Re: [rt-users] I need help with the RT-Authen-ExternalAuth LDAP settings, please

2013-10-17 Thread Jeff Solberg
For your ‘server’ try using IP rather than hostname.
Second for the ‘user’ field try using the DN name for your AD Binding 

Hope this helps..


[] On Behalf Of Mathew Snyder
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 1:19 PM
Subject: [rt-users] I need help with the RT-Authen-ExternalAuth LDAP settings, 

These are the settings I've started with:

Set($ExternalSettings, {
'AD'   =  {
'type'  =  'ldap',
'base'  =  'dc=example,dc=com',
'user'  =  'rtuser',
'pass'  =  '',
'filter'=  '(ObjectClass=*)',
'tls'   =  0,
'ssl_version'   =  3,
'net_ldap_args' = [version =  3   ],
'attr_match_list' = [
'attr_map' = {
'Name' = 'sAMAccountName',
'EmailAddress' = 'mail',
'RealName' = 'cn',

They aren't working. Whenever someone attempts an initial login with just their 
username (which should create their RT account) the following error is logged:
Oct 17 15:02:29 zen-rt RT: [23131] Use of uninitialized value in string eq at 
line 613.
Oct 17 15:02:29 zen-rt RT: [23131] 
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo returning Disabled: , 
EmailAddress: , Gecos: user, Name: user, Privileged:
Oct 17 16:14:01 zen-rt RT: [24382] Couldn't create user user: Could not set 
user info
Oct 17 16:14:01 zen-rt RT: [24382] FAILED LOGIN for user from

When initial logins are attempted with either example\username or 
example.com\username only the FAILED LOGIN line is 

We also have our Openfire Jabber server authenticating successfully. Those 
settings are
ldap.autoFollowAliasReferrals = true
ldap.autoFollowReferrals = false
ldap.baseDN = dc=example,dc=com
ldap.connectionPoolEnabled = true
ldap.debugEnabled = false
ldap.emailField = mail
ldap.encloseDNs = true
ldap.groupDescriptionField = description
ldap.groupMemberField = member
ldap.groupNameField = cn
ldap.groupSearchFilter = (objectClass=group) = domain_controller.example.com
ldap.ldapDebugEnabled = false
ldap.nameField = cn
ldap.port = 389
ldap.searchFilter = (objectClass=*)
ldap.usernameField = sAMAccountName

I know they don't match up exactly in terms of what Openfire calls the settings 
vs. what RT does, but I'm hoping someone can help me sort out what should be 
plugged in where on the RT side. For example, I don't know what the group_attr 
or group_attr_value setting should contain (if anything) in the file. Basically, anything from the group settings.


When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all. - 
God; Futurama

We'll get along much better once you accept that you're wrong and neither am 
I. - Me

Re: [rt-users] I need help with the RT-Authen-ExternalAuth LDAP settings, please

2013-10-17 Thread Jeff Solberg
You shouldn’t need to preface the domain in your username string. Also to enter 
in an OU with 2 words just simply enter it is “OU=Special Accounts”..

To verify the CN name for your Bind account in AD, do a find/search on your 
bind user account, right-click on the object and select properties. Choose the 
Attribute Editor tab and scroll down to “distringuishedName”. This will give 
you the exact name.


From: Mathew Snyder []
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 1:40 PM
To: Jeff Solberg
Subject: Re: [rt-users] I need help with the RT-Authen-ExternalAuth LDAP 
settings, please

I didn't know the OU until a few moments ago so I only entered 
cn=user,dc=example,dc=com. That did seem to make a difference. However, I'm 
still not able to log in. Perhaps for other reasons, though:

Oct 17 16:33:11 zen-rt RT: [24525] 
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP::_GetBoundLdapObj Can't bind: 
Oct 17 16:33:11 zen-rt RT: [24525] FAILED LOGIN for example\user from

I know I'm entering my username and password correctly and have again tried 
just the username, example\username, and 
example.com\username. I'm wondering if the 
LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS error is because of the missing OU. I do know it now, 
but how do I enter an OU that has two words? I was told it is Accounts.


