please help me, a problem about mail box!!

2001-07-12 Thread cool dragon
Title: ÇçÀÊ

I install the qmail and can start it, but when 
i send a mail to a user from the mail server, the maillog will say:  

 " delivery 3: failure: 
Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)/ " 

and i cannot  get 
the mai;
If i send a mail to 
myself from remote site, the maillog will say nothing, and i cant get the mail 
what's the problem, 
please help me! it trouble me a long 

Please help me, a problem in qmail!!

2001-06-18 Thread cool dragon
Title: ÇçÀÊ

Dear Sir, I am very sorry to 
taste your time with such problem. But it troubles me for a long time.I am 
raring to have a help from you. I am building a mailserver in local 
net in redhat, using qmail. After I configured the qmail  and start it, I 
can conect to the mail server from outlook, but when I try to send 
a mail form the outlook to myself, It is failed, I checked the mailog in 
/var/log in the  mail server, it shows like the 
following: "alert: unable to opendir to do, 
sleeping.." could you tell me what the problem it 
is. Thank you very much Regards. Jianlong 