ 0 ];          # first element of array referenced by bar
>> $bar = \%hash;        # bar contains now a reference to a hash
>> $bar->{ key };        # value associated with key of hash ref. by bar
>> $bar = \&foo;         # bar contains now a reference to a sub
>> $bar->( 45 );         # call sub ref. by bar with 45 as an argument
>> Consistent: yes. New syntax? No.
> Except for the following symbols and combinations, which are entirely
> new and different from the $...@% that you have to know just to use
> arrays and hashes.
> \@, ->[ ]

@array, one item: $array[ 1 ];
$arrayref, one item: $arrayref->[ 1 ];

> \%, ->{ }

%hash, one item: $hash{ key };
hence: $hashref, one item: $hash->{ key }

> \&, ->( )

should now be clear ;-)

You *should* have no problem with that if you have been
programming professionally Perl since 2000 IMNSHO. Otherwise print my
post or copy it on a post-it note ;-).

Remember that all this was added to Perl in version 5. So it had to be
added in a way that wouldn't break Perl 4. Perl is, in my experience
quite good in backwards compatibility. Quite some Perl modules on CPAN
work from 5.00x-5.10 and most likely will work without trouble in 5.12.

> By the way:
> * How do you do a hashslice on a hashref?

I will reply like it's a genuine question, and not like "Oh, look, how
silly Perl works". I don't care about that much. I do like Perl and am
starting to like Python.

@$hashref{ 'key1', 'key2', 'key3' };

> * How do you invoke reference to a hash that contains a reference to
> an array that contains a reference to a function?

I guess you mean:

$hashref->{ key }[ index ]( arguments );

The long version is:

$hashref->{ key }->[ index ]->( arguments );

[ Python advocacy snipped]

> I'd rather think of the task at hand than what each of the funky
> symbols on my keyboard mean.

Then just quit programming Perl ;-) Perl has always come naturally to
me, no idea why. Recently I said to a close friend:

Python is like my desk, which I prefer to keep clean and neat.
Perl is like my livingroom, which I prefer to keep clean and neat to
some extend, but some mess is allowed. For example, the cat can be
there. Toys of my daughter are allowed to be all over the place. A
pleasant mess, but not too much.

I won't repeat what I said about PHP ;-).

John Bokma   j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 23:11:49 -0600, John Bokma wrote:

> Jonathan Gardner  writes:
>> I can explain, in an hour, every single feature of the Python language
>> to an experienced programmer, all the way up to metaclasses,
> Either you're a hell of a talker, or I am far, far away from being an
> experienced programmer. It's advocacy like this, IMO, that keeps people
> away from a language, because you can't feel nothing but a failure after
> a statement like this.

Surely you're exaggerating? 

Without making any aspersions towards Jonathan either way, the Internet 
is full of both blowhards and geniuses. Anyone who lets the off-the-cup 
claims of either ruin their self-confidence is unlikely to be thinking 
about learning Python, they're probably sitting alone in a dark room 
staring as the walls close in.

Either that or on MySpace.


RE:calling python from lisp

2010-02-02 Thread Niitsuma Hirotaka
Autor: Martin Rubey
Data: 2008-10-29 09:34 +900
Dla: python-list
CC: sage-devel
Temat: calling python from lisp

>sys:1: RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module pol: This 
>Python has API version 1013, module pol has version 1011.

I modified some of pythononlisp including this.

plz try.

Re: ANN: GMPY 1.11 released

2010-02-02 Thread Mensanator
On Feb 2, 12:45 am, casevh  wrote:
> Everyone,
> I'm pleased to annouce the final release of GMPY 1.11.
> GMPY is a wrapper for the MPIR or GMP multiple-precision
> arithmetic library. GMPY 1.11 is available for download from:
> In addition to support for Python 3.x, there are several new
> features in this release:
> - Even faster conversion to/from Python longs.
> - Performance improvements by reducing function overhead.
> - Performance improvements by improved caching.
> - Support for cdivmod, fdivmod, and tdivmod.
> - Unicode strings are accepted on Python 2.x and 3.x.
> - Fixed regression in GMPY 1.10 where True/False were no
>   longer recognized.
> Changes since 1.11rc1:
> - Recognizes GMP 5.
> - Bugs fixed in Windows binaries (MPIR 1.3.0rc3 -> 1.3.1).
> Comments on provided binaries
> The 32-bit Windows installers were compiled with MinGW32 using MPIR
> 1.3.1 and will automatically recognize the CPU type and use code
> optimized for the CPU at runtime. The 64-bit Windows installers were
> compiled Microsoft's SDK compilers using MPRI 1.3.1. Detailed
> instructions are included if you want to compile your own binary.
> Please report any issues!

