[Qgis-user] advice on which CRS to use

2020-05-09 Per discussione Stephen Sacks
I'm mapping the location of trees and plants along the famous Promenade 
in Brooklyn, NY.   Above a bottom layer of GoogleSatelliteHybrid, I've 
drawn polygons representing 35 gardens, and then there are layers for 
trees in each garden, plants, etc.  The project CRS is EPSG:2263 since 
having coordinates measured in feet is very convenient because 
volunteers are giving me pieces of graph paper with trees, etc. marked 
in pencil;  each square on the graph paper represents one foot.  I want 
to plot all that relative to the northwest corner of each garden.

   Now here's my problem.  Using my cell phone and an Android app 
called Lat Long, I captured latitude and longitude at each corner.  When 
I create a layer of garden corners they all appear to be in 
Pennsylvania.  I know that this forum (and many web sites) are full of 
hundreds of explanations of how to reconcile different CRS's.  I've read 
many lengthy explanations and advice.  I'm sorry to be dumb, but I just 
can't bring those corner points back to Brooklyn.  I know that along my 
gardens the longitude is something like -73.993 degrees (or 985217 feet) 
and latitude approximately 40.695 degrees (or 193982 feet). And the long 
and lat reported by my phone is close to that.  But when I put long and 
lat into QGIS (by reading delimited data from a .csv file) the long 
becomes -77.519 and the lat  40.112 (about 200 miles west and slightly 
south of where they should be).  The .csv file has columns labelled 
"Longitude" and "Latitude" ;  the Data Source Manager >  Delimited Text 
window shows that QGIS got that right. The attribute table of that layer 
seems to confirm that.

    I've tried loading the corner points file and then saving it as a 
shape file with crs 2263,  but it still puts those points in Pennsylvania.

 Any advice would be very welcome.  Thanks in advance for your 


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Re: [Qgis-user] Error: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory - After installing QGIS 3.10 LTR

2020-05-09 Per discussione Neil B
I find it odd that installing QGIS 3.10 would force an upgrade on
Postgresql to version 10.12. What version of Postgresql were you running
before? If it was a minor version of 10 before and it is still 10, then
that's trival. If it was previously a 9.X version then I wonder how your
data got migrated from the 9.X version to the 10 version automatically.

I'm guessing that the dependencies of gdal, proj, et cetera being brought
in for QGIS 3.10 probably forced an upgrade of the postgis version that's
causing the problem. The following steps are all run from the command line
as root. (Preface the command with sudo if required.)

Find out what versions of postgis for Postresql 10 are available/installed:
 apt list --all-versions | grep postgresql-10-postgis
The versions that are installed will have [installed]
or [installed,automatic] at the end. The entries for postgis-2.4 shouldn't
have anything at the end.

If you want to just fix the missing packages, then run
 apt install postgresql-10-postgis-2.4 postgresql-10-postgis-2.4-scripts
This should resolve your immediate problem and you can stop here.

Based on the earlier command, if postgis 2.5 shows up as being installed
and you want to upgrade to that version, there are several steps that need
to be done. The previous step of installing the postgis-2.4 packages still
needs to be done and you should have both the 2.4 and 2.5 packages

The extensions in Postgresql need to be upgraded and the following commands
only need to be done in the database(s) where the postgis extension has
been installed. All commands shown are run from the command line and using
psql to connect. Also assuming postgis was initially installed within
Postgresql using extensions.

Connect to the Postgresql cluster and the necessary database as the user
The following command will provide a list of installed extensions.
 mydb=# \dx
If postgis does not show up in the list, stop. Make sure you're connected
to the correct database if you have multiple databases on that cluster. If
postgis shows up (and should say 2.4.X for the version) in the list then
 mydb=# alter extension postgis update;
And run the following to update existing or get additional extensions
associated with that version of postgis.
 mydb=# select postgis_extensions_upgrade();
Repeat the above procedure for each database within the cluster that has
postgis extensions installed. Upgrading one database does not upgrade all
of the databases.

If everything was successful in the above steps, the postgis 2.4 packages
can be removed from the OS. Only do this if you have upgraded all databases
using postgis 2.4 to a newer version. Running as root from the command line:
 apt remove postgresql-10-postgis-2.4 postgresql-10-postgis-2.4-scripts

Not specific to this question but adding the following as thoughts for
longer term planning to anyone still using older versions of Postgresql and

It is best to upgrade from postgis version 2.4 or lower to either version
2.5 or version 3.0 sooner than later especially if you are planning a major
version upgrade of Postgresql. My experience is that you require
the scripts for the version of the postgis extension installed to actually
upgrade the extension within Postgresql to a newer version. Newer versions
(11 and 12) of Postgresql do not have packages in the repository for
postgis 2.4 which may cause problems if trying to update/upgrade the
postgis extensions post database upgrade.

Just an FYI Postgresql 9.5 and 9.6 will both have their final releases next
year. If you have no hard dependencies on the version of Postresql, and are
planning an upgrade, I would suggest going to Postgresql version 12 with
Postgis version 3. Postgresql 12's final release date is set for 14 Nov
2024 which will give you a few years of stability.

