Re: rietveld refinement

2004-11-21 Thread Nicholas Armstrong
With regards to size/shape/distribution analysis of  line profiles, the papers 
by Armstrong et al. (2004a,b,c) discusses a Bayesian/Maximum Entropy method, 
that determines these quantities from the line profile data. This can also 
resolve  bimodal distributions from  line profile data.

This method  tests models for shape/size distribution and modal properties 
using Bayesian analysis. The maximum entropy components is a generalisation of 
the approach presented in A. Le Bail and D. Lou?r. J. Appl. Cryst. (1978). 11, 
50-55. It preserves the positivity of the distribution, determines the most 
probable distribution give the line profile data, instrument profile and 
statistical noise.

Recent publications can be found at the following:;
Armstrong et al (2004b) chapt.8, in "Diffraction analysis of the microstructure 
of materials", Springer-Verlag, pp.187--227; 
WA5 Armstrong et al. (2004c),


Dr Nicholas Armstrong
Department of Applied Physics
University of Technology Sydney
PO Box 123 
Broadway NSW 2007

Ph: (+61-2) 9514-2203
Fax: (+61-2) 9514-2219

- Original Message -
From: Armel Le Bail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, November 21, 2004 11:10 pm

> It is also true that no development has been done for anisotropy. 
> Not yet!
> Well, if all previous works about trying to take account of 
> size/strainanisotropy in the Rietveld method are nothing yet, this 
> allows to
> close the discussion. Let us wait for really serious developments to
> come.
> Armel

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Re: rietveld refinement

2004-11-21 Thread Whitfield, Pamela
Title: RE: rietveld refinement

I'm afraid that you got the wrong end of the stick -I wasn't talking about the application of peak broadening to size distribution, I was commenting that determining crystallite shape is perfectly possible (some comments were flying that said otherwise), and I've done it myself.  For that purpose a sample approaching monodisperse is helpful.  It would be a bit pointless trying to determine the size distribution of a monodisperse sample !! :-)

I did send an email that I think only went to Armel by mistake making this clearer.  I was having a slow morning! :-)


-Original Message-
From: Nicolae Popa
Sent: 11/21/2004 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: rietveld refinement


 Doesn't help with a size distribution, as it only works well for a
relatively monodisperse material - but it does work under some
I disagree, it works also for large dispersion. One example you can find
in JAC (2002) 35, 338-346, "Sample 2". It is true that the specific peak
profile (that can be "superlorentzian") can not be found in no available
Rietveld code. It is also true that no development has been done for
anisotropy. Not yet!
Best wishes,
Nicolae Popa

Re: rietveld refinement

2004-11-21 Thread Armel Le Bail
It is also true that no development has been done for anisotropy. Not yet!
Well, if all previous works about trying to take account of size/strain
anisotropy in the Rietveld method are nothing yet, this allows to
close the discussion. Let us wait for really serious developments to

Re: rietveld refinement

2004-11-21 Thread Nicolae Popa
Title: RE: rietveld refinement


   Doesn't help with a size 
  distribution, as it only works well for a relatively monodisperse material - 
  but it does work under some circumstances.
  I disagree, it works also 
  for large dispersion. One example you can find in JAC (2002) 35, 338-346, 
  "Sample 2". It is true that the specific peak profile (that can be 
  "superlorentzian") can not be found in no available Rietveld code. It is also 
  true that no development has been done for anisotropy. Not 
  Best wishes,

Re: rietveld refinement

2004-11-21 Thread Nicolae Popa

> So I cannot let say that "Significantly different "physical"
> size distributions could describe equally well the peak profile".
> This is confusing. You may say that : significantly different
> crystallite shapes could describe equally well the peak profile
> in cubic symmetry. I am not sure that this sentence is
> valuable equally for other symmetries when looking at all

Sorry, it seems me that rather your sentence is confusing, not mine.

In the example with CeO2 the crystallites are quite spherical
(one shape) even seen by microscope. But two significantly different
distributions of the
sphere radius (6a1, 6a2) (lognormal & gamma, respectively) given quite the
same column length distribution
(6b1, 6b2) and practically the same peak profile. It is no matter here of
different crystallite shapes because the shape is unique (sphere). And also
the cubic symmetry has no relevance, this should happen for any symmetry (I
mean not an unique solution for the sphere radius distribution).
(By the way, the sample of CeO2 in discussion is just the sample used in the
round-robin paper that you co-authored; in this last paper we used only the
lognormal distribution, but doesn't mean that this is the unique solution
from powder diffraction).

Concerning the different crystallite shapes, this is another storry. I said
that even if the cristallites are not spherical, it is not obligatory to
observe an anisotropic size broadening effect. Not spherical crystallites is
only the necessary condition for size anisotropy effect, but not sufficient.
The anisotropic size broadening effect is observable only if the non
spherical shape is preferentially orientated with respect to the crystal
axes (don't confuse with the texture). It is the case of your nickel
hydroxyde in which the plate-like normal is preferentially oriented along
the hexagonal c axis. But, if the not spherical crystallite shapes are
randomly oriented with respect to the crystal axes (which is possible) the
size broadening effect is isotropic and, only from powder diffraction, we
can conclude erroneously that the crystallites are spherical.
On the other hand, if the anisotropy is observed, the crystallite shape (and
the distributions of specific radii) can not be uniquely determined only
from powder diffraction. What we can determine is an apparent shape (and
column lengths averages). Has any sense, in this case, to search for so
called "physical models", or we have to be content with "phenomenological"
findings (so much blamed, at least implicitely)? It is only a question,
valid also for the strain effect.

> So, let us have more fun with a size strain round robin on some
> complex sample  (or even a size-only round robin not on a
> cubic compound ;-).

I agree entirely.

Best wishes,
Nicolae Popa