Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Patrick Walton

On 12/3/13 11:28 PM, Isaac Dupree wrote:

Is Rc the best smart pointer for persistent data structures?

I would think so, for non-thread safe ones.

Is it
possible for the structure to be parametrized on smart pointer?

Not without higher kinded types (which eventually we do want--so the 
answer is not yet).

Rc requires the contained data to be Freeze or Send or risk reference

I want to lift this restriction, BTW. Trying to prevent cycles through 
the type system has never really worked for us.

  Gc requires T:'static (which means no borrowed pointers besides

'static ones within the type).

Yes, but I wouldn't worry about this restriction biting users of your 
structure too much. Rust data structures rarely ever store non-static 
references in them, as the stack discipline that references must follow 
is fairly limited. (I can probably count the number of times I've put a 
non-static `` reference into a dynamic vector on one hand, and I don't 
think I've ever put references into a hash map.)

  Every Send type is 'static, but not

every Freeze type is 'static, so neither Rc nor Gc is strictly more
flexible.  Arc is Send, unlike either Rc or Gc, but has more overhead
and can only contain Freeze+Send data; someone wanting to share
persistence between tasks (conceivably for the sake of memory-use or
asymptotic time) would want it.

Really what you want here for maximum flexibility is higher-kinded types 
and an implementation parameterized over RcT or ArcT. That doesn't 
work in today's Rust, so you'll have to implement the data structure 
separately for non-thread-safe and thread-safe applications, unless you 
use macros. (Though often times you may want separate logic either way, 
necessitating a separate implementation. I'm not sure about the 
particular data structure you had in mind though.)

Is it possible to implement FromIteratorT for ListT without using
O(n) temporary space or unsafe code?  The problem is that the list
comes out reversed in an obvious implementation. (O(n) stack space via
recursion, or an O(n) intermediate data structure, or unsafely
constructing a cons cell before constructing its tail.)

I think it should be possible to reverse the list after it's 
constructed, but then of course it has to be mutable (at least 
temporarily). Or you could carry around a pointer to the end of the list 
(which, again, requires mutation). I don't think this is solvable 
without mutation in a strict (non-lazy) language, unless I'm missing 


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] method overloading and generic

2013-12-04 Thread Rémi Fontan
thanks for explanation, it all makes sense now. so I will stick to manually
implement the overloading for every float type until #8075 is fixed, which
is fine for now.



On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 11:50 PM, Eric Reed wrote:

 I think you're running into issue 
 #8075 has to do with 
 generic impls conflicting with all the other impls
 The typechecker tries to ensure that impls are coherent, i.e. that impls
 do not overlap (otherwise the compiler wouldn't know which one to use).
 Unfortunately, the coherence check isn't very smart right now and if
 there's a generic impl around then it assumes it could conflict with
 everything (and consequently forbids any other impls).

 The specific problem here is that the coherence checker doesn't realize
 that SomeData does not impl Float. Without knowing that, the checker sees
 two possible impls for SomeData and rejects the code.
 If you replace implT: Float SomeDataRhs for T with impl SomeDataRhs
 for f64, then it'll work fine. You can add an impl for f32 as well (FYI
 float is already removed in HEAD).
 Unfortunately, I don't know of a good general solution that will support
 all types implementing Float (i.e. what the generic impl is doing).

 On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 1:09 AM, Rémi Fontan wrote:


 I think I already asked this question in the past and I'm not very sure
 what was the answer and whether it is still applicable wirh rust 0.8.

 I'm implementing the double dispatch method overloading such that I can
 add 2 struct together and a float to a struct.

 let data = SomeData{a:1.0} + 2.0;
 let data2 = SomeData{a:100.0} + data;

 I would like to implement the add for every type of float. I asked
 whether I could write something like this:

 implT:Float SomeDataRhs for T {
 fn add_to(self, lhs:SomeData) - SomeData {
 SomeData{a:lhs.a + cast(*self)}

 it does not compile right now with rust 0.8
 I get error messages as follow 43:1 error: conflicting implementations for trait
 `SomeDataRhs` impl SomeDataRhs for SomeData { fn add_to(self, lhs:SomeData) - SomeData { SomeData{a:lhs.a + self.a} } } 37:1 note: note conflicting implementation here implT:Float SomeDataRhs for T { fn add_to(self, lhs:SomeData) - SomeData { SomeData{a:lhs.a + cast(*self)} }

 Would you know whether what I try to do is possible. I was recommended to
 use macro for that, I don't mind to eventually go this way but I would
 rather do it the proper way if there is one.

 here's the full code of my test:
 extern mod std;
 use std::num::cast;

 struct SomeData { a:float }

 trait SomeDataRhs {
 fn add_to(self, lhs:SomeData) - SomeData;

 implT:SomeDataRhs AddT, SomeData for SomeData {

 fn add(self, rhs:T) - SomeData {

 // ---
 // implementations

 // impl SomeDataRhs for float {
 // fn add_to(self, lhs:SomeData) - SomeData {
 // SomeData{a:lhs.a + *self}
 // }
 // }

 // impl SomeDataRhs for f64 {
 // fn add_to(self, lhs:SomeData) - SomeData {
 // SomeData{a:lhs.a + cast(*self)}
 // }
 // }

 implT:Float SomeDataRhs for T {
 fn add_to(self, lhs:SomeData) - SomeData {
 SomeData{a:lhs.a + cast(*self)}

 impl SomeDataRhs for SomeData {
 fn add_to(self, lhs:SomeData) - SomeData {
 SomeData{a:lhs.a + self.a}

 fn test_sandbox() {

 let mut data = SomeData{a:1.0} + 2.0;
 println!(result: {}, data.a);

 let mut data2 = SomeData{a:100.0} + data;
 data = data + data2;
 println!(result: {}, data.a);




 Rémi Fontan :
 mobile: +64 21 855 351
 93 Otaki Street, Miramar 6022
 Wellington, New Zealand

 Rust-dev mailing list

Rémi Fontan :
mobile: +64 21 855 351
93 Otaki Street, Miramar 6022
Wellington, New Zealand
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Practical usage of rustpkg

2013-12-04 Thread Jordi Boggiano
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 8:44 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
 I don't think any of these options are ideal. I don't want to suggest
 solutions to these issues because I'm not sure how things are supposed to be
 used/what the planned design is. Does anybody use rustpkg seriously today?
 Is everybody making workspaces with a directory where they
 develop their software?

I usually (i.e. in other languages I work with) develop dependencies
in-line as they were cloned by the package manager, at least if they
need deep integration with the surrounding project and can not be
easily tested/developed in isolation. It's not such a horrible
situation as long as the package manager is smart enough to avoid
wiping your stuff on its own.

That said, a pretty good option I think is to have a command like npm
link [1] that would allow you to tell rustpkg to set up a symlink to
another dir on the disk, yet without interfering/polluting the
project's source itself.



