Re: Whoosh full-text search phrase with dash hyphen treated as word separator

2018-05-29 Thread Vince Thyng
Hoping to get some ideas on how to get a dash separated word to be 
searchable.  In our case it is 'light-side' and we can not find it for what 
seems to be the dash being seen as a word separator.



On Monday, April 16, 2018 at 10:58:13 AM UTC-7, Vince Thyng wrote:
> We have come across an issue where we want to find the search term 
> 'light-side' as a word/phrase in a full-text search.  However the search 
> appears to be splitting the words apart on the dash, even when adding 
> double or single quotes or parens, because I only get results with the 
> individual words light and side.  We have a review with light-side, but 
> does not have light and side words.  This review does not show up in the 
> search for light-side or light side (although quick search does find the 
> term light-side in the summary).
> The Whoosh default query language docs linked to in the RB docs says we 
> should be able to put quotes around a term to make them a phrase, but that 
> is not working for me.
> It seems that either:
> The search box is still separating the words on the dash
> OR
> The full text index split light-side on the dash
> OR
> perhaps both?
> Thanks for the help!
> Vince

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Whoosh full-text search phrase with dash hyphen treated as word separator

2018-04-16 Thread Vince Thyng
We have come across an issue where we want to find the search term 
'light-side' as a word/phrase in a full-text search.  However the search 
appears to be splitting the words apart on the dash, even when adding 
double or single quotes or parens, because I only get results with the 
individual words light and side.  We have a review with light-side, but 
does not have light and side words.  This review does not show up in the 
search for light-side or light side (although quick search does find the 
term light-side in the summary).

The Whoosh default query language docs linked to in the RB docs says we 
should be able to put quotes around a term to make them a phrase, but that 
is not working for me.

It seems that either:
The search box is still separating the words on the dash
The full text index split light-side on the dash
perhaps both?

Thanks for the help!


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Multiple ShipIt from same user counted in dashboard tally

2018-02-21 Thread Vince Thyng
Version 3.0.2
A user has pointed out that a developer gave a ShipIt for 2 different diffs 
in a review.  Both are being counted in the dashboard tally.  Is this 
expected behavior?


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Error when calling render_data for DataGrid Column : "email" cannot be None or empty.

2018-02-01 Thread Vince Thyng
We upgraded from 2.0.15 to 3.0.2 last night and the only error I am seeing 
frequently in the log is this one.  I am making an assumption that the 
request right before I see the error led to it, so I can see which record 
and user.  In this case hyuan.  I suspected reviewboard can't find an email 
address in the mail field for the user, but I checked the mail field in 
their AD record and it is there.  I did not touch these settings during the 
upgrade.  I can not find this error in the logs before the upgrade.  One 
user I asked about their experience at this time said 'I was adding a new 
diff and my "update comment" disappeared for a little while. But then it 
came back. '  I don't know if this is a one time thing per user.  This same 
user mentioned 'I had the window open from before the upgrade, clicked 
something and then it updated'.  Do you know what may be going on here?

Username Attribute:

The attribute in the LDAP server that stores a user's login name.
Given Name Attribute:

The attribute in the LDAP server that stores the user's given name.
Surname Attribute:

The attribute in the LDAP server that stores the user's surname.
Full Name Attribute:

The attribute in the LDAP server that stores the user's full name. This 
takes precedence over the "Given Name Attribute" and "Surname Attribute."
E-Mail LDAP Attribute:

