[Rails] need Ruby programmer for contract @Intel Chandler, AZ

2012-02-15 Thread dwilde1
Need Ruby server-side programmer for immediate full-time contract at
Intel in Chandler, AZ

Skills: Ruby, Rack, Sinatra, AJAX, JSON, MySQL on Linux / FreeBSD and
understanding of client-side HTML5, jQuery, JavaScript.

Project is an amazing cloud-to-tablet services project. :D

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[Rails] Multiple Databases w/ RoR 4.2

2014-12-29 Thread dwilde1
Hi, all -

I'm prototyping a large application which will eventually have multiple 
open connections to MySQL and Neo4j data persist stores (aka databases). I 
would also like to maintain the existing development/test/prod switch 

How can I configure this, or where would I start to patch?

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[Rails] Still getting ENOENT error `initialize': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen

2019-01-21 Thread dwilde1
Hi, folks --

Sorry if this has been discussed ad infinitum but I've been searching and 
testing for hours and I'm not getting anywhere

My Ruby is ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux] on  
Ubuntu 18.4

I created a bunch of files using a Rails generator (5.2.2) but since 'rails 
g' can't utilize all the options a migration file is capable of. I need to 
change_column and add_column and then re-write the file.

Here's the pertinent part of the modification program:

*add_files.each do | add_file | add_file.chompfile_str = 
"/home/din/Projects/DLC/rails_server/product_exchange/db/migrate/" + 
add_fileputs "exist"puts File.exist?(file_str)puts "ls"
ls_str = "ls -al " + file_strsystem(ls_str)puts "read:"puts 
File.readable?(file_str)puts "write:"puts File.writable?(file_str)  
File.open(file_str, "r+")  do | the_add_file |*
*# ...*

*  end*

Here's the result:

*$ populate_user_table_migrations_01.rb existfalsels-rw-rw-rw- 1 din din 90 
Jan 21 13:11 
(most recent call last):4: from 
`'3: from 
`each'2: from 
`block in '1: from 
`initialize': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - 

Now, as you can see from the output of the *ls -al* command, the file *is* 
there, and it's readable and writable. The db/migrate directory is also 
writable by world, but none of the tests find it and it blows up on 
File.open. I'm running the updater from inside db/migrate, although as you 
can see the updater now has hard-coded paths everywhere.

Please, somebody tell me this is something trivial and silly! :)

I've tried various IO combinations, various File.open combinations, etc, 
and I've been googling all morning and part of yesterday.

*Thanks in advance!*

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Re: [Rails] Still getting ENOENT error `initialize': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen

2019-01-22 Thread dwilde1
On Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at 3:49:33 AM UTC-7, Colin Law wrote:
> Is it specific to that file or directory?  What happens if you try 
> another file somewhere else? 
> If it is something specific then try another file in that directory, 
> and so on till you work out what is going on. 
> I suppose it could be something like an unprintable character in the 
> filename or something. 

Hi, Colin  --

Actually, it doesn't seem to be specific. I'm using a Ruby program that 
creates fifty sets of files (for each state in US), and then updating those 
files with better column definitions. Ubuntu did just force my Rails to 
update to bleeding edge, so it is possible that something has been 
introduced but that is unlikely.as File and IO should be very stable by 
now. You'd a think, eh? :)

Your idea of a stray binary in there is plausible; I don't have a current 
copy of RubyMine but I can see if BEAV will show me  something useful. 
Thanks for the idea!

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