Re: [rspec-users] RSpec with devise test helpers

2013-10-22 Thread Zach Dennis
Can you provide a gist of your spec helper, controller spec, and controller

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Paul Ols wrote:

 I've set my Rails (engine) project to include devise and other tools
 like FactoryGirl.
 I'd like to write some tests with contexts around anon/authenticated

 In my spec_helper.rb's RSpec.configure block, I have this:

 config.include Devise::TestHelpers, type: :controller

 Which gives me this, when running rspec:

   1) PropertiesController GET 'index' returns http success
  Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
no implicit conversion of nil into Hash
 `block in warden'

 Without the TestHelpers module included, the specs run (obviously none
 of them have devise logic in them just yet).

 Any ideas what's causing this error and how I can resolve it?


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Re: [rspec-users] Preferred way to predict behavior in controller spec?

2012-05-04 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Patrick J. Collins wrote:
 So, I have an action like this:

  def destroy
    if purchase.user == current_user  purchase.refund
      redirect_to purchase
      flash[:error] = t(purchases.refund.failure)
      render :show

 ...  I wanted a controller test to verify the following:

  1.  It's the correct user
  2.  The refund was successful
  3.  User is redirected


 Initially, I thought this would go something like this:

  describe #destroy do
    let(:purchase) { create_purchase }

    it refunds the buyer do
      subject.stubs(:current_user).returns purchase.user
      purchase.stubs(:refund).returns true
      put :destroy, { :id = }
      response.should be_redirect


 Obviously, that is not cool because purchase.stubs(:refund) will not be the
 right object in the context of the controller..  So since my controller 
 is actually doing the following:

  def destroy
    if purchase.user # etc...


  def purchase
    @purchase ||= Purchase.find(params[:id])

 I could do:


 ..  However, now that kind of defeats the purpose of put :destroy, { :id = }...

 So I didn't really like that-- I am no longer verifying it's the right record,
 so maybe the things I wanted to test were actually:

  1.  It finds the purchase
  2.  It's the correct user
  3.  The refund was successful
  4.  User is redirected


 So I ended up making my test do:

  describe #destroy do
    let(:purchase) { create_purchase }

    def do_destroy
      put :destroy, { :id = }

    it refunds the buyer do
      subject.stubs(:current_user).returns purchase.user
      Purchase.any_instance.stubs(:refund).returns true
      response.should be_redirect
      subject.stubs(:current_user).returns purchase.user
      Purchase.any_instance.stubs(:refund).returns true

      response.should redirect_to purchase.offer

    it does not refund the buyer when it fails do
      subject.stubs(:current_user).returns purchase.user
      Purchase.any_instance.stubs(:refund).returns false

      put :destroy, :id =
      response.should_not be_redirect

    it does not refund the buyer when it's the wrong user do
      subject.stubs(:current_user).returns create_user

      response.should_not be_redirect

 But then I heard the voice of an old friend in my head, saying (with a long
 trailing echo) any_instance is terrible practice.. never use it!

 So I am curious if anyone has suggestions on how this might be improved?

Instead of any_instance you could stub the interaction with
Purchase.find in your spec:

Purchase.stubs(:find).with( purchase



 Thank you.

 Patrick J. Collins
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Re: [rspec-users] Simple code dosn't work

2012-04-11 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Alex Chaffee wrote:
 j.even?should be true

 j.even?.should be true

 j.even?.should be_true

 Not to ignite a flame war, but this is my biggest problem with RSpec: Unless
 you're an expert at Ruby syntax already, it's really easy to make
 punctuation mistakes.

If you make syntax errors then you won't get to far with
insert-language-here. While it is possible to make syntax errors
with RSpec it's also possible to make them outside of RSpec.

Your experience may be different than mine, but I don't recall making
more typos in RSpec because of its syntax as opposed to making typos
in a variety of languages (irregardless of if its a testing
framework). But it's entirely possible that my memory is rewriting

 And of course, it should be

 j.should be_even

 (though following Skitt's Law, I probably got that wrong)

  - A

 P.S. In Wrong, it's

 assert { j.even? }

Yep, that's another way of doing it. It's not this little guy that
keeps me from test/unit, it's its cousins.


 Alex Chaffee -

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[rspec-users] [OT] Using Git / Pivotal Tracker? Want improved open source tooling around the two?

2012-04-02 Thread Zach Dennis
We're taking a survey for Git / Pivotal Tracker integration related to
open source tooling. There's been a certain pain point in the tools
that are out there or that lack integration (or flexibility to easily
add integration). If you're using both would you be kind enough to
check out this survey?


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Re: [rspec-users] Asserting on a yield

2012-03-17 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Justin Ko wrote:

 On Mar 17, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Myron Marston wrote:

 I've been thinking about this a bit ever since Zach Dennis brought up
 the issue on another rspec-expectations ticket [1]. I've come up with
 a proof-of-concept matcher that works pretty well, I think [2].
 Here's how you use it:

 expect { |b| 3.tap(b) }.to yield_value(3)

Thanks for thinking about this some more. I don't think this will work
but I've commented on the Gist with a couple examples which help help
narrow in the implementation. St. Patty's night can be rough on the
mind so I'm not going to pretend that I can code right now.

I'll follow up tomorrow if someone doesn't beat me to it!


 The argument passed to the expect block is a little weird, given that
 no other block expectations take a block argument like this.  But I
 don't see a way around it--for the matcher to detect whether or not an
 argument is yielded (and what the argument is), it needs to control
 the block passed to the method-under-test.  One big win here over some
 of the other suggestions I've seen is that it works just fine with the
 current rspec-expectations API (in contrast, some of the other
 suggestions I've seen would special-case this matcher so that `expect`
 takes multiple arguments for it to work).  I also like that it's built
 as a block expectation; to me it is in the same category of matchers
 as the change, raise_error and throw_symbol matchers: it's something
 that happens as the result of running a bit of code.

 If enough people like this we can work on getting it into rspec-
 expectations as an officially supported matcher.  If we did, I'd want
 to beef it up to be significantly more flexible:

 # for methods that yield multiple arguments to the block...
 # yield_value would accept a splat of args, and yield_values would
 # be a more-grammatically-correct alias.
 expect { |b| foo.fizz(b) }.to yield_values(:a, 15)

 # I'd advocate the matcher using the === operator w/ the given values,
 # so either of these would work
 expect { |b| abc.gsub(a, b) }.to yield_value(String)
 expect { |b| abc.gsub(a, b) }.to yield_value(/a/)

 # for cases where you need more control over matching the yielded
 value, pass a block
 expect { |b| foo.fizz(b) }.to yield_value { |val| val.should
 be_fizzy }

 Love this.


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Re: [rspec-users] Can some one please explain why one of those two examples fails?

2012-03-15 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 8:46 AM, Mohamad El-Husseini wrote:
 Thanks, Mike. I appreciate the explanation. It's tricky knowing what runs
 when, and what variable is in what scope. It seems like code smell to add
 an instance variable to the before block.

 I don't understand what advantage one approach has over the other. What
 would you use, the first, that was broken, or the second?

I am assuming you're asking about what the advantage of using #subject
vs. just #user is? If so, here are some advantages of using #subject

RSpec will provide an implicit #subject already and in many cases you
don't need to construct a new one. This gets rid of an unnecessary
line in those instances. Here's an example from the docs:

describe Array do
  it should be empty when first created do
subject.should be_empty

for more info.

Rspec's one liner syntax uses #subject, straight out of the docs is a
great example:

describe Array do
  describe with 3 items do
subject { [1,2,3] }
it { should_not be_empty }

for more information.
   Also see

Since #subject is an RSpec convention when writing shared example
groups they are often set up to expect subject to be defined by the
including example group. Here's an example practically from the docs:

shared_examples a measurable object do |value|
  it should return #{value} from #length do
subject.send(:length).should ==value

describe Array, with 3 items do
  subject { [1, 2, 3] }
  it_should_behave_like a measurable object, 3

for more info.

And since #subject is an RSpec convention, it always implies the
thing under test. So, if you want to know what you're testing you
can either do a visual scan for a subject block or simply look at the
class/module being described.

Those are the reasons I find #subject to have advantage. By
themselves, none of these are huge reasons, but combined, and over
time, I have found relying on convention and getting a few extra
niceties in my specs outweighs going against the convention and trying
to reinvent conventions when I hit things like one-liners or shared

My 2 cents,


 On Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:24:03 PM UTC-3, Mike Mazur wrote:


 On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 07:55, Mohamad El-Husseini wrote:
  The following are what I believe two ways of doing the same thing. Only
  first example fails, while the latter passes.

 In your failing example:

    context generates a unique password_reset_token each time do
       let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
       before do
         last_token = user.password_reset_token
       its(:password_reset_token) { should_not == last_token }

 The `last_token` variable is in scope in the before block, but not in
 the its block. You can fix this by changing it to an instance

    context generates a unique password_reset_token each time do
       let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
       before do
         @last_token = user.password_reset_token
       its(:password_reset_token) { should_not == @last_token }

 Another gotcha is: what is the its expression making assertions on?
 The its method requires a subject to be defined.

 RSpec defines an implicit subject based on the described class. I
 imagine at the top of your .spec file you have something like:

   describe User do
     # stuff

 RSpec will generate a subject by calling ``.
 `password_reset_token` is then called on this new user instance in the
 its block. You most certainly wanted to call `password_reset_token` on
 the user object defined by the `let` statement.

 So I think this should do the trick:

    context generates a unique password_reset_token each time do
       let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
       subject { user }
       before do
         @last_token = user.password_reset_token
       its(:password_reset_token) { should_not == @last_token }

 You can read more about RSpec's subject here:

 Hope that helps,
 rspec-users mailing list


Re: [rspec-users] how to refactor signin process for re-use?

2012-03-09 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 10:38 PM, David Chelimsky wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 5:15 PM, S Ahmed wrote:
 In my authenticate_pages.spec (requests) I do the following to test if the
 signin worked:

  describe with valid information do
       #let(:account) { FactoryGirl.create(:account) }
       let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }

       before do
         fill_in Email, with:
         fill_in Password, with: user.password
         click_button Sign in

       it { should have_link('Sign out', href: signout_path) }
       it { should_not have_link('Sign in', href: signin_path) }

 Now in my other controllers that assume the user is signed in, how can I
 refactor this and put it somewhere that I can just call to make the user
 signed in so I can test pages that assume the user is already signed in?

 Here's one pattern I've seen (and used):

 def login_as(user)
  fill_in Email, with:
  fill_in Password, with: user.password
  click_button Sign in

 describe things do
  before { sign_in_as(FactoryGirl.create:(user) }
  describe GET /thing do
    # ...

Where #sign_in_as and #login_as in David's example should be the same method.


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Re: [rspec-users] Sufficiently tested?

2012-03-09 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 8:06 AM, U. M. wrote:
 Hi everybody,


 I have a general question about how many different cases have to be
 covered in one Example.

 Considering the famous Fizzbuzz program, you should test if your output
 is either Fizz, buzz, Fizzbuzz or just the number (between 1 and
 100). Pretty simple. However, I often see solutions of testing multiples
 of 3 only by looking at some relevant values like 6, 9 etc.

 it should return 'fizz' when number is divisible by 3 do
    @fizzbuzz.calculate(3).should == 'fizz'
    @fizzbuzz.calculate(6).should == 'fizz'
    @fizzbuzz.calculate(9).should == 'fizz'

 So far, so good. But what if I claim that the test will fail in case of

Then add an example for this and make that change. I might update the
spec to look like this:

  describe #calculate do
it returns 'fizz' when number is divisible by 3

context (exceptions to the divisible by 3 rule) do
  it returns nil when number is 12

 It's actually not covered and we are just assuming, that all further
 multiples will work as well, because these do. My idea was to check all
 multiples right away in a loop.

 it should return Fizz if number is divisible only by 3 do
  (1..100).each do |number|
    @fizzbuzz.calculate(number).should == Fizz if number % 3 == 0 
    number % 5 != 0

This is more complicated then it needs to be and suffers the same
problem that you are trying to avoid. Here you are testing a larger
data set, but numbers are infinite... so while 100 numbers is more
than 3, it's still a far cry from covering a large amount of the
available set of numbers (which is infinite).

Similar to David, I try to write examples that show the implementation
working, but  once I am confident that the examples I have are proving
that implementation is working then I move on.

 Given that the calculate method works fine, both ways will pass. But my
 question is: Does my solution more than it actually needs to or is the
 first one in fact a little too lazy?

What do you think?

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] testing sessions

2012-03-04 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 4:46 PM, S Ahmed wrote:
 great thanks.

 should a var created in a block be reachable outside the block?

Nope, not unless you defined the variable outside of the block to start with.

 it  do
   expect { session = Session...   }.not_to change(Session, :count)

 I tried that but was a bit confused, whatever is in the expect block is
 isolated right?

Correct. Currently your session variable is only scoped to the block
that is passed to expect. Anything outside of that block doesn't
know anything about the session variable.


 On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 1:34 PM, David Chelimsky

 On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 7:40 AM, S Ahmed wrote:
  I want to test if my sessions logic works.
  When I create a new session, if there was a previous session row in the
  with user_id = xxx, it should delete it first, then create a new row.
  How could I test this scenerio?
  So far I have:
  require 'spec_helper'
  describe Session do
    let(:session) { FactoryGirl.create(:session) }
    subject { session }
    it { should be_valid }
    describe a new session do
      s1 =
      s2 =
      user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
      s1.user_id =!
      #should change(Session, :count).by(1)
  I can't seem to figure out how to use the should change Session count

 First - read the docs at to
 learn how to use the `change` matcher properly. Also look at so
 you'll understand my suggestion below.

 Second - you say above When I create a new session, if there was a
 previous session row in the db with user_id = xxx, it should delete it
 first, then create a new row. This suggests that you want
 Session.count _not_ to change at all:

 user = FactoryGirl(:user)
 session = FactoryGirl(:session, :user_id =
 expect {! }.not_to change(Session, :count)

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Re: [rspec-users] Testing Signin for Admin_Employee

2012-02-26 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 9:25 AM, J. B. Rainsberger wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 22:45, Justin Ko wrote:

 Hello, what you want is shared examples/context:

 I commented there, too.

I commented there as well.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] RSpec Requestable Examples

2012-01-30 Thread Zach Dennis
I forgot to answer your question more directly. I see things in the
requestable/selectable approach which I would like to continue to
explore and see if it pans out. So far I like the
requestable/selectable approach for the reasons I mentioned in the
other email.

In short term practical use there are no giant reasons why you should
avoid using macros. They provide a valuable utility.  As mentioned in
the other email I think there are benefits (both short and long term)
of not using them in favor of an approach that integrates more
consistently and at the same communication level as RSpec. Currently,
I think the requestable/selectable has the potential to be that (or
maybe help lead a discussion and exploration which becomes that). But
it's an experiment that so far has worked a few times. I would hardly
say it's time tested or community tested at this point.

And if macros are working well for you and my thinking is persuasive,
then so be it, just keep on doing what helps you craft good software.


On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 11:46 PM, Zach Dennis wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Lenny Marks wrote:

 On Jan 27, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Zach Dennis wrote:

 I would be interested to hear any thoughts from the community about
 the ability to request specific examples from a shared example group
 as expressed in the rspec-requestable-examples gem.

 Here's the post that introduces them:

 Git repository:

 I've successfully used macros to get similar results, like in the gist below:

 # macros approach to requestable examples

 Curious if you see any big advantages over the macros approach.

 Both approaches can get the job done technically speaking. Here were
 some goals of rspec-requestable-examples:

 1. allowing individual examples to be selected from a shared set of examples
 2. when a user selects a non-existent example communicate that to them
 so they can implement the example or fix their typo
 3. be consistent and complementary with RSpec's forms
 4. be consistent with RSpec method of delivery (communication)

 With these goals macros let's you technically do #1 and #2:

 * modules allow you to create shared sets of methods which can be shared
 * when referring to a non-existent method Ruby will yell at you

 But it fails for #3 and #4:

 * RSpec has a shared example group form already. Modules are not
 needed at this level because RSpec provides a higher level concept
 which provides the utility of sharing examples (it just didn't have
 baked in the ability to select individual examples). Plain old Ruby
 modules breaks away from this form and does not complement what RSpec
 is doing.

 * RSpec communicates to the user in terms of nice spec output for
 passing, failing, and pending examples. It is less work for a user to
 stub out an example which is not yet implemented as they write their
 spec and to move on, then to have to see low-level Ruby undefined
 method errors and have to go stub it out right then and there. I would
 rather have an unknown example be pending so the user could take care
 of it at the time they were ready.

 And even though using extend ... and ruby methods are easy to do
 (and they do technically work) I find it complicates my specs because
 they exist at a different level of language and communication than all
 of the other components in my specs. I prefer the language and forms I
 use to be as consistent as I can make them in my specs. For me, this
 helps my rhythm of creating software.