2018-02-01 18:29:55,333 - DEBUG - None - hyuan - 
/r/64727/diff/1/fragment/2629429/ - root - Generating diff file info for 
diffset id 116898, filediff 2629429 took 0.006018 seconds
2018-02-01 18:30:08,015 - ERROR -  - djblets.datagrid.grids - Error when 
calling render_data for DataGrid Column 
"email" cannot be None or empty.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/djblets/datagrid/", line 
459, in render_cell
rendered_data = self.render_data(state, obj)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/reviewboard/datagrids/", 
line 140, in render_data
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/djblets/avatars/services/", 
line 198, in render
'urls': self.get_avatar_urls(request, user, size),
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/djblets/avatars/services/", 
line 139, in get_avatar_urls
urls = self.get_avatar_urls_uncached(user, size)
line 35, in get_avatar_urls_uncached
for resolution in (1, 2, 3)
line 35, in 
for resolution in (1, 2, 3)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/djblets/gravatars/", 
line 69, in get_gravatar_url_for_email
raise ValueError('"email" cannot be None or empty.')
ValueError: "email" cannot be None or empty.
2018-02-01 18:30:08,069 - ERROR -  - djblets.datagrid.grids - Error when 
calling render_data for DataGrid Column 
"email" cannot be None or empty.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/djblets/datagrid/", line 
459, in render_cell
rendered_data = self.render_data(state, obj)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/reviewboard/datagrids/", 
line 140, in render_data
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/djblets/avatars/services/", 
line 198, in render
'urls': self.get_avatar_urls(request, user, size),
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/djblets/avatars/services/", 
line 139, in get_avatar_urls
urls = self.get_avatar_urls_uncached(user, size)
line 35, in get_avatar_urls_uncached
for resolution in (1, 2, 3)
line 35, in 
for resolution in (1, 2, 3)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/djblets/gravatars/", 
line 69, in get_gravatar_url_for_email
raise ValueError('"email" cannot be None or empty.')
ValueError: "email" cannot be None or empty.

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Re: Review Board Ticket #4627: Diff fragments do not load.

2018-02-01 Thread Vince Thyng
I just wanted to mention we hit this too on 3.0.2 and the patch fixed it 
for us.  Thank you!

On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 3:52:13 PM UTC-8, Christian Hammond wrote:
> To reply, visit 
> New update by chipx86 
> For Beanbag, Inc.  ▸ Review Board 
>  ▸ Ticket #4627 
> Fix pushed to release-3.0.x (e6d11ca70537c820081ce0afe58268cd781fa452).
> Status: 
> - PendingReview 
> + Fixed 

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Re: "You are not logged in (HTTP 401, API Error 103)"

2018-01-16 Thread Vince Thyng
I think this all came down to not having 'WSGIPassAuthorization On' in my 
apache config.


