Re: Mandrake 8.0 with postfix

2001-08-08 Thread Brett Randall

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 14:37:21 -0400, qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Q1.) I am setuping with Mandrake 8.0 kernal 2.4.3, how can I remove
> all postfix?

rpm -e --nodeps postfix

> Q2.) Should I stop all the pop3 and IMAP service in Xinetd?


> Q3.) I should use courier-imap and qmail-pop3?

If you want a standard POP3 daemon, and want to run IMAP for your
users, then Yes.

> Q4.) I have many existing email account with user name like
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is it ok?


> Q5.) Is it I should install dot-forward package b4 install qmail?

No. Use .qmail. man dot-qmail

> my .forward file don't work

Neither does my cat.

> Thanks a lot!  Qmail luser


1. Use a real name
2. Read the archives
3. Read the FAQ
4. Read.
"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a
violent psychopath who knows where you live."

- Martin Golding

Mandrake 8.0 with postfix

2001-08-08 Thread qmail

Q1.) I am setuping with Mandrake 8.0 kernal 2.4.3, how can I remove all
Q2.) Should I stop all the pop3 and IMAP service in Xinetd?
Q3.) I should use courier-imap and qmail-pop3?
Q4.) I have many existing email account with user name like
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is it ok?
Q5.) Is it I should install dot-forward package b4 install qmail? my
.forward file don't work,
how to check what error by./instcheck?

Thanks a lot!
Qmail user

Re: genericstable equivalent?

2001-08-08 Thread Brett Randall

> On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 23:03:42 -0700 (PDT), David Raistrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> mail sent from the robert31 local account would show as being from:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] for all intents and purposes.

man qmail-inject [cr] / CONTROL FILES [cr]

Depends what you mean by "local account". If you mean rewriting the
headers of every single e-mail that passes through (or at least
scanning the headers and rewriting if need be), look at mess822. If
you just mean people sending using pine or elm or mutt or whatever,
then you will probably want to look at the contents of control/me and
control/defaultdomain .
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net
and he won't bother you for weeks

genericstable equivalent?

2001-08-08 Thread David Raistrick

Hey folks...

Ok, its time to try to talk qmail into doing some virtualdomains for me.

I admit its rather annoying to only have the option of doing a -prepend
instead of mapping ala sendmails virtualusertable...

But I find NO equivalent for sendmails genericstable ?!?!?! Is this true?

To clarify, the genericstable rewrites the (presumably...I've always taken
it for granted..) From: and the envelope sender as apropriate on outgoing

for example,


mail sent from the robert31 local account would show as being
from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for all intents and purposes.

Is there a way to do this with qmail??


David Raistrick (deep in the south georgia woods)

Re: after using .forward, can use also have copy of the message?

2001-08-08 Thread Brett Randall

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 11:55:15 -0400, qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> can .forward remain a copy to original user email maildir?  what is
> the difference between &[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] in .forward
> file?

.forward isn't really the way to go... The bolt-on is just provided as
a medium for you to migrate from sendmail to qmail with a minimum of
effore. man dot-qmail and use the following in ~/.qmail :

"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."

- Popular Mechanics, 1949

after using .forward, can use also have copy of the message?

2001-08-08 Thread qmail

can .forward remain a copy to original user email maildir?
what is the difference between
in .forward file?

Re: virtualdomains vs. VERP and Delivered-To

2001-08-08 Thread Pavel Kankovsky

On 8 Aug 2001, John R. Levine wrote:

> Well, actually, it should be bounced to A-X=V@H, and that's exactly
> where it goes since that's the address that VERP creates.  (I presume
> M was a typo for H there.)

Oops. Yes, it should read A-X=V@H.

> >Unfortunately, the return address in the scenario described above is
> >
> > A-B-X=V@M
> No, it's not.  Qmail rewrites target virtual domain addresses at the
> time they're delivered, and virtual domain handling doesn't rewrite
> return addresses at all, ever.

*Yes, it is* (when M is replaced with H). I tested it (I did not test
the patch). I consulted the source code.

The problem lies in the fact the message is injected with a "proto-VERP"
(*), with A-@H-@[] or something like that instead of a real return path.
This pattern is recognized by qmail-send and transformed into a real VERP
path during delivery (see senderadd()). But recipient addresses are
rewritten according to controls/virtualdomains before the transformation
is done and their *rewritten* forms are used both as a destination
address and a value for the construction of VERPs (see comm_write()). Of
course, this is bad whenever the rewritten form is different from the
original one.

> >... A *completely untested* patch is here:
> Too bad you didn't test it, you could have avoided wasting a lot of
> time.

I guess I am wasting much more time trying to explain the problem. :P

> I misunderstood what you were arguing last time.  The only time you
> might have to consult control/virtualdomains to handle a VERP is if
> the domain sending the VERP'ed mail is itself a virtual domain.

No, the problem is when the domain *receiving* it is virtual and local,
and when the message is injected with a "proto-VERP". Of course, hardcoded
VERPs are not mangled by qmail but a mailing list software would have to
inject one copy per recipient into the queue in order to be able to use
them and this would be quite inefficient (**). If it uses "proto-VERPs"
(qmail-inject with QMAILINJECT=r uses them, ezmlm uses them too), it can
inject a single multi-recipient message only...assuming qmail-send won't
do anything stupid.

Is it clear now?

(*) This is no official (DJB's) terminology, just an ad hoc name
invented to label the concept in question in this text.
(**) Arguments against multi-RCPT SMTP are not applicable here.

--Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak  [ Boycott Microsoft-- ]
"Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation."

Re: virtualdomains vs. VERP and Delivered-To

2001-08-08 Thread John R. Levine

>Executive summary: qmail breaks VERP under certain circumstances.

Revised executive summary: qmail's VERP works fine, but some people
are more than a little unclear on the way virtual domains work.

>Let H be a host running qmail, A and B users at H, and V a virtual domain
>redirected to B@H. Let X@V, i.e. B-X@H, be forwarded to some other, maybe
>remote, address, say K@L. Now, let's assume A uses
>   QMAILINJECT=r qmail-inject X@V
>to send a "VERPed" message M to X@V. M is forwarded to K@L. Now, let's
>assume the delivery to K@L fails and the message is bounced back to A.
>Well, it should be bounced to A-X=V@M, shouldn't it?

Well, actually, it should be bounced to A-X=V@H, and that's exactly
where it goes since that's the address that VERP creates.  (I presume
M was a typo for H there.)

> ...
>Unfortunately, the return address in the scenario described above is
>   A-B-X=V@M

No, it's not.  Qmail rewrites target virtual domain addresses at the
time they're delivered, and virtual domain handling doesn't rewrite
return addresses at all, ever.

>... A *completely untested* patch is here:

Too bad you didn't test it, you could have avoided wasting a lot of

I misunderstood what you were arguing last time.  The only time you
might have to consult control/virtualdomains to handle a VERP is if
the domain sending the VERP'ed mail is itself a virtual domain.  I
happen to have a bunch of mailing lists in virtual domains, and they
have bounce handlers.  I can assure you from experience that all
addresses on the mailing lists are handled the same, and it makes no
difference whatsoever if an address to which VERP mail is sent is
local, remote, virtual, or anything else.

John R. Levine, IECC, POB 727, Trumansburg NY 14886 +1 607 387 6869
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Village Trustee and Sewer Commissioner,, 
Member, Provisional board, Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail

qmail-queue question

2001-08-08 Thread Edward McLain

I’ve got a slight problem here and hoping that someone
can help solve this.  Due to a high
volume of stupid users and mailing list addicts on our network (a small isp) we tend to get a lot of
bounced messages, or messages to address that don’t exist or what have
you.  The problem here is that they start
to fill the queue up pretty fast.  Now
this isn’t that big of a problem anymore since I raised our connection
limit way the hell up there.  But I have
messages that are getting stuck in the queue sometimes for more than 3
weeks.  I have /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime
set to 345600 (4 days).  Anyone have any
idea why this is happening?  