When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all. - 
God; Futurama

We'll get along much better once you accept that you're wrong and neither am 
I. - Me

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Jeff Solberg wrote:
For your ‘server’ try using IP rather than hostname.
Second for the ‘user’ field try using the DN name for your AD Binding 

Hope this helps..


 On Behalf Of Mathew Snyder
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 1:19 PM
Subject: [rt-users] I need help with the RT-Authen-ExternalAuth LDAP settings, 

These are the settings I've started with:

Set($ExternalSettings, {
'AD'   =  {
'type'  =  'ldap',
'base'  =  'dc=example,dc=com',
'user'  =  'rtuser',
'pass'  =  '',
'filter'=  '(ObjectClass=*)',
'tls'   =  0,
'ssl_version'   =  3,
'net_ldap_args' = [version =  3   ],
'attr_match_list' = [
'attr_map' = {
'Name' = 'sAMAccountName',
'EmailAddress' = 'mail',
'RealName' = 'cn',

They aren't working. Whenever someone attempts an initial login with just their 
username (which should create their RT account) the following error is logged:
Oct 17 15:02:29 zen-rt RT: [23131] Use of uninitialized value in string eq at 
line 613.
Oct 17 15:02:29 zen-rt RT: [23131] 
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo returning Disabled: , 
EmailAddress: , Gecos: user, Name: user, Privileged:
Oct 17 16:14:01 zen-rt RT: [24382] Couldn't create user user: Could not set 
user info
Oct 17 16:14:01 zen-rt RT: [24382] FAILED LOGIN for user from

When initial logins are attempted with either example\username or 
example.com\username only the FAILED LOGIN line is 

We also have our Openfire Jabber server authenticating successfully. Those 
settings are
ldap.autoFollowAliasReferrals = true
ldap.autoFollowReferrals = false
ldap.baseDN = dc=example,dc=com
ldap.connectionPoolEnabled = true
ldap.debugEnabled = false
ldap.emailField = mail
ldap.encloseDNs = true
ldap.groupDescriptionField = description
ldap.groupMemberField = member
ldap.groupNameField = cn
ldap.groupSearchFilter = (objectClass=group) = domain_controller.example.com
ldap.ldapDebugEnabled = false
ldap.nameField = cn
ldap.port = 389
ldap.searchFilter = (objectClass=*)
ldap.usernameField = sAMAccountName

I know they don't match up exactly in terms of what Openfire calls the settings 
vs. what RT does, but I'm hoping someone can help me sort out what should be 
plugged in where on the RT side. For example, I don't know what the group_attr 
or group_attr_value setting should contain (if anything) in the file. Basically

[rt-users] RTFM and Self Service portal

2013-08-19 Thread Jeff Solberg

I am getting ready to start publishing some articles to my end user base using 
Articles. I have set up my class and have created some content for testing 
purposes. I am following the introduction.pod file in /lib/RT/PM from the 
RTFM-2.4.5.tar stack. Per this document and other resources on the web state 
that if I grant the Unprivileged User group the ShowArticle permission on any 
class I have created the end user should see a search box enabling them to 
search KB articles we the IT staff have written. This is not the case however. 
I see a search box to search  tickets and when I search for an article it 
errors out saying it cannot find the ticket it is trying to search for.

I am running RT 4.0.7 on Debian 6.

Any suggestions?


Re: [rt-users] ExternalAuth problems

2013-08-01 Thread Jeff Solberg
Try removing the extra '(' you have in front of qw in your set@plugin 


From my Android phone on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network.

