[R] main title on splited windows.

2007-07-20 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear all,

How can I put a main title on the top of a windows?
I would like put a title like This is my for graphics :-)


plot(v1,main=Sort V1)
hist(v1,main=Histogram of V1)
boxplot(v1,v2, main=Box plot - v1  v2)

Thanks in advance


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[R] rgdal memory error for a small map.

2007-07-11 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear all,

I am trying to read a - almost for me - small map on R using rgdal package. 
This image have dimension of 1701x1401 and are stored on native ArcGis GRID 
format. When I see the files sizes, it is less then one megabyte. But 
unfortunately when I try read using readGDAL function it return a memory.size() 
error. I don´t know why it occours, if it is a small map. Below you can see 
GDALinfo(), readGDAL() = with the error, sessionInfo() and memory.size() 

Any idea?

Kind regards,


Closing GDAL dataset handle 0x0134d310...  destroyed ... done.
columns 1401 
bands   1 
res.x   1 
res.y   1 
oblique.x   0 
oblique.y   0 
driver  AIG 
projection  NA 
al001_frag has GDAL driver AIG 
and has 1701 rows and 1401 columns
Closing GDAL dataset handle 0x020d7c68...  destroyed ... done.
Warning messages:
1: Reached total allocation of 479Mb: see help(memory.size) 
2: Reached total allocation of 479Mb: see help(memory.size) 
R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23) 
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods  
[7] base 
other attached packages:
   rgdal   sp 
0.5-13 0.9-14 
[1] 218914992


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[R] Crossing native ArcGis GRID with a XY coordinate table

2007-07-10 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear All,

I have about 50 native ArcGis GRID maps and I need read them on R.
After that I need to cross these maps with a set of XY coordinates which are 
stored on a table. When XY coordinates of my table match with the pixels of my 
maps, I would like to store the values of the pixels as a collumn on my table.

Thanks in advance for all help


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[R] Parsimony Analysis of Encemism in R?

2007-07-03 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi R-gurus, 

Is there a package for Parsimony Analysis of Endemism (Cladist) in R?

Kind regards,



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[R] MDS/NMDS: When and Why use or not use?

2007-06-30 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear all,

I would like to know when I use NMDS stead PCA or CA analyses? Up to I know, I 
use PCA (or PCoA) for condense the great part of vaciance on the firsts axis, 
and CA (or DCA) when I would like to identify the structure/composition of data 
inside a matrix. 

But I have seem that nowadays many ecologists are using NMDS to dimension 
reduction on data matrices, and interpret the axis (1, 2 etc) like they do on 
CA or DCA. My question is if I can use the axis of NMDS output on regression 
like I can do when with PCA, PCoA, CA and/or DCA axis. 

What is the stress effect on the usage of NMDS axis on regression?

Another question is if are there a good PDF text about MDS and NMDS available 
on the web. 

I know that on vegan library (Thanks Oksanen!!) there are same fuctions which 
deal with MDS, metaMDS. Are there other packages that also works with 
MDS/NMDS/isoMDS on R? What are the similarity/difference on them?

All comments are very welcome!

Kind regards,



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[R] Generating vetor (shapefiles) from AscGrid raster in R

2007-06-21 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there,

I need to convert a raster (ascGrid) format to Shape files.
Is there a way of to do that on R?

Kind regards



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[R] Creating directory under Windows R session

2007-06-20 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi all,

How can I create (and check the existence of) a directory in a R session under 

Kind regards,



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[R] Enc: Creating directory under Windows R session

2007-06-20 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi all,
How can I create (and check the existence of) a directory in a R session under 
Kind regards,


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[R] AIC for lrm(Hmisc/Design) model.

2007-05-29 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear all,

I am adjusting a Logistic Regression Model using lmr() function of Hmisc/Design 
package. Now I would like to compute AIC for this model. How can I do that?