Just to answer all the simple questions:

Q. Is the file readable by qmail?

A. -rw-r--r--    1 root
7 Jul 20 18:06 queuelifetime


Q. What do the logs say about the messages?

A. @40003b71c07c05d4d9ec.s:@40003b71ba7b07110754
starting delivery 5: msg 112535 to remote emailTrimmed

    That is all
I can find in the qmail-send logs about it


Q. Is it bouncing?

A. Output from mailq | grep 112535 :

31 Jul 2001 01:01:12 GMT  #112535  15511 


On a side note, is there any reason that qmail-remote
should start up and then just sit there connected to a remote host for like 6
or 7 hours trying to send one email?  I
get this all the freaking time and I’m just wandering what exactly the
freaking thing is doing? (although this problem only really seems to occur with, yet if I telnet to port 25 of mindsprings
mail server and send the same message through telnet to the same user, from the
same user as the one qmail’s trying to send it
works just fine and I don’t get any errors or return codes.)


Any thoughts would be appreciated.




Ed McLain

High Speed Solutions

Re: Flame Bait: Using Qmail as a front-line mail server

2001-08-08 Thread Sean Chittenden

> > 1.  Is it possible to list the Qmail server as the primary MX record and
> > 
> > still forward the mail to its final destination?  All my research says
> > no,
> > but I need to be certain.
> Yes, use smtproutes. See the manual page for qmail-remote.

Or create a ton of forwarding rules (.qmail for starters).  
qmail works as a great buffer between the internet and an Exchange 

* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ->  qmail box

* qmail box looks up .qmail file for user

* qmail forwards to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* is exchange and accepts mail for the user from

* Exchange routes all outgoing mail to the qmail box as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* Exchange box is firewalled and boarded up and placed behind wallboard


Sean Chittenden

 PGP signature

Re: Is this correct?

2001-08-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 10:37:20PM +0200, Lukas Beeler wrote:
> At 22:33 08.08.2001 +0200, Severin Olloz wrote:
> >Is there a possibility to design the /etc/aliases-file that qmail sents
> >directly to the user test2 without the virtualdomain-file?
> i don't know, but fastforward & /etc/aliases is deprecated, use 
> /var/qmail/users/assign & ~alias/.qmail-name instead

Where did you get the idea those are deprecated?

Greetz, Peter
Against Free Sex!

Re: Is there a better way to log qmail smtp & pop3

2001-08-08 Thread Gerrit Pape

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 09:01:33PM +0200, Jörgen Persson wrote:
> The archives will tell you more about pop3d than the tcpserver log. The
> following article[1], by Bernstein himself, might interest you.
> Jörgen
> [1]

I took me some time to do that easily with multilog and I did not find a
hint in the archive, this pop3/run script works for me

 exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 400 \
   /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R -H -l 0 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
 `cat /var/qmail/control/me` /bin/checkpassword sh -c '
echo "$TCPREMOTEIP" "$USER" >&7
exec /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir' \
 2>&1 7>&1


innominate AG

tel: +49.30.308806-0  fax: -77

Re: Outbound mail sent through relay server?

2001-08-08 Thread Alex Pennace

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 03:00:59PM -0700, Brad Dameron wrote:
>   Anyone know how I can have Q-mail send all of it's mail through my relay
> server?

Use smtproutes. See the manual page for qmail-remote.

Outbound mail sent through relay server?

2001-08-08 Thread Brad Dameron

Anyone know how I can have Q-mail send all of it's mail through my relay

Brad Dameron
Network Account Executive
TSCNet Inc.
Silverdale, WA. 

Re: Flame Bait: Using Qmail as a front-line mail server

2001-08-08 Thread Alex Pennace

On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 09:00:46PM -0400, Steve wrote:
> 1.  Is it possible to list the Qmail server as the primary MX record and
> still forward the mail to its final destination?  All my research says
> no,
> but I need to be certain.

Yes, use smtproutes. See the manual page for qmail-remote.

Re: your mail

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The tcprules syntax above is the correct one; the problem here is you're
> > not invoking tcprulescheck properly.  It takes the remote host
> > information in an environment variable, not as an argument.
> I also tried the following:
> $ export
> $ rcprulescheck test.cdb
> default:
> allow connection
> I must still have something slightly off

It's TCPREMOTEHOST that it looks for, not TCPHOSTNAME.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: Is this correct?

2001-08-08 Thread Lukas Beeler

At 22:33 08.08.2001 +0200, Severin Olloz wrote:
>Is there a possibility to design the /etc/aliases-file that qmail sents
>directly to the user test2 without the virtualdomain-file?
i don't know, but fastforward & /etc/aliases is deprecated, use 
/var/qmail/users/assign & ~alias/.qmail-name instead
--/-/-- Lukas Beeler  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---\-\--
   \ \  Project: D.R.E.A.M, -- Your Community  / /

Is this correct?

2001-08-08 Thread Severin Olloz

My /etc/aliases looks like:


First line: All emails with the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] will sent to the 
extern email-address [EMAIL PROTECTED] - it works good :-)

Second line: All emails to will sent to the local user test2, 
but it doesn't work. Qmail sents the mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]!

So I have install a virtualdomain-file:


So now qmail sents the email to user test2!

Is there a possibility to design the /etc/aliases-file that qmail sents 
directly to the user test2 without the virtualdomain-file?

Thanks: Severin Olloz

How to remove from the list?

2001-08-08 Thread alex

Re: failure to deliver to mailboxes

2001-08-08 Thread Henning Brauer

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 10:08:43AM -0600, Michel Rondeau wrote:
> What's the prognosis Dr. Charles? ;)

You still haven't answered the famous "Wdtls". a ps aux is hardly a log file.
* Henning Brauer, [EMAIL PROTECTED], *
* Roedingsmarkt 14, 20459 Hamburg, Germany   *
Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
(Dennis Ritchie)

Re: Fix for qmail-remote process hanging on Linux (and possibly o ther s)

2001-08-08 Thread Alex Pennace

On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 12:04:50PM +1200, Jason Haar wrote:
> We have exactly the same issue here. Exchange goes down. Mail backs up on
> Qmail servers. Exchange comes back up. USERS ARE TOLD ITS WORKING AGAIN.
> Users then wonder why it takes up to 2 hours for queued mail to get to them.

qmail will wait up to two hours to deliver a message only if the
message has been sitting in its queue for 11 hours, see
. Perhaps you
should fix Exchange so it doesn't go down for 11 hours at a time.

Re: Can anyone explain this?

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The following is something I've noticed as a recurrent problem that I'm
> having.  qmail-send processes just seem to get "stuck".

Well, qmail-remote anyway.

> Anyone else seeing similar stuff happening?  I'm running qmail-1.03 without
> any patches under RedHat 6.1 (kernel 2.2.12-20smp)

Linux kernel version 2.2.12 has known bugs in its stack, and has been
identified as a likely culprit for these symptoms before.  Upgrade to
2.2.19 and the problem may just disappear.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: Is there a better way to log qmail smtp & pop3

2001-08-08 Thread Jörgen Persson

On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 11:31:29PM +, board master wrote:

Please don't use HTML formatted mail

The archives will tell you more about pop3d than the tcpserver log. The
following article[1], by Bernstein himself, might interest you.


