[Radiant] Re: Radiant 9.0.1 hangs up after a while, and how i store forminputs in mysqldatabase

2010-12-13 Thread Kevin Triplett
> # Configuration:
> - Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu)
> - Phusion Passenger version 3.0.0
> - Rails 3.0.3
> - Ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [x86_64-linux]
> - WEBrick 1.3.1
> - gem 1.3.7
> # Problem 1 - Server hangs up after a while:
> When i start my radiant with this command: script/server -e production
> my cms will run nearly 2 hours and after this time it keeps to be hang
> up.

I'm not sure script/server is the way to run your webserver. I think
that starts WEBrick, which is not an ideal choice for production

There should be a site configuration file for apache that points to your
application's public directory. Let me know if you have that
configuration file -- if not, I'll send you a sample configuration file.

> # Problem 1 - Store userinputs from webformular in MYSQL Database
> How it is possible - to send formularinputs to a phpscript that stores
> this values
> in my database?

Do you mean you have a PHP script that receives the form input and needs
to store the input into the database?

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

[Radiant] Archive index infinite loop

2010-12-13 Thread Kevin Triplett
Hi all,

I have the standard issue Articles:Archive Monthly Index with four child
pages but I'm getting an infinite application loop when getting a
monthly index. I have to reboot my server whenever this happens.

I've attached a log snippet (with just the head of the infinite loop)
and a screen shot of my pages hierarchy.

The only thing I can figure out is that my monthly-archives page is
published in the same month as my child pages, so when I do an archive
search, the SQL statement pulls in the archive index page.

So I changed the published date to a year earlier and it worked, no
infinite loop. Yay!

Is this a known issue? Or should the archive index pages not be marked
as published? What did I do wrong? Sorry if this is a newbie question.

Thanks for any advice,


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

[Radiant] Radiant 9.0.1 hangs up after a while, and how i store forminputs in mysqldatabase

2010-12-13 Thread Thomas Poppe
i hope somebody is able to help me please. I have installed a working
Radiant CMS on my Webspace

# Configuration:

- Ubuntu Linux 8.0.4 LTS (Virtual Server 1 & 1)
- Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu)
- git version
- Phusion Passenger version 3.0.0
- Rails 3.0.3
- Ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [x86_64-linux]
- WEBrick 1.3.1
- gem 1.3.7

# Problem 1 - Server hangs up after a while:

When i start my radiant with this command: script/server -e production
my cms will run nearly 2 hours and after this time it keeps to be hang

Does somebody know why, please?

# Problem 1 - Store userinputs from webformular in MYSQL Database
How it is possible - to send formularinputs to a phpscript that stores
this values
in my database?

Please help me, i searched and googled but i have no solution for this

Regards and Thank You

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Re: [Radiant] Partials access to local objects

2010-12-13 Thread William Ross
On 13 Dec 2010, at 19:05, bradley.t.her...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm writing an extension to add a new feature to the "taggable"
> extension and I need to do something very simple: add a new column to
> the taggable index page.  This is pretty simple:
> admin.tag.index.add :thead, "add_required_header", :after =>
> "modify_header"
> admin.tag.index.add :tbody, "add_required_cell", :after =>
> "modify_cell"
> However, in my partial, I need to reference the tag object from
> index.html.haml:
> - for tag in @tags
>  - render_region :tbody do |tbody|
>/ Partial code should be inserted here
>/ - tbody.required_cell do
>/   - if tag.required
>/ Required
> However, the "tag" object is not available within the partial.  Is
> there any way I can get access to that when I'm adding code via
> partials?

No. It's a weakness of the otherwise very cunning shards mechanism that there 
is no way for it to get at local variables.

Taggable could help, perhaps by including an empty partial 
(_other_columns.html.haml?) with some locals or by setting a @current_tag 
variable within the index-page loop. Neither approach is very pleasing, but it 
will take a while to arrive at a better solution that is also simple enough to 
live with.

I need to clear up that index page anyway (as you can see from the 
'node.level-1'). Would anyone like to suggest a best practice here?


[Radiant] Partials access to local objects

2010-12-13 Thread bradley.t.her...@gmail.com
I'm writing an extension to add a new feature to the "taggable"
extension and I need to do something very simple: add a new column to
the taggable index page.  This is pretty simple:

admin.tag.index.add :thead, "add_required_header", :after =>
admin.tag.index.add :tbody, "add_required_cell", :after =>

However, in my partial, I need to reference the tag object from

- for tag in @tags
  - render_region :tbody do |tbody|
/ Partial code should be inserted here
/ - tbody.required_cell do
/   - if tag.required
/ Required

However, the "tag" object is not available within the partial.  Is
there any way I can get access to that when I'm adding code via

[Radiant] Re: Page saving error

2010-12-13 Thread rcz
Many thanks!! Your advice solved my problem. Page_fields extension use
that method. I've prepended it as you suggested, and now all work

