[R] array problem and for looping

2004-10-28 Thread Kunal Shetty
Dear R- users and Helpers

Is there some way to re initialise or clear the array elements?  Pardon me for being 
vague but the problem itself quite vague. I have attached the code along with email. 
When I run the saved r- code using source(random1.txt) , command.

The program runs fine..but at times there is an error see below # ;  but again after 
the error if re-excuted it would work fine…I  probably missed some array detail in my 
program any suggestions

#Error in var(parrX[1, ]) : missing observations in cov/cor

parrX[] is an array .

 2) Also pardon me for the lengthy procedural code
but as you could see in it..i have used the for loop for finding the positions 
(indexes) of the missing values and later carry out updating the new array element 
values at those particular positions/
 So how can I escape the for loop in this case ?  i.e get the missing position 
indexes and save another object ay vector or array ?

And also later wanted to use matrix or vector multiplication (%*%)  for the 
updating statement
newy[i]- u2 + covXY/varX * (sample$x[i] - u1)

 is any of the apply function good out here ?

  I really feel that I am doing something very routine and donkey work and I am most 
certain that powerful R – functions could just execute the same 10 liner for loop 
condition to mere 4 lines ? but how…I am getting lost in the sea of functions here…

Thank u for reading

# creation for random data set
x - rnorm(100,17,24)
y - rnorm(100,7,11)
A - matrix(c(10,25,8,40),nrow=2,ncol=2)

z - rbind(x, y) # now 2 x 100
w - A %*% z # 2 x 100

x - w[1,]
y - w[2,]

 print(meanX  meanY   varX   varY   covar) 

 # mean of the variates

 u1 - mean(x)
 u2 - mean(y)
 # Variances of the variates
 varX - var(x)
 varY - var(y)
 # coVariances of the variates
 covXY - cov(x,y)

 # printing mean , var , covar


# now replace randomly with NA
x[sample(1:length(x), 10)] - NA
y[sample(1:length(y), 10)] - NA

# just a variable
sample - data.frame(x=x,y=y)

# Vector for missing values
missing - is.na(sample$x) | is.na(sample$y)
xNA - array(sample$x[missing], dim=c(1,length(sample$x[missing])))
yNA - array(sample$y[missing], dim=c(1,length(sample$y[missing])))

# find the  mean of the non missing values in the array

mX - mean(sample$x,na.rm=TRUE)
mY - mean(sample$y,na.rm=TRUE)

# Imputing the missing values with current estimated means

 x-array(ifelse(is.na(sample$x), mX, sample$x),dim=c(1,length(sample$x)))
 y-array(ifelse(is.na(sample$y), mY, sample$y),dim=c(1,length(sample$y)))

 print(  meanX  meanY   varX   varY   covar) 

# algorithm function to find out new estimate values

algoResult - function(parrX,parrY,parrXNA,parrYNA,ictr) {

# Variables for New X and Y
newx - array(parrX, dim=c(1,length(parrX)))
newy - array(parrY, dim=c(1,length(parrY)))

 # mean of the variates

 u1 - mean(parrX)
 u2 - mean(parrY)
 # Variances of the variates
 varX - var(parrX[1,])
 varY - var(parrY[1,])
 # coVariances of the variates
 covXY - cov(parrX[1,],parrY[1,])

 # printing mean , var , covar


  # Expected or updated values for the missing values 

  # loop for finding positon of missing vectors
  for (i in 1:length(missing)) {

 if (missing[i]==TRUE) 

 if (is.na(sample$x[i]== TRUE))
newx[i] - u1 + covXY/varY * (sample$y[i] -u2)

 if (is.na(sample$y[i]== TRUE))

newy[i]- u2 + covXY/varX * (sample$x[i] - u1)



l - list(c(newx),c(newy)) 
names(l)-c(X1,Y1); as.data.frame(l)  


# the iteration loop to do the algorithm
for (ctr in 1:50) {

   Output - algoResult(x,y,xNA,yNA,ctr); Output

   x - array(Output$X1, dim=c(1,length(Output$X1)))
   y - array(Output$Y1, dim=c(1,length(Output$Y1)))


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[R] Loop conditioning situation

2004-10-28 Thread Kunal Shetty
Dear R-users and helpers

I am facing a problem basically structuring my condition loop

Say I have three values say  x, y , z


Then I need to loop (till each of the values of X and Y and Z are same as the previous 
over here the function does some calculations and updates the X and Y and Z   with new 
I then save these values for X and Y and Z   

And the function or loop get called once again with these values.