Kind regards,



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[R] skiping N value when using scan()

2007-05-26 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there,

I have a so big text file which contents are just values varing from 1 to 5.
The size of this file are about 800MB and I can´t read it in my R session 
because of memory limits. I would like to know if I can skip the firsts 10.000 
values of the text file, and read the next 5.000 values.

The real dimension of my file are 2048*2048*100 values.

Kind regards,



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[R] deleting lines and row small than a value

2007-05-24 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there

I made a correlation matrix from my data frama and I would like to delete all 
lines/rows when r-value is smaller than 0.7

How can I do that?

Kind regards,



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[R] plotting a point graph with data in X-axis

2007-05-08 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear all,

I have two data frame, on with a complete list of my field survey with 
frequency data of a sample species. This data frame looks like:

plot(year.month, freq)

As you can see, I have a collumn with the year and month of my samples, and a 
freq variable with simulated data. I would like to plot this data but when I 
try to use the plot showed above, I get a error message. 

After bypass this problem, I would like add points in my graph with simulated 
data for only a random number of survey month, but I need that the full range 
of surveys be kept on the X-axis. Just to simulate a sample I am using:

simulation.sample-simulation[sample(1:length(year.month),8, replace=F),]

Any ideas?

Kind regards



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[R] adjusting a sigmoidal shaped regression

2007-04-29 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi R-friends

How can I adjust a sigmondal shaped regression in R?
My data looks like


thanks a lot



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[R] deleting collumns with colSums==0

2007-04-26 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear all,

I have some matrices which colSums are equal to zero and I would like to delete 
all them.
How can I do that?

Kind regards,



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[R] adjusting a power model in R

2007-04-15 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear R-gurus,

How can I fit a power model in R? I would like adjust Y = b0*X^b1 or something 

Kind regards,



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[R] Abundance data ordination in R

2007-04-01 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear R-gurus

I have a data.frame with abundance data for species and sites which looks like:

I would like make an ordination analysis of these data and my worries is about 
the zeros (absence of species) into the matrix. Up to I read (Gotelli - A 
primir of ecological statistics, 2004), when I have abundance data I can´t 
compute Euclidian Distances because the zeros have the meaning of absence of 
the species and not as zero counting. Gotelli suggests one make principal 
coordinates analysis. I would like to here from you what you think about and 
what is the best packages and functions to I compute my distance matrices and 
do my ordination analysis. Can I considere zero as NA on my data.frame? Is 
there a good PDF book available about Multivariate Analysis for abundance data 
available on the web?

Kind regards



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[R] Res: Create a new var reflecting the order of subjects in existing var

2007-04-01 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi Nguyen

I know that this solutions is not so elegant, but I think that will work for 

set.seed(123);dat - data.frame(ID= c(rep(1,2),rep(2,3), rep(3,3), rep(4,4),
  var1 =rnorm(17, 35,2),
for (i in names(ID.freq))
 ID.seq-c(ID.seq,seq(from=1, to=ID.freq[i], by=1))

Kind regards,


- Mensagem original 
De: Nguyen Dinh Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Enviadas: Domingo, 1 de Abril de 2007 23:00:16
Assunto: [R] Create a new var reflecting the order of subjects in existing var

