Re: [Rosegarden-user] Lost instrument settings

2017-07-18 Thread Ted Felix

On 07/18/2017 07:32 PM, chuck elliot wrote:

That has turned up some interesting findings:


under v16.02 selecting [no port] for the relevant M3 bank
does not send any PCs and nor does switching it back to
the midi port. I see only ALSA ports being subscribed etc.
(filtering other midi messages)

  OK.  This is to be expected.  That feature was added later.

This version send PCs whenever a new segment is encountered
during playback too.
It is presumably sending PCs on load too so that my M3 is set
up to start with.

  That behavior was causing problems for some users.  But it makes 
sense that it was working for you since the channel setup at load wasn't 
working with the M3.

under v17.12, selecting [no port] for the M3 bank sends out a
complete set of PCs for the M3 which sets up the M3 nicely!
such that when it is reconnected to midi it plays all the
correct instruments (but reconnecting does not send PCs).

  Good to hear.  This means we are sending the right stuff at some 
point and the M3 is getting it.  That reduces the mystery.

This version does not send PCs on play it seems.

  It does not.  That change was made in r14644.  The PCs on play 
behavior in 16.02 was causing problems for some users, so it was 
removed.  What is confusing is that I thought that I had at least 
implemented sending PCs for playback from time zero.  Apparently I 
didn't.  So, one must rely on having everything plugged in and ready to 
go at load time to ensure a proper setup.  That seems a bit cumbersome.

  Sending channel setups (which is what we call this internally) at 
playback from time zero would work.  We might also add a menu item "Send 
Channel Setups" or something similar to let you manually get your synths 
in sync with the composition at any time.  Just in case power goes out 
or something gets unplugged at the wrong time.

The one thing that is not clear to me at this point is why
the 'send PC on load' in this version is succeeding with the
M1 but not with the M3 ???

  That's the real mystery.  We must be sending something that the M3 
doesn't like in the load case.  It wouldn't surprise me at all.  The 
question is: what?

  I think the test to run would be as follows...  First, do the port 
switch and connect to kmidimon to see what's going out.  Keep a record 
of this.  I think you can save it from kmidimon maybe.  Then modify the 
.rg file to connect the M3 to kmidimon's port.  Save and reload and it 
should show you what it is sending out on load.  I can actually do this 
test myself since it only requires the .rg file and kmidimon.

I note what Michael has said about sending BS/PCs and upsetting
hardware configurations but it seems pointless to me to have
instrument settings in a sequencer if you cannot use them to
configure your whole setup centrally.

  That's the idea.  We send them at load anyway, so the assumption is 
that we are taking control.  By unchecking the checkboxes next to bank 
and program, you can configure individual channels to not send BS/PCs at 
all.  So, if you want to let the instruments have control, you can.

For those that don't want or need RG to
configure their hardware an appropriate send filter ought to
be able to cater for that no?

  Just uncheck bank and program in the Instrument Parameters box.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Lost instrument settings

2017-07-18 Thread chuck elliot via Rosegarden-user
That has turned up some interesting findings:

under v16.02 selecting [no port] for the relevant M3 bank
does not send any PCs and nor does switching it back to 
the midi port. I see only ALSA ports being subscribed etc.
(filtering other midi messages)
This version send PCs whenever a new segment is encountered
during playback too.
It is presumably sending PCs on load too so that my M3 is set
up to start with.

under v17.12, selecting [no port] for the M3 bank sends out a
complete set of PCs for the M3 which sets up the M3 nicely!
such that when it is reconnected to midi it plays all the
correct instruments (but reconnecting does not send PCs).
This version does not send PCs on play it seems. 
The one thing that is not clear to me at this point is why
the 'send PC on load' in this version is succeeding with the
M1 but not with the M3 ???

I note what Michael has said about sending BS/PCs and upsetting
hardware configurations but it seems pointless to me to have 
instrument settings in a sequencer if you cannot use them to
configure your whole setup centrally. I don't want to have to
manually configure each hardware device for voice every time I
load a composition. For those that don't want or need RG to
configure their hardware an appropriate send filter ought to
be able to cater for that no?


On Tue, 2017-07-18 at 10:58 -0400, Ted Felix wrote:
> On 07/18/2017 05:36 AM, chuck elliot wrote:
> > It seems that BS/PCs are sent out on load (v17.12) and my M1 responds to
> > these correctly but for some reason the M3 doesn't receive them.
> > 
> > I haven't been able to confirm this using kmidimon because loading
> > a file resets the internal connections and disconnects kmidimon.
> > 
> > Is there a way to load a file without resetting connectiions?
>No.  However, you can resend the channel setups (BS/PCs) by changing 
> the port for the M3 and changing it back.  You might be able to do this 
> after you've got kmidimon hooked up and see if it works and what it is 
> sending.  Or you could switch to kmidimon, then switch to the M3 under 
> the assumption that the same things will go out (which is probably a 
> good assumption).  If everything looks good and the M3 doesn't respond, 
> then something we're sending is confusing the M3, or the M3 isn't 
> responding to PCs.
>Studio > Manage MIDI Devices.  Select the M3-EDS (I assume) in MIDI 
> Playback.  Change the port to [No Port] and back to the proper 
> interface.  At that moment (or very soon after), a set of BS/PCs should 
> go out.
>I did some light digging and only noticed two changes related to 
> CCs/BS/PCs between 16.02 and 16.06.  Neither of them mentioned taking 
> away sending of BS/PCs at playback.  Looks like I need to bisect.
> Ted.

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