What I need is to stop or exit these loop moment the new values are 
equal to old  saved values ( each of them X Y and Z)  

any suggestion for structuring the loop…I could always use three IF conditions 
and or three Boolean checks…but is there some way for condition the loop for all three 
values at one go.


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Re: [R] Random number

2004-10-27 Thread Kunal Shetty
thank you Sundar,Andy, Partha for your prompt reply.

  as for the %*% is matrix multiplication problem sunder here is a sample of 
what i want...

x - rnorm(100,17,24) # X values
y - rnorm(100,7,11)  # Y values

# since X and Y values are independent to get their
# covariance need to multiply each of them with a Matrix say A

A - matrix(c(10,25,8,40),nrow=2,ncol=2)

 further  i would like to assign both x and y vectors to one variale

 say z - c(x,y)

  but if i do this  my matrix multiplication fail

i.e  w - A%*%z
 Error in A %*% z : non-conformable arguments ??

so it tired multiply the  X and Y vector individually

 x- (A%*%x)
 y- (A%*%y)

 Error in A %*% z : non-conformable arguments ??

  the error persist...sunder...

  or anybody who could direct me..?


Sundar Dorai-Raj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kunal Shetty wrote:
  Dear R- User
  I created  two random number sets using rnorm function and calcuted their 
  respective means. However now I would like to randomly
  replace some values with NA. Thus create my own test data.
Any help or suggestions on this ?
 Use ?sample:
 n - 100
 x - rnorm(n)
 x[sample(n, 4)] - NA
 # [1] 4
   Also wanted to confirm when multiplying two random number vectors x am y by 
  matrix..is this how i do it.
  A is the matrix
 z - c(x,y)# x and y the two set of vectors
 w - A%*%Z   # each element in each vector multipled by the matrix .
 (Be careful: R is case sensitive (z != Z).)
 I'm not really clear what you want here. %*% is matrix multiplication
 and * is elementwise multiplication. Also using c makes a vector or
 length n = length(x) + length(y). This implies that A above p x n
 (i.e. p rows, n columns) and the result w would be p x 1. Please 
 provide an example of what you expect to see by the multiplication.
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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Ref: Variable scope or function behaviour or array reassign

2004-10-26 Thread Kunal Shetty

   Thank you


Uwe Ligges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kunal Shetty wrote:
  Uwe Ligges
 thank you for u prompt reply
  my problem was in step3
  where my function returns two  different arrays.
  Yes i did try returning an object from the array.
  but the problem became...i tired returning the two arrays in a dataframe  such as
  newXY - data.frame(newXmean=newx, newYmean =newy)
 Please don't use double spacing.
 You want to return a list:
 foo1 - function(.){
   return(list(newXmean = newx, newYmean = newy))
 and call the resulting objects as follows:
 foo2 - function(.){
   new - foo1(.)
 Uwe Ligges

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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Ref: Variable scope or function behaviour or array reassign

2004-10-25 Thread Kunal Shetty
Dear R- helpers

Following a draft structure of the R script for which I am facing problem

Step 1
x -   of type array with original values
y -   of type array  with original values

Step 2

for (ctr in 1:10) {

# my problem here the both x and y still show the original values from step 1
# in spite of making changes to the old values of the arrays x and y in the function
   function (x,y)  ???



output  - function(parX,parY){

  Variables for New X and Y
newx - array(parX, dim=c(1,length(parX)))
newy - array(parY, dim=c(1,length(parY)))

# make some calculation and updated some arrays element in the newX 
and   # #newY

   # finally assign the global  original values x and y with newX 
and newY

   x- newx
   y- newy
  # if print here I can see the new values
   # but when the function gets called the second time  the 
original values of 
   #  x and y get called hence failing my motive of passing update values of   
   #the arrays to the function each time   ???
I believe there something to deal with env or new.env… but never could get the concept 
of the variable scope….where the fact with the function the x and y get updated but 
while calling from the main loop the x and y are pointing to old values

  also I am keen to know as to is there a way to clear the array of old values and 
reasign new values..or the - operator take care of it by overwriting


