Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-12-19 Thread r6rsguy
 From: John Cowan
 Ray Dillinger scripsit:
   On reflection I agree, and the current version (version 17) of
   TimeCowan now makes (current-posix-second) an integer.  I have
   updated TimeAdvancedCowan to version 15 to reflect this change.
  I do not understand why this is so.  Can you explain it for me?
 Because what happens at the subsecond level is not well-defined,
 and insofar as it is well-defined, it is not well-implemented.
 Theoretically the repeat happens exactly at the change from 23:60
 to 23:61, but NTP does it several fractions of a second later.

A nitpick or typo, but there is no 23:61.  Seconds within a minute are
numbered from zero (a very good convention) and so the sixty-first
(leap) second is 23:59:60.  Most days end with 23:59:59 and change to
00:00:00 of the next day one SI second later.

I do not think there is any repeat in NTP.  NTP transmits time as an
integer count of seconds, a fractional second, and a leap second
warning.  It is up to the client (user) software to break this into
hh:mm:ss form and insert the leap in the proper place or (more likely)
torque it up.

Posix has a repeat, the cause of all our grievances.

   -- Keith

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-12-19 Thread John Cowan scripsit:

 A nitpick or typo, but there is no 23:61.  

A brain fart, rather.

 I do not think there is any repeat in NTP.  NTP transmits time as an
 integer count of seconds, a fractional second, and a leap second
 warning.  It is up to the client (user) software to break this into
 hh:mm:ss form and insert the leap in the proper place or (more likely)
 torque it up.

I was referring not to NTP-the-protocol, but
NTP-the-reference-implementation.  See

My confusion is rapidly waxing  John Cowan
For XML Schema's too
I'd use DTDs
If they had local trees --
I think I best switch to RELAX NG.

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-12-19 Thread r6rsguy
 From: John Cowan
  I do not think there is any repeat in NTP.

 I was referring not to NTP-the-protocol, but
 NTP-the-reference-implementation.  See

Yes, that is an excellent page for learning about
the mess we are in.  Note that it is headed Unix time.
That's why I am reluctant to follow Unix too closely.

With the count of seconds changed to an integer,
I don't think I have any big worries.  As I said,
I am not attached to the names.  I'll reply to
your previous message after I think for a while.

  -- Keith

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-12-18 Thread Ray Dillinger
On Sun, 2010-12-19 at 00:28 -0500, John Cowan wrote:

  The main problem I still have is that the calendrical time is a real
  number[1], while the sub-second, physical time is an integer.  I
  think this is exactly backward.  I apologize for my previous
  proposal, which  had integer physical time, it only distracted 
  from the important thing.

  In order to avoid anomalous behaviour, the calendar time must be in
  integer seconds.

 On reflection I agree, and the current version (version 17) of
 TimeCowan now makes (current-posix-second) an integer.  I have updated
 TimeAdvancedCowan to version 15 to reflect this change.

I do not understand why this is so.  Can you explain it for me?


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Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-12-01 Thread Ray Dillinger

 Modified proposal:
 (time-and-date) - return an integer count of
 non-leap seconds since the epoch.  The epoch
 is given in standard.  This can be used in
 calendar procedures.
 (seconds-on-timer) - return a real number, as
 accurate as reasonable, which is the time in
 seconds since the interval timer was reset.
 (time-of-reset) - an integer giving the
 time-and-date when the interval timer was
 reset (to zero).
 Maybe there should be a way to create
 timers, in which case those last two
 procedures need an argument (the timer).

FWIW, I like this proposal.  I think it captures the important 
semantics that we need in programming.  A timer object is a 
very simple closure, and as a whole this strategy admits of 
several different implementation strategies depending on how 
the clock/counter works on the target device. 

On the naming of names, I think I'd go with a different name
for the procedure time-and-date mentioned above.  This is because
the name time-and-date leads me to expect the actual values of 
years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds to be broken out in the 
return value somehow.  I would suggest an alternate name such as 
calendrical-seconds or calendrical-clock or something. As 
opposed to a different procedure absolute-seconds or absolute-
clock having exactly the same semantics w/r/t an absolute 
count of all seconds including leap-seconds since the epoch. 