Re: deleting messages from the queue

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Use tcpserver to refuse all connections from  Voila, no more
> > > > problem.
> > > 
> > > tcpserver (unless patched) requires IP ADDRESSES.
> > 
> > No longer true.  tcpserver accepts hostnames just fine, with appropriate
> > syntax.  See the documentation for tcpserver for details.
> Thinking this might be what I was looking for, I tried putting both
> "" and "" successively into a test.cdb and
> then ran the following (with results shown (the results were the 
> same in both cases)):
> $ tcprulescheck test.cdb
> default:
> allow connection 

The tcprules syntax above is the correct one; the problem here is you're
not invoking tcprulescheck properly.  It takes the remote host
information in an environment variable, not as an argument.
> > > And, is not the only one I'm having problems with -
> > > is another.  And I'm sure there are others, but
> > > these two are by far the biggest problems.
> > 
> > So refuse mail from them as well.  There's no law that says you have to
> > accept SMTP connections from everyone on the planet.  Perhaps they'll
> > clean up their act if they can't reach half their list members.
> OK, so now the burden is back on me to keep up with who I need to block
> and who I don't.  I'd rather have the software do it automatically if
> possible, and the easiest way to that would be checking for valid users.

Life as a mailserver administrator isn't easy :).
> vdelivermail currently has two possible options for dealing with 
> "no mailbox" situations.  1) deliver a copy of the undeliverable 
> message to an actual Mailbox (default to postmaster) or send a
> bounce message.  Looks like I might end up hacking on vdelivermail
> until it yields a third option...  sending undeliverable messages
> to /dev/null.

Perhaps it already works if you specify the default mbox you want it to
deliver to is /dev/null?
> That still doesn't inform the broken list managers of their problem,
> but at least it will unclog my outbound queue of wasted bounces.

The other way to handle this would be to throw away _outgoing_ mail
destined to that host (i.e. the bounces you're generating) before they
go over the wire.  You can do this with virtualdomains and an
appropriate dot-qmail file containing only a comment.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Vpopmail + qmail + mysql, 1 last problem

2001-08-08 Thread Cameron Shelton

Here is my situation.  Almost everything is working.  I've set up qmail and 
vpopmail using mysql.  I can log a user into a virtual domain through 
mailtoweb and read any emails that I may have.  I can send emails to my 
virtual domain users from any other account(hotmail for example), but when I 
try to send mail from my virtual domain user to any other account from 
webtomail I get a message saying that the message could not be sent.  I've 
had similar results from outlook.  Any ideas?


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: Can anyone explain this?

2001-08-08 Thread MarkD are a notorious spammer.

They presumably are spamming many invalid users at this site.

The saving grace is their IP address can be determined and tcpserver
(deny) is your friend.


On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 03:34:44PM +, eric allegedly wrote:
> The following is something I've noticed as a recurrent problem that I'm
> having.  qmail-send processes just seem to get "stuck".  I assumed they
> were waiting on a response from a slow MX, but in order to try to avoid
> this I have set /var/qmail/control/timeouremote to 180 seconds
> $ date ; ps ax | grep qmail-remote | grep -v grep
> Wed Aug  8 08:51:45 CDT 2001
> 18813 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 27933 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 30405 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  5784 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
>  9924 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> 10980 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> $ date ; ps ax | grep qmail-remote | grep -v grep
> Wed Aug  8 09:19:27 CDT 2001
> 18813 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 27933 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 30405 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  5784 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> $ ps ax | grep qmail-send
>   688 ?S 20:37 qmail-send
> 13381 pts/5S  0:00 grep qmail-send
> $ sudo kill -ALRM 688
> $ date ; ps ax | grep qmail-remote | grep -v grep
> Wed Aug  8 09:21:21 CDT 2001
> 18813 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 27933 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 30405 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  5784 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 13314 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 13376 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 13398 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 13408 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 13442 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> OurHouse.com___
> 13462 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 13479 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> mail
> 13483 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 13495 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> play4money@ya
> 13503 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 13512 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 13531 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> $ date ; ps ax | grep qmail-remote | grep -v grep
> Wed Aug  8 09:40:48 CDT 2001
> 18813 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 27933 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 30405 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  5784 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> ~$ date ; ps ax | grep qmail-remote | grep -v grep
> Wed Aug  8 10:22:42 CDT 2001
> 18813 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 27933 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> 30405 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  5784 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
> The four processes that I'm worrried about are 18813, 27933, 30405, and
> 5784.  They've been active for about 2 hours and maybe longer (who knows
> how long they had been running when I started this log).
> Anyone else seeing similar stuff happening?  I'm running qmail-1.03 without
> any patches under RedHat 6.1 (kernel 2.2.12-20smp)
> Eric Calvert

Re: deleting messages from the queue

2001-08-08 Thread eric

> "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > Why is it ridiculous?  Mail sometimes can't be delivered; hosts are
> > > down, networks are down, services are down or busy, users make typos.
> > > "A few" depends on a lot of things; if your server handles a hundred
> > > messages a day, maybe "a few" == 5 or 10.  If your server handles
> > > millions of messages a day, "a few" might be in the tens of thousands.
> > 
> > It's ridiculous because if qmail-send could do the lookup and 
> > reject for invalid users, I would not have hardly any bounced 
> > messages.
> qmail-send doesn't have anything to do with accepting mail over the
> network; it doesn't care.  qmail-smtpd has that job, assisted by
> tcpserver.  qmail-smtpd doesn't know anything about local users or
> virtual domains or anything; it's part of the security design of qmail
> to segment/separate the tasks involved.  Giving qmail-smtpd knowledge of
> users, domains, etc violates that separation.

Typo...  I meant qmail-smtpd.

> > > Okay, so whoever runs needs to be educated about
> > > running mailing lists.  No surprise there.
> > 
> > Yep.  But getting them to change is gonna be darn near impossible.
> If you (and others) start refusing to accept mail from them (my last
> suggestion), they may start to care very quickly.  I would guess their
> business depends on it (I know nothing about them).
> > Someone, somewhere must have come up with a workaround/patch for this. 
> Yes; someone did post a patch to the qmail list which basically copied
> all of qmail-send's checks into qmail-smtpd.  I don't think it's
> commonly used, as I haven't seen it mentioned since.  You should be able
> to find it in the list archives.

Searching archives...

> > > > Instead, it relies on the qmail-local (or in my case, vdelivermail
> > > > since I'm using vpopmail) to send a bounce.  However, it looks like
> > > > (and others) is not removing addresses from
> > > > lists based on the bounce messages that I'm sending.
> > > 
> > > So the problem is with them, not qmail.
> > 
> > Again, getting them to change will be darn near impossible.  But, the real
> > point here is that I'm wondering if there is any way to change the default
> > bounce message to something they will process.
> It's easy to change the format of the bounce messages, but why do it?
> qmail's bounces messages are _easier_ to parse than most other MTAs.
> See for a description of the format.  If
> you do want to change the bounce messages, please adhere to QSBMF.

I would only do it if would help.  If it won't help, I don't want to
change it.  

> > > > Anybody got any ideas on how to solve this?
> > > 
> > > Use tcpserver to refuse all connections from  Voila, no more
> > > problem.
> > >
> > 
> > tcpserver (unless patched) requires IP ADDRESSES.
> No longer true.  tcpserver accepts hostnames just fine, with appropriate
> syntax.  See the documentation for tcpserver for details.

Maybe I'm just a complete dolt, but I can find no mention in the man pages
of it accepting hostnames.  I'm looking at the man pages on DJB's website
for version 0.88 (which happens to be what I'm running).  I'm testing 
some stuff hoping to "luck up" on the "appropriate syntax."

