Re: [QUAD-L] Anybody ever flip backwards off their wheelchair lift??

2007-03-14 Thread DAANOO
That is amazing, somebody was watching over you.  I heard of  the guy that 
did that was a para and became a quad.  I know a quad, who  backed out and the 
lip was not out and he had a concussion and problems  remembering things, but 
it was OK after time.

That would be so terrifying, I would probably always be afraid to back onto  
my left.
I  have only gone off the liftt with it not all the way down with a little  
drop, which was surprising.  I go out front  ways and come in  backwards 


Yeah my sister had deployed my lift half  way.  I wheeled backward without 
looking and cracked my head on the  pavement.  Really sucked.  No stitches, 
though, just  blood.

(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   wrote:  
My paraplegic buddy was trying to clean an accident off his lift and he  
flipped backwards from the highest position and landed on the back of his  
Its a miracle he didnt break his neck, lol Hes in major pain but only  had to 
get stitches, the ambulance ride was interesting Im sure, made him  remember ol 

Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine.  
-Henry Miller .
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Re: [QUAD-L] St. Louis and quadom

2007-03-14 Thread wheelchair
In a message dated 3/13/2007 11:35:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I love the St. Louis Cardinals

That used to be Chicagps southside Cardinals at one time, many years  ago.
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Re: [QUAD-L] How I became a quad

2007-03-14 Thread Danny Hearn
   Hi, Lucinda,  yes me and Ron know each other from this list..There are a few 
more from this general area too..Are you near here also?   Yep, I love the 
Cardinals and like our Rams football too. Yes, Many restaurants down by the 
U-city Loop.  I'n time you may feel more like travelingI never went far 
from home until the last 3 years in a row, My 7th 8th and 9th years as a quad. 
The trick is to think and plan ahead . Dan

LTeasley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  So, Danny and Ron, do you guys know each 
other?  Funny thing is, had I not got into my accident, I was planning to move 
to St.. Louis when my son graduated from high school.  Do you know a restaurant 
in University City (or is it University Loop?)  Called something like
penultimate Café?  I am a huge baseball fan which is what brought me to St. 
Louis in the first place, and absolutely fell in love with the city.  Perhaps I 
can meet you both one day, that is if I ever feel brave enough to travel again. 
 I'm not even two years out from my injury so I'm still a little nervous about 
Journey well through life,

Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Same here car wreck August 3rd 
1997Just a bit ahead of Ron., but I was 40 at that time. Me and wife got 
t-boned at an intersection. Me and other driver were both at fault.   c-6 
St.Louis, Mo. also...{ Funny thing about our wreck was that we would have 
made a left to exit home but another driver would not let us over...I'd speed 
up so would hei'd slow down so would he,} I told my wife that is the 
kind of driver that kills people, then I had to exit the wrong way because of 
the crazy driverAnyway as we came back to the same intersection we had 
the wreck...So I guess it was meant to be. Turned 50 in January, man 
quad life is hard on an older body ;-)  

  I ended a 6 week career as a police officer by rolling a geo tracker softtop 
over on a two lane blacktop highway. It happenned on Jan 16, 98 I was 21 years 
old, had a new gf, new job and was living high. Now im a c7 quad, reality hit 
me hard real fast. But Im still here, and after 6 yrs I won a workers comp 
lawsuit which helped me out some. I guess everyday your breathing is a holiday.
  Ron c7  St. Louis

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Re: [QUAD-L] Anybody ever flip backwards off their wheelchair lift??

2007-03-14 Thread KK
Dana - that was from Kaye not me.  I am afraid of that happening to me.  

That is truly the stuff of nightmares.


[QUAD-L] Fwd: Action Alert: Working 2 Walk

2007-03-14 Thread ProfessirX

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Title: Christopher Reeve Action Network

Action Network

March 14, 2007

Mark Your Calendars!

Unite 2 Fight Paralysis in association with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation are working together to bring you Working 2 Walk 2007, a 3-day educational and advocacy event in Washington, DC, April 22-24.

Working 2 Walk is back, with an exciting and informative agenda for all members of the paralysis community. On Sunday April 22, the Science  Advocacy Symposium at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center features presentations by several leading researchers, followed by a roundtable discussion between scientists and patient advocates.

Monday, April 23 brings a morning Wheelers Monument Tour. Afternoon activities include an Open House hosted by Kennedy Krieger Institute and a special remembrance of Christopher  Dana Reeve.

Working 2 Walk culminates with a Rally in Upper Senate Park at 11am on Tuesday, April 24. Were excited to have Daryl Chill Mitchell, star of Ten Things I Hate About You and TVs Ed and Veronicas Closet on the Rally stage, joined by ProfessirX, Todd Phillips, and Danny Heumann, as well as members of Congress. Attendees are encouraged to schedule legislative visits for that day and take the opportunity to discuss a timely agenda of issues related to paralysis care and cure.

You can find out all the details for Working 2 Walk, including Registration, Schedule, Confirmed Speakers, Lodging Options, Souvenir Shirts, etc. at Deadlines are approaching, so get registered now and plan to attend Working 2 Walk.

More Information

Visit Working 2 Walk to learn more.

"The heroic banner that Christopher carried for over nine years has been taken up, not by one, but by thousands  empowered to Go Forward."
 Dana Reeve

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
636 Morris Turnpike Suite 3A, Short Hills, NJ 07078
Tel: 800-225-0292 Fax: 973-912-9433

To prevent mailbox filters from deleting mailings from Christopher and Dana Reeve Action Network, add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address book.Unsubscribe from this mailing.Unsubscribe from all mailings from Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation (CRDF).

---End Message---

[QUAD-L] Quad help w/questions

2007-03-14 Thread Veranda Escobar
Hey gang. Hope your day is going well. I have a few question's that maybe some 
of you guys that drive  have electric wheelchairs could help me with. 
  First off I will be driving soon for the 1st time in almost 11 yrs. Of course 
I've been looking at parking spaces. Many have no line's on side  wanted to 
know what you do? Do you take up two parkings if needed? Or what?
  Second when going to a fast food line drive thru what do tell cashier to do 
if you can't reach for food from window?
  Third I am now going to be in a power chair since I can not transfer from 
chair to driving chair. I have always been in a manual since my incident 
occured 11 yrs ago. I noticed many restaurants have lower tables that my manual 
chair barely fits under at times. My power chair is a little higher. So how do 
you place your self when going to a table that is way lower than chairs? Then 
you have the foot rest in the way too. 
  Well I know I sound dumb founded, but this part of my life is going to be all 
  Your help would be greatly appreciated.
  P.S. for some of you who remember I was shot at 17 by an x-boyfriend.Well I 
saw him for the first time saturday since this happen. Wow you talk about 
wanting to have my electric chair then. Hahahahha Just Kidding!

