Re: [QUAD-L] Fellow Quad Jim Rice passed away

2008-01-06 Thread DAANOO
I don't remember his name, maybe he posted before I heard about the  
quadlist.  Does anybody know what caused his death, such as respiratory or  any 
particular quadriplegic problem.  Who remembers him? Lori, mentioned  that he 
four years older than her , that would not be very old.  I'm  sure some people, 
read but don't post that often. I have always been interested  in the 
longevity of persons with our disability..  I think the bottom line  is the 
care we 
receive and how conscious our caregivers are of problems that are  developing 
that we are not able to see and feel.  So many people that apply  for 
self-directed care, have no experience with quadriplegics. The pay rate is  not 
equal, what they can get it many other places. I know that many  things cannot 
be avoided, just because of the nature of our disability.   There have been 
times that I was septic and not really able to realize what was  going on.  I 
was chewing my pills instead of the swallowing.  My  mother came by and 
demanded that 911 be called.  I was in a coma for 13  days.  I always hate 
going to 
the hospital, as they often don't know how to  do, things that I need or have 
the staff needed.  It is usually an ordeal,  just going through ER and waiting 
so long. I don't remember a lot about that  hospital that I usually go to .  
The last day I was moved out of ICU to a  regular room.  The aide came in to 
feed me, he gave me an excuse of  something he had to do and never came back.  
He seemed somewhat flaky, and  I was wondering, if you would be able to do by 
care. I remember they had  problems finding another person to finish the day.  
It was a really weird  experience.  It wasn't the regular hospital, but a new 
hospital that wasn't  very full.  It seemed so strange to have so many rooms 

I remember a quadriplegic coming to visit me what I was in the hospital,  and 
they were talking about trying to get me a ventilator and I was dead set  
against this.  He was a peer counselor from the Whole Person, an  independent 
living Center.  Not many years later, he died because his  ventilator popped 
 He was alone for long amounts of time at night,  because of the limited care 
, he could get from the state of Missouri.  He  refused to live in a nursing 
home.  The system doesn't often provide what  we need.
That's why I think the quadlist is so important as we can ask questions to  
persons that may have already experienced what we are going through and can 
give  great ideas for us to try.  I'm certainly glad my attendant found it, 
she was looking around the Internet under quadriplegics.  I was new to the  
Internet and was not familiar with surfing the web 

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

RE: [QUAD-L] Neck!

2008-01-06 Thread Silas Shelburne

Reading your post sounds just like what I'm experiencing, I have a syrinx
that may be causing the pain.  I have a appointment with a nuro surgeon in
February, but dam I don't know if I can stand the pain till then.  It was
after 3 before I finally went to sleep, what do you take that helps?  Thanks


From: Lori Michaelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 6:31 PM
To: Silas Shelburne;
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Neck!


Like Billy ... I have something very similar to what you describe.  It began
in 1997 at the lower part of my neck. Pain but no numbness.  The muscles in
my neck have always been very strong since my injury in 1979/1980 because I
have to use them to help hold me up, etc.. 


My neck was fused from C2-C7 ... I guess the surgeon at the time really,
really, really wanted to make sure that my neck was stable!  It sure is --
but NOW at an expense.  My husband teases me that my neck bone is connected
to my butt bone!  LOL 


All kidding aside because this affects me every day now.  My neck fusion is
what does not allow me to turn my head to the left or the right very far at
all.  This was never a problem for the first 17 years after my injury.  I
would have thought after all of those years of depending upon those muscles
(neck, lower neck, spine and shoulders) that I would have some sort of pain
or problems LONG before 1997 but nope. 


I was then diagnosed in September of 1994 with Syringomyelia and had
surgery.  However, I had none of the pains anywhere until two years after
the surgery!  But the pain is pretty much where my spine is and where the
shunt is located... my lung cavity.  Which is also where the trapezius
muscle is that is aggravated if I overuse it.  So it is like it is all tied
in together at my expense. 


