[rt-users] Exporting "Time spent" transactions

2014-10-08 Thread Gaston Huot

Is there a simple and easy way to *export *all (or some) "time spent"

By "simple" I mean just using the basic RT functionality.


RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

Re: [rt-users] RT 4.2.8 and Internet Explorer problems

2014-10-08 Thread fleon
I compiled RT from source on debian wheezy and i have also integrated it to
active directory and i have tested IE 11 on win 8.1 x64 against it and it
logs in just fine. I am using mod_fcgi and using https which seems to be the
difference between our setups.

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RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

[rt-users] Send ticket to other queue from the actions menu

2014-10-08 Thread Rinke Colen
I know how to define actions in RT_SiteConfig.pm like this:

actions => [
'* -> closed' => {
label  => 'Close',
update => 'Respond',

But I need something fancier now. I want to send my ticket to another queue
from the Actions menu. I want this action to be available only from some
statuses in the lifecycle. How can I do this? (I have already configured a
mapping under __maps__.)

RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

[rt-users] Best way to configure "non-technical Manager" in RT 4 who needs to check RT (but not create) saved searches?

2014-10-08 Thread Duncan Napier

I am running RT 4.0.8 on CentOS 6. We would like non-technical managers to be 
able to see current search results/reports for our organization from RT. We 
want to avoid the Manager from using/seeing the "RT at a Glance" page 
(resulting in head explosions) but still be able to see query/search through, 
for example, URL links (in an email or on a website) running as 
"http://my.company.com/Search/Results.html?Format= ...".  

All our non-technical users are unprivileged and interact through the 
/SelfService interface. We would like to keep the Manager unprivileged and have 
them use only the /SelfService interface. However, it appears (?) that only 
privileged users can run searches on the system. So ideally, we would like this 
user to have both a default /Selfserve interface as well as the permission to 
execute searches. 

Basically, I am wondering how I could create a user, or group of users who have

- SelfService access by default
- But can run search URLs "http://my.company.com/Search/Results.html?Format= 

In other words, forcing privileged users to have a SelfService home page, while 
still granting the privilege to run searches through hyperlinks or their 
browser URL Bar. Or is this better managed through Dashboards? 

I see older version of RT (v 3) that have extensions like


that seem to either force users to SelfServe or give them a choice but I'm not 
sure how well or if they will work on RT4.

Of course one simple solution is to bookmark their browsers with 
"http://my.company.com//SelfService"; but something a little more fool-proof 
would be preferred. 

Thanks in advance. 



RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

Re: [rt-users] Date formatting

2014-10-08 Thread Joop
On 8-10-2014 17:55, Rinke Colen wrote:
> I want to mention the ticket creation date in an auto reply. I use the
> following code snippet in my email template: {$Ticket->Created}. This
> produces the string "2014-10-08 15:31:24" (UTC) but I want to show
> "October 8, 2014 at 5:31 PM" (CET) is one place and "8 oktober 2014 om
> 17:31" in another place. (The word "oktober" in the second string is
> Dutch.) How can I format the timestamps?
Have look at the following 3 links:

> On a procedural note: I'm not sure if this question conforms to
> requirements of this mailing list. I have searched the history of this
> list since I joined for an answer, but don't know where to find the rest
> of the history. Also I know very little about Perl. I'm slightly worried
> that my question is too "dumb". But I have many more of these newbie
> questions. Can I just ask them here? (I.e. if I don't find the answer in
> the mailing list history, the documentation on bestpractical.com
>  or on the the wiki.)
I'll help any Dutchmen anytime :-)



RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

[rt-users] Date formatting

2014-10-08 Thread Rinke Colen
I want to mention the ticket creation date in an auto reply. I use the
following code snippet in my email template: {$Ticket->Created}. This
produces the string "2014-10-08 15:31:24" (UTC) but I want to show "October
8, 2014 at 5:31 PM" (CET) is one place and "8 oktober 2014 om 17:31" in
another place. (The word "oktober" in the second string is Dutch.) How can
I format the timestamps?