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Re: [QUAD-L] Getting Out,

2007-03-14 Thread DAANOO
That festival sounds really fun is specially seeing ostrich races  and Rick 
Springfield.  I wanted to see him a month or so ago and they were  out of 
tickets.  I love concerts.  So far I have tickets for Rod  Stewart, , The Fray 
John Mayer.  I think it's cool that lot of the  older bands are touring.  I 
wish police was coming to Kansas City.  I  really love Sting.
How many of us on the list besides myself watch American Idol and vote? I  
try to watch every night it's on or take it.
For any of you that like to show, House, it was not last night at 7 p.m.  
instead of tonight.  I hope my tape player was recording, many times it  
 I need a new one.  Does anyone use a DVD recorder, and if so  what kind?  I 
feel that my book, but it is already filled up.  I watch  after I am in bed, 
especially if I cannot sleep.  My bedroom TV card does  not work anything like 
my living room.
Has anybody heard anything more about when the Dragon naturally speaking  9.5 
will be out.  I need for my laptop with Vista?
Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate your expertise with  
quad related  problems.
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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] my 40th birthday party

2007-03-14 Thread DAANOO
Happy birthday professor X, I have not been on my space for a while.   I hope 
you had a good birthday and did something that you really enjoy, that is  
what I try to do.  Last night I went out to eat to have my favorite meat  
seafood.  I really like Ted Montana's restaurant.  They make  their buffalo 
freshly ground each day with all fresh buffalo from his  ranch.  There was this 
cool buffalo head that is stuffed on the  wall.  Buffaloes are so majestic. 
They have some really good dishes like  sweet potatoes and really good onion 
rings if I want to go off my normal  eat.  They have a really good vegetable 
platter. I eat buffalo all the time  it everything, because it is the lowest 
meat.  I have tried the  burgers, roast and my friend just got some buffalo 
steak to try.  I ordered  a big number of burgers from place that raises in the 
Kansas City area. I  recently started liking Turkey burgers that I first had at 
TGIF.  As quads  we always have to fight not to get that belly.  I eat a lot 
of orange  roughy.  The only place you can find for a reasonable price is 
Sam's  Club.
I. I also eat salad and spinach that is cooked every night.  My  best friend 
is always  buying me all kinds of sweets, because he is  diabetic and cannot 
have from great harvest, a wonderful bread that uses  wonderful whole wheat 
bread materials in everything.  I have to freeze them  and just eat 
 Do you have pictures on your web site of your birthday? What is your  
favorite cake.  On my last birthday my mother made strawberry cake with  
strawberries and whipped cream.  My grandma used to make this really cool  
Jell-O cake 
with strawberries and whipped cream.  I also really like cherry  cake besides 
carrot cake.  What is everybody's favorite ice cream?   There was a really good 
one at Baskin-Robbins that just ended was for Valentines  that was vanilla 
with raspberries and tiny chocolate chips.  It was so  good.  I also like 
chocolate almond and pistachio mint, what does  everybody else like the best?.
I'm glad you had a good time on your birthday.  Sorry I am so late  with this 
birthday great wishes.
What was wrong, what happened, why were you not doing well, if I'm not been  
too personal ?  I'm really sorry for what ever it is.  You can trust  me I did 
get my master's in social work, although I have never worked just  
volunteered in nursing homes and a high school.
My cell phone is 913-544-6105  and I'm usually not available to talk on it 
until after five or 6 p.m..   Are you at the same job, because you were 
jobs.  You were going to  some kind of corrections facility to work as a 
guard if I remember  correctly.  I forgot where you live, somewhere close to 
Maryville  Missouri
.  Hope to hear from you.
God bless you.  Don't ever forget to pray to the Lord for help or what  ever 
the problem is and you can pray without ceasing.  I will pray for  you.  
Sometimes we just have to go through trials and tribulations and we  don't know 
I think the Lord is molding us and shaping us for something and  we may not 
know what it is until we get to heaven.  I was talking to a guy  that was going 
to go to prison we had only talked a couple times in a chat  room.  I would 
send him Christian e-mails.  I talked to him shortly  before he was about to go 
to prison and he wanted to me to give him my  address.  He called me and I 
needed to call him back but I did not get to  him in time so I was not able to 
give him my address as he can not access the  computer, somewhere in Indiana.  
So my address is on his computer  somewhere.  He wanted to write me while he 
was serving his time, which  could be three or four years.  It was really crazy 
story that happened in a  casino which I didn't quite understand and he also 
had a drinking problem that  he really couldn't conquer very well and he had 
recently fallen off the wagon  and the DUI was what put him in prison because 
he was on probation for something  I don't remember.  I'm so glad I told you 
this story, because I have not  been praying for him, because he is not on my 
list.  It's hard to remember  everybody because I have so many persons I know 
through the quad list with  problems.  So now I will add him so I don't forget 
him.  He had been  in jail for a while and the way he described it was just 
horrible.  He was  just thankful that a prison guard gave him a Bible to read 
he could get close  to the Lord again.  My mom and I pray for people together 
on the phone most  nights unless I am busy until too late and she falls asleep.
Goodnight my friend.  I was out late my best friend and I went to Ted  
Montana's Grill at the legends.  It was our second experience and I really  
We also went to Nebraska furniture Mart for about 30 minutes.   It is so big 
but so fun to explore.  I saw an old friend from Tonganoxie  Kansas, I went to 
school they are my junior and 

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread Dan T
Waterskier encounters sandbar July 18, 1976, 18 years old.  Flown to 
Northwestern Memorial in Chicago and awakened as my head was being drilled to 
set the tongs.  Tough times, hallucinations, breathing difficulties etc. Dan T.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I would just like to know what caused members of 
this message board to become quadriplegics or paraplegics?
  I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal cord 
(Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005
C-4 quad since July 2, 2005
Transverse Myelitis

  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at 

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread Richard Kratt

tripped over my cat on Thanksgiving eve in 1992 been a C3 C4 ever since.