On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 8:56:54 AM UTC-8, Vince Thyng wrote:
> Hello Christian,
>I was hoping that would be it, but I get the same problem.  I am pretty 
> sure my apache config is the problem.  I replaced my apache customizations 
> with the /var/www/reviewboard/conf/apache-wsgi.conf file and it wrote the 
> session to the .rbtools-cookies file.  Still errored, but it was about ssl 
> which isn't included in that basic file.  So I think I am on the right 
> track.
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Vince
> On Monday, January 15, 2018 at 7:58:40 PM UTC-8, Christian Hammond wrote:
>> Hi Vince,
>> The debug log shows an immediate failure after providing a 
>> login/password, and it's not the one I'd expect if there was an issue with 
>> the credentials (you'd see "The username or password was not correct."), 
>> which makes me wonder if there's an issue with the credentials even 
>> reaching the server.
>> I've seen this happen when going through an outbound HTTP(S) proxy for a 
>> company. If the company has one set up at all, and your system is 
>> configured to go through it, then it's likely going to interfere with the 
>> requests. Just to sanity-check, can you try passing --no-proxy to RBTools 
>> in your test?
>> LDAP errors will show up as warnings/errors, without the need to enable 
>> debug logging. You should see a debug message for "Attempting to 
>> authenticate user ..."
>> If you aren't seeing anything from LDAP, then it sounds like it's not 
>> going through LDAP. Can you confirm LDAP is showing up as the auth backend 
>> in Authentication Settings?
>> Christian
>> On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 3:34 PM, Vince Thyng <> wrote:
>>> Confirmed, the domain matches exactly.
>>> We have restarted apache many times while troubleshooting this, but 
>>> tried a restart again just now.  We wanted to try `sudo python -m ipdb 
>>> $(which rb-site) manage /var/www/reviewboard runserver`, but ran 
>>> in to trouble with https not being available.
>>> Sorry, that .rbtools-cookies file post was confusing.  It shows our 
>>> production server in there as (which I can still post 
>>> to just fine even after removing the session for it from .rbtools-cookies), 
>>> and this new one that will replace it as  I think what 
>>> is noteable about my testing is that when I remove the cookies file, it is 
>>> not getting populated again, yet if I put a session in there manually that 
>>> I can see in the database, it works.
>>> Logins via webui work, while new sessions via rbt do not.
>>> We are using apache 2.4.6 without a proxy in front, on centos 7.3
>>> I think it is a pretty basic config, but I removed the 80->443 redirect 
>>> and tested again just now in case that has introduced a problem.  Still no 
>>> love.
>>>   ServerName
>>>   ## Vhost docroot
>>>   DocumentRoot "/var/www/reviewboard/"
>>>   ## Alias declarations for resources outside the DocumentRoot
>>>   Alias /static "/var/www/reviewboard/htdocs/static"
>>>   ## Directories, there should at least be a declaration for 
>>> /var/www/reviewboard/
>>> Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
>>> AllowOverride None
>>> Require all granted
>>>   ## Logging
>>>   ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/reviewboard.localserver.com_error_ssl.log"
>>>   ServerSignature Off
>>>   CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/reviewboard.localserver.com_access_ssl.log" 
>>> combined
>>>   ## SSL directives
>>>   SSLEngine on
>>>   SSLCertificateFile  "/etc/pki/tls/certs/"
>>>   SSLCertificateKeyFile   "/etc/pki/tls/private/"
>>>   SSLCertificateChainFile 
>>> "/etc/pki/tls/certs/"
>>>   SSLCACertificatePath"/etc/pki/tls/certs"
>>>   WSGIScriptAlias / "/var/www/reviewboard/htdocs/reviewboard.wsgi"
>>> Something else I have noticed is that even with reviewboard in d

Re: "You are not logged in (HTTP 401, API Error 103)"

2018-01-16 Thread Vince Thyng
Hello Christian,

   I was hoping that would be it, but I get the same problem.  I am pretty 
sure my apache config is the problem.  I replaced my apache customizations 
with the /var/www/reviewboard/conf/apache-wsgi.conf file and it wrote the 
session to the .rbtools-cookies file.  Still errored, but it was about ssl 
which isn't included in that basic file.  So I think I am on the right 

Thank you very much for your help!


