Re: [racket-users] Re: Macro containing a list of elements that each have optional keyword options

2019-08-19 Thread Brian Adkins
On Monday, August 19, 2019 at 5:48:29 PM UTC-4, Sorawee Porncharoenwase 
> You could use (splicing) syntax class to help with normalization:
> #lang racket
> (require syntax/parse/define
>  (for-syntax syntax/parse
>  racket/syntax))
> (begin-for-syntax
>   (define-splicing-syntax-class methods-cls
> #:attributes (methods)
> (pattern (~seq #:methods (method:expr ...))
>  #:with methods #'(list 'method ...))
> (pattern (~seq #:method method:expr)
>  #:with methods #'(list 'method)))
>   (define-syntax-class route-cls
> (pattern (route:string
>   handler:id
>   (~alt (~optional ms:methods-cls
>#:name "#:method, or #:methods option")
> (~optional (~seq #:when guard-e:expr)
>#:name "#:when option")) ...)
>  #:with methods #`#,(or (attribute ms.methods) #'(list))
>  #:with guard #`#,(attribute guard-e
> (define-simple-macro (routes :route-cls ...)
>   #:with name (format-id this-syntax "axio-routes")
>   (define name (list (list route handler methods guard) ...)))
> (define (foo-handler) 0)
> (define (bar-handler) 0)
> (define (baz-handler) 0)
> (define (use-bar-handler?) 0)
> (routes
>  ("/foo" foo-handler #:method put)
>  ("/bar" bar-handler #:methods (put update) #:when use-bar-handler?)
>  ("/baz" baz-handler))
> axio-routes
Thanks your idea cleans it up nicely!  I've broken up the code into 4 file 
and placed them in a gist:

I'm not thrilled with the fact that the routes macro has to export the 
axio-routes binding. I expect there is a better way to communicate between 
the routes macro and find-route function.

I'll add interpolation to the URL paths next e.g.  (route "/user/~id" ...) 

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Re: [racket-users] Re: Macro containing a list of elements that each have optional keyword options

2019-08-19 Thread Sorawee Porncharoenwase
You could use (splicing) syntax class to help with normalization:

#lang racket

(require syntax/parse/define
 (for-syntax syntax/parse

  (define-splicing-syntax-class methods-cls
#:attributes (methods)
(pattern (~seq #:methods (method:expr ...))
 #:with methods #'(list 'method ...))
(pattern (~seq #:method method:expr)
 #:with methods #'(list 'method)))

  (define-syntax-class route-cls
(pattern (route:string
  (~alt (~optional ms:methods-cls
   #:name "#:method, or #:methods option")
(~optional (~seq #:when guard-e:expr)
   #:name "#:when option")) ...)
 #:with methods #`#,(or (attribute ms.methods) #'(list))
 #:with guard #`#,(attribute guard-e

(define-simple-macro (routes :route-cls ...)
  #:with name (format-id this-syntax "axio-routes")
  (define name (list (list route handler methods guard) ...)))

(define (foo-handler) 0)
(define (bar-handler) 0)
(define (baz-handler) 0)
(define (use-bar-handler?) 0)

 ("/foo" foo-handler #:method put)
 ("/bar" bar-handler #:methods (put update) #:when use-bar-handler?)
 ("/baz" baz-handler))


On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 1:56 PM Brian Adkins  wrote:

> (define-syntax (routes stx)
>   (syntax-parse stx
> [ (routes (element ...) ...)
>   (with-syntax ([ name  (format-id stx "axio-routes") ])
> #'(define name (list (route-element element ...) ...)))]))
> (define-syntax (route-element stx)
>   (syntax-parse stx
> [ (route-element route:string
>  handler:id
>  (~alt (~optional (~or* (~seq #:methods (methods:expr
> ...))
> (~seq #:method method:expr))
>   #:name "#:method, or #:methods
> option")
>(~optional (~seq #:when guard:expr)
>   #:name "#:when option"))
>  ...)
>   (with-syntax ([ method-list (let ([ m  (attribute method)  ]
> [ ms (attribute methods) ])
> (cond [ m(list m) ]
>   [ ms   ms   ]
>   [ else '()  ]))]
> [ guard-func (let ([ fun (attribute guard) ])
>(if fun
>#f)) ])
> #'(list route handler 'method-list guard-func))]))
> (routes
>  ("/foo" foo-handler #:method put)
>  ("/bar" bar-handler #:methods (put update) #:when use-bar-handler?)
>  ("/baz" baz-handler))
> axio-routes
> ==>  '(("/foo" # (put) #f) ("/bar"
> # (put update) #)
> ("/baz" # () #f))
> I know it ain't pretty yet, but it works now, so I can enhance it later. I
> should probably use a struct for each route vs. a list.
> --
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[racket-users] Re: Macro containing a list of elements that each have optional keyword options