Jordi Boggiano
@seldaek -
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Kevin Ballard
On Dec 4, 2013, at 12:23 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:

 Yes, but I wouldn't worry about this restriction biting users of your 
 structure too much. Rust data structures rarely ever store non-static 
 references in them, as the stack discipline that references must follow is 
 fairly limited. (I can probably count the number of times I've put a 
 non-static `` reference into a dynamic vector on one hand, and I don't think 
 I've ever put references into a hash map.)

I've put non-static [u8]s into a map. Specifically, I have a function in one 
of my sources that looks vaguely like

pub fn process_input'a(input: 'a [u8]) - int {
let mut map: HashMap'a [u8], int = HashMap::new();

// .. process the input using the map, then throw away the map

return result;

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Problem to use Encodable as fn parameter

2013-12-04 Thread Philippe Delrieu

I reply to my questions. It can be helpful to somebody.
First the error: wrong number of lifetime parameters
The struct encoder is declared pub struct Encoder'self so the 'self 
lifetime is part of the type and must be keep.
The good declaration is pub fn 
buffer_encodeT:EncodableEncoder'self(to_encode_object: T) - ~[u8]

The call to the function is : Encoder::buffer_encode(to_encode_object)

For the other questions.
The lifetime has been added to init (pub fn init'a(wr: 'a mut 
io::Writer) - Encoder'a) because the borrowed specified parameter 
(wr) is returning in the Encoder and must be keep borrower after the 
call and during all the Encoder use. Fn Init borrow the wr and give it 
to the Encoder. After the 'init' call, returned Encoder is use to encode 
object and wr must still be borrowed. The call to init and encode are 
put inside a scoped block to manage the Encoder lifetime:

let mut m = MemWriter::new();
let mut encoder = Encoder::init(mut m as mut Writer);
to_encode_object.encode(mut encoder);

Why the type is declared with a 'self lifetime (pub struct 
Encoder'self). It's not so clear. What I think, It's because the 
struct contains an attribute (priv wr: 'self mut io::Writer) that have 
a variable lifetime (depend on the use) , so to be configurable the 
lifetime must be declared as a generic in the struct. The variable 
lifetime is needed because, it allow the Encoder to borrow the writer 
during a lifetime longer that the function call (lifetime of normal 
borrowing) needed in the init function.

For more informations: : to 
understand borrowing mechanism : for 
the 'self

Hope my explication is clear.

I have remark about the list and the thread 'Rust Forum', I think it 
become important to have a user mailing list or forum. It's the second 
time I answer to my trivial questions and I fell that I'm annoying 
everybody with these.

Philippe Delrieu

Le 01/12/2013 18:28, Philippe Delrieu a écrit :
I see the PR has been approved to I try to implements the method 'pub 
fn buffer_encodeT:EncodableEncoder(to_encode_object: T) - ~[u8]'
and I have this error : error: wrong number of lifetime parameters: 
expected 1 but found 0 and  indicate the Encoder type.

I have another question. I try to understand the modification on and function declaration has changed from :

impl serialize::Encoder for Encoder
impl'self serialize::Encoder for Encoder'self
pub fn init'a(wr: 'a mut io::Writer) - Encoder'a
instead of
pub fn new(wr: mut io::Writer) - Encoder

Could you explain me the difference if you don't mind.


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Michael Woerister

I've implemented a persistent HAMT [1] a while back:

It's the data structure used for persistent maps in Clojure (and Scala, 
I think). It's not too hard to implement and it's pretty nifty. I'm not 
sure about the performance with atomic reference counting being used for 
memory management. It will definitely be worse than with a  
stop-the-world garbage collector. Although, it's noteworthy that look 
ups in the data structure only have to copy one `Arc` for returning the 
result, so the high fan-out of the data structure should not hurt if you 
mostly read from it. I'd be very interested in a performance comparison 
to other persistent map implementations in Rust (e.g. a red-black tree 
or splay tree).

Here are some things I came across during implementing this:
* I too discovered that I couldn't parametrize on the type of reference 
being used without higher kinded types. I did the implementation with 
regular @ pointers at first and later switched to `Arc`, since 
concurrent contexts are where persistent data structures really shine. 
Switching the implementation from @ to Arc was pretty straight forward.
* I found there is no standardized trait for persistent maps in libstd 
or libextra. It would be nice to have one!
* It's probably a very good idea to provide a non-persistent builder 
that avoids the excessive copying during the insertion phase. In Clojure 
one can switch between transient and persistent mode for a data 
structure instance which also allows for optimized batch modifications. 
An `insert_from(iterator)` method might also do the trick. There's quite 
a bit of design space here.
* I would have liked to avoid some allocations and pointer chasing by 
using fixed size vectors directly within nodes but I could not get that 
to work without a lot of unsafe code that I was not sure would be 
correct in all cases. So I just used owned vectors in the end.

Looking forward to seeing more in this area :)



On 04.12.2013 08:28, Isaac Dupree wrote:
I'm interested in having persistent data structures[1] in Rust.  To 
start, I implemented the simplest one, the cons/nil list (it looks 
like extra::list::List has another implementation of it).  Am I using 
Rust conventions properly?

My persistent list code:

My next goal is a persistent tree-map, probably cribbing from 
Haskell's Data.Map.

Is Rc the best smart pointer for persistent data structures?  Is it 
possible for the structure to be parametrized on smart pointer?

Rc requires the contained data to be Freeze or Send or risk reference 
cycles.  Gc requires T:'static (which means no borrowed pointers 
besides 'static ones within the type).  Every Send type is 'static, 
but not every Freeze type is 'static, so neither Rc nor Gc is strictly 
more flexible.  Arc is Send, unlike either Rc or Gc, but has more 
overhead and can only contain Freeze+Send data; someone wanting to 
share persistence between tasks (conceivably for the sake of 
memory-use or asymptotic time) would want it.

Is it possible to implement FromIteratorT for ListT without using 
O(n) temporary space or unsafe code?  The problem is that the list 
comes out reversed in an obvious implementation. (O(n) stack space via 
recursion, or an O(n) intermediate data structure, or unsafely 
constructing a cons cell before constructing its tail.)

[1] , like 
every data structure in Haskell

Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Ideas of small projects or improvements

2013-12-04 Thread Steve Klabnik
There is a tag on GitHub specifically for easy issues:
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Huon Wilson

On 04/12/13 20:51, Michael Woerister wrote:

I've implemented a persistent HAMT [1] a while back: 

It's the data structure used for persistent maps in Clojure (and 
Scala, I think). It's not too hard to implement and it's pretty nifty. 
I'm not sure about the performance with atomic reference counting 
being used for memory management. It will definitely be worse than 
with a  stop-the-world garbage collector. Although, it's noteworthy 
that look ups in the data structure only have to copy one `Arc` for 
returning the result, so the high fan-out of the data structure should 
not hurt if you mostly read from it. I'd be very interested in a 
performance comparison to other persistent map implementations in Rust 
(e.g. a red-black tree or splay tree).

