[QGIS-Developer] Suggestion to integrate MCG image segmentation in QGIS

2019-06-18 Thread Sophie Crommelinck

For my PhD research, I have developed the BoundaryDelineation QGIS plugin
that aims to facilitate manual digitization from remote sensing imagery. As
an input, it requires object outlines obtained through image segmentation.
I have tested different image segmentations in QGIS, but found that
external approaches from computer vision provide better object outlines.
For the purpose of cadastral mapping that requires to digitize along roads,
buildings, rivers, fences, etc., I obtained accurate contours around
visible objects from drone, aerial and satellite imagery with Multiscale
Combinatorial Grouping (MCG) from Berkeley University. The code is open
source (
However, it is partly pre-compiled for Matlab and does not work under
Windows. In order to keep the geo-reference of input images, I have added
two small scripts (
Here is a video that shows MCG results on rural aerial imagery as well as
the use of the plugin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrDv8fW53Fs. MCG
results on peri-urban drone imagery can be seen here:

If this image segmentation would be included in QGIS, a user would not rely
on processing input data externally before being able to use the
BoundaryDelineation plugin. Furthermore, QGIS would incorporate and
facilitate the use of a state of the art computer vision image
segmentation. Segmenting an image into larger objects is an often applied
first step in many mapping and classification procedures.

My question is how to check whether someone would be interested to
implement MCG in QGIS. My own programming skills are not elaborated enough.
Should I open a feature request here: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues,
or is posting my suggestion to this mailing list the way to go?


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] How to structure GitHub repository for different plugin versions

2018-08-24 Thread Sophie Crommelinck
Hi Martin and Richard,

thanks for the fast reply. I will use branches (one master for QGIS3 and
one for QGIS2) instead of folders in GitHub.



On Fri, 24 Aug 2018 at 11:11, Richard Duivenvoorde 

> On 08/24/2018 10:57 AM, Sophie Crommelinck wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to upload a QGIS3 version of a plugin that is now available
> > as QGIS2 version. Is there a general approach on how to structure the
> > plugin repository on GitHub accordingly? One idea would be to have two
> > folders e.g. 'QGIS2' and 'QGIS3' in the main plugin repository. Paolo
> > suggested there might be a general code of conduct on this one.
> Hi Sophie,
> not sure what the 'best' way is, but what I did when I created a new
> version of the pdokservicesplugin, is to create a separate  git branch
> for the qgis2 version, and I keep the master branch for qgis3, see
> https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/pdokservicesplugin/tree/qgis2branch
> vs
> https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/pdokservicesplugin/tree/master
> I made QGIS3 'master' because the qgis2 branch will get unused in near
> future.
> I checked out both branches in different folders on my dev laptop, so
> can code/commit independently from each other.
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
> ___
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> QGIS-Developer@lists.osgeo.org
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[QGIS-Developer] How to structure GitHub repository for different plugin versions

2018-08-24 Thread Sophie Crommelinck

I would like to upload a QGIS3 version of a plugin that is now available as
QGIS2 version. Is there a general approach on how to structure the plugin
repository on GitHub accordingly? One idea would be to have two folders
e.g. 'QGIS2' and 'QGIS3' in the main plugin repository. Paolo suggested
there might be a general code of conduct on this one.


QGIS-Developer mailing list
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GRASS r.kappa not working in QGIS plugin

2018-08-06 Thread Sophie Crommelinck
I just noted that everything works fine, when the module r.kappa is run
once manually via the toolbox in QGIS before running the plugin. When I
open QGIS (I am using the latest QGIS 3.3.0 nightly build version) and run
the plugin directly, the GRASS module r.kappa in the plugin doesn't work.
When I open QGIS, run r.kappa via the toolbox and run the plugin then, the
GRASS module r.kappa in the plugin works fine. Not sure how to fix this.


On Mon, 6 Aug 2018 at 08:10, Sophie Crommelinck <
sophie.crommeli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working on a QGIS plugin, that should use the module r.kappa from
> GRASS. It looks like this in my plugin source code:
> processing.run('grass7:r.kappa',
>{"classification": classificationLayer,
> "reference": referenceLayer,
> "-h": False,
> "-w": False,
> "output": outputFile})
> As an error, I get a QgsProcessingException saying 'There were errors
> executing the algorithm'.
> If I run the same manually in QGIS via the toolbox, everything works fine.
> Both calls of the module (manually and via the plugin) look similar in the
> log message panel. I have tried providing the inputs as QgsRasterLayer and
> as full filenames/paths, without success. I don't think the error is in the
> GRASS module, as it works fine when executed manually. Maybe someone
> encountered a similar problem?
> Thank you in advance,
> Sophie
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[QGIS-Developer] GRASS r.kappa not working in QGIS plugin

2018-08-06 Thread Sophie Crommelinck

I am working on a QGIS plugin, that should use the module r.kappa from
GRASS. It looks like this in my plugin source code:

   {"classification": classificationLayer,
"reference": referenceLayer,
"-h": False,
"-w": False,
"output": outputFile})

As an error, I get a QgsProcessingException saying 'There were errors
executing the algorithm'.