  Richard Kratt

 At 12:10 PM 3/13/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would just like to know what caused members of this message board 
to become quadriplegics or paraplegics?

I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal 
cord (Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005

C-4 quad since July 2, 2005
Transverse Myelitis

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's 
free from AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Naomi,
  I was white-water rafting on the Upper Salt River in April of '76.  I lost 
the raft and went into the river and hit the front of my head on something.  I 
broke the C4-5 vertebras, drowned, and then was pulled from the water by an 
ex-Marine medic trained in Vietnam.  He did CPR and managed to get me breathing 
again, and here I am today!  :-)
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
  Texas, USA

  I would just like to know what caused members of this message board to 
become quadriplegics or paraplegics?
  I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal cord 
(Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005
C-4 quad since July 2, 2005
Transverse Myelitis

  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at 

Re: [QUAD-L] Quad help w/questions

2007-03-14 Thread DiannaL767
In a message dated 3/14/2007 11:45:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  

First off I will be driving soon for the 1st time in almost 11 yrs. Of  
course I've been looking at parking spaces. Many have no line's on side   
to know what you do? Do you take up two parkings if needed? Or  what?
Second when going to a fast food line drive thru what do tell  cashier to do 
if you can't reach for food from  window?

I take 2 parking spaces if a 'van accessible' isn't available.  If you can't 
reach or are hesitant to reach for it, just ask...they will be  happy to bring 
it out to you.
Have fun with your new life!

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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Kaye,
  Just my thinking, but I'd ask the deacon for a second opinion, at a different 
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
  Texas, USA

kaye allard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  According to the deacon at our church at the time- I broke my neck as 
punishment because I was having premarital sex.  In reality though, my 
boyfriend was racing someone on the highway and lost control of the car.

  On 3/13/07, Tim Syfert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Trampoline accident, 
1973.. Tim

Tim Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
Run in with in a mule deer on a mountain road.
What I've been up to;

On 3/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would just like to know what caused members of this message board to 
 become quadriplegics or paraplegics?

 I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal cord
 (Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005

 C-4 quad since July 2, 2005 
 Transverse Myelitis

 AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from
 AOL at

  Finding fabulous fares is fun.
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Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine. 
-Henry Miller 

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread DiannaL767
In a message dated 3/13/2007 6:04:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

I would just  like to know what caused members of this message board to 
become quadriplegics  or paraplegics?
Boating accident...C6/7

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email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

RE: [QUAD-L] Anybody ever flip backwards off their wheelchair lift??

2007-03-14 Thread Joan Anglin
I had a Swing Arm lift in my van, and my Attendant lowered the bar too far
and I flipped over backwards. I certainly had a sore head for a few days.



From: kaye allard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Anybody ever flip backwards off their wheelchair


Yeah my sister had deployed my lift half way.  I wheeled backward without
looking and cracked my head on the pavement.  Really sucked.  No stitches,
though, just blood.



My paraplegic buddy was trying to clean an accident off his lift and he
flipped backwards from the highest position and landed on the of his head.
Its a miracle he didnt break his neck, lol Hes in major pain but only had to
get stitches, the ambulance ride was interesting Im sure, made him remember
ol times. 



Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine. 
-Henry Miller 

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RE: [QUAD-L] Getting Out,

2007-03-14 Thread Joan Anglin
Hi Dana

Have you tried this speech recognition that is built into Windows Vista?
That is what I am using today. I use Dragon on my desktop, but am
experimenting with speech recognition with Vista. It works magnificently in
a quiet environment, but turns on too easily with ambient noise. I am going
to use a pillow switch to turn on and off the sound, and I think that will
solve the problem.

It has great features, controlling the desktop by voice alone, a showing
numbers feature which highlights all the possibilities on the desktop that
can Be controlled by voice alone, a mouse grid of course, and last but not
least my favorite game Mahjong. It doesn’t have the move mouse feature that
Naturallyspeaking does, and I do miss that.

I found I got the best speech recognition by training it several times,
especially when my Clinitron is at its loudest. It continually learns as it
goes along, as does Naturallyspeaking. I am using a lapel mic that I got at
Radio Shack that has an on/off switch on it which is where we will connect
the pillow switch.

Try it, you might like it J


Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Getting Out,


That festival sounds really fun is specially seeing ostrich races and Rick
Springfield.  I wanted to see him a month or so ago and they were out of
tickets.  I love concerts.  So far I have tickets for Rod Stewart, , The
Fray and John Mayer.  I think it's cool that lot of the older bands are
touring.  I wish police was coming to Kansas City.  I really love Sting.


How many of us on the list besides myself watch American Idol and vote? I
try to watch every night it's on or take it.


For any of you that like to show, House, it was not last night at 7 p.m.
instead of tonight.  I hope my tape player was recording, many times it
doesn't.  I need a new one.  Does anyone use a DVD recorder, and if so what
kind?  I feel that my book, but it is already filled up.  I watch after I am
in bed, especially if I cannot sleep.  My bedroom TV card does not work
anything like my living room.


Has anybody heard anything more about when the Dragon naturally speaking 9.5
will be out.  I need for my laptop with Vista?


Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate your expertise with
quad related problems.


AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from


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RE: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread Joan Anglin
That is a new one that I never heard about. When I was in rehab at Santa
Clara Hospital, the lady next to me fell off of her lounge chaise and was an
incomplete C4/5. Another man, who was totally blind, fell off the roof of
his house. When asked why he was up there, he replied that he was getting a
branch off of the roof. How did he know that it was up there? Simple, his 92
year old father told him about it, and was verbally directing him from the
ground. He certainly had faith in his father JJoan


From: Richard Kratt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Poll


tripped over my cat on Thanksgiving eve in 1992 been a C3 C4 ever since.