Here are some things I came across during implementing this:
* I too discovered that I couldn't parametrize on the type of 
reference being used without higher kinded types. I did the 
implementation with regular @ pointers at first and later switched to 
`Arc`, since concurrent contexts are where persistent data structures 
really shine. Switching the implementation from @ to Arc was pretty 
straight forward.
* I found there is no standardized trait for persistent maps in libstd 
or libextra. It would be nice to have one!
* It's probably a very good idea to provide a non-persistent builder 
that avoids the excessive copying during the insertion phase. In 
Clojure one can switch between transient and persistent mode for a 
data structure instance which also allows for optimized batch 
modifications. An `insert_from(iterator)` method might also do the 
trick. There's quite a bit of design space here.

For reference, the FromIterator  Extendable traits are the things to 
implement if one has a structure that can be constructed from/extended 
with an iterator and wishes to share the behaviour.


* I would have liked to avoid some allocations and pointer chasing by 
using fixed size vectors directly within nodes but I could not get 
that to work without a lot of unsafe code that I was not sure would be 
correct in all cases. So I just used owned vectors in the end.

Looking forward to seeing more in this area :)



Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Distilled essence of placement new

2013-12-04 Thread Gábor Lehel
What's the current plan for the implementation of placement new as you
envision it? In particular what would the trait used by Gc etc. to hook
into it look like? How does it do the thing where expressions are
constructed directly into place? I agree with many parts of your analysis
(different argument evaluation orders implicitly would indeed be
unfortunate), but I want to have a clearer picture of the other alternative
before discussing it further.

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 5:57 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:

 I should elaborate: I think you've successfully formulated placement new
 in terms of unboxed closures as monomorphized traits whose call method
 takes self by value. That is, something like (in Rust of the future):

 fn GCT,F:OnceFuncT(f: F) - GCT

 The difference, though, is that the construction of the closure is
 implicit at the call site in this proposal. This is what I'm uncomfortable
 with. Rust is a strict language, not a lazy one, and the order of
 evaluation of function arguments is one of the things that one has
 heretofore been unable to change. I would prefer that a different argument
 evaluation order would necessitate some sort of annotation at the call site
 (e.g. ocaml's lazy). But once you've done that you've essentially
 recreated something equivalent to placement new, but more verbose since you
 have to name a method when you allocate into an object (e.g. instead of
 box(my_arena) foo you'd have to write my_arena.alloc(lazy foo). I think
 we would end up wanting the sugar.


 Gábor Lehel wrote:

 Yes, that was one of the things that passed through my mind as well. One
 difference is that those are passed at runtime, whereas here everything
 happens at compile time. I remember LLVM had difficulty reliably optimizing
 runtime closure passing code, like with the old iterators.

 On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 5:05 AM, Daniel Micay danielmi...@gmail.comwrote:

 This looks a lot like what stack once functions would provide.

 Your ship was destroyed in a monadic eruption.


 Rust-dev mailing list

 Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Your ship was destroyed in a monadic eruption.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Michael Woerister

For reference, the FromIterator  Extendable traits are the things to 
implement if one has a structure that can be constructed from/extended 
with an iterator and wishes to share the behaviour.

Thanks for pointing that out :)
Implementing FromIterator should work out fine. Extendable would need a 
persistent version returning the newly created instance, something like:

mod persistent {
pub trait ExtendableA: FromIterator 
fn extend 
iterator: mut T) - Self;

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Type system thoughts

2013-12-04 Thread Gábor Lehel
On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 7:18 PM, Niko Matsakis wrote:

 OK, I read a bit more. I've been working on a blog post about HKR
 (higher-kinded Rust) and you've been elaborating on some of the same
 themes as I was thinking about (naturally enough). All makes sense.

...which was part of the impetus for finally getting my thoughts down on
paper. :)

  In the absence of an erased keyword, I think that higher-kinded traits
 and objects are simply incompatible. The situation is not as simple as
 you made it out, as the trait may itself have generic parameters of

Without having thought about very deeply about whether it's true (can you
provide an example?), wouldn't this be more accurately phrased as:
(higher-kinded?) traits with higher-kinded generic parameters and objects
are simply incompatible? In other words, if the problem is with the
higher-kinded generic parameters, then why not forbid objects only in that
case, and support them in their absence?

  The other is the potential to abstract over traits. GHC does this with
  `ConstraintKinds` extension. (According to people who have implemented
  Haskell compilers, it's actually easier to implement it than not to![1]
  Which is pretty crazy.)

 I'm not sure this would be true for Rust, but perhaps.

I have no idea either - it's astonishing enough that it's true for Haskell.

  There's two further issues that higher-kinded generics raise...

 This is as far as I got in this round. More later. :)

OK. :)

(I also still have yet to find serious time for DST parts [2..4]...)


Your ship was destroyed in a monadic eruption.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust forum

2013-12-04 Thread spir

On 12/03/2013 11:01 PM, Martin DeMello wrote:

keeping up with email is a lot easier than pretty much everything else,
though. the solution to keeping old messages around is mirroring the
mailing list to a searchable archive, not moving to a forum en masse and
sacrificing ease-of-conversation for ease-of-recall.

Agreed. Plus, with emails everyone can *also* filter / categorise / search 
according to their own preferred rules on their preferret email client. [I have 
always hated forums for such reasons, plus they force one to explore, search, 
navigate, online, without any control.]

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Meeting-weekly-2013-12-03, str.from_utf8

2013-12-04 Thread Simon Sapin


In response to:

Yes, error handling other than strict/fail requires allocation. I 
suggest taking the pull request for the special case of non-allocating 
strict UTF-8, and keeping error handling for a future, larger API that 
also handles other encodings (and incremental processing):

[On invalid UTF-8 bytes]

brson: One has a condition that lets you replace a bad character

I believe this is not implemented. The current not_utf8 condition lets 
you do the entire decoding yourself.

acrichto: We could truncate by default.

I am very much opposed to this. Truncating silently loses data 
(potentially lots of it!) It should not be implemented, let alone be the 

jack: In python, you have to specify how you want it transformed.
Truncate vs. replace with '?', etc. Maybe there should be an
alternate version that takes the transform.
pnkfelix: But doesn't work with slices...
jack: There's truncate, replace, and fail.

Python does not have truncate. It has ignore (skip invalid byte 
sequences but continue with the rest of the input), strict (fail), and 
replace (with � U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER). You don’t have to specify 
an error handling, strict is the default.

Ignore is bad IMO as it silently loses data (although it’s not as bad as 
truncate) though it could have uses I’m not thinking of right now.

Side note:

Regarding failing vs. returning an Option or Result: I’d be in favor of 
only having the latter. Having two versions of the same API (foo() and 
foo_opt()) is ugly, and it’s easy to get value or fail from an Option 
with .unwrap()

Simon Sapin
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] How to search the mailing list archives

2013-12-04 Thread Thad Guidry
Actually, you do not have to change the article to thread...instead,
just CLICK on the Subject and you get the full thread discussion view.

