Re: Riak doesn't start anymore after server crash - no errors logged

2015-11-20 Thread Charlie Voiselle
Another thing that I have seen cause riak_kv to stall like this is LevelDB 
corruption preventing vnodes from starting properly.  I use this command to 
look for LOG files with the word error in them.  It is also worth checking the 
anti_entropy levelDB LOG files as well.

find . -name "LOG" -exec grep -l -i 'error' {} \;


> On Nov 11, 2015, at 7:05 PM, Steven Sylvester  wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> One thing that stands out in what you pasted is the following line:
> 2015-11-09 11:31:45.263 [info] <0.73.0> alarm_handler: 
> {set,{{disk_almost_full,"/"},[]}}
> Check the output of `df` and add nodes/disk as necessary to keep your disk 
> usage at a manageable level. Our docs recommend keeping disk use below 60%:
> Disk capacity issues can sneak up on you due to some backend operations that 
> require a lot of space all at once, such as Bitcask merging or AAE. *Bad 
> things* tend to happen to a Riak cluster with full disks, including data 
> loss/corruption.
> Other than that, are there any changes that have been made to the environment 
> lately? Have you performed any upgrades recently?
> Check the output of `ps aux` and kill any processes related to Riak, such as 
> any instances of `beam.smp` before attempting to start the node again.
> If the node won't start after these troubleshooting steps, run `riak console` 
>  which will attempt to start the node and put you into an Erlang attach 
> shell. Monitor the messages that are printed to stdout and if/when it seems 
> to hang, paste the output of the whole thing here and we can take a look.
> -- 
> Steven Sylvester, CISSP
> Client Services Engineer
> Basho Technologies
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Riak Recap - November 20, 2015

2015-11-20 Thread Dorothy Pults
Recap for Friday, November 20

Riak Recap time. Here are some of the conversations since the last recap.

* We enjoyed seeing many of you at RICON 2015. The Videos of the
presentations are now available [1]

## Recently Answered
* Luke describes how to hook cuttlefish into an application and make the
app cuttlefish aware [2] [3] Drew then revived the thread to ask about
making his application aware of the .conf file and properly parse it into
an app.config [4]
* Shino was looking for an example of a working meck:expect for
riakc_pb_socket:get/3 [5]
* Dmitri answered a question on search with counters [6]
* Russell was looking for examples of open source apps and products using
Riak DT (datatypes). Examples were provided by Chris and Carlos [7]  [8]
* There is a continuing thread helping Dennis with Riak Data Types (CRDTs)
* Magnus answered a question about running Riak KV and Riak S2 [10]
* Steven offered several suggestions on what to look for should Riak not
start after a server crash and no errors are logged [11]
* Where to place merge_window using multi-backend in app.config was
answered by Luke [12]
* Luke also answered a feature request for bucket type APIs in Riak Java
client [13]
* Kaz helped troubleshoot Riak S2 (CS), and Stanchion [14] [15]
* Dmitri and Shino answered questions about migrating objects between S3
and Riak S2 (CS) [16]
* Alex gave some insights on how RiakCommand:execute method works.  [17]
* Magnus explained how the Solr query feature can be used to obtain the
number of indexed objects [18]
* Damien and Dmitri offered suggestions on troubleshooting when objects are
invalid and don't index with Solr (JSON)  [19]
* Magnus helped a new user with searching data in a Riak bucket using
secondary indexes [20]

##Open Discussions
* There’s a question about whether you can set the returnbody bucket
property to false [21]
* There’s a new question about how to search using secondary indexes with
PBCclient [22]
* There’s a question about practical limits for bucket number and Solr
indexes [23]
* Ricardo is doing some performance testing with Riak KV and is looking for
some guidance 24]

## Weekend Reads
* Russell wrote part 2 of a 3 part technical blog, going into detail about
Dotted Version Vectors and the sibling explosion issue that is well worth a
read. [25]
* Shailesh Mangal, CTO & VP of Engineering at Zephyr, explains his process
for evaluating databases and how Riak KV is performing in production. Check
out this short blog and video. [26]

## Informational
* Matt Brender has moved on to a new roll. With support from the Basho
team, I will be sending the Recap.

Thank you for being part of the conversations.

Have a great weekend,
Dorothy Pults
Basho Technologies


























Is using the same search index on all CRDT buckets a good idea?

2015-11-20 Thread Weixi Yen

I have a question about Riak 2.0+ Search best practices.

A) I'm wondering if using the same search index on all my CRDT bucket types
and then filtering by bucket name is a good idea.

B) Or should I be creating different indexes for each bucket if my primary
goal is to search by bucket.

Are there potentially huge performance issues when going with Option A?

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