 Original message 
From: Brian Haupt
Date: 08/01/2013 7:48 AM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: [rt-users] ExternalAuth problems

I am setting up a new Request Tracker 4.0.16 installation on CentOS 6.4. I  am 
able to log into RT using the RT root password but I receive the following 
error when trying to login using my AD account

[Thu Aug  1 14:37:33 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for $UserName from $IP_Address 

Below is the relavent part of my RT_SiteConfig

Set($WebPort, 443);
Set($WebPath, /rt);
Set($WebDomain, '$hostname.$PublicDomain');
Set($rtname, '$hostname');

Set($ExternalSettings, {
'My_LDAP'   =  {
'type'  =  'ldap',

'server'=  '$DC.$InternalNetwork',
'user'  =  '$AD_User@$InternalNetwork ',
'pass'  =  '$Password',

'base'  =  'dc=$InternalNetwork',
'filter'=  '(objectClass=*)',
'attr_map' = {
'Name' = 'displayName',
'EmailAddress' = 'mail',
'RealName' = 'cn',
'ExternalAuthId' = 'sAMAccountName',
'Gecos' = 'sAMAccountName',

# You must install Plugins on your own, this is only an example
# of the correct syntax to use when activating them.
# There should only be one @Plugins declaration in your config file.
Set(@MailPlugins, qw(Auth::MailFrom Filter::TakeAction));
Set(@Plugins,(qw(RT::Extension::CommandByMail RT::Authen::ExternalAuth)));


Re: [rt-users] ExternalAuth problems

2013-08-01 Thread Jeff Solberg
When you removed the extra '(' did you also remove the extra ')' from the end 
of the declaration? Your plug in line should look like this

Set(@Plugins, qw(RT::Extension::CommandByMail RT::Authen::ExternalAuth));

Restart Apache..

If this doesn’t work go into RT as root then go into the system configuration

Tools-- Configuration -- tools-- System Configuration

And see if the plugs are being set. Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Haupt
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2013 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] ExternalAuth problems

I have tried removing the extra '(' as recommended but with no success. I have 
also tried using changing
'user'  =  $AD_User@$InternalNetwork ', to
'user'  =  

I also tried adding 
Set($LdapServer, 'ldaps://');
Set($LdapTLS, 1);
Set($LdapSSLVersion, 3);

But none of these have yielded any better results.

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Solberg [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2013 11:23 AM
To: Brian Haupt;
Subject: RE: [rt-users] ExternalAuth problems

Try removing the extra '(' you have in front of qw in your set@plugin 


From my Android phone on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network.

 Original message 
From: Brian Haupt
Date: 08/01/2013 7:48 AM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: [rt-users] ExternalAuth problems

I am setting up a new Request Tracker 4.0.16 installation on CentOS 6.4. I  am 
able to log into RT using the RT root password but I receive the following 
error when trying to login using my AD account

[Thu Aug  1 14:37:33 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for $UserName from $IP_Address 

Below is the relavent part of my RT_SiteConfig

Set($WebPort, 443);
Set($WebPath, /rt);
Set($WebDomain, '$hostname.$PublicDomain'); Set($rtname, '$hostname');

Set($ExternalSettings, {
'My_LDAP'   =  {
'type'  =  'ldap',

'server'=  '$DC.$InternalNetwork',
'user'  =  '$AD_User@$InternalNetwork',
'pass'  =  '$Password',

'base'  =  'dc=$InternalNetwork',
'filter'=  '(objectClass=*)',
'attr_map' = {
'Name' = 'displayName',
'EmailAddress' = 'mail',
'RealName' = 'cn',
'ExternalAuthId' = 'sAMAccountName',
'Gecos' = 'sAMAccountName',

# You must install Plugins on your own, this is only an example # of the 
correct syntax to use when activating them.
# There should only be one @Plugins declaration in your config file.
Set(@MailPlugins, qw(Auth::MailFrom Filter::TakeAction)); 
Set(@Plugins,(qw(RT::Extension::CommandByMail RT::Authen::ExternalAuth)));


[rt-users] Changing WebBase RT URL

2013-07-31 Thread Jeff Solberg

I am in the final stages of standing up my new RT Instance! What a journey it 
has been. First off I want to say thanks for all the help I have gotten from 
this user base on getting where I am now. There were a few hurdles that took me 
for a whirlwind but with your help I got through them!