On Monday, January 15, 2018 at 7:58:40 PM UTC-8, Christian Hammond wrote:
> Hi Vince,
> The debug log shows an immediate failure after providing a login/password, 
> and it's not the one I'd expect if there was an issue with the credentials 
> (you'd see "The username or password was not correct."), which makes me 
> wonder if there's an issue with the credentials even reaching the server.
> I've seen this happen when going through an outbound HTTP(S) proxy for a 
> company. If the company has one set up at all, and your system is 
> configured to go through it, then it's likely going to interfere with the 
> requests. Just to sanity-check, can you try passing --no-proxy to RBTools 
> in your test?
> LDAP errors will show up as warnings/errors, without the need to enable 
> debug logging. You should see a debug message for "Attempting to 
> authenticate user ..."
> If you aren't seeing anything from LDAP, then it sounds like it's not 
> going through LDAP. Can you confirm LDAP is showing up as the auth backend 
> in Authentication Settings?
> Christian
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 3:34 PM, Vince Thyng < 
> > wrote:
>> Confirmed, the domain matches exactly.
>> We have restarted apache many times while troubleshooting this, but tried 
>> a restart again just now.  We wanted to try `sudo python -m ipdb $(which 
>> rb-site) manage /var/www/reviewboard runserver`, but ran in to 
>> trouble with https not being available.
>> Sorry, that .rbtools-cookies file post was confusing.  It shows our 
>> production server in there as (which I can still post to 
>> just fine even after removing the session for it from .rbtools-cookies), 
>> and this new one that will replace it as  I think what 
>> is noteable about my testing is that when I remove the cookies file, it is 
>> not getting populated again, yet if I put a session in there manually that 
>> I can see in the database, it works.
>> Logins via webui work, while new sessions via rbt do not.
>> We are using apache 2.4.6 without a proxy in front, on centos 7.3
>> I think it is a pretty basic config, but I removed the 80->443 redirect 
>> and tested again just now in case that has introduced a problem.  Still no 
>> love.
>>   ServerName
>>   ## Vhost docroot
>>   DocumentRoot "/var/www/reviewboard/"
>>   ## Alias declarations for resources outside the DocumentRoot
>>   Alias /static "/var/www/reviewboard/htdocs/static"
>>   ## Directories, there should at least be a declaration for 
>> /var/www/reviewboard/
>> Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
>> AllowOverride None
>> Require all granted
>>   ## Logging
>>   ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/reviewboard.localserver.com_error_ssl.log"
>>   ServerSignature Off
>>   CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/reviewboard.localserver.com_access_ssl.log" 
>> combined
>>   ## SSL directives
>>   SSLEngine on
>>   SSLCertificateFile  "/etc/pki/tls/certs/"
>>   SSLCertificateKeyFile   "/etc/pki/tls/private/"
>>   SSLCertificateChainFile "/etc/pki/tls/certs/"
>>   SSLCACertificatePath"/etc/pki/tls/certs"
>>   WSGIScriptAlias / "/var/www/reviewboard/htdocs/reviewboard.wsgi"
>> Something else I have noticed is that even with reviewboard in debug mode 
>> (set in System Settings->Logging log level = DEBUG, I don't see anything in 
>> the reviewboard.log file except 
>> 2018-01-15 20:05:00,809 - INFO -  - root - Reloading logging settings
>> Is there a way to get it to report ldap failures there?
>> Vince
>> On Monday, January 15, 2018 at 2:59:23 PM UTC-8, Christian Hammond wrote:
>>> Hi Vince,
>>> Is Review Board configured to use the same domain in General Settings as 
>>> you have specified in .reviewboardrc? Can

Re: "You are not logged in (HTTP 401, API Error 103)"

2018-01-15 Thread Vince Thyng

Confirmed, the domain matches exactly.

We have restarted apache many times while troubleshooting this, but tried a 
restart again just now.  We wanted to try `sudo python -m ipdb $(which 
rb-site) manage /var/www/reviewboard runserver`, but ran in to 
trouble with https not being available.

Sorry, that .rbtools-cookies file post was confusing.  It shows our 
production server in there as (which I can still post to 
just fine even after removing the session for it from .rbtools-cookies), 
and this new one that will replace it as  I think what is 
noteable about my testing is that when I remove the cookies file, it is not 
getting populated again, yet if I put a session in there manually that I 
can see in the database, it works.

Logins via webui work, while new sessions via rbt do not.

We are using apache 2.4.6 without a proxy in front, on centos 7.3

I think it is a pretty basic config, but I removed the 80->443 redirect and 
tested again just now in case that has introduced a problem.  Still no love.


  ## Vhost docroot
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/reviewboard/"
  ## Alias declarations for resources outside the DocumentRoot
  Alias /static "/var/www/reviewboard/htdocs/static"

  ## Directories, there should at least be a declaration for 

Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted

  ## Logging
  ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/reviewboard.localserver.com_error_ssl.log"
  ServerSignature Off
  CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/reviewboard.localserver.com_access_ssl.log" 

  ## SSL directives
  SSLEngine on
  SSLCertificateFile  "/etc/pki/tls/certs/"
  SSLCertificateKeyFile   "/etc/pki/tls/private/"
  SSLCertificateChainFile "/etc/pki/tls/certs/"
  WSGIScriptAlias / "/var/www/reviewboard/htdocs/reviewboard.wsgi"

Something else I have noticed is that even with reviewboard in debug mode 
(set in System Settings->Logging log level = DEBUG, I don't see anything in 
the reviewboard.log file except 
2018-01-15 20:05:00,809 - INFO -  - root - Reloading logging settings
Is there a way to get it to report ldap failures there?


