[Resin-interest] Database access

2008-01-31 Thread Courtenay Teska Race

I realize this is a fairly basic question, but I'm new to setting up
resin.  I've installed resin on Windows under C:\resin-3.1.3\ .  If I
run the server using the httpd.exe, the server starts and I can view
jsp pages under http://localhost:8080/ as well as under
http://localhost:8080/TestResinProject/web where I am testing some

I am now trying to give access to my database located on another
server, but my modifications to the resin.conf file, seem to be
causing problems with starting the server.

I am accessing a postgres 7.3 database on a remote server.

I entered the following into the resin.conf file right below the
"Sample database pool configuration" added by coucho (I've blocked out
my actual password):



I also placed the 7.3 driver under the following directory:

When I start the resin server via httpd.exe I get the following error message:

Resin-3.1.3 (built Sun, 07 Oct 2007 03:58:02 PDT)
Copyright(c) 1998-2007 Caucho Technology.  All rights reserved.

  Using Resin(R) Open Source under the GNU Public License (GPL).

  See http://www.caucho.com for information on Resin Professional,
  including caching, clustering, JNI acceleration, and OpenSSL integration.

Starting Resin on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 13:42:25 -0600 (CST)

conf/resin.conf:237: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver

235: jdbc/teska_messb1
237: org.postgresql.Driver
238: jdbc:postgresql://
239: teska_admin

Jan 31, 2008 1:42:26 PM com.caucho.boot.ResinWatchdog run
INFO: Watchdog[] stopping Resin

I am wondering if I need to put the driver into a different directory,
but I don't know which directory.

Also, I would like the database to be available to
http://localhost:8080/TestResinProject/web where I am testing some
code.  What do I need to do to make this happen?

Thanks in advance,

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Database access

2008-02-01 Thread Courtenay Teska Race
Thank you so much!  That solved the startup problem!

On Jan 31, 2008 3:34 PM, Vic Simkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Courtenay wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I realize this is a fairly basic question, but I'm new to setting up
> > resin.  I've installed resin on Windows under C:\resin-3.1.3\ .  If I
> > run the server using the httpd.exe, the server starts and I can view
> > jsp pages under http://localhost:8080/ as well as under
> > http://localhost:8080/TestResinProject/web where I am testing some
> > code.
> >
> > I am now trying to give access to my database located on another
> > server, but my modifications to the resin.conf file, seem to be
> > causing problems with starting the server.
> >
> > I am accessing a postgres 7.3 database on a remote server.
> >
> > I entered the following into the resin.conf file right below the
> > "Sample database pool configuration" added by coucho (I've blocked out
> > my actual password):
> >
> I put my JDBC jars in the lib directory under the main resin install
> directory.  So in your case it would be c:\resin-3.1.3\lib.
> Vic
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list
> resin-interest@caucho.com
> http://maillist.caucho.com/mailman/listinfo/resin-interest

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Improve Resin Plugin for Eclipse 3 Setup Questions

2008-02-01 Thread Courtenay Teska Race

I'm new to both Eclipse and Resin, so please bear with me!  I'm
attempting to set up the "Improve Resin Plugin" in Eclipse
(The Java EE version with WTP).

I've got it installed, and created a resin project using the wizard.
I've added one jsp and one html file to the project, but when I use
the "run" instructions from the plugin readme file, I get the
following error message:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/caucho/server/http/ResinServer
Exception in thread "main"

I have the following installed on my computer:

1. J2EE 5 SDK Update 5
2. Resin 3.1.3 (running)
3. Improve Resin Plugin for Eclipse 3 (installed into eclipse)

I've done the following in Eclipse according to the plugin
instructions found here:

1. Set the preferences under Window/Preferences - Resin
- put the Eclipse version as 3.x
- set the Resin Home directory to C:\resin-3.1.3
- originally I left the Java compiler as blank, since the
instructions say if you are running from a JDK, you don't need to set
this, but when I ran into problems I did set it to
C:\Sun\SDK\jdk\bin\javac.exe, but it made no difference.

I then created a resin project as the plugin readme suggests by
selecting New/Other and creating a resin project.  I added an
index.jsp that uses jsp to include an html file, I went to the "Open
Run Manager" and created a new configuration under "Resin", gave it a
new name and set the configFile path to C:\resin-3.1.3\conf\resin.conf

I tried running it, but I got the error above.  It seems to be looking
for a main class - really weird for a web app!  The readme says
something about changing a classpath, but I have no idea what I should
make it, or how I would set it.  I see that under the run
configuration setup, there is a tab that says classpath, but I'm not
clear how or what I would enter anything there.

The other weird thing I noticed is that in the Package Explorer in
Eclipse, the classes and work files aren't accessible.  If I want to
add something to the WEB-INF/classes folder, I can do that by
selecting new/Folder or new/File and choose to put it under those
directories and it saves it in the file system, but no matter what I
do, it doesn't show up in the Package Explorer.  I've tried
refreshing, but still no luck!  I'm not sure if this is a plugin issue
or an Eclipse issue, but any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

resin-interest mailing list