[RDD] USB sound card issues

2015-02-20 Thread Jim Stewart
So I just tried doing the second ALSA device on that old laptop, and it worked! 
 I tried it both with and without jackd and it worked both ways.  The funny 
part is that as a test I configured the main log to play through jack to the 
first ALSA device, Aux 1 to play out of second ALSA device direct, then Aux 2 
to play out of the first ALSA device direct (bypassing Jack) and all three 
played at the same time!  I guess Jack does not lock out it's ALSA device.

One thing I DID have to do to get it to work:  Perhaps because I did all this 
with the root login, but rdalsaconfig built the file /etc/asound.conf, which 
rivendell didn't see, but then when I sim-linked it (ln -s /etc/asound.conf 
.asound.conf) to .asound.conf in my home directory and restarted the rivendell 
daemons, it only then worked.

BTW, this "old laptop" is really old! it's an old 1.2 Ghz P3, and it seems to 
run Rivendell just fine.  All three logs played, and sequed perfectly at the 
same time.  Rivendell was otherwise a bit sluggish, but very usable.  Note I 
don't have a very big library on this machine (unlike unlike our real radio 
station with thousands of entries).  I DID get my Raspberry Pi 2, so maybe it 
is worth compiling Rivendell for it and see how it does, as I'm sure a quad 
core, overclock 1 Ghz Arm should be able to outperform this old laptop, even if 
Xorg isn't accelerated on it. 

Fun Stuff
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] USB sound card issues

2015-02-20 Thread John Anderson
Ive have about 4 cards running in a test system, for the most part, I
don't run jack

On Fri, 2015-02-20 at 21:28 +, Jim Stewart wrote:
> I have an old laptop as the only computer that happens to have
> Rivendell installed (just a test system) without jackd running.  I'll
> try adding a USB sound device to it and see if I can get it to show up
> as a usable choice in Rivendell.  Does anyone actually have multiple
> ALSA devices running in Rivendell (either with or without Jackd)? 

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] USB sound card issues

2015-02-20 Thread Jim Stewart

I also don't have any trouble with USB sound card (I use a Presonus Audiobox 
1818VSL).  I also use Jack Audio.  The thing about Jack audio is that you can 
normally use just one card with it because it demands that all the clocks are 
kept locked together, which then allows all sorts of nice things like mixing 
streams together.  That said you can dump other devices into Jackd using 
resamplers ("alsa_in" and "alsa_out"), but with an overhead and performance 

So my question is that, when I use Jack, I can't seem to add any other sound 
device to Rivendell.  For example, it would be nice to use the computer's built 
in sound device as a "cue" output and I don't care if it is part of jackd or 
not.The device shows up in ALSA just fine (it is device #2, as device #0 is 
a Loopback, and device #1 is the AudioBox 1818VSL), yet rdadmin on that host 
can't find it anywhere.

I have an old laptop as the only computer that happens to have Rivendell 
installed (just a test system) without jackd running.  I'll try adding a USB 
sound device to it and see if I can get it to show up as a usable choice in 
Rivendell.  Does anyone actually have multiple ALSA devices running in 
Rivendell (either with or without Jackd)?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] USB sound card issues

2015-02-20 Thread John Anderson
overall, it seems like you are doing everything right... I use USB all
the time, I just plug it in, and it shows up...unplug it, it goes
away... I an not sure what version you are using...

IS your computer bios set up to allow/detect USB...(some have options
that need to be turned on and off)  If you plug anything into the
computer (flash drive, etc.) do they show up?

Is the USB the only sound device?, is there on-board audio, (if there
is, turn that on, and see if it helps)

as far as the 1010, wouldn't hurt, as you get a bunch of in's and outs,
that remain static...(although at that point, you will want to remove
the on-board and other audio cards if you really don't need them)...

On Fri, 2015-02-20 at 14:08 +, Jim Hartranft wrote:
> Shows up in qjackctl, but not in 
> RDAdmin, under hosts.  Would it be 
> easier just to get a Delta 1010 
> and be done with it? The USB sound 
> card seems to be nothing but 
> problems maybe.
> ___
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] USB sound card issues

2015-02-20 Thread Jim Hartranft
Shows up in qjackctl, but not in 
RDAdmin, under hosts.  Would it be 
easier just to get a Delta 1010 
and be done with it? The USB sound 
card seems to be nothing but 
problems maybe.

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