Thanks for the tip Benjamin !  (search at the bottom ?  whatever.  everyone
is copying Firefox these days. :-)  )

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 9:11 PM, Benjamin Striegel ben.strie...@gmail.comwrote:

 Apparently even Brian doesn't know how to do this, so I figured I'd share
 this tip.

 The rust-dev mailing list is archived here:

 Use the search box at the bottom to search through the mailing list's
 archives since the beginning of time.

 When you click on a result, you will end up on a page like this:

 ...which is pretty terrible from a navigation standpoint. But in that URL
 you can manually change the article bit on the front to thread, to
 yield this:

 ...which will let you easily browse a full conversation.

 Rust-dev mailing list

Thad on LinkedIn
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Practical usage of rustpkg

2013-12-04 Thread Tim Chevalier
FYI, there's a related bug open: (this is about the problem
of repeating the same package ID#revision string in different files
and not having a way to abstract it out)

The preferred way to work on a dependency and the package that depends
on it at the same time is to make a local copy and put it in your
RUST_PATH; this copy will be found before rustpkg looks for the
upstream copy and/or for an automatically-cached copy of that. The
local copy has to have the same package ID, of course, so for a
package like, you would have to have a directory in your RUST_PATH.

Hope that helps!

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 11:44 AM, SiegeLord wrote:
 So I've been thinking for awhile about how one would actually use rustpkg.
 Let me first outline my use case. I have a library and a program that uses
 that library, both of which I host on GitHub. One of the features of the
 rustpkg system is that I should be able to write this to refer to the
 library in my program:

 extern mod lib = package_id;

 Unfortunately, there is no obvious thing to put into the 'package_id' slot.
 There are two options:

 First, I could use as my package_id. This is
 problematic, as it would require one of these sub-optimal courses of action:

 - Stick the source of the library into workspace/src/library where I would
 actually develop and then use a duplicate package in the
 workspace/src/ that would be created by rustpkg
 (the program is located in workspace/src/program). Somehow this duplicate
 package will be synced to the actual package: either through pushing to
 GitHub and then pulling somehow via rustpkg (this is less than ideal, as I
 may want to test WIP changes without committing them elsewhere/I may have no
 internet connection e.g. when traveling), or some manual, local git

 - Stick the source of the library into
 workspace/src/ and develop the library there.
 There is no duplication, but it really seems bizarre to me to locate a
 project in a directory named like that. Also, I'd be a bit paranoid about
 rustpkg not realizing that I never want to communicate with GitHub and
 having it accidentally overwriting my local changes.

 The second option is to use library as the package id. This allows me to
 locate my library in a logical location (workspace/src/library), but it
 prevents other users of my program from building it automatically.
 Essentially what they'll have to do is to manually check out the library
 repository inside their workspaces so as to create the workspace/src/library
 directory on their system: the `extern mod` syntax will not work otherwise.

 I don't think any of these options are ideal. I don't want to suggest
 solutions to these issues because I'm not sure how things are supposed to be
 used/what the planned design is. Does anybody use rustpkg seriously today?
 Is everybody making workspaces with a directory where they
 develop their software?

 Rust-dev mailing list

Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in doubt
If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it.
-- Zora Neale Hurston
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Niko Matsakis
On Wed, Dec 04, 2013 at 12:23:35AM -0800, Patrick Walton wrote:
 Not without higher kinded types (which eventually we do want--so the
 answer is not yet).

This. That said, I imagine that if we do it right, it'll be possible
to write one persistent map implementation that can be used with GC,
ARC, and also an arena. The latter would -- at least in principle --
make it possible to store references. I haven't thought hard about
this though and it may be that complications arise.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Michael Woerister

Is it
possible for the structure to be parametrized on smart pointer?

Not without higher kinded types (which eventually we do want--so the 
answer is not yet).
I've been thinking about that a bit more and I think it might be 
possible to support different reference types without higher-kinded 
types. We can define a `Reference` trait that is then implemented for 
`Rc`, `Arc` and what have you. Something like:

trait ReferenceT : Clone {
fn borrow'a('a self) - 'a T;

If we also want to create references without knowing their concrete 
type, we also need a trait for creating them:

trait ReferenceFactoryT, TRef: ReferenceT {
fn create_reference(self, val: T) - TRef;

And then we can define a container type, using the generic reference type:

struct ContainerT, TRef, TRefFactory {
items: ~[TRef],
reference_factory: TRefFactory

It contains a `ReferenceFactory` value that is used to create 
`Reference` instances when the container needs one (see the `add` method 

TRef: ReferenceT,
TRefFactory: ReferenceFactoryT, TRef

ContainerT, TRef, TRefFactory {

pub fn create(factory: TRefFactory) - ContainerT, TRef, 
TRefFactory {

Container {
reference_factory: factory,
items: ~[]

pub fn add(mut self, val: T) {

This setup is a bit roundabout but it should get the job done. Of 
course, I may have overlooked something but at least rustc swallows the 
above code without complaint ;)
If we could call static methods on type parameters, the factory 
functionality could be moved to the `Reference` trait:

trait ReferenceT : Clone {
fn borrow'a('a self) - 'a T;
fn new(value: T) - Self;

// Now using the static `new` method instead of the `ReferenceFactory` trait
pub fn add(mut self, val: T) {

With this, the code would actually be of acceptable complexity in my eyes.


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Meeting-weekly-2013-12-03, str.from_utf8

2013-12-04 Thread Brian Anderson

On 12/04/2013 06:01 AM, Simon Sapin wrote:


In response to: 

Yes, error handling other than strict/fail requires allocation. I 
suggest taking the pull request for the special case of non-allocating 
strict UTF-8, and keeping error handling for a future, larger API that 
also handles other encodings (and incremental processing):


[On invalid UTF-8 bytes]

brson: One has a condition that lets you replace a bad character

I believe this is not implemented. The current not_utf8 condition lets 
you do the entire decoding yourself.

You're right! I guess I was forshadowing.

acrichto: We could truncate by default.

I am very much opposed to this. Truncating silently loses data 
(potentially lots of it!) It should not be implemented, let alone be 
the default.

I agree.

jack: In python, you have to specify how you want it transformed.
Truncate vs. replace with '?', etc. Maybe there should be an
alternate version that takes the transform.
pnkfelix: But doesn't work with slices...
jack: There's truncate, replace, and fail.

Python does not have truncate. It has ignore (skip invalid byte 
sequences but continue with the rest of the input), strict (fail), and 
replace (with � U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER). You don’t have to 
specify an error handling, strict is the default.

Ignore is bad IMO as it silently loses data (although it’s not as bad 
as truncate) though it could have uses I’m not thinking of right now.