As to the behavior of calendrical-seconds during intervals that 
include leap seconds, I am very much in favor of: 

a) making any distinction in behavior optional, because some 
devices and operating systems don't update leap-seconds until 
reboot or repeated time-synch, or don't make them visible to 
programs during the programs' runtimes.

b) allowing the scheme system to do whatever the underlying 
operating system does (including the weird Unix strategy of 
just slowing down the calendrical clock for some 
indeterminate period).  

c) If you have the information available and you want to go 
for canonically correct behavior, the preferred mechanism 
would be to have the clock of calendrical seconds just plain 
stop (milliseconds and all) for exactly one second while the 
leap second passes.  

Calendrical seconds are for when you want something to happen 
at an exact time relative to the consensus time and date 
in the future -- say, one-tenth of a second after the stock 
market opens on July first of 2012, when your options are 
tradeable. We can assume (I hope) that a trader who's making
such demands of a system will make those demands of a system
whose clock/calendar is kept tightly in synch with that of 
the market he wants to trade on, whatever the general strategy
of the operating system underlying his system.  

Absolute seconds are for when you want something to happen 
exactly a particular number of seconds into the future -- say, 
at the exact moment when you expect Charon or Sedna to occlude 
a particular star so you can get a good measurement.  And we 
can also assume (I hope) that an astronomer who's making such
demands of a system will make those demands of a system whose
absolute clock is kept in tight synch with the most accurate 
counter of seconds she can find (probably the atomic clock 


r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-11-28 Thread Faré
On 27 November 2010 12:05, Marc Feeley wrote:
 On 2010-11-26, at 9:00 PM, John Cowan wrote:
 Marc Feeley scripsit:
 Please don't count time using milliseconds.  It clutters my brain to
 have to remember a different unit of time than plain seconds.

 And yet the SI unit of mass is the kilogram.  But I'll think about that.

 I'm not sure why you bring kilograms into the discussion.  We're talking 
 about time and the SI unit for time is the second.

Legal time is expressed in terms of legal seconds, and I suppose we
need legal seconds somewhere in the time library. Now, since a legal second
may be either 1 or 2 SI seconds long, it might also be a good idea to sport
a SI second or fraction thereof as an entity managed by the library, as
something DISTINCT from legal seconds.

If we can't agree on what fraction that shall be, because of portability
issues, why not introduce an implementation-dependent unit jiffies or
some such, and an implementation-dependent constant conversion rate
jiffies-per-second, which could be an integer, fraction, real number,
but hopefully not a complex number, and if possible exact. This would
allow embedded implementation of Scheme to use whatever the hardware
or OS clock provides them without further expensive conversion during
time-sensitive operations.

My modest proposal, for a Scheme implementation faithful to the spirit
of Scheme, of doing The Right Thing at the expense of respect for
convention, would be for a jiffy to be the Planck Unit of time:
tP = 5.391 24(27) × 10^−44 s

If R7RS is to set the duration of a jiffy for all standard-compliant
Scheme implementations, I vote for
1 jiffy = 1 tP

[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | ReflectionCybernethics | ]
A fruitful discussion is a negotiation, out of which emerges meaning. Classic
works are standards, and politeness is a protocol, to ease such negotiation.
With a reasonably expressive language, neither is strictly needed,
but both sure do help, and they are where the general progress happens.

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-11-26 Thread Marc Feeley

On 2010-11-26, at 2:16 AM, John Cowan wrote: scripsit:
 If fractions are allowed, why count milliseconds?
 Given that it should be easy to implement most dates as fixed-size
 objects, milliseconds seem like a good compromise between range and

Please don't count time using milliseconds.  It clutters my brain to have to 
remember a different unit of time than plain seconds.