Dear R helpers
I have a data set sth like this:
set.seed(123);dat - data.frame(ID= c(rep(1,2),rep(2,3), rep(3,3), rep(4,4),
  var1 =rnorm(17, 35,2),
   ID var1   var2
1   1 33.87905 0.02461368
2   1 34.53965 0.47779597
3   2 38.11742 0.75845954
4   2 35.14102 0.21640794
5   2 35.25858 0.31818101
6   3 38.43013 0.23162579
7   3 35.92183 0.14280002
8   3 32.46988 0.41454634
9   4 33.62629 0.41372433
10  4 34.10868 0.36884545
11  4 37.44816 0.15244475
12  4 35.71963 0.13880606
13  5 35.80154 0.23303410
14  5 35.22137 0.46596245
15  5 33.88832 0.26597264
16  5 38.57383 0.85782772
17  5 35.99570 0.04583117
I would like to create a new var in dat which reflects the order of each
subject (ID), like this
   ID var1   var2 IDorder
1   1 33.87905 0.02461368   1
2   1 34.53965 0.47779597   2
3   2 38.11742 0.75845954   1
4   2 35.14102 0.21640794   2
5   2 35.25858 0.31818101   3
6   3 38.43013 0.23162579   1
7   3 35.92183 0.14280002   2
8   3 32.46988 0.41454634   3
9   4 33.62629 0.41372433   1
10  4 34.10868 0.36884545   2
11  4 37.44816 0.15244475   3
12  4 35.71963 0.13880606   4
13  5 35.80154 0.23303410   1
14  5 35.22137 0.46596245   2
15  5 33.88832 0.26597264   3
16  5 38.57383 0.85782772   4
17  5 35.99570 0.04583117   5

Thank you very much for your help
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[R] main title in multi-plot

2007-03-26 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear R-gurus,

I need to print several plots into a graphic device and I would like to print 
out a main title.
My code looks like 


Kind regards,



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[R] logistic regression

2007-03-15 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear All,

I would like adjust and know the R2 of following presence/absence data:


I tryed use clogit (survival package) but it don´t worked. 

Any idea?



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[R] reading raw matrix saved with writeBin

2007-03-14 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear Friends,

I saved a matrix - which contans values 0 and 1 - using following command:
writeBin (as.integer(mymatrix), myfile.raw,  size=1).

It is working fine and I can see the matrix using photoshop. But now I need
read the matrices again (in fact I have a thousand of them) as matrix into R 
but when
I try something like  mat.dat-readBin (myfile.raw,size=1) I can´t access the

Kind regards,



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[R] reading BMP into R

2007-03-12 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi R-gurus

How can I read my bmp files into R?

Kind regards,



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[R] finding max into matrix

2007-03-10 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear r-friends,

Starting from a random position of a matrix, I would like find the position 
(index) of max values using 3x3 and 5x5 windows. Just supose that I have 
something like:

start.pos-c(0.5,0.5) # this position are c(11,11)

So I would like to see what are the values great than the value of my current 
position, and go for the position where the value are great. When the greatest 
value are present on more than one neighbour position, so I would like use a 
5x5 window to decide how path could help me to maximize the value.

From a random position, I will stop when no more values (using 3x3 and 5x5 
windows) are great than the position that I reach up.

I know that there are some GIS solutions that do this, but I really need use R 
to implement in a package that I am programing now.

Kind regards,



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[R] recovering collums of DF using a text var.list

2007-02-24 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hello people,

I would like to know how can I use a list of variables (a char list) to have 
access to the collums from a dataframe to be used in some analysis like, just 
as example, a ploting task on a for() loop. Of course the code below is just 
to understand the way. In this example I have a dataframe with several collumns 
(more then fifty in my case) and I would like do use only some of them. I 
really need use a var.list! 

for (myvar in var.list) 
 plot(density(df$myvar))   # here I need recover df$c , df$f and df$g

Kind regards


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[R] Principal Component Analysis explained variance

2007-02-22 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there,

How can I know the explaned variance of a PC axis generated by prcomp()?

Kind regards,



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[R] deleting row when any col is.na

2007-02-11 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hello everyone,

How can I delete rows from a data.frame where almost one collumns is.na()?

Kind regards,



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[R] writing a fomated matrix

2007-02-05 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi R-gurus,

I have a 1000x1000 matrix and I would like to write it in a ASC file, where 
each row from my matrix 
are written in a separated line. I tryed write() function, but it don´t work 
fine to me.

any idea?