  Richard Kratt

 At 12:10 PM 3/13/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would just like to know what caused members of this message board to
become quadriplegics or paraplegics?
I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal cord
(Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005 
C-4 quad since July 2, 2005
Transverse Myelitis


AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from


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Re: [QUAD-L] How I became a quad

2007-03-14 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Merrill,
  It sounds like you've got a pretty good grip on this Quadhood that is now our 
lives.  I'm glad to hear you've learned how to forgive, it's a hard lesson, but 
a very important one in this life!  Stay strong.
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
  Texas, USA

Merrill Burghardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I’ve been injured since 1990, Monday 1:45am.  I will 
celebrate my 50th B – day this Thursday.  I can accept the responsibility of 
honesty with the gentle grace of understanding also.  Amazing how I’ve learned 
to forgive from the smallest to the world, other people after all this Q stuff. 
 Myself and the shooter probably being the smallest but, the first and hardest 
to forgive.  After that, forgiveness came easier to me for hopefully all 
  Someone left me for dead which I really should be.  Not afraid to pass along, 
but knowing that this is not going to be one of those things just meant to 
happen.  I know more than anything that I could give up when I first heard 
those words quadriplegic or paralyzed while yet unconscious but aware my first 
three days in ICU.  The indignation that someone wanted to take something of 
mine, that being my life, could had been anything., This I think kept me awake 
and when safe to fall asleep. 
  Often I can be with my service dog thinking of the people responsible in 
bring her to me.  I’ve met people I am sure not to have never  under other 
circumstances get to know or pass by..  In my 40 years ambulatory, I had never 
met anyone in a wheelchair.  It just  never came up.  Here, on this list, and 
near every other day I see, maybe meet some of the greatest people I could.  At 
least some of the most interesting.  Some people still can be the most annoying 
to be around.
  Not to get me wrong, sometimes I actually say alone out loud, “this 
Quadriplegic moment sucks”.  I still have not forgotten, at least to myself 
that I would accept it all over again given life.  
  You Have To Love It,

RE: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread Eric W Rudd
My church collapsed on me.  05/09/1997
Eric W Rudd

RE: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread Danny Hearn
  Eric , after your church fell on you, did that make you bitter or mad at 
god ? It seems that would try ones faith in ways of Job in the bible. I guess 
things can happen to anyone anywhere at any given timethe bible does 
say the Rain falls on the Just as well as Unjust.  If this question is too 
personal, don't worry about the reply...I was just curious.Dan

Eric W Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  v\:* {   BEHAVIOR: 
url(#default#VML)  }  o\:* {   BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)  }  w\:* {   
BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)  }  .shape {   BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML)  }  
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Roman,serif  }  DIV.MsoNormal {   FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; 
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mso-style-priority: 99  }  P {   FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN-LEFT: 0in; 
MARGIN-RIGHT: 0in; FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman,serif; mso-style-priority: 
99; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto  }  SPAN.EmailStyle18 
{   COLOR: #1f497d; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri,sans-serif; mso-style-type: 
personal-reply  }  .MsoChpDefault {   FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-style-type: 
export-only  }  DIV.Section1 {   page: Section1  }  My church collapsed on 
me.  05/09/1997
  Eric W Rudd

RE: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread Eric W Rudd
I wouldn't say mad at God.  More confused or I thought 'Man, I must have
done something to piss the big guy off!  More ironically, I was working for
my father-in-law pouring concrete for our 'new' church.  The new building is
what fell.
Eric W Rudd

-Original Message-
From: Danny Hearn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 3:15 PM
To: Eric W Rudd;
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Poll

  Eric , after your church fell on you, did that make you bitter or mad
at god ? It seems that would try ones faith in ways of Job in the bible. I
guess things can happen to anyone anywhere at any given timethe
bible does say the Rain falls on the Just as well as Unjust.  If this
question is too personal, don't worry about the reply...I was just curious.

Eric W Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

My church collapsed on me.  05/09/1997
Eric W Rudd

Re: [QUAD-L] Burns

2007-03-14 Thread delimited4
Amazing wasn't the word I was going to use, but I understand.
-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Burns

I'm healing up a few burns on my ankle from sitting too close to my space 
heater a few weeks ago.   it's amazing how we can cook ourselves without even 
knowing it.
In a message dated 3/12/2007 5:41:13 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
Burns, Burns, and yet another Burn.
I got a muffin out of the mic and it was hotter than I thought. I had it on a 
napkin on the back of my hand. A few hours later I went to rub my face and 
water was all over. The big blisters popped. They looked to be heeling ok, 
scabbed up… I had to get a prescription for something else, so I had the doc 
look at it. He put an antibiotic cream on it, then wrapped it up. But now the 
cream has soften it up and it’s all wet looking. At least he gave me oral 
antibiotics to take too, just in case it got infected. I should just remember 
all my other burns I have had over the years, once it’s scabbed up, leave it 
Dave Visit My Home Page

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AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

2007-03-14 Thread delimited4
Your probably right, but why do I have to take methadone to get off vicodon?
-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

  John...I think you wrote that wrong..Vicodin is not synthetic 
heroin  ( Methadone is ) Dan

Dear Linda,
Vicodin is hydrocodone. It is synthetic heroin and it really is addicting. I've 
been taking 5mg's for a few years and I sure can't just stop. Doctor says if I 
have to change I'll need methadone before taking anything else. It is effective 
and stays working for most people for many years. I think you mean 7.5 mgs as 
750 would be a little strong for your average heroin addict.  :D
It's handy stuff for pain.
-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

Hi Dana,
Thank you for the good wish. 
You said that Roserem did nothing for you, it is a mild sleeping pill. I think 
the vicoden is 750mg, it is not that strong. I can't believe so many people 
claim it's addicting. Everyone matabolizes medications differently. I ordered 
my neck warmer from a Company in Missouri, I can't get the name of the company 
until I have a CNA here. I was disappointed with the neck warmer because it has 
gel inside. You can buy the same thing at Wal-Mart. It just cools down after 
about 20-30 mins.

- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 4:09:01 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

Happy birthday Linda.  I'm sorry I missed it.  I'm glad you had a nice 
get-together.  Would love to see pictures.  I love pictures.
I tried roserum, and it did nothing for me.  Not much seems to work 
unfortunately, you're lucky you don't have to take every night.  My TV and 
computer are my best friend, usually when I read my quad list posts.
What kind of neck warmer do you have?  How strong is vicoden?  I always get 
cold so I bet I would like a neck warmer.  How does it stay warm? I am always 
so cold..

