Re: [R] ternary diagrams with contours

2004-01-19 Thread Petr Pikal


I have got

ternaryplot in package vcd

and below is some code for ternary diagram which was in help 
post several years ago. I do not know if and how it works, I have 
not tried it a long time.

# funkce pro kresleni ternarniho diagramu
# Colin Farrow
# Computing Service, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ

function(a, f, m, symb = 2, grid = F, ...)
 ta - paste(substitute(a))
 tf - paste(substitute(f))
 tm - paste(substitute(m))

 tot - 100/(a + f +m)
 b - f * tot
 y - b * .878
 x - m * tot + b/2
 par(pty = s)
 oldcol - par(col)
 plot(x, y, axes = F, xlab = , ylab = , xlim = c(-10, 110), ylim
   = c(-10, 110), type = n, ...)
 par(col = oldcol)
 text(-5, -5, ta)
 text(105, -5, tm)
 text(50, 93, tf)
 par(pty = m)
function(grid = F)
 lines(c(0, 50, 100, 0), c(0, 87.8, 0, 0))  #draw frame
 if(!grid) {
  for(i in 1:4 * 20) {
   lines(c(i, i - 1), c(0, 2 * .878))   #side a-c (base)
   lines(c(i, i + 1), c(0, 2 * .878))
   T.j - i/2   #side a-b (left)
   lines(c(T.j, T.j + 2), c(i * .878, i * .878))
   lines(c(T.j, T.j + 1), c(i * .878, (i - 2) * .878))
   T.j - 100 - i/2 #side b-c (right)
   lines(c(T.j, T.j - 2), c(i * .878, i * .878))
   lines(c(T.j, T.j - 1), c(i * .878, (i - 2) * .878))
 else {
  for(i in 1:4 * 20) {
# draw dotted grid
   lines(c(i, i/2), c(0, i * .878), lty = 4, col = 3)   #
   lines(c(i, (50 + i/2)), c(0, .878 * (100 - i)), lty = 4,
col = 3)# /
   lines(c(i/2, (100 - i/2)), c(i * .878, i * .878), lty
 = 4, col = 3)  # -
  par(lty = 1, col = 1)

Petr Pikal

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[R] Re: Copying a device (former: Legend text -- discrepancy ...)

2004-01-19 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, Itay Furman wrote:

 On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
  The short answer is not to copy the device, but to replot on the new 
  device.  That is the advice given in MASS, for example.
 But these device-copy functions could have been quite handy -- 
 especially after a long sequence of plotting commands that are 
 done interactively.

Yes, and that is part of the statement I pointed you to.

  When you copy a device, you replay the device list and hence the lines and 
  text are placed at the positions calculated using the font metrics of the 
  first device and not the second.  dev.copy2eps does not try to adjust the 
  pointsize of the postscript device, and provided the fonts match you 
  should just be able to adjust the pointsize in this case.
 OK, so I tried various things and the best I could come up with 
 is replacing [My X11() width and height defaults are 7]
   dev.copy2eps(file=test.eps, paper=letter)
   dev.copy2eps(file=test.eps, paper=letter,
   width=8, height=8)

So you ignored the advice I gave about `pointsize'!

 Let's see if I understood what I did above:
 the physical size of the X11 and PS fonts is different. 
 Therefore, instead of changing the fontsize we re-scale the plot.
 (This is what is implied by the various printouts I have made.)
 If so, is there a way to reduce the font size, instead of  
 increasing the plot size?

Yes, and I have already given you a reference to it and told you in the 

 (To avoid the plot extending beyond the physical page, for 
 If the only way is to change the EPS device dimensions how could 
 I do it in a more robust way?
 Is, e.g., 'width=some.factor*par(din)[1]' a sensible way?
 Is there a better way?
 Could I pre-determine some.factor?
  You do need to be suspicious of on-screen viewers and indeed of 
  ghostscript, for they are often not pixel-perfect and ghostscript does 
  font substitution (it does not have Helvetica).  I would always test by 
  printing on a postscript printer.
 Screen and print rendering were the same.

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: Re: [R] How can I test if time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?

2004-01-19 Thread Adrian Trapletti

Ok I made Jarque-Bera test to the residuals (merv.reg$residual)

X-squared = 1772.369, df = 2, p-value =  2.2e-16
And I reject the null hypotesis (H0: merv.reg$residual are normally
So I know that:
1 - merv.reg$residual aren't independently distributed (Box-Ljung test)
2 - merv.reg$residual aren't indentically distributed (Breusch-Pagan 
3 - merv.reg$residual aren't normally distributed (Jarque-Bera test)

My questions is:
It is possible merv.reg$residual be uncorrelated ?
cov[residual_t, residual_(t+k)] = 0 ?
Even when residuals are not independent distributed !