 There is a level of consistency and continuity I want my code to have
 and in the rspec-requestable-examples approach I try to find that with
 what RSpec already provides and how it is already being used. I feel
 like the macro approach attempts to shoehorn in a solution and that's
 what I've done that in the past, but I think the
 requestable/selectable examples is better now for reasons above

 In the original blog post it may have sounded like we hit problem A
 and then in 5 minutes we came up with a solution. When really that's
 not the case. I've done the macro approach a number of times in the
 past and never felt comfortable with it, but it worked and we didn't
 have a better way. But this time, we finally found a way to make do it
 a little better (at least in our opinion).



rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] RSpec Requestable Examples

2012-01-28 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 5:56 PM, David Chelimsky wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 8:56 PM, Zach Dennis wrote:
 I would be interested to hear any thoughts from the community about
 the ability to request specific examples from a shared example group
 as expressed in the rspec-requestable-examples gem.

 I love the service it provides, and the consuming API (i.e. :examples
 = [...]). It clearly communicates to the spec reader what is going

 As for the setup API, how about requestable_example instead of
 requestable_it. In fact, I think selectable would be a more
 accurate descriptor than requestable, so selectable_examples_for
 and selectable_example would read better for me.

I agree with you, selectable seems like a better fit, but this may
not apply in its entirety given your next suggestion...

 I haven't looked at the implementation yet, but I wonder if you could
 implement the same feature using metadata. Something like this, using
 selectable rather than requestable (seems better aligned with what
 it's doing IMO):

 shared_examples_for variable things, :selectable do
  it does one thing sometimes, :selectable do
    # ...

  it does another thing sometimes, :selectable do
    # ...

  it does one other thing all the time do
    # ...

 That way we don't need a new method name to worry about and my issue
 with the name requestable_it goes away.


I like what you're suggesting here as well. One reason I had went with
a new method name for this was to not conflict with RSpec itself, but
given your feedback I will investigate what you propose above.

Thanks for taking the time to review and to respond,


 Here's the post that introduces them:

 Git repository:

 Zach Dennis
 @zachdennis (twitter)
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[rspec-users] Looking for a fellow human: Agile, Mobile, Web, Rails Developer

2011-07-28 Thread Zach Dennis
Not to spam the list, but I thought the RSpec and Cucumber communities may
be appropriate to tap into.

We're looking for agilist web/mobile developer(s) over at Mutually Human.
RSpec/Cuke creds hold special places in our hearts.

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD
@zachdennis (twitter)
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[rspec-users] class/type coercion in ruby blog post

2011-01-26 Thread Zach Dennis
Not to spam, but I a colleague did a write up on coercion in Ruby, and
I thought it was interesting and fresh, so I thought I'd share with
the community:

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Why does this stub doesn't work?

2010-10-24 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Haim Ashkenazi


 I wonder why this stub doesn't work:

 # ruby 1.8.7, rspec 2.0.1
 require 'rubygems'
 require 'rspec'

 Rspec.configure do |c|
   c.mock_with :rspec

 class SayHello
   def say_hello

 describe test string do
   it should interpret stub correctly do
 sh =
 sh.say_hello.should eql('NO')

 In your example you are stubbing a class method. In your implementation you
have defined an instance method. To have this work for your given
implementation you need to know about the instance you are working with, ie:

it should interpret stub correctly do
sh =
sh.stub!(:say_hello).and_return 'NO'
sh.say_hello.should eql('NO')

Hope this helps,


 The result is:

 tryouts ➤ rspec -f n test_spec.rb

 test string
   should interpret stub correctly (FAILED - 1)

   1) test string should interpret stub correctly
  Failure/Error: sh.say_hello.should eql('NO')

  expected NO
   got hello

  (compared using eql?)
  # ./test_spec.rb:18

 Finished in 0.0016 seconds
 1 example, 1 failure

 Any ideas?


 Haim Ashkenazi

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Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD
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Re: [rspec-users] new syntax question and mocking HTTP_AUTHORIZATION

2010-10-21 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:19 PM, David Chelimsky dchelim...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Oct 20, 2010, at 9:56 PM, oren wrote:

  I am specing a sinatra app.
  it should send non-valid user to /login do
   get '/'
   last_response.headers['Location'].should == '/reports'
  this is working fine but I would like to know how to convert it to the
  new syntax or if there is a better way to do that.
  before(:each) { get '/' }
  subject { last_response }
  its(:status) {should == 302}
  require 'ap'
  its(:headers) {should include('/login')}

 This is not the new syntax. It is simply an alternate syntax that has
 been around for over a year and works well for a small subset of things you
 might want to specify like initial state:

 describe Array do
  context when first created do
subject { }
its(:length) { should eq(0) }

 It is not in any way an all-purpose replacement for more specifying

  another question:
it should send valid user to /reports do
 get '/', { 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' = 'Basic
  c2cvbGFuOmFBITExMQ==' }
 last_response.headers['Location'].should == '/reports'
  when i debug my method I see that request.env[HTTP_AUTHORIZATION] is
  so the header was not sent with it. how to mock it?

I think you are passing your headers in as the request params. I believe
you're using rack-test under the covers and the api for #get is:

  get(uri, params = {}, env = {}, block)

I think env is where you want your headers. so maybe:

  get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' = 'Basic c2cvbGFuOmFBITExMQ==' }

I haven't written a Sinatra app in a while, but I hope this helps,


 I don't have any personal experience w/ Sinatra yet (I know, I know, but
 there are only so many hours in a day), so I'll leave it to someone else to
 comment on how to approach the Sinatra questions.


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@zachdennis (twitter)
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Re: [rspec-users] Good practices on spec'ing views?

2010-05-05 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Stefan Kanev stefan.ka...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hey guys.

 I've been doing RSpec for more than a year by now, yet I cannot help but
 feel that I've never got a single view spec right. I can see that I have
 very few view specs and that my views tend be a lot messier than everything
 else. I've read the chapter in the RSpec book about spec'ing views, but I
 still think I'm not getting it right.

 Assuming that I'm a view spec noob, would you guys care to share your
 experience with writing them? What works and what doesn't? What should I
 avoid at all cost? And most importantly, how does the process of writing
 view specs feel?

Before Cucumber came onto the scene view specs were a lot more prevalent and
relevant. Cucumber does an excellent job of allowing us to drive the
implementation the views based on what our scenarios need. When Cucumber is
not being used, I find view specs do offer a benefit, but when using
Cucumber,  I find that takes the cake to driving the view implementation.
These days, I always use Cucumber though, so it's been a while since I've
written view specs.

In The Rspec Book, section 24.6 (chapter 24), When I write view specs
offers some tips for determining when to write view specs. Have you read
this section?


Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD
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Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber:4066] Cucumber vs, RSpec

2010-04-22 Thread Zach Dennis

My intent for the statement about Cucumber provides flexibility wasn't to
encourage folks to drop unit-level examples because they have supreme
flexibility with Cucumber. It was to encourage folks to take a step back and
explore with a spike what they're attempting to accomplish, so they can come
back and make a better decision moving forward.

I would love to rid the world of unnecessary examples, brittle examples,
impossible to read/maintain examples. Spikes put folks in a better position
to make bette decisions in that regard so I feel like my encouragement and
observations are still accurate and relevant.

And as Joseph said it's all project, client, and context specific.

My 2 cents. :)

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD
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Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber:4095] Cucumber vs, RSpec

2010-04-22 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:05 PM, Pat Maddox mailingli...@patmaddox.comwrote:

 Cucumber features are the best tool I know of for capturing requirements
 from my customer.  RSpec specs are the best tool I know of for communicating
 intent and gauging code quality among the developer team.

 I'm not sure how exactly you're quantifying a 90/10 or 80/20 split.  I
 would expect that there would be a lot of overlap in coverage.  That is, any
 given line of code is likely to have some cucumber and some rspec coverage.
  Personally I shoot for 100% RSpec coverage, and Cucumber is based entirely
 on what my customer wants.  If we discuss a new feature or bug fix and they
 feel I know exactly what they're talking about and don't need a cucumber
 test for it, I don't write the cucumber test.  Cukes are for teasing out
 requirements, which is most important when there's domain complexity that I
 don't understand, because I'm a programmer and not a domain expert.  Every
 line of code I write gets RSpec coverage.  That's how I personally feel
 confident that my code does what I think it does, and also helps me keep my
 dependencies under control.

 It's true that you can change out all the underlying code and cucumber
 tests still pass.  But you should be able to change out a lot of code and
 have your specs still pass, as well.  If you're changing the API then some
 specs might no longer be valid, or need to be moved, or whatever.  That's
 just a part of refactoring.  Although to be honest I think focused specs
 help me refactor more than other people, because I take really small steps
 when I refactor.  When most people refactor they tear out a bunch of shit
 and see if it still works.

 Cucumber tests tend to take longer because they're written at a much higher
 level.  That requires more setup, and more steps through the codebase.  For
 that reason, Cucumber isn't particularly good at giving me rapid feedback.
  I want feedback in 10 seconds rather than 10 minutes.

 The best mantra I have for using Cucumber  RSpec in harmony is, RSpec
 lets me know my code works right, Cucumber lets me know my code is doing the
 right work.


Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD
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Re: [rspec-users] get to a different controller

2010-01-07 Thread Zach Dennis
 also gotten into a
groove for writing my own little shared macros and it makes it super
simple to build new classes which re-use that functionality and know
it actually works.

 What I now prefer to do is keep the interface between a module (or even an
 abstract class) and the class it's mixed into quite clean, and specify that
 re-usable unit in isolation, with an example using a temporary class created
 in the test. I might have one or two specs in the class which mixes in the
 module to prove that the module is mixed in and working, but most of the
 specs for the behaviour of that module itself will live alongside the module
 and run only once.

This is excellent advice regardless of using shared examples, although
it isn't always practical (clean interfaces are always practical, what
isn't is creating new specs with test classes). Some modules are
simply a grouping of certain behaviour that relies on other behaviour
existing on an object. Creating a new test class to put in a spec can
require a good amount of time and thinking based on the functionality
and where what you're module's functionality falls into the overall
chain of dependencies.

There are times to be disciplined and put in that time and thinking.
At other times, it's important to not misplace a bunch of time and
energy if what you're working on doesn't warrant it. Unfortunately,
making knowing when to make good decisions often comes from making bad
ones. So as Corey Haines would suggest, practice practice practice!

 As David said earlier there are strengths and weaknesses to both approaches
 so you have to find your own path here. I just wanted to share my


Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
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Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber and IP PBX testing

2009-11-19 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Robertico Gonzalez wrote:

 I am new to Cucumber.  I am a test engineer for an IP PBX.  Has anyone
 tried to use Cucumber to test such application?  Some of the actions
 that I need to perform are:

 a) Configure parameters on a web site to change phone behavior
 b) Configure parameters on a web site to change trunk behavior
 c) Configure parameters on a web site to change system wide behavior

 a) Make a call from phone A to phone b
 b) Press Transfer or Conference softkey
 c) Configure Call Forward All from phone

 a) Verify audio between two phones
 b) Verify phone displays
 c) Verify phone status prompt

 I imagine I need to translate these steps into Ruby to see if they pass
 or fail.  I don't have control over the code that developer write for
 features, since I am just a tester. We write scripts in TCL to automate
 our test cases.

 Any pointers or suggestions are welcome.

A while back I looked at using Twilio to do automated integration
testing a phone system. I started talking with some of their
engineers, but then the conversation just stopped. I didn't know if
they got busy or thought I was crazy. :)

You can setup twilio accounts, one as a receiver and one as the
dialer. I got a proof of concept working with Cucumber as the driving
force, but I haven't worked on that application in a while. Perhaps
twilio has provided some tools for this by now.

This probably isn't what you were looking for, but thought I'd share
the idea in case anyone has interest,

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Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
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Re: [rspec-users] ruby file.spec?

2009-11-12 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 7:34 PM, rogerdpack wrote:
 perhaps this has been discussed before and you can point me to the
 right thread, but is it possible to run specs from the command line
 using just ruby?
 ruby arguments_spec.rb

 and it just run (like test/unit seems to)?

 I can't think of a great reason why this would be useful, other than
 not having to remember which command is which to run files--you only
 have to type ruby (and IDE's that aren't spec aware would be easier
 to run with).

You want to use spec to run files directly. If you have your heart
set on running files from ruby then you'll need to load
spec/autorun to actually execute the specs. Note using the following
will not work on ruby 1.8.x (see thread )
but it should work on 1.9.x.
ruby -rubygems -rspec -rspec/autorun file_spec.rb

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] ruby file.spec?

2009-11-12 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Stephen Eley wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 8:36 PM, Zach Dennis wrote:

 You want to use spec to run files directly. If you have your heart
 set on running files from ruby then you'll need to load
 spec/autorun to actually execute the specs.

 After giving the original querent a hard time, it surprises me to have
 to tell you that you're wrong.  At least if you're running any spec
 file written with the typical Railsish convention of requiring
 'spec_helper.rb' at the top.  If for some reason you have spec files
 that *don't* require the framework one way or another, you'd be
 correct, but...why wouldn't you?  Otherwise, it works fine.

And in that case spec_helper.rb still needs to load spec/autorun for
this to work.

 (How do I know?  I went into one of my projects, then into a spec
 directory, and typed 'ruby user_spec.rb' and watched it work.  At
 first I didn't think that trying things before posting to a mailing
 list about them was an extraordinary act, but now I'm wondering if I
 ought to get a medal for courage.)

 Have Fun,
   Steve Eley (
   ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Model spec for file upload with paperclip and fastercsv

2009-11-11 Thread Zach Dennis
In the example that is failing, should build 3 new Products you have:

  it should build 3 new Products do
# I have to tag this pending, this results in a weird error I
don't have time for yet
# full stack testing with cucumber succeeds, human testing does too
# pending
Product.count.should == 3

You are setting up an expectation with should_receive(:new), and
you're not supplying anything to be returned so it is defaulting to
nil. This is why you get the NoMethodError calling because
your local variable product is nil for the duration of this example.

I don't think you want to be using mocking down in the model spec like
you are doing. For example, does it really matter that #foreach was
called? Or that Product#new was called? Or that product#save was
called? These can all be inferred if you have a CSV file, save the
import ,and then suddenly you have products. No need to worry about
them directly IMO.

Using mocks in this example happen to make this spec brittle, and it
doesn't add any value. For example, say you changed from using
fastercsv to some other csv library that had a different API, but it
properly parsed the CSV files. All of the behaviour of importing
products the CSV file still worked, but suddenly your examples fail
because #foreach isn't be used. When focusing on the Import model
focus on the behaviour you want out of it. Based on the pastie you
made it seems like you want it to import products from a CSV after
save. So, you can write an example for ensuring the right number of
products were created. You might also want to write an example to
ensure the write fields from the CSV ended in the right attributes on
a product. Picking one or two products should be enough to gain

I've done a quick edit of your original spec to show what I was
thinking when I quickly read your spec:

Hopefully this helps!

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Ray K. wrote:
 Now I have another weird error. My Products doesn't save in the specs,
 but it does in cucumber tests and human tests.
 I'd be glad if someone could look into this.

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Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
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Re: [rspec-users] Stub named_scope with params

2009-11-05 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Elza Di Sirio wrote:
 I need some help to stub this method of my controller
 �...@users =
           :conditions = conditions.to_sql,
           :include    = :user_channels,
           :order      = build_sort_conditions(:name, true),
           :page       = get_param(:page, :integer),
           :per_page   = 10
 My rspec is
   describe 'GET /index' do
     should_require_login :get, :index
     describe authenticated user do
       before do
         @user = mock_model(User)
         @users = [...@user]
         User.stub_chain(:accessible_by, :paginate).and_return(@users)


       it 'should load the users' do
           :conditions = ['active = ?', true],
           :order = :name,
           :page = nil,
           :per_page = 10

         assigns[:users].should == @users
 The error I get is
 Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'UsersController GET /index
 authenticated user should load the users'
 User(id: integer, name: string, email: string, crypted_password: string,
 password_salt: string, persistence_token: string, role: string, active:
 boolean, password_last_changed_at: datetime, created_at: datetime,
 updated_at: datetime)
 (class) expected :paginate with ({:per_page=10, :conditions=[active =
 ?, true], :order=:name, :page=nil}) once, but received it 0 times
 How should I stub a named_scope with params(accessible_by(current_user)),
 following a stub to paginate.with(...).

In your example User does not receive the #paginate call, the return
value of #accessible_by does. It looks like you're having both of
those methods return @users in your spec by default. Try updating your
spec to say...


instead of


 I can not change my controller

In case you can change your controller... this controller action seems
pretty vanilla. I would probably add some good model-level specs
around #accessible_by, and then have a few cucumber scenarios ensure
whatever it was that pulled up this page was working (I like scenarios
for pagination as well). To make things easier I would assign the
default PER_PAGE to a configuration setting or a constant so it can be
easily changed in a scenario. This can reduce scenario running time
and necessary setup whilst still ensuring behaviour.

Just an idea with the very little I know from what you pasted,

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] spec-ing private methods?

2009-10-15 Thread Zach Dennis
Hello Joaquin,

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:22 PM, Joaquin Rivera Padron wrote:

 2009/10/14 Ashley Moran

 On 14 Oct 2009, at 20:49, Scott Taylor wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2009, at 3:36 PM, Joaquin Rivera Padron wrote:

 def complex_method...
 def other_complex_methods ...

 and the two complex methods can get really tricky to get right, I would
 like to be able to write specs for them, how do you do that? I mean I 


 You have a few options:

 1. Make the method public in the object you are testing
 2. Make the method public in the test case
 3. Don't test the method
 4. Use __send__ or (send) to call it.
 5. Refactor private methods to a new object, and make the methods public
 in that object.