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Ref: Variable scope or function behaviour or array reassign

2004-10-25 Thread Kunal Shetty
Uwe Ligges
   thank you for u prompt reply
my problem was in step3
where my function returns two  different arrays.
Yes i did try returning an object from the array.
but the problem became...i tired returning the two arrays in a dataframe  such as

newXY - data.frame(newXmean=newx, newYmean =newy)


but in the calling function or loop;  i wasn't able to access each individual array as 
an array; from the assigned object.

Output - algoResult(x,y,xNA,yNA,ctr); Output

 print(Output)   ?? 

hence was trying to assign the global arrays within the function  itself without 
bothering to return any object...

   any help on this.. 


Uwe Ligges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kunal Shetty wrote:
  Dear R- helpers
  Following a draft structure of the R script for which I am facing problem
  Step 1
  x -   of type array with original values
  y -   of type array  with original values
  Step 2
  for (ctr in 1:10) {
  # my problem here the both x and y still show the original values from step 1
  # in spite of making changes to the old values of the arrays x and y in the 
 function (x,y)  ???
  output  - function(parX,parY){
Variables for New X and Y
  newx - array(parX, dim=c(1,length(parX)))
  newy - array(parY, dim=c(1,length(parY)))
  # make some calculation and updated some arrays element in the 
  newX and   # #newY
 # finally assign the global  original values x and y with 
  newX and newY
 x- newx
 y- newy
# if print here I can see the new values

 # but when the function gets called the second time  the 
  original values of 
 #  x and y get called hence failing my motive of passing update values 
  of  #the arrays to the function each time   ???
  I believe there something to deal with env or new.env… but never could get the 
  concept of the variable scope….where the fact with the function the x and y get 
  updated but while calling from the main loop the x and y are pointing to old values
also I am keen to know as to is there a way to clear the array of old values and 
  reasign new values..or the - operator take care of it by overwriting
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
 I don't understand your question completely. Anyway, I guess you have 
 missed the point that you can pass arguments to a function and that you
 can return an object (e.g. a list of other objects) from the function 
 (please read An Introduction to R for more details).
 Assign the value returned by a function it to an object in the calling 
 function. In most circumstances, don't think too much about accessing 
 environments, because you don't want to do it! The mechanisms mentioned
 above are sufficient in most circumstances.
 Uwe Ligges

Uwe Ligges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kunal Shetty wrote:
  Dear R- helpers
  Following a draft structure of the R script for which I am facing problem
  Step 1
  x -   of type array with original values
  y -   of type array  with original values
  Step 2
  for (ctr in 1:10) {
  # my problem here the both x and y still show the original values from step 1
  # in spite of making changes to the old values of the arrays x and y in the 
 function (x,y)  ???
  output  - function(parX,parY){
Variables for New X and Y
  newx - array(parX, dim=c(1,length(parX)))
  newy - array(parY, dim=c(1,length(parY)))
  # make some calculation and updated some arrays element in the 
  newX and   # #newY
 # finally assign the global  original values x and y with 
  newX and newY
 x- newx
 y- newy
# if print here I can see the new values

 # but when the function gets called the second time  the 
  original values of 
 #  x and y get called hence failing my motive of passing update values 
  of  #the arrays to the function each time   ???
  I believe there something to deal with env or new.env… but never could get the 
  concept of the variable scope….where the fact with the function the x and y get 
  updated but while calling from the main loop the x and y are pointing to old values
also I am keen to know as to is there a way to clear the array of old values and 
  reasign new values..or the - operator

[R] Maximum Likelihood :- Log likehoood function

2004-10-13 Thread Kunal Shetty
Dear R - users/Helpers

 I am dealing with bivariate Normal data with missing values. Further I am trying to 
implement Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to  resolve the missing data problem.
 Now one of the requirements is use the Log likehood function i.e -2Log so as to find 
a reliable convergence

   My question is there any R  built function for the same or do i have to use the 
packages contributed by other R Developers.