On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 12:53 AM Marie Anna Baovola 

> Hello everyone,
> Anyone could help me how to fix my error in my object, please?
> I have installed the QGIS 3.10 and it seems that my PostgreSQL is upgraded
> into 10.12. I use Ubuntu 18.04 bionic.
> I cannot reinstall the extension Postgis.
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Best regards,
> --
> BAOVOLA Marie Anna
> ___
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> Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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[Qgis-user] Geometry snapper

2020-05-09 Per discussione Amila Bajic

Where to find Geometry snapper plugin in QGIS 3.6.1?

Thank you all!

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Re: [QGIS-it-user] Traduzione QGIS 3

2020-05-09 Per discussione Andrea Giudiceandrea
In particolare,
da una verifica fatta solo per le pagine principali, alcune delle stringhe
attualmente non traducibili sono:

- "for your Operating System and read the changelog." nel banner della Home
Page https://qgis.org/it/site/index.html

- "For users:"
- "For documentation writers:"
- "For developers:"
- "We are still updating (not translating yet) the documentation for
releases newer than QGIS 3.10. We call this version 'QGIS testing' and the
documentation can be found here:" nella pagina Documentazione

- "In case of a broken function, you may give a look at QGIS issue tracker
before mailing to the list. More information at :ref:QGIS-bugreporting."
nella pagina delle FAQ

Chiaramente potrebbero esserci altre stringhe non traducibili nelle pagine a
livelli inferiori della struttura del sito (non ho avuto tempo di
controllarle tutte) e potrebbero esserci anche aggiornamenti nelle
traduzioni di altre stringhe che non sono stati implementati ancora nel sito
(come quella segnalata qui

A presto.


Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/QGIS-Italian-User-f5250612.html
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Traduzione QGIS 3

2020-05-09 Per discussione Andrea Giudiceandrea
Salve a tutti,
come suggeritomi da Stefano Campus, segnalo un problema nella traduzione del
sito Web qgis.org.

Premetto che il sistema di traduzione per il sito qgis.org, a quanto ho
capito, è un po' complicato:
1) le stringhe in inglese devono essere appositamente taggate affinché
possano essere disponibili per la traduzione
2) le stringhe taggate per la traduzione devono essere importate in
3) le traduzioni delle stringhe effettuate in transifex deve essere
esportata e implementata nel sito web
4) il sito web si aggiorna in automatico ogni notte con le nuove stringhe e

Se le stringhe in inglese non sono taggate, o non sono state importate in
transifex (o sono state modificate e le modifiche non sono state importate
in transifex), o l'eventuale traduzione (o una modifica della traduzione)
non è esportata e implementata nel sito web, allora... niente traduzione!

Purtroppo i punti 2 e 3, se non ho capito male, vengono effettuati solo
saltuariamente perché richiedono una laboriosa procedura manuale (vedi

Vi segnalo quindi il thread dal titolo "[Website] Missing Strings" su
qgis-tr (tramite Nabble)
http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Website-Missing-Strings-td5436484.html e

A presto.

Andrea Giudiceandrea

Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/QGIS-Italian-User-f5250612.html
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Error: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory - After installing QGIS 3.10 LTR

2020-05-09 Per discussione Jorge Gustavo Rocha

Can you please tell us which repositories are you using? Check "apt
policy" for qgis/postgis related packages. The very first http address
on the output is the repository you are using.

Try something like:

apt policy postgresql

apt policy postgresql-10-postgis-2.5

apt policy qgis

Maybe you are mixing repositories.



On 09/05/20 07:53, Marie Anna Baovola wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Anyone could help me how to fix my error in my object, please?
> I have installed the QGIS 3.10 and it seems that my PostgreSQL is
> upgraded into 10.12. I use Ubuntu 18.04 bionic.
> I cannot reinstall the extension Postgis.
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Best regards,
> -- 
> BAOVOLA Marie Anna
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
> Qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> Unsubscribe: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
Email Signature
*Jorge Gustavo Rocha* | Software Engineer
*e:*j...@geomaster.pt | *m:*+351 910 333 888
*g:*41.54094,-8.40490 | *v: *510 906 109
*a: * Rua António Cândido Pinto, 67, 4715-400 Braga

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Re: [Qgis-user] Snapping

2020-05-09 Per discussione chris hermansen
Amila and list,

On Sat, May 9, 2020, 05:26 Amila Bajic  wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I need your help, If there is someonw who could help, I will be thankful.
> My question is about snapping. I have a polygon layer with so many
> nodes/vertexes and also I have line layer with less nodes/vertexes. Is
> there any possibility to connect/snap them to have the same number of
> nodes? I know it is possible to do it manually, is there any plugin for
> this or something similar? That is for my Master thesis. I have attached
> one example in this mail.

What about either converting the polygons to lines or the lines to polygons
and using the pair that match instead?


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[Qgis-user] Error: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory - After installing QGIS 3.10 LTR

2020-05-09 Per discussione Marie Anna Baovola
Hello everyone,

Anyone could help me how to fix my error in my object, please?
I have installed the QGIS 3.10 and it seems that my PostgreSQL is upgraded
into 10.12. I use Ubuntu 18.04 bionic.

I cannot reinstall the extension Postgis.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

BAOVOLA Marie Anna
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