I did find the following two lines in the man for tcprules:

6. shorter and shorter suffixes of $TCPREMOTEHOST starting with a dot, 
   preceded by =, if $TCPREMOTEHOST is set; 

Thinking this might be what I was looking for, I tried putting both
"" and "" successively into a test.cdb and
then ran the following (with results shown (the results were the 
same in both cases)):

$ tcprulescheck test.cdb
allow connection 

> > And, is not the only one I'm having problems with -
> > is another.  And I'm sure there are others, but
> > these two are by far the biggest problems.
> So refuse mail from them as well.  There's no law that says you have to
> accept SMTP connections from everyone on the planet.  Perhaps they'll
> clean up their act if they can't reach half their list members.

OK, so now the burden is back on me to keep up with who I need to block
and who I don't.  I'd rather have the software do it automatically if
possible, and the easiest way to that would be checking for valid users.

> > PLUS, there is legitimate mail coming in from both of those servers
> > for valid users.  Doing it this way, I'd be blocking that as well.  
> Yes -- that's the whole idea.  Those "legitimate" users then start
> complaining to their provider, who probably cares more about the people
> who send them money each month.

Nope.  My users start to complain to me becaues they're not receiving
their joke-of-the-d

Re: stuck messages

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

Michel Rondeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mail was not being delivered when I did that ps and there were two messages 
> waiting to be delivered at the time.  No, I did not stop and start qmail.

Two messages?  Probably they were deferred, due to timeouts or whatever.
That's perfectly normal.
> How exactly does one go about doing a truss/strace - as I said, I'm rather 
> new to this linux world...

`man strace` -- for more details, contact a support forum for your OS.
> PS: Out of curiosity, does anyone know why this mailing list won't accept 
> messages from Outlook express anymore?

djb, owner of the list, knows.  He hasn't said publicly (yet) why he's
done this, but the enormous flurry of sircam-induced email viruses that
plagued this list two weeks ago (and the resulting storm of warning
messages from broken virus scanners) would be a good guess.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Can anyone explain this?

2001-08-08 Thread eric

The following is something I've noticed as a recurrent problem that I'm
having.  qmail-send processes just seem to get "stuck".  I assumed they
were waiting on a response from a slow MX, but in order to try to avoid
this I have set /var/qmail/control/timeouremote to 180 seconds

$ date ; ps ax | grep qmail-remote | grep -v grep
Wed Aug  8 08:51:45 CDT 2001
18813 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
27933 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
30405 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5784 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
 9924 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
10980 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ date ; ps ax | grep qmail-remote | grep -v grep
Wed Aug  8 09:19:27 CDT 2001
18813 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
27933 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
30405 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5784 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
$ ps ax | grep qmail-send
  688 ?S 20:37 qmail-send
13381 pts/5S  0:00 grep qmail-send
$ sudo kill -ALRM 688
$ date ; ps ax | grep qmail-remote | grep -v grep
Wed Aug  8 09:21:21 CDT 2001
18813 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
27933 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
30405 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5784 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
13314 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
13376 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
13398 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
13408 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
13442 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
13462 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
13479 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
13483 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
13495 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
13503 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
13512 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
13531 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
$ date ; ps ax | grep qmail-remote | grep -v grep
Wed Aug  8 09:40:48 CDT 2001
18813 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
27933 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
30405 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5784 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
~$ date ; ps ax | grep qmail-remote | grep -v grep
Wed Aug  8 10:22:42 CDT 2001
18813 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
27933 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 
30405 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5784 ?S  0:00 qmail-remote 

The four processes that I'm worrried about are 18813, 27933, 30405, and
5784.  They've been active for about 2 hours and maybe longer (who knows
how long they had been running when I started this log).

Anyone else seeing similar stuff happening?  I'm running qmail-1.03 without
any patches under RedHat 6.1 (kernel 2.2.12-20smp)

Eric Calvert

Re: deleting messages from the queue

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Why is it ridiculous?  Mail sometimes can't be delivered; hosts are
> > down, networks are down, services are down or busy, users make typos.
> > "A few" depends on a lot of things; if your server handles a hundred
> > messages a day, maybe "a few" == 5 or 10.  If your server handles
> > millions of messages a day, "a few" might be in the tens of thousands.
> It's ridiculous because if qmail-send could do the lookup and 
> reject for invalid users, I would not have hardly any bounced 
> messages.

qmail-send doesn't have anything to do with accepting mail over the
network; it doesn't care.  qmail-smtpd has that job, assisted by
tcpserver.  qmail-smtpd doesn't know anything about local users or
virtual domains or anything; it's part of the security design of qmail
to segment/separate the tasks involved.  Giving qmail-smtpd knowledge of
users, domains, etc violates that separation.
> > Okay, so whoever runs needs to be educated about
> > running mailing lists.  No surprise there.
> Yep.  But getting them to change is gonna be darn near impossible.

If you (and others) start refusing to accept mail from them (my last
suggestion), they may start to care very quickly.  I would guess their
business depends on it (I know nothing about them).
> Someone, somewhere must have come up with a workaround/patch for this. 

Yes; someone did post a patch to the qmail list which basically copied
all of qmail-send's checks into qmail-smtpd.  I don't think it's
commonly used, as I haven't seen it mentioned since.  You should be able
to find it in the list archives.

> > > Instead, it relies on the qmail-local (or in my case, vdelivermail
> > > since I'm using vpopmail) to send a bounce.  However, it looks like
> > > (and others) is not removing addresses from
> > > lists based on the bounce messages that I'm sending.
> > 
> > So the problem is with them, not qmail.
> Again, getting them to change will be darn near impossible.  But, the real
> point here is that I'm wondering if there is any way to change the default
> bounce message to something they will process.

It's easy to change the format of the bounce messages, but why do it?
qmail's bounces messages are _easier_ to parse than most other MTAs.
See for a description of the format.  If
you do want to change the bounce messages, please adhere to QSBMF.
> > > Anybody got any ideas on how to solve this?
> > 
> > Use tcpserver to refuse all connections from  Voila, no more
> > problem.
> >
> tcpserver (unless patched) requires IP ADDRESSES.

No longer true.  tcpserver accepts hostnames just fine, with appropriate
syntax.  See the documentation for tcpserver for details.

> And, is not the only one I'm having problems with -
> is another.  And I'm sure there are others, but
> these two are by far the biggest problems.

So refuse mail from them as well.  There's no law that says you have to
accept SMTP connections from everyone on the planet.  Perhaps they'll
clean up their act if they can't reach half their list members.

> PLUS, there is legitimate mail coming in from both of those servers
> for valid users.  Doing it this way, I'd be blocking that as well.  

Yes -- that's the whole idea.  Those "legitimate" users then start
complaining to their provider, who probably cares more about the people
who send them money each month.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

re: stuck messages

2001-08-08 Thread Michel Rondeau


Mail was not being delivered when I did that ps and there were two messages 
waiting to be delivered at the time.  No, I did not stop and start qmail.

How exactly does one go about doing a truss/strace - as I said, I'm rather 
new to this linux world...

Thanks again,

PS: Out of curiosity, does anyone know why this mailing list won't accept 
messages from Outlook express anymore?

Re: failure to deliver to mailboxes

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

Michel Rondeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

re:  messages are getting "stuck"

> This is the output of a ps auxwww grep  qmail:
> root  1238  0.0  0.2  1320  336 ?S08:53   0:00 supervise 
> qmail-send
> qmails1247  0.0  0.3  1388  436 ?S08:53   0:00 qmail-send
> What's the prognosis Dr. Charles? ;)

qmail-send has 0 accumulated CPU time?  It would appear that qmail-send
is dying rapidly every time supervise restarts it.  However, the
supervise process has the same start time and 0 accumulated CPU time as
well.  Did you just stop and restart qmail?  If so, this report isn't
particularly helpful.  Was mail not being delivered when you did this
ps?  Was there actually mail waiting to be delivered?