The ONLY thing that had changed in my life was that my EX wanted to split up
and I ended up moving into an assisted living facility.  I was no longer
transferring or moving the way I had been for many years.  ALTHOUGH...
absolutely nothing was hurting me when I was transferring or getting moved.
So, by process of a limitation, and since it started right then... I must
assume that my body was getting moved in a way that my upper neck and spine
and all the areas mentioned above DISLIKED whatever was happening different
and even now I am very careful now until this day... there is no going back.
Things have only worsened.  Although Syringomyelia is a condition that
either stays stable or gets worse. 


Like you... turning my head left or right makes everything much, much worse!
My MRIs show that everything is OK.  And the last comment that I got from a
doctor seems to sum it up the best.  He said that the shunt is probably
woven through muscles and nerves and is now causing pain.  I will not be
going to have my spine manipulated again by any surgeon.  Every time I have
done that... I have come close to death. 


I have tried just about every narcotic out there as well as relaxation, tens
units, and so much more without relief.  Massaging or even touching area
harder than a light touch ... exacerbates everything for the worse. 


I have had to just learn to deal with it and some days are much better than
others.  But the last three weeks have been terrible.  Whenever I exert
myself I think it causes my spinal fluid to be aggravated by pressure.  I am
not even able to blow my nose because that hurts everything for weeks


Foolishly... I was imitating my husband snoring in the middle of the night
about three weeks ago and that is when it began.  That sounds funny I know
but I have been in so much pain SINCE... that it is not funny and will teach
me to NOT try to do something that I know I should not!  Or that will bite
me in the end. 


I just get so damned mad at my body for being so hypersensitive!  It's
beyond the ridiculous end of the spectrum.


Lori Michaelson

C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post

Tucson, AZ


On Jan 4, 2008 1:36 AM, Silas Shelburne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everybody, 

I'm having terrible neck shoulder and arm pain and numbness, the mussels in
my neck are so stiff and sore I can't hardly turn my head.  It's worse in
bed when  I turn my head, it's like the neck muscles are knotted up and
won't turn loose.  Anybody else had this problem and what did you do.
Thanks Silas 

C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ 

RE: [QUAD-L] Neck! Syrinix question?

2008-01-06 Thread Amy Davis
I know a lot of you have to Deal with a syrinix. My question is this. Is there 
any relief? Have any of you had sucess with draining it or with surgery? Does 
it always come back? There has to be something that can be done.

Silas Shelburne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Lori, 
  Reading your post sounds just like what I’m experiencing, I have a syrinx 
that may be causing the pain.  I have a appointment with a nuro surgeon in 
February, but dam I don’t know if I can stand the pain till then.  It was after 
3 before I finally went to sleep, what do you take that helps?  Thanks Silas 
From: Lori Michaelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 6:31 PM
To: Silas Shelburne;
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Neck!

Like Billy ... I have something very similar to what you describe.  It 
began in 1997 at the lower part of my neck. Pain but no numbness.  The muscles 
in my neck have always been very strong since my injury in 1979/1980 because I 
have to use them to help hold me up, etc.. 


My neck was fused from C2-C7 ... I guess the surgeon at the time really, 
really, really wanted to make sure that my neck was stable!  It sure is -- but 
NOW at an expense.  My husband teases me that my neck bone is connected to my 
butt bone!  LOL 


All kidding aside because this affects me every day now.  My neck fusion is 
what does not allow me to turn my head to the left or the right very far at 
all.  This was never a problem for the first 17 years after my injury.  I would 
have thought after all of those years of depending upon those muscles (neck, 
lower neck, spine and shoulders) that I would have some sort of pain or 
problems LONG before 1997 but nope. 


I was then diagnosed in September of 1994 with Syringomyelia and had 
surgery.  However, I had none of the pains anywhere until two years after the 
surgery!  But the pain is pretty much where my spine is and where the shunt is 
located... my lung cavity.  Which is also where the trapezius muscle is that is 
aggravated if I overuse it.  So it is like it is all tied in together at my 


The ONLY thing that had changed in my life was that my EX wanted to split 
up and I ended up moving into an assisted living facility.  I was no longer 
transferring or moving the way I had been for many years.  ALTHOUGH... 
absolutely nothing was hurting me when I was transferring or getting moved.  
So, by process of a limitation, and since it started right then... I must 
assume that my body was getting moved in a way that my upper neck and spine and 
all the areas mentioned above DISLIKED whatever was happening different and 
even now I am very careful now until this day... there is no going back.  
Things have only worsened.  Although Syringomyelia is a condition that either 
stays stable or gets worse. 