Side note:

Regarding failing vs. returning an Option or Result: I’d be in favor 
of only having the latter. Having two versions of the same API (foo() 
and foo_opt()) is ugly, and it’s easy to get value or fail from an 
Option with .unwrap()

Thanks for your always valuable feedback, Simon!
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust front-end to GCC

2013-12-04 Thread Matthias Urlichs
 fn fib1 (n:int) - int {
     if (n = 1) { 1 }
     else { n * fib1 (n - 1) }
Wrong function name. That's fac. ;-)

fib is 
     else { fib1 (n - 1) + fib1 (n - 2) }

-- Matthias Urlichs

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust front-end to GCC

2013-12-04 Thread Brian Anderson

On 12/03/2013 09:22 AM, Philip Herron wrote:

Hey all

Some of you may have noticed the gccrs branch on the git mirror. Since 
PyCon IE 2013 i gave a talk on my Python Front-end pet project and 
heard about rust by a few people and i never really looked at it 
before until then but i've kind of been hooked since.

So to learn the language i've been writing this front-end to GCC. Only 
really a a month or  so on and off work in between work. Currently it 
compiles alot of rust already in fairly little effort on my side GCC 
is doing loads of the heavy lifting.

Currently it compiles most of the basic stuff such as a struct an impl 
block while loop, functions expressions calling methods passing 
arguments etc. Currently focusing on getting the typing working 
correctly to support  and ~ and look at how templates might work as 
well as need to implement break and return.

There is still a lot of work but i would really like to share it and 
see what people think. Personally i think rust will target GCC very 
well and be a good addition (if / when it works). I really want to try 
and give back to this community who have been very good to me in 
learning over the last few years with GSOC.

This is very exciting work. I'm looking forward to following your progress.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Please welcome the Rust and Servo GNOME/OPW interns for December 2013-March 2014

2013-12-04 Thread Michael Letterle
So much awesome!

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Brian Anderson bander...@mozilla.comwrote:

 Welcome aboard, Nif and Isabelle. I'm looking forward to working with you.
 And thanks for setting this up, Tim and Lars.

 On 12/04/2013 08:18 AM, Tim Chevalier wrote:


 I'm pleased to announce that the winter/spring Rust and Servo interns
 through the GNOME Outreach Program for Women ( ) have been chosen. The
 program starts December 10 and runs until March 10.

 Nif Ward (IRC nick: nif) will be interning on Rust, working to develop
 a full-fledged B-tree library. Nif is a senior graduating this fall in
 computer science from Oberlin College in Ohio, USA. I will be her

 Isabelle Carter (IRC nick: ibnc) will be interning on Servo, working
 to add support for fixed positioning. Isabelle is on leave from her
 undergraduate degree in mathematics, and will be working from
 Springfield, Missouri, USA. Lars Bergstrom will be her mentor.

 We had many qualified applicants for Rust and Servo's first foray into
 OPW, so it's an honor to be chosen for this program. Please be
 friendly to nif and ibnc if you see them on #rust!

 Depending how this round of OPW goes, Rust and/or Servo may
 participate in a future iteration, so if you're interested in
 applying, then keep watching for more announcements. In addition,
 internships at Mozilla working on Rust and Servo (look for the
 Research Engineering listing; paid, on-site in the Bay Area) are
 open to all graduate students (undergraduate students with research
 experience have been considered in the past): .

 Thanks are due to the Rust and Servo teams -- particularly Lars
 Bergstrom, Brian Anderson, and Jack Moffitt -- for helping many people
 apply for the program, and to the Mozilla coordinator for OPW, Larissa
 Shapiro, for their efforts.


 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Separated/Incremential compilation

2013-12-04 Thread Tim Chevalier
On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 9:09 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:
 I shouldn't say that Rust has no problems with build times--it could always
 be faster, and in particular the memory representations are inefficient,
 particularly around ASTs--but when you actually run with `-Z time-passes`,
 you'll see that the vast majority of the time for any reasonably-sized crate
 is spent in LLVM. There isn't much we can do to make that faster by an order
 of magnitude, other than to try to push on the parallel per-function
 optimization and codegen work that is happening in some upstream branches.
 Mergefunc, disabling exceptions, and the no-zeroing-out stuff that Niko is
 doing would be nice, but they won't improve build times by an order of

What about caching LLVM bitcode for individual Rust functions / items
(using workcache, for example) and only recompiling those items whose
dependencies have changed? Obviously this would be a lot of design and
implementation work, and one would want to do the math to make sure
it's likely to improve build performance, but offhand I can't see why
it's not feasible.

The scenario I'm thinking of is add a debug! statement to one
function, and only recompile the code for that function since its
interface hasn't changed. In that case, only regenerating code for
the changed function and not the entire crate should make a big




 Rust-dev mailing list

Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in doubt
If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it.
-- Zora Neale Hurston
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Separated/Incremential compilation

2013-12-04 Thread Brian Anderson

On 11/29/2013 03:01 AM, Léo Testard wrote:


I think everyone here will agree to say that compilation times in Rust 
are problematic. Recently, there was an argument on IRC about reducing 
compilation times by reducing the use of GC and failures. Although I 
agree it's good to reduce Rustc's overhead, I think there are more 
important problems. The total duration of a build matters only because 
you have to recompile the whole crate on each modification. In C++, 
the duration of the complete build of a project matters less because 
when you compile incrementally, you only have to rebuild a couple of 
files - those you modified. I know the 1 crate = 1 compilation unit 
is the model chosen by Rust, but this is a major issue for production. 
Nobody will ever use Rust in production if they have to recompile 
thousands of lines of code on each modification.

On some of my personal projects, I solved this problem by splitting 
the codebase into several crates, that I compile statically, and then 
link together using extern mod. This is not really a solution, because 
this implies that there is no cyclic dependency between each of the 
small crates, or I end up with issues trying to compile it, because 
using extern mod requires that the library corresponding to that mod 
exists before compiling the crate that depends on it.

But strictly speaking, a compiled crate is nothing more than a module 
hierarchy, and so is a single Rust source file, so we should be able 
to compile a single file to some sort of .o and then link all together 
to form a crate. References to modules outside of this file just 
require the first passes of the build, not the code generation, so it 
should be ok regarding to cyclic dependencies, and if not, we could 
still introduce some kind of auto-generated interface file, like Caml 
does. I know it's quite a big work, and that the current system is 
quite good, but having this is very important if we want Rust to be 
used in production.

I agree that incremental recompilation would be a good thing to pursue, 
and I'd be happy to see someone work on it, but as you say it is a very 
difficult problem, and it's frankly a low priority. Some other 
compilition performance wins to pursue are removing metadata compression 
(causes dynamic linker crashes on linux), improving llvm perf, and 
improving linker perf.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Plz separate mail threads for separated compilation [was Re: Separated/Incremential compilation]

2013-12-04 Thread Brian Anderson

Thanks Felix. I added this to

On 11/29/2013 05:46 AM, Felix S. Klock II wrote:
First off, the topic of rustc slowness and long bootstrap times has 
indeed been discussed many times.  If you have not yet tried skimming 
the archives, I recommend doing so, e.g. via

(I provide a (surely incomplete) list of previous-post links below.)