What's in the qmail log at this point?  qmail will always log a message
if it can't start.  If you say "nothing", then you'll have to
truss/strace qmail-start, following children, to get to qmail-send.
>From the output of that trace, you should be able to determine why qmail
is dying.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: failure to deliver to mailboxes

2001-08-08 Thread Michel Rondeau

Hallo again,

This is the output of a ps auxwww grep  qmail:
root  1238  0.0  0.2  1320  336 ?S08:53   0:00 supervise 
root  1240  0.0  0.2  1320  336 ?S08:53   0:00 supervise 
root  1242  0.0  0.2  1320  336 ?S08:53   0:00 supervise 
root  1244  0.0  0.2  1348  344 ?S08:53   0:00 
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R -H -l 0 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d 
qmaild1245  0.0  0.3  1396  500 ?S08:53   0:00 
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R -l 0 -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c 120 -u 401 -g 
401 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
qmaill1246  0.0  0.2  1332  332 ?S08:53   0:00 
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/smtpd
qmails1247  0.0  0.3  1388  436 ?S08:53   0:00 qmail-send
qmaill1253  0.0  0.3  1336  388 ?S08:53   0:00 
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/pop3d
root  1308  0.0  0.2  1332  360 ?S08:53   0:00 qmail-lspawn 
qmailr1309  0.0  0.2  1332  356 ?S08:53   0:00 qmail-rspawn
qmailq1310  0.0  0.2  1324  368 ?S08:53   0:00 qmail-clean
root  6604  0.0  0.4  1632  600 pts/0R10:02   0:00 grep qmail

What's the prognosis Dr. Charles? ;)

Michel Rondeau

Re: virtualdomains vs. VERP and Delivered-To

2001-08-08 Thread Alex Pennace

On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 01:44:54PM +, Charles M. Hannum wrote:
> > Don't think of Delivered-To: as an address.  Think of it as a unique
> > magic cookie derived from email delivery path.  You can always
> > reconstruct the address if you know something about the delivery path,
> > and sometimes you may indeed have to.
> I don't need to be taught the religion, thanks.  I'm already well
> aware of it.  And I don't buy it in this case.  What if
> `[EMAIL PROTECTED]' *was* a valid, different
> address?  It could falsely detect loops.  Maybe that wouldn't make
> sense in this particular case, but I'm sure you can construct a more
> palatable case with little effort.

No it wouldn't; if mycroft is the prepend, then
[EMAIL PROTECTED] would have a Delivered-To: line

> Also, that doesn't resolve my VERP problem.

As I told you earlier this is a bug.

Re: deleting messages from the queue

2001-08-08 Thread Jake Roersma

On 08 Aug 2001 14:09:18 +, eric wrote:
> Will someone PLEASE define "few."  I've got over 400 BOUNCE messages alone
> in my
> queue.  Some of them for almost a week (I know they'll timeout after a week
> (and
> that the timeout is configurable), but this is ridiculous.  
> I have tons of mail in the queue going to (see
> Almost all of it is bounce messages.  Almost all of it from where someone
> who owns
> a mailing list on is STILL sending email to
> now-defunct email
> addresses (email accounts that were cancelled).  
> I have looked at the problem long and hard and have yet to come up with a
> workable
> solution.  I use qmail-1.03 and vpopmail-3.4.11.  It seems that when using
> virtual
> doamins, qmail-smtp will NEVER reject a recipient - even if that user does
> not 
> exist.  Instead, it relies on the qmail-local (or in my case, vdelivermail
> since I'm
> using vpopmail) to send a bounce.  However, it looks like
> (and
> others) is not removing addresses from lists based on the bounce messages
> that I'm
> sending.
> I know I can change the default text of the bounce message using the
> ".no-user.msg"
> file, but a) I'm not sure where this file should be (is it global or per
> virtual
> domain), and b) I don't know what to put in it so that listservers will
> properly 
> handle the bounces.
> One more caveat about my setup.  I am using vpopmail with mysql support and
> all the
> user/domain information is kept in mysql tables.
> Anybody got any ideas on how to solve this?
> Eric
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 09:13
> Subject: Re: deleting messages from the queue
> > Attila Csosz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > How to delete a mail from the the queue? ( this messages appear in
> > > qmail-qread, qmail-qstat ).
> > 
> > What problem are you trying to solve?  Having a few messages show up in
> > the qmail-qstat output for a few days is perfectly normal.
> > 
> > Charles
> > -- 
> > ---
> > Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > GPL'ed software available at:
> > ---
> >
remove /var/qmail/queue and go to qmail source and "make setup check"
Jake Roersma
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies Inc.

Re: deleting messages from the queue

2001-08-08 Thread eric

Will someone PLEASE define "few."  I've got over 400 BOUNCE messages alone
in my
queue.  Some of them for almost a week (I know they'll timeout after a week
that the timeout is configurable), but this is ridiculous.  

I have tons of mail in the queue going to (see
Almost all of it is bounce messages.  Almost all of it from where someone
who owns
a mailing list on is STILL sending email to
now-defunct email
addresses (email accounts that were cancelled).  

I have looked at the problem long and hard and have yet to come up with a
solution.  I use qmail-1.03 and vpopmail-3.4.11.  It seems that when using
doamins, qmail-smtp will NEVER reject a recipient - even if that user does
exist.  Instead, it relies on the qmail-local (or in my case, vdelivermail
since I'm
using vpopmail) to send a bounce.  However, it looks like (and
others) is not removing addresses from lists based on the bounce messages
that I'm

I know I can change the default text of the bounce message using the
file, but a) I'm not sure where this file should be (is it global or per
domain), and b) I don't know what to put in it so that listservers will
handle the bounces.

One more caveat about my setup.  I am using vpopmail with mysql support and
all the
user/domain information is kept in mysql tables.

Anybody got any ideas on how to solve this?


- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 09:13
Subject: Re: deleting messages from the queue

> Attila Csosz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > How to delete a mail from the the queue? ( this messages appear in
> > qmail-qread, qmail-qstat ).
> What problem are you trying to solve?  Having a few messages show up in
> the qmail-qstat output for a few days is perfectly normal.
> Charles
> -- 
> ---
> Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:
> ---

Where to store extended envelope info in /var/qmail/queue ?

2001-08-08 Thread Sergio Gelato

Vanilla qmail 1.03 stores the envelope sender address (preceded by an F and
followed by a NUL) in a file in the directory /var/qmail/info/.

RFC 1869 ("SMTP Service Extensions") allows one to pass additional information
on the MAIL command line after the FROM: . Some of this information
should in principle be passed on to qmail-local and/or qmail-remote for
correct processing.

(One example is BODY=8BITMIME. Regardless of how one thinks qmail-remote
should behave when relaying to a server that doesn't advertise 8BITMIME
--- I don't wish to revive *that* discussion --- it may be nice to pass
on the 8BITMIME flag to those servers that do claim to support it --- but
only if it was set on the inbound message; qmail-remote shouldn't try to
compute it from the message content.)

In the INTERNALS file, DJB wrote inter alia:

   Currently info/457 serves two purposes: first, it records the envelope
   sender; second, its modification time is used to decide when a message
   has been in the queue too long. In the future info/457 may store more
   information. Any non-backwards-compatible changes will be identified by
   version numbers.