Yes. E.g., in an ARCH(1) process, cov[y_t, y_(t+k) ] = 0 (k \neq 0), 
but cov[(y_t)2, (y_(t+k))2 ] \neq 0,

The last equation should be autocov[y_t, y_(t+k)] \neq 0 or equivalently 
cov[(y_t)2, (y_(t+k))2 ] \neq (E[(y_t)2])2


hence no independence (and this is typical for financial time series).

(and we know that they aren't normally distributed and they aren't
indentically distributed )
And how can I tested it ?


Hint, if a ts is normally distributed then independence and


are equivalent, hence you can test for normally distributed errors 


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Typically, financial time series exhibit fat tails, i.e., are not 
normally distributed (and in an ARCH setup, financial time series are 
usually not even conditionally normally distributed. The fat tails are 
fatter than what we would expect from the clustering of volatility).

Dr. Adrian Trapletti
Trapletti Statistical Computing
Wildsbergstrasse 31, 8610 Uster
Phone  Fax : +41 (0) 1 994 5631
Mobile : +41 (0) 76 370 5631
Email : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] email problem

2004-01-19 Thread Martin Maechler
 Patrick == Patrick Giraudoux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Sun, 18 Jan 2004 13:36:15 +0100 writes:

MM The queue of outgoing e-mails has been emptying since
MM 10:30 MET now, and hopefully all mails will have been
MM sent within a few more hours.

Patrick OK.  May this explain alone the long silence I had
Patrick from the list since January 12 nothing (except
Patrick today 18 when I receive the daily batch -hope
Patrick things will go on smoothly now) -see mail copy
Patrick below? I just got the information above
Patrick incidentally going through the January archives via
Patrick internet to check batches that I did not receive.

The reason is your institution's `high-quality' ;-) virus-scanner:
Most of R-help digests sent to you are bounced as containing a
virus  though it's very clear they do not, e.g.,

  Subject: Virus Alert
  Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 12:24:32 +0100

  Le message électronique (fichier: whole-message) que vous avez envoyé à [EMAIL 
  PROTECTED] le 01/17/2004 12:24:23 (mois/jour/année) contient un virus 
  (Exceed_Decompression_Layer). (sur the network)

Patrick Thanks to the list manager for coping with those
Patrick troubles (guess this work is not really rewarding
Patrick to him...).

indeed!  though I regularly receive ``virtual flowers'' (e-thank yous).

Please do not bother  R-help  with these problems in general.
(this is CC'ed to R-help to *close* the thread!)

Bonnes salutations,

Martin Maechler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum  LEO C16Leonhardstr. 27
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)  8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408  fax: ...-1228   

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Re: [R] individual likelihoods

2004-01-19 Thread Jim Lindsey
 Dear all,
 is there a way to extract individual likelihoods from a glm/lrm object?
 By individual likelihoods, I mean the likelihoods whose product give the
 overall likelihood of the model.
 I guess the code in the base package, used to compute the Akaike Information
 Criterion may help me.
 However, I couldn't figure it out, probably because I'm rather new to
 likelihood theory and ML estimation ;-)

The aic function just sums the corresponding density (d) function
with log=T (except for the normal and inverse Gauss, where it is written out
explicitly). Note that mle are not available for the dispersion
parameter of the gamma and inverse Gauss, although this makes vary
little difference in almost all cases. Thus, you just need to feed the
fitted values (and, if appropriate, the dispersion estimate) into the
corresponding density function without summing.
  Cheers, Jim

 Thanks for any help/suggestion/tip,
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[R] Relative risk using GAM

2004-01-19 Thread Gomez J. Edison
I am a new user of R. I am trying to fit gam model with our air pollution data. I used 
Foreign package to call data from SPSS and used MGCV package to fit gam. The following 
are the steps I used:
 dust- read.spss(a:dust9600jan.sav)

Family: poisson 
Link function: log 


Parametric coefficients:
   Estimate  std. err.t ratioPr(|t|)
constant   -0.615080.03331 -18.47 2.22e-16

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
edf   chi.sq p-value
s(DUSTM)  6.605   16.738 0.01515
 s(TEMP)   2.475.253 0.10705
   s(RH)  1   1.5727 0.20981

R-sq.(adj) = 0.0202   Deviance explained = 2.35%
UBRE score = 0.0031294  Scale est. = 1 n = 1692

I would like to know the relative risk. I don't know the command. Please, can anybody 
help me to get the relative risk.
I am grateful for the help.
Joseph E. Gomez

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[R] png support on R debian sid 1.8.1 binary

2004-01-19 Thread Angel -
I have updated my R to the current R version (1.8.1) using apt-get of the R 
binaries for debian sid in cran.
Now, when I do:
I get:
Error in X11(paste(png::, filename, sep = ), width, height, pointsize,  
   unable to start device PNG
In addition: Warning message:
No png support in this version of R

what do I have to do to get the png support?
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[R] memory limitation with Fortran interface

2004-01-19 Thread Guillot Gilles

I'm using R 7.0 under Linux as a programming interface to Fortran (g77 
Basically, what I want to do is to call a fortran subroutine of mine 
which performs MCMC computations.
Apparently I'm getting into memory management problems.