 Most of those options suck (esp. 1, 2, 3,  4) - usually it represents a
 design flaw (you are doing too much in your class).

 I'm with Scott, this usually indicates a design flaw, and 5 is usually the
 solution.  The clue is in the names you gave them - you shouldn't have
 complex methods, especially private ones.

 Can you post any of the code so we can see where the complexity/problem

 hey ashley,
 the code itself is not very interesting, it's some fast hacking I'm doing
 dumping chess positions into a string, and then the methods given the
 character index on that string should translate it to two-dimensional
 vectors in the board, boring: mainly math calculations multiplying columns
 by some number and adding row numbers and such, and during the spec-ing of
 the public method the question arose...

I might shift my focus from whether or not these methods should be
made public or moved to another class and first make sure I had
written examples that focused on the behaviour I was interested in. I
have found that having those tend to be a good help  when thinking
about making private methods public. Even if you find you don't need
these methods to be public you will find the examples afford you a
great deal of freedom to refactor that code in a number of ways or by
simply leaving them as private methods all while leaving the examples

 and yeah, I think 5 it my favorite at the moment,
 they don't have to be
 private anyway, also IMHO testing private methods through the public API
 it's not in general applicable (only thinking here, no code sample)...

 but anyway I wanted to hear what you guys think about it

Behaviour first. That will help you identify if you're dealing with
different responsibilities which might push you to extract a new
object, or if you're dealing with logic that goes together (in which
you might keep well-named private methods), or if you want to pull out
some of the dry and boring math calculations out into a method on some
utility class.

If you put good examples in place you'll be able to change your mind
later without having to maintain *brittle* specs while having a great
deal of freedom for re-organizing the implementation in a number of
imaginable ways.

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] spec-ing private methods?

2009-10-14 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:07 PM, Ashley Moran wrote:

 On 14 Oct 2009, at 22:48, Matt Wynne wrote:

 By the way, Sprout Class comes from 'Working Effectively with Legacy Code'
 (Feathers), which is probably the best book I've read on TDD (Admittedly
 I've yet to read The RSpec Book). Highly recommended.

 I've heard good things about this book too.  Do you also recommend xUnit

It's been a while since I've read that book. From what I remember it
had a lot of great information, but there were many sections I don't
find applicable for my coding practices. I think a lot of the typical
xUnit styles of testing are heavily influenced from heavier weight
languages (like Java for instance). I think that is reflected in much
of the material in the book.

I did enjoy reading it over a few month period because of the wealth
of information, but I would consider many of the techniques dated
given where the current state of tools (RSpec and Cucumber), the
flexibility of our ruby, and the philosophy of BDD have put us.

So if you're looking to read it for immediately applicable techniques
I would say don't bother, but if you're an information-whore and want
to gain a wealth of knowledge, and want to see a lot of thinking and
techniques that have influenced a lot of today's tools and thinking,
then read it, for sure, but don't expect to read it in a weekened or
even a week... that would be information overload -- your brain would


 Bizarrely, I'm including xUnit patterns as a reference in a presentation on
 mocks I'm giving tomorrow[1], despite never having read it.  (Only because I
 know it contains some mocking definitions I refer to...)

 Incidentally, the mocking section of the RSpec Book is very good.  Which is
 to say I agree with what it says :)




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Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Grabbing the controller name before a new test case

2009-10-01 Thread Zach Dennis
Your name has intrigued me. Do you really hate underscores? :)


On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 7:56 PM, Hates_ wrote:
 I currently have:

 describe Publishers::PagesController

 I want to be able to grab the path publishers/pages/ and use that to
 generate a load of tests automatically. Problem is I can't figure out
 how to do it outside of my it block.

 Any help is greatly appreciated.

 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] describe block proc parameter as alternative to before blocks?

2009-09-21 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 8:34 PM, nruth wrote:
 Thanks for the reply.

 I think I wasn't clear with my original post: before blocks work fine,
 this is just a readability/comprehension/maintenance concern.

 We're using a describe (or context) block to name (or document) a
 state, then using a separate before block to set up that state
 (context). If that before block were to go astray the documentation
 would cease to be correct.
 It seems better to have this done in one place rather than two, as
 separate description statements and setup code could lead to confusion
 or errors through fragmented example groups.

 I'm not sure how helpful it would be if the setup takes more than half
 a line of code. Referencing a definition elsewhere wouldn't help
 readability, though would still make it clear that the describe was
 for that particular setup state.

 Before blocks do have the same effect, and if positioned sensibly
 should avoid these problems.

before blocks are also limited in where you can put them. They must be
specified very close the context in which they are to be applied. If
you provide a helper method as the context you create the need to
further separate an important part of an example from its context. I
also feel you lose a lot in what you describe and how you describe it
when you restrict it to ruby method names.

 It's not a big deal, and the onus should probably be on the spec
 author rather than the tools to produce clean and consistent specs?

I think it's important for people to pay attention when they write
code. Based on some of the code I've seen over the past few years I'm
not sure everyone would agree with me. :)

 I'm not surprised it's come up before, but I didn't find anything
 searching the group.



 On Sep 20, 9:56 pm, David Chelimsky wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 9:38 AM, nruth wrote:
  I've been reading through the Rspec book to see if I missed any
  tricks, and the discussion of before block use for context setup in
  sec 12.6 struck me as interesting and something I had a knee-jerk
  reaction to.

  I think that when you are using nested examples to describe a context
  change it is bad practice to allow any example within that group to
  run outside of that context. This could happen simply because you
  forgot to copy and paste (ouch) the setup code into your expectation.

  before blocks solve this problem, but they are so tightly coupled to
  the describe call in this case, why not make them a describe method
  parameter? Ideally they would be the block passed to describe, but we
  can't do that since the example group is using that already.

  So I would propose something like this sketch:

  describe a new capacity 10 stack, :context = lambda {...@stack = = 10)} do
   describe with 4 pushed ints, :context = lambda { 4.times { @stack
   rand(:int) } } do
     it should allow push and return the new size do
      �...@stack.push(rand(:int)).should == 5

  And the :context would just be executed as if it were a before block.

  Of course you can arrange your specs so that the before block is
  directly after the describe, or similar, but this seems a nice
  alternative to me.

 The order of the before blocks, relative to the examples, is
 irrelevant. An example group loads up all of its examples and before
 and after blocks before anything is run. In other words, these two
 will have the same effect:

 describe Thing do
   before(:each) { @thing = }
   it does something do
     @thing.should do_something

 describe Thing do
   it does something do
     @thing.should do_something
   before(:each) { @thing = }

 This is not the first time your idea has come up, and I've not
 included it before because I want to avoid assigning specific meaning
 to keys in the hash passed to describe(). rspec-2 will be using that
 hash as part of a plugin API, so the more I can leave available, the
 better. I'll be posting more about that soon, but first things first -
 gotta get the book off to the printer :)


  It's a nubile idea though. Thoughts?

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Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] describe block proc parameter as alternative to before blocks?

2009-09-21 Thread Zach Dennis
      @thing.should do_something

  describe Thing do
    it does something do
      @thing.should do_something
    before(:each) { @thing = }

  This is not the first time your idea has come up, and I've not
  included it before because I want to avoid assigning specific meaning
  to keys in the hash passed to describe(). rspec-2 will be using that
  hash as part of a plugin API, so the more I can leave available, the
  better. I'll be posting more about that soon, but first things first -
  gotta get the book off to the printer :)


   It's a nubile idea though. Thoughts?

  rspec-users mailing list

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Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] explanation of describe vs context...

2009-07-11 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Chris wrote:
 Hey everyone,

 This is a noob question. I'm not grasping the difference between
 describe and context in my spec file. As an example, what's the
 difference with this...

 describe Game do
     context starting up do
 it should send a welcome message do
       �...@messenger.should_receive(:puts).with(Welcome to
       �...@game.start(%w[r g y c])

 And this

 describe Game do
     describe starting up do
 it should send a welcome message do
       �...@messenger.should_receive(:puts).with(Welcome to
       �...@game.start(%w[r g y c])

 Is this just preference, or are the serious differences?

There is no technical difference. context is aliased to describe.
However, you can use them in combination to write more expressive

For example:

describe Game do

   describe #join_game do
  context when the game has not startedd o
 it should allow a player to join

  context when the game has started do
 it should not allow another player to join


 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Integrate or isolate views?

2009-07-01 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Pat wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Sarah wrote:
 I find that testing views independently is useful just to catch HTML errors
 that can sometime creep in during a re-factor.  These check important
 details that would be more tedious using cucumber


+1 as well. The last sentence here really nails it on the head for me,

 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Integrate or isolate views?

2009-07-01 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Jesse wrote:

 I've been trying for two years to pick up BDD.  I'm making progress,
 have just read through the chapters in The RSpec Book on spec'ing views
 and controllers.

 What is the difference between using integrate_views and doing what
 seems to be a lot of extra work to test the views in isolation?

 When I use integrate_views, can I write view spec in what would
 otherwise be isolated controller spec?

Yes you can do this. Personally, I find it a benefit in discovery,
maintenance, and readability to have simple and focused focused view
and controller specs rather than a controller spec trying to do it
all. There is less of a barrier when writing an isolated view spec
then there is when writing a integrated controller spec.

 I read that I'm encouraged to do these in isolation, but IMHO the
 chapter on spec'ing views is not very convincing in its own right, it
 tells me that it's good, but doesn't show me as much, compared to the
 examples and descriptions of circumstance that make several other
 chapters very convincing.

Cucumber does a great job of providing a way to drive a lot of what's
in your views (especially forms). There are many times when Cucumber
is sufficient. However, there are plenty of times where your views
have details or a some view logic where it may not be covered with
your Cucumber scenarios or it may not be clear. In these cases a very
simple view spec can be a quick and effective way to drive your views.

In my opinion if view specs are hard to write and difficult to
maintain you're doing it wrong, either in what you're spec'ing or what
you're trying to implement. Writing view specs quickly and effectively
requires that you get into a groove for writing simple views that
drive methods into existence on other objects. Of course, finding that
groove may mean rethinking how you're writing views, and understanding
and knowing what rspec and webrat gives you. And this is one of the
major goals of the Rails Views chapter. To get you comfortable with
how to drive a view spec and understanding what the tools provide for
you. It does provides some insight into the what/when/why, but that's
not its major focus at this time, more of the focus is the how.

Based on my experience driving things from the views on down led to
more robust code. Even though it's a simple practice, I spent less
time revisiting controllers and models because the views defined what
was required before I even got there. It also forced me to think
outside the box and recognize the value of presenters. Presenters are
one thing not covered in the book, and I'm not sure how widespread
they are, but I for one find them simple and powerful tool in my
toolbox. If you're interested here's a link:

Thank you for sharing your frustration about this. It seems to have
spurred a lot of good input, and hopefully the Rails Views chapter
will be able to be updated to tackle some of the challenges you found
as a reader,

 Please help.  thanks

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Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me) (first rate BDD training)
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Re: [rspec-users] Driving Out A View - Am I specifying too much?

2009-06-05 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:54 AM, wrote:
 I am driving out a view that renders a list of items with which a
 logged in member is associated.

 Against each item, one or more links may be rendered according to the
 member's role with respect to the item (item owner, item
 administrator, regular user etc). Each link represents a type of
 function that the member can perform on the item (edit, delete, invite
 etc), and the range of functions may differ across the items according
 to the member's role for each item.

 When specifying the view, should I include examples to specify which
 links should appear against an item for each potential role of a
 member? Or is this going too far?

I don't think it's going to far. If certain links should not show up
in some cases, but should in others, I would provide an example for
those. If it's important enough to hide, it's important enough to make
sure it's hidden for the right reasons.

 Here is an example list for a member:

 item 1  view edit delete (member is the owner of this item)
 item 2  view edit invite (member a regular user of this item)
 item 3  view (member has no role association with this item but can
 view it)

I would probably drive these with a view spec that looked like this

describe your/view do
  it should always have a link to view the item

  context when the member owns the item do
it should have a link to edit the item

it should have a link to delete the item

  context when the member owns the item do
it should have a link to edit the item

it should have a link to invite ...

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Re: [rspec-users] Does rspec support something like Assumptions in JUnit 4.4?

2009-06-01 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 7:26 AM, mortench wrote:
 Correction for last msg:

 before(:all) do
   �...@org_root_prop = java.lang.System.getProperty(root)

    # abort all examples and after action if condition is not meet:
    ensure_that !...@org_root_prop.nil?  @org_root_prop.strip.length0

You could do this check outside of the example? ie:

describe  do
   def self.ensure_that(condition, blk)
  yield if condition

   def self.root_property_is_not_blank
 org_root_prop = java.lang.System.getProperty(root)
 org_root_prop.nil?  org_root_prop.strip.length0

   ensure_that root_property_is_not_blank do
  it  do

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Re: [rspec-users] Any way to continue on Assertion Failure

2009-05-30 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 4:07 AM, Matt Wynne wrote:

 On 27 May 2009, at 03:38, Julian Leviston wrote:

 On 27/05/2009, at 9:33 AM, Gary Lin wrote:


 I wonder if there is any way to tell the test script to continue even
 when encountering an assertion failure?  The reason I am asking this is
 because I have a test flow that can take a long time to run and it would be
 very useful if I can perform all verification at the end of test flow in one
 shot rather than fail one and exit immediately.  Of course, I could break
 each verification point into separate test case, but then it will double or
 triple the overall execution time.  Does RSpec support this?

 Isn't this usual behaviour?


 Yeah I'm a little confused by the question (and David's response) so maybe
 I've misunderstood something. Normal RSpec test runs will catch all the test
 failures and report them at the end of the run. I wonder whether the OP is
 talking about a situation where the interaction with the system takes a long
 time, so that using lots of examples of the desired behaviour causes that
 interaction to be run several times making the whole run very slow.

 I also wonder whether he's just thinking in the test/unit mindset, which I
 see a lot, where you have examples like this

 it should do foo and bar do


I don't know that I would call this an antipattern unless set_up_state
is duplicated across examples. I usually don't factor things out of an
example unless it's duplicated in another example (then I extract to a
before) or I'm working in a specific context (which I always give a
before since it provides meaning of the context in an explicit way).

 Here's my normal RSpec flow:

 before(:each) do

 it should have done foo do

 it should have done bar do

Most of the time I would leave the do_something_to_system_under_test
inside each example. I find it easier to read, and a more useful
example (since you don't have to go look else where to see how the
method is called), and it becomes easier to maintain should the object
change in a way that requires a specific pre-condition to be
introduced that aren't needed by the other examples (you don't have to
modify every other example).

another 2 cents to throw in the water fountain,

 if set_up_state and/or do_something_to_system_under_test take ages, you
 could use a before(:all) block instead, but that comes with obvious leaky
 state disadvantages.

 Matt Wynne

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Re: [rspec-users] [webrat] failing feature step when have_selector uses block

2009-05-20 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 5:30 AM, doug livesey wrote:
 Hi -- I have a strange bug.
 The following step will pass:

 Then /^I should not see any options for the properties$/ do
   response.should have_selector( table thead )

 But this will fail:

 Then /^I should not see any options for the properties$/ do
   response.should have_selector( table thead ) do |thead|
     thead.should_not contain( Options )

 The strange thing is that it isn't the inner specification that fails, but
 the outer one that is (or should be) identical to the first example (which
 is just a reduced version of the second to investigate what was failing).
 This is the second weird thing I have seen with nested blocks in
 have_selector (the first was nested calls to have_selector only checking
 immediate descendants of the block parameter). Is there something about
 their use that I'm not understanding?

Are you using selenium or just with webrat?


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rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] List Split

2009-05-18 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 10:13 AM, Lee Hambley wrote:
 I'm honestly sure that nobody cares, but this list needs to split, I can't
 handle the volume of `junk` that is completely irrelevant because I am
 subscribed looking for to keep up to date with cucumber wisdom; I'm going to
 see how this message is received, and unsubscribe myself later today.

 The SNR ratio is absurd, and the list users should really consider a split.
 Thanks for the things I've learned, and the tips and tricks that I have been
 fortunate enough to pick up.

Over the entire weekend I received a little over 30 messages on this
list. I wouldn't exactly consider that high-volume or absurd.

I use both RSpec and Cucumber and I don't personally mind them being
on the same list as it allows me participate in discussions that
pertain to the full cycle of outside-in development. I can see where
you are coming from though since you only seem to care about the
Cucumber aspect of things. If the lists are split I will simply
subscribe to both.

A nice thing about having the two ML's combined at this point is that
discussions and questions which span the entire BDD process can be
asked and answered. The down-side of this is that not all folks who
use Cucumber use RSpec (or even Ruby).

I don't encourage the split, but I think it is becoming inevitable.
Cucumber itself is becoming large and wide. I can't think of a good
reason for Java programmers who want to use Cucumber to join the RSpec

 - Lee
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Re: [rspec-users] helpers for examples?

2009-05-15 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Denis Haskin wrote:
 Where's the recommended place to put helper methods  etc for examples?
 I've started putting them in spec/spec_helper.rb but that's going to get
 awfully cluttered.  I'm thinking maybe a spec/lib, and add that to include
 path?  Or just put them in lib?  I notice restful_authentication (I think)
 put AuthenticatedTestHelper there.