Kind regards,



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[R] good brochure about matrix operations

2007-02-02 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there,
  I would like if is there a good PDF available about matrix operations in R.
  Kind regards,


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[R] sort dataframe by field

2007-01-17 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there,
  How can I sort (order?) a data.frame using a dataframe field (evidence) as 
classifyer? My data.frame looks like:
  record   model   evidence
1 areatotha 6638.32581
2   areatotha_ca000 8111.01860
3  areatotha_ca000_Pais 1721.41828
4   areatotha_ca020  827.33097
5  areatotha_ca020_Pais 2212.40899
6   areatotha_ca040 3569.17169
7  areatotha_ca040_Pais 2940.01636
8   areatotha_ca060  992.62852
9  areatotha_ca060_Pais 4237.95709
10  areatotha_ca080   62.74915
11 areatotha_ca080_Pais 1726.55082
12   areatotha_Pais   52.02524
13  areatotha_ca000 3391.92930
14 areatotha_ca000_Pais   39.52170
15  areatotha_ca020  268.55875
16 areatotha_ca020_Pais   20.43317
17  areatotha_ca040 1698.75892
18 areatotha_ca040_Pais   43.90613
19  areatotha_ca060  350.79857
20 areatotha_ca060_Pais   51.04471

  Miltinho, Brazil


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Re: [R] batch job GLM calculations

2007-01-15 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
  Someone help-me on this task some weeks ago, and it is working find to me. I 
use something like:
  findmodels - function(modeltype = lm, dataset, pattern) {
 ls - ls(.GlobalEnv, pattern=pattern)
 mods - ls[sapply(ls, function(x) inherits(get(x), modeltype))]
 if (!missing(dataset)) {
 data.name - function(x) as.character(x$call[[data]])
 mods - mods[sapply(mods, function(x) data.name == dataset)]
 models - lapply(mods, get)
 class(models) - c(ensemble, class(models))
models- findmodels(pattern=mod_)

  So you can use a for (i in 1:length(models)) to extract the statistics tha 
you want for each model and save it in a file (I´m saving it easily in Access 
using RODBC).
  I hope this help,
Indermaur Lukas [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

I want to batch job the calculation of many GLM-models, extract some values and 
store them in a file. Almost everything in the script below works (read file, 
extract values and write them to file) except I fail in indexing the GLM with 
the modelstructure it should run. Running GLM's conventionally is no problem.

Conventionally a GLM is calculated as:


glm(ZlogHRS ~ ZRi+ZE+ZPROX_MN+ZED+ZAlwd+ZT2+ZW+ZN+Sex+y, family = gaussian, 

(just a note: dependent variable is ZlogHRS, while the others are indepent 

Desired way: sequentially run GLM


I want R to take the model structure to take from a vector called 
modelstructure and paste it into the GLM like:

glm(modelstructure[i], family = gaussian, data=t.data).

It would considerably ease my workload if there is a solution to the indexing 
problem within a GLM. I appreciate any hint.

Best regards



my R skills are rather poor


# Read file

t.url - 

t.tuti - read.table(paste(t.url, All_animals.txt, sep=),header=T)

collect.results - function(x) {

#resets vectors which will be filled

i - 0


#put models names hierarchically in vector

modelnames - c(1=global, 2=biotic1, 3=biotic2, 4=abiotic) #keep track 
of changes in model names and number

for (i in 1:length(modelnames)) 

#model structure of the four models given for all models to run


modelstructure - c(



ZlogHRS ~ ZRi,




ZlogHRS ~ ZE)

ts.model - glm(modelstructure[i], family = gaussian, data=t.data) 

# Extracts some mode results

n[i] - length(resid(ts.model))

AICA[i] - AIC(ts.model)


#Writes results to data file

x = data.frame(

modelnames, n, AICA)

write.table(x, paste(t.url, file=Results.txt), sep=\t, quote=F) 


Lukas Indermaur, PhD student 
eawag / Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology 
ECO - Department of Aquatic Ecology
Überlandstrasse 133
CH-8600 Dübendorf

Phone: +41 (0) 71 220 38 25
Fax : +41 (0) 44 823 53 15 

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[R] min() return factor class values