One more request from the IT manager is he wants the Web URL to be something 
simple like itsupport.{domain name}.com. From what I can see there are lines in 
the that contains the following

Set ($WebBaseURL , http://hostname;);
Set ($WebPath , /rt);

Now doing a quick look and changing these to something I wanted did not work at 

I got rid of the /rt and just left the web path as follows

Set ($WebPath , );

And changed the $WebBaseURL to

Set ($WebBaseURL , 

Then created a DNS entry for this. So my questions are this;

A) Did I even come close to getting this to work?
B) Are there apache type configs that also need to be made to get this to work?

I am running RT 4.0.7 running on Debian Linux.

Thanks again!


[rt-users] RT-Extension-LDAPImport vs RT External Auth plugin modules

2013-07-02 Thread Jeff Solberg
Since I was unable to get the RT External Auth setup working with my Active 
Directory Environment I have been looking at other solutions in getting my AD 
users logging into RT. I have seen you can use Apache to handle Authentication 
but that method really doesn't look all that attractive to me. I have now seen 
there is an LDAP import tool that can import users in RT. Can this tool import 
the users from my Active Directory Server and when they go to login will it 
look to the LDAP server to validate the users password? Or does it store 
everything local in the MYSQL Database? In a perfect world I would get the 
External Auth working but I for the life of me cannot pinpoint the disconnect 
that is in place. Please any advice on this would be grateful . Thanks.


Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on Debian

2013-07-02 Thread Jeff Solberg
Hash: SHA256


In System Configuration in the Web UI I show the following being read in RT. 

LogToFile   'debug' site config
LogToFileNamed  'rt.log'site config
LogToScreen 'debug' site config
LogToSyslog ''  site config
Plugins 'RT::Authen::ExternalAuth'  site config

Then under loaded Perl Modules I see


I would definably agree with you that the plugin is not being run because I 
have done TCP Packet dumps as I was logging in and there is no activity being 
sent to my LDAP Server/DC. Oddly enough one would think that with the debugging 
set it would be telling me something. As I stated earlier the only message 
being logged in RT.LOG is the FAILED LOGON message. I will look at the 
permissions on the plugin. Should it be readable by www-data? Thanks again for 
your help on this. I really need to get this working so I can then move on to 
the next phase and tailor it to my companies needs.


- -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 10:05 AM
Subject: [secure] Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on Debian
Sensitivity: Confidential

* PGP Signed by an unknown key

On Mon, Jul 01, 2013 at 05:59:53PM +, Jeff Solberg wrote:
 Added the following to my site config:

Go back to the System Configuration page and confirm that you see these 
settings being read by RT.

If you have the Plugin installed, and the logging configured, then it isn't 
being run.  The next things to check are permissions.  Can the webserver read 
the callbacks provided by the extension and are they being run.

- -kevin

 Set($LogToSyslog, '');
 Set($LogToScreen, 'debug');
 Set($LogToFile  , 'debug');
 Set($LogDir, '/var/log/request-tracker4');
 Set($LogToFileNamed , rt.log);#log to rt.log
 # end   /etc/request-tracker4/RT_SiteConfig.d/logging
 And restarted apache2, I tried to log in with domain account and this 
 is what is being logged to rt.log
 root@admin-rt4:/var/log/request-tracker4# cat rt.log [Mon Jul  1 
 17:47:43 2013] [debug]: The RTAddressRegexp option is not set in the 
 config. Not setting this option results in additional SQL queries to 
 check whether each address belongs to RT or not. It is especially 
 important to set this option if RT recieves emails on addresses that 
 are not in the database or config. 
 [Mon Jul  1 17:47:43 2013] [warning]: The actual HTTP_HOST (admin-rt4) 
 does NOT match the configured WebDomain (localhost). Perhaps you 
 should Set($WebDomain, 'admin-rt4'); in, otherwise 
 your internal links may be broken. 
 [Mon Jul  1 17:47:50 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for jsolberg from (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Interface/
 [Mon Jul  1 17:49:46 2013] [info]: Successful login for root from (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Interface/
 [Mon Jul  1 17:53:05 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for from 
 My guess is the debugging options is not telling us much :(
 - -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Kevin 
 Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 9:29 AM
 Subject: [secure] Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on 
 Sensitivity: Confidential
  Old Signed by an unknown key
 On Mon, Jul 01, 2013 at 04:24:51PM +, Jeff Solberg wrote:
   - -Original Message-
   [] On Behalf Of 
   Kevin Falcone
   Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 9:14 AM
   Subject: [secure] Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on 
   Sensitivity: Confidential
Old Signed by an unknown key
   On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 12:29:22PM -0700, jsolberg wrote:
Default settings till here
Set( @Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth));