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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

RE: [R] Re:How to create a R -application

2004-10-13 Thread Kunal Shetty
Dear Ted and  R- users and Helpers
   thanks ted once again for letting me know about Shafer's EM methods
 I am developing  or rather working on  windows platform. how do I use or 
rather install the contributed packages in my application or script.
   I could find documentation for unix paltform

$ R CMD INSTALL /path/to/pkg_version.tar.gz

and for windows...the zip file conatins a package.dll file...in the lib folder of the 
package...my hunt for R help documentation regarding insatlling and using packing on 
windows platform is onif anybody could guide me on this...please.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ted Harding) wrote:
 On 07-Oct-04 Kunal Shetty wrote:
  Dear R- users and Helpers
 I am a beginner for R. I am using R to implement EM algorithm
  for treating Missing values. I would like to know how can save or
  compile my logical R commands to an application; so that the next time
  I could just execute the R- file.
  Example for calculating the mean of  a data set
  x - c(8,11,16,18,6,4,20,25,9,13)
  u - mean(x)
  Now I would like to save these commands as batch or an application
  Anybody could please help or direct me in this problem
 There are several approaches possible, depending on what you find
 convenient at the time.
 1. Have a look at the history-related commands:
 will save the entire history of your session in mycommands which
 you can later edit.
 2. In developing an application, I often experiment with different
 forms of a command or different combinations of commands. When I'm
 satisfied with a group of commands, I can copy-and-paste that part
 of the R window into a file which I have open in a separate editing
 window on the side (using X windows in Linux here, which makes this
 very easy).
 It can be convenient to use the 'history' command setting the
 max.show parameter (default=25), e.g.
 will give you only the last 15 commands you used. You can then
 copy over a selected few of these.
 3. A converse version of (2) is to initially enter the commands
 into your editing window, and then copy-and-paste these into
 the R window to test them. Edit the commands file until you're
 While I'm at it, are you aware of the R library packages 'cat',
 'norm', 'mix' and 'pan' which implement Shafer's EM methods
 for imputing missing data? See CRAN.
 Good luck, and welcome to R!
 E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861  [NB: New number!]
 Date: 07-Oct-04   Time: 19:32:22
 -- XFMail --

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

RE: [R] Re:How to create a R -application

2004-10-13 Thread Kunal Shetty
Dear Ted and  R- users and Helpers

 very sorry folks i take by my question.i have found the solution...it is

Installing Packages
To get a package, the easiest way is to use Rgui. In Rgui, at the top you will see the 
standard pull-down menus, click on Packages - Install package from CRAN... . You will 
then see a list of packages which you can select from. 

and a very useful site for R developers on windows paltform



Kunal Shetty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Ted and  R- users and Helpers
 thanks ted once again for letting me know about Shafer's EM methods
 I am developing or rather working on windows platform. how do I use or
 rather install the contributed packages in my application or script.
I could find documentation for unix paltform
 $ R CMD INSTALL /path/to/pkg_version.tar.gz
 and for windows...the zip file conatins a package.dll file...in the lib
 folder of the package...my hunt for R help documentation regarding
 insatlling and using packing on windows platform is onif anybody
 could guide me on this...please.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ted Harding) wrote:
  On 07-Oct-04 Kunal Shetty wrote:
   Dear R- users and Helpers
  I am a beginner for R. I am using R to implement EM algorithm
   for treating Missing values. I would like to know how can save or
   compile my logical R commands to an application; so that the next time
   I could just execute the R- file.
   Example for calculating the mean of  a data set
   x - c(8,11,16,18,6,4,20,25,9,13)
   u - mean(x)
   Now I would like to save these commands as batch or an application
   Anybody could please help or direct me in this problem
  There are several approaches possible, depending on what you find
  convenient at the time.
  1. Have a look at the history-related commands:
  will save the entire history of your session in mycommands which
  you can later edit.
  2. In developing an application, I often experiment with different
  forms of a command or different combinations of commands. When I'm
  satisfied with a group of commands, I can copy-and-paste that part
  of the R window into a file which I have open in a separate editing
  window on the side (using X windows in Linux here, which makes this
  very easy).
  It can be convenient to use the 'history' command setting the
  max.show parameter (default=25), e.g.
  will give you only the last 15 commands you used. You can then
  copy over a selected few of these.
  3. A converse version of (2) is to initially enter the commands
  into your editing window, and then copy-and-paste these into
  the R window to test them. Edit the commands file until you're
  While I'm at it, are you aware of the R library packages 'cat',
  'norm', 'mix' and 'pan' which implement Shafer's EM methods
  for imputing missing data? See CRAN.
  Good luck, and welcome to R!
  E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861  [NB: New number!]
  Date: 07-Oct-04   Time: 19:32:22
  -- XFMail--