I make a spec/spec_helpers/ directory and put them in there. I try to
namespace them in the module SpecHelpers to avoid conflict and/or
confusion with other modules in the app.

I would not use spec/lib/, because a rails app has a lib directory,
and convention would have someone assume spec/lib/ are specs for
objects in RAILS_ROOT/lib/.



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Re: [rspec-users] helpers for examples?

2009-05-15 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Zach Dennis wrote:
 On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Denis Haskin 
 Where's the recommended place to put helper methods  etc for examples?
 I've started putting them in spec/spec_helper.rb but that's going to get
 awfully cluttered.  I'm thinking maybe a spec/lib, and add that to include
 path?  Or just put them in lib?  I notice restful_authentication (I think)
 put AuthenticatedTestHelper there.

 I make a spec/spec_helpers/ directory and put them in there. I try to
 namespace them in the module SpecHelpers to avoid conflict and/or
 confusion with other modules in the app.

 I would not use spec/lib/, because a rails app has a lib directory,
 and convention would have someone assume spec/lib/ are specs for
 objects in RAILS_ROOT/lib/.

Forgot to add in my spec_helper.rb I load all ruby files in spec/spec_helpers/

   Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helpers/**/*.rb'].each { |f require f }

and then in my spec config I include specific ones I need:

Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
  config.include SpecHelpers::MyApplicationMatchers
  config.include SpecHelpers::ControllerMacros, :type = :controller



 rspec-users mailing list

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 @zachdennis (twitter)

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Re: [rspec-users] Unable to post to an update action in a controller spec

2009-05-14 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 6:23 AM, Fernando Perez wrote:
 put :update, :item = 1 etc.

 I tried that but didn't work. I managed to get it working by simply

 post :update, {:id = 'dummy', :item = {'1' = ...}}

 For some reason, I previously tried with :id = 'update' but Rails
 didn't like it.

I don't get the impression you're very familiar with RESTful routing
in Rails. You may want to look read about it in the Agile Web
Development w/Rails book and/or Rails guides:

It should give you a better overview of when/where to use ids, puts, posts, etc.

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Re: [rspec-users] How To Drive Out AJAX Functionality in Rails' Views?

2009-05-12 Thread Zach Dennis
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Lee wrote:
 I am new to RSpec and have just started to drive out my first view
 using a spec. I have used the The RSpec Book (beta) to do the basic
 stuff like testing for the presence of a field but I am unsure where
 to start for driving out some AJAX functionality.

 In the view, I will have a text field that a user can enter a name
 into and then click on a link to check the availability of this name
 or otherwise. I plan to implement the check as an AJAX request,
 returning an HTML snippet or 'available' or 'not available'.

 I would appreciate some help on what sort of examples one might write
 and the various mocks, stubs and helpers etc that can be used. Or
 alternatively a pointer to some existing information/tutorials on this

For end to end coverage you'll need to utilize something like Selenium
or Watir. Webrat has  built-in Selenium support which I know folks are
using successfully (we are at MHS). It is not as polished as the
simulated support that Webrat has using an in-memory DOM, but that is
starting to change. Selenium and Webrat have a bright future ahead
(and a little longer term so does Watir IIRC).

For isolated and/or complex client-side logic in JS you can utilize a
JS-based testing framework like Screw.Unit or JSSpec:


Sorry I don't have any links to any tutorials, maybe others can
provide. For me it was a largely dive-in and figure it out with
Selenium a few years back, and I personally haven't taken the time to
dump what I've learned to the world. The RSpec Book will include a
chapter on automating Cucumber scenarios in the browser with Selenium,
although I know that chapter has not been released yet.

Zach Dennis (personal) (hire me)
@zachdennis (twitter)
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Test JSON with Cucumber

2009-05-11 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 5:31 PM, Bill Kocik wrote:
 On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:

 Well.. IIRC ActiveSupport::JSON.decode will return a ruby hash of the JSON,
 correct?  So you should be able to make expectations on it just like a
 regular hash object.

 You're absolutely correct - I think I did a poor job of asking my
 question. Maybe a more concrete example would help. Suppose I have
 this JSON:


 I want to have a scenario like this in my Cucumber feature file:

 When I go to the statuses JSON url
 Then I should find . # ['response']['code']
 And I should find . #['response']['requestId']

 With a step definition like:

 Then /^I should find ([^\]*)$/ do |the_string|
  json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
  assert_not_nil .. #(something with the json obect and the_string)

 I don't know what goes in those blanks. Cucumber is going to give me a
 string it found with the regex, but I don't know what the string would
 look like in my Then I should find line in my feature file, nor what
 to do with it in my assert line in the step definition. I'm not even
 sure any of this is possible.

 Consider if I were dealing with XML instead of JSON - I could put an
 XPath expression in my Then I should find line, and in my step
 definition I could search the XML with the given XPath expression
 using hpricot or something. With JSON and it's resultant hash, I have
 no idea where to start...

Another options is to call #to_xml on the JSON hash returned by
#decode, and then use XPath since you seem to already know it,

 Bill Kocik
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Re: [rspec-users] question re: stubbing out validations

2009-05-11 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Barun Singh wrote:
 Suppose a User has many widgets, and that we have a method in the User
 class that does something like:

 def update_widgets
   x = ... code to do some calculations ...
   if x  5
     new_widget =!


 How would one spec this without having to worry about the validations for

It seems pretty important that update_widgets is able to produce
actual widgets. I would use actual models here rather than try to
stub/mock something out. After all the whole method is about creating
(or destroying) the widgets. It seems pretty central to the behaviour
of the method. However, if what you shared is the dumbed down
version of your code for us on the ML then perhaps there is something
complicated going on that makes it a good candidate to be designed

 Is there any way in the spec to tell it to replace instances of
 save! with instances of save(false) or something along those lines? Using
 message expectations is difficult in this case because the new_widget
 doesn't exist before the method is called, so there's not object that can
 ahead of time expect to receive the save! method.

Are you telling us the full story? In the above code you shared you
don't pass any attributes into So, how does it create
valid widgets in the actual app?


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Re: [rspec-users] Where to spec authentication and roles-based permissions?

2009-05-08 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 5:33 AM, doug livesey wrote:
 Hi -- I'm writing an app that both requires authentication via a logon, and
 also has roles-based permissions (using acl_system2), and was wondering
 where to verify that both are happening.
 I've started out putting them in a special cucumber feature for
 authentication  permissions, but this is becoming a real drag, as I'm
 writing a scenario for each case (anonymous, lacking permissions, permitted)
 by each controller action.
 Can anyone advise me on a better way to organise this?

 Would it be possible to write a security feature for each controller, with
 scenarios for each action? Maybe like this:
   Scenario: Different users trying the index
     Given user is not logged in
     When I go to the controller-a index
     Then I should see Access Denied
     Given basic user is logged in
     When I go to the controller-a index
     Then I should see Insufficient Permissions
     Given super user is logged in
     When I go to the controller-a index
     Then I should see Welcome, my lord

 Any advice is very appreciated -- as you can probably tell, this is getting

I went down the route of using Scenario Outlines for this, and it
still became messy. There are simply too many cases to cover and the
tables you build up become long and redundant. After a while they all
look start to blur together and look alike. I think these kind of
things belong in controller specs where you can be confident resources
are being protected, but you can also extract out nice little macros.
For example, you might end up with:

desribe PeopleController, GET index do
   should_allow_logged_in_access_to :superuser

You could use a convention of the controller description to determine
the method and the action to hit, or you could parametrize your macro:

should_allow_logged_in_access_to :get, :index, :roles = [:superuser]

I'd recommend not specifying the roles that are denied since if you
had one you'd have to do potentially change every controller spec in
your app. Rather I'd have the macro try a non-allowed role to ensure
it didn't work for other roles.

In the Rails Controllers chapter in The RSpec Book there is a section
on extracting out a should_require_login macro which walks through
step by step the same technique I'd use for writing the macro you


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Re: [rspec-users] rspec_scaffold and mocha

2009-05-08 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 7:40 AM, jevado wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have a question about the rspec_scaffold and if it's compatible with
 other mocking frameworks.
 I just created a blank application and a scaffold of a very basic
 model. The specs run fine untill I choose to use mocha in the

 Can somebody please tell me if this is ment to be and if so if there's
 an easy way to make the scaffold work with mocha ?

RSpec scaffold is not set up produce scaffold for all of the various
mocking libraries. It does so just for what comes with RSpec. I do not
know of a way to simply replace scaffolding w/o providing more
scaffolding (ones for each mocking library) and then adding a flag to
the script/generate command to produce scaffolding for
rspec+default, rspec+mocha, rspec+rr, etc.

Also, in addition to this the normal script/generate rspec command
could be used to take the same options so it would configure your
spec_helper to run with the appropriate libraries.

I think your idea for scaffolding with different mocking libraries is
a good one. Please open a ticket on lighthouse and let's see if we can
get some more input from others in the community as well as the core

 Thanks in advance!
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Re: [rspec-users] Using Rails observers and testability

2009-05-04 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 1:57 PM, BJ Clark wrote:

 They are easier to spec with Pat Maddox's no peeping toms plugin.

I use Pat's no-peeping-toms plugin as well. It's a great tool in Rails toolbox.

Brandon Keepers has made some additional enhancements which are nice:

I don't know if he has requested Pat to pull them in, but Pat if
you're listening please check them out and consider pulling them in.
As much as I like the ability to fork there's something to be said
about having a consistent *official* home for plugins. ;)

 BJ Clark

 On May 4, 2009, at 5:33 AM, Fernando Perez wrote:


 Before I do anything stupid, I'd like to know if there are any gotchas
 when using Rails observers instead of writing my own methods or
 callbacks? Are they easy to spec/test or will I run into troubles? Are
 they easily mockable?
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Re: [rspec-users] cucumber/webrat, need to set user in session, can't stub or mock. Fixtures?

2009-04-27 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 5:24 PM, doug livesey wrote:
 Refactoring the current_user method a little, then stubbing the find method
 in there did it.

 # ApplicationController
 def current_user
   User.find( session[:user_id] ) rescue nil

 # Scenario step
 Given /^that a user is logged in to the session$/ do
   User.stub!( :find ).and_return( true )

You probably want to return a User, no? Returning true is entirely
different than the normal find API w/ActiveRecord. It seems to be
misleading and I can see where it would cause problems where
controller or view code that relies on #current_user expects a User,


 2009/4/27 doug livesey

 Except I'm now struggling with how it should work, sorry.
 The step for the scenario looks like this:

 Given /^that a user is logged in to the session$/ do
   controller.stub!( :current_user ).and_return( true )

 However, when I try to puts the value of current_user as called from the
 ApplicationController#authorise method, it returns nil.
 I've tried just stubbing out the authorise method, too, but that doesn't
 seem to work, either.
 Am I approaching this the wrong way?
  cheers again,

 2009/4/27 doug livesey

  that nailed it, cheers man!

 2009/4/27 doug livesey

  Please be sure to clip the relevant parts when responding - all of
  that is only meaningful if I look at the other email in this thread.
  Easy on my desk top. Not so easy on my phone.

 Bit too used to gmail threads, sorry!

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Re: [rspec-users] Select box with Webrat

2009-04-23 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 4:34 AM, mikej wrote:
 Thanks for the response.  I think I tried that one, still get the

 The 'Pollution' option was not found in the temp_aspect_topic_id
 select box (Webrat::NotFoundError)

 Any more thought?

Do you only have one select box on the page with that id (hidden or
showing, maybe new and/or edit forms) ?

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Re: [rspec-users] Depot app, Demeter's law and troubles cleanly spe cing

2009-04-23 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Fernando Perez wrote:
 Rails definitely entices you to break Demeter's law just so often.

 Now how to cleanly spec:

 @comment =[:comment]) ?

You think that's bad, I've seen many a code that looks like:{ ... }.mapsort

 Mocking and stubbing is starting to get ugly now.

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Re: [rspec-users] Style issue

2009-04-23 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Mark Wilden wrote:
  On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:05 PM, James Byrne wrote:

 When /currency exchange rate transfer file should contain rates/ do
 found = false
 fx_code = 'USD' do |line|
   found = true if
   break if found
 fail(ArgumentError, Exchange Rate not found for #{fx_code}) if not

 I find this more straighforward and easy to understand:

  When /currency exchange rate transfer file should contain rates/ do
   fx_code = 'USD' do |line|
     return true if
   fail(ArgumentError, Exchange Rate not found for #{fx_code})

I'd even vote for the more concise form:

When /currency exchange rate transfer file should contain rates/ do
  fx_code = 'USD'
  IO.readlines(FOREX_XFR_FN).any?{ |line|
line.match /.*fx_target#{fx_code}.*fx_rate(\d+\.\d{4}).*/
  } || fail ArgumentError, Exchange Rate not found for #{fx_code} unless found


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Re: [rspec-users] Style issue

2009-04-23 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Zach Dennis wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Mark Wilden wrote:
  On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:05 PM, James Byrne wrote:

 When /currency exchange rate transfer file should contain rates/ do
 found = false
 fx_code = 'USD' do |line|
   found = true if
   break if found
 fail(ArgumentError, Exchange Rate not found for #{fx_code}) if not

 I find this more straighforward and easy to understand:

  When /currency exchange rate transfer file should contain rates/ do
   fx_code = 'USD' do |line|
     return true if
   fail(ArgumentError, Exchange Rate not found for #{fx_code})

 I'd even vote for the more concise form:

 When /currency exchange rate transfer file should contain rates/ do
  fx_code = 'USD'
  IO.readlines(FOREX_XFR_FN).any?{ |line|
    line.match /.*fx_target#{fx_code}.*fx_rate(\d+\.\d{4}).*/
  } || fail ArgumentError, Exchange Rate not found for #{fx_code} unless 

Whoops, make that...

When /currency exchange rate transfer file should contain rates/ do
 fx_code = 'USD'
 IO.readlines(FOREX_XFR_FN).any?{ |line|
   line.match /.*fx_target#{fx_code}.*fx_rate(\d+\.\d{4}).*/
 } || fail(ArgumentError, Exchange Rate not found for #{fx_code})


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Re: [rspec-users] Controller spec: testing that scope is set

2009-04-20 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
 On Sunday 19 April 2009, Zach Dennis wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
  On Sunday 19 April 2009, Zach Dennis wrote:
  On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
   In a Rails controller I set the scope on a model class in an
   around filter. I have defined expectations on the model classes,
   and ideally, I would add a further expectation for the scope. Is
   this already possible in some way? How would I go about adding
   support a scope expectation?
  How are you setting the said scope?
  In an around filter. However, I don't want to test the around
  filter mechanism, it might as well be rack middleware instead.

 Sorry, I don't know what scope means to you in your app. Can you
 share your around_filter?

 Oops, sorry, I assumed the concept from ActiveRecord would be familiar.
 If you know ActiveRecord::Base#with_scope that's really all there is. A
 scope, within a block or through a proxy, defines options that are
 merged with the arguments to #find et al. This merging happens behind
 the scenes, therefore the scoped options are effective, but don't show
 up as arguments anywhere.

 I'm using this in conjunction with a generic query representation
 (inspired by JSON Query) that is map through a combination of Rack
 middleware and generated around_filters, see below for a glimpse.


 class PeopleController  ApplicationController
  include QueryScope

  query_scope :only = :index do
# Only allow to filter and order by the
# virtual name attribute.
# This attribute is mapped onto the real
# firstname and lastname attributes.
allow :name
condition :name =
  LOWER(firstname || ' ' || lastname) :op LOWER(?)
order :name = lastname :dir, firstname :dir

 Somewhere in QueryScope

 def query_scope(options = {}, config_block)
  model_class = extract_resource!(options)
  builder =
  around_filter(options) do |controller, action|
req = builder.build_request_conditioner(controller.request)
controller.instance_variable_set(:@offset_limit, req.offset_limit)
model_class.send(:with_scope, :find = req.find_options, action)

I think I am starting to understand what you're after. You want to
ensure the scope defined in your query_scope configuration block in
the controller is used to set the scope on the controller's model.

With the assumption that that is correct, I would probably refactor
how your #query_scope method works. Right now you're implicitly going
through a QueryScopeBuilder to get a RequestConditioner, in order to
access the #find_options and #offset_limit behaviour on that
RequestConditioner. I would make your controller deal with one object,
perhaps a RequestToQueryTranslator. Your #query_scope method would
come out looking like:

   def query_scope(options = {}, config_block)
model_class = extract_resource!(options)
query = RequestToQueryTranslator.translate(controller.request,
around_filter(options) do |controller, action|
  controller.instance_variable_set(:@offset_limit, query.offset_limit)
  model_class.send(:with_scope, :find = query.find_options, action)

This simplifies the #query_scope method and gives you more
implementation freedom how your query is constructed. This still
leaves something difficult to spec though, you are passing your
query_scope config_block through, and I'm guessing it is
instance_eval'd. You can't be sure of what's going on in that
config_block unless you actually instance_eval inside of the
appropriate object. This limits your ability to write a clean
object-level example expecting the right query is constructed because
it requires your controller to work with real dependent objects.