Moreover, the choice of milliseconds, rather than microseconds or nanoseconds 
is purely an artifact of the current speed of computers.  If you chose 
milliseconds as the unit of time in the hope of getting better resolution using 
integers you'll probably say 2 years from now milliseconds aren't precise 
enough for these fast CPUs, lets change the spec to use microseconds, and then 
20 years from now darn! these CPUs have become fast! lets change the specs to 
use nanoseconds, etc.  Integers shouldn't be used for measuring time points 
because applications need different resolutions.

With a 64 bit float, you can represent a time interval of up to 3 months with a 
nanosecond resolution, and up to 266 years with a microsecond resolution.  I 
don't see any practical reason for wanting more than this.


r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-11-26 Thread John Cowan scripsit:

  In any case, most computer clocks aren't accurate to
  1 part in 10^8, which is the discrepancy between
  Posix time and UTC time since the beginning of UTC.
 How many milliseconds is that?

It's 24,000 ms out of the last 39 years, or approximately
1,230,720,117,120 ms.  That is one part in 0.0002.

 I am not worried about precision, I am worried about correct arithmetic.

I agree that subtracting one value of current-posix-millisecond from
another has a rather small empirical probability of being off by 1000 ms,
namely 1 in 10^-8.  I have added a note to TimeCowan saying so.

Note that 1 ms resolution does not necessarily imply 1 ms precision: in
most Java implementations, you get 1 ms resolution but only 1 s precision.
As for accuracy, typical computers with access to the Internet can be
made accurate to about 35 ms, if carefully watched.

 You are *forbidding* an implementation to increment the clock before
 a leap second?

Yes, absolutely.  UTC time is readily available (except during leap
seconds), TAI time is not.

John Cowan  co...@ccil.org
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the
continent, a part of the main.  If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a
manor of thy friends or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for
whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.  --John Donne

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-11-25 Thread r6rsguy
 From: John Cowan
 WG2 has decided to include a date-time arithmetic
 library in R7RS large Scheme, and I just finished
 writing up an API proposal for one.  I decided to go
 for thorough rather than simple this time, and so I'm
 soliciting comments on it from sources outside WG2.
 The writeup is at .
 Please use Reply All for your comments.  Thanks.

You say:

 an instant is a rational number representing a particular
 millisecond (or fraction thereof)

If fractions are allowed, why count milliseconds?
Just count seconds.  If milliseconds are needed,
multiply by 1000.

You say:

 of the Posix epoch

What does Posix have to do with a language that
may be implemented on any OS?  Use UTC.

In particular, Posix torques up leap seconds.

Trying to put both time-and-date *and* precise
sub-second intervals into one number is a loser.

In particular, does the current instant
increment uniformly, or does it encode the
current date?  It can not do both, and it
is unclear which you intend.

My proposal:

(time-of-day) - As close as possible to the UTC time
encoded as an integer.  It is incremented by 1 each
ordinary (non-leap) second.

It may or may not be incremented when a leap second
passes.  If it is not incremented then the same number
will be given to the leap second as to the preceding
second.  In other words, sometimes the time is 23:59:59
for two seconds before the new year arrives.  This
ambiguity is the price of encoding the time-of-day as a
single integer.

The time-of-day may be incremented each second without
knowing whether or not it is a leap second.

Alternatively, it may be incremented only at the start
of non-leap seconds, thus better tracking UTC.  This is
the preferred option.

(tick-count) - An integer that is incremented at
regular intervals as quickly as possible consistent
with regularity.  This number will never decrease while
the program is running, but may be changed arbitrarily
when the system is re-booted or equivalent.

(ticks-per-second) - The tick rate of the above
counter.  This number does not change, but may differ
from system to system.

(epoch-of-zero-ticks) - the second, in time-of-day
form, at the beginning of which the tick-count 
was zero.  (extrapolated, the tick-count
need not actually have been zero, indeed the
computer need not have yet been built)

From these data, the date and the time of day can be
quickly computed with one second accuracy simply by
calling (time-of-day).  (But it will be off by one
second for each time the implementation fails to
non-count a leap second.)