On a procedural note: I'm not sure if this question conforms to
requirements of this mailing list. I have searched the history of this list
since I joined for an answer, but don't know where to find the rest of the
history. Also I know very little about Perl. I'm slightly worried that my
question is too "dumb". But I have many more of these newbie questions. Can
I just ask them here? (I.e. if I don't find the answer in the mailing list
history, the documentation on bestpractical.com or on the the wiki.)

RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

Re: [rt-users] Display number of tickets to each queue in last 12 months

2014-10-08 Thread Emmanuel Lacour
On Wed, Oct 08, 2014 at 07:30:49AM -0700, scott.dalzell wrote:
> What is the best way to display the number of tickets each queue has received
> over the past 12months?
> i would like to add it to the homepage so we and easily monitor which queues
> are reciving a lot of tickets

Do a search with term:

Field: Created
Condition: after
Value: 1 year ago

then click on chart, generate a per queue ticket count, save this chart
as a SavedChart and use it on RT at a glance configuration page or a

Easter-eggs  Spécialiste GNU/Linux
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RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

Re: [rt-users] How to correctly dump metadata other RT environment?

2014-10-08 Thread Parish, Brent
Hi Markus

I was very interested to see answers on this because I have the same issue.

For me, there are two parts:

1)  Take everything from production except Tickets and Transactions

2)  Restore anything in Dev/Test that has not made it to production yet 
(test queues, group rights, etc) so we don't have to re-create it all through 
the browser

I wrote a quick script (steps outlined below), but it feels very kludge-y so 
I'm sure there is a better way!

Bear in mind that I am taking this list from a script, so you'll obviously have 
to adjust the commands and I've likely mis-typed the syntax of a few.

* Run MySQL dump files of production:
mysqldump -uroot -pPASSWORD -hPRODUCTION_HOST rt4 --ignore-table=rt4.Tickets 
--ignore-table=rt4.AttachmentsIndex --ignore-table rt4.sessions > production.sql
mysqldump -uroot -pPASSWORD -hPRODUCTION_HOST --no-data rt4 Tickets >> 
mysqldump -uroot -pPASSWORD -hPRODUCTION_HOST --no-data rt4 sessions >> 

* Drop Test rt4 database

* Create Test rt4 database

* Import the production dump

mysql -uroot -pPASSWORD -Drt4 < production.sql

* Run a select on the Queues table to get all the CorrespondAddress 
values from the database.  Alter these addresses for Test (here we use the same 
addresses, with "test" appended) and run an Update loop to change them.

* Remove the old RT logs, Apache logs, and sphinx indexes

* Run the RT Validator to clean out anything related to the (now 
missing) Tickets:

/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-validator -c --resolve --force

* Add the Sphinx table back in

/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-setup-fulltext-index --dba root --dba-password PASSWORD 
--maxmatches=1 --url='sphinx://' --table='AttachmentsIndex'

* Re-run the LDAP user import to get any updates to users/groups

/opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Extension-LDAPImport/bin/rtldapimport --import 
--debug > /opt/rt4/var/log/rt_ldapimport.log 2>&1

* We change the title bar to red in Test so we can see at a glance 
which environment we are in while using the browser interface.  The lines are 
too long to post here unless someone is very interested.  In short, we check 
for existing theme mods to not overwrite something else, then create a small 
initialdata file with just the new @Attributes entry, then import that with the 
rt-setup-database command

* I keep a separate directory of initialdata files (containing all 
customizations made to Test but not yet in production) and import those too.

This works, but after a new import I often have to stop apache, start the 
built-in server to log in once, then restart apache.

-  Brent

From: rt-users [mailto:rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 7:46 AM
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: [rt-users] How to correctly dump metadata other RT environment?

Hi guys!

I'm trying to move all customizations I did in our productive environment to 
our test environment (on a clean, fresh installation).
I do not want to transfer the complete database because I dont need the tickets 
(and all the other stuff like transactions, etc.). So I thought the right way 
is to use the rt-dump-metadata program.
If I try to import the metadata-file through rt-setup-database into the 
test-environment I get errors and the configuration is not transferred 

Could someone of you give me an explanation, what the definite steps for moving 
this metadata are?
My approach was the following:

rt4/sbin/rt-dump-metadata -a -s > metadata.xml

rt4-devel/sbin/rt-setup-database --action drop
rt4-devel/sbin/rt-setup-database --action create,schema
rt4-devel/sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert --datafile ../rt4/metadata.xml

Did I miss a step? I don't know if I have to do --action acl,coredata first or 
not. However, I get many different errors.