#External Auth Settings

Set($ExternalAuthPriority, [ 'My_LDAP',] ); 
Set($ExternalInfoPriority, [ 'My_LDAP',] ); 
Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS, 0); Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 
0); Set($ExternalSettings, {
'My_LDAP'   =  {
'type'  =  'ldap',
'server'=  '',
'user'  =  'cn

Re: [rt-users] RT-Extension-LDAPImport vs RT External Auth plugin modules

2013-07-02 Thread Jeff Solberg
Thanks Nathan. I apologize for not seeing that these responses were only 
directed at you and not the list. Sigh. I will try to find time here shortly to 
sit down and configure the LDAPImport and see if I have any success getting it 
doing the right thing. I will post my results. Again, thanks for all your help.


-Original Message-
From: Nathan Cutler [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 1:30 PM
To: Jeff Solberg
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT-Extension-LDAPImport vs RT External Auth plugin 

 The RT Server itself is bound by LDAP Authentication using libpam-ldap 
 modules. So Active Directory Authentication is defiantly working as I am 
 logging into this machine with my AD creds. It is binding using the same 
 username and password that I have in my RT External Auth config. I haven’t 
 setup the RT-Extension-LDAP module yet. I just wanted to get some insite on 
 how it worked compared to the other. Will this module work standalone or do 
 you have to use it in conjunction with the RT External Auth plugin?

Hi Jeff:

(Be sure to reply to the list)

As Kevin just wrote, LDAPImport is useless for authentication, so you would 
only want to use it if you need to get info (not passwords) for a bunch of 
users into the RT database all at once. The reason why I recommended it was 
that bind w/password might be more difficult to get working than anonymous 
bind, which is what LDAPImport uses. So LDAPImport might be a stepping stone 
to ExternAuth.

Just an idea.

Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on Debian

2013-07-02 Thread Jeff Solberg
Hash: SHA256

After opening up the permissions on the directory where the External Auth 
Plugin lives (/usr/local/share/request-tracker4/) to my apache user I am now 
able to get logged into RT with a AD user! Prior to doing this root owned 
all these directories with only read permissions..

And looking at the logs I am now seeing a ton of chatter relating to this. 
Thanks for all your help.


- -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 1:24 PM
Subject: [secure] Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on Debian
Sensitivity: Confidential

* PGP Signed by an unknown key

On Tue, Jul 02, 2013 at 05:22:32PM +, Jeff Solberg wrote:
 Hash: SHA256
 In System Configuration in the Web UI I show the following being read in RT. 
 LogToFile 'debug' site config
 LogToFileNamed'rt.log'site config
 LogToScreen   'debug' site config
 LogToSyslog   ''  site config
 Plugins   'RT::Authen::ExternalAuth'  site config
 Then under loaded Perl Modules I see
 RT::Authen::ExternalAuth  0.16
 I would definably agree with you that the plugin is not being run because I 
 have done TCP Packet dumps as I was logging in and there is no activity being 
 sent to my LDAP Server/DC. Oddly enough one would think that with the 
 debugging set it would be telling me something. As I stated earlier the only 
 message being logged in RT.LOG is the FAILED LOGON message. I will look at 
 the permissions on the plugin. Should it be readable by www-data? Thanks 
 again for your help on this. I really need to get this working so I can then 
 move on to the next phase and tailor it to my companies needs.