Like you... turning my head left or right makes everything much, much 
worse!  My MRIs show that everything is OK.  And the last comment that I got 
from a doctor seems to sum it up the best.  He said that the shunt is probably 
woven through muscles and nerves and is now causing pain.  I will not be going 
to have my spine manipulated again by any surgeon.  Every time I have done 
that... I have come close to death. 


I have tried just about every narcotic out there as well as relaxation, 
tens units, and so much more without relief.  Massaging or even touching area 
harder than a light touch ... exacerbates everything for the worse. 


I have had to just learn to deal with it and some days are much better than 
others.  But the last three weeks have been terrible.  Whenever I exert myself 
I think it causes my spinal fluid to be aggravated by pressure.  I am not even 
able to blow my nose because that hurts everything for weeks afterward.  


Foolishly... I was imitating my husband snoring in the middle of the night 
about three weeks ago and that is when it began.  That sounds funny I know but 
I have been in so much pain SINCE... that it is not funny and will teach me to 
NOT try to do something that I know I should not!  Or that will bite me in the 


I just get so damned mad at my body for being so hypersensitive!  It's 
beyond the ridiculous end of the spectrum.


Lori Michaelson

C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post

Tucson, AZ


On Jan 4, 2008 1:36 AM, Silas Shelburne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everybody, 
  I'm having terrible neck shoulder and arm pain and numbness, the mussels in 
my neck are so stiff and sore I can't hardly turn my head.  It's worse in bed 
when  I turn my head, it's like the neck muscles are knotted up and won't turn 
loose.  Anybody else had this problem and what did you do.  Thanks Silas 


C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with 

Re: [QUAD-L] Fellow Quad Jim Rice passed away

2008-01-06 Thread Ms Linda Ferrell
I'm sorry to hear about Jim. Wasn't he the pilot from Oklahoma? Seems like he 
posted not long ago  had been having health problems.

Re: [QUAD-L] Neck!

2008-01-06 Thread Lori Michaelson
I thought I wrote in my e-mail that I have tried every narcotic out there as
well as a variety of other things to no avail.  When I first found out that
I had Syringomyelia... my neurosurgeon wanted me to try Amitriptyline
(Elavil) which is actually an antidepressant but is supposed to work on pain
and spasms.  I tried it but it did not do much of anything as far as the
pain and the spasms.

The usual dose is for night time and the one thing that it helps with is
SLEEP.  I know that several people on the list also take it and even though
it did not help my pain and spasms when I was first prescribed it... it most
certainly helped me sleep!  Big time.  So I am still taking it to this very
day because I have found that the pain that I have to this day gets worse if
I do not take it.

The usual *dosage* is 50 mg at that time.  Around 1997 I cut back to 25 mg
and did not notice a difference.  I was sleeping very well.  But not too
awful long after that I began feeling very, very bad again so went back up
to 50 mg and that is what I still take today.  The biggest side effect is
weight gain... even for able-bodied folks.  I have had that side effect but
I have also lost weight while I was on it all these years as well.
I do not know if you should bring it up with your doctor or not (or perhaps
you're even one of the people who are on it!) because doctors are pretty
quick to prescribe anything.  But it also can't hurt to try it if you are

Keep us up to date!

Lori Michaelson
C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
Tucson, AZ

On Jan 6, 2008 7:02 AM, Silas Shelburne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Reading your post sounds just like what I'm experiencing, I have a syrinx
 that may be causing the pain.  I have a appointment with a nuro surgeon in
 February, but dam I don't know if I can stand the pain till then.  It was
 after 3 before I finally went to sleep, what do you take that helps?  Thanks

 *From:* Lori Michaelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Saturday, January 05, 2008 6:31 PM
 *To:* Silas Shelburne;
 *Subject:* Re: [QUAD-L] Neck!