To track the problem I wrote  the following small Fortran subroutine 
(saved as test.f) : 

  subroutine test(n,p)
  implicit none
  integer n,p,i,j
  real x(n,p)
  do i=1,n
 do j=1,p
x(i,j) = 0

I compiled it by : 
g77 -c test.f

then I called it from R with :

n - 1
p - 1000
system(R CMD SHLIB ~/test.o)
out.res- .Fortran(test,

causing R breakdown with the following message : 

Segmentation fault

I don't understand why this subroutine causes segmentartion fault 
as its execution requires much less memory than what is existing  on my 
machine (RAM 512 Mo RAM + swap 512 Mo ).

More generally, it seems that memory limitations are stronger
when calling fortran code from R than when executing 
the same Fortran subroutine from a bash command line.


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Re: [R] memory limitation with Fortran interface

2004-01-19 Thread Göran Broström
On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 12:19:06PM +0100, Guillot Gilles wrote:
 I'm using R 7.0 under Linux as a programming interface to Fortran (g77 
 Basically, what I want to do is to call a fortran subroutine of mine 
 which performs MCMC computations.
 Apparently I'm getting into memory management problems.
 To track the problem I wrote  the following small Fortran subroutine 
 (saved as test.f) : 
   subroutine test(n,p)
   implicit none
   integer n,p,i,j
   real x(n,p)

Two errors here:

1. You must allocate memory for x in the calling R function and have x as
an argument to 'test'

2. Use double precision ('double' in R)

Another recommendation is to write an  R  package for tasks like yours.
It is easier than you may think; see 'Writing R extensions'.


   do i=1,n
  do j=1,p
 x(i,j) = 0
 I compiled it by : 
 g77 -c test.f
 then I called it from R with :
 n - 1
 p - 1000
 system(R CMD SHLIB ~/test.o)
 out.res- .Fortran(test,
 causing R breakdown with the following message : 
 Segmentation fault
 I don't understand why this subroutine causes segmentartion fault 
 as its execution requires much less memory than what is existing  on my 
 machine (RAM 512 Mo RAM + swap 512 Mo ).
 More generally, it seems that memory limitations are stronger
 when calling fortran code from R than when executing 
 the same Fortran subroutine from a bash command line.
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 Göran Broströmtel: +46 90 786 5223
 Department of Statistics  fax: +46 90 786 6614
 Umeå University
 SE-90187 Umeå, Sweden e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [R] multcomp, simint, simtest and computation duration

2004-01-19 Thread Torsten Hothorn
 Dear R-listers,

 I am trying to compute simultaneous confidence intervals with simint from the 
 package multcomp. 230 measures (abundance) have been taken in 23 sites (factor) of a 
 data.frame (donnees: a file can be sent on request, saved with 
 save(donnees,file=donnees)). I would like to get all pairwise comparisons with :

 mc- simint(ren~ID,type=Tukey,data=donnees)

you try to solve a (23^2  - 23) = 506 dimensional integration problem via
some form of Monte-Carlo technique. If the sample sizes in are balanced,
you can use the `TukeyHSD' function.


 I cannot get a result in a reasonable time (after 2 hours the computer was still 
 working and I interrupted the process).

 Can anybody tell me if there is some capacity limitation for simint (as well as for 
 simtest)? Multicomp of Splus handles the problem adequately in a short time, but 
 Splus is practically not accessible for student training...

 Kind regards,

 Patrick Giraudoux
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[R] Compiling R, cannot open

2004-01-19 Thread Arne Gjuvsland

I am trying to compile R-1.8.1 on an alphaserver running Tru64 Unix.
I use the compilers cc,cxx and f77. After the compilation
I try: make check
and get the following message:
Make: Cannot open /share/make/  Stop.

Does anyone have any suggestions on why?

Arne Gjuvsland
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Re: [R] multcomp, simint, simtest and computation duration

2004-01-19 Thread Douglas Bates
Torsten Hothorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I am trying to compute simultaneous confidence intervals with simint from the 
  package multcomp. 230 measures (abundance) have been taken in 23 sites (factor) of 
  a data.frame (donnees: a file can be sent on request, saved with 
  save(donnees,file=donnees)). I would like to get all pairwise comparisons with :
  mc- simint(ren~ID,type=Tukey,data=donnees)
 you try to solve a (23^2  - 23) = 506 dimensional integration problem via
 some form of Monte-Carlo technique. If the sample sizes in are balanced,
 you can use the `TukeyHSD' function.

Even without balanced sample sizes you can use TukeyHSD, although it
is most reliable if your sample sizes are close to balanced.