I think I may have a need to store more information. I would like to do so
in a manner that won't clash with future official qmail releases.
Would it be OK to store the information after the F...\0 envelope
sender, as a (possibly empty) list of P...\0 parameters?
Or am I better off creating a separate file xinfo/457 ?

Sergio Gelato

Re: failure to deliver to mailbox

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

Michel Rondeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only possible reason that I can think of is that qmail-scanner
> bypasses qmail's traditional queue and uses its own.

If this is the case, then the problem has nothing to do with qmail.  Try
the qmail-scanner list.

> So basically, I'm just wondering if anyone out there would have any idea 
> why qmail would stop delivering messages to people's mailboxes until one 
> reboots?

Only qmail-send dying.  When this happens, what is the output of `ps
auxwww | grep qmail`?

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: virtualdomains vs. VERP and Delivered-To

2001-08-08 Thread Pavel Kankovsky

On 8 Aug 2001, John R. Levine wrote:

> Like I said:
> > It's true, qmail doesn't work the way you might first have guessed it
> > does.  That doesn't mean it's wrong.

The fact qmail--or any other piece of software--does something does not
mean it is correct.

Executive summary: qmail breaks VERP under certain circumstances.

Let H be a host running qmail, A and B users at H, and V a virtual domain
redirected to B@H. Let X@V, i.e. B-X@H, be forwarded to some other, maybe
remote, address, say K@L. Now, let's assume A uses

QMAILINJECT=r qmail-inject X@V

to send a "VERPed" message M to X@V. M is forwarded to K@L. Now, let's
assume the delivery to K@L fails and the message is bounced back to A.
Well, it should be bounced to A-X=V@M, shouldn't it? After all, A sent the
message to X@V, and VERP is supposed to preserve the *original* recipient
address. Indeed, qmail-inject's manpage says:

>r  Use a per-recipient VERP.  qmail-inject will append each
>   recipient address to the envelope sender of the copy going
>   to that recipient.

Unfortunately, the return address in the scenario described above is


Is A supposed to know "B-" is superflous (if and only if the domain is V!)
and should be removed? Is A supposed to analyze qmail's configurations
files in order to fix something that should have never been broken? (BTW:
I cannot find any code analyzing virtualdomains in ezmlm. Am I blind?)

A does not care what is recorded in Delivered-To or what a program run
from ~B/.qmail-V-... sees in its environment. A cares what qmail does when
he sends a message and asks qmail to use VERP.

Is this scenario purely artifical? Not at all. It is easy to imagine a
host run by some ISP-like company hosting both an email forwarding service
implemented as a virtual domain and some mailing lists.

Surprisingly, the fix appears to be almost a one-liner if we use the same
approach qmail-send itself uses to fix recipient addresses when it
generates a bounce. A *completely untested* patch is here:

--- qmail-send.c~   Mon Jun 15 12:53:16 1998
+++ qmail-send.cWed Aug  8 16:47:15 2001
@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@
   return 2;
+char *stripvdomprepend(char *recip);
 void senderadd(sa,sender,recip)
 stralloc *sa;
 char *sender;
@@ -175,6 +177,7 @@
  if (i >= 4)
if (str_equal(sender + i - 4,"-@[]"))
+ recip = stripvdomprepend(recip);
  j = byte_rchr(sender,i - 4,'@');
  k = str_rchr(recip,'@');
  if (recip[k] && (j + 5 <= i))

I repeat: There is absolutely no guarantee this patch will work as
expected. It might cause syntax errors, it might transport all mail it
gets its hands on to the nearest blackhole, and it might even massacre all
your family with a chainsaw. Use at your own risk.

P.S. I wonder whether we will see any reaction from DJB himself.

--Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak  [ Boycott Microsoft-- ]
"Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation."

failure to deliver to mailbox

2001-08-08 Thread Michel Rondeau

Hey everyone,

I've emailed the list once with this problem and discussed it with one of 
the subscribers but we never really came to any sort of conclusion. I am 
running Mandrake 8.0 with qmail (installed according to LWQ) as well as 
qmail-scanner as a means of protecting my users against virii. The users 
all use Outlook Express as mail client software. Every now and again, I 
have to reboot the qmail server because it simply stops delivering 
messages. One sends an email to a user in the system, that message gets 
queued and it remains in the queue. When the user checks their email, they 
receive absolutely no errors. I have checked the logs and as far as I can 
tell, there are no errors. The only odd thing is that when a tail -f 
current | tai46nlocal from the /var/log/qmail directory, I get the 
following line:

2001-07-26 09:07:52.016221500 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

So this particular log is not being updated. The only possible reason that 
I can think of is that qmail-scanner bypasses qmail's traditional queue and 
uses its own. So, I went to the /var/spool/qmailscan directory and did a 
tail -f qmail-queue.log | tai64nlocal to check the logs there - everything 
appeared to be in order. I'm also assuming that that was a valid way of 
looking at qmail-scanner's log - I'm pretty new to all this.

So basically, I'm just wondering if anyone out there would have any idea 
why qmail would stop delivering messages to people's mailboxes until one 

Thanks a bunch!
Michel Rondeau 

Re: daemonstools compile problem on mdk8

2001-08-08 Thread Jake Roersma

On 08 Aug 2001 16:09:04 +0200, torben fjerdingstad wrote:
> I could compile daemontools-0.70 on several platforms,
> but had no luck on Linux Mandrake 8.0:
> ./compile tai64n.c
> ./load tai64n time.a unix.a byte.a 
> ./compile tai64nlocal.c
> tai64nlocal.c: In function `main':
> tai64nlocal.c:54: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
> tai64nlocal.c:55: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> tai64nlocal.c:56: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> tai64nlocal.c:57: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> tai64nlocal.c:58: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> tai64nlocal.c:59: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> tai64nlocal.c:60: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> make: *** [tai64nlocal.o] Error 1
> gcc -v says:
> Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.96/specs
> gcc version 2.96 2731 (Linux-Mandrake 8.0 2.96-0.48mdk)
> tai64nlocal, line 54-60 say:
>   out(num,fmt_ulong(num,1900 + t->tm_year));
>   out("-",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,1 + t->tm_mon,2));
>   out("-",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,t->tm_mday,2));
>   out(" ",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,t->tm_hour,2));
>   out(":",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,t->tm_min,2));
>   out(":",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,t->tm_sec,2));
>   out(".",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,nanosecs,9));
> How to fix?
> -- 
> Med venlig hilsen / Regards 
> Netdriftgruppen / Network Management Group
> UNI-C  
> Tlf./Phone   +45 35 87 89 41   |  UNI-C
> Fax. +45 35 87 89 90   |  Bygning 304
>|  DK-2800 Lyngby

in tail64nlocal.c change 


As stated in LWQ..

Jake Roersma
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies Inc.

Re: daemonstools compile problem on mdk8

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

torben fjerdingstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I could compile daemontools-0.70 on several platforms,
> but had no luck on Linux Mandrake 8.0:
> tai64nlocal.c:56: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type

This is answered in the mailing list archives at least a hundred times.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: deleting messages from the queue

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

Attila Csosz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How to delete a mail from the the queue? ( this messages appear in
> qmail-qread, qmail-qstat ).

What problem are you trying to solve?  Having a few messages show up in
the qmail-qstat output for a few days is perfectly normal.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: Help! Bizarre qmail incident...

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

Darren Kukulka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wondering if anyone can enlighten me on some strange qmail behaviour.

This doesn't sound like any known behaviour of qmail I've ever
experienced, or even heard about.
> Qmail is currently acting as a primary SMTP forwarder for a client of
> ours as well as ourselves.  We also have an upstream relay which is
> called upon, as far as I'm aware, when qmail is under a little
> pressure delivering SMTP.