If I run the same manually in QGIS via the toolbox, everything works fine.
Both calls of the module (manually and via the plugin) look similar in the
log message panel. I have tried providing the inputs as QgsRasterLayer and
as full filenames/paths, without success. I don't think the error is in the
GRASS module, as it works fine when executed manually. Maybe someone
encountered a similar problem?

Thank you in advance,

QGIS-Developer mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GRASS processing modules in QGIS3

2018-07-26 Thread Sophie Crommelinck
Hi Nyall,

thanks a lot for fixing this!



On 26 July 2018 at 00:26, Nyall Dawson  wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Jul 2018 at 21:54, Sophie Crommelinck
>  wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have observed that some of the GRASS processing modules do not work
> (they run, but produce no result or error) in QGIS3. In particular, I am
> interested in using v.net.steiner, for which I was advised by Markus
> Neteler to open a bug report, which I did here: https://issues.qgis.org/
> issues/19186.
> This is now fixed in master and backported to 3.2, so will be fixed in
> the 3.2.2 release. You can grab a "nightly" release if you need the
> fix urgently.
> > It is unclear to me, if this also aims to make the GRASS processing
> modules work in QGIS3.
> Very much so! Just keep filing bug reports like you've done, and
> they'll eventually get fixed.
> Nyall
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[QGIS-Developer] GRASS processing modules in QGIS3

2018-07-24 Thread Sophie Crommelinck

I have observed that some of the GRASS processing modules do not work (they
run, but produce no result or error) in QGIS3. In particular, I am
interested in using v.net.steiner, for which I was advised by Markus
Neteler to open a bug report, which I did here:
https://issues.qgis.org/issues/19186. However, I don't know if anybody is
taking care of this. I found that  Radek Novotný  is working on improving
the GRASS integration in QGIS3 for a Google Summer of Code:

It is unclear to me, if this also aims to make the GRASS processing modules
work in QGIS3. If yes, I would like to know, when the modules are intended
to be usable in QGIS. If no, I would like to know, if there is any other
development in this context currently in progress or planned. Maybe there
is also a better way to solve such questions than scanning through the
mailing list or writing to it?

Thank you in advance,

QGIS-Developer mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Unable to compile QGIS3 plugin

2018-03-23 Thread Sophie Crommelinck

My problem is solved.

I just created a new plugin with the QGIS Plug-In Builder and ran in the
OSGeo4W Shell:

call qt5_env.bat
call py3_env.bat
pyrcc5 -o resources.py resources.qrc

This created the resources.py file and I could load the plugin without
crash in QGIS.

I am not sure what made QGIS crash when doing exactly this for the previous
plugin, on which I I tried your suggestions. I attached both the
resources.py and resources.qrc files of the previous plugin that caused the
QGIS crashes. I will now continue working with the newly created and
compiled one.

Thanks for your support,


2018-03-23 11:54 GMT+01:00 Michel Stuyts <michel.stu...@edegem.be>:

> Sophie,
> This means  there is a probably something in your resources.py that
> causes the crash. Could you share that file and your resources.qrc that you
> used to generate resources.py?
> Michel
> *Van:* Sophie Crommelinck [mailto:sophie.crommeli...@gmail.com]
> *Verzonden:* vrijdag 23 maart 2018 11:48
> *Aan:* Michel Stuyts <michel.stu...@edegem.be>
> *CC:* qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org
> *Onderwerp:* Re: [QGIS-Developer] Unable to compile QGIS3 plugin
> @ Michel: Does my answer make sense to you?
> Does anyone have an additional idea that I could try to compile the
> resource file successfully?
> Best,
> Sophie
> 2018-03-16 14:27 GMT+01:00 Sophie Crommelinck <
> sophie.crommeli...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> then again a resources.py file is created that makes QGIS3 crash.
> Best,
> Sophie
> 2018-03-16 12:24 GMT+01:00 Michel Stuyts <michel.stu...@edegem.be>:
> And if you first run:
> call C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\py3_env.bat
> and after that:
> C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\Python36\Scripts\pyrcc5 –o resources.py resources.qrc
> Michel
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Resource object code
# Created by: The Resource Compiler for PyQt5 (Qt v5.9.2)
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!

from PyQt5 import QtCore

qt_resource_data = b"\

Re: [QGIS-Developer] Unable to compile QGIS3 plugin

2018-03-16 Thread Sophie Crommelinck
 I think my images broke while sending,

here they are again:

*Jürgen's suggestion:*

*Hannes' suggestion:*


2018-03-16 10:45 GMT+01:00 Sophie Crommelinck <sophie.crommeli...@gmail.com>

> Hello Jürgen and Hannes,
> thanks for your support. I tried both suggestions, with little success.
> *Jürgen's suggestion:*
> This creates the resources.py file (attached). However, when I open QGIS3
> it crashes every time I reload the plugin (crash report attached).
> *Hannes' suggestion:*
> which results in the same as above. However, here I am not entirely sure
> if I followed the suggestion correctly as I go back to the plugin folder
> for compiling.
> Also, I wonder, why the result of calling python-qgis-dev.bat lists win32,
> while I have a win64 machine.
> I also tried changing the python path as suggested in the stack exchange
> question to Python36 in C:\OSGeo4W64\etc\ini\python-core without success
> Best,
> Sophie
> 2018-03-16 1:11 GMT+01:00 KOHLMANN Hannes <h.kohlm...@ove.at>:
>> Hey Sophie!
>> There is one .bat file that does all the work of setting the Environment
>> variables properly: /osgeo4w_root/bin/python-qgis-dev.bat
>> Call that file in the console and in the same console cd to the directory
>> with the pyrcc.bat file (osgeo4w_root/apps/python36/scripts)
>> Here is the link to a gis.stackexchange question concerning that:
>> https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/260743/how-to-compil
>> e-qtdesigner-user-interface-ui-and-resource-qrc-files-
>> with-qg/264377#264377
>> Good luck and compiling ;)
>> Cheers,
>> Hannes
>> ___
>> QGIS-Developer mailing list
>> QGIS-Developer@lists.osgeo.org
>> List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Unable to compile QGIS3 plugin

2018-03-16 Thread Sophie Crommelinck
Hello Jürgen and Hannes,

thanks for your support. I tried both suggestions, with little success.

*Jürgen's suggestion:*

This creates the resources.py file (attached). However, when I open QGIS3
it crashes every time I reload the plugin (crash report attached).

*Hannes' suggestion:*

which results in the same as above. However, here I am not entirely sure if
I followed the suggestion correctly as I go back to the plugin folder for
Also, I wonder, why the result of calling python-qgis-dev.bat lists win32,
while I have a win64 machine.

I also tried changing the python path as suggested in the stack exchange
question to Python36 in C:\OSGeo4W64\etc\ini\python-core without success



2018-03-16 1:11 GMT+01:00 KOHLMANN Hannes :

> Hey Sophie!
> There is one .bat file that does all the work of setting the Environment
> variables properly: /osgeo4w_root/bin/python-qgis-dev.bat
> Call that file in the console and in the same console cd to the directory
> with the pyrcc.bat file (osgeo4w_root/apps/python36/scripts)
> Here is the link to a gis.stackexchange question concerning that:
> https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/260743/how-to-
> compile-qtdesigner-user-interface-ui-and-resource-qrc-
> files-with-qg/264377#264377
> Good luck and compiling ;)
> Cheers,
> Hannes
> ___
> QGIS-Developer mailing list
> QGIS-Developer@lists.osgeo.org
> List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Resource object code
# Created by: The Resource Compiler for PyQt5 (Qt v5.9.2)
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!

from PyQt5 import QtCore

qt_resource_data = b"\

[QGIS-Developer] Unable to compile QGIS3 plugin

2018-03-15 Thread Sophie Crommelinck

I would like to make a QGIS3 plugin. I have created the template with the
'Plugin Builder', which creates the plugin folder in
When I then open the OSGeo4WShell, navigate to the folder and enter 'make',
the following error occurs:

When running 'pyrcc5 -o resources.py resources.qrc' (which should do the
same) the following error occurs:

I thought it might have something to do with Python3 not properly installed
or connected to QGIS3 and reinstalled QGIS and Python with the OSGeo4W
installer without success. I am a little confused by the many pythons
installed somewhere from OSGeo4W and my local Python 2 and 3. I will try
reinstalling all parts to get a better feeling for what comes from where.

Any further idea on what I could try?

Thanks in advance,

QGIS-Developer mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Plugin not in repository

2017-05-31 Thread Sophie Crommelinck
Oh my mistake, I haven't seen that open issue.
I solved it by deleting all .pyc files and closed the ticket.



On 31 May 2017 at 12:02, Paolo Cavallini <cavall...@faunalia.it> wrote:

> Hi Sphie,
> Il 31/05/2017 11:51, Sophie Crommelinck ha scritto:
> > about 3-4 weeks ago, I uploaded a QGIS Plugin called BoundaryDelineation
> > to the QGIS Plugin Repository via http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/add/
> > <http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/add/>.
> >
> > I haven't heard anything about its acceptance or refusal.
> I opened a ticket:
> https://github.com/SCrommelinck/BoundaryDelineation/issues
> and received no reply. I'll be glad of publishing it once issues are fixed.
> All the best.
> --
> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
> QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
> https://www.google.com/trends/explore?date=all=IT=qgis,arcgis
> ___
> QGIS-Developer mailing list
> QGIS-Developer@lists.osgeo.org
> List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS Plugin not in repository

2017-05-31 Thread Sophie Crommelinck

about 3-4 weeks ago, I uploaded a QGIS Plugin called BoundaryDelineation to
the QGIS Plugin Repository via http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/add/.

I haven't heard anything about its acceptance or refusal.

I am not sure if this mailing list is the right place to ask: how can I
find out more about the acceptance status of my plugin?


Sophie Crommelinck
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