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Re: [R] Compiling R, cannot open

2004-01-19 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Arne Gjuvsland wrote:

 I am trying to compile R-1.8.1 on an alphaserver running Tru64 Unix.
 I use the compilers cc,cxx and f77. After the compilation
 I try: make check
 and get the following message:
 Make: Cannot open /share/make/  Stop.

Some context would have been very helpful.

 Does anyone have any suggestions on why?

Do you have R_HOME set (to an empty string)?

Is this GNU make, and if not can you try GNU make?

Otherwise, more information please, including if this is GNU make
(probably not) and what directory make is working in (or at least the
preceding 10 lines of output).

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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Re: [R] png support on R debian sid 1.8.1 binary

2004-01-19 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel
On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 11:17:48AM +, Angel - wrote:
 I have updated my R to the current R version (1.8.1) using apt-get of the R 
 binaries for debian sid in cran.
 Now, when I do:
 I get:
 Error in X11(paste(png::, filename, sep = ), width, height, pointsize,  
unable to start device PNG
 In addition: Warning message:
 No png support in this version of R

Confirmed -- it's a bug in the Debian package. I'll upload a new revision. [
Incidentally, my unreleased 1.9.0 snapshots already have the following
changelog entry:

  * debian/control: Added to Build-Depends
 libpaper-utils for paperconf
 libjpeg62-dev for jpeg (thanks to Kurt Hornik for the suggestion)
 libprce3-dev for pcre
 linpng12-dev for png
 zlib1g-dev for zlib 
 what do I have to do to get the png support?

Either one of a) wait for 1.8.1-2, b) try the testing build available on
CRAN which may have png support or c) re-build it yourself.

My apologies for the inconvenience.


The relationship between the computed price and reality is as yet unknown.  
 -- From the pac(8) manual page

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[R] ftable to LaTeX

2004-01-19 Thread Søren Merser
hi there

is there a way to convert objects of class ftable into LaTex code
preserving the 'look' with row and column infomation?

xtable() {xtable} can't handle such objects and latex() {Hmisc} just texify
the number matrix,
without row/column information

regards soren

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[R] Some more help needed...

2004-01-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As an absolute beginner, still reading  Modern Applied Statistics with S and 
exercising with its examples, I'm frequently stopped by what it looks to be R poor 
help system (or is it my gigantic ignorance?). I mean that using help many arguments 
of a command seems to be given for granted like for instance:
 lines(x, ...)

 ## Default S3 method:
 lines(x, y = NULL, type = l, col = par(col),
   lty = par(lty), ...)


x, y: coordinate vectors of points to join.

type: character indicating the type of plotting; actually any of
  the 'type's as in 'plot'.

 col: color to use. This can be vector of length greater than one,
  but only the first value will be used.

 lty: line type to use.

 ...: Further graphical parameters (see 'par') may also be supplied
  as arguments, particularly, line type, 'lty' and line width,

How could I quickly know during an R-session what values should be col set to have 
red, how could I set lty etc.?


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Re: [R] Some more help needed...

2004-01-19 Thread Christian Hennig
Try help(par).


On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As an absolute beginner, still reading  Modern Applied Statistics with S and 
 exercising with its examples, I'm frequently stopped by what it looks to be R poor 
 help system (or is it my gigantic ignorance?). I mean that using help many arguments 
 of a command seems to be given for granted like for instance:
  lines(x, ...)
  ## Default S3 method:
  lines(x, y = NULL, type = l, col = par(col),
lty = par(lty), ...)
 x, y: coordinate vectors of points to join.
 type: character indicating the type of plotting; actually any of
   the 'type's as in 'plot'.
  col: color to use. This can be vector of length greater than one,
   but only the first value will be used.
  lty: line type to use.
  ...: Further graphical parameters (see 'par') may also be supplied
   as arguments, particularly, line type, 'lty' and line width,
 How could I quickly know during an R-session what values should be col set to have 
 red, how could I set lty etc.?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Christian Hennig
Fachbereich Mathematik-SPST/ZMS, Universitaet Hamburg
ich empfehle

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RE: [R] Some more help needed...

2004-01-19 Thread Andy Bunn
The R help is sublime - which can be lost on the beginner (it was on
me). See Chapter 12 Graphical procedures of the introduction to R manual
( Then read the rest of the
manual before bed.

As for getting red and a solid line?
plot(1:100, log(1:100), type = l, col = red, lty = solid)

Good luck, Andy

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Re: [R] Some more help needed...

2004-01-19 Thread Spencer Graves
How about the following: 

plot(1:11, col=1:11, cex=2, lwd=4)
plot(1:4, col=c(red,green,'blue', 'orange'), cex=2, lwd=4)
 hope this helps.  spencer graves


As an absolute beginner, still reading  Modern Applied Statistics with S and 
exercising with its examples, I'm frequently stopped by what it looks to be R poor help system 
(or is it my gigantic ignorance?). I mean that using help many arguments of a command seems to 
be given for granted like for instance:
lines(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
lines(x, y = NULL, type = l, col = par(col),
  lty = par(lty), ...)

   x, y: coordinate vectors of points to join.

   type: character indicating the type of plotting; actually any of
 the 'type's as in 'plot'.
col: color to use. This can be vector of length greater than one,
 but only the first value will be used.
lty: line type to use.