Now, a request: when discussing this topic, please try to avoid 

   1. librustc+libstd bootstrap time,

from the somewhat separate issues of

   2. models for incremental compilation, and

   3. compilation times when running rustc on projects other than 
rustc itself.

In particular, incremental compilation alone is not going to solve 
(1).  (At least, not as long as one is using the default make rule 
that rebuilds all of librustc+libstd atop the newly built rustc, and 
rustc itself draws upon a (large) libstd. Under the latter two 
constraints, you *have* to redo the build for all of librustc+libstd: 
the compiler itself was changed. Incremental compilation does not 
solve this.)

I am concerned that we will waste time debating tasks/designs related 
to (2) and then people will be disappointed when it does not provide 
the gains that they were expecting for issues like (1).

In case its not clear from the comments above: the team is well aware 
that rustc itself runs more slowly than it should; it is a common 
topic of discussion.

The team is also well aware that the time to bootstrap librustc+libstd 
is longer than many developers can cope with.

I am not sure I agree with the assertion that the approach of breaking 
a project into multiple crates is not a solution.  Yes, we may need 
better tools here (though I don't know how much rustpkg could help 
with this problem).

As promised, here are some relevant links to previous posts.  In *all* 
of the cases below, the *whole thread* is often worth review.

  * A great overview from pcwalton
Thread subject:  Why does Rust compile slowly?

  * In early 2013 there was discussion of easing crate decomposition:
Thread subject:  Plans for improving compiler performance

  * strcat and graydon each had good points in this discussion:
Thread subject: Please tell me about making rustc faster

  * The team internally discussed whether to break lubrustc into 
multiple subcrates here:

Thread subject:  code generation and rustc speed


On 29/11/2013 12:22, Guillaume HERVIER wrote:
+1 for this issue. I think that compilation time is really important 
if we want Rust to be used as production language.

For example, I think that if we can reduce significantly the Rust 
compiler's compilation time, it could allow more developers to 
contribute to the Rust language (as they won't have to wait 30min for 
each small modifications in the compiler).
Personally, it's the only thing which blocks me when I want to 
contribute to Rust, because I like to often compile code when I do 
small modifications to test each of these small modifications, partly 
because I don't know the language very well.

On 11/29/2013 12:01 PM, Léo Testard wrote:


I think everyone here will agree to say that compilation times in 
Rust are problematic. Recently, there was an argument on IRC about 
reducing compilation times by reducing the use of GC and failures. 
Although I agree it's good to reduce Rustc's overhead, I think there 
are more important problems. The total duration of a build matters 
only because you have to recompile the whole crate on each 
modification. In C++, the duration of the complete build of a 
project matters less because when you compile incrementally, you 
only have to rebuild a couple of files - those you modified. I know 
the 1 crate = 1 compilation unit is the model chosen by Rust, but 
this is a major issue for production. Nobody will ever use Rust in 
production if they have to recompile thousands of lines of code on 
each modification.

On some of my personal projects, I solved this problem by 
splitting the codebase into several crates, that I compile 
statically, and then link together using extern mod. This is not 
really a solution, because this implies that there is no cyclic 
dependency between each of the small crates, or I end up with issues 
trying to compile it, because using extern mod requires that the 
library corresponding to that mod exists before compiling the crate 
that depends on it.

But strictly speaking, a compiled crate is nothing more than a 
module hierarchy, and so is a single Rust 

Re: [rust-dev] Separated/Incremential compilation

2013-12-04 Thread Patrick Walton
Maybe this should be done upstream in LLVM, actually. Seems like work that 
would be applicable to e.g. clang with LTO as well.

Tim Chevalier wrote:
On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 9:09 AM, Patrick Walton
 I shouldn't say that Rust has no problems with build times--it could
 be faster, and in particular the memory representations are
 particularly around ASTs--but when you actually run with `-Z
 you'll see that the vast majority of the time for any
reasonably-sized crate
 is spent in LLVM. There isn't much we can do to make that faster by
an order
 of magnitude, other than to try to push on the parallel per-function
 optimization and codegen work that is happening in some upstream
 Mergefunc, disabling exceptions, and the no-zeroing-out stuff that
Niko is
 doing would be nice, but they won't improve build times by an order

What about caching LLVM bitcode for individual Rust functions / items
(using workcache, for example) and only recompiling those items whose
dependencies have changed? Obviously this would be a lot of design and
implementation work, and one would want to do the math to make sure
it's likely to improve build performance, but offhand I can't see why
it's not feasible.

The scenario I'm thinking of is add a debug! statement to one
function, and only recompile the code for that function since its
interface hasn't changed. In that case, only regenerating code for
the changed function and not the entire crate should make a big




 Rust-dev mailing list

Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in
If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you
enjoyed it.
-- Zora Neale Hurston

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Bill Myers

Hello, I already implemented a persistent tree-map called SnapMap: you can find 
the source code at

I stopped working on it before I made a serious effort to push it into the Rust 
codebase and don't have time to work further on it, so it would be awesome if 
you were interested in continuing that effort.

It's pretty much finished, but pretty much completely untested (however, it was 
derived from the existing treemap, so the amount of bugs should not be as high 
as something written from scratch and untested).

The first thing that needs to be done is to run the existing tests inherited 
from treemap, fix any bug that shows up, and then write more tests to test 
SnapMap specific usage patterns and features.

Then, one should look at the mutable/handle-based iterators in the code and 
decide whether they should be removed, kept as is, or improved, possibly after 
changing the iterator interface to return an object with the lifetime of the 
function call instead of the iterator.

The rest of the code should be fine (except for bugs due to no testing), but 
there might be places where unnecessary copy-on-write is performed.

My code used an improved version of Rc that supports copy-on-write by cloning 
only when reference count  1.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Please welcome the Rust and Servo GNOME/OPW interns for December 2013-March 2014

2013-12-04 Thread Benjamin Striegel
Hooray, welcome to our new contributors! :) And thanks to our mentors and
coordinators as well!

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Tim Chevalier catamorph...@gmail.comwrote:


 I'm pleased to announce that the winter/spring Rust and Servo interns
 through the GNOME Outreach Program for Women ( ) have been chosen. The
 program starts December 10 and runs until March 10.

 Nif Ward (IRC nick: nif) will be interning on Rust, working to develop
 a full-fledged B-tree library. Nif is a senior graduating this fall in
 computer science from Oberlin College in Ohio, USA. I will be her

 Isabelle Carter (IRC nick: ibnc) will be interning on Servo, working
 to add support for fixed positioning. Isabelle is on leave from her
 undergraduate degree in mathematics, and will be working from
 Springfield, Missouri, USA. Lars Bergstrom will be her mentor.

 We had many qualified applicants for Rust and Servo's first foray into
 OPW, so it's an honor to be chosen for this program. Please be
 friendly to nif and ibnc if you see them on #rust!

