Re: [rt-users] Unassigning tickets does not work

2012-03-07 Thread JC Boggio

Just a quick follow-up for the record.

Problem was my fault : I have a scrip modifying a ticket owner as soon as
someone works on the ticket.

There are exceptions, like when the owner is changed.

But RT4 changed the way the transaction stores this owner change :

RT3: Type='Give', Field='Owner'
RT4: Type='Set', Field='Owner'

Hope this helps.

RT Training Sessions (
* Boston  March 5  6, 2012

Re: [rt-users] Unassigning tickets does not work

2012-02-09 Thread JC Boggio

No clue ? Should I file a bug report ?

RT Training Sessions (
* Boston  March 5  6, 2012

[rt-users] Unassigning tickets does not work

2012-02-07 Thread JC Boggio

Since we upgraded from RT 3.8 to 4.0.4, we can't assign tickets to Nobody 
To anybody else works.

When I give to someuser history says :
JC Boggio - Given to someuser

When I try to give to nobody, I get :
JC Boggio - Not taken

(These are free translations from french)

Any clues ?



RT Training Sessions (
* Boston  March 5  6, 2012

Re: [rt-users] Unassigning tickets does not work

2012-02-07 Thread JC Boggio


Le 07/02/2012 16:22, Thomas Sibley a écrit :

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name='Nobody';

rt3= SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name='Nobody';
-[ RECORD 1 
id| 6
name  | Nobody
password  | *NO-PASSWORD*
comments  | Do not delete or modify this user. It is integral to 
RT's internal data structures
signature |
emailaddress  |
freeformcontactinfo   |
organization  |
realname  | Nobody in particular
nickname  |
lang  |
emailencoding |
webencoding   |
externalcontactinfoid |
contactinfosystem |
gecos |
homephone |
workphone |
mobilephone   |
address1  |
address2  |
city  |
state |
zip   |
country   |
timezone  |
creator   | 1
created   | 2009-04-06 09:31:34
lastupdatedby | 1
lastupdated   | 2009-04-06 09:31:34
authtoken |

SELECT u.Name,, a.RightName, a.ObjectType,
a.ObjectId, a.Creator, a.Created
 ACL a
 join CachedGroupMembers cgm on a.PrincipalId = cgm.GroupId
 join Principals p on = cgm.MemberId
 join Users u on =
 a.PrincipalType = 'Group' and u.Name = 'Nobody';

  name  |  id  |  rightname   | objecttype | objectid | creator | 
 Nobody |2 | OwnTicket| RT::System |1 |   0 |
 Nobody |9 | AdminGroup   | RT::Group  |   24 |   0 |
 Nobody |8 | AdminGroupMembership | RT::Group  |   24 |   0 |
 Nobody |6 | CreateGroupDashboard | RT::Group  |   24 |   0 |
 Nobody |   13 | DeleteGroupDashboard | RT::Group  |   24 |   0 |
 Nobody |   11 | EditSavedSearches| RT::Group  |   24 |   0 |
 Nobody |   12 | ModifyGroupDashboard | RT::Group  |   24 |   0 |
 Nobody |   10 | ModifyOwnMembership  | RT::Group  |   24 |   0 |
 Nobody |   14 | SeeGroup | RT::Group  |   24 |   0 |
 Nobody | 1336 | SeeGroup | RT::Group  | 3358 |   0 |
 Nobody | 1339 | SeeGroup | RT::Group  | 3975 |   0 |
 Nobody | 1351 | SeeGroup | RT::Group  | 4372 |   0 |
 Nobody | 2904 | SeeGroup | RT::Group  |66841 |   0 |
 Nobody |   15 | SeeGroupDashboard| RT::Group  |   24 |   0 |
 Nobody |5 | ShowSavedSearches| RT::Group  |   24 |   0 |

RT Training Sessions (
* Boston  March 5  6, 2012

Re: [rt-users] Unassigning tickets does not work

2012-02-07 Thread JC Boggio


Le 07/02/2012 17:47, Thomas Sibley a écrit :

Unless you're seeing problems in the logs, I think you're fine.  Nobody
displays as the Owner in the Basics section of the ticket display page,

Nope, still me.

I give the ticket to some coworker :

select * from tickets where id=27155;
  id   | effectiveid | queue |  type  | issuestatement | resolution | owner |   
  subject  | initialpriority | 
finalpriority | priority | timeestimated | timeworked | status | timeleft | 
told |   starts|   started   | due |  
resolved   | lastupdatedby | lastupdated | creator |   created  
 | disabled
 27155 |   27155 |33 | ticket |  0 |  0 |   104 | 
[0450757d] **Temps de réponse anormal - rca0450757dcpe01 |   0 |
 0 |0 | 0 |  0 | open   |0 |  | 
1970-01-01 00:00:00 | 2012-02-07 13:23:52 | 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | 1970-01-01 
00:00:00 |22 | 2012-02-07 19:13:07 |   19061 | 2012-02-07 13:14:20 

I steal the ticket :

select * from tickets where id=27155;
  id   | effectiveid | queue |  type  | issuestatement | resolution | owner |   
  subject  | initialpriority | 
finalpriority | priority | timeestimated | timeworked | status | timeleft | 
told |   starts|   started   | due |  
resolved   | lastupdatedby | lastupdated | creator |   created  
 | disabled
 27155 |   27155 |33 | ticket |  0 |  0 |22 | 
[0450757d] **Temps de réponse anormal - rca0450757dcpe01 |   0 |
 0 |0 | 0 |  0 | open   |0 |  | 
1970-01-01 00:00:00 | 2012-02-07 13:23:52 | 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | 1970-01-01 
00:00:00 |22 | 2012-02-07 19:08:19 |   19061 | 2012-02-07 13:14:20 

I change it to Nobody in particular :

select * from tickets where id=27155;
  id   | effectiveid | queue |  type  | issuestatement | resolution | owner |   
  subject  | initialpriority | 
finalpriority | priority | timeestimated | timeworked | status | timeleft | 
told |   starts|   started   | due |  
resolved   | lastupdatedby | lastupdated | creator |   created  
 | disabled
 27155 |   27155 |33 | ticket |  0 |  0 |22 | 
[0450757d] **Temps de réponse anormal - rca0450757dcpe01 |   0 |
 0 |0 | 0 |  0 | open   |0 |  | 
1970-01-01 00:00:00 | 2012-02-07 13:23:52 | 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | 1970-01-01 
00:00:00 |22 | 2012-02-07 19:09:34 |   19061 | 2012-02-07 13:14:20 

The yellow Results box says :
Intervenant changé de cat à Nobody

The history says :
JC BOGGIO - Non pris

Unfortunately, on the box underneath modify users for ticket 27155, I see 
Same thing on Ticket metadata page.

And as you see on the query, owner is not 6.

select id,name from users where id in (1,6,22);
 id |   name
  1 | RT_System
  6 | Nobody
 22 | cat

Nothing in /var/log/apache2/error.log

RT Training Sessions (
* Boston  March 5  6, 2012

Re: [rt-users] Adding AdminCCs on ticket creation

2009-11-19 Thread JC Boggio

Ken Crocker a écrit :
 I created something similar to this only it was for Ticket CC's. 

I've found two interesting pages on the wiki, this one being the
solution :

This one is quite interesting too :

Thanks for pointing me there.


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[rt-users] Adding AdminCCs on ticket creation

2009-11-18 Thread JC Boggio

I need the following behaviour : when a ticket is created (in default queue),
if the suject contains [PRH] I must notify some special persons.

I first tried to change the ticket's queue but only the AdminCCs of the
default queue are notified.

So I tried adding the users during the creation process with this scrip :

Condition: during a transaction
Action: user defined
Template: Null
Stage: TransactionCreate

Custom action preparation code:

my $Ticket=$self-TicketObj;
my $Transaction = $self-TransactionObj;
if ($Ticket-Subject =~ /\[PRH\]/) {
   my $admincclist = $Ticket-AdminCc;
   my $user = RT::User-new($RT::SystemUser);

   my @comptes = (

   foreach my $c(@comptes) {

return 1;

Everything works but TOO LATE : ticket is moved to queue 20 and
AdminCCs are added to the ticket but they don't get the initial
(ticket creation ACK) email :

Fri Nov 06 14:59:41 2009: Request 3482 was acted upon.
  Transaction: Ticket created by jcboggio
Queue: Default queue
  Subject: Test [PRH] - NE PAS REPONDRE
Owner: Nobody
 État: new
  Ticket URL: 

All the persons in the BCC are those from default queue.

How can I do this ? Can I re-emit this email afterwards ? any solution
is acceptable : my boss puts me under high pressure on this topic.

Thanks for your help,


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