...: Further graphical parameters (see 'par') may also be supplied
 as arguments, particularly, line type, 'lty' and line width,

How could I quickly know during an R-session what values should be col set to have red, how could I set lty etc.?


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[R] January advanced R/Splus course in Boston?

2004-01-19 Thread eugene dalt

I learnt there's an advanced R/Splus course in Boston
this january. Anyone got the announcement? please
kindly forward it to me.

Best, Eugene

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Re: [R] ftable to LaTeX

2004-01-19 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 18:04:40 +0100
Søren Merser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi there
 is there a way to convert objects of class ftable into LaTex code
 preserving the 'look' with row and column infomation?
 xtable() {xtable} can't handle such objects and latex() {Hmisc} just
 texify the number matrix,
 without row/column information

Please check again.  latex( ) has all kinds of row/column identifier


 regards soren

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[R] Re: [S] January advanced R/Splus course in Boston?

2004-01-19 Thread Tim Hesterberg
I learnt there's an advanced R/Splus course in Boston
this january. Anyone got the announcement? please
kindly forward it to me.

I'm giving an Advanced Programming in S-PLUS course in Boston and San
Francisco in March.  See:

I'm also giving a Bootstrap Methods and Permutation Tests course,
same places.

Tim Hesterberg

| Tim Hesterberg   Research Scientist  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Insightful Corp.|
| (206)802-23191700 Westlake Ave. N, Suite 500 |
| (206)802-2500 (fax)  Seattle, WA 98109-3044, U.S.A.  |
|   |

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[R] Course***Advanced R/Splus Programming***Boston, January 2004 by XLSolutions Corp

2004-01-19 Thread elvis
Happy New Year
XSolutions Corp ( is proud to announce
a 2-day Advanced R/Splus programming taught by R Development
Core Team Guru.
*Boston --  January 29-30, 2004
*Washington DC --  TBD
Reserve your seat Now  (payment due after the class)
Email Sue Turner: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 206-686-1578
Course outline:
- Overview of R/S fundamentals: Syntax and Semantics
- Class and Inheritance in R/S-Plus
- Concepts, Construction and good use of language objects
- Coercion and efficiency
- Object-oriented programming in R and S-Plus
- Advanced manipulation tools: Parse, Deparse, Substitute, etc.
- How to fully take advantage of Vectorization
- Generic and Method Functions; S4 (S-Plus 6)
- Search path, databases and frames Visibility
- Working with large objects
- Handling Properly Recursion and iterative calculations
- Managing loops; For (S-Plus) and for() loops
- Consequences of Lazy Evaluation
- Efficient Code practices for large computations
- Memory management and Resource monitoring
- Writing R/S-Plus functions to call compiled code
- Writing and debugging compiled code for R/S-Plus system
- Connecting R/S-Plus to External Data Sources
- Understanding the structure of model fitting functions in R/S-Plus
- Designing and Packaging efficiently 
 Early-bird group research fee: $995!
This course will also deal with lots of S-Plus efficiency issues and
any special topics from participants is welcome.
Please let us know if you and your colleagues are interested in this
class to take advantage of group discount. Over half of the seats in
both classes are currently reserved.  Register now to secure your seat 
in this course!
Elvis Miller, PhD
Manager Training.
XLSolutions Corporation
206 686 1578

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[R] Persistence for statistical models

2004-01-19 Thread Ton van Daelen
Hi there -

Is there a way to write statistical models (trees, naïve Bayes, SVM, etc) to a file 
and import them again without loss of information? 

Thanks - Ton


Ton van Daelen, PhD
Director, Application Support
Tel: (858) 279-8800 ext 217
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[R] Summary***Re: [S] January advanced R/Splus course in Boston?

2004-01-19 Thread eugene dalt
Wow that was fast. Thank you Tim, Dana and Erin.

I thought I give the summary here..The January
advanced R/Splus course in Boston taught by an R guru
is offered by xlsolutions corp. Cost is $995. Contact
person: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

--- eugene dalt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I learnt there's an advanced R/Splus course in
 this january. Anyone got the announcement? please
 kindly forward it to me.
 Best, Eugene
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RE: [R] Persistence for statistical models

2004-01-19 Thread Liaw, Andy
You can do that with any R objects by using save(), then load() or attach()
to get them back into R.