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Re:How to create a R -application

2004-10-07 Thread Kunal Shetty
Dear R- users and Helpers

   I am a beginner for R. I am using R to implement EM algorithm for treating 
Missing values. I would like to know how can save or compile my logical R commands to 
an application; so that the next time I could just execute the R- file.

Example for calculating the mean of  a data set

x - c(8,11,16,18,6,4,20,25,9,13)
u - mean(x)

Now I would like to save these commands as batch or an application

Anybody could please help or direct me in this problem
Thank you

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

RE: [R] Re:How to create a R -application

2004-10-07 Thread Kunal Shetty

Thank you for making me aware about the R library packages ; related to shafer's EM 
methods for imputing missing data...infact I juat had a look at on of the mailing list 
queries regarding imputing missing data


 Thank you for providing me details about  While I'm at it, are you aware of the 
R library packages 'cat',
 'norm', 'mix' and 'pan' which implement Shafer's EM methods
 for imputing missing data? See CRAN.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ted Harding) wrote:
 On 07-Oct-04 Kunal Shetty wrote:
  Dear R- users and Helpers
 I am a beginner for R. I am using R to implement EM algorithm
  for treating Missing values. I would like to know how can save or
  compile my logical R commands to an application; so that the next time
  I could just execute the R- file.
  Example for calculating the mean of  a data set
  x - c(8,11,16,18,6,4,20,25,9,13)
  u - mean(x)
  Now I would like to save these commands as batch or an application
  Anybody could please help or direct me in this problem
 There are several approaches possible, depending on what you find
 convenient at the time.
 1. Have a look at the history-related commands:
 will save the entire history of your session in mycommands which
 you can later edit.
 2. In developing an application, I often experiment with different
 forms of a command or different combinations of commands. When I'm
 satisfied with a group of commands, I can copy-and-paste that part
 of the R window into a file which I have open in a separate editing
 window on the side (using X windows in Linux here, which makes this
 very easy).
 It can be convenient to use the 'history' command setting the
 max.show parameter (default=25), e.g.
 will give you only the last 15 commands you used. You can then
 copy over a selected few of these.
 3. A converse version of (2) is to initially enter the commands
 into your editing window, and then copy-and-paste these into
 the R window to test them. Edit the commands file until you're
 While I'm at it, are you aware of the R library packages 'cat',
 'norm', 'mix' and 'pan' which implement Shafer's EM methods
 for imputing missing data? See CRAN.
 Good luck, and welcome to R!
 E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861  [NB: New number!]
 Date: 07-Oct-04   Time: 19:32:22
 -- XFMail --

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Read.Table Reading a Text file

2004-10-07 Thread Kunal Shetty
Dear R users and Helpers

I am beginner with using R and interested in carrying out certain task for my 
statistical research.
I am reading data for a text file, which could contain data in following pattern

x   y
8   10
11  14
16  16
18  15
6   20
4   4
20  18

As per the example I have two columns and 7 rows of data in each. 
However is real life data situation I may not know how many columns are present and 
how rows are present  and also with the certain data is missing. Yes I am assuming the 
data is delimited my Tab.

My question or rather problem is I want read data from each colum say col x 
(8,11,16,18….20) and store it into a variable so that I could perform some operations 
on them.