2007-01-09 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi R-friends
  I don´t know why the min() function below return the min value as factor. 
When i force the aicc.min using a as.numeric() function, it return a factor 
index (1,2,..) and not min value as I want. By the way, I included a 
sessionInfo() at the end of this e-mail.
  In fact I had the same problem (values as factor) on other part of my script 
and I noticed that it occour when I use cbind(). It is real?
  Any idea? 
  Kind regards,
 for (sp in levels(especies.aicc$especie)) 
+ {
+ sele-subset(especies.aicc,especie==sp)
+ especies.aicc.min-rbind(especies.aicc.min,cbind(sp,aicc.min=min(sele$aicc)))
+ }
sp aicc.min
1 Attila.rufus  6.7387056413613
2 Automolus.leucophthalmus 125.791300522824
[1] factor
R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03) 
  attached base packages:
[1] methods   stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  


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Re: [R] min() return factor class values

2007-01-09 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear Peter,
  I tryed something like 
 especie aicc
1 Attila.rufus 17.15934
2 Attila.rufus 11.41371
3 Attila.rufus 11.41371
4 Attila.rufus 19.55998
5 Attila.rufus 17.23780
6 Attila.rufus 19.22545
  But it works fine only for mean FUN and not for min and max. Also also, 
when I use mean I got the following warnings:

  Warning messages:
1: argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA in: mean.default(X[[1]], 
2: argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA in: mean.default(X[[2]], 
  In fact I need only min() and max().

Peter Dalgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Milton Cezar Ribeiro wrote:
 Hi R-friends
 I don´t know why the min() function below return the min value as factor. 
 When i force the aicc.min using a as.numeric() function, it return a factor 
 index (1,2,..) and not min value as I want. By the way, I included a 
 sessionInfo() at the end of this e-mail.
min() is not doing anything out of the ordinary, but cbind'ing it with
the character vector sp coerces it to character and rbind'ing to a data
frame turns character vectors into factors...

The whole thing looks like it could be a straightforward application of
 In fact I had the same problem (values as factor) on other part of my script 
 and I noticed that it occour when I use cbind(). It is real?
 Any idea? 
 Kind regards,
 for (sp in levels(especies.aicc$especie)) 
 + {
 + sele-subset(especies.aicc,especie==sp)
 + }
 sp aicc.min
 1 Attila.rufus 6.7387056413613
 2 Automolus.leucophthalmus 125.791300522824
 [1] factor
 R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03) 
 attached base packages:
 [1] methods stats graphics grDevices utils datasets base 


O__  Peter Dalgaard Øster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907


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[R] ACCESS/Office : connecting

2007-01-08 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there, 
  How can I connect to a ACCESS (.mdb) file? In fact, I would like to connect 
to a blank file, write a data.frame as table and after that INSERT records 
using some insert command.
  Kind regards,


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[R] defining color sequence in image()

2006-12-25 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Dear All,
  How can I define a color sequence for each image value? I have several images 
with values varying from 1 to 5, and I would like to assing a fixed color for 
each value (green for 1, yellow for 2...). I used somethink like:
  but unfortunately whem I have absent values, the color that I defined for 
each values change.
  Thanks a lot,
  PS : Merry Christmas!!!


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[R] fischer.test help

2006-12-17 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there,
  I´m trying to follow the reading of the book The Nature of Scientific 
Evidence (by Mark Taper and Subhash Lele) using R. I would like to preparar R 
scritps from the exercises of this book available to world wide community. To 
do so, I will need some help of our R-helpers;
  On this book, the author proposed we use Fisher´s p-value tests for a pig sex 
rate = 0.5 from observed male=7929 and female 8304 (total = 16233). The authors 
sad Under the assumed binomial distribution, the probability of observing 7929 
male is .823; any observation with fewer than 7929 or more than 8303 males 
will have a probability less than or equal to .8233 and thus be considered 
an extreme event. 
  They also sad Summing the probability of all extreme events, we find that 
probability of observing an event as extrem as or more extreme than the 
observed 7929 males is 0.003331.
  How can a reach up these same p-values?
  Kind regards,