On Monday, January 15, 2018 at 2:59:23 PM UTC-8, Christian Hammond wrote:
> Hi Vince,
> Is Review Board configured to use the same domain in General Settings as 
> you have specified in .reviewboardrc? Can you confirm that for me, and also 
> confirm that restarting Apache doesn't fix anything? I'm wondering because 
> it sounds like the cookie is being generated for the wrong domain, which 
> would mean that upon initial authentication, you're getting a cookie and 
> then trying to use it again for the wrong server. Since the RBTools debug 
> output has been modified to mask the domain, I can't verify any of this 
> myself.
> What is your web server configuration like? Is Apache handling all 
> requests itself, or are you going through Nginx or another proxy?
> Christian
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 2:51 PM, Vince Thyng < 
> > wrote:
>> Adding to my previous post, we are seeing django_session table records 
>> getting created when the webui is used, and I wasn able to use a sessionid 
>> created there with rbt by putting it in the .rbtools-cookies file, however 
>> no session is getting created when we get these failures over rbt.  We seem 
>> to be narrowing in on the problem, but now need to understand how 
>> authentication is being handled differently via rbt / the api compared to 
>> the webui.
>> Vince
>> On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 2:59:26 PM UTC-8, Julian Mehnle wrote:
>>> Hi all, 
>>> I'm having trouble using rbt on the command line. No matter what I do, 
>>> anything that requires interaction with the Review Board server gives me a 
>>> "You are not logged in (HTTP 401, API Error 103)": 
>>> > joule:~/tmp/rbtools.orig> rbt --version 
>>> > RBTools 0.6.3 
>>> > joule:~/tmp/rbtools.orig> git log --stat master ^origin/master | more 
>>> > commit 86dc0ab71c20a599c33efa7ea694c12281fe8ef6 
>>> > Author: Julian Mehnle <> 
>>> > Date:   Tue Jan 6 22:45:19 2015 + 
>>> > 
>>> > When raising CommandError, include lower-level exception. 
>>> > 
>>> >  rbtools/commands/ | 2 +- 
>>> >  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) 
>>> > joule:~/tmp/rbtools.orig> rbt post --debug -g 

Re: "You are not logged in (HTTP 401, API Error 103)"

2018-01-15 Thread Vince Thyng
Adding to my previous post, we are seeing django_session table records 
getting created when the webui is used, and I wasn able to use a sessionid 
created there with rbt by putting it in the .rbtools-cookies file, however 
no session is getting created when we get these failures over rbt.  We seem 
to be narrowing in on the problem, but now need to understand how 
authentication is being handled differently via rbt / the api compared to 
the webui.