Happy birthday!  May you have many more healthy years.

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL 

AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at

[QUAD-L] O.T. Son in accident

2007-03-14 Thread David K. Kelmer
This was yesterday.  God had his hands over my son because he has some cuts, 
scraps, and swelling and soreness, but is home with no major injuries!
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
  Texas, USA

  Car accident sends officer to hospital 
  March 14, 2007 
  An Iowa Park police officer was treated at a hospital and released after an 
accident threw him part of the way through the windshield of his patrol car, 
Iowa Park Police Chief Steve Klempa said.
  Officer Chris Kelmer was on his way to a home burglary call when he was 
involved in the accident, Klempa said.   The collision happened about 1 p.m. 
Tuesday at the intersection of West Highway and Jackson. A car pulled out and 
struck the passenger side of the patrol vehicle, Klempa said. The impact caused 
the patrol car to spin and slam into a telephone pole.   Kelmer was thrown 
partially through the windshield on the passenger side, and an ambulance took 
him to United Regional Health Care System in Wichita Falls, Klempa said. 
  Klempa said the driver of the other vehicle, a 77-year-old woman, did not 
appear to be injured, but she also went to the hospital to be checked. 
  The Department of Public Safety is investigating the accident, Klempa said. 
  Kelmer has been with the Iowa Park Police Department for several years.

Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

2007-03-14 Thread delimited4
See, if I hadn't just taken 10mgs I would have known that!! 
Or, its brain damage!!
Its not my fault!!
I knew it was synthetic something adictive, thanks Bill!
-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

Vicodin is synthetic morphine.
Bill age 56
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Leesburg, FL
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
- Original Message - 
From: Danny Hearn 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

  John...I think you wrote that wrong..Vicodin is not synthetic 
heroin  ( Methadone is ) Dan

Dear Linda,
Vicodin is hydrocodone. It is synthetic heroin and it really is addicting. I've 
been taking 5mg's for a few years and I sure can't just stop. Doctor says if I 
have to change I'll need methadone before taking anything else. It is effective 
and stays working for most people for many years. I think you mean 7.5 mgs as 
750 would be a little strong for your average heroin addict.  :D
It's handy stuff for pain.
-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

Hi Dana,
Thank you for the good wish. 
You said that Roserem did nothing for you, it is a mild sleeping pill. I think 
the vicoden is 750mg, it is not that strong. I can't believe so many people 
claim it's addicting. Everyone matabolizes medications differently. I ordered 
my neck warmer from a Company in Missouri, I can't get the name of the company 
until I have a CNA here. I was disappointed with the neck warmer because it has 
gel inside. You can buy the same thing at Wal-Mart. It just cools down after 
about 20-30 mins.

- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 4:09:01 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep aids??

Happy birthday Linda.  I'm sorry I missed it.  I'm glad you had a nice 
get-together.  Would love to see pictures.  I love pictures.
I tried roserum, and it did nothing for me.  Not much seems to work 
unfortunately, you're lucky you don't have to take every night.  My TV and 
computer are my best friend, usually when I read my quad list posts.
What kind of neck warmer do you have?  How strong is vicoden?  I always get 
cold so I bet I would like a neck warmer.  How does it stay warm? I am always 
so cold..

Happy birthday!  May you have many more healthy years.

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL 

AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread delimited4
I was 19 and driving a car I had just bought on a street where drunks have the 
right of way. Obviously, If I had known a 3 ton buick was going to run over my 
1800lb carmen ghia I would have stayed home for the next week and given up 
driving there and then. I know how hard it must be when folks are to drunk to 
walk, they gotta drive, right!? Oh yea, I was creamed. Broken skull, lower 
right leg and ankle, left knee and hip, 6 fingers were broken and my lower back 
was broken. Ohyeah, I broke my neck at C-5. I know I shouldn't say it, but I 
think the drunk guy deserves some blame. Go figure?
-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 3:10 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Poll

I would just like to know what caused members of this message board to become 
quadriplegics or paraplegics?
I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal cord 
(Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005 
C-4 quad since July 2, 2005
Transverse Myelitis

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL 

AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at

[QUAD-L] Highridge mo

2007-03-14 Thread RONALD L PRACHT
Ive got family in highridge, Mike and Verna Hucke. Thats not far from me here 
in St. Peters

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread delimited4
You got to watch that premarital sex. I was told that load of crap too.
best wishes
-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

According to the deacon at our church at the time- I broke my neck as 
punishment because I was having premarital sex.  In reality though, my 
boyfriend was racing someone on the highway and lost control of the car.

On 3/13/07, Tim Syfert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Trampoline accident, 1973.. Tim

Tim Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
Run in with in a mule deer on a mountain road.
What I've been up to;

On 3/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would just like to know what caused members of this message board to 
 become quadriplegics or paraplegics?

 I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal cord
 (Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005

 C-4 quad since July 2, 2005 
 Transverse Myelitis

 AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from
 AOL at

Finding fabulous fares is fun.
Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and hotel 

Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine. 
-Henry Miller 

AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread David K. Kelmer
Hi Dan,
  Were you on a Stryker Frame?  I was on one 3 months getting turned every two 
hours.  I still have the Tongs that were in my head turning that time.  They 
somehow slipped into my wife's purse after they took them out of my head.  
  Speaking of Stryker Frames makes me feel strange.  My 1st Grandson was born 
in 1993 at Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo, MI.  That is where Dr. Stryker got 
permission in 1939-40 to work in the basement to perfected his turning frame 
and other inventions.  Funny how life curls around!
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
  Texas, USA

  Waterskier encounters sandbar July 18, 1976, 18 years old.  Flown to 
Northwestern Memorial in Chicago and awakened as my head was being drilled to 
set the tongs.  Tough times, hallucinations, breathing difficulties etc. Dan T.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   I would just like to know what caused members of 
this message board to become quadriplegics or paraplegics?
  I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal cord 
(Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005
C-4 quad since July 2, 2005
Transverse Myelitis

  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at 

[QUAD-L] It's all relative.!!

