Re: Review Board Ticket #4450: ReviewRequest.last_review_activity_timestamp should be exposed in the API

2016-08-15 Thread Christian Hammond
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New update by samsun387
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board > Ticket #4450


This is intentional. It's not the creation of the issue that updates 
`last_updated` (which `?last-updated-from=` queries). It's the publishing of 
the review. We update the timestamp when something fundamental happens on the 
review request, like a new draft of the review request is published or a new 
review/reply is published. This timestamp impacts the order in which review 
requests are shown in the dashboard (assuming you're sorting by Last Updated, 
which is the default). A review request jumping to the top of the dashboard is 
an indicator that there's something new there perhaps worth looking at, and 
changing issue statuses doesn't fall into that category (as it's primarily 
useful for the owner of the review request, not other reviewers).

Toggling the issue status of a comment does impact another field on the 
model, `last_review_activity_timestamp`. This value, unfortunately, is not 
exposed in the API, and is worth adding (along with a 
`?last-review-activity-from=`). I'd take a patch to add that, and it'd probably 
be only about 3 or 4 lines of code in 
`reviewboard/webapi/resources/` plus a couple of unit tests.

- New
+ Confirmed

- Type:Defect
+ Component:API
+ Component:Reviews
+ EasyFix
+ Type:Enhancement

- Fixed issue / Drop issue doesn't update the last_updated_from in Review 
+ ReviewRequest.last_review_activity_timestamp should be exposed in the API

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Review Board Ticket #4450: Fixed issue / Drop issue doesn't update the last_updated_from in Review Request

2016-08-15 Thread Kevin Yu
To reply, visit

New ticket #4450 by samsun387
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board

Status: New
Tags: Priority:Medium, Type:Defect

Fixed issue / Drop issue doesn't update the last_updated_from in Review Request

# What version are you running?

# What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create a review request
2. Create an issue in the review request
3. Check the last_updated_from field. Note that it's updated
4. Wait for at least one minute or longer, then fix the issue or drop the issue.
5. Note that the last_updated_from is not updated

# What is the expected output? What do you see instead
In Step 5, last_updated_from should be updated when an issue is closed or 
dropped. Otherwise it seems contradicting as the last_updated_from is updated 
when the issue is created

# What operating system are you using? What browser?
Linux, Chrome

# Please provide any additional information below.
I'm doing some integration with Reviewboard. Basically I have a script which 
uses python API to fetch any review request with last-updated-from within 24 
hours. If the review is approved, then trigger something.

With this ticket i'm reporting, It's causing some review requests slipping 
through the cracks. Let's say everyone approves the review request 5 days ago, 
with an open issue. In this case, the last-updated-from would be 5 days ago, 
but it's not approved due to the open issue. Then someone drops the issue 
today. Now the request.approved becomes True, but last-updated-from is still 5 
days ago.


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Re: Review Board Ticket #4038: Getting ascii-codec-cant-decode-byte- ... on diff viewer and also on GitLab repository config

2016-08-15 Thread Marcus Jacobsson
To reply, visit

New update by bishupaulose
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board > Ticket #4038


It looks like we have the same problem when we upgraded our host from 
Ubuntu 10.10 to 16.04. It looks like there is an encoding/decoding issue when 
base64 encoding the key string and it's only seend when running using Python 
We are kind of blocked from upgrading our host until we've found a fix for 
this bug.

The error message we get is this
" 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xaa in position 0: ordinal not in 
range(128) "

our GITLAB config
Hosting Service: GitLab
Repository type: Git
Repository Plan Group

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