Re: LWQ/svscan question

2001-06-19 Thread Richard Zimmerman

> Dave can probably give a more detailed answer to this, but you don't
> symbolicly link the directories into /service until you're ready to run
> And even then, svscan won't start them until you do a svc -u (or -o)
> /service/servicename .

Everything I've read about svscan says that once you create the symbolic
link in /service that the new service will start within 5 seconds. I don't use
svscan to run Qmail (mainly due to a newbie mess up when I initially installed
Qmail and don't want to break what *IS* working fine for my needs) but I *DO*
use svscan for djbdns and in every instance where I have installed djbdns and
created the symbolic link in /service, dnscache has always started on it's



Re: Tcpserver

2001-03-27 Thread Richard Zimmerman

> Dear All
> Seems like it's all my fault for starting this WAR..
> It had become a habit for me, whenever I see a problem, I panic and first
> thing send a mail to the list.
> My Sincere apologies for all thisI *promise* to read, study and try to
> do things myself before posting to the list (In Plain TEXT and without any
> lines in between). And if I do post *will* include all the relevant
> Regards
> Sumith

Don't loose any sleep over it. Face it, some people are grouches...
That's why they invented Prozac!

   Personally, maybe the qmail list would benefit from a Qmail-Newbies list.
This way the ones who don't mind helping the newbies (like myself) can
actually get some work done instead of having to read whining / vulgar
emails!. Yes I can use the F-word just as easily as everyone else but THIS
LIST is *NOT* the place for it.

   AND before anyone flames me about not posting here, you are 100% correct!
I don't post here, I answer emails to the newbies personally and
individually so the problem or question GETS answered instead of being
ignored which has happened on this list.



Re: Hi

2001-01-29 Thread Richard Zimmerman


The above is the UW-IMAP server w/ the Maildir patches alreayd applied. I'm
trying to locate the site I downloaded it from but I'll email it to you if
you like.

Found it

It works a lot better for me then the Courier-Imap program did..


- Original Message -
From: "Greg Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 10:49 AM
Subject: RE: Hi

> > Hi, i would like to use maildir instead of mailbox, but now theres a
> > problem, does imap support maildir? what is the best imap
> > daemon which works with maildir?
> Courier supports Maildir (and maildir only).
> and look for the "standalone IMAP package."
> There are patches to make UW-Imap use Maildir (at
> but UW-Imap expressly does not support Maildir themselves.
> --
> gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> is now DigitalGoods!