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Re: [R] Contents of R-packages

2006-12-14 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
How about 

Chuck Cleland [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Ralf Finne wrote:
 Hi experts,
 How do I see the contents of a package that looks
 interesting? Efter I have loded the package, is there
 an command that gives me the contents or even better
 a summary or introduction. 

 library(yags) # Load the package

 search() # Where is the package?
[1] .GlobalEnv package:yags
[3] package:nlme package:car
[5] package:stats package:graphics
[7] package:grDevices package:utils
[9] package:datasets package:methods
[11] Autoloads package:base

 ls(2) # What is in the package?
[1] ar1mat csmat
[3] mvnsamp print.yagsResult
[5] yags yags.adeqReport
[7] yags.control yags.glmReport
[9] yags.make.libu yags.wcorReport

 ?yags # Help for a particular function

Also, follow the package links here for brief descriptions, reference
manuals, and vignettes:


 Ralf Finne
 SYH University of Applied Sciences, Finland
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Chuck Cleland, Ph.D.
NDRI, Inc.
71 West 23rd Street, 8th floor
New York, NY 10010
tel: (212) 845-4495 (Tu, Th)
tel: (732) 512-0171 (M, W, F)
fax: (917) 438-0894

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[R] organizing stats from a list of models

2006-12-11 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there,
  I have a list of models (about 600 glm models) and I included the prefix 
mod_ on their name. Now I would like retrieve the list from the R environment 
and save their AICs (and other info) on a table. I´m trying something like:
  mymod_1 -glm(y~x1)
  [1] mymod_1 mymod_2 mymod_3
  Now I would like have something like
  model_name call AIC
  mymod_1 glm(y~x1) 13.11942
mymod_2 glm(y~x2) 13.11942
mymod_3 glm(y~x1+x2) 13.11942

  How can I do that?
  All the best,


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Re: [R] test of spatial dependence?? - ask an ecologist?

2006-12-06 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
I never used it, but I beleave that it is a job for mantel.rtest() available 
on ade4 package.
  In fact Farrar are right, you will neet the XY coordinates. Give a look at 
Legendre  Legendre text book.

David Farrar [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

In addition to the 25 numbers, I assume you have coordinates of each field.
Otherwise, I don't understand what you are trying to do. I think ecologists 
like to use a test due to Mantel in this situation. 

The prefix auto means self, of course, the idea being that measurements of 
the same variable under different conditions are correlated. I guess this would 
be a case of autodependence. For correlation versus dependence, check your 
intro stats book. 

de nada, 


Xu Yuan wrote:
hello R-friends,

I am a R beginner and try to ask a basic question:

How to test the spatial dependence of a column of data? for example, I have
25 agricultural fields, and I measure the average slope (%) or pH for each
field. All I have is 25 numbers.

PS, could someone confirm that spatial dependence is equivalent to
spatial correlation or spatial autocorrelation or not.

Thank you very much.

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Re: [R] publicar tutorial en CRAN (translation)

2006-12-06 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
 Let me try help with a poor traslation:
  Mario Wrote
  Hi everyone,  I would like to know how can I publish a tutorial at CRAN. In 
fact I wrote a tutorial in espanish about SWEAVE and would like share it with 
our community. Who I need contact to do so?

Mario Alfonso Morales Rivera [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Hola, a todos los usuarios de R. Me gustaría saber que pasos hay que
seguir para que un manual o tutorial acerca de R escrito por un
usuario quede disponible en CRAN.