On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 2:59:26 PM UTC-8, Julian Mehnle wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I'm having trouble using rbt on the command line. No matter what I do, 
> anything that requires interaction with the Review Board server gives me a 
> "You are not logged in (HTTP 401, API Error 103)": 
> > joule:~/tmp/rbtools.orig> rbt --version 
> > RBTools 0.6.3 
> > joule:~/tmp/rbtools.orig> git log --stat master ^origin/master | more 
> > commit 86dc0ab71c20a599c33efa7ea694c12281fe8ef6 
> > Author: Julian Mehnle  
> > Date:   Tue Jan 6 22:45:19 2015 + 
> > 
> > When raising CommandError, include lower-level exception. 
> > 
> >  rbtools/commands/ | 2 +- 
> >  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) 
> > joule:~/tmp/rbtools.orig> rbt post --debug -g 
> > >>> RBTools 0.6.3 
> > >>> Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 15:13:49) 
> > [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.56)] 
> > >>> Running on Darwin-14.0.0-x86_64-i386-64bit 
> > >>> Home = /Users/julian 
> > >>> Current directory = /Users/julian/tmp/rbtools.orig 
> > >>> Checking for a Subversion repository... 
> > >>> Running: svn info --non-interactive 
> > >>> Command exited with rc 1: ['svn', 'info', '--non-interactive'] 
> > svn: E155007: '/Users/julian/tmp/rbtools.orig' is not a working copy 
> > --- 
> > >>> Checking for a Git repository... 
> > >>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir 
> > >>> Running: git config core.bare 
> > >>> Running: git rev-parse --show-toplevel 
> > >>> Running: git symbolic-ref -q HEAD 
> > >>> Running: git config --get branch.master.merge 
> > >>> Running: git config --get branch.master.remote 
> > >>> Running: git config --get remote.origin.url 
> > >>> repository info: Path: git://, 
> Base path: , Supports changesets: False 
> > >>> Making HTTP GET request to 
> > >>> Running: git rev-parse refs/heads/master 
> > >>> Running: git merge-base 86dc0ab71c20a599c33efa7ea694c12281fe8ef6 
> origin/master 
> > >>> Running: git rev-parse bcb7629c0be773b6f347a5006224825b8726c479 
> > >>> Running: git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no 
> > >>> Running: git diff --no-color --full-index --ignore-submodules 
> bcb7629c0be773b6f347a5006224825b8726c479..86dc0ab71c20a599c33efa7ea694c12281fe8ef6
> -M --no-ext-diff 
> > >>> Running: git log --reverse --pretty=format:%s%n%n%b 
> ^bcb7629c0be773b6f347a5006224825b8726c479 
> 86dc0ab71c20a599c33efa7ea694c12281fe8ef6 
> > >>> Making HTTP GET request to 
> > >>> Making HTTP POST request to 
> > >>> Got API Error 103 (HTTP code 401): You are not logged in 
> > >>> Error data: {u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'You are not logged 
> in', u'code': 103}} 
> > Traceback (most recent call last): 
> >   File "/usr/local/bin/rbt", line 9, in  
> > load_entry_point('RBTools==0.6.3', 'console_scripts', 'rbt')() 
> >   File 
> "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/RBTools-0.6.3-py2.7.egg/rbtools/commands/",
> line 134, in main 
> > command.run_from_argv([RB_MAIN, command_name] + args) 
> >   File 
> "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/RBTools-0.6.3-py2.7.egg/rbtools/commands/",
> line 416, in run_from_argv 
> > exit_code = self.main(*args) or 0 
> >   File 
> "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/RBTools-0.6.3-py2.7.egg/rbtools/commands/",
> line 791, in main 
> > submit_as=self.options.submit_as) 
> >   File 
> "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/RBTools-0.6.3-py2.7.egg/rbtools/commands/",
> line 507, in post_request 
> > raise CommandError("Error creating review request: %s" % e) 
> > rbtools.commands.CommandError: Error creating review request: You are 
> not logged in (HTTP 401, API Error 103) 
> I've tried removing ~/.rbtools-cookies, as well as specifying --username 
> and --password on the command line, to no avail. I've tried both posting to 
> and my company's internal Review Board 
> server (running RB 1.7.19. I'm running Python 2.7.9 on Mac OS X 10.10.1. 
> I'm not sure what triggered this. How should I go about debugging this? 
> -Julian 

Supercharge your Review Board with Power 

Re: "You are not logged in (HTTP 401, API Error 103)"

2018-01-15 Thread Vince Thyng
We are having this same issue on a new server I bought up to migrate data 
to.  Here is a log of me removing the .rbtools-cookies file, showing the 
failure upon entering credentials, no .rbtools-cookies file is created, 
putting the file back, and it works.  I had this problem until today when I 
added 'import pdb; pdb.set_trace()' to the rbtools/api/ file 
in make_request().  It still failed at first and then stepping through one 
time worked.  This only fixed the problem for my account though.  My 
co-worker helping me test it is still failing.  I suspect rbt is failing to 
get a rbsessionid to set.  I tried reproducing my success by moving the 
.rbtools-cookies file away and now it just creates an empty file when I 
attempt another rbt post.  So I still need help here.