 Like Billy ... I have something very similar to what you describe.  It
 began in 1997 at the lower part of my neck. Pain but no numbness.  The
 muscles in my neck have always been very strong since my injury in 1979/1980
 because I have to use them to help hold me up, etc..

 My neck was fused from C2-C7 ... I guess the surgeon at the time really,
 really, really wanted to make sure that my neck was stable!  It sure is
 -- but NOW at an expense.  My husband teases me that my neck bone is
 connected to my butt bone!  LOL

 All kidding aside because this affects me every day now.  My neck fusion
 is what does not allow me to turn my head to the left or the right very far
 at all.  This was never a problem for the first 17 years after my injury.  I
 would have thought after all of those years of depending upon those muscles
 (neck, lower neck, spine and shoulders) that I would have some sort of pain
 or problems LONG before 1997 but nope.

 I was then diagnosed in September of 1994 with Syringomyelia and had
 surgery.  However, I had none of the pains anywhere until two years after
 the surgery!  But the pain is pretty much where my spine is and where the
 shunt is located... my lung cavity.  Which is also where the trapezius
 muscle is that is aggravated if I overuse it.  So it is like it is all tied
 in together at my expense.

 The ONLY thing that had changed in my life was that my EX wanted to split
 up and I ended up moving into an assisted living facility.  I was no longer
 transferring or moving the way I had been for many years.  ALTHOUGH...
 absolutely nothing was hurting me when I was transferring or getting moved.
 So, by process of a limitation, and since it started right then... I must
 assume that my body was getting moved in a way that my upper neck and spine
 and all the areas mentioned above DISLIKED whatever was happening different
 and even now I am very careful now until this day... there is no going
 back.  Things have only worsened.  Although Syringomyelia is a condition
 that either stays stable or gets worse.

 Like you... turning my head left or right makes everything much, much
 worse!  My MRIs show that everything is OK.  And the last comment that I got
 from a doctor seems to sum it up the best.  He said that the shunt is
 probably woven through muscles and nerves and is now causing pain.  I will
 not be going to have my spine manipulated again by any surgeon.  Every time
 I have done that... I have come close to death.

 I have tried just about every narcotic out there as well as relaxation,
 tens units, and so much more without relief.  Massaging or even touching
 area harder than a light touch ... exacerbates everything for the worse.

 I have had to just learn to deal with it and some days are much better
 than others.  But the last three weeks have been terrible.  Whenever I exert
 myself I think it 

Re: [QUAD-L] Neck! Syrinix question?

2008-01-06 Thread Lori Michaelson
Obviously my voice softwarel typed out Heaven is rather than having a in
my e-mail below!

You would also think that voice recognition software would be more perfected
by now as well!  It saves my user files over and over and over again but it
always makes numerous errors many times.  But it's still easier and much
faster than having to type with my fist or fingers or a pencil!
On Jan 6, 2008 2:50 PM, Lori Michaelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Again, everyone is different so it is a crapshoot.  Some people find
 relief with surgery while others do not.  I had success with draining it for
 the first two years but even though my shunt did not fail... I began having
 other pains in that area and a wider area around my spine.

 To be honest... just like Heaven is spinal cord injury... people can try
 different things but you will find that it is far from being so simple as
 there has to be something that can be done.  Oh how I wish there was!
 My life would be 100% better if that miracle cure (along with a cure for
 spinal cord injury) can be found with this rare condition.

 Even Craig Hospital admits that surgery only has a 50% chance of helping.
 Sometimes people find that a certain drug helps them enough to get by while
 others, like myself and Corie Jones, cannot find anything that works.

 Lori Michaelson
 C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
 Tucson, AZ

   On Jan 6, 2008 8:54 AM, Amy Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I know a lot of you have to Deal with a syrinix. My question is this. Is
  there any relief? Have any of you had sucess with draining it or with
  surgery? Does it always come back? There has to be something that can be

C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ

Re: [QUAD-L] Enemeez

2008-01-06 Thread Ms Linda Ferrell
I tried the theravac sb, never did anything for me. I agree about the magic 
bullets not doing what they use to do. They are not potent or faster anymore. I 
might as well go back to dulcolax supp.  not have to pay for them but a few 

[QUAD-L] dragon dictate vs naturally speaking

2008-01-06 Thread bobbie299
Hi all,
 Between dragon and naturally speaking which do you guys like better? I 
have windows xp and a LOT of space I've never used either of these before. 
I'll have no background noise at all. Is there a dragon 1 or 2 version? If so 
which is better and why.
? Thanks for your help, any input will help before I buy one. Oh, and how much 
can I expect to pay for one of these programs?
??? Bobbie

More new features than ever.  Check out the new AOL Mail ! -

Re: [QUAD-L] Neck!

2008-01-06 Thread DiannaL767
In a message dated 1/6/2008 4:49:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,  

The biggest side effect is weight gain... even for able-bodied  folks.  I 
have had that side effect but I have also lost weight while I  was on it all 
these years as well. 
I was 117 pounds when I started taking it  went up to 172 in a yr.  That's 
one drug I threw out the window!!! Then I told my doctor I was always  crying, 
(first  second year). He put me on Prozac  I went back down to  130.
ps your right about the sleep though. like a rock! and everyone's different  
and drugs will effect everyone differently as you mentioned.


**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

Re: [QUAD-L] dragon dictate vs naturally speaking

2008-01-06 Thread Lori Michaelson
Dragon NaturallySpeaking seems to work the best. And like other programs...
they are always coming out with version number one or number two or number 7
or number 8, and so on and so on.

I am using Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 9 and it is no better than any
of the previous ones. Except for version 1 perhaps! LOL.

Bobbie... where have you been all this while?  Or did you take a sabbatical
from the list.?  You are the Bobbie from Florida correct?

Because your name is Bobbie... our regular e-mail program put one of your
e-mails numerous days ago in a folder of a cousin of ours named Bobbie
also.  Because of what you wrote at that time... I thought it was our cousin
Bobbie and we had no idea, absolutely no idea, what in the world she was
referring to!  It was my husband that looked more closely and saw that the
e-mail address was not our cousins but yours!  It through us for a loop for
a little while!

On Jan 6, 2008 3:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
  Between dragon and naturally speaking which do you guys like better?
 I have windows xp and a LOT of space I've never used either of these
 before. I'll have no background noise at all. Is there a dragon 1 or 2
 version? If so which is better and why.
   Thanks for your help, any input will help before I buy one. Oh, and how
 much can I expect to pay for one of these programs?
 More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL 

C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ

Re: [QUAD-L] Neck! Syrinix question?

2008-01-06 Thread Lori Michaelson
Again, everyone is different so it is a crapshoot.  Some people find relief
with surgery while others do not.  I had success with draining it for the
first two years but even though my shunt did not fail... I began having
other pains in that area and a wider area around my spine.

To be honest... just like Heaven is spinal cord injury... people can try
different things but you will find that it is far from being so simple as
there has to be something that can be done.  Oh how I wish there was!
My life would be 100% better if that miracle cure (along with a cure for
spinal cord injury) can be found with this rare condition.

Even Craig Hospital admits that surgery only has a 50% chance of helping.
Sometimes people find that a certain drug helps them enough to get by while
others, like myself and Corie Jones, cannot find anything that works.

Lori Michaelson
C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
Tucson, AZ

On Jan 6, 2008 8:54 AM, Amy Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I know a lot of you have to Deal with a syrinix. My question is this. Is
 there any relief? Have any of you had sucess with draining it or with
 surgery? Does it always come back? There has to be something that can be

Re: [QUAD-L] Neck! Syrinix question?

2008-01-06 Thread D. B.
Having had a syrinix for over 6 years I've made a choice not to have a surgery 
that more then likely will just end up in failure.   I would like to hear more 
from any of you that have or had a syrinix and what kind of pain you have.  The 
pain that I've is a constant pins a needles feeling from mid chest area out my 
arms and finger tips to my toes.  A feeling like someone has a vice grip on my 
groin area all the way up to my mid stomach area all the way around to my back. 
 The pain med that has helped me is 2700 mg of neurontin a day and two darvacet 
 at night.  These two drugs seem to keep my pain on a even level with no spikes 
 As far as my bowel and bladder issues I'm doing pretty good with both.  
However there are times that the darvacet leaves me a little constipated I use 
a magic bullet to help move things along.  

Living with my choice has made life difficult for me since I'm confined to my 
wheelchair, home-bound and dependant  on my wife for my care full time.  This 
at times creates a lot of friction between us but after 28 years of marriage we 
have learned to go to neutral corners and after a little time things get better.

So I'd appreciate any of you that have dealt with the experience good or bad of 
 dealing with a syrninix to please share your own experiences.  This hopefully 
will help others.

David B.

- Original Message 
From: Lori Michaelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:54:25 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Neck! Syrinix question?

 Obviously my voice softwarel typed out Heaven is rather than having a in 
my e-mail below!  
 You would also think that voice recognition software would be more perfected 
by now as well!  It saves my user files over and over and over again but it 
always makes numerous errors many times.  But it's still easier and much faster 
than having to type with my fist or fingers or a pencil! 


 On Jan 6, 2008 2:50 PM, Lori Michaelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Again, everyone is different so it is a crapshoot.  Some people find relief 
with surgery while others do not.  I had success with draining it for the first 
two years but even though my shunt did not fail... I began having other pains 
in that area and a wider area around my spine.  
 To be honest... just like Heaven is spinal cord injury... people can try 
different things but you will find that it is far from being so simple as 
there has to be something that can be done.  Oh how I wish there was!  My 
life would be 100% better if that miracle cure (along with a cure for spinal 
cord injury) can be found with this rare condition.  
 Even Craig Hospital admits that surgery only has a 50% chance of helping.  
Sometimes people find that a certain drug helps them enough to get by while 
others, like myself and Corie Jones, cannot find anything that works.  
 Lori Michaelson
 C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
 Tucson, AZ


  On Jan 6, 2008 8:54 AM, Amy Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know a lot of you have to Deal with a syrinix. My question is this. Is there 
any relief? Have any of you had sucess with draining it or with surgery? Does 
it always come back? There has to be something that can be done.  

C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ  


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

Re: [QUAD-L] AB's opening doors like their playing twister

2008-01-06 Thread Quadius
I often wonder the same thing, but then I am thankful they are least trying
to open the door.  Often I have sat outside a particular entrance for quite
awhile waiting on someone to open the door.

What ticks me off is when the individual holding the door says you're
welcome in a sarcastic manner before I can think them once I have
successfully navigated their obstacle course.  They need to understand
sometimes that I'm concentrating on not running my hand into the door are
running them over in the process.  Knowing it takes too long to explain I
simply just turn around and say, it would have been really nice if you
didn't expect to be thanked every time you did something.  Thank you so much
for holding the door for me.



  What is it that when an ab open's a door they think two doors are better
 THEN they try and stretch their bodies to hold both doors and now it is
 impossible to get through the door? All I need is one door open, a very
 simple easy task. Or they very nicely open the door and stand leaning
 against it so if I did go through the door I would run over their feet?

 See AOL's top rated 
 ways to stay in 

Re: [QUAD-L] woohoo

2008-01-06 Thread Quadius
I have been thinking about going with a Permobile and trying out the
Majictek (spelling).  From what I have seen on the video it seems to operate
like a Peachtree.  I tried that chin control and absolutely hated it.
However, I have spent 12 1/2 years using a Peachtree, so I don't know if
I'll ever be able to get used to a chin control.

What is it you don't like about the current chair Linda?