On 14 дек, 01:19, William Ross  wrote:
> On 13 Dec 2010, at 09:01, rcz wrote:
> > In Radiant CMS when I'm trying to save any page that has any PageType
> > but "normal" (Archive, Index,etc.) I get this error:
> > NoMethodError in Admin/pagesController#update
> > undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
> > With clean Radiant everything's work, my radiant carried with some
> > extension, which may cause problem. Can anyone give me any clue how
> > can I solve this problem? Thanks.
> It is an extension problem. It should be easy to find and you can probably 
> eliminate it by changing the order in which the extensions load.
> I think one of your extensions is calling 
> Page.accepts_nested_attributes(:something) too late. Some Page subclasses 
> have already been created, and they don't get the call. When you try to save 
> a page with one of those classes (ArchivePage, etc) it doesn't know what to 
> do with the nested attributes in the form. The error you see is due to an 
> absence of nested_attributes_options.
> First you need to work out which of your extensions is responsible. There are 
> two ways to do that: either add some debugging lines to 
> vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> activerecord/lib/active_record/nested_attributes.rb or (more easily), search 
> through all the files in vendor/extensions looking for the string 
> accepts_nested_attributes and see what stands out.
> Then you need to make sure that troublesome extension loads before there is 
> any inheritance from Page. To do that you uncomment this line in 
> config/environment.rb:
>         # config.extensions = [ :all ]
> and prepend the name of your extension:
>         config.extensions = [:something, :all]
> > ps. I apologize for my poor English.
> Your English seems excellent to me. Please do say if anything here is unclear.
> best,
> will
> > stack trace:
> > NoMethodError in Admin/pagesController#update
> > undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
> > RAILS_ROOT: F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app
> > Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > activerecord/lib/active_record/nested_attributes.rb:335:in
> > `assign_nested_attributes_for_collection_association'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > activerecord/lib/active_record/nested_attributes.rb:244:in
> > `fields_attributes='
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2906:in `send'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2906:in `assign_attributes'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2902:in `each'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2902:in `assign_attributes'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2775:in `attributes='
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2669:in `update_attributes!'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/app/
> > controllers/admin/resource_controller.rb:64:in `update'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:1331:in `send'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:1331:in
> > `perform_action_without_filters'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:617:in `call_filters'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:638:in
> > `run_before_filters'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:189:in `call'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:189:in `call'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:635:in
> > `run_before_filters'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:615:in `call_filters'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> > actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:610:in
> > `perform_action_without_benchmark'
> > F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/ve

Re: [Radiant] Page saving error

2010-12-13 Thread William Ross
On 13 Dec 2010, at 09:01, rcz wrote:

> In Radiant CMS when I'm trying to save any page that has any PageType
> but "normal" (Archive, Index,etc.) I get this error:
> NoMethodError in Admin/pagesController#update
> undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
> With clean Radiant everything's work, my radiant carried with some
> extension, which may cause problem. Can anyone give me any clue how
> can I solve this problem? Thanks.

It is an extension problem. It should be easy to find and you can probably 
eliminate it by changing the order in which the extensions load. 

I think one of your extensions is calling 
Page.accepts_nested_attributes(:something) too late. Some Page subclasses have 
already been created, and they don't get the call. When you try to save a page 
with one of those classes (ArchivePage, etc) it doesn't know what to do with 
the nested attributes in the form. The error you see is due to an absence of 

First you need to work out which of your extensions is responsible. There are 
two ways to do that: either add some debugging lines to 
activerecord/lib/active_record/nested_attributes.rb or (more easily), search 
through all the files in vendor/extensions looking for the string 
accepts_nested_attributes and see what stands out.

Then you need to make sure that troublesome extension loads before there is any 
inheritance from Page. To do that you uncomment this line in 

# config.extensions = [ :all ]

and prepend the name of your extension:

config.extensions = [:something, :all]

> ps. I apologize for my poor English.

Your English seems excellent to me. Please do say if anything here is unclear.



> stack trace:
> NoMethodError in Admin/pagesController#update
> undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
> RAILS_ROOT: F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app
> Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> activerecord/lib/active_record/nested_attributes.rb:335:in
> `assign_nested_attributes_for_collection_association'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> activerecord/lib/active_record/nested_attributes.rb:244:in
> `fields_attributes='
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2906:in `send'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2906:in `assign_attributes'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2902:in `each'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2902:in `assign_attributes'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2775:in `attributes='
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2669:in `update_attributes!'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/app/
> controllers/admin/resource_controller.rb:64:in `update'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:1331:in `send'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:1331:in
> `perform_action_without_filters'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:617:in `call_filters'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:638:in
> `run_before_filters'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:189:in `call'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:189:in `call'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:635:in
> `run_before_filters'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:615:in `call_filters'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:610:in
> `perform_action_without_benchmark'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> actionpack/lib/action_controller/benchmarking.rb:68:in
> `perform_action_without_rescue'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app/vendor/radiant/vendor/rails/
> activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/benchmark.rb:17:in `ms'
> F:/Work/Ruby187/p302/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:308:in `realtime'
> F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev

[Radiant] Re: Page saving error

2010-12-13 Thread rcz
No, application is in production mode, though I tried to put the line
in environment.rb file, but it didn't help. Anyway thank you for

On 13 дек, 22:39, Joshua Danger French  wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2010, at 4:01 AM, rcz wrote
> > In Radiant CMS when I'm trying to save any page that has any PageType
> > but "normal" (Archive, Index,etc.) I get this error:
> > NoMethodError in Admin/pagesController#update
> > undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
> Are you running in development mode? If so, try opening config/environment.rb 
> and changing this line:
>     config.time_zone = 'UTC'
> To this:
>     config.active_record.default_timezone = :utc
> There's a persistent Activerecord 
> bug:https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/1339
> If you're not in dev mode, or if that doesn't solve it, you've got other 
> problems. Let us know.