2007-03-14 Thread Oconnelldb
I just went to the post office - parked up front in a HC spot separated  from 
the next one by a 4 ft wide yellow hash marked sidewalk.  Came out to  find a 
pickup parked half in the next HC spot and half on the sidewalk thus  
blocking me from my ramp.  I saw the guy walking up and asked him to  move.  He 
he'd be right out.  I said, Wait a minute, you want me  to wait out here in 
the parking lot for you?  No, please move.  He  grumbled and said he couldn't 
park straight because the next guy's door was  open.  WOW - too bad to me I 
guess.   He moved and I got out  without getting beat up.  Oh yes, he had a 
limp.  I really used to  hate it when I got hurt and had a limp.  The only 
foolproof solution is to  park out where these people don't like it and park 
cornerwise in two spots, ramp  facing out into the driveway.  Too many REFUSE 
to be 
considerate of us  truly handicapped. 
Dave  _Visit My Home  Page_ ( 
BRBRBR**BR AOL now offers free 
email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread Bill_J
Did the cat survive?  LOL

Bill age 56
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Leesburg, FL
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Richard Kratt 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

  tripped over my cat on Thanksgiving eve in 1992 been a C3 C4 ever since.

Richard Kratt

   At 12:10 PM 3/13/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would just like to know what caused members of this message board to 
become quadriplegics or paraplegics?
I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal cord 
(Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005 
C-4 quad since July 2, 2005
Transverse Myelitis

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at . 

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread Bill_J
MessageNow there's a message for ya.  LOL

Bill age 56
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Leesburg, FL
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric W Rudd 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 3:20 PM
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Poll

  My church collapsed on me.  05/09/1997

  Eric W Rudd

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread Bill_J
Ya gotta be careful having sex during a street race.  LOL

Bill age 56
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Leesburg, FL
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
  - Original Message - 
  From: kaye allard 
  To: Tim Syfert 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 6:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

  According to the deacon at our church at the time- I broke my neck as 
punishment because I was having premarital sex.  In reality though, my 
boyfriend was racing someone on the highway and lost control of the car.

  On 3/13/07, Tim Syfert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Trampoline accident, 1973.. Tim

Tim Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  Run in with in a mule deer on a mountain road.
  What I've been up to;

  On 3/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I would just like to know what caused members of this message board to 
   become quadriplegics or paraplegics?
   I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal cord
   (Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005
   C-4 quad since July 2, 2005 
   Transverse Myelitis
   AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free 
   AOL at

Finding fabulous fares is fun.
Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and 
hotel bargains.

  Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine. 
  -Henry Miller 

Re: [QUAD-L] It's all relative.!!

2007-03-14 Thread DiannaL767
In a message dated 3/14/2007 5:37:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

He said he'd be right out.  I said, Wait a minute, you want  me to wait out 
here in the parking lot for you?  No, please  move. 
Good for you! Sure does make ya hot, doesn't  it.

BRBRBR**BR AOL now offers free 
email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

[QUAD-L] Lack of sleep hits night owls hard

2007-03-14 Thread KK

Lack of sleep hits night owls hard
17 March 2007

FEELING groggy because of lost sleep? Blame your genes. People with two copies 
one variant of a gene that helps control our body clocks turn out to suffer 
cognitive deficits after sleep deprivation.

Researchers led by Malcolm von Schantz of the University of Surrey, UK, 
recruited 12
volunteers with two copies of the long version of the gene PER3, which 
contains a
longer stretch of repetitive DNA, and a dozen with two copies of the short 

People with the long genes tend to be night owls - late to bed and late to rise.
After staying awake all night, this group only scored half as well on cognitive
tests as their short counterparts (Current Biology, DOI:

From issue 2595 of New Scientist magazine, 17 March 2007, page 19

Re: [QUAD-L] It's all relative.!!

2007-03-14 Thread Dan T
The abuse of handicapped parking is an outrage!  I can't tell you how many 
times I heard I'll just be a minute.  I have had many face to face 
encounters.  I gave one lady some information about handicapped parking and she 
crumpled it up and threw it out the window as she watched me watch her.  I have 
called the police etc What an outrage!  Dan T.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I just went to the post office - parked up front 
in a HC spot separated from the next one by a 4 ft wide yellow hash marked 
sidewalk.  Came out to find a pickup parked half in the next HC spot and half 
on the sidewalk thus blocking me from my ramp.  I saw the guy walking up and 
asked him to move.  He said he'd be right out.  I said, Wait a minute, you 
want me to wait out here in the parking lot for you?  No, please move.  He 
grumbled and said he couldn't park straight because the next guy's door was 
open.  WOW - too bad to me I guess.   He moved and I got out without getting 
beat up.  Oh yes, he had a limp.  I really used to hate it when I got hurt and 
had a limp.  The only foolproof solution is to park out where these people 
don't like it and park cornerwise in two spots, ramp facing out into the 
driveway.  Too many REFUSE to be considerate of us truly handicapped. 
  Dave Visit My Home Page

  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at 

Re: [QUAD-L] Poll

2007-03-14 Thread Dan T
Dave, Yes I was on a Stryker frame.  Turning every two hours which caused the 
hallucination that I was stuck in a pipe.  Sounds weird doesn't it.  That was 
one of my more pleasant hallucinations.  Some of the real awful hallucinations 
I still remember today, 30 years later.  What a nightmare.  Do they still use 
those Stryker frame's and tongs?  Dan T.
David K. Kelmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi Dan,
  Were you on a Stryker Frame?  I was on one 3 months getting turned every two 
hours.  I still have the Tongs that were in my head turning that time.  They 
somehow slipped into my wife's purse after they took them out of my head.  
  Speaking of Stryker Frames makes me feel strange.  My 1st Grandson was born 
in 1993 at Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo, MI.  That is where Dr. Stryker got 
permission in 1939-40 to work in the basement to perfected his turning frame 
and other inventions.  Funny how life curls around!
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
  Texas, USA

  Waterskier encounters sandbar July 18, 1976, 18 years old.  Flown to 
Northwestern Memorial in Chicago and awakened as my head was being drilled to 
set the tongs.  Tough times, hallucinations, breathing difficulties etc. Dan T.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   I would just like to know what caused members of 
this message board to become quadriplegics or paraplegics?
  I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects the spinal cord 
(Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005
C-4 quad since July 2, 2005
Transverse Myelitis

  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at 

Re: [QUAD-L] It's all relative.!!