Escribí un tutorial de Sweave en español y quiero colocarlo a
disposición de los usuarios de R pero no se cuales son los pasos a
seguir, a quien hay que dirigirlo y que requisitos se requieren para

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[R] require(simecol) error

2006-12-06 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there,
  I´m trying to use simecol package but I got the error showed below. I´m 
runnig R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03).
  Kind regards,
Loading required package: simecol
Error in loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc, lib.loc), keep.source = 
keep.source) : 
in 'simecol' methods specified for export, but none defined: fixInit, 
fixParms, fixTimes, plot, print, solver, solver-, out, inputs, inputs-, main, 
main-, equations, equations-, sim, parms, parms-, init, init-, times, 


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[R] from table to df

2006-12-05 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there, 
  I have a two-entrance dataframe, and I would like generate a new dataframe 
with its frequency. I tryed this

  But when I convert df2 to data.frame I miss the square format. I would like 
have my data.frame like this:
  site a b c d
  s1 8 4 4 4
  s2 8 4 4 4
  s3 8 4 4 4
  Any help?

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[R] from table to dataframe

2006-12-05 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there, 
  I have a two-entrance dataframe, and I would like generate a new dataframe 
with its frequency. I tryed this

  But when I convert df2 to data.frame I miss the square format. I would like 
have my data.frame like this:
  site a b c d
  s1 8 4 4 4
  s2 8 4 4 4
  s3 8 4 4 4
  Any help?


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[R] writing lists fastly on file

2006-11-30 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there,
  I have a big amount of lists of data, each one with dimension 1024x1024. 
When I save it in an ASCII file (using write function) it take about 15 
minutes. As I need run about 500,000 times this same routine, and I would like 
to do this save task in a fast way.
  In fact I will use these output files in another program that read ASCII or 
RAW/Generic Binary (8bits) formats. Each value from my lists ranges from 1 to 
200 (integer values).
  Help, please.


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Re: [R] writing lists fastly on file

2006-11-30 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
In fact I have somethig like
  write (mat.dat,c:\\tmp\\mydat.txt)
* remembering that I will run it about 500,000 times.
  The program that I will use to analyze (landscape metrics) my output files 
read text files ou generic binary files, where I can have each value separated 
by space (text format) or each value into a byte of 8 bits (for beneric 
binary files). A sample of generic binary is the RAW (row and columns) used 
for Adobe Photoshop. In fact, my matrix of data can be understood as a 
classifyed image.
  Kind regards,

Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  On 11/30/2006 6:55 AM, Milton Cezar Ribeiro wrote:
 Hi there,
 I have a big amount of lists of data, each one with dimension 1024x1024. 
 When I save it in an ASCII file (using write function) it take about 15 
 minutes. As I need run about 500,000 times this same routine, and I would 
 like to do this save task in a fast way.

 In fact I will use these output files in another program that read ASCII or 
 RAW/Generic Binary (8bits) formats. Each value from my lists ranges from 1 to 
 200 (integer values).

I think this depends on the details. Can you show us what str() gives 
for one of these lists? Can you tell us how flexible the other program 
is about the format of what it needs to see? RAW/Generic Binary 
sounds like a format for an image from a digital camera; there might be 
packages available in R that are specifically designed to write that 
format but I don't know them.

Duncan Murdoch


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[R] Generating confusion matrix / Kappa stats

2006-11-13 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there, 
  I classified an image and checked out it on the field. Now I have a table 
with three fields like:
  Field_ID   Field_Class Image_Class
  1 1 1
  2 3 5
  3 4 1
  4 1 1
  5 2 1 
  And now I need gerating a confusion matrix to compute Kappa statistic. First 
of all, how can I generate the confusion matrix from my input table? What 
package is good for compute Kappa statistics?


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[R] Splitting matrix into several small matrices

2006-11-08 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi R-friends
  I need to read a big matrix (something like 1024000x1024) into 1000 small 
matrices. After that, I need write each small matrix (1024x1024) into a asc 
file, putting de index of matrix (1:1000) on the file name.
  I´m makint it by a hard and unelegant way:
  mat-scan(file...)  # reading list
  mat_r001-matrix(mat[1:1048576],1024,1024)  # here I used list positions
  write (mat_r0001, file = mymat_r0001.txt)
  write (mat_r0001, file = mymat_r0002.txt)
  write (mat_r0999, file = mymat_r0999.txt)
  write (mat_r1000, file = mymat_r1000.txt)
  rm(mat_r002).. ... rm(mat_1000)
  Helllp, please.
  Miltinho :-)


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Re: [R] clear screen

2006-11-05 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
For windows, how about ctrl L?

