Re: [QUAD-L] where is dana ?

2009-04-07 Thread LadyNotes
OMG Kathy!!  You have been to Hell and the devil threw  you back!  I can't 
even imagine going through all of that hell.  Did  one thing lead to another, 
were they all separate incidents?  My heart  goes out to you.  I have my 
periods of hospitalizations for infections and  MRSA, but nothing like that.  I 
getting ready to have my Bacoflen pump  removed.  It keeps swelling and pain 
in the area of my pump.  I have  had ultrasounds and CAT scans, but they 
cannot find out what the problem is, so  I'm having it removed.  Especially 
the neuro nurse says the pump  may reject and come right out of body!  
C-4  Quadriplegic, since July 2, 2005
Due to Transverse  Myelitis
**Feeling the pinch at the grocery store?  Make dinner for $10 or 
less. (

FW: [QUAD-L] Medications

2009-04-07 Thread Merrill
I have seen at Radio Shack wireless door bells.  If physically unable to
press the button I am sure gluing something to button would help.





From: Kandy Vogelpohl [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 4:16 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Medications


Hi everyone,


My Husband (AL) became a quad on 5/10/08 from auto accident.  He has been
hospitizied ever since. I am working at getting him home on a CAC Waiver.
All the documentation has been filled out, now I am just wanting to see if
the state will approve. I need some advice, on his medications and on some
assisted technology products.


First of all, Al has 8 pages of medications he is currently taking.  These
include Oxycoden and baclofen.  His Oxy is on a PRN in which he gets 20 mg
every 3 hours up to 5 times a day.  When he takes it he gets headaches, so
he has to take tylenol with it or right after it.  I am concerned about his
daily high dosage and hoping that his medications will be reduced soon...
He is scheduled for baclofen testing for pump at end of month.  If that
works-will that help reduce his pain so the oxycoden can be reduced?  The
oxycoden really binds him up and we are having such a hard time getting him
a scheduled bowel program.  He goes from one extreme to another.  Either he
has diaherra or he gets so bound up it has to be dug out of him.  He is on
different softners, gets stimulated, plus we use the magic bullet as needed.


My husband also takes a lot of vitamins, prosource and calcium, and
benefiber is this something he will take forever as well?


Currently he is fed from a peg tube and has a trach, but hopefully both will
come out.  His vocal cords are paralyzed but they have started moving.  So
he is now able to eat theraputic feedings.  Which actually just got
approved for me to feed him soft solids.  He ordered his first meal
yesterday.  It was wonderful.


Any advice or knowledge you could share about his medications would be much


Also does anyone know what type of call light - where to get one for when my
husband comes home.  Currently he puffs in a straw to call the nurse.  I
need something like that in my house that would make a noise so I can hear
him if I am not in same room.


Thanks for your help.


Kandy (wife of C-4 Complete)