 Depending how this round of OPW goes, Rust and/or Servo may
 participate in a future iteration, so if you're interested in
 applying, then keep watching for more announcements. In addition,
 internships at Mozilla working on Rust and Servo (look for the
 Research Engineering listing; paid, on-site in the Bay Area) are
 open to all graduate students (undergraduate students with research
 experience have been considered in the past): .

 Thanks are due to the Rust and Servo teams -- particularly Lars
 Bergstrom, Brian Anderson, and Jack Moffitt -- for helping many people
 apply for the program, and to the Mozilla coordinator for OPW, Larissa
 Shapiro, for their efforts.


 Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in doubt
 If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed
 -- Zora Neale Hurston
 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 12/04/2013 02:09 PM, Michael Woerister wrote:

Is it
possible for the structure to be parametrized on smart pointer?

Not without higher kinded types (which eventually we do want--so the
answer is not yet).

And then we can define a container type, using the generic reference type:

struct ContainerT, TRef, TRefFactory {
 items: ~[TRef],
 reference_factory: TRefFactory

Clever solution!  In the cons list, it needs to be a reference to 
NodeT, not to T.  Every persistent container library would have to 
expose its node type and take as a parameter an allocator for its 
NodeT.  Simplified example:

enum NodeT, TNodeRef {
  Cons(T, TNodeRef)

type IntList = RcNodeint, IntList;

But that is an infinite type and, as such, does not compile.  Instead using

struct IntList(RcNodeint, IntList);

works and could implement the necessary traits.  Or better,

struct RcListT(RcNodeT, RcListT);

Ooh, this is within the realm of maybe being reasonable.  A persistent 
data structure module could provide RcList and ArcList versions.  Is 
performance affected by the use of traits for this strategy, or does the 
way Rust generics are compiled make that a non-issue?  Are there other 
reasons this is a terrible idea? :)


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Daniel Micay
On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Isaac Dupree wrote:
 On 12/04/2013 02:09 PM, Michael Woerister wrote:

 Is it
 possible for the structure to be parametrized on smart pointer?

 Not without higher kinded types (which eventually we do want--so the
 answer is not yet).

 And then we can define a container type, using the generic reference type:

 struct ContainerT, TRef, TRefFactory {
  items: ~[TRef],
  reference_factory: TRefFactory

 Clever solution!  In the cons list, it needs to be a reference to NodeT,
 not to T.  Every persistent container library would have to expose its node
 type and take as a parameter an allocator for its NodeT.  Simplified

 enum NodeT, TNodeRef {
   Cons(T, TNodeRef)

 type IntList = RcNodeint, IntList;

 But that is an infinite type and, as such, does not compile.  Instead using

 struct IntList(RcNodeint, IntList);

 works and could implement the necessary traits.  Or better,

 struct RcListT(RcNodeT, RcListT);

 Ooh, this is within the realm of maybe being reasonable.  A persistent data
 structure module could provide RcList and ArcList versions.  Is performance
 affected by the use of traits for this strategy, or does the way Rust
 generics are compiled make that a non-issue?  Are there other reasons this
 is a terrible idea? :)


Generics are equivalent to substituting all of the type parameters
with the concrete type by hand. Specialized code is generated for each
set of type parameters with removing the duplication left up to LLVM
(`mergefunc` is close to being completely stable).
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 12/04/2013 03:36 PM, Bill Myers wrote:

Hello, I already implemented a persistent tree-map called SnapMap: you
can find the source code at

I stopped working on it before I made a serious effort to push it into
the Rust codebase and don't have time to work further on it, so it would
be awesome if you were interested in continuing that effort.

It's pretty much finished, but pretty much completely untested (however,
it was derived from the existing treemap, so the amount of bugs should
not be as high as something written from scratch and untested).

The first thing that needs to be done is to run the existing tests
inherited from treemap, fix any bug that shows up, and then write more
tests to test SnapMap specific usage patterns and features.

Yay!  Looks like I should start by collecting the various existing 
persistent structures (your SnapMap, Michael's HAMT, extra::list) and 
polishing them up.

Then, one should look at the mutable/handle-based iterators in the code
and decide whether they should be removed, kept as is, or improved,
possibly after changing the iterator interface to return an object with
the lifetime of the function call instead of the iterator.

The rest of the code should be fine (except for bugs due to no testing),
but there might be places where unnecessary copy-on-write is performed.

My code used an improved version of Rc that supports copy-on-write by
cloning only when reference count  1.

Did COW improve performance?  What's a good way to do performance 
testing of Rust code?

Should I try to get your patches to Rc and Arc merged?  They look 
generally useful, if folks think they fit the design of Rc.  You also 
have a patch that adds OwnT to std which is equivalent to ~T but has 
methods that look like Rc's.  You use this, and putting most of your inside macro definitions, to get a sort of 
reference-type-polymorphism in your treemap.  Shall I continue with this 
approach and try to get OwnT merged too?  (Opinions from anybody are 

(I used + click Show 
Diff Stats to look through the changes)


Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Interesting talk about (scala) language/compiler complexity

2013-12-04 Thread Ziad Hatahet
To be taken with a grain of salt, naturally:

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread Bill Myers
 Did COW improve performance?  What's a good way to do performance 
 testing of Rust code?

The reason I introduced COW when RC  1 is that it allows persistent data 
structures to be mutated in place if there aren't extra references, just like 
non-persistent data structures.

Lots of languages with persistent data structures can't do that because they 
use garbage collection (and thus they can't tell whether there are other 
references due to lack of a reference count), but it seems an essential feature 
to have if one is using reference counting in a language like Rust that is 
supposed to be a systems language producing optimal code.

 Should I try to get your patches to Rc and Arc merged?  They look 
 generally useful, if folks think they fit the design of Rc.  You also 
 have a patch that adds OwnT to std which is equivalent to ~T but has 
 methods that look like Rc's.  You use this, and putting most of your inside macro definitions, to get a sort of 
 reference-type-polymorphism in your treemap.  Shall I continue with this 
 approach and try to get OwnT merged too?  (Opinions from anybody are 

I did it because I realized that having two different balanced tree 
implementations would have imposed a significant maintenance burden, and thus 
the macro and OwnT approach would have allowed to avoid that by replacing the 
current treemap code completely with the new optionally-persistent version.

Also, having both Rc and Arc versions seems quite useful anyway, and currently 
I think macros are the best way to have both, until Rust starts supporting 
higher-kinded types (which would allow to pass Rc as a parameter), or at least 
recursive types (which would allow to express RcTreeNodeT, RcTreeNode, T, 
... and pass it as a parameter).

I don't have much more input on what the best names for the methods are, 
whether to have OwnT instead of ~T and so on; I guess someone on the Rust 
core team will have to decide on that, and there's already some discussion on 
that on

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Interesting talk about (scala) language/compiler complexity

2013-12-04 Thread Kevin Cantu
There are a couple parts of the Rust compiler about which I've heard
people say if I knew how that worked, I'd fix it so that we could do
...  So I definitely thought of Rust when watching that.