Sorry, I can't parse this.  What do you mean "upstream relay which is
called upon when qmail is under a little pressure delivering SMTP"?
Stock qmail has no such feature -- either qmail is doing the MX lookups
itself, or you are using smtproutes to send everything to an upstream
mail hub, or some combination of the two -- but there's no way to have
qmail decide where to send mail based on current mail load.
> We had a situation where a destination SMTP host died and qmail
> started banking up messages - around 70 or so.  Here's where it gets
> interesting...we have a monitoring program running on the qmail host
> which emails one of our local exchange accounts via qmail - sendmail
> actually pumps it out first.

Okay -- generating automatic mails when the mail load is high is not the
best strategy I've ever seen, but it's common enough.
> This mail actually came through to us...strangely enough it also went to
> our relay-host and then got bumped through to a destination address
> completely different from the intended address...this happened to be an
> address of one of our clients!

Nope.  I've never even heard of qmail delivering a message to the wrong
host and wrong recipient.  Either you're running buggy patches, or
you've misconfigured the server.  But we can't tell -- we need to see
the logs of this happening.
> Has anybody got any ideas as to what the heck is going on?

Post full logs of the incident on a website, then send the URL and the
output of qmail-showctl to the list.  Until you do that, all we can do
is guess.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

daemonstools compile problem on mdk8

2001-08-08 Thread torben fjerdingstad

I could compile daemontools-0.70 on several platforms,
but had no luck on Linux Mandrake 8.0:

./compile tai64n.c
./load tai64n time.a unix.a byte.a 
./compile tai64nlocal.c
tai64nlocal.c: In function `main':
tai64nlocal.c:54: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
tai64nlocal.c:55: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
tai64nlocal.c:56: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
tai64nlocal.c:57: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
tai64nlocal.c:58: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
tai64nlocal.c:59: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
tai64nlocal.c:60: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
make: *** [tai64nlocal.o] Error 1

gcc -v says:
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/2.96/specs
gcc version 2.96 2731 (Linux-Mandrake 8.0 2.96-0.48mdk)

tai64nlocal, line 54-60 say:
  out(num,fmt_ulong(num,1900 + t->tm_year));
  out("-",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,1 + t->tm_mon,2));
  out("-",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,t->tm_mday,2));
  out(" ",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,t->tm_hour,2));
  out(":",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,t->tm_min,2));
  out(":",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,t->tm_sec,2));
  out(".",1); out(num,fmt_uint0(num,nanosecs,9));

How to fix?

Med venlig hilsen / Regards 
Netdriftgruppen / Network Management Group

Tlf./Phone   +45 35 87 89 41   |  UNI-C
Fax. +45 35 87 89 90   |  Bygning 304
   |  DK-2800 Lyngby

Re: Can I use qmail for this purpose? (newbie)

2001-08-08 Thread Charles Cazabon

Jean-Christian Imbeault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But after installing both the OS and qmail and going through the install 
> procedure it then hits me, is qmail the right tool? (shows how much I knew 
> before starting).
> Our office uses Windows and MS Outlook. Can Outlook work with qmail? Can 
> users just POP or IMAP off of qmail? Do I need another piece of software to 
> link the two?

qmail works just fine with Outlook and other MUAs.  As others have said,
however, qmail only includes a POP3 daemon.  For IMAP service, you'll
need to install an IMAP daemon as well.  Courier-IMAP is commonly used
with qmail.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: qmail-pop3d inbox messages limit

2001-08-08 Thread Alberto Alonso

Peter van Dijk wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 08:22:14AM -0500, Alberto Alonso wrote:
> > I have noticed that if a user has more than about 5500 messages
> > in their inbox the server dies with the following error:
> >
> > -ERR unable to scan $HOME/Maildir
> >
> > I look at qmail-pop3d.c but couldn't see anything that would
> > explain this.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> It ran out of memory, probably. The fix is in the archive.
> Greetz, Peter
> --
> Against Free Sex!

Thanks, that did it. I keep forgetting that with qmail we
use the softlimit for memory.

Alberto Alonso

Marlabs Inc.
Hosting Services

file permissions

2001-08-08 Thread Martin Auer


I want to install qmail on a Virtual Vault. Is there any 
workaround to do this?
If there is none, what files are accessed by qmail and what
permissions must these files have set (minimum)? 
I would also need this for daemontools, ucspi-tcp, vpopmail,
ezmlm and courier-imap.

Thanks a lot

Martin Auer

Re: qmail-pop3d inbox messages limit

2001-08-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 08:22:14AM -0500, Alberto Alonso wrote:
> I have noticed that if a user has more than about 5500 messages
> in their inbox the server dies with the following error:
> -ERR unable to scan $HOME/Maildir
> I look at qmail-pop3d.c but couldn't see anything that would
> explain this.
> Any thoughts?

It ran out of memory, probably. The fix is in the archive.

Greetz, Peter
Against Free Sex!

qmail-pop3d inbox messages limit

2001-08-08 Thread Alberto Alonso

I have noticed that if a user has more than about 5500 messages
in their inbox the server dies with the following error:

-ERR unable to scan $HOME/Maildir

I look at qmail-pop3d.c but couldn't see anything that would
explain this.

Any thoughts?


Alberto Alonso

Marlabs Inc.
Hosting Services

Re: Receiving mail using qmail

2001-08-08 Thread Henning Brauer

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 01:07:21PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The processes that are running currently are :
> 21345 ?S  1:59 qmail-send
> 21346 ?S 11:17 splogger qmail
> 21347 ?S  0:00 qmail-lspawn ./Mailbox
> 21348 ?S  0:41 qmail-rspawn
> 21349 ?S  0:21 qmail-clean
> Is there anything that I should do to receive mails using qmail ???

Start qmail-smtpd as per

* Henning Brauer, [EMAIL PROTECTED], *
* Roedingsmarkt 14, 20459 Hamburg, Germany   *
Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
(Dennis Ritchie)

Receiving mail using qmail

2001-08-08 Thread rajesh

Hi All,

I am using qmail 1.03 to send out mails from my Linux box.
Other than qmail I use big concurrency patch and dns patch.

I am not able to receive mails using qmail.

The processes that are running currently are :

21345 ?S  1:59 qmail-send
21346 ?S 11:17 splogger qmail
21347 ?S  0:00 qmail-lspawn ./Mailbox
21348 ?S  0:41 qmail-rspawn
21349 ?S  0:21 qmail-clean

Is there anything that I should do to receive mails using qmail ???


what is a user-oriented virtual-domain tables

2001-08-08 Thread François Philippo

I try to replace an interresting netscape messenger function with qmail.

auto-rewrite an email address and send it to the good server
receive an email for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rewrite to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and sending it
the best would be to works with ldap (like netscape)

I have found fastfoward. 
which works with an what is a user-oriented virtual-domain tables.
can someone send me an example of a such table?


Re: dnscheck; Not logging Invalid SENDER

2001-08-08 Thread Lou Hevly

At 12:11 08/08/01, Peter van Dijk wrote:
>On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 11:17:42AM +0200, Lou Hevly wrote:
> > Greetings:
> >
> > I have dnschecking enabled:
> >
> > nodnscheck: (Default.) Any MAIL FROM is checked for existing 
> Domains.
> >
> > My problem is that some senders continue trying and my logs fill 
> with
> > hundreds of Invalid SENDER lines for the each rejected message.  Is 
> > there any way to prevent qmail logging these?
>qmail has no dnschecking functionality. You are probably using some
>kind of patch. Until you tell us much more, we can't help you.

Sorry, I wasn't thinking :(.
I've installed SPAMCONTROL patch (1.4.2):

The docs say:
"The SPAMCONTROL patch enables logging for rejected E-Mails by means

But I would like to disable this logging for the reason stated above.