[Radiant] Re: How to down migrate an extension?

2010-12-13 Thread Kevin Triplett
Of course! I keep forgetting that Radiant is a Rails application. 
Thanks, that works perfectly!

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Re: [Radiant] Re: Re: best code syntax highlighting solution

2010-12-13 Thread john muhl
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Fima Leshinsky  wrote:
> Looks like coderay is working well. I installed:
> coderay gem + radiant extension @ https://github.com/phallstrom/code_ray
> and now I can specify  blocks!
> not sure what the benefits are of kramdown over the existing Markdown
> radiant filter that comes with the "Coffee blog" template. If you guys can
> shed some light on why kramdown is a better option I'd appreciate it.

it's not better. it's the same but with kramdown specific options enabled.

Re: [Radiant] Re: Re: best code syntax highlighting solution

2010-12-13 Thread Fima Leshinsky
Looks like coderay is working well. I installed:

coderay gem + radiant extension @ https://github.com/phallstrom/code_ray

and now I can specify  blocks!

not sure what the benefits are of kramdown over the existing Markdown
radiant filter that comes with the "Coffee blog" template. If you guys can
shed some light on why kramdown is a better option I'd appreciate it.

Thanks again!

Re: [Radiant] Page saving error

2010-12-13 Thread Joshua Danger French
On Dec 13, 2010, at 4:01 AM, rcz wrote

> In Radiant CMS when I'm trying to save any page that has any PageType
> but "normal" (Archive, Index,etc.) I get this error:
> NoMethodError in Admin/pagesController#update
> undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

Are you running in development mode? If so, try opening config/environment.rb 
and changing this line:

config.time_zone = 'UTC'

To this:

config.active_record.default_timezone = :utc

There's a persistent Activerecord bug: 

If you're not in dev mode, or if that doesn't solve it, you've got other 
problems. Let us know.

[Radiant] Re: attach asset management to a custom extension

2010-12-13 Thread rcz

On 10 дек, 21:27, Sjors Branderhorst  wrote:
> For a few days now I have been trying to find 'the' elegant wat to
> connect a file-upload dialog; or asset-picker; in a custom extension.
> Does anyone have a clue on how to tackle this the 'radiant' way?
> Even picking from the asset bucket inside the extensions admin screen
> would be ok, however, I haven't managed finding good example code.
> Help!

did you try look at http://ext.radiantcms.org/ ?

[Radiant] Re: How to down migrate an extension?

2010-12-13 Thread rcz
try this
Rake radiant:extensions:sns:migrate VERSION=0

On 13 дек, 15:21, Kevin Triplett  wrote:
> Hi all,
> New to Radiant and lovin' it so far. But I've been trying to find out
> how to down-migrate an extension migration so I can remove the
> extension.
> Specifically, I'm trying to migrate a project from sns to sheets, so I'm
> needing to undo the db from sns.
> Thank for any help -- Kevin
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

[Radiant] Page saving error

2010-12-13 Thread rcz
In Radiant CMS when I'm trying to save any page that has any PageType
but "normal" (Archive, Index,etc.) I get this error:

NoMethodError in Admin/pagesController#update

undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

With clean Radiant everything's work, my radiant carried with some
extension, which may cause problem. Can anyone give me any clue how
can I solve this problem? Thanks.

ps. I apologize for my poor English.

stack trace:

NoMethodError in Admin/pagesController#update

undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

RAILS_ROOT: F:/Work/Rails/Radiant/dev_version/test_app
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace

activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2906:in `send'
activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2906:in `assign_attributes'
activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2902:in `each'
activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2902:in `assign_attributes'
activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2775:in `attributes='
activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:2669:in `update_attributes!'
controllers/admin/resource_controller.rb:64:in `update'
actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:1331:in `send'
actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:617:in `call_filters'
actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:189:in `call'
actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:189:in `call'
actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:615:in `call_filters'
activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/benchmark.rb:17:in `ms'
F:/Work/Ruby187/p302/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:308:in `realtime'
activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/benchmark.rb:17:in `ms'
actionpack/lib/action_controller/flash.rb:151:in `perform_action'
actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:532:in `send'
actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:606:in `sass_old_process'
plugins/haml/lib/sass/plugin/rails.rb:20:in `process'
actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:391:in `process'
actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:386:in `call'