13:25 $ mv ~/.rbtools-cookies ~/shared/
(python27) ✔ ~/w/netboot [rb2 L|✔] 
13:32 $ rbt post -u --debug
>>> RBTools 0.7.10
>>> Python 2.7.12 (default, Nov 19 2016, 06:48:10) 
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609]
>>> Running on Linux-4.10.0-37-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-16.04-xenial
>>> Home = /home/vthyng
>>> Current directory = /home/vthyng/w/netboot
>>> Command line: rbt post -u --debug
>>> Running: tf vc help
>>> Checking for a Subversion repository...
>>> Unable to execute "svn help": skipping SVN
>>> Checking for a Git repository...
>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir
>>> Running: git config core.bare
>>> Running: git rev-parse --show-toplevel
>>> Running: git symbolic-ref -q HEAD
>>> Running: git config --get branch.rb2.merge
>>> Command exited with rc 1: ['git', 'config', '--get', 
>>> Running: git config --get branch.rb2.remote
>>> Command exited with rc 1: ['git', 'config', '--get', 
>>> Running: git config --get remote.origin.url
>>> repository info: Path:, 
Base path: , Supports changesets: False
>>> Making HTTP GET request to

Please log in to the Review Board server at
Username: vthyng
>>> Got API Error 103 (HTTP code 401): You are not logged in
>>> Error data: {u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'You are not logged 
in', u'code': 103}}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/vthyng/e/python27/bin/rbt", line 11, in 
line 133, in main
command.run_from_argv([RB_MAIN, command_name] + args)
line 663, in run_from_argv
exit_code = self.main(*args) or 0
line 701, in main
api_client, api_root = self.get_api(server_url)
line 850, in get_api
raise CommandError('Unexpected API Error: %s' % e)
rbtools.commands.CommandError: Unexpected API Error: You are not logged in 
(HTTP 401, API Error 103)
(python27) ✘-1 ~/w/netboot [rb2 L|✔] 
13:32 $ cat ~/.rbtools-cookies 
(python27) ✔ ~/w/netboot [rb2 L|✔] 
(python27) ✘-1 ~/w/netboot [rb2 L|✔] 
13:33 $ mv ~/shared/.rbtools-cookies ~/
(python27) ✔ ~/w/netboot [rb2 L|✔] 
13:33 $ rbt post -u --debug
>>> RBTools 0.7.10
>>> Python 2.7.12 (default, Nov 19 2016, 06:48:10) 
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609]
>>> Running on Linux-4.10.0-37-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-16.04-xenial
>>> Home = /home/vthyng
>>> Current directory = /home/vthyng/w/netboot
>>> Command line: rbt post -u --debug
>>> Running: tf vc help
>>> Checking for a Subversion repository...
>>> Unable to execute "svn help": skipping SVN
>>> Checking for a Git repository...
>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir
>>> Running: git config core.bare
>>> Running: git rev-parse --show-toplevel
>>> Running: git symbolic-ref -q HEAD
>>> Running: git config --get branch.rb2.merge
>>> Command exited with rc 1: ['git', 'config', '--get', 
>>> Running: git config --get branch.rb2.remote
>>> Command exited with rc 1: ['git', 'config', '--get', 
>>> Running: git config --get remote.origin.url
>>> repository info: Path:, 
Base path: , Supports changesets: False
>>> Making HTTP GET request to
>>> Running: git rev-parse refs/heads/rb2
>>> Running: git merge-base 67f0abe6e9dd0c332543b9dd6714ceb807169d2b 
>>> Running: git rev-parse 587b8912f63c47969c8b0ad9150c963427802925
>>> Running: git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no 
>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir
>>> Running: git version
>>> Running: git -c core.quotepath=false -c diff.noprefix=false diff 
--no-color --full-index --ignore-submodules -M --no-ext-diff 

MySQL/MariaDB utf8mb4

2017-10-18 Thread Vince Thyng
Is anyone using utf8mb4?  We are looking at moving from latin1 to utf8.  
This article makes the case for using it over 
utf8, and am hoping someone in 
the community already has experience with it.  I figure we will need to 
look at the size of every text field to be sure that losing 25% of the max 
will not cut off any data, or else increase the size before switching to 



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