2007-03-14 Thread KK
Most parking lots are considered private property  police won't come on the


Re: [QUAD-L] It's all relative.!!

2007-03-14 Thread delimited4
I really hate the parking arguement because it takes us away from real issues 
like, in 2006 I got a 20 some dollar increase in each months check. Only now 
I'm on plan D and the state of ohio no longer buys gloves. Plan D last year 
cost me 34 dollars a month and I spent 388 dollars on latex gloves for aids. 
(Lets be serious, they gotta have them.)So last year I got an increase in SSDI 
but my cost of living jumped just less than 800 dollars. When I sent these 
concerns to my representatives they were pleased with how much they had reduced 
taxes for the rich. The whole parking deal is just to keep you from realizing 
you're getting violently molested by the politicians who could really care less 
where you park. 550 dollars isn't a lot of money if you have it, but they cut 
medicaid and then gave exon/mobile 14 billion. They just had the best year in 
corporate history and they need 14 billion dollars. So just park on the 
sidewalk and block the doorway. It isn't in the cops jurisdic!
-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] It's all relative.!!

Most parking lots are considered private property  police won't come on the


AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at

Re: [QUAD-L] Anybody ever flip backwards off their wheelchair lift??

2007-03-14 Thread kaye allard

I certainly learned something from that one ;-)


That is amazing, somebody was watching over you.  I heard of the guy that
did that was a para and became a quad.  I know a quad, who backed out and
the lip was not out and he had a concussion and problems remembering things,
but it was OK after time.
That would be so terrifying, I would probably always be afraid to back
onto my left.
I have only gone off the liftt with it not all the way down with a little
drop, which was surprising.  I go out front  ways and come in backwards


Yeah my sister had deployed my lift half way.  I wheeled backward without
looking and cracked my head on the pavement.  Really sucked.  No stitches,
though, just blood.


  My paraplegic buddy was trying to clean an accident off his lift and he
 flipped backwards from the highest position and landed on the back of his
 head. Its a miracle he didnt break his neck, lol Hes in major pain but only
 had to get stitches, the ambulance ride was interesting Im sure, made him
 remember ol times.


Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine.
-Henry Miller .

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free
from AOL at **

Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine.
-Henry Miller

Re: [QUAD-L] It's all relative.!!

2007-03-14 Thread kaye allard

John, I often need a good healthy dose of rage, seriously.  What
papers/blogs do you read?  Especially those that are disability related?
p.s. that's not to say that those thoughtless disabled parking pirates don't
piss me off royally.


I really hate the parking arguement because it takes us away from real
issues like, in 2006 I got a 20 some dollar increase in each months check.
Only now I'm on plan D and the state of ohio no longer buys gloves. Plan D
last year cost me 34 dollars a month and I spent 388 dollars on latex gloves
for aids. (Lets be serious, they gotta have them.)So last year I got an
increase in SSDI but my cost of living jumped just less than 800 dollars.
When I sent these concerns to my representatives they were pleased with how
much they had reduced taxes for the rich. The whole parking deal is just to
keep you from realizing you're getting violently molested by the politicians
who could really care less where you park. 550 dollars isn't a lot of money
if you have it, but they cut medicaid and then gave exon/mobile 14 billion.
They just had the best year in corporate history and they need 14 billion
dollars. So just park on the sidewalk ! and block the doorway. It isn't in
the cops jurisdiction.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] It's all relative.!!

Most parking lots are considered private property  police won't come on the


AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free
from AOL at 

Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine.
-Henry Miller

Re: [QUAD-L] It's all relative.!!

2007-03-14 Thread Dan T
John, you are absolutely right, no one can bitch about anything unless it meets 
your standards.  Dan T.

kaye allard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  John, I often need a good healthy dose of rage, seriously.  What papers/blogs 
do you read?  Especially those that are disability related?
p.s. that's not to say that those thoughtless disabled parking pirates don't 
piss me off royally. 

  On 3/14/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   I really hate 
the parking arguement because it takes us away from real issues like, in 2006 I 
got a 20 some dollar increase in each months check. Only now I'm on plan D and 
the state of ohio no longer buys gloves. Plan D last year cost me 34 dollars a 
month and I spent 388 dollars on latex gloves for aids. (Lets be serious, they 
gotta have them.)So last year I got an increase in SSDI but my cost of living 
jumped just less than 800 dollars. When I sent these concerns to my 
representatives they were pleased with how much they had reduced taxes for the 
rich. The whole parking deal is just to keep you from realizing you're getting 
violently molested by the politicians who could really care less where you 
park. 550 dollars isn't a lot of money if you have it, but they cut medicaid 
and then gave exon/mobile 14 billion. They just had the best year in corporate 
history and they need 14 billion dollars. So just park
 on the sidewalk ! and block the doorway. It isn't in the cops jurisdiction.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] It's all relative.!!

Most parking lots are considered private property  police won't come on the


  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at

Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine. 
-Henry Miller 

[QUAD-L] Quad help w/questions

2007-03-14 Thread wheelchair
Whew, you have a lot of good question and you haven't turn the key yet,  lol.
You will be entering a driver's evaluation program and be evaluation for  the 
proper controls and vehicle, based on the test.  While you are being  tested 
for driving, ask your instructor and see if you can do some trial test  with 
them, while you are being evaluated.
The parking issue won't be resolved overnight, but you will learn and  
The drive up windows will deliver the food to you outside, after you pass  
the window or come outside to collect it, if its not too late at night.
Driving from an electric chair means that you won't be driving a sports  
car or truck.  Maybe something in between.
But you will learn and do well.
In a message dated 3/14/2007 10:45:58 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Hey gang. Hope your day is going well. I have a few question's that maybe  
some of you guys that drive  have electric wheelchairs could help me  with. 
First off I will be driving soon for the 1st time in almost 11 yrs. Of  
course I've been looking at parking spaces. Many have no line's on side   
to know what you do? Do you take up two parkings if needed? Or  what?
Second when going to a fast food line drive thru what do tell  cashier to do 
if you can't reach for food from window?
Third I am now going to be in a power chair since I can not transfer from  
chair to driving chair. I have always been in a manual since my incident  
occured 11 yrs ago. I noticed many restaurants have lower tables that my  
chair barely fits under at times. My power chair is a little  higher. So how do 
you place your self when going to a table that is way  lower than chairs? Then 
you have the foot rest in the way too. 
Well I know I sound dumb founded, but this part of my life is going to be  
all new. 
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. for some of you who remember I was shot at 17 by an x-boyfriend.Well  I 
saw him for the first time saturday since this happen. Wow you talk about  
wanting to have my electric chair then. Hahahahha Just Kidding!