My previous replies didn't show up. Something to do the .announce
group? I'll trim that and try again. Sorry if they show up eventually.

Two issues:

1] why does both gmpy 1.11 and gmpy 1.11rc1 both reply

>>> gmpy.version()

Aren't these different versions? How are we supposed to tell them

2] Is it true that the only changes since 1.11rc1 are not
   applicable to me since

   - I'm not using Windows
   - whether it recognizes GMP 5 is moot as GMP 5 cannot be
 compiled on a Mac (according to GMP site)

Is it possible GMP's problems with getting GMP 5 to compile
are the same ones I had with 3.1 on Snow Leopard? (They bemoan
not having a set of every Mac system.) Think it would behoove
me to try it?

> casevh


Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread John Bokma
Steven D'Aprano  writes:

> On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 23:11:49 -0600, John Bokma wrote:
>> Jonathan Gardner  writes:
>>> I can explain, in an hour, every single feature of the Python language
>>> to an experienced programmer, all the way up to metaclasses,
>> Either you're a hell of a talker, or I am far, far away from being an
>> experienced programmer. It's advocacy like this, IMO, that keeps people
>> away from a language, because you can't feel nothing but a failure after
>> a statement like this.
> Surely you're exaggerating? 

No, because if I was I would've put a smiley there somewhere. I am
learning Python, for a time to be honest. I can manage in the language
quite well.

I consider myself quite an experienced Perl programmer, I have no
problems with the constructs Jonathan elsewhere in this thread claims to
have problems with after 10 years of professional Perl programming. They
come natural to me. But I don't see myself being able to understand
every Python feature in a talk of an hour *with* the current
understanding of Python I have (read halfway through Programming In
Python 3, read selected chapters on decorators, etc.).

> Without making any aspersions towards Jonathan either way, the Internet 
> is full of both blowhards and geniuses. Anyone who lets the off-the-cup 
> claims of either ruin their self-confidence is unlikely to be thinking 
> about learning Python, they're probably sitting alone in a dark room 
> staring as the walls close in.

I am quite serious about learning Python, I do write professionally in
it [1], but I am convinced that I need at least several months more of
studying to feel comfortable with most (not even all) of Python.

To me a much more relastic view on learning a programming language is:

[1] very small programs, and my customer is fully aware of that I am
learning a new language but trust me, which is great.

John Bokma   j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-02 Thread John Bokma
John Bokma  writes:

> Steven D'Aprano  writes:
>> On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 23:11:49 -0600, John Bokma wrote:
>>> Jonathan Gardner  writes:
 I can explain, in an hour, every single feature of the Python language
 to an experienced programmer, all the way up to metaclasses,
>>> Either you're a hell of a talker, or I am far, far away from being an
>>> experienced programmer. It's advocacy like this, IMO, that keeps people
>>> away from a language, because you can't feel nothing but a failure after
>>> a statement like this.
>> Surely you're exaggerating? 
> No, because if I was I would've put a smiley there somewhere. I am
> learning Python, for a time to be honest. I can manage in the language
> quite well.

Clarification: for a beginner that is.

> [1] very small programs, and my customer is fully aware of that I am
> learning a new language but trust me, which is great.

Should've been "but trusts me,".

John Bokma   j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

Re: Overcoming python performance penalty for multicore CPU

2010-02-02 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/2/2010 9:02 PM, alex23 wrote:

On Feb 3, 9:02 am, John Nagle  wrote:

 I know there's a performance penalty for running Python on a
multicore CPU, but how bad is it?  I've read the key paper
(""), of course.

It's a shame that Python 3.x is dead to you, otherwise you'd be able
to enjoy the new GIL implementation in 3.2:

Actually, it looks like you probably still can:
  + patch for 2.5.4:
  + patch for 2.7?

The patch was rejected for 2.7 (and earlier) because it could break code 
as explained in the discussion. One would have to apply and compile 
their own binary.


newbie qns : how do i use xmldiff?

2010-02-02 Thread sWrath swrath
Hi ,

I am pretty new to python , and reading up on it.

Basically I am trying to compare xml files . I know difflib have it
but it does not work out as expected. I was looking at xmldiff ,
unfortunately I am not able to find documentation how to call it from
python. Anyone knows a link or doc to it as I have been looking high
and low for few days?

lastly , is there a py (or algorithm) where it behaves exactly like
diff ? Greatly appreciated.


expy 0.5.2 released

2010-02-02 Thread Yingjie Lan

expy is an expressway to extend python.

in release 0.5.2, expy now supports custom exceptions, besides all built-in 
ones, and exception handling is made easy.

for more info, see