I have also looked into certain R-help for Read.table and data.frame but still 
struggling on my requirement. They are



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Read.Table Reading a Text file

2004-10-07 Thread Kunal Shetty

   Thank you for response. I am working on treatment for missing data for both 
bivariate and multivariate normal data. Coming back to example. My problem was that 
once we do execute this command 
x.1 - read.table('/tempxx.txt', fill=T)

How can access the particular column say X8 and all it’s values so that I could assign 
some other operations on them.
Because if I say 

the result..

   V1  V2
1  Xy
2  810
3 11   1 4
4 16   16
5 18   15
6  620
7  4 4
8 20   18
9 2522

and I want to access V1  values…..

thank you

 If you have an unequal number of columns, then use 'fill=T' on read.table
 It puts NAs.
 Is this what you want?
 Here is what happens on the input file which is your data and some extra
 11   14
 16   16
 18   15   12
 44   12
 20   18
  x.1 - read.table('/tempxx.txt', fill=T)
X8 X10
 11 14  NA
 16 16  NA
 18 15  12
 6  20  NA
 4   4  12
 20 18  NA
 James HoltmanWhat is the problem you are trying to solve?
 Executive Technical Consultant  --  Office of Technology, Convergys
 +1 (513) 723-2929
 Kunal Shetty
 .edu cc:
 Sent by: Subject: [R] Read.Table Reading a Text file
 10/07/2004 16:18
 Dear R users and Helpers
 I am beginner with using R and interested in carrying out certain task
 my statistical research.
 I am reading data for a text file, which could contain data in following
 11   14
 16   16
 18   15
 20   18
 As per the example I have two columns and 7 rows of data in each.
 However is real life data situation I may not know how many columns are
 present and how rows are present  and also with the certain data is
 missing. Yes I am assuming the data is delimited my Tab.
 My question or rather problem is I want read data from each colum say col
 (8,11,16,18….20) and store it into a variable so that I could perform
 operations on them.
 I have also looked into certain R-help for Read.table and data.frame but
 still struggling on my requirement. They are
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RE: [R] Read.Table Reading a Text file

2004-10-07 Thread Kunal Shetty

  thanks austin, it worked..it was exactly what I was looking for


Austin, Matt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 and you shouldn't need to call print.default() directly, just call
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kunal Shetty
 Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 18:44 PM
 Cc: R-help
 Subject: Re: [R] Read.Table Reading a Text file
Thank you for response. I am working on treatment for missing
 data for both bivariate and multivariate normal data. Coming back to
 example. My problem was that once we do execute this command 
 x.1 - read.table('/tempxx.txt', fill=T)
 How can access the particular column say X8 and all it's values so that I
 could assign some other operations on them.
 Because if I say 
 the result..
V1  V2
 1  Xy
 2  810
 3 11   1 4
 4 16   16
 5 18   15
 6  620
 7  4 4
 8 20   18
 9 2522
 and I want to access V1  values.
 thank you
  If you have an unequal number of columns, then use 'fill=T' onread.table
  It putsNAs.
  Is this what youwant?
  Here is what happens on the input file which is your data and someextra
  8   10
  11  14
  16  16
  18   15  12
  6   20
  44  12
  20  18
   x.1 - read.table('/tempxx.txt',fill=T)
  11 14 NA
  16 16 NA
  18 15 12
  6  20 NA
  4   4 12
  20 18 NA
  James HoltmanWhat is the problem you are trying tosolve?
  Executive Technical Consultant  --  Office of Technology,Convergys
  +1 (513)723-2929
  Sent by: Subject: [R] Read.Table Reading a Textfile
  Dear R users andHelpers
  I am beginner with using R and interested in carrying out certaintask
  my statisticalresearch.
  I am reading data for a text file, which could contain data infollowing
  x   y
  8   10
  11  14
  16  16
  18  15
  6   20
  4   4
  20  18
  As per the example I have two columns and 7 rows of data ineach.
  However is real life data situation I may not know how many columnsare
  present and how rows are present  and also with the certain datais
  missing. Yes I am assuming the data is delimited myTab.
  My question or rather problem is I want read data from each colum saycol
  (8,11,16,18âEUR¦.20) and store it into a variable so that I couldperform
  operations onthem.
  I have also looked into certain R-help for Read.table and data.framebut
  still struggling on my requirement. Theyare
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