Gabor Grothendieck [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:  There are a few versions for 
Windows here:


On 11/5/06, Mauricio Cardeal wrote:
 Hello !

 Please, how can I clear the RConsole screen ? Is there any clear command ?


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[R] identify extremes positions of values into matrix

2006-11-03 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi R-friends around world!
  I have a matrix that looks like bellow one.
Each cell are filled with values 0, 1 or 2.
In fact I have a lot of 512x512 matrices, with
values varying from 0 to 999.
  I need to retrieve the left and right columns
and the top and botton lines of the matrix
where occours for example the value 2. 
Column and row labels are included at the example.
1 00
2 011100
3 011100
4 00
5 002220
6 000222
7 002200
8 00
  At this example, the right answer are:
  collumns 3 and 8
  lines 5 and 7
  Any idea of how can I solve this?
  Kind regards,


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Re: [R] identify extremes positions of values into matrix

2006-11-03 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
  Thank you so much. It´s more than I need. 
  You help was of great value.
  Kind regards,

Francisco J. Zagmutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Oi Milton,

Is this what you are after?

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

idx=which(x==2,arr.ind=T) #Index of observations with values == 2 . Notice 
the use of arr.ind=t to get the rows and columns of the observations

row col
5 5 3
7 7 3
5 5 4
6 6 4
7 7 4
5 5 5
6 6 5
7 7 5
6 6 6
7 7 6
7 7 7
7 7 8

range(idx[,row]) #gives you the min and max of the rows with x==2
[1] 5 7
range(idx[,col])#gives you the min and max of the columns with x==2
[1] 3 8

You can refine this and wrap it in a function to make reports in a more 
suitable form



Dr. Francisco J. Zagmutt
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Colorado State University

From: Milton Cezar Ribeiro 
To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [R] identify extremes positions of values into matrix
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 11:25:32 -0300 (ART)

Hi R-friends around world!
 I have a matrix that looks like bellow one.
Each cell are filled with values 0, 1 or 2.
In fact I have a lot of 512x512 matrices, with
values varying from 0 to 999.
 I need to retrieve the left and right columns
and the top and botton lines of the matrix
where occours for example the value 2.
Column and row labels are included at the example.

1 00
2 011100
3 011100
4 00
5 002220
6 000222
7 002200
8 00

 At this example, the right answer are:
 collumns 3 and 8
 lines 5 and 7
 Any idea of how can I solve this?
 Kind regards,


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[R] Individual Based Model and/or Cellular automata

2006-11-01 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi R-gurus,
  Is there someone working with Individual-Based-Models (IBM) or 
Agent-Based-Models (ABM) with our withour Cellular Automata (CA) in R?
  I´m looking for develop some ecological applications,
  Kind regards,


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Re: [R] Is there any method to do spatial sampling?

2006-10-29 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
May be this work for rectangular image.
for (i in 1:nsamples) {
  But I sugest you give a look at adehabitat and rimage packages.

ronggui [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  I have a map of a district (which is JPG format), and I want to do a
sptial sampling based on the map. So is there any function to do
spatial sampling of this type?


Ronggui Huang
Department of Sociology
Fudan University, Shanghai, China

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[R] comparing 2 lists

2006-10-28 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi there,
  Could someone help to compare to list. I do something like:
   for (i in list1) {
 for (j in list2) {
  if (i==j) mathlist-c(mathlist,i)
  Is there a more elegant way to solve this question?
  Kind regards


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[R] Book for Maximum Likelihood Methods in R

2006-10-22 Thread Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Hi R-guys, 
Is there a good book for maximum likelihood methods in R? 
I´m looking mainly to Ecological approaches to apply ML.
Any help?
Kind regards,

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