On 12/30/07, Ms Linda Ferrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Oh my! The WC business can really get me going, since I have been looking
 at my new chair sitting in my apt. for 3 yrs this Dec 18. I have even asked
 for a chin drive since I haven't been able to work the majatik system. I
 have loved my Quickie for 11yrs, I have replaced the wheels 2 times  never
 replaced the batteries. It has been around the block many times  I only
 charge it every 3 or 4 days or if the battery lights are low. So John you
 are right on the money regarding the Quickie! There are bad DME's, but most
 of the ones that I have used has not taken enough time to help fit me to the
 right chair. I would never go back to Hamilton Technology in Indy, very poor
 service. So far National Seating in So Bend hasn't done much better although
 they have cleaned house in that office so the verdict is still out on that
 one. The new tech seems to want my new chair fixed  he told me he has not
 worked on too many Pride chairs  never on Majitek, that he is more of a
 Quickie  Permobile man, so keep your fingers crossed.  In Indiana, with
 Medicaid  Medicare you can get an Ibot  Permobile, if you have the right
 DME that *knows the right codes to order the chair*. We had 2 people with
 Ibots at our Governors Conference last month.

Re: [QUAD-L] Don't Park In The Handicap Spot

2008-01-06 Thread Quadius

Since I have a power chair and someone to drive me, I would feel guilty if I
saw a paraplegic trying to find a parking place while I had taken up a space
I didn't really need.  If only the people that are not in wheelchairs felt
that way.



  To be truthful Amy...

 I get whomever is driving my van to do the same. Park out towards the
 end. It's easier...

 IMHO, a power wheelchair doesn't have problems traveling the distances.
 So, let the ones less fortunate use the handicap spots.

 Again, I just responded that I like the persons post...for many it's so

 Have a great day,


 Amy writes:

 It is actually easier for me to park my boyfriends van at the lower end of
 the parking lot. he is on a vent and it gives us a little more privacy to
 suction or empty caths if needed. Plus I park sideways in 2 spots so that we
 are not blocked in. Looks like I cant drive but no one can get near the door
 that way to block it.

 See AOL's top rated 
 ways to stay in 

Re: [QUAD-L] dragon dictate vs naturally speaking

2008-01-06 Thread DAANOO
I have used Dragon 7, 8 and 9 and I really didn't find 9 being much better  
than 8.  I was quite disappointed as they are quite pricey..  I  started out 
with the very first Dragon for DOS and then I also had another  Dragon before 
Dragon 7, which was not professional and did not work very  hands-free.  When I 
got a laptop and other computer that I use in bed, I  needed professional for 
I have purchased my Dragon 8 and Dragon 9 through know-brainer.
I don't know of anybody else has had this problem, but when I try to turn  on 
Dragon 9, it will not come on with my voice ever, even though I keep  
training.  It is quite disgusting.  Dragon 8 almost always turns  on.  It 
really is 
irritating when you have somebody reboot your computer  and you  may have to 
wait for it to finish rebooting, before they can turn  on the microphone.  I 
haven't checked to come on. Has anybody else had this  problem.  It also seems 
like Dragon 9 will close more than Dragon 8..
it also brings up the Dragon window which you have to click close when I  say 
reboot Dragon using KnowBrainer, you cannot click on close, before Dragon is  
ready and the microphone is on.  I have re-loaded the Dragon program to see  
it that helped.


 Start the year off right. _Easy ways to stay in shape_ 
(  in the 
new year. 

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

[QUAD-L] An apology

2008-01-06 Thread Quadius
I wanted to say I was sorry for replying to some many of these e-mails so
late in the game.  I am so far behind in e-mails I am seriously considering
deleting the majority of them as I will probably never catch up.

Hopefully I haven't heated up any discussions which were simmering.  It
really wasn't my intent if I did.

I hope everyone had
a nice holiday.
Take care,

Re: [QUAD-L] Honda Odessey

2008-01-06 Thread LTeasley
i'm in a c-300 front wheel. what is it you don't like about them? wht are you 
in now?  mid or rear?
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: [QUAD-L] is it a tax?

2008-01-06 Thread Quadius
Independent?  That may be your party affiliation, but it's definitely not
the way you think.  I would tend to believe you lean more towards
Just my two cents.  Like Jon I really don't want to get into a political

On 12/30/07, Tim Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Canada is socialist.
 So is France.
 Maybe you're living in the wrong country.
 I didn't take the oath just to see commie politics scrap our constitution.