I'm using two completely separated instances of RT 4.2.7 with MySQL 5.5.38 on 
Debian 7

Would be fine, if someone has some input for me! I will try the recommended 
steps and get the definite error messages for you afterwards...


Markus Wildbolz
RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

[rt-users] RT 4.2.8 and Internet Explorer problems

2014-10-08 Thread allnyguy
My company is investigating the latest version of RT as a possible option
to replace our outdated and out of support issue/request tracking
software.  I was tasked with installing and testing RT and over the past
week, have installed/configured and tested the product extensively. The
issue i am having is weird and i have spent days on end searching the
internet for possible solutions and i have finally run into the proverbial

We are running RT 4.2.8 on a linux, RHEL 6.5 VMware server. I have httpd
2.2.15-31 installed with Perl v 5.10.1, mod_perl 2.0.4-11, mysql 5.1.73-3
and mod_fastcgi 2.4.6-2. Following the directions from
http://www.bestpractical.com/docs/rt/4.2/README.html, i have installed and
configured RT locally, having added modules RT-Extension-LDAPImport-0.36,
RT-Authen-ExternalAuth-0.23, RT-Extension-Assets-1.0.1, the first 2 to
allow integration into our internal AD structure. I originally installed
and ran by using the ./rt-server command located in /opt/rt4/sbin... i was
able to load up RT, configure and use with no issues on Firefox/Chrome.
When i tried on IE, i would receive the initial RT login screen and upon
putting in a username/password, it would come right back to the main RT
login screen.

I have since changed the way it runs on the server, testing via httpd
mod_perl and mod_fastcgi. Both options again render the program fine on all
browsers and on Firefox/Chrome, it allows the user to login and work within
the software, but again, IE does the same thing. I have tried on IE8,9 and
10, all doing the same exact thing.

I have searched tirelessly for a solution to this and most of the time i
come across the suggestion to make sure that :



Is present in the code, which it is already within RT. i have tried
.htaccess files with similar lines of code in it to no avail. i have tried
to run IE with no add-ons, still the same result. I have used the developer
console in IE and found the only message to be HTML1113: Document mode
restart from Quirks to IE9 Standards. When looking in the RT logs,
comparing a login from Chrome to that of IE, they look exactly the same,
even to the point of saying that the user was successfully logged in, but
with IE, it bounces back to the authentication part of the log, where
Chrome moves on to the actual program.

I have had senior engineers look at this at our location as well as a
couple programmer/developers we have on staff and all are baffled on what
is causing this.

I am hoping that someone out there might have a solution/suggestion for
this problem. Maybe a configuration change that needs to be done on the
apache side?? I am not sure.

Oh, I am not running our URL as https either... i had seen a couple
instances of that on the internet as well.

Any suggestions/help would be appreciated


Chris Broadbent
RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

[rt-users] Display number of tickets to each queue in last 12 months

2014-10-08 Thread scott.dalzell
What is the best way to display the number of tickets each queue has received
over the past 12months?
i would like to add it to the homepage so we and easily monitor which queues
are reciving a lot of tickets

thank you


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RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

Re: [rt-users] PriorityAsString : Priority and FinalPriority show "unknown"

2014-10-08 Thread elifree
Thanks Chris for your reply, it works fine now !

- Mail original -
| De: "Christian Loos" 
| À: elif...@free.fr, rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
| Envoyé: Mercredi 8 Octobre 2014 08:39:02
| Objet: Re: PriorityAsString : Priority and FinalPriority show "unknown"
| Hi Elisabeth,
| if you don't set a InitialPriority on the queue page, the priority of
| a
| new created ticket is 0. As you didn't defined a mapping for 0 in
| PriorityAsString config you get the 'unknown' priority.
| Just add 'Aucun => 0' to your PriorityAsString config and everything
| should be fine.
| Chris
RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles