Re: [qubes-users] Re: Can't install Qubes, Rebooting after loading initrd.img

2018-02-26 Thread patelmax27
On Monday, February 26, 2018 at 10:54:00 PM UTC, awokd wrote:
> On Mon, February 26, 2018 10:30 pm,  wrote:
> > The new TPM chips are pretty cool too, will see where that goes. How do
> > you like yours? Did you do it all yourself or get it as is? Was it hard
> > to get to its current state where you feel like you are literally in
> > complete control of everything? Pretty sure Purism is the same but I
> > could be wrong about something. I'm just getting into all this really.
> Mine doesn't have a TPM which is kind of mixed, would be nice to have the
> option at least. The G505s's are a little newer than those other Lenovos
> so a bit faster too, but they also require a couple more blobs to run. It
> was definitely a Do It Yourself thing. Mine took about 3 months before I
> could run Qubes 4 on it but I had to figure out how to get the BIOS
> updated first (it involved patching Coreboot, and I had never hardware
> flashed before!)
> The nice thing about this older laptop is there is no ME or AMD's PSP in
> it. Purism/some Dells/System76 all sell systems with a partially (but not
> completely) disabled ME. Unfortunately, it's the best you can do these
> days if you want new x86 hardware.
> Anyways, just email the list again if you run into problems on the
> install, but could you please start a new thread and subject if you do?
> Makes it easier to follow!

Sorry yes I'll start a new thread in the future, sorry it's just I responded 
while you were responding so I didn't see that you had left your message. I 
thought it had been published so I was busy doing other stuff and when I came 
back I saw that it had detected my email and wasn't actually published, which 
explain the time discrepancy. Thanks, will start a new thread of course. 

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Can't install Qubes, Rebooting after loading initrd.img

2018-02-26 Thread patelmax27
On Monday, February 26, 2018 at 3:08:22 PM UTC, awokd wrote:
> On Mon, February 26, 2018 2:47 pm, wrote:
> > Uman, I saw that you help or sometimes have some time and are willing to
> > help folks with issues setting up Qubes (4.0) on their machines. As it
> > happens I have a purism 13. I've downloaded the latest Qubes and have put
> > it on a stick and tried multiple times to get the Qubes installation to
> > run but nothing on the purism seems able to read or run Qubes
> > automatically.
> Hope you don't mind me butting in, Unman.
> patelmax27, you might need to upgrade your BIOS first- see
> Next, have you seen ?
> First of all, make sure to back up ALL DATA on your system. Installing
> another OS will by default erase everything on your hard drive.
> You then need to write the installer to your USB drive following the
> procedure in that document, then boot your laptop from the USB drive and
> follow the prompts.
> (Personally, I prefer a corebooted Lenovo G505s over other laptops from an
> owner rights perspective.)

After following the links, I see that yes I had already visited those, however 
they do lead to other important links to be sure, so thank you. The ones you 
sent me explain how to install through the terminal, I believe, whereas I was 
hoping to simply transfer the file from my stick over to the computer and then 
simply hit install. Is the only option that I use the terminal, do you know? 


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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Can't install Qubes, Rebooting after loading initrd.img

2018-02-26 Thread patelmax27
Thank you very much, @awokd, I appreciate the links and the help! My machine is 
totally new. Nothing has been installed on it, whatsoever. I'm just trying to 
get the Qubes on there and to go from there. I'll indeed follow your advice. 

I wanted to go with a Lenova from 2008 or prior, a freedom fighting association 
out of the UK puts them together and sells them and claims that they are pretty 
much the freest thing you can get. But with how slow they likely are I thought 
I'd rather get something a little more modern. The new TPM chips are pretty 
cool too, will see where that goes. How do you like yours? Did you do it all 
yourself or get it as is? Was it hard to get to its current state where you 
feel like you are literally in complete control of everything? Pretty sure 
Purism is the same but I could be wrong about something. I'm just getting into 
all this really. 

Thanks again for your insight :) 

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Can't install Qubes, Rebooting after loading initrd.img

2018-02-26 Thread patelmax27
On Friday, February 23, 2018 at 1:27:43 PM UTC, Unman wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 05:19:53AM -0800, Daniil .Travnikov wrote:
> > пятница, 23 февраля 2018 г., 15:30:16 UTC+3 пользователь Unman написал:
> > 
> > Thanks for your help!
> > 
> > > Use qvm-block -a to attach the usb disk to a qube.
> > > Open a terminal in that qube.
> > > The disk should have appeared as /dev/xvdi, with partitions as xvdi1
> > > xvdi2 etc. If your EFI partition is the first on the disk:
> > > Just use 'sudo mount /dev/xvdi1 /mnt' to mount the EFI partition. 
> > > Then you can edit the files under /mnt
> > 
> > Is it possible to edit this files only in another qubes? Can I do this in 
> > Dom0?
> > 
> Of course, if your disk is attached to dom0 rather than to a sys-usb
> then you can edit directly in dom0. (I just assumed it wouldnt be.)

Uman, I saw that you help or sometimes have some time and are willing to help 
folks with issues setting up Qubes (4.0) on their machines. As it happens I 
have a purism 13. I've downloaded the latest Qubes and have put it on a stick 
and tried multiple times to get the Qubes installation to run but nothing on 
the purism seems able to read or run Qubes automatically. 

I have put the Qubes in the documents folder and when I try to run anything in 
the boot folder of the Qubes the error messages that is returned is that the 
file cannot be located. Maybe I should put it in program files or something, 
but the problem is the OS is not windows so there is no such folder I can find. 
I'd use the terminal but if even one single command doesn't do the trick I am 
totally at a loss as to what to do, I really know nothing about how to run 

I have looked around on Qubes and Purism and neither seems to have any 
dedicated area for installing Qubes. There is someone on Purism's forum who 
explained how to mount the appropriate Qubes files but that was all through the 
terminal and was for Qubes 3 last year. 

I've also tried installing from the stick itself and that also doesn't work. 
The options I have are pretty simple it would seem. I can click on the Qubes 
icon in the stick and open it with task manager, which shows me the contents. 
If I follow that route, it's just guess and check but nothing works. I can go 
to the boot folder and try getting one of the application files to run, but 
none of them work. If I don't use file manager but try to run the application 
(Qubes the file or any of its internal files) the laptop can't locate it. If I 
try to mount any of said files, they merely show as open in the upper part of 
the screen but nothing happens. 

Clearly you can see that I have no idea what I am doing, so if you do have the 
time, please be patient with me if I don't speak and know any computer 
languages. I'm just starting out really. 

Thank you

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