 From: Ton van Daelen
 Hi there -
 Is there a way to write statistical models (trees, naïve 
 Bayes, SVM, etc) to a file and import them again without loss 
 of information? 
 Thanks - Ton
 Ton van Daelen, PhD
 Director, Application Support
 Tel: (858) 279-8800 ext 217
 Fax: (858) 279-8804
 Register now for the 2004 Pipeline Pilot user group meeting 
 Jan 28-30 in San Diego:

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[R] Returning data in matrix form

2004-01-19 Thread Laura Quinn
I am trying to perform the following calculation for a very
large time series data set:


data.frame.a and data.frame.b are of the same dimension, and I wish to
perform the calculation in one step so that x is returned as a
matrix/data.frame of equal dimension.

I have tried a couple of methods for this, (subsetting data.frame.a and
data.frame.b and performing the calculation on a column by column basis
for instance, and trying to loop a function over column data), but each
time I am returned with a list for x rather than a data frame.

Sorry if this is a stupid question, I have looked through some R
literature but don't seem able to find the answer.

Thank you for any help.


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Re: [R] Returning data in matrix form

2004-01-19 Thread Jonathan Baron
On 01/19/04 19:27, Laura Quinn wrote:
I am trying to perform the following calculation for a very
large time series data set:


data.frame.a and data.frame.b are of the same dimension, and I wish to
perform the calculation in one step so that x is returned as a
matrix/data.frame of equal dimension.

Sounds like mapply() would be useful.  It works on columns of
data frames.  The default is simplify=TRUE so it will try to
return a vector or matrix.

Jonathan Baron, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
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Re: [R] Returning data in matrix form

2004-01-19 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Jonathan Baron [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 01/19/04 19:27, Laura Quinn wrote:
 I am trying to perform the following calculation for a very
 large time series data set:
 data.frame.a and data.frame.b are of the same dimension, and I wish to
 perform the calculation in one step so that x is returned as a
 matrix/data.frame of equal dimension.
 Sounds like mapply() would be useful.  It works on columns of
 data frames.  The default is simplify=TRUE so it will try to
 return a vector or matrix.

Maybe, but what was ever wrong with


or, possibly, thereof?

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

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Re: [R] Some more help needed...

2004-01-19 Thread Patrick Connolly
On Mon, 19-Jan-2004 at 06:36PM +0100, Peter Dalgaard wrote:

|  As an absolute beginner, still reading Modern Applied Statistics
|  with S and exercising with its examples, I'm frequently stopped
|  by what it looks to be R poor help system (or is it my gigantic
|  ignorance?). I mean that using help many arguments of a command
|  seems to be given for granted like for instance:
|  ...
|  ?lines
|   lines(x, ...)
|   ## Default S3 method:
|   lines(x, y = NULL, type = l, col = par(col),
| lty = par(lty), ...)
|  Arguments:
|  x, y: coordinate vectors of points to join.
|  type: character indicating the type of plotting; actually any of
|the 'type's as in 'plot'.
|   col: color to use. This can be vector of length greater than one,
|but only the first value will be used.
|   lty: line type to use.
|   ...: Further graphical parameters (see 'par') may also be supplied
|as arguments, particularly, line type, 'lty' and line width,
|  How could I quickly know during an R-session what values should be col set to 
have red, how could I set lty etc.?
| Well, you might take a hint and look at ?par, in which this is in fact 
| explained. The above text is not saying that very explicitly, I agree. 

... that hint being given a little further down the help for lines,
where it says:

See Also:

 'points', 'plot', and the underlying primitive 'plot.xy'.

 'par' for how to specify colors.

I can't think of a way that makes it easier to get to than that.

| However, it could be a good idea if we found a nice way of
| integrating this sort of tabular material in the help system. The
| case that really annoys me is that to get at the vaæues for 'pch',
| you need to run example(points), which is both nonobvious and
| disruptive if you are in the middle of constructing a complex plot
| command.

Even in that case, it's not a big deal to run a separate R session in
another workspace (or even better, viewport in the pre-Gnome2 days)
where such ancillary tasks can run.  There are OS limitations, of

Patrick Connolly
Mt Albert
New Zealand 
Ph: +64-9 815 4200 x 7188
I have the world`s largest collection of seashells. I keep it on all
the beaches of the world ... Perhaps you`ve seen it.  ---Steven Wright 

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[R] about power of tests

2004-01-19 Thread vasilis pappas
Does anyone know how can I calculate power in wilcoxon.test, kruskal. test and 
oneway.test in an F? I have already found power.t.test for calculating power in t.test 
but it seems that there is nothing for the others. Any answer could be useful.
Thanks for your interest.

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Re: [R] about power of tests

2004-01-19 Thread A.J. Rossini
=?iso-8859-7?q?vasilis=20pappas?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Does anyone know how can I calculate power in wilcoxon.test,
 kruskal. test and oneway.test in an F? I have already found
 power.t.test for calculating power in t.test but it seems that there
 is nothing for the others. Any answer could be useful.  Thanks for
 your interest.

