Re: [rspec-users] Game development: how to test interactions like an attack?

2012-02-02 Thread Matt Wynne

On 2 Feb 2012, at 09:50, Romain Tribes wrote:

 I'm writing webgames with Rails and I want to test my code (and even TDD) but 
 I'm really stuck figuring what to test.
 I read a lot of articles on the subject but I still don't know what to do in 
 my case: how to start?
 For instance, a simple interaction in most game: a character attacks another 
 one. What should be tested?
 With words, here is what I can say about an attack:
 It's an action from an attacker to a target.
 The attacker may have a weapon and the target may have an armor.
 In order to be successful, the attacker must hit the target, according to the 
 combat skill of each actor and the precision of the weapon.
 When the target is hit, it receives damages according to the attacker power, 
 the weapon damages and the resistance.
 A part of these damages may be absorbed by it's armor.
 So, what could my specs be with that? I really can't start… :(

Have you started to design a domain model for this? Could we see a picture?


Freelance programmer  coach

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Re: [rspec-users] Game development: how to test interactions like an attack?

2012-02-02 Thread Julian Leviston
I always find it's very good to start simply.

Make the simplest spec you can imagine, then the next, and so on...

What is a spec? Some of this stuff might seem so obvious... for example... when 
you start playing your game, you expect that it'll present you with 
something... write a test for that. Basically any time you're doing something 
yourself to run your code, you should be able to spec it. That way you don't 
have to manually test things out.

So I've got a basic question: have you started building your game? Do you have 
any idea of the requirements at all?


On 02/02/2012, at 8:20 PM, Romain Tribes wrote:

 I'm writing webgames with Rails and I want to test my code (and even TDD) but 
 I'm really stuck figuring what to test.
 I read a lot of articles on the subject but I still don't know what to do in 
 my case: how to start?
 For instance, a simple interaction in most game: a character attacks another 
 one. What should be tested?
 With words, here is what I can say about an attack:
 It's an action from an attacker to a target.
 The attacker may have a weapon and the target may have an armor.
 In order to be successful, the attacker must hit the target, according to the 
 combat skill of each actor and the precision of the weapon.
 When the target is hit, it receives damages according to the attacker power, 
 the weapon damages and the resistance.
 A part of these damages may be absorbed by it's armor.
 So, what could my specs be with that? I really can't start… :(
 Thanks for your help!
 rspec-users mailing list

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Game development: how to test interactions like an attack?

2012-02-02 Thread Justin Ko

On Feb 2, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Romain Tribes wrote:

 I'm writing webgames with Rails and I want to test my code (and even TDD) but 
 I'm really stuck figuring what to test.
 I read a lot of articles on the subject but I still don't know what to do in 
 my case: how to start?
 For instance, a simple interaction in most game: a character attacks another 
 one. What should be tested?
 With words, here is what I can say about an attack:
 It's an action from an attacker to a target.
 The attacker may have a weapon and the target may have an armor.
 In order to be successful, the attacker must hit the target, according to the 
 combat skill of each actor and the precision of the weapon.
 When the target is hit, it receives damages according to the attacker power, 
 the weapon damages and the resistance.
 A part of these damages may be absorbed by it's armor.

What you just listed ^^ is the behavior of the system. The great thing about 
BDD is you can start _without_ needing to know the implementation details.

The first step you can take is to setup some high level, outside-in testing. 
These tests interact with your program the same way as a user would. You'll 
hear these tests called many different names: acceptance, integration, 
functional, application, system, etc. I don't believe there is a correct term 
anymore, as everyone interprets the definitions differently.

In the case of Ruby, you have excellent tools available for these tests: RSpec, 
MiniTest, Cucumber (used with RSpec or MiniTest). Personally, I prefer to use 
only RSpec, so let's use that as an example.

Pick a simple behavior to start off with. A good one is something that the user 
_has_ to do first. For example, in a Rails app, this would be signing up:

# project/spec/functional/signing_up_spec.rb

describe 'Signing up' do
  context 'by visiting the sign up page' do
before { go_to_the_sign_up_page }

context 'and submitting the sign up form with valid data' do
  before { submit_the_sign_up_form_with_valid_data }

  it 'redirects to the dashboard page' do

Great, now I have my first spec. Obviously, if you tried to run this, it would 
completely fail since you haven't written any implementation code.

At this point, writing more high level tests doesn't make sense because we 
haven't got the first one to pass. Let's focus on doing that.

Alright, so as we can see from our spec, the first thing it does is visits the 
sign up page. Okay, we need a sign up page. The sign up page is a single 
entity, and we're no longer concerned with how it interacts with other parts of 
the system. Therefore, we need to drop down to the unit level, and 
subsequently create a unit test for this entity:

# project/spec/unit/sign_up_page_spec.rb

describe SignUpPage do
  context 'given a coupon code' do
it 'sets a hidden field called coupon_code with its value as the code' do

Notice how we are still focusing on behavior. The difference is, we are only 
concerned with the behavior of just this entity/unit, not on its role or 
interactions in the system. Because of this, you'll sometimes see people call 
them isolated unit tests.

After you get the unit test to pass, you can check to see if the high level 
test can pass. The BDD process involves jumping back and forth between unit and 
high level tests. However, the high level tests are _always_ your guide. You 
drive the high level tests, and in turn they drive the unit tests.

I think this is enough to get you started, but looking at your post, this could 
be your first high level test:

describe 'Attacking' do
  let!(:attacker) { create_attacker }
  let!(:target) { create_target }

  context 'on the playing page' do
before { go_to_the_playing_page }

describe 'when an attacker hits a target' do
  before { hit_target(attacker, target) }

  it 'displays the damages on the target' do

 When the target is hit, it receives damages according to the attacker power, 
 the weapon damages and the resistance.

 So, what could my specs be with that? I really can't start… :(
 Thanks for your help!
 rspec-users mailing list

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Game development: how to test interactions like an attack?

2012-02-02 Thread Romain Tribes
Thanks for your attention and your answers!

I worked on that the whole afternoon: it's really timeconsuming when you 
are not used to test!  
My code is on GitHub :

As I said I read a lot of stuff about testing and TDD. Unfortunately, most 
of the time it's for systems with very little business logic and I don't 
believe I can learn good software design with simplistic systems 
It's why I want to build something more interesting and focus on the 
business logic: not the controllers/views stuff.

Anyway I hope you'll keep helping me to review and give me precious 
advices. :)

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