It should be readable by the user your webserver runs as.
Clearly the perl module loads, but the Mason components (under the html 
directory in the plugin) don't seem to be running.

There will be no extra debugging unless the plugin is running.

- -kevin

* Unknown Key
* 0x9E42250A

Version: PGP Universal 3.2.1 (Build 4940)
Charset: us-ascii


Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on Debian

2013-07-01 Thread Jeff Solberg
Hash: SHA256

Thanks for your reply. In the sys config it shows the following under PLUGINS:

Plugins   [


- -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 9:14 AM
Subject: [secure] Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on Debian
Sensitivity: Confidential

* PGP Signed by an unknown key

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 12:29:22PM -0700, jsolberg wrote:
 Default settings till here
 Set( @Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth));
 #External Auth Settings
 Set($ExternalAuthPriority, [ 'My_LDAP',] ); Set($ExternalInfoPriority, 
 [ 'My_LDAP',] ); Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS, 0); 
 Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 0); Set($ExternalSettings, {
 'My_LDAP'   =  {
 'type'  =  'ldap',
 'server'=  '',
 'user'  =  'cn=Bind
 'pass'=  'xxx',
 'base'  =  'dc=,dc=com',
 'd_filter'  = 
 'group' =  'cn=Domain
 'group_attr'=  'member',
 'tls'   =  0,
 'ssl_version'   =  3,
 'net_ldap_args' = [version =  3, port = 3268   ],
 'group_scope'   =  'base',
 'group_attr_value'  =  'GROUP_ATTR_VALUE',
 'attr_match_list' = [
 'attr_map' = {
 'Name' = 'sAMAccountName',
 'EmailAddress' = 'mail',
 'Organization' = 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
 'RealName' = 'cn',
 'ExternalAuthId' = 'sAMAccountName',
 'Gecos' = 'sAMAccountName',
 'WorkPhone' = 'telephoneNumber',
 'Address1' = 'streetAddress',
 'City' = 'l',
 'State' = 'st',
 'Zip' = 'postalCode',
 'Country' = 'co'
 # An example SSO cookie service
 'My_SSO_Cookie'  = {
 'type'  =  'cookie',
 'name'  =  'loginCookieValue',
 'u_table'   =  'users',
 'u_field'   =  'username',
 'u_match_key'   =  'userID',
 'c_table'   =  'login_cookie',
 'c_field'   =  'loginCookieValue',
 'c_match_key'   =  'loginCookieUserID',
 'db_service_name'   =  'My_MySQL'
 } );
 I then use update-rt-siteconfig to merge these settings into From what I read this is all correct and Should 
 allow AD accounts to log in. Here is what is logging in the apache2 error log:
 [Fri Jun 28 19:01:58 2013] [warning]: The actual HTTP_HOST (admin-rt4) 
 does NOT match the configured WebDomain (localhost). Perhaps you 
 should Set($WebDomain, 'admin-rt4'); in, otherwise 
 your internal links may be broken.
 [Fri Jun 28 19:02:09 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for from 
 [Fri Jun 28 19:02:40 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for jsolberg from ( /usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Interface/
 [Fri Jun 28 19:02:52 2013] [info]: Successful login for root from (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Interface/

Navigate to Tools - Configuration - System Configuration and check that 
Plugins contains RT::Authen::ExternalAuth.