Two approaches that come to mind for dealing with this are to change
how your config_block works. Rather than:

  query_scope :only = :index do
allow :name
condition :name =
  LOWER(firstname || ' ' || lastname) :op LOWER(?)
order :name = lastname :dir, firstname :dir

You could do:

  query_scope :only = :index do |query|
query.allow :name
query.condition :name =
  LOWER(firstname || ' ' || lastname) :op LOWER(?)
query.order :name = lastname :dir, firstname :dir

Now in your spec, you can write a spec against the query_scope, by
ensuring the passed in object receives #allow, #condition and #order
with appropriate arguments. Now you don't have instance eval the block
in some dependent object somewhere, you can simply pass the query your
RequestToQueryTranslator.translate method returns to the config_block.
This gives you the advantage of ensuring that the controller sets up
the proper query, and it allows you to spec your
RequestToQueryTranslator in isolation to ensure that given

Re: [rspec-users] Depot app, Demeter's law and troubles cleanly specing

2009-04-19 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Mark Wilden wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 3:51 AM, Matt Wynne wrote:

 @order_presenter.product_titles do |product_title, url|
  %= link_to product_title, url %

 The presentation of an order in most apps will be constructed from
 additional columns (e.g., color, size, price, extended price). These
 columns may well be formatted differently depending on the
 circumstance (e.g, printed or on-screen).

 Now, it might be a good idea to put this construction and formatting
 in a helper or presenter outside the view (though it won't be
 TSTTCPW). But anywhere you put it, there will be non-Demeterian code
 that needs to drill down into each order's items', products'
 information (as well as non-product information, such as line-item
 discount). If the underlying model changes, this code will have to
 change - you can't avoid it.

Agreed. I think Dan Manges post is a good one on this topic as well:

His second to last paragraph:

The crux of this is that webpage views aren't domain objects and
can't adhere to the Law of Demeter. Clearly from the examples of
behavior delegation the Law of Demeter leads to cleaner code. However,
when rendering a view, it's natural and expected that the view needs
to branch out into the domain model. Also, anytime something in a view
dictates code in models, take caution. Models should define business
logic and be able to stand alone from views. If this train-wreck
method calling in your views is bothersome, there is a better solution
that I will blog about later.

I tend to agree his thoughts on this, but be careful how you read the
sentence anytime something in a view dictates code in models, take
caution. He isn't referring outside-in development practices. He's
referring to  adding methods in a model for strictly presentation
purposes, which is bad because it dilutes the richness of the model,
and makes it change for reasons it shouldn't.  Here's another article
which discusses why methods shouldn't be added to models for
presentation purposes:

Although if you read that article and want to try out presenters, you
should know that CachingPresenter supersedes the PresentationObject
library in the article. And you don't need a library to use
presenters, your presenters can be POROs just like Matt Wynne posted.
I tend to like the CachingPresenter library (heck I wrote it) approach
so I can utilize caching, memoization, and a slightly more declarative
API and list of helper methods.

One technique I've employed in the past along side presenters
(although it can be done w/o presenters) is to make use of partials,
and actually treat them like little view objects. So you could take
what you had:

   @order.items.each do |item|

And transform it into two views, one that is concerned with the order,
and a partial which is concerned with the product of an item. :

   %= render :partial items/product, :collection = %

And then add a items/product partial and spec it in isolation.
Spec'ing views (and partials) in isolation gives you the ability to
have simpler view specs, and you're able to avoid feeling the awkward
need to build up a network of objects. And you don't have to worry
about adding a bunch of little delegate methods all over the place.

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Controller spec: testing that scope is set

2009-04-19 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
 On Sunday 19 April 2009, Zach Dennis wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
  On Sunday 19 April 2009, Zach Dennis wrote:
  On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
   In a Rails controller I set the scope on a model class in an
   around filter. I have defined expectations on the model classes,
   and ideally, I would add a further expectation for the scope. Is
   this already possible in some way? How would I go about adding
   support a scope expectation?
  How are you setting the said scope?
  In an around filter. However, I don't want to test the around
  filter mechanism, it might as well be rack middleware instead.

 Sorry, I don't know what scope means to you in your app. Can you
 share your around_filter?

 Oops, sorry, I assumed the concept from ActiveRecord would be familiar.
 If you know ActiveRecord::Base#with_scope that's really all there is. A
 scope, within a block or through a proxy, defines options that are
 merged with the arguments to #find et al. This merging happens behind
 the scenes, therefore the scoped options are effective, but don't show
 up as arguments anywhere.

 I'm using this in conjunction with a generic query representation
 (inspired by JSON Query) that is map through a combination of Rack
 middleware and generated around_filters, see below for a glimpse.


 class PeopleController  ApplicationController
  include QueryScope

  query_scope :only = :index do
    # Only allow to filter and order by the
    # virtual name attribute.
    # This attribute is mapped onto the real
    # firstname and lastname attributes.
    allow     :name
    condition :name =
      LOWER(firstname || ' ' || lastname) :op LOWER(?)
    order     :name = lastname :dir, firstname :dir

 Somewhere in QueryScope

 def query_scope(options = {}, config_block)
  model_class = extract_resource!(options)
  builder =
  around_filter(options) do |controller, action|
    req = builder.build_request_conditioner(controller.request)
    controller.instance_variable_set(:@offset_limit, req.offset_limit)
    model_class.send(:with_scope, :find = req.find_options, action)

In your original post you asked:

   How would I go about adding support a scope expectation?

Given the code you've shown it is not clear exactly what you are
expecting. Do you just want to be able to expect that you call
model_class.send(:with_scope) with the appropriate arguments?

I'm sorry if I seem dense, but you have a very clear idea of what you
want to accomplish, but it's coming out very piece meal across
multiple emails and it's quite difficult to pick up on,

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] DDL Rails 2.3 nested transactions causing problems in specs

2009-04-18 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 6:36 PM, john wrote:
 Mysql::Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
 corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1' at line 1: RELEASE SAVEPOINT
 a rails ticket concerning this error which was marked

 another rails doc concerning

 Good grief!

The issue seems to not be ActiveRecord, but limitations of MySQL.
Elia Schito gave a good explanation IMO on the rails ticket.

 Apparently any nested transaction (ex. a create statement inside a test)
 will fail if you're using MySQL.
 still fighting it. If you create an ActiveRecord object in one 'it' block,
 it's still there in the next block ?!?

Do you have transactional fixtures turned off? The following works
fine with Rails 2.3.2:

Can you provide more information about your problem? You didn't really
show us what you were doing, and what you thought was failing, and
what you actually expected.

 The only workaround I've found for the MySQL's unsupported nested
 transactions is the following:

 User.transaction do
   user1 = User.create(:name = Alice)
   User.transaction(:requires_new = true) do
     user2 = User.create(:name = Bob)
 This is actually emulated using save points because most databases do not
 support nested transactions. Some databases (SQLite) don’t support either
 save points or nested transactions, so in that case this works just like
 Rails 2.2 where the inner transaction(s) have no effect and if there are any
 exceptions the entire transaction is rolled back.

 PLUGIN SOLUTIONS that DON'T fix spec issues: (github version with added
 support for oracle)

 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] AfterCurrentScenario block

2009-04-17 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Aslak Hellesøy wrote:

 Den 17. april. 2009 kl. 18.06 skrev Matt Wynne

 Is there currently a way to register a block to run after the current
 scenario completes?


After is used after *any* scenario completes thought, right? If you
add an After block inside of a step definition, it's going to be
executed from that point on, rather than clear out at the end of the
scenario that ran it, correct?

 If not, we've implemented one. Would anyone be interested in us submitting
 it as a patch to Cucumber?

 How is this different from After?

* It clears out after the current scenario.
* It doesn't require to be run for scenarios that don't need it.
* It allows you to cleanly place the handler next to the code that it
is so closely related
* It doesn't require you know the name of the scenario(s) that would
need it (it's simply determined by if a step definition is run)


 Something like

 Given something that will not be rolled back after the scenario is
 finished do
  original = SomeClass.a_value
  SomeClass.a_value = 7

  AfterCurrentScenario do
   # undo stuff
   SomeClass.a_value = original

 If you're interested, our use case is for pagination, where we explicitly
 set the length of a page to something much shorter than the default in a
 step, so that we only have to create a small number of objects to spill over
 onto another page. The page length value is set on a class variable, and
 would pollute other tests, so we want to reset it when the scenario is

  e.g.  Given the maximum number of Users to display is 2
   And there are 3 Users
   When I view the Users page
   Then I should see the text see all 3 users

 Matt Wynne

 rspec-users mailing list

 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] How can I pass an XML block as a parameter?

2009-04-14 Thread Zach Dennis
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Stephen Eley wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:

 Have you tried the pystring syntax?

 Given I want to have multiple lines
 I can pass them
 in with three quotes...

 How does that parse into a step definition?  Would it be:

 Given /^I want to have multiple lines\n(.*)$/m do |text|

Given /^I want to have multiple lines$/m do |text|

Cucumber parses it and appends it to the blocks argument list---so it
will always be the last argument. e.g.

Given /^(\w+) want to have multiple lines$/m do |who, text|

It is a cucumber PyString object, but you can treat it like a normal string.

 ...or would it be something else?  Is the newline character necessary?
  Are the quotes included?  And does this imply that multiline text
 must always be separated from from steps in lines of its own?

 Sorry if I'm asking dumb questions, but I was trying to look this up a
 few weeks ago myself to represent some example Markdown data, and
 eventually gave up.  This isn't documented anywhere that I could find.
  I've also never heard of pystring syntax -- I just tried to Google
 that too, but all I got were references to Java libraries and no
 simple syntax reference.

 Have Fun,
   Steve Eley (
   ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine
 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Mocking: brittle specs and tight coupling?

2009-04-12 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Phlip wrote:
 David Chelimsky wrote:

 Another tip: To TDD a new feature, don't clone a high-level test which
 code which calls code which calls the code you need to change.

 FWIW, what you propose is the exact opposite of BDD, which suggests we
 start at the highest levels and work our way in.

 My current day-job's most important project has a test suite that suffered
 from abuse of that concept. The original team, without enough refactoring,
 were cloning and modifying very-high-level tests, making them longer, and
 using them to TDD new features into the bottom of the models layer. Don't do

This sounds like an issue with the team.

 How can you know what the lowest level code is supposed to do before
 you have higher level code invoking it? You can certainly make good
 guesses, and they might end up being good choices in the end, but they
 tend to bind you to a pre-determined design.

 That sounds like James Kanze's over-educated arguments against TDD:

 Phlip wrote:

 James Kanze wrote:
  In particular, you can't
  write a single line of code (unit test or implementation) before
  you know what the function should do,

 I didn't bring up TDD, but if you are curious enough about it
 to keep asking these entry-level FAQs,

 I'm not asking anything.  I'm simply stating an easily
 established fact, which wishful thinking seems to cause some
 people to ignore.  Tests definitly have their role, but until
 you know what the code should do, you can't begin to write them.
 And until you've written something down in black and white, you
 don't know it.

 From there, he'll wander off into too smart to just try it bullshit...

 Your recommendation also starts with cloning a pre-existing example,
 so I'm assuming this is a very specific sort of situation, where you
 have a certain amount of code in place. What about when you are
 starting a project for the first time?

 Programming bottom-up gives you decoupled lower layers. Top-down gives you a
 way to tunnel from a new View feature into the code that supports it. The
 goal is you _could_ start a new feature either way, and you get the benefits
 of both techniques.

Having done both for a few years each, in my experience I've found
that outside-in gives me better decoupled layers, where each layer is
more focused on its responsibility. Inside-out usually leaked a lot of
things into outer layers, because as I was building out I was making
assumptions on what I was going to need.
Individually, each thing that leaked was small and manageable, but a
few weeks, and months later, all of those little manageable oddities
now may the code base hell to work with, slowing down progress and
making it much harder for new devs to get ramped up.

I have worked bottom-up with Java and Ruby, and I've shipped those
apps. Not all of them were webapps either. IME, the bottom up approach
works. But after sharpening my outside-in skills, I have found it to
be all around much better development approach for the apps that I

 I thought of describing that specific tip while adding any! to
 assert_xhtml. It would have been too easy to start with the high-level

  def test_anybang_is_magic
    assert_xhtml SAMPLE_LIST do
      ul.kalika do
        any! 'Billings report'

    assert_xhtml_flunk SAMPLE_LIST do
      without! do
        any! 'Billings report'

 Some of my features indeed started there, and some of them indeed do not yet
 have low-level tests.

 But the entire call stack below that also at least has tests on each layer -
 except the actual code which converts a tag like select! into the fragment
 of XPath which matches //select[]. Oh, and that code around it had grown a
 little long. So in this case, I started there, and refactored out the single
 line that needed the change:

  def translate_tag(element)\!$/, '')

 Then I can TDD translate_tag directly:

  def test_any_element
    bhw = assemble_BeHtmlWith{ any :attribute = 'whatever' }
    element = bhw.builder.doc.root
    assert{ bhw.translate_tag(element) == 'any' }
    bhw = assemble_BeHtmlWith{ any! :attribute = 'whatever' }
    element = bhw.builder.doc.root
    assert{ bhw.translate_tag(element) == '*' }


  def translate_tag(element)
    if == 'any!'
    else\!$/, '')

 Only then I wrote the high-level tests, and they passed.

 Note that RSpec requires the constructor to BeHtmlWith to be a little ...
 fruity, so I wrapped it and its Builder stuff up into assemble_BeHtmlWith...


 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis

Re: [rspec-users] Reuse of Cucumber Features

2009-04-09 Thread Zach Dennis
 to specify the date in the features,
 as there
  may be extra requirements like birth dates can not be in the future
   in addition to the generic date requirements.  And I want to
  that the form checks for valid dates, displays the appropriate error
   message when invalid, and uses the common rules for parsing.
 But I don't
  want to copy and paste those scenarios in every feature.  I think
   reusing steps as you mention is probably the solution but I'm
 stuck on
  how to word it and put it together in my case.
   On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 8:41 AM, Matt Wynne matt at wrote:
       On 13 Dec 2008, at 20:58, Steve Molitor wrote:
           What's the best way to handle a requirement that shows
 up as a
  sub-requirement requirement in other features?  For example let's
           users can enter dates in various forms throughout my
    There is one set of global rules specifying the formats in which
           dates may be entered, and how they are interpreted.  I
 put that
  in one feature.  In various other features, like 'Create new
           patient', one can enter dates, like the patient's birth
 date.  I
  want to do something like 'and the date entry shall follow the
           normal rules' but I'm not sure how to do that in an
  driven way, without copying and pasting from other features.
           Does my question make sense?  Any suggestions?
       Do you know that you can call steps within steps?
       Is that what you're looking for?
       Matt Wynne
       rspec-users mailing list
       rspec-users at
   rspec-users mailing list
   rspec-users at
  rspec-users mailing list
  rspec-users at

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 Matt Wynne

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 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Reuse of Cucumber Features

2009-04-09 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Matt Wynne wrote:

 On 9 Apr 2009, at 17:47, Zach Dennis wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Williams, Wesley wrote:


 Hmm, I think this is one way to do it.  I will need to get my customer
 to think differently about defining the requirements.  They really like
 the tables.

 Some times table just work best. I love writing scenarios with natural
 language, but I've hit many cases where the inputs and outputs are
 best displayed as a table, and it's easier for the customer to gr0k,
 then to read a short novel.

 This kind of re-use that you seem to need sounds like a potential
 feature for Cucumber. A way to utilize an external file to house a
 table of data. e.g.:

  Given I have the following set of flights:
     | foo | bar | baz |

 Would become

   Given I have the following set of flights:
   FromFile: flights/scheduleA

 And then you'd have the flights/scheduleA house:

     | foo | bar | baz |

 Cucumber could dump in the table data it found from the file, and
 print it out when running the scenarios, and it allows some sets of
 sample data be re-used easily, in an understandable manner.


 This is a good idea - people do this with Fit (as opposed to Fitnesse) and
 go straight to a spreadsheet for the examples.

 I don't see why it needs a new Cucumber feature though - you could easily
 (and more flexibly) write a custom step yourself to load in the data from an
 external file, right?

That's true, but why does everyone need to write their file loading
step/code? It seems like something where flexibility really doesn't
benefit anyone, unless you are doing something unique and special,
which I think is different than simply being able to store example
tables in an external file.

 Matt Wynne

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Testing page layouts

2009-04-09 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:55 PM, James Byrne wrote:
 This is a question of technique.  To what degree do projects generally
 test page/report layouts?  Do you just check to see if the expected data
 is present or do you also check that the layout is presentable?

We use humans to check layout and presentation since it's visual and
not something that can be determined correct by a program in a
reasonably maintainable way (at least IMO).

We use scenarios and specs to ensure that the application is providing
the right display of information from the system, and the proper
form/inputs that people should be able to access through the app.

We find the combination gives us a good flexibility to change the UI
while being confident that the app is still doing everything it should

 Posted via
 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Reuse of Cucumber Features

2009-04-09 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Zach Dennis wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Matt Wynne wrote:

 On 9 Apr 2009, at 17:47, Zach Dennis wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Williams, Wesley wrote:


 Hmm, I think this is one way to do it.  I will need to get my customer
 to think differently about defining the requirements.  They really like
 the tables.

 Some times table just work best. I love writing scenarios with natural
 language, but I've hit many cases where the inputs and outputs are
 best displayed as a table, and it's easier for the customer to gr0k,
 then to read a short novel.

 This kind of re-use that you seem to need sounds like a potential
 feature for Cucumber. A way to utilize an external file to house a
 table of data. e.g.:

  Given I have the following set of flights:
     | foo | bar | baz |

 Would become

   Given I have the following set of flights:
   FromFile: flights/scheduleA

 And then you'd have the flights/scheduleA house:

     | foo | bar | baz |

 Cucumber could dump in the table data it found from the file, and
 print it out when running the scenarios, and it allows some sets of
 sample data be re-used easily, in an understandable manner.


 This is a good idea - people do this with Fit (as opposed to Fitnesse) and
 go straight to a spreadsheet for the examples.

 I don't see why it needs a new Cucumber feature though - you could easily
 (and more flexibly) write a custom step yourself to load in the data from an
 external file, right?

 That's true, but why does everyone need to write their file loading
 step/code? It seems like something where flexibility really doesn't
 benefit anyone, unless you are doing something unique and special,
 which I think is different than simply being able to store example
 tables in an external file.

One more though, how would you process your example table from a file
within a step? Would you do a giant eval after reading the contents?
Or would you reach into the guts of Cucumber to programmatically build
the right thing? Is there another way? I've never done it, so just
asking how you would approach this by writing your own step,

 Matt Wynne

 Zach Dennis

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] updated to latest gems, rspec not catching

2009-04-08 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:08 PM, doug livesey wrote:
 Hi, after an update to all the latest gems, I have a controller spec failing
 that wasn't previously:
    flash[:alert].should eql( Blah blah. )

 The flash is being set by[:alert] = '...' in this instance.
 Can anyone suggest how I can make this work again?

I just submitted a patch to ticket #11834 to resolve this issue in rspec-rails:

In the mean time you can manually patch your local rspec-rails (if you
unpack rspec and rspec-rails into vendor/gems or vendor/plugins this
should work fine). Or you can do Xavier suggests on that ticket and
add a few lines to your spec_helper, until rspec-rails is updated.



 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Rspec] Trying to get rspec to test a controller in a namespace

2009-04-08 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 5:18 PM, TimBooher wrote:
 any takers? am i asking a question that is too hard or too easy and

So your SponsorsController exists inside of a Admin module namespace?

If so update your spec:

   describe Admin::SponsorsController

If that's not the issue I'm not quite sure what you're using namespace
to refer to,



 On Apr 7, 7:41 am, Tim Booher wrote:
 I am trying to get my workflow down and am confused on several fronts. The
 first is how to get my rspec_scaffold tests to run. The problem is that i
 generated my scaffold, then moved my controller into a namespace named

 So I have the following familiar code. How can i change this to avoid:

 my error on run

 `load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant SponsorsController
     from /home/tim/web_apps/lovd_by_fitwit/script/spec:5


 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')

 describe SponsorsController do

   def mock_sponsor(stubs={})
     @mock_sponsor ||= mock_model(Sponsor, stubs)

   describe responding to GET index do

     it should expose all sponsors as @sponsors do
       get :index
       assigns[:sponsors].should == [mock_sponsor]

    . . . .


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 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] Welcome Ben Mabey to the official Cucumber team

2009-04-07 Thread Zach Dennis
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:
 aslak hellesoy wrote:

 Ben Mabey has accepted my invitation to be on the core Cucumber team.
 Ben has been a long time contributor to Cucumber's ecosystem and knows it
 inside out.
 Here is a quote from IRC today:

  mabes: Yeah but you're the cucumber God.

 The core Cucumber team now consists of Joseph Wilk, Ben Mabey and myself.
 Welcome Ben!

Congrats Ben!


 Thanks for the welcome!

 Just to be clear.. I did not say that I was the cucumber God... someone
 said that to me. :)

 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Best practices: How small to make examples?

2009-04-06 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Mark Wilden wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 8:02 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:

  Given user myuser is authenticated
  When they visit the registration page
   And they provide all required registration data
   And they choose register
  Then they should see a registration success message

You left out the And... which I believe James used to denote
anything else that needed to be done to ensure the registration was
successful. Maybe on purpose, maybe by accident, but it seems to have
impacted your response. Maybe what you responded with was exactly what
you meant to say, but it feels like a response made with haste.

 I have two issues with this:

 1) How could this story be acceptable? In other words, how could
 business say that it's done? The success of this scenario would not
 indicate very much about the success of the application.

 2) There are different levels of granularity here. There are very
 specific steps ('they visit the registration page', 'they should see a
 registration success message') that relate to a specific URL or page
 element. Then there is the catch-all 'all required registration data.'
 To me, this doesn't communicate anything meaningful to business. It's
 akin to 'Then it should work'.

 Obviously, a scenario is not a formal requirements document.
 Nevertheless, if what it asserts is too generic, how much benefit is
 there in executing it?

 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] debuggin cucmber script in ruby

2009-04-06 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:
 Anil Gollaa wrote:

 Thanks for the information,
 When i run cucumber testfile.feature, I was able to halt execution at
 breakpoint, but when i type 'n'. it is getting in to
 /lib/cucumber/ast/step_invocation.rb:33 and some other lib files of

 I just want to debug line by line of the script, instead of getting in to
 cucumber files.

 please help me in this regard

 Sorry, but I don't know of anything that will automatically allow you to
 skip over framework code.. Although, that would be very cool.  My best
 suggestion would be to set multiple breakpoints and hit c to continue to
 the next one so you can skip through all of Cucumber's code.

I will sometimes set a global variable to help me flag when to debug,
if the code in question gets executed multiple times. e.g.

   $c = true if my_condition_is_met

And then...

  debugger if $c

 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] spec'ing theme views

2009-04-06 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 8:06 PM, jared wrote:
 I'm using the theme support plugin on one of my apps, and I would like
 to spec the views for each of my themes, but having a little trouble
 and hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

 Themed views are located at /themes/my_theme/views that override the
 views in app/views when that theme is active. I created a themes/
 my_theme/spec directory, and to spec the file at /themes/my_theme/
 views/default/index.html.erb I created the following file at themes/

 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../spec/

 describe /default/index.html.erb do
  include DefaultHelper

  it should render do


 Two major questions here:

 1) I'm not sure what to put for the describe parameter since I'm
 assuming /default/index.html.erb is referencing the app/views

This is a textual description used to help you. It doesn't actually
mean anything to rspec at this time AFAIK. RSpec is able to to treat
specs found in spec/views/ as ViewExampleGroups based on the view
directory naming convention, IIRC.

 2) Running this spec gives:

 NameError in '/default/index.html.erb should render'
 undefined local variable or method `render' for

 any suggestions on how to approach this?

Try passing in :type = view to your describe. e.g.:

describe your/partial, :type = view do
  # ...

Where does that take you?

 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Best practices: How small to make examples?

2009-04-05 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Mark Wilden wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 5:20 AM, David Chelimsky wrote:

 Given I register for a conference
 Then my name should be on the list of conference attendees
 And the conference should be my list of conferences

 If I were describing 'register for a conference' in this scenario,
 then I would think it important to specify the steps that are used:

  Given I am logged in
  And I go to the registration page
  And I fill in the email field
  And I click Register
  Then my name should be on the list of conference attendees
  And the conference should be my list of conferences

 That's the level of detail the story would have, so that's what I want
 to show works.

 On the other hand, this could simply be describing what appears on the
 screen when I am registered for a conference (as opposed to how I got
 there). In that case, the Given would simply add a database row. But
 there would be a different story for the process of filling out the

 Sometimes, they can be combined. But my point is that scenarios still
 have to describe how the user relates to the form and 'Given I
 register for a conference' doesn't do that. When you do have a
 scenario that includes this level of detail, you don't need a view
 spec, IMO. And you can still code step-by-step.

It seems that when developers write scenarios they often walk through
everything logically and fill in every input field from a scenario.
When my customers write scenarios they don't do this, they tend to
think higher level. They write: Given I register for a conference.

Over time I've found I lean towards the scenarios remaining higher
level.  When scenarios too detailed oriented for how registering for
a conference is done then it becomes a maintenance burden any time
how registering for a conference is updated.  I like allowing my
scenario to remain expressive about the behaviour of the app while
leaving out the details about every form field being filled in. In a
way it's parallel with refactoring a public method. You can change the
details w/o changing how everything uses it. I find that's akin to
scenarios. They should only change when the actual behaviour changes
(or at least that's my goal to shoot for), not necessarily when the UI
gets reworked, or input fields get added or removed.

I also don't think the scenario should try to relate the forms on the
UI to the user. There are better tools for this job: wireframes,
screen mockups, and the actual UI itself. It sounds like you may have
an expectation that the scenarios should read like step by step
instructions for using the app? An interesting idea, but it adds an
additional responsibility to the scenarios which I think will
ultimately convolute the value they are trying to express. At least it
has when I tried to do that months back.

 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

[rspec-users] [ANN] BDD w/Rails class in June

2009-04-03 Thread Zach Dennis
I apologize in advanced if this seems like a shameless plug, but it
feels like an appropriate place to announce it. The first week of June
I'm going to teaching a class on BDD w/Rails in sunny west Michigan:

Announcement -
Course -

Happy rubying,

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Problem with Custom matcher and Blocks

2009-04-02 Thread Zach Dennis
 of the pieces of information it should be

I'm really interested in this topic as I think I've seen when Cucumber
is relied on too much and I've definitely seen where it's been relied
on too little. So naturally I'm interested to find out more about
people's projects to help gauge where things fall on the continuum,

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Good introduction to rspec

2009-04-01 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:50 AM, James Byrne wrote:
 Pablo L. de Miranda wrote:
 @Fernando - So what material you recommend to start a study in rSpec?

 This might be heresy, but I suggest that you start with Cucumber and
 simply use RSpec matcher syntax in your step definitions.   Once you
 have the hang of how to express expectations in the step definitions,
 then move on to using RSpec on its own; providing that you still want

 I really did not get the hang of any of this, TDD, BDD, Rails or Ruby
 until I latched on to Cucumber and started -- very, very poorly mind you
 -- to discover how to express behaviour and, more importantly, what
 behaviour to express.  It was, for me, a tumultuous journey and one that
 I am still traveling.

 I am now at the point where, simply by expressing one little bit of
 desired bwhaviour in a cucumber scenario, I uncovered a requirement to
 leave Rails for a bit and implement a set of SQL triggers.  This would
 have been discovered at some point anyway, but I rather suspect that
 without BDD the implementation would have been written first in Ruby for
 ActiveRecord only to be discarded sometime later when the need for a
 trigger became manifest.

 Peepcode is good, I have watched and learned lots there.  Just recall
 that the episodes go far back in time insofar as Rails and RSpec are
 concerned.  These two products have undergone extensive change since
 many of the episodes were recorded.

Thanks for sharing James. I know when you first joined the list there
were a few frustrating moments, and it's really good to hear about
where you've come and how you've gotten there. This is helpful to both
newbs and seasoned BDDers alike,

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] RSpec makes me want to write better code

2009-03-31 Thread Zach Dennis
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Zach Dennis wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 5:39 AM, Fernando Perez wrote:
 Fernando Perez wrote:

 Today is a big day. I officially transitioned from manually testing by
 clicking around in my app, to automated testing with RSpec + Autotest.

 6 months since my initial post, what happened in between?

 - My controllers are getting anorexic, and that's good. An action
 typically does only 1 call to a model and behind the scenes that model
 will make other calls to other models and do some fancy stuff, this used
 to happen in the controller which was bad. Now it has become so easy to
 write model specs.

 Great! Keeping controllers simple makes life better on many fronts.

 - I don't spec controllers, because it's too painful to do. I don't spec
 views either, because I tweak them too often, and it would take me more
 time rewriting view specs then actually coding the views. If there is
 something to test for is the rendering of the css across browsers,
 because that's terrible!

 I usually let Cucumber run through the basics of the action, but I
 write controller specs for interesting thing that affect the behaviour
 of an action such as requiring logic, or a certain permission, or
 special error handling logic, etc. Pulling these things out into a
 controller macro makes re-using them extremely simple. The next beta
 release for The RSpec Book will cover doing that.

 I write view specs because they *change* so much. I don't spec the
 structure of the page, just the semantics of it as it pertains to
 information I programmatically display or don't display. IME, when
 apps are small there is a feeling that Cucumber can do it all, but as
 the app grows Cucumber can be a burden as well. Cucumber scenarios
 can't do it all, and when you have interesting apps, hundreds of
 scenarios and hundreds of steps it becomes way too time consuming to
 try to find exactly what and why things died and why. I prefer focused
 view specs for this regression rather than simply relying on Cucumber.
  Also cucumber step definitions can become large and unwieldy. I like
 focused steps which do enough to prove a scenario works as expected
 and I like to drop down to specs for the details of it.

 - I use cucumber+webrat to test that some important public pages render
 without a 500 error. I don't care if the view has such div except if it
 is a critical one. What I mean is that I won't test, all the assignments
 that should be on the page, as some tutorials demonstrate. This is
 nearly impossible to maintain.

 I disagree with the last two sentences here. I build my views spec
 first with examples that expect the result of to be on
 the page. Only then do I actually add it to the view. I have had no
 issue maintaining this. Not only do I get a design benefit when its
 not just a simple model attribute, but perhaps a calculated field, I
 also get regression for free. I move swiftly, happily, and confidently
 on without worrying about manually verifying everything on the page is
 as it should be, I let my specs do that.

 - I can refactor my code, immediately spot areas where my code got
 broken, and fix it. Before some parts of my app would be broken without
 having me knowing about it for a long time until some cool customers
 report a few bugs, but this was not an acceptable situation.

 IMO, this is the case when people don't write view specs. Unless
 someone's Cucumber scenario covers everything on the view (which they
 don't unless its a super simple CRUD app). Half the time I wonder if
 people even know if their views are displaying the write things on the
 page over time. How would they not know w/o specs? Do they manually
 verify every page every time they deploy? That seems impossible to

 - I don't use Autotest, it sucks too much power, and it is too much
 distracting. From time to time I run specs to check if things look good,
 and always before updating the code on the server.

 Agreed. I loathe autotest, but I don't run specs time to time, I run
 my specs all the time. It's a part of my development process. Red
 Green Refactor. It's not just a mantra, its a discipline. Although
 when I don't know what I want or need to do, I spike something
 (without any tests), and once I figure it out I scrape the spike (or
 comment it out) and drive it with examples.

 - I have written my own Factory. It's not OOP, it could be refactored,
 but it works 100% as advertised, provides default values, can handle
 associations, etc. I am pleased with it (I tried factory girl,
 machinist, etc and got pissed off). I encourage anyone to write his own
 little factory, to get a better hang of how to write good specs. I
 totally got mad with fixtures, it is impossible to maintain specs/tests
 with fixtures. Impossible.

 Cool. Is it on github? I wrote my own as well, but then switched to
 FactoryGirl because everyone I talked to loved

Re: [rspec-users] [Rails] specifying that a layout yields?

2009-03-30 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Brandt Kurowski wrote:
 I recently had a bug in a layout due to the layout not calling yield
 to display the actual content. I wanted to write a spec to describe
 what was missing, but it wasn't obvious how, so I just fixed the
 problem first and doubled back to spec it later.

 Anyway, the most succinct thing I was able to come up with was the

  describe /layouts/application do
    it should show the content do
      class  template
        attr_accessor :did_render_content
      template.did_render_content = false
      render :inline = % self.did_render_content = true
 %, :layout = 'application'
      template.did_render_content.should be_true

 But I'm not quite satisfied with this, as it's not as clear and
 expressive as specs usually are. I thought I'd write a custom matcher
 for it, but it's not obvious to me what I'd even want the spec to look

 Any ideas?

There's no need for a custom matcher. You just utilize the :layout
option that render has. e.g. the follow example ensures the layout
renders the content it is given (via a yield block):

describe layouts/application.html.erb do
  it should render the context given do
render :text = foobar, :layout = layouts/application.html.erb
response.should include_text(foobar)


 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber step definitions vs. RSpec examples

2009-03-29 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:

 So, I'm confused. I've been trying to use Cucumber and RSpec, but step
 definitions and RSpec examples just seem to be overlapping. What should go
 in either one of these?

Cucumber is intended to drive out the behaviour of the application and
RSpec is used to drive out the design and behaviour for the components
and objects that make up that application. Cucumber and RSpec are
bound to overlap. They're providing you insights at different levels
about how the application is expected to be working.

 For instance, let's say I'm testing if a form exists on a page. What goes in
 Cucumber and what goes in RSpec?

Does the scenario successfully drive the implementation of the form
and the page its on? If so, I would probably stick with the scenario.
However, if it doesn't then I drop down to a view spec and spec
whatever else the page needs that the scenario doesn't cover.

Scenarios usually don't communicate well the expectations against a
page for showing and hiding information, etc based on permissions or
roles. RSpec works great for this. It provides a wonderful way to
simply and concisely make each of those expectations clear rather than
some strange side-effect of a scenario which is focused on something

 What I did for now is put Webrat methods in the step definitions, like
 fill_in, select, etc, without submitting since I'm not testing processing
 yet; and then put selector matchers in the RSpec examples.

 But I have no idea if that's right. How do you separate these and keep them
 from duplicating one another?

At some level duplication will happen, especially in a web app since
the way you verify the application is working is by
POSTing/GETting/etc and verifying output on the page itself AND it's
also what you have to do when you creating the individual views and
the controllers that make up those pages and respond to those

You may find that a scenario drives you to make a view with a form and
a controller with a #create action to process it. This may be adequate
and you may be able to confidently move forward without writing a view
spec or a controller spec. I know I have found this it the case many

On the flip side, when something additional or conditional occurs that
is usually a good time to drive that with an example in a spec.

I use my scenarios to drive my app from the outside, and then specs to
drive the implementation for each of the underlying pieces. The more
I've practiced the easier and more natural it has become to know when
to do or not to do something. Also, the only way to not have something
feel like it's taking too long is to know your tools.  These things
won't just come because you want it to. It takes practice.
Remember to practice.

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber step definitions vs. RSpec examples

2009-03-29 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Stephen Eley wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:

 So, I'm confused. I've been trying to use Cucumber and RSpec, but step
 definitions and RSpec examples just seem to be overlapping. What should go
 in either one of these?

 This is a subjective judgment call that doesn't have an absolute
 'right' answer.  Ask a dozen programmers how they test and you're
 likely to get at least three dozen answers.

 I believe the purists would say that the duplication is a feature.
 The gist of this point of view is that RSpec's main strength is on the
 unit testing level: you want to test that model code works separate
 from your controller code, and your controller code separate from your
 view code.  Then if one fails, you know exactly what class went wrong
 and what to fix.

 Cucumber's main strength is on the acceptance or integration level:
 you want to make sure it all comes together correctly and creates the
 right application behavior, which is very hard to prove with unit
 testing alone.  But if you _only_ did Cucumber tests, your test to see
 if a form exists on a page (to use your example) would be too broad.
 If it failed, where do you look first?  Is the view broken?  The
 controller code?  Do you even have a model for the view to operate on?

 So you need to have bot levels.  You specify your overall behavior
 with Cucumber, then you specify the isolated behaviors of the pieces
 to make that work, and then you write your code.  That's the
 full-round-trip, complete by-the-RSpec-book BDD answer.

 My own view...  Well, my view is that I've tried that and been driven
 nuts by it.  Writing specs for controllers and views can take me many
 times longer than writing the code.  Mocking out the models for
 controllers is frustrating and fragile to me, and view specs are just
 obvious and tedious.  I don't have any _fun_ writing those specs.  And
 if I'm not having fun, I find myself not motivated to program.

 So I stopped writing those specs, and now I mostly just write model
 specs and Cucumber features.  It usually doesn't take that long for me
 to look at a failing Cucumber test and figure out what went wrong --
 from the failure text, a stacktrace, or sometimes just manually
 running the action and eyeballing it.  Sometimes, if the controller
 action is unusual, I will write a spec for it, but only if my own
 instincts tell me it's warranted.  (Or if something failed in an odd
 way and I want to make sure that doesn't happen again.)

 That's my current answer based on past experience.  Next month I might
 have a different way of doing things.  I'm not going to make the case
 here that I'm right and you should never write controller/view specs
 for ordinary actions.  (If nothing else, doing it a bunch of times --
 and getting some things wrong, then fixing them -- is a great way to
 learn how controllers and views really work.)

 I think the real answer is to try it a few different ways, decide what
 works within your comfort level *and* leads to good code, and let
 yourself experiment.  And then, if you develop an effective working
 pattern down the road that you think makes good general sense, share
 it with the community as one more way of doing things.   8-

I like a lot of what Steve is saying. To summarize and communicate in
my own way...

It is good to know how and when to do something. Like writing view
specs and controller specs. If you don't know how then you'll never
know when. Sometimes learning to take small steps seems ridiculous,
but it's by being able to work in small steps that you can be
confident about making larger ones.

Here are three questions I ask myself when I get frustrated:

 1 - Am I doing it wrong?
 2 - Should I be doing this in the first place?
 3 - Am I experiencing a skills deficiency?

Usually I think it's #1 and then I quickly jump to #2 when I don't get
it resolved in 5 minutes of googling. And then I find out a day later
it was because of #3 and I needed to go home and practice a little
more so I better understood what I was doing, why I was doing it, and
how I could leverage the tools to make it easier.

We all learn to make good decisions by first making bad ones, and
practice lets us do that w/o putting giant turds in an application's
production codebase.

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] ANN: Cucumber with pure Java

2009-03-25 Thread Zach Dennis
2009/3/25 Ben Mabey

 On Mar 25, 2009, at 9:08 AM, aslak hellesoy wrote:

 Big news for all Java programmers out there.
 Now you can use Cucumber with pure Java!

 That's right, you don't have to write a single line of Ruby! (1)
 All of your step definitions can be written as annotated methods in POJOs
 (Plain Old Java Objects).

 To get a taste of what this looks like, check out the simple example in the
 cucumber_java project on GitHub:

 * README for example:
 * Some sample step defs:
 * The main page:

 By this I hope Cucumber will reach a bigger crowd. Much bigger crowd
 actually :-) - this will work for Scala, Clojure, Jython and all the other
 cool JVM languages too.
 (I'll be doing something similar for .NET, which will bring Cucumber
 goodness to C#, F# and whatever languages run on .NET. But IronRuby must
 catch up on speed first).

 I had the pleasure of going back to visit PicoContainer - a pioneering
 lightweight dependency injection container I developed with Paul Hammant
 back in 2003. It's still lightweight and a joy to use (relatively speaking -
 Java in itself isn't joyful). Cucumber-java uses PicoContainer to
 instantiate the POJOs that define the annotated step definition methods, so
 if you're so inclined, these classes can depend on each other via
 constructor DI, and PicoContainer just figures out how to instantiate the

 So if you're working on a Java project, have been looking at Cucumber but
 stayed away because of all the weird Ruby, this is your chance. Here is a
 cuke for Duke!

 (::) Aslak (::)

 (1) You still need a tiny bit of Ruby to register step definitions:
 (This will hopefully go away in the future, with some better Ant and Maven

 Very cool stuff.  It would be an interesting and informative exercise to
 take a JBehave tutorial and use Cucumber to drive out the same feature and
 then have a side-by-side comparison of the required step definitions.
 found this JBehave tutorial which would make a good candidate for such a
 If someone doesn't get around to this in the next couple of weeks I may take
 a stab at it and make a blog post of it.

I'm assuming you mean w/Java, but I'd like to encourage folks who are
learning BDD to walk through his example even with Ruby. I did that
tonight and it was quite pleasant. The tutorial is small and focused,
and it can be completed in not much time.  However, the tutorial does
leave out some implementation that you would need in order to actually
complete it, but I find those sorts of things fun to figure out.

Translating Ryan's tutorial to Ruby allows you to explore writing
rspec simple matchers (or full fledged matchers) if you want to go
that route, and overall I found it fun to go through it and practice
my own skills.

I know it's not the comparison Ben and Aslak are talking about, but
for those of you who are looking for a good little tutorial to walk
through and practice with, this one is pretty good if you are somewhat
familiar with Cucumber, RSpec, and Ruby,

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber and matcher

2009-03-25 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Emmanuel Pinault wrote:

 Is there way to generate a better error messages when I have a matcher in my
 step like

 1.should == 0  = would fail with expected 1, got 0

 I would like to add more details to that error?  Especially , in my case ,I
 am using the include? matcher.

Check out rolling your own simple matcher:

It can be done in only a few lines!



 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Expecting a block to return a specific value

2009-03-21 Thread Zach Dennis
2009/3/21 Guilherme Machado Cirne

 I have the following method in a Rails view helper:

 def title
   content_for(:title) do
     # some code which generates a title dynamically

 How can I spec that the code inside the block returns the correct title?

My preference is to let my view helpers be rendered in my view specs,
and I move the logic that constructs the title onto a presenter. Then
I can say things like this in my view spec:

it should render the title do
  thing = mock thing presenter, :title = foo
  assign[:thing] = thing
  render some.template
  response.should contain(foo)

And I can have a presenter spec which verifies the title is built correctly

describe ThingPresenter do
   describe '#title' do
  it should return a concatenated title, user name, blah blah blah do

There are more ways to accomplish this I know, but I've grown to
become extremely fond of the clean separation between constructing
markup and producing presentation content. It makes things easier to
spec IMO, gives things a good home, and allows me to stop looking at
content for instance variables dynamically generated by Rails.

If interested...

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Mocking base class methods

2009-03-20 Thread Zach Dennis
2009/3/20 Jeroen van Dijk
 Huray, got it solved! Hopefully you'll agree with this solution (thanks to
 mocha sorry)

   describe count_by_params do
     it should pass all the params and options to #scope_by_params do
   params  = { :foo = 1, :bar = 2 }
   options = { :foo = 3, :bar = 4 }

   @base = ActiveRecord::Base
   @result = mock(query results, :count = 1)
   @base.count_by_params(params, options)

Is #scoped_by_params a public method that has its own examples? Down
at the model level I would want to know that count_by_params actually
was working as expected and not just collaborating with itself to call
an internal method. I don't know how crazy scoped_by_params is so
maybe there is a potential risk you're willing to accept given the
complexity of what it does, but this example raises my eyebrow as to
the behaviour your actually expecting and verifying.

 On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Jeroen van Dijk wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm having the same problem as Tobi and I wanted to try Tobi mock solution
 but unfortunately it does not work for me.

 Here is a trivial example I want to test:

 module ActiveRecord
   class Base
   def self.count_by_params(params = {}, options = {})

 And my spec:
 module ActiveRecord
   class Base
     include BaseClassMock

 class DummyUser  ActiveRecord::Base

 it should pass all the params and options to #scope_by_params do
    params  = { :foo = 1, :bar = 2 }
     options = { :foo = 3, :bar = 4 }
     @dummy = DummyUser
     DummyUser.count_by_params(params, options)

 With the above example and Tobi's BaseClassMock module I'm getting
 undefined method `should_receive' for #Object:0x188c164. Btw, I also get
 this when I do not use Tobi be it for for #Class:0x188cdf8 instead of

 Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong or a different approach?


 On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Tobi wrote:

 Zach Dennis wrote:

  +1 to composition over inheritance here. Mocking at different layers
  of an inheritance hierarchy sounds like trouble and screams to pull
  that thing apart.

 Good point! I've already tried the composition approach. It solves the
 testabilitiy problems, but it doesn't feel right in this case.

 Inheritance seems to be the more natural approach. The C++ application
 will call virtual methods on the base class which should be overriden in
 derived class. So it seems to make sense to have the same inheritance
 in the Ruby counter parts.

 If I would use composition, I would at least need to dynamically extend
 the referenced base class so I can override some of the methods that are
 the counter parts of the virtual C++ methods. And I would need to expose
 the referenced class to the C++ code.

 I've finally found a way to kinda mock the base class in some way:

 module BaseClassMock
  attr_accessor :base

  def self.included(klass)
    class  klass
      @@base_class =

      def base_class
        return @@base_class

  def initialize(*args)*args) if @@base_class.respond_to?(:new)
   �...@base =

  def method_missing(symbol, *args)
   �...@base.send(symbol, *args)

 Any base class (Swig classes in my case) should then be declared for

 module Swig
  class Base; include BaseClassMock; end

 And in the specs I can then do:

    d ='something')


    d =

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Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Problem spec'ing ActionMailer with attachment, body not getting rendered.

2009-03-20 Thread Zach Dennis
2009/3/18 Rick DeNatale
 I've got a simple ActionMailer::Base subclass:
 class InfoMailer  ActionMailer::Base

 def info(user, zip_name)
     subject Requested Info
     attachment(:content_type = application/zip,
                 :filename = zip_name,
                 :body =
     body(:message = Here is the Info that you Requested)
 I'm trying to spec this
 describe AssetsInfoMailer do
   before(:each) do
    �...@user = mock_model(User,
         :email = @user_email = somewh...@over.the.rainbow,
         :full_name = The Wicked Witch of the West
     ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test
     ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
     ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
   describe .info do
     before(:each) do
      �...@path = ''
      �...@attachment_body = 'zip_file_contents'
      �...@the_mail = AssetsInfoMailer.deliver_info(@user,@path)
      �...@attachments = @the_mail.attachments

     it should have the right body do
      �...@the_mail.body.should == 
 The expectation of an empty string is just to see what's actually getting
 returned, the result is:
 ' should have the right body' FAILED
 expected: ,
      got: Attachment:\n (using ==)
 It's looking like the mail template never got rendered, and body is giving
 me the attachment since it's the only part.
 I've got one other mailer method in that mailer which doesn't contain an
 attachement, and it's body comes out fine.
 I'm not sure what's going on here, and I'd appreciate any

When sending attachments emails are sent as multipart messages. The
only part being specified is the attachment. The other call to body
is being ignored. Try something like:

def info(user, zip_name)
  subject Requested Info
  attachment(:content_type = application/zip,
  :filename = zip_name,
  :body =
  part text/plain do |p|
p.body(:message = Here is the Info that you Requested)

Also when you look at the email you'll have look at its #parts
otherwise @the_mail.body is going to returned the body representation
of each part concatenated.

 Rick DeNatale


 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Problem spec'ing ActionMailer with attachment, body not getting rendered.

2009-03-20 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Zach Dennis wrote:
 2009/3/18 Rick DeNatale
 I've got a simple ActionMailer::Base subclass:
 class InfoMailer  ActionMailer::Base

 def info(user, zip_name)
     subject Requested Info
     attachment(:content_type = application/zip,
                 :filename = zip_name,
                 :body =
     body(:message = Here is the Info that you Requested)
 I'm trying to spec this
 describe AssetsInfoMailer do
   before(:each) do
    �...@user = mock_model(User,
         :email = @user_email = somewh...@over.the.rainbow,
         :full_name = The Wicked Witch of the West
     ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test
     ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
     ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
   describe .info do
     before(:each) do
      �...@path = ''
      �...@attachment_body = 'zip_file_contents'
      �...@the_mail = AssetsInfoMailer.deliver_info(@user,@path)
      �...@attachments = @the_mail.attachments

     it should have the right body do
      �...@the_mail.body.should == 
 The expectation of an empty string is just to see what's actually getting
 returned, the result is:
 ' should have the right body' FAILED
 expected: ,
      got: Attachment:\n (using ==)
 It's looking like the mail template never got rendered, and body is giving
 me the attachment since it's the only part.
 I've got one other mailer method in that mailer which doesn't contain an
 attachement, and it's body comes out fine.
 I'm not sure what's going on here, and I'd appreciate any

 When sending attachments emails are sent as multipart messages. The
 only part being specified is the attachment. The other call to body
 is being ignored. Try something like:

 def info(user, zip_name)
  subject Requested Info
  attachment(:content_type = application/zip,
              :filename = zip_name,
              :body =
  part text/plain do |p|
    p.body(:message = Here is the Info that you Requested)

I just tried my out, and while it does work because there are multiple
parts specified, also re-ordering of the initial #body to come before
the attachment doesn't seem to help with the original code either.

I'm curious now what you do find out and which route you decide to go,
keep us posted either way Rick.

 Also when you look at the email you'll have look at its #parts
 otherwise @the_mail.body is going to returned the body representation
 of each part concatenated.

 Rick DeNatale


 rspec-users mailing list

 Zach Dennis

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] what's the meaning of to_param?

2009-03-19 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Zhenning Guan wrote:
 usually, I just use this way.

 @weather = mock_model(Weather)

 but recently I saw this. so what's the :to_param and :save options

 @weather = mock_model(Weather, :to_param = 1, :save = true)

It's a Rails thing, used when converting an object to a URL representation.

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Zach Dennis
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Re: [rspec-users] what's the meaning of to_param?

2009-03-19 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Zach Dennis wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Zhenning Guan wrote:
 usually, I just use this way.

 @weather = mock_model(Weather)

 but recently I saw this. so what's the :to_param and :save options

 @weather = mock_model(Weather, :to_param = 1, :save = true)

 It's a Rails thing, used when converting an object to a URL representation.

Oops, sorry, I misread your question.

mock_model will provide you with #to_param so the only thing I can
think w/o knowing more is if whoever wrote the spec wanted to
specifically expect, look for, or somehow use the 1 that came from
to_param. They wanted to know that specific the result of
@weater.to_param was being used (which will be used be number of Rails

My best guess on the save call is that the implementation is going to
call save, and the author of the spec by default wants it to be
successful for any subsequent examples.

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 Zach Dennis

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Basic help

2009-03-19 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 5:28 AM, jazzez ravi wrote:
 Hi All,

 1. Just now I installed rspec1.2.0 and dependencies

 2. Tried the 2 programs mentioned in

 # bowling_spec.rb
 require 'bowling'

 describe Bowling do
  before(:each) do
   �...@bowling =

  it should score 0 for gutter game do
    20.times { @bowling.hit(0) }
   �...@bowling.score.should == 0

 # bowling.rb
 class Bowling
  def hit(pins)

  def score

 3. Run the bowling_spec.rb file

ruby bowling_spec.rb --format specdoc

 4. getting error like

 bowling_spec.rb:6: undefined method `describe' for main:Object

 5. So i tried to add these lines,

 require 'rspec' -- no Such file to Load
 require 'spec' --  No Error But also no output mentioned as per that

 Please anyone help to continue that program.

Try to put this at the top:

require 'rubygems'
require 'spec'

I have an environment variable set to always load rubygems on my
system so I can omit the require of it explicitly in code:


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Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [rspec] Stubbing partials in view specs

2009-03-18 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Nick Hoffman wrote:
 Hey there Evgeny. My response is inline.

 I call a partial inside another partial.
 _mother.haml contains:
 render :partial = children/child

 In mother_spec.rb file I am trying to stub the render call.
 Here is a working version:

    render :partial = 'mother'

 If you set a method expectation on an object (IE:
 template.should_receive(:render) ), you don't need to stub the method
 (IE: template.stub!(:render) isn't needed).

 I would prefer to specify that the partial I am stubbing is children/
 however the following code doesn't work for me:
    template.stub!(:render).with(hash_including(:partial = 'children/
    template.expect_render(:partial = 'children/child')

    render :partial = 'mother'

 : Mock 'render_proxy' expected :render with ({:partial=children/
 child}) once, but received it 0 times
 Is it possible to stub the render call with specific partial name?

 What I said above about method expectations and method stubs also
 applies here. You should remove the call to #stub! .

 However, I'd be inclined to use #should_receive rather than #expect_render :

 template.should_receive(:render).with :partial = 'children/child'
 render :partial = 'mother'

 I haven't written many view specs though, so maybe we're supposed to
 use #expect_render .

#expect_render is deprecated prior to 1.2 and it has been removed 1.2.
You don't want to use that. :)

 I hope that helps. Cheers,
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Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [rspec] Stubbing partials in view specs

2009-03-18 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Evgeny Bogdanov wrote:
 I have a problem similar to one mentioned in this post.
 I call a partial inside another partial.
 _mother.haml contains:
 render :partial = children/child

 In mother_spec.rb file I am trying to stub the render call.
 Here is a working version:

    render :partial = 'mother'
 I would prefer to specify that the partial I am stubbing is children/
 however the following code doesn't work for me:
    template.stub!(:render).with(hash_including(:partial = 'children/
    template.expect_render(:partial = 'children/child')

What version of rspec are you using? #expect_render has been removed
in rspec 1.2 and has been deprecated for a while before that so you
won't want to rely on that unless you're using an old version of

    render :partial = 'mother'

 : Mock 'render_proxy' expected :render with ({:partial=children/
 child}) once, but received it 0 times
 Is it possible to stub the render call with specific partial name?

You had it right, hash including should work:
   template.stub!(:render).with(hash_including(:partial = children/child))

To stub all partials being rendered:
   template.stub!(:render).with(hash_including(:partial = anything))


 Thank you in advance,

 On Jan 20, 5:35 pm, Bart Zonneveld wrote:
 On 20-jan-2009, at 15:29, David Chelimsky wrote:

  On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Bart Zonneveld wrote:
  Hey list,

  As a good BDDer I want to test my views in isolation.

  Sort of. A *good* BDDer wants to *specify* views in isolation. Testing
  is for testers :)

 You're right! I tend to talk a lot to non-programmers, and they get
 that glaze-in-the-distance look in their eyes, whenever I mention
 specifiy, spec'ing, or what have you :).

  And as a good rails
  programmer, I separate views into partials when needed. So, when
  testing my
  views, I want tostubout rendering of partials in my views. I'm
  working on
  upgrading an app from rails 2.1.2 to 2.2.2, using the latest rspec

  I used to throw template.stub!(:render) in a before(:each) block
  and be done
  with it

  That sounds kinda risky because you could be ignoring partials that
  get rendered that you don't want to be rendered.

 It is, most definately.

  , but that doesn't work anymore. I can understand why, but now I have
  to do something like template.stub!(:render).with(hash_including
  (:partial =
  anything)). Except for when I'm testing a partial, then I need to
  the anything with every partial I'm rendering in my partial.

  Is this the correct way,

  Seems like the only way at the moment. Wouldn't call it correct or

 I would call it ugly :). Not only do I have to remember the
 hash_including part, but also the anything (and not :anything).
 Conceptually, I like the template.stub!(:render). Irendera
 template, on which Istuball the renders. Whether that's risky or
 not is a different discussion.

  or is there perhaps something like
  template.stub_partials :only = [], :except = [] ?

  Nothing like this exists. Seems like a reasonable idea. Feel free to
  submit a feature request, or better yet, a patch to

 Will do!


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Zach Dennis
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Re: [rspec-users] Run rake spec with a halt-on-errors mode?

2009-03-12 Thread Zach Dennis
On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:38 AM, Anton wrote:
 Hello everybody!

 I am using rspec for quite a time now, and it is really a great tool!

 The only thing that I haven't figured out is how to set the spec
 runner to a halt-on-error mode. For example a lot of browser tests
 depend on Google maps and if I have no internet connection none of
 them makes sense. Some other errors are unwanted test dependencies -
 and I don't want to analyze hundrets of test or run them manually just
 to check what is wrong.

Why not filter these specs that go to Google Maps, so you have to run
them explicitly, or only when your CI server runs?

We usually have a few specs and scenarios that test real-world
integration, and then we stub out the external dependencies in our
object-level specs. And we've added a couple rake tasks to run all of
them, just one, or just the other, and then a CI rake task that runs
all of them.

 So it would be great if I could tell the spec runner to stop on the
 first error in such cases. Would be a big time saver for me if someone
 could give me a hint...

 Thank you very much in advance,

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Zach Dennis
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Re: [rspec-users] [cucumber] open source projects with cucumber features

2009-03-11 Thread Zach Dennis
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Balint Erdi wrote:

 I was looking for some real-world cucumber features (mainly on github)
 to see how more complex features are built but I have not really found
 any. Could you point me to some?

For seeing different ways to utilize scenarios and step definitions I
would look at Cucumber and RSpec. They both have feature files and
have good examples of different ways to utilize scenarios and step

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] rspec and prawn

2009-03-10 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 11:02 PM, aa aa wrote:
 I've just started using prawn but am at a bit of a loss how to create my
 view specs for it.
 For example, my normal view spec has things like
 response.should have_tag(blah)
 response.body.should =~ /something/

 How do I do this with prawn output?

Short answer, you can't--at least not yet. PDF is not a plain text
markup language like HTML so its not a problem so easily solved. I
haven't spec'd a PDF, but when looking into it at one point I came
across PDF Reader.

Perhaps that will help you find a starting place.

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Zach Dennis
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Re: [rspec-users] rspec and prawn

2009-03-10 Thread Zach Dennis
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 8:43 AM, Zach Dennis wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 11:02 PM, aa aa wrote:
 I've just started using prawn but am at a bit of a loss how to create my
 view specs for it.
 For example, my normal view spec has things like
 response.should have_tag(blah)
 response.body.should =~ /something/

 How do I do this with prawn output?

 Short answer, you can't--at least not yet. PDF is not a plain text
 markup language like HTML so its not a problem so easily solved. I
 haven't spec'd a PDF, but when looking into it at one point I came
 across PDF Reader.

Oops wrong URL:

 Perhaps that will help you find a starting place.

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 Zach Dennis

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Testing for the number of occurrences of a word

2009-03-10 Thread Zach Dennis
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 8:16 AM, Bart Zonneveld wrote:
 Hey list,

 Quick question: How can I check that a given word appears a number of times
 on a page?
 The page in question includes some XML, rendered with lts and gts and I
 want to test that a given node exists 10 times on that page.

You want to make sure you have 10 nodes? Or that text shows up 10
times inside of any node?

You can utilize Webrat's #have_selector to count the nodes, ie:

response.should have_selector(li, :count = 3)

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Zach Dennis
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[rspec-users] stubbing before filters

2009-03-10 Thread Zach Dennis
Can folks who write controller specs and deal with before filters read
and comment on this ticket:

I'm on the fence and would like others thoughts on the matter, Thanks

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Presentation Testing and CSS ids

2009-03-09 Thread Zach Dennis
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 12:08 PM, James Byrne wrote:
 Zach Dennis wrote:

 In my experience relying on the syntactic details of the page is
 extremely brittle and cumbersome. ... Some tags have both syntactic
 and semantic meaning, such as forms, labels, fieldsets, and anchor tags.

 Is it brittle to test for specific css selectors that are tied to page

I think it depends on what details you're tying them to. :)

  A typical case is where one has a button to drive in webrat
 and instead of using the button text we use the associated id value

Does the id have meaning? Or is it something that communicates nothing
about what it is?  ie:

  click_button add_new_item


   click_button foobar

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] response.body.should be_xml_with -- how to do nested xpath matches

2009-03-08 Thread Zach Dennis
 Information) ]' and
          xpath :'label[ contains(., First name) ]' and
          xpath :input, :type = 'text', :name = 'user[first_name]'


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Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] response.body.should be_xml_with -- how to do nested xpath matches

2009-03-08 Thread Zach Dennis
On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Phlip wrote:
 David Chelimsky wrote:

 xpath :'legend[ contains(., Personal Information) ]' and
 xpath :'label[ contains(., First name) ]' and
 xpath :input, :type = 'text', :name = 'user[first_name]'

 This is nice, but the abstractions are operating at different levels.
 The keyword is xpath but the args passed to that look nothing like

 That's because it's a DSL. You can use raw XPath, XPath with one convenience
 (:'div[ @class = content ]' as a symbol implies any descendant), or you
 can use an option hash that generates XPath.

 The DSL's benefit is tags like :attribute = foo will automatically escape
 their strings correctly. (That's why the top line of the diagnostic was a
 little cluttered!) foo could contain mixed ' and  payload, and we don't

 How about something like:

 response.body.should be_xml_with do
  form :action = '/users' do
fieldset do
  legend Personal Information
  label First name

 Because I'm not webrat?

 Yes it would be kewt if label('yo') went into method_missing and came out as
 //label[ contains(., yo) ]. But I have found that spot checks of
 algorithmic details, such as eRB tags, are more valuable to development than
 slavishly matching your tests to your HTML contents.

 If you write this HTML...

  form blah
input blah
input blah
input blah

 ...and if you test it with a sequence of assertions that exactly match it...

  page.should contain
form blah
  input blah
  input blah
  input blah

 ...then you are not really doing TDD. You are merely replicating your code
 as your test, and that will only cause irritation at upgrade time or bug

This doesn't make a whole lot sense. How does the following move you
from TDD to non-TDD?

   xpath :input, :name = foo
   input :name = foo

XPath is merely the mechanism in which you're allowed to find
particular elements on a page. After typing:

   xpath :input, :name = foo
   xpath :input, :name = bar
   xpath :input, :name = baz

I would probably write my own wrapper so I could omit the redundant
xpath call all over the place. After all, I only care that the input
is found, if it uses XPath to do it--awesome.

 Here's an example from our projects at work:

get :thanks_for_purchasing
assert_xpath :'center[ . = Your order has been accepted! ]'
assert_xpath :div, :align = :center do
  a = assert_xpath(:'p[ contains(., questions about your membership)
  assert{ a.text == a[:href] }
  assert{ a[:href] == SubscriptionController::CUSTOMER_SERVICE_LINK }

 Note how much that specifies in the customer acknowledgment page.

  - the confirmation is centered
  - the explanation div is centered (yes, we could identify it better!)
  - part of the explanation div's contents contains questions...
  - next to the questions... is an a
  - the a contains an href matching its own text contents
  - the href links to our customer service system

In my experience relying on the syntactic details of the page is
extremely brittle and cumbersome. Writing semantic HTML and semantic
view specs (whether you use rspec or assert2.0 or whatever) seems to
remove unnecessary overhead, such as caring about a div or a p tag
on the page. Some tags have both syntactic and semantic meaning, such
as forms, labels, fieldsets, and anchor tags.

Given your above assertions, if you replaced your center tag (which
is deprecated in HTML 4.01) with a div, and made it centered via CSS,
your assertion would fail. But should it? The presentation is changing
without affecting the behaviour of the view--it's still displaying the
Your order has been accepted confirmation. Why not utilize semantic
HTML to not be affected by a syntactic details that doesn't affect
whether or not your view is doing the right thing.

I'd apply the same considerations to the div and the p tags you're
making assertions against.

 I call this topic XPath can see around corners:

 We are using XPath to pin down several elements in a page, allowing the
 other elements to change freely, but forcing them to maintain their
 correlations. That test would fail, for example, if the a somehow moved
 away from its introductory paragraph.

Are these correlations best managed by specs? Our customers and
designers move things around on the page all of the time without
affecting behaviour, merely presentation, and having those changes
break all of the view specs is painful. It also seems unnecessary if
they move from a series of div tags to a ul with li elements.


 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis

Re: [rspec-users] Can I construct the controller myself in a controller spec?

2009-03-06 Thread Zach Dennis
On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 3:05 AM, Matt Wynne wrote:

 On 5 Mar 2009, at 15:24, Ben Mabey wrote:

 David Chelimsky wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:31 AM, Matt Wynne wrote:
 Maybe we should make this easier by providing some facility in the
 mock framework to express the following in one statement:

 @authenticator = stub('authenticator')

 Sure, you could make that a one liner:

 Authenticator.stub!(:new).and_return(@authenticator =

 But I mean something like:

 @authenticator = Authenticator.stub!

 I don't think *that* is the answer - but something that concise would be



 I like the conciseness, but it isn't very clear what it is doing IMO.
  Perhaps something a little more intention-revealing like:

 @authenticator = Authenticator.stub_new!

 I think I must mostly use constructor injection, as I don't really seem to
 have a pattern for this, but if I did I guess it would be something like

    extend StubbingHelpers

    describe blah
      before(:each) do
       �...@authenticator = mock_new_authenticator( :foo = bar )

 which is implemented like

    def stub_new_authenticator( *args )
      result = mock(Authenticator, *args)

 I guess having something like that would be nice.

This is how I do it,


 Matt Wynne

 rspec-users mailing list

Zach Dennis
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Re: [rspec-users] [rails] An authorization question

2009-03-03 Thread Zach Dennis
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Andrew Premdas wrote:
 I think this discussion has gone backwards a bit. Here is what I think the
 index method in the invoices controller should be like

 def index
     # decide what to do if we can't get collection

 Now clearly this needs some work to get it to work ...

 1) What is 'invoice'

 Rails by default ties 'invoice' to a class in app/model. Usually this
 ActiveRecord model class, but it doesn't have to be. We can always put
 another layer inbetween (e.g. Presenter) if it makes our code simpler

Presenters are for presentation logic, not for authorization concerns.

 2) Authentication parameters

 Clearly these need to be passed through to get_collection. This can be done
 by parameters or by making the authentication available in a wider context.

Authentication isn't the issue here, authorization is.

 3) Exceptions

 We need an exception hierarchy. NotAuthorised, NotFound etc.

 All the controller should do is get the collection and deal with exceptions
 if the collection is not available. (n.b. the collection being empty is not

 Rails historically has corrupted (compromised, polluted ...) MVC by allowing
 concerns of how we get the collection to be included in the controller.
 RESTful design has highlighted the problems with this and now we end up with
 this situation where things like authentication and authorisation don't
 really have an obvious place.

It is up to the controllers to know how-to ask for something, it
should not know how the internals of that request work. For a
controller to know what role can access a particular resource is
completely aligned with a layered architecture, keeping application
concerns in the right layer, and domain logic in another layer.

 These things - authentication, authorisation and the exception handling (for
 the resource) - are services which all resources need access to. They need
 to be seperated and applied in a cross-cutting manner. Perhaps we could do
 things more elegantly with an Aspect Orientated solution.

Is some cases yes, but I fail to see where it benefits or adds more
value then concretely identifying a role that has particular behavior.

 2009/3/2 Zach Dennis

 Forgot to mention what we did do. We ended up with the following...

 def index
  if user.has_role?(admin)
  elsif user.has_role?(associate)
    raise AccessDenied

 To us, the change here is subtle, but important. The controller is
 allowed to ask for invoices from each role, but is not allowed to know
 how find the invoices, that's the behaviour of the role.

  - Show quoted text -
  Zach Dennis

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [rails] An authorization question

2009-03-03 Thread Zach Dennis
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Pat Maddox wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Stephen Eley wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Zach Dennis wrote:

 Forgot to mention what we did do. We ended up with the following...

 def index
  if user.has_role?(admin)
  elsif user.has_role?(associate)
    raise AccessDenied

 That seems sort of backwards to me.  These aren't the user's invoices,
 right?  They're just invoices which the user happens to be allowed to
 see?  Chaining it this way makes it look like the invoices *belong* to
 the role, and seems put the user up front instead of the invoices.
 You also have conditional branching with hardcoded values, making the
 controller brittle, and some redundancy with the controller asking the
 model for a value and then passing the value right back to the model.

 Agreed.  I have a similar example in a blog post:

I agree I'm taking a step back to try to make two steps forward. The
heart of the exploration is more than the conditional in the action
(which simply states which roles are allowed to access that action, I
just made it explicit rather than using a #restrict_to call). To me
this discussion is about where the behaviour for a role should go and
how-to access that behaviour.

The flip side of this is that models end up with redundant conditional
branches to do x for RoleA or y for RoleB (for every model thats
affected by a Role). I would like to collapse these conditional
branches and attempt a more polymorphic approach by extracting a class
representative of each role, and simply calling the method in
question. e.g:

Rather than the following approach. Keep in mind that roles hardly
ever are limited to one model. Consider having the case statement in
20 models. Where's the redundancy now?


   def by_role(role
   case role
   when associate

   when admin

Zach Dennis
rspec-users mailing list

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