Hi, folks --

Sorry if this has been discussed ad infinitum but I've been searching and 
testing for hours and I'm not getting anywhere

My Ruby is ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux] on  
Ubuntu 18.4

I created a bunch of files using a Rails generator (5.2.2) but since 'rails 
g' can't utilize all the options a migration file is capable of. I need to 
change_column and add_column and then re-write the file.

Here's the pertinent part of the modification program:


*add_files.each do | add_file |     add_file.chomp    file_str = 
"/home/din/Projects/DLC/rails_server/product_exchange/db/migrate/" + 
add_file    puts "exist"    puts File.exist?(file_str)    puts "ls"    
ls_str = "ls -al " + file_str    system(ls_str)    puts "read:"    puts 
File.readable?(file_str)    puts "write:"    puts File.writable?(file_str)  
File.open(file_str, "r+")  do | the_add_file |*
*# ...*

*  end*

Here's the result:

*$ populate_user_table_migrations_01.rb existfalsels-rw-rw-rw- 1 din din 90 
Jan 21 13:11 
(most recent call last):    4: from 
`<main>'    3: from 
`each'    2: from 
`block in <main>'    1: from 
`initialize': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - 

Now, as you can see from the output of the *ls -al* command, the file *is* 
there, and it's readable and writable. The db/migrate directory is also 
writable by world, but none of the tests find it and it blows up on 
File.open. I'm running the updater from inside db/migrate, although as you 
can see the updater now has hard-coded paths everywhere.

Please, somebody tell me this is something trivial and silly! :)

I've tried various IO combinations, various File.open combinations, etc, 
and I've been googling all morning and part of yesterday.

*Thanks in advance!*

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