If you can explain exactly how you think power should be computed for
a Wilcoxon, AND it is right (as opposed to a wild ball-park off the
cuff estimate or sensitivity analysis), it'd be a nice journal


Biomedical and Health Informatics   University of Washington
Biostatistics, SCHARP/HVTN  Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
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[R] qda problem

2004-01-19 Thread Christian Hennig

the following strange error appears when I use qda:

 qda1 - qda([cvtrain,]),as.factor(traingroups))
Error: function is not a closure

That's also strange:
 qda1 - qda(mfilters[cvtrain,],as.factor(traingroups))
Error in qda.default(mfilters[cvtrain, ], as.factor(traingroups)) : 
length of dimnames must match that of dims

Some backgroud:
 num [1:12500, 1:12] -0.426  0.937 -1.610 -2.099  0.749 ...
 - attr(*, dimnames)=List of 2
  ..$ : chr [1:12500] 1 2 8 9 ...
  ..$ : NULL
 Factor w/ 3 levels 1,2,3: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 - attr(*, names)= chr [1:12500] 1 2 8 9 ...
`data.frame':   12500 obs. of  12 variables:
 $ V1 : num  -0.426  0.937 -1.610 -2.099  0.749 ...
 $ V2 : num   0.7970 -1.9004  0.0443 -1.2074  0.4095 ...
 $ V3 : num  -0.303 -0.636 -0.806  0.639  0.363 ...
 $ V4 : num   0.130 -0.096 -0.644  0.723  0.576 ...
 $ V5 : num  -0.2942  1.4951 -0.0098  0.3253  0.3881 ...
 $ V6 : num  -0.2943 -0.6561 -0.0863 -0.0849 -0.5070 ...
 $ V7 : num   0.512 -0.618 -0.244  0.392  0.346 ...
 $ V8 : num  -0.171  0.677  0.117 -0.113  0.669 ...
 $ V9 : num   0.2289 -0.3934  0.1051  0.1545 -0.0446 ...
 $ V10: num   0.0188  0.5614 -0.2271  0.0340  0.2207 ...
 $ V11: num  -0.152  0.631  0.447  0.696  0.458 ...
 $ V12: num   0.6139 -0.9379 -1.1784  0.0802 -0.6625 ...

...looks proper to me and works without problems with svm...

Even stranger is the fact that my .R file suggests that the first command
qda1 - qda([cvtrain,]),as.factor(traingroups))
worked in December for the same data (apart from random sampling of 
cvtrain/traingroups, but I tried more than one version), and
even under the same version of R (1.8.0).

Can anybody tell me what goes wrong now?


Christian Hennig
Fachbereich Mathematik-SPST/ZMS, Universitaet Hamburg
ich empfehle

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Re: [R] qda problem

2004-01-19 Thread Uwe Ligges

I have reported a similar problem to Brian a few weeks ago. I think it 
has been fixed in recent versions of MASS (in the VR bundle) and works 
for me with another data.frame.

Run update.packages() and try again.

I owed you an answer (you know why),
Christian Hennig wrote:


the following strange error appears when I use qda:

qda1 - qda([cvtrain,]),as.factor(traingroups))
Error: function is not a closure

That's also strange:

qda1 - qda(mfilters[cvtrain,],as.factor(traingroups))
Error in qda.default(mfilters[cvtrain, ], as.factor(traingroups)) : 
	length of dimnames must match that of dims

Some backgroud:

 num [1:12500, 1:12] -0.426  0.937 -1.610 -2.099  0.749 ...
 - attr(*, dimnames)=List of 2
  ..$ : chr [1:12500] 1 2 8 9 ...
  ..$ : NULL
 Factor w/ 3 levels 1,2,3: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 - attr(*, names)= chr [1:12500] 1 2 8 9 ...
`data.frame':   12500 obs. of  12 variables:
 $ V1 : num  -0.426  0.937 -1.610 -2.099  0.749 ...
 $ V2 : num   0.7970 -1.9004  0.0443 -1.2074  0.4095 ...
 $ V3 : num  -0.303 -0.636 -0.806  0.639  0.363 ...
 $ V4 : num   0.130 -0.096 -0.644  0.723  0.576 ...
 $ V5 : num  -0.2942  1.4951 -0.0098  0.3253  0.3881 ...
 $ V6 : num  -0.2943 -0.6561 -0.0863 -0.0849 -0.5070 ...
 $ V7 : num   0.512 -0.618 -0.244  0.392  0.346 ...
 $ V8 : num  -0.171  0.677  0.117 -0.113  0.669 ...
 $ V9 : num   0.2289 -0.3934  0.1051  0.1545 -0.0446 ...
 $ V10: num   0.0188  0.5614 -0.2271  0.0340  0.2207 ...
 $ V11: num  -0.152  0.631  0.447  0.696  0.458 ...
 $ V12: num   0.6139 -0.9379 -1.1784  0.0802 -0.6625 ...
...looks proper to me and works without problems with svm...

Even stranger is the fact that my .R file suggests that the first command
qda1 - qda([cvtrain,]),as.factor(traingroups))
worked in December for the same data (apart from random sampling of 
cvtrain/traingroups, but I tried more than one version), and
even under the same version of R (1.8.0).

Can anybody tell me what goes wrong now?

Christian Hennig
Fachbereich Mathematik-SPST/ZMS, Universitaet Hamburg
ich empfehle
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Re: [R] about power of tests

2004-01-19 Thread Peter Dalgaard
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (A.J. Rossini) writes:

 =?iso-8859-7?q?vasilis=20pappas?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Does anyone know how can I calculate power in wilcoxon.test,
  kruskal. test and oneway.test in an F? I have already found
  power.t.test for calculating power in t.test but it seems that there
  is nothing for the others. Any answer could be useful.  Thanks for
  your interest.
 If you can explain exactly how you think power should be computed for
 a Wilcoxon, AND it is right (as opposed to a wild ball-park off the
 cuff estimate or sensitivity analysis), it'd be a nice journal


Of course the ARE (asymp.rel.efficiency) of Wilcoxon is .95 in the
Normal case, so everyones first guesstimate is to do the power
analysis for t and multiply the power by .95 - or divide desired power
by .95 and compute N. However, this is highly dependent on
distributional assumptions, and the fact that A is for asymptotic is
really important even for Normal distributions: for small samples the
RE is nowhere near the ARE, so you'd be wise to back things up with
some simulations.

We do have power.anova.test, though.

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

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[R] graph algorithms in R

2004-01-19 Thread Rajarshi Guha
  I was wondering if there are any packages available that can represent
mathematical graphs along with functions to manipulate them? Google
did'nt turn up anything ( I may be asking too much of R :-/ )


GPG Fingerprint: 0CCA 8EE2 2EEB 25E2 AB04 06F7 1BB9 E634 9B87 56EE
Q: What's yellow, linear, normed and complete?
A: A Bananach space.

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Re: [R] graph algorithms in R

2004-01-19 Thread A.J. Rossini

graph and Rgraphviz in BioConductor; see

Rajarshi Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I was wondering if there are any packages available that can represent
 mathematical graphs along with functions to manipulate them? Google
 did'nt turn up anything ( I may be asking too much of R :-/ )


 Rajarshi Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GPG Fingerprint: 0CCA 8EE2 2EEB 25E2 AB04 06F7 1BB9 E634 9B87 56EE
 Q: What's yellow, linear, normed and complete?
 A: A Bananach space.

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Biomedical and Health Informatics   University of Washington
Biostatistics, SCHARP/HVTN  Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
UW (Tu/Th/F): 206-616-7630 FAX=206-543-3461 | Voicemail is unreliable
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Re: [R] graph algorithms in R

2004-01-19 Thread Tobias Sing
 I was wondering if there are any packages available that can represent
 mathematical graphs along with functions to manipulate them? Google
 did'nt turn up anything ( I may be asking too much of R :-/ )

I was looking for the same thing the other day, and found that a graph package 
for R is being developed as part of the bioconductor project. However, I 
haven't tried it yet, so I don't know about the status (judging from the 
function list one shouldn't expect a comprehensive collection of graph 
algorithms, but at least the base structures and some random graph stuff seem 
to be implemented already). There is also a package for visualization, 


Tobias Sing
Diploma Student   

Computational Biology Group
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

Also affiliated with:
Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Group
Institut für Informatik  
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany

Phone: +49 681 9325 314
Fax: +49 681 9325 399

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Re: [R] graph algorithms in R

2004-01-19 Thread A.J. Rossini
Tobias Sing [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I was wondering if there are any packages available that can represent
 mathematical graphs along with functions to manipulate them? Google
 did'nt turn up anything ( I may be asking too much of R :-/ )

 I was looking for the same thing the other day, and found that a graph package 
 for R is being developed as part of the bioconductor project. However, I 
 haven't tried it yet, so I don't know about the status (judging from the 
 function list one shouldn't expect a comprehensive collection of graph 
 algorithms, but at least the base structures and some random graph stuff seem 
 to be implemented already). There is also a package for visualization, 

I almost forgot the wrappers to BOOST-Graph (the BOOST graph
library), RGBL, also in Bioconductor.


Biomedical and Health Informatics   University of Washington
Biostatistics, SCHARP/HVTN  Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
UW (Tu/Th/F): 206-616-7630 FAX=206-543-3461 | Voicemail is unreliable
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[R] Buckley-James censored regression without intercept

2004-01-19 Thread Mai Zhou
Hi, dear R-help, I want to fit a Buckley-James censored regression
without intercept.
The function bj() inside the Design library have to have an intercept,
I try  Surv(y,d)~ 0 + x , or -1+x, or x-1,  none works.

Any suggestions? Is there another BJ() code out there that do not
have to have an intercept? Or may be it is easier to modify the bj()?
I need the estimator only, no need of var estimate or plot.


Mai Zhou

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