2019-08-19 Thread Brian Adkins
(define-syntax (routes stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
[ (routes (element ...) ...)
  (with-syntax ([ name  (format-id stx "axio-routes") ])
#'(define name (list (route-element element ...) ...)))]))

(define-syntax (route-element stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
[ (route-element route:string
 (~alt (~optional (~or* (~seq #:methods (methods:expr 
(~seq #:method method:expr))
  #:name "#:method, or #:methods 
   (~optional (~seq #:when guard:expr)
  #:name "#:when option"))
  (with-syntax ([ method-list (let ([ m  (attribute method)  ]
[ ms (attribute methods) ])
(cond [ m(list m) ]
  [ ms   ms   ]
  [ else '()  ]))]
[ guard-func (let ([ fun (attribute guard) ])
   (if fun
   #f)) ])
#'(list route handler 'method-list guard-func))]))

 ("/foo" foo-handler #:method put)
 ("/bar" bar-handler #:methods (put update) #:when use-bar-handler?)
 ("/baz" baz-handler))


==>  '(("/foo" # (put) #f) ("/bar" 
# (put update) #) 
("/baz" # () #f))

I know it ain't pretty yet, but it works now, so I can enhance it later. I 
should probably use a struct for each route vs. a list.

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[racket-users] Re: Macro containing a list of elements that each have optional keyword options

2019-08-19 Thread Brian Adkins
On Monday, August 19, 2019 at 3:35:00 PM UTC-4, Brian Adkins wrote:
> I'm working on a macro to allow the following:
> (routes
>  ("/foo" foo-handler #:method put)
>  ("/bar" bar-handler #:methods (put update))
>  ("/baz" baz-handler))
> The idea is that you could restrict a route based on the HTTP method 
> either for one method using #:method or for a list of methods using 
> #:methods. I tried using some ideas from the following examples:
> The attempt below does not work, and from my debugging I think it's 
> probably the wrong approach. If there are examples of this sort of thing, 
> I'd love to see them.
> Thanks,
> Brian Adkins
> (define-syntax (routes stx)
>   (syntax-parse stx
> [ (routes (route:string
>(~alt (~optional (~or* (~seq #:methods (methods:expr ...))
>   (~seq #:method method:expr))
> #:name "#:method, or #:methods option")
>  (~optional (~seq #:when guard:expr)
> #:name "#:when option"))
>   ...)
>   (with-syntax ([ name  (format-id stx "axio-routes") ])
> #'(define name (list (list route handler 'method (list 'methods 
> ...)) ...)))]))
The following got me over the main hurdle:

(define-syntax (routes stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
[ (routes (element ...) ...)
  (with-syntax ([ name  (format-id stx "axio-routes") ])
#'(define name (list (route-element element ...) ...)))]))

(define-syntax (route-element stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
[ (route-element route:string
 (~alt (~optional (~or* (~seq #:methods (methods:expr 
(~seq #:method method:expr))
  #:name "#:method, or #:methods 
   (~optional (~seq #:when guard:expr)
  #:name "#:when option"))
  (with-syntax ([ m  (or (attribute method)  #'#f) ]
[ ms (or (attribute methods) #'#f) ])
#'(list route handler 'm 'ms))]))

 ("/foo" foo-handler #:method put)
 ("/bar" bar-handler #:methods (put update))
 ("/baz" baz-handler))


==> '(("/foo" # put #f) ("/bar" 
# #f (put update)) ("/baz" # 
#f #f))

Now I just need to normalize to a list of HTTP methods vs. having separate 

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