- -kevin

* Unknown Key
* 0x9E42250A

Version: PGP Universal 3.2.1 (Build 4940)
Charset: us-ascii


Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on Debian

2013-07-01 Thread Jeff Solberg
Hash: SHA256

Do I just add the $SetToLog options anywhere in the

- -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 9:29 AM
Subject: [secure] Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on Debian
Sensitivity: Confidential

* PGP Signed by an unknown key

On Mon, Jul 01, 2013 at 04:24:51PM +, Jeff Solberg wrote:
  - -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of Kevin 
  Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 9:14 AM
  Subject: [secure] Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on 
  Sensitivity: Confidential
   Old Signed by an unknown key
  On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 12:29:22PM -0700, jsolberg wrote:
   Default settings till here
   Set( @Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth));
   #External Auth Settings
   Set($ExternalAuthPriority, [ 'My_LDAP',] ); 
   Set($ExternalInfoPriority, [ 'My_LDAP',] ); 
   Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS, 0); Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 
   0); Set($ExternalSettings, {
   'My_LDAP'   =  {
   'type'  =  'ldap',
   'server'=  '',
   'user'  =  'cn=Bind
   'pass'=  'xxx',
   'base'  =  'dc=,dc=com',
   'd_filter'  = 
   'group' =  'cn=Domain
   'group_attr'=  'member',
   'tls'   =  0,
   'ssl_version'   =  3,
   'net_ldap_args' = [version =  3, port = 3268   
   'group_scope'   =  'base',
   'group_attr_value'  =  'GROUP_ATTR_VALUE',
   'attr_match_list' = [
   'attr_map' = {
   'Name' = 'sAMAccountName',
   'EmailAddress' = 'mail',
   'Organization' = 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
   'RealName' = 'cn',
   'ExternalAuthId' = 'sAMAccountName',
   'Gecos' = 'sAMAccountName',
   'WorkPhone' = 'telephoneNumber',
   'Address1' = 'streetAddress',
   'City' = 'l',
   'State' = 'st',
   'Zip' = 'postalCode',
   'Country' = 'co'
   # An example SSO cookie service
   'My_SSO_Cookie'  = {
   'type'  =  'cookie',
   'name'  =  'loginCookieValue',
   'u_table'   =  'users',
   'u_field'   =  'username',
   'u_match_key'   =  'userID',
   'c_table'   =  'login_cookie',
   'c_field'   =  'loginCookieValue',
   'c_match_key'   =  'loginCookieUserID',
   'db_service_name'   =  'My_MySQL'
   } );
   I then use update-rt-siteconfig to merge these settings into From what I read this is all correct and Should
   allow AD accounts to log in. Here is what is logging in the apache2 error 
   [Fri Jun 28 19:01:58 2013] [warning]: The actual HTTP_HOST 
   (admin-rt4) does NOT match the configured WebDomain (localhost). 
   Perhaps you should Set($WebDomain, 'admin-rt4'); in, otherwise your internal links may be broken.
   [Fri Jun 28 19:02:09 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for from
   [Fri Jun 28 19:02:40 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for jsolberg from ( 
   [Fri Jun 28 19:02:52 2013] [info]: Successful login for root from 
  Navigate to Tools - Configuration - System Configuration and check that 
  Plugins contains RT::Authen::ExternalAuth.
 Thanks for your reply. In the sys config it shows the following under PLUGINS:
 Plugins   [

Great - now go make sure your $LogToScreen is set to 'debug' and log in again.

root will always be able to log in because

Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on Debian

2013-07-01 Thread Jeff Solberg
Hash: SHA256

Added the following to my site config:

Set($LogToSyslog, '');
Set($LogToScreen, 'debug');
Set($LogToFile  , 'debug');
Set($LogDir, '/var/log/request-tracker4');
Set($LogToFileNamed , rt.log);#log to rt.log

# end   /etc/request-tracker4/RT_SiteConfig.d/logging

And restarted apache2, I tried to log in with domain account and this is what 
is being logged to rt.log

root@admin-rt4:/var/log/request-tracker4# cat rt.log
[Mon Jul  1 17:47:43 2013] [debug]: The RTAddressRegexp option is not set in 
the config. Not setting this option results in additional SQL queries to check 
whether each address belongs to RT or not. It is especially important to set 
this option if RT recieves emails on addresses that are not in the database or 
config. (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/
[Mon Jul  1 17:47:43 2013] [warning]: The actual HTTP_HOST (admin-rt4) does NOT 
match the configured WebDomain (localhost). Perhaps you should Set($WebDomain, 
'admin-rt4'); in, otherwise your internal links may be broken. 
[Mon Jul  1 17:47:50 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for jsolberg from 
[Mon Jul  1 17:49:46 2013] [info]: Successful login for root from 
[Mon Jul  1 17:53:05 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for from (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Interface/

My guess is the debugging options is not telling us much :(


- -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 9:29 AM
Subject: [secure] Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on Debian
Sensitivity: Confidential

* PGP Signed by an unknown key

On Mon, Jul 01, 2013 at 04:24:51PM +, Jeff Solberg wrote:
  - -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of Kevin 
  Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 9:14 AM
  Subject: [secure] Re: [rt-users] External Auth config with RT on 
  Sensitivity: Confidential
   Old Signed by an unknown key
  On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 12:29:22PM -0700, jsolberg wrote:
   Default settings till here
   Set( @Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth));
   #External Auth Settings
   Set($ExternalAuthPriority, [ 'My_LDAP',] ); 
   Set($ExternalInfoPriority, [ 'My_LDAP',] ); 
   Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS, 0); Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 
   0); Set($ExternalSettings, {
   'My_LDAP'   =  {
   'type'  =  'ldap',
   'server'=  '',
   'user'  =  'cn=Bind
   'pass'=  'xxx',
   'base'  =  'dc=,dc=com',
   'd_filter'  = 
   'group' =  'cn=Domain
   'group_attr'=  'member',
   'tls'   =  0,
   'ssl_version'   =  3,
   'net_ldap_args' = [version =  3, port = 3268   
   'group_scope'   =  'base',
   'group_attr_value'  =  'GROUP_ATTR_VALUE',
   'attr_match_list' = [
   'attr_map' = {
   'Name' = 'sAMAccountName',
   'EmailAddress' = 'mail',
   'Organization' = 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
   'RealName' = 'cn',
   'ExternalAuthId' = 'sAMAccountName',
   'Gecos' = 'sAMAccountName',
   'WorkPhone' = 'telephoneNumber',
   'Address1' = 'streetAddress',
   'City' = 'l',
   'State' = 'st',
   'Zip' = 'postalCode',
   'Country' = 'co'
   # An example SSO cookie service
   'My_SSO_Cookie'  = {
   'type'  =  'cookie',
   'name'  =  'loginCookieValue',
   'u_table'   =  'users',
   'u_field'   =  'username',
   'u_match_key'   =  'userID',
   'c_table'   =  'login_cookie',
   'c_field'   =  'loginCookieValue',

[rt-users] Setting up requestor access to Self Service Web UI

2013-06-14 Thread Jeff Solberg

I have been tasked in rolling out RT to our organization. So far so good. I was 
able to get RT 4.0.7 up and running on Debian Linux 7.0 (Wheezy).  Now its down 
to the nuts and bolt tightening of this product to tailor it to our 
environment. One thing that I am contemplating is how other than email my end 
users will be able to track their own tickets without giving them access to all 
of the ticket queues I will be setting up. The email notifications are working 
ok as in the end user will receive updates and will be able to see any comments 
the owner put into the tickets. Now onto setting up the self service part of 
the Web UI. I have looked through many articles on this and really haven't 
found anything that actually stated how to enable and setup the Self Service 
feature on a new installation of RT.  My goal is to have the end user click on 
a URL in the auto reply email that will direct them to the Self Service UI and 
also iauto log them in without being prompted for a userna
 me and password (if possible). With that being said I guess I have 2 
questions: 1) How to setup Self Service and 2) How to (if possible) make it so 
an end user can click on a URL in the auto reply and auto log them in without 
Username and Password. Thanks in advance for any help in regards to this issue!


RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20: