[R] Simplify iterative programming

2005-11-04 Thread Stefaan Lhermitte

I am looking for the simplification of a formula to improve the
calculation speed of my program. Therefore I want to simplify the
following formula:

H = sum{i=0..n-1 ,  [ sum {j=0..m-1 ,  sqrt ( (Ai - Bj)^2 + (Ci -
Dj)^2) }  ]  }

A, C = two vectors (with numerical data) of length n
B, D = two vectors (with numerical data) of length m
sqrt = square root
Ai = element of A with index i
Bj = element of B with index j
Ci = element of C with index i
Dj = element of C with index j

I am calculating H in a merging process so A, B will merge in step 2
into A' and C, D into C':
A' = {A,B} : vector of length (n+m)
C' = {C,D} : vector of length (n+m)

Then again I will calculate H with two new vectors X and Y (of length
H = sum{i=0..n+m-1 ,  [ sum {j=0..p-1 ,  sqrt ( (A'i - Xj)^2 + (C'i -
Yj)^2) }  ]  }

These steps are iterated in a loop with always new vectors (e.g. X and

Now I'am looking for a simplication of H in order to avoid long
calculation time.
I know a computional simplified formula exists for the standard
deviation (sd) that is much easier in iterative programming. Therefore
I wondered I anybody knew about analog simplifications to simplify H:

sd = sqrt [ sum{i=0..n-1, (Xi - mean(X) )^2 ) /n } ]  - simplified
- sqrt [  (n *  sum{i=0..n-1,  X^2 } ) - ( sum{i=0..n-1,  X } ^2 ) /
n^2 ]

This simplied formula is much easier in iterative programming, since I
don't have to keep every element of X .

For example if we want to calculate sd of A' with the vectors A and C:
= sqrt [  ((n+m) *  sum{i=0..n+m-1,  A'^2 } ) - ( sum{i=0..n+m-1,  A' }
^2 ) /  (n+m)^2 ]
= sqrt [  ((n+m)*  (sum{i=0..n,  A^2 } + sum{i=0..m,  C^2 } ) )
 - ( ( sum{i=0..n-1,  A } + sum{i=0..m-1,  C } )^2 ) /  (n+m)^2 ]

The advantage of this formula is, that I don't have to keep every value
of A and C to calculate sd(A'). I can do the following replacements:
sum{i=0..n,  A^2 } = A2
sum{i=0..m,  C^2 } = C2
sum{i=0..n-1,  A } = A3
sum{i=0..m-1,  C } = C3

So sd(A')=
  sqrt [  ( (n+m)*(A2+ C2) )  - ( (A3 + C3)^2 ) /  (n+m)^2 ]

In this way my computation intensive calculation is replaced by a
calculation of simple numbers.

Can anybody help me to do something comparable for H? Any other help to
calculate H easily in an iterative process is also welcome!

Kind regards,

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[R] Simplify formula for iterative programming

2005-06-03 Thread Stefaan Lhermitte

Dear R-ians,

I am looking for the simplification of a formula to improve the 
calculation speed of my program. Therefore I want to simplify the 
following formula:

H = Si (Sj ( sqrt [ (Ai - Aj)² + (Bi - Bj)²  ] ) )

A, B = two vectors (with numerical data) of length n
sqrt = square root
Si = summation over i  (= 0 to n)
Sj = summation over j (= 0 to n)
Ai = element of A with index i
Aj = element of A with index j
Bi = element of B with index i
Bj = element of B with index j

n is not fixed, but it changes with every run for my program. Therefore 
for I am looking for a simplication of h in order to calculate it when 
my A and B get extendend by 1 element (n = n + 1).

I know a computional simplified formula exists for the standard 
deviation (sd) that is much easier in iterative programming. Therefore I 
wondered I anybody knew about analog simplifications to simplify H:

sd = sqrt [ ( Si (Xi - mean(X) )² ) /n  ]  - simplified computation - 
sqrt [ (n * Si( X² ) - ( Si( X ) )² )/ n² ]

This simplied formula is much easier in iterative programming, since I 
don't have to keep every element of X.
E.g.: I have a vector X[1:10]  and I already have caculated Si( X[1:10]² 
) (I will call this A) and Si( X ) (I will call this B).
When X gets extendend by 1 element (eg. X[11]) it easy fairly simple to 
calculate sd(X[1:11]) without having to reuse the elements of X[1:10].

I just have to calculate:

sd = sqrt [ (n * (A + X[11]²) - (A + X[11]²)² ) / n² ]

This is fairly easy in an iterative process, since before we continue 
with the next step we set:

A = (A + X[11]²)
B = (B + X[11])

Can anybody help me to do something comparable for H? Any other help to 
calculate H easily in an iterative process is also welcome!

Kind regards,

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Simplify formula for iterative programming

2005-06-03 Thread Stefaan Lhermitte

Dear Christoph,

Thanks for your help!
I checked it in R and it works if we extend a and b with one element for 
each run. Unfortunately, I actually want to merge two vectors and then 
calculate the H for the merge. It is consequently no addition of 1 
element but an addition of x elements. I did not mention it in my first 
post in order not to make it too complicated.

The second problem that still remains is that I have to keep the 
original values of my original vectors. In the example I gave with sd  
only a calculated value and the new value are needed. The iterative 
process does not the need previously processed values of A anymore. I 
hoped something comaprable was possible for H.

Thanks anyway for your help!

Kind regards,

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Simplify formula for heterogeneity

2005-05-27 Thread Stefaan Lhermitte
Thank you very much Ted! I have been looking at your simplification for 
more then an hour, but I don't see how you did it.
Could you perhaps, if it is not to much work, explain me how you reduced 
H? It would help me to understand what I am realy doing.

Looking at the result, it seems indeed that H does add more information 
than sd already did. Intuitively I thought the square of the sum of all 
possible differences would not be related to the standard deviation. 
Looking at your result it seems it is related by a factor sqrt(2*(n-1)) 
so there is no special point in calculating  H and I know I cannot trust 
my intuition anymore.

Thanks again!

Kind regards,

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Simplify formula for heterogeneity

2005-05-26 Thread Stefaan Lhermitte

Dear R-ians,

I'm looking for a computational simplified formula to calculate a
measure for heterogeneity (let's say H ):

H = sqrt [ (Si (Sj (Xi - Xj)² ) ) /n ]

sqrt = square root
Si = summation over i  (= 0 to n)
Sj = summation over j (= 0 to n)
Xi = element of X with index i
Xj = element of X with index j

I can simplify the formula to:

H = sqrt [ ( 2 * n * Si (Xi) - 2 Si (Sj ( Xi * Xj)) ) / n]

Unfortunately this formula stays difficult in iterative programming,
because I have to keep every element of X to calculate H.

I know a computional simplified formula exists for the standard
deviation (sd) that is much easier in iterative programming.
Therefore I wondered I anybody knew about analog simplifications to
simplify H:

sd = sqrt [ ( Si (Xi - mean(X) )² ) /n  ]  - simplified computation -
sqrt [ (n * Si( X² ) - ( Si( X ) )² )/ n² ]

This simplied formula is much easier in iterative programming, since I
don't have to keep every element of X.
E.g.: I have a vector X[1:10]  and I already have caculated Si( X[1:10]²
) (I will call this A) and Si( X ) (I will call this B).
When X gets extendend by 1 element (eg. X[11]) it easy fairly simple to
calculate sd(X[1:11]) without having to reuse the elements of X[1:10].
I just have to calculate:

sd = sqrt [ (n * (A + X[11]²) - (A + X[11]²)² ) / n² ]

This is failry easy in an iterative process, since before we continue
with the next step we set:
A = (A + X[11]²)
B = (B + X[11])

Can anybody help me to do something comparable for H? Any other help to
calculate H easily in an iterative process is also welcome!

Thanx in advance!

Kind regards,

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Princomp and calculations of original values

2005-05-12 Thread Stefaan Lhermitte
Dear R-ians,
I am working with princomp and I now want to manually recalculate my 
original values. I want to do it to completely understand the procedure 
of principal components.

I tried it with a test data set (2 dimensions) and  I was able to 
calculate my original values (of a random point of my dataset) using the 
output of princomp:
it seemed that result is identical with

When I tried it with my 4 dimensional real dataset, it did not work:
is not equal to
Do I misunderstand the procedure somewhere, or what else do I do wrong?
Thanx in advance and kind regards,
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Maximize volume of cloud

2005-05-12 Thread Stefaan Lhermitte
Dear R-ians,
I have a datamatrix X of nrows (large) and 3 colums. The 3 columns 
represent the coordinates of a cloud in a 3 dimensional space.
Now I want to find the extremes of my cloud by using the N-FINDR 
algoritm. This algorithm consists of  maximizing the volume between tree 
points. Therefore I need an optimaztion script, but I don't have any 
idea how to program it.