All the best (Adéu-siau),
Lou Hevly

RE: can qmail rewrite an email adresse to resend it to the good serveur ??

2001-08-08 Thread François Philippo

I think it is fastfoward. no ?
but i wrote that using a user-oriented virtual-domain tables was more than
100x faster than using aliases.

but ... what is a user-oriented virtual-domain tables ?


-Message d'origine-
De : Christo Maasdorp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mercredi 8 août 2001 12:48
À : François Philippo
Objet : RE: can qmail rewrite an email adresse to resend it to the good
serveur ??

Install forward-???.rpm

then use your aliases file to forward it to your other server.

Hope that help.

I have tested it and it work.

-Original Message-
From: François Philippo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 11:57 AM
Subject: can qmail rewrite an email adresse to resend it to the good
serveur ??

I need to replace a netscape mesenger server fonctionality with Qmail:

the netscape fonctionality
all mails are recieve to the same server.
when it receive an email it looks on the LDAP if he have to deliver it
locally or remotely.
if it is remotely it rewrite the adresse as "user@good-server-adress" and
send it.
of course it use a specific feild in the ldap but I can change what ever I
want on my LDAP

wish it's clear.

is it possible with QMAIL?
sure it is, but ???


deleting messages from the queue

2001-08-08 Thread Attila Csosz

How to delete a mail from the the queue? ( this messages appear in
qmail-qread, qmail-qstat ).

- Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Debian 2.2 Linux  / 2.2.13 / qmail  -
- PGP key: gpg --keyserver --recv-key 0x2cc33acb   -

Re: dnscheck; Not logging Invalid SENDER

2001-08-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 11:17:42AM +0200, Lou Hevly wrote:
> Greetings:
> I have dnschecking enabled:
> nodnscheck: (Default.) Any MAIL FROM is checked for existing Domains.
> My problem is that some senders continue trying and my logs fill with 
> hundreds of Invalid SENDER lines for the each rejected message.  Is 
> there any way to prevent qmail logging these?

qmail has no dnschecking functionality. You are probably using some
kind of patch. Until you tell us much more, we can't help you.

Greetz, Peter
Against Free Sex!

Re: Re: Can I use qmail for this purpose? (newbie)

2001-08-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 02:22:15AM -0500, Robin S. Socha wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 08:59:06AM +0200, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> > The manpages do install themselves automatically. You just have to
> > tell man to check /var/qmail/man as well. (The way to do this is
> > OS-dependent).
> :s/OS/shell/g

Not every manpackage uses MANPATH. If it doesn't, setting the path for
manpages is not a shell issue.

Greetz, Peter
Against Free Sex!

Re: Re: Can I use qmail for this purpose? (newbie)

2001-08-08 Thread Henning Brauer

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 07:43:43AM +, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
> >From: "Robin S. Socha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I beg to differ. OpenBSD is quite fine (DJB himself certainly does >not use 
> >it for no good reason, eh?) and it has everything you need as
> >ports and packages. 
> No ports yet for 2.9.

Nonsense. There are ports for qmail, daemontools, ucspi-tcp and so on since
I-can't-remeber. There are no binary packages, though, as Dan doesn't allow
them (basically. The packages were removed because the developers were not
sure wether they are allowed or not).

* Henning Brauer, [EMAIL PROTECTED], *
* Roedingsmarkt 14, 20459 Hamburg, Germany   *
Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
(Dennis Ritchie)

Re: Can I use qmail for this purpose? (newbie)

2001-08-08 Thread Henning Brauer

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 05:58:53AM +, Robert Sander wrote:
> On 8 Aug 2001 07:01:31 +0200,
>  Jean-Christian Imbeault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Our office uses Windows and MS Outlook. Can Outlook work with qmail? Can 
> > users just POP or IMAP off of qmail? Do I need another piece of software to 
> > link the two?
> Get the Courier imapd from and you can do
> IMAP with every client you like, including Outlook.

A pop3d is included. is _really_ worth reading.

* Henning Brauer, [EMAIL PROTECTED], *
* Roedingsmarkt 14, 20459 Hamburg, Germany   *
Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
(Dennis Ritchie)

Re: can qmail rewrite an email adresse to resend it to the goodserveur ??

2001-08-08 Thread Csaba Bobak

> I need to replace a netscape mesenger server fonctionality with Qmail:
> is it possible with QMAIL?
> sure it is, but ???

It is simple after some reading.

> all mails are recieve to the same server.
> when it receive an email it looks on the LDAP if he have to deliver it
> locally or remotely.

/var/qmail/control/locals is there exactly for this.

> if it is remotely it rewrite the adresse as "user@good-server-adress" and
> send it.

Search the archives for forward-domain. You will not have to go back so 
much in time if my memory works on my side.

> of course it use a specific feild in the ldap but I can change what ever 
> want on my LDAP

"joe /var/qmail/control/locals" is your friend.


This message went through virus scan at Trend Ltd. which stated
the message was clean of virii appeared before 2001.08.01.

dnscheck; Not logging Invalid SENDER

2001-08-08 Thread Lou Hevly


I have dnschecking enabled:

nodnscheck: (Default.) Any MAIL FROM is checked for existing Domains.

My problem is that some senders continue trying and my logs fill with 
hundreds of Invalid SENDER lines for the each rejected message.  Is 
there any way to prevent qmail logging these?


All the best (Adéu-siau),
Lou Hevly

can qmail rewrite an email adresse to resend it to the good serveur ??

2001-08-08 Thread François Philippo

I need to replace a netscape mesenger server fonctionality with Qmail:

the netscape fonctionality
all mails are recieve to the same server.
when it receive an email it looks on the LDAP if he have to deliver it
locally or remotely.
if it is remotely it rewrite the adresse as "user@good-server-adress" and
send it.
of course it use a specific feild in the ldap but I can change what ever I
want on my LDAP

wish it's clear.

is it possible with QMAIL?
sure it is, but ???


Re: Re: Can I use qmail for this purpose? (newbie)

2001-08-08 Thread Robin S. Socha

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 07:43:43AM +, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
> >From: "Robin S. Socha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >Are you sure you want to run a server?
> I know what you are saying but uou have to start somewhere and learn
> somehow 

On a production system? Did you bring a Ferrari to your driver's test?

> >I beg to differ. OpenBSD is quite fine (DJB himself certainly does
> >>not use it for no good reason, eh?) and it has everything you need
> >>as ports and packages.
> No ports yet for 2.9.

Even if this weren't wrong, you could use the 2.8(-current) ports.

> >But realistically,
> > is the best place to go IYAM.
> True. But since I will have to be responsible for the system I
> should understand how to install it and configure it.

How do you manage to reconcile "responsible" and "incompentent" in the
same sentence? Although I run a DNS server, I'm certainly not
responsible for it. I hope...
Robin S. Socha - Your Worst Network Nightmare(tm).
`In Germany, they are not referred to as network administrators. They
prefer to be called "Sons Of The Third Reich".' (Kate:

Re: Re: Can I use qmail for this purpose? (newbie)

2001-08-08 Thread Jean-Christian Imbeault

>From: "Robin S. Socha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Are you sure you want to run a server?

I know what you are saying but uou have to start somewhere and learn somehow 

>I beg to differ. OpenBSD is quite fine (DJB himself certainly does >not use 
>it for no good reason, eh?) and it has everything you need as
>ports and packages.

No ports yet for 2.9.

>But realistically,
> is the best place to go IYAM.

True. But since I will have to be responsible for the system I should 
understand how to install it and configure it.

Thanks for the input though.


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