The time interval between two events while the program
is running is:

(let ((start (tick-count)))
  (/ (- (tick-count) start) (ticks-per-second)))

and a sub-second timer that survives re-boots and
agrees on several computers can be computed from the

(+ epoch-of-zero-ticks
   (/ (tick-count) (ticks-per-second)))

Iff an uncounted leap second has intervened
between the epoch-of-zero-ticks and the
time the tick-count was taken then this
number will differ by more than one
from the (time-of-day).

That is appropriate, because the time of
day can not be used to compute exact
time intervals without knowledge of the
leap seconds.

  -- Keith

PS: maybe the tick-count should be made
a real number of seconds and renamed,
getting rid of ticks-per-second.

An account of bugs from messing up leap seconds:

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-11-25 Thread John Cowan scripsit:

 If fractions are allowed, why count milliseconds?

Given that it should be easy to implement most dates as fixed-size
objects, milliseconds seem like a good compromise between range and

 What does Posix have to do with a language that may be implemented on
 any OS?  Use UTC.

With what epoch?  If you are to represent time as a number,
there has to be a zero time, or epoch.  There are various
alternatives, such as the start of 1900 C.E. Gregorian (Common
Lisp), the start of 4173 B.C.E. Julian (Julian days), the start of
November 17, 1858 (modified Julian days), and lots more listed at .  But Posix-epoch time is
available to 1 second precision on every modern system, so I chose it.
It's also the only one close enough to the start of UTC timekeeping to
make conversions possible.

 In particular, Posix torques up leap seconds.

Yes, it does.  But almost all computers do too.  In any case, most
computer clocks aren't accurate to 1 part in 10^8, which is the
discrepancy between Posix time and UTC time since the beginning of UTC.

 Trying to put both time-and-date *and* precise sub-second intervals
 into one number is a loser.

Why?  2^53 is a lot of range, and the further away from the present,
the less precision we need or even can use, given the fundamental
uncertainties about things like day length.  It doesn't even make sense
to ask about UTC time much before 1970.

 In particular, does the current instant increment uniformly, or does
 it encode the current date?  It can not do both, and it is unclear
 which you intend.

The latter, as Posix clock() does.

 It may or may not be incremented when a leap second passes.  If it is
 not incremented then the same number will be given to the leap second
 as to the preceding second.  In other words, sometimes the time is
 23:59:59 for two seconds before the new year arrives.  This ambiguity
 is the price of encoding the time-of-day as a single integer.

The same as what I'm proposing, except that may or may not is just
may not in my proposal.  That way, at least every second except a leap
second and the preceding second have fully specified instant values.
In your proposal, there's no knowing what they mean, as some leap seconds
but not others may be accounted for if the leap-second file (or other
source) is out of date.

 (tick-count) - An integer that is incremented at
 regular intervals as quickly as possible consistent
 with regularity.  This number will never decrease while
 the program is running, but may be changed arbitrarily
 when the system is re-booted or equivalent.
 (ticks-per-second) - The tick rate of the above
 counter.  This number does not change, but may differ
 from system to system.
 (epoch-of-zero-ticks) - the second, in time-of-day
 form, at the beginning of which the tick-count 
 was zero.  (extrapolated, the tick-count
 need not actually have been zero, indeed the
 computer need not have yet been built)

This is a good API, but functionally disjoint from what I'm dealing
with now.

John Cowanco...@ccil.org
The whole of Gaul is quartered into three halves.
--Julius Caesar

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-11-24 Thread Christopher Chittleborough
On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 16:05 -0500, John Cowan
 Christopher Chittleborough scripsit:
  (chronology-with-time-zone CHRONOLOGY TIMEZONE)
Presumably a time zone name is a string. Say so explicitly?
 I actually do say what it can be: an offset in minutes from UTC,
 a string from the TZ database, or an implementation-defined alternative.
Err, you don't use the word string, only name. I was thinking of
something like:
 If the implementation supports the tz database, and timezone is a
  equaling a time zone name defined by that database, ...
This allows implementations to accept other strings, which is probably

  (date-instant DATE)
What happens if there is not enough info in DATE to uniquely
determine an instant? Signal an error? Return #f?
 Added otherwise return #f.
That's clearly the Right Thing to do.
  (date-field date FIELDNAME)
Presumably FIELDNAME can be a symbol. Can it also be a string?
 That would require an extra lookup at run time.  I think symbols are
Agreed. How about adding (a symbol) to the spec? Like this:
 Returns the numeric value of the field named fieldname (a symbol)
  within date ...

  (date-increment date fieldname increment)
 Excellent wording; adopted.
  The 'century' values in the ISO chronology don't seem right.
  If 1965 AD has century=19 in ISO, then 33 AD must have century=0
  so 43 BC would have century=-1, not 0.
So (say) 43 BC is century -1 in Julian, Gregorian and ISO. Interesting.

While the Joda Time API looks pretty good on brief reading, the Scheme
version is much nicer -- yet another win for procedural APIs over
class-based programming.

Cheers ... Chris

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-11-24 Thread John Cowan
Christopher Chittleborough scripsit:

 Err, you don't use the word string, only name. 


 Agreed. How about adding (a symbol) to the spec? Like this:
  Returns the numeric value of the field named fieldname (a symbol)


Well, I have news for our current leaders   John Cowan
and the leaders of tomorrow: the Bill
Rights is not a frivolous luxury, in force
only during times of peace and prosperity.
We don't just push it to the side when the going gets tough.  --Molly Ivins

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-11-23 Thread Christopher Chittleborough
This is a nice API for a subject that is much harder than generally
realized. Here are a few minor quibbles:

(chronology-with-time-zone CHRONOLOGY TIMEZONE)
  Presumably a time zone name is a string. Say so explicitly?

(date-instant DATE)
  What happens if there is not enough info in DATE to uniquely
  determine an instant? Signal an error? Return #f?

(date-field date FIELDNAME)
  Presumably FIELDNAME can be a symbol. Can it also be a string?

(date-increment date fieldname increment)
  Suggestion: instead of talking about incrementing the specified
  *field*, put it in terms of incrementing the *date* by the units
  (month/day/hour/...) corresponding to fieldname. Something like:
Constructs and returns a new date object which is later than DATE by
INCREMENT of the units specified by FIELDNAME (earlier if INCREMENT
negative). For example, (date-increment date 'day-of-month 7) adds
one week.

The 'century' values in the ISO chronology don't seem right.
If 1965 AD has century=19 in ISO, then 33 AD must have century=0
so 43 BC would have century=-1, not 0.

Cheers -- Chris Chittleborough

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-11-22 Thread Pied
Hello everyone,

 (instant-date instance chronology)
 Constructs and returns a date object using chronology and corresponding to 

This may be just a typo, but don't you mean instant instead of instance?

 (date-field date fieldname)
 Returns the value of the field named fieldname within date, or #f if there 
 is no such field.

Supposing that #f is a valid value for a field, don't we want to be
able to tell apart no such field and the value is #f?

 (date-round date fieldname)
 (date-ceiling date fieldname)
 (date-floor date fieldname)
 (date-truncate date fieldname)
Constructs and returns a new date object which is the same as date, but 
adjusted to the nearest integral value of fieldname using the round, ceiling, 
floor, or truncate functions.

May this too have some effect on other fields than the one mentioned?



Français, English, 日本語, 한국어

r6rs-discuss mailing list

Re: [r6rs-discuss] Date and time arithmetic library proposal for R7RS large Scheme

2010-11-22 Thread John Cowan
Adrien Pied Piérard scripsit:

 This may be just a typo, but don't you mean instant instead of instance?


 Supposing that #f is a valid value for a field, 

All date fields are numeric; see the Date objects section.

  (date-round date fieldname)
 May this too have some effect on other fields than the one mentioned?


What asininity could I have uttered John Cowan
that they applaud me thus?
--Phocion, Greek orator

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