According to literature the maximization of the volume can be replaced 
by  maximizinng the determinant of E,
E-matrix(c(1,e1,1,e2,1,e3), ncol=3)
and e1 to e3 are initially column vectors of the coordinates of random 

The procedure works by replacing an existing e1, e2 or e2 with another 
trial point. If the replacement results in an increase of 
determinant(E), the newly chosen pixel will replace the previous pixel. 
The procedure has to be repeated till there are no possible replacements 
left. In this way I get the coordinates of my extremes by e1 to e3.

Anyone any idea how to program this?
Kind regards and thanx in advance!
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Optimization of constrained linear least-squares problem

2005-03-18 Thread Stefaan Lhermitte
Thanx Dimitris, Patrick and Berwin!
For other people interested in this problem, here are two valid 
solutions that work.

1) Re-parameterize  e.g.,
   EM - c(100,0,0,0,100,0,0,0,100)
   W - array(EM, c(3,3))
   d - c(10, 20, 70)
   fn - function(x){
 x - exp(x) / sum(exp(x))
 r - W%*%x - d
   crossprod(r, r)[1,1]
   opt - optim(rnorm(3), fn)
   res - exp(opt$par) / sum(exp(opt$par))
   The first line of the `fn()' function is just a re-pameterization
   of your problem, i.e., if `y' is a vector of real numbers, then it
   is straightforward to see that `x = exp(y) / sum(exp(y))' will be
   real numbers in (0, 1) for which `sum(y)=1'. So instead of finding
   xs that minimize your function under the constraint (which is more
   difficult) you just find the ys using the above transformation. (I
   owe you a drink Dimitris !!!)
2)  Or minimize it as a quadratic function under a linear constraint:
   EM - c(100,0,0,0,100,0,0,0,100)
   W - array(EM, c(3,3))
   d - c(10, 20, 70)
   Dmat - crossprod(W,W)
   dvec - crossprod(d,W)
   A -matrix(c(1,1,1),ncol=1)
   bvec - 1
   solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, A, bvec, meq=1)
   This is based on the objective function (i.e. the thing you want to
   minimise) : min x'C'Cx - 2 d'Cx + d'd where sum(x) = 1
   (Thanx Berwin!!)
Kind regards,
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Optimization of constrained linear least-squares problem

2005-03-17 Thread Stefaan Lhermitte
Dear R-ians,
I want to perform an linear unmixing of image pixels in fractions of 
pure endmembers. Therefore I need to perform a constrained linear 
least-squares problem that looks like :

min || Cx - d || ² where sum(x) = 1.
I have a 3x3 matrix C, containing the values for endmembers and I have a 
3x1 column vector d (for every pixel in the image). In theory my x 
values should all be in the (0,1) interval but I don't want to force 
them so I can check the validity of my solution. I just want to 
calculate the x values. Can anyone help me with this problem? I've been 
checking the optim, optimize, constrOptim and nlm help files, burt  I 
don't understand it very well. Wich function should I use for my 
problem? I did a first test using optim:

# Make my C matrix
EM- c(4.5000,6.,10.5000,5.,27.,20.7500,16.7500,23.,38.7500)
C - array(EM, c(3,3))
# Take an arbitrary d
d-c(10, 20, 20)
# Define the function
fr - function(x) {
# Perform the optimization
But it did not work. I got the eror couldn't find function. Can anyone 
tell me what functyion I should use for my problem and how should I 
program it?

Thanx in advance,
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Multi-figure plotting

2004-11-26 Thread Stefaan Lhermitte
Dear R-ians,
I have a question concerning plotting different plots on one figure. I 
have written a script to plot an image, a legend (based on different 
rectangles) and a timeseries plot on one figure.
In my R-lagnuage it looks like this (without arguments that are not 
usefull for my question):

#--- I first define the functions
   #--Plot the data
coord,ylab=Y coord,main='NDVI',las =1,cex.axis=0.7, cex.lab=0.7, 
col=topo.colors(255), asp=1)

   #--- Add a legend (colored rectangles) + legend axis (=values)
   plot.window(xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1), yaxs=i)
   #--Plot the data
   plot(NDVI, type=l,cex.axis=0.7, cex.lab=0.7)
When I subsequently use the functions I get problems with the legend. It 
plots my image nice in the upper part of  my pixture, adds the 
timeseries below, but it does not plot the rectangles of the legend. I 
don't know what I do wrong, because it plots perfectly the axis of the 
legend, but the colorbar is invisible. All suggestions would be wonderfull!

Thanx in advance,
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