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Re: [QUAD-L] Quad help w/questions

2007-03-14 Thread Paul Jacobson
Hi Veranda..these are fantastic questions! All things I had to consider, 
too.  I'm a Paul, a 43 year-old c5/6 complete, injured 11/03 in a car accident 
and now driving for 8 months in a power chair. To address your issues:

1.  Never park in a place where someone could block your lift/ramp.  Take up 5 
parking spaces if needed.

2.  Have them bring out the food to you.

3.  I rarely get under a tableso I use a lap desk from Office Depot.  
Beanbag on one side harder on top.  I have 4 of them and never travel without 

4.  All gas stations w/2+ employees will pump your gas for you.  I never get 
out...I just ask someone outside to alert an employee.

Feel free to ask more!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Veranda Escobar 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:44 AM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Quad help w/questions

  Hey gang. Hope your day is going well. I have a few question's that maybe 
some of you guys that drive  have electric wheelchairs could help me with. 

  First off I will be driving soon for the 1st time in almost 11 yrs. Of course 
I've been looking at parking spaces. Many have no line's on side  wanted to 
know what you do? Do you take up two parkings if needed? Or what?

  Second when going to a fast food line drive thru what do tell cashier to do 
if you can't reach for food from window?

  Third I am now going to be in a power chair since I can not transfer from 
chair to driving chair. I have always been in a manual since my incident 
occured 11 yrs ago. I noticed many restaurants have lower tables that my manual 
chair barely fits under at times. My power chair is a little higher. So how do 
you place your self when going to a table that is way lower than chairs? Then 
you have the foot rest in the way too. 

  Well I know I sound dumb founded, but this part of my life is going to be all 

  Your help would be greatly appreciated.

  P.S. for some of you who remember I was shot at 17 by an x-boyfriend.Well I 
saw him for the first time saturday since this happen. Wow you talk about 
wanting to have my electric chair then. Hahahahha Just Kidding!


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[QUAD-L] Stryker Beds

2007-03-14 Thread Oconnelldb
Doncha just love the old strykers...???   That was MY real love  too...
Take a look see -  _Dave's Stryker Bed_ 
In a message dated 3/14/2007 2:22:36 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

Hi Dan,
Were you on a Stryker Frame?  I was on one 3 months getting turned  every two 
hours.  I still have the Tongs that were in my head turning  that time.  They 
somehow slipped into my wife's purse after they  took them out of my head.  
Speaking of Stryker Frames makes me feel strange.  My 1st Grandson  was born 
in 1993 at Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo, MI.  That is  where Dr. Stryker got 
permission in 1939-40 to work in the basement to  perfected his turning frame 
and other inventions.  Funny how life curls  around!  
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka  Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas,  USA


Waterskier  encounters sandbar July 18, 1976, 18 years old.  Flown to 
Northwestern  Memorial in Chicago and awakened as my head was being drilled to 
the  tongs.  Tough times, hallucinations, breathing difficulties etc. Dan  T.

I would just like to know what caused members of this  message board to 
become quadriplegics or paraplegics?
I became a quadriplegic due to an illness that affects  the spinal cord 
(Transverse Myelitis), July 2, 2005  

C-4  quad since July 2, 2005
Transverse  Myelitis


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Dave  _Visit My Home  Page_ ( 
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Re: [QUAD-L] Sick

2007-03-14 Thread Jessica Ann Gordon
hey i had an upper resp. infection recently as well. i am so thankful  
it didn't get too far into my lungs. it was hard enough coughing  
everything up w/out it being in my lungs. coughing is a bitch as a  
quad! i had my infection for well over a month -- the longest i've  
ever been sick! what did u do to get rid of yours? i tried sudafed,  
mucinex, saline drops, rest... nothing seemed to help. do u have  
trouble coughing? i had to have people help do 'assist coughs' a few  
times b/c i couldn't get the mucus to come up. so frustrating!

thank goodness we shook that!


On Mar 6, 2007, at 3:23 PM, B. Kimberlin (Quadius) wrote:

Hey guys and gals,
I have been suffering with an upper respiratory infection that  
invaded my lungs, but I am slowly but surely coming out of it.  To  
say it has been a struggle is a bit of an understatement; it's more  
of a battle.  Anyway, I hope I didn't miss too much while I was  
away (three weeks and counting), but I have not had the energy or  
the ability to dictate.  Right now my voice is still in and out and  
there is really no hope that I will be able to get through the 340  
e-mails on the quad list alone.

Hopefully I will be back to read every e-mail very shortly.
PS I haven't had an illness which has infected my lungs since  
2000.  Almost 7 years without no problems.

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Re: [QUAD-L] Air Travel

2007-03-14 Thread Jessica Ann Gordon

On Mar 7, 2007, at 1:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I  was 1st to get on and last to get off. I always felt sorry for  
the people behind us while they had to wait for all that  
transferring but on the other hand, it was embarrassing as 'I' was  
the hold up.

they should pre-board you so you shouldn't feel that you are holding  
anyone up. whenever i travel, they take me on about 10 - 15 minutes  
early so we have plenty of time. i absolutely HATE when they board me  
last -- it is so embarrassing and everyone stares. i am sure to check  
in as soon as i get to my gate to prevent this from happening but a  
couple of airline employees who don't have it together have still  
managed to mess up the process. oh well


Re: [QUAD-L] Stryker Beds

2007-03-14 Thread DAANOO
That was really cool to see a picture of you when you were first  injured?  
Is that you in the picture?
How old were you?
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