I think it is very encouraging to see so how many components Rust has
pushed out of the core and into libraries in the last year or so,
though.  Rust seems a long way from ossification.

Considering Scala, count me pre-emptively as a fan of rustz.
Hopefully we can avoid that kind of apparent community split,


On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Ziad Hatahet wrote:
 To be taken with a grain of salt, naturally:


 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Interesting talk about (scala) language/compiler complexity

2013-12-04 Thread Patrick Walton

On 12/4/13 7:36 PM, Kevin Cantu wrote:

There are a couple parts of the Rust compiler about which I've heard
people say if I knew how that worked, I'd fix it so that we could do
...  So I definitely thought of Rust when watching that.

The Rust compiler is not that bad. Niko and I, as well as several others 
I'm sure, know how basically all of it works, at least at a high level. 
I think it's true that in any large piece of software, it's never true 
that everyone knows precisely how all of it works. The biggest problem 
with the Rust compiler, I think, is much of it is written in an old Rust 
style, and modernizing its style would not take too long. (Unfortunately 
we're all racing to 1.0 and on the core team such modernization will 
have to take a back seat to the 1.0-incompatible language changes... but 
that said we should not allow our technical debt to garner too much 

The particular criticisms of the Scala compiler, that the front-end does 
too much desugaring and that code is a string, are definitely not true 
for the Rust compiler. (Well, OK, `for` is desugared too early, but that 
has to be fixed before 1.0 anyway because this desugaring is actually 

Niko and Jed, just to name two, have done a lot of work to improve the 
state of the Rust compiler, for example by rewriting type unification, 
rewriting ad-hoc passes to use the CFG produced by liveness analysis, 
introducing `Datum`, and creating a universal ADT type to represent data 
types. There is more work to be done, of course, and I think we should 
very much hold the line against additional cruft being added to the 
compiler at this point, but I think we're OK as long as we keep moving 
in the right direction.


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Interesting talk about (scala) language/compiler complexity

2013-12-04 Thread Patrick Walton

On 12/4/13 5:07 PM, Ziad Hatahet wrote:

To be taken with a grain of salt, naturally:

I watched some of this. Some notes on specific criticisms follow. (Many 
of the criticisms are too abstract to really confront head-on 
though--for example, correctness versus performance.)

1. *The compiler is too hard to modify.* See my other message in the thread.

2. *Universal equality is bad.* Rust doesn't do it.

3. *Using inheritance for collection mutability is bad.* Rust doesn't do it.

4. *The argument to functions such as filter should be pure to allow 
for stream fusion.* Purity is hard in Rust. We tried it and the 
annotation burden was too high. At least our iterators allow for more 
stream fusion than creating intermediate data structures would.

5. *Forbid reference equality.* Incompatible with the systems language 
nature of Rust.

6. *Silent coercion between primitives is bad.* Rust doesn't do it.

7. *Don't try to be too general purpose.* Rust is explicitly not 
designed to be a language for all use cases.

8. *Unnecessary expressiveness is the enemy.* I think we've been holding 
the line on language complexity quite well, even for features that are 
popular like `once fn`.


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread David Piepgrass
My next goal is a persistent tree-map, probably cribbing from Haskell's

I look forward to hearing how that goes!

I've been meaning to make a data structure in Rust too, but it's hard to
find the time, so how's about I tell you guys about it instead.

I call my data structure an optionally-persistent hashtable or hashset.
In C# I implemented this optionally-persistent hashtable and hashset with
mutable and immutable variants of each (the term semi-persistent was
already taken and means something else). I've been meaning to write an
article about this, but didn't get around to it yet.

Optionally-persistent means that it's structured as if it were persistent,
but each node can be either mutable (locally) or immutable (recursively).
Each node has a frozen flag which implicitly applies recursively to all
children. Converting the tree from immutable to mutable, or mutable to
immutable takes O(1) time. Immutable to mutable is essentially a no-op (the
mutable copy has copy-on-write behavior), while mutable-to-immutable simply
requires marking the root node as frozen.

The hashtable is really a tree that is up to 8 levels deep, with each
level representing 4 bits of the hashcode (not sure if this is the best
approach). Lots more details in the doc comment:

My benchmarks show that mutating such a set/map is dramatically faster than
immutable editing (which requires copying multiple nodes for each change),
and not that much slower than a traditional hashtable, so I think it's
hands down superior to a traditional persistent hash tree.

In my version, from the end-user's perspective, there's a separate data
type for immutable and mutable versions of the data structure (MMapT and
MSetT are mutable, MapT and SetT are immutable). Both data types
encapsulate an instance of InternalSetT which is the real data
structure. InternalSetT manages a tree of nodes, where each node has 16
entries and represents 4 bits of the hashcode. There's also an interesting
variation called InvertibleSetT; an invertible set can represent a
negative set such as all integers except 0 and 1.

- David
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Interesting talk about (scala) language/compiler complexity

2013-12-04 Thread Brendan Zabarauskas
On 5 Dec 2013, at 1:46 pm, Patrick Walton wrote:

 The particular criticisms of the Scala compiler, that the front-end does too 
 much desugaring and that code is a string, are definitely not true for the 
 Rust compiler. (Well, OK, `for` is desugared too early, but that has to be 
 fixed before 1.0 anyway because this desugaring is actually incorrect.)

Whilst desugaring too early is indeed an issue for creating a robust compiler, 
would it still make sense to think of how these language features desugar on a 
design/theoretical level? Then once these are set in stone for 1.0, document 
these transformations?

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Interesting talk about (scala) language/compiler complexity

2013-12-04 Thread Benjamin Striegel
 3. *Using inheritance for collection mutability is bad.* Rust doesn't do

Is this an argument against generalizing over mutability at all (as I
believe has been proposed in the past)?

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 10:53 PM, Patrick Walton pcwal...@mozilla.comwrote:

 On 12/4/13 5:07 PM, Ziad Hatahet wrote:

 To be taken with a grain of salt, naturally:

 I watched some of this. Some notes on specific criticisms follow. (Many of
 the criticisms are too abstract to really confront head-on though--for
 example, correctness versus performance.)

 1. *The compiler is too hard to modify.* See my other message in the

 2. *Universal equality is bad.* Rust doesn't do it.

 3. *Using inheritance for collection mutability is bad.* Rust doesn't do

 4. *The argument to functions such as filter should be pure to allow for
 stream fusion.* Purity is hard in Rust. We tried it and the annotation
 burden was too high. At least our iterators allow for more stream fusion
 than creating intermediate data structures would.

 5. *Forbid reference equality.* Incompatible with the systems language
 nature of Rust.

 6. *Silent coercion between primitives is bad.* Rust doesn't do it.

 7. *Don't try to be too general purpose.* Rust is explicitly not designed
 to be a language for all use cases.

 8. *Unnecessary expressiveness is the enemy.* I think we've been holding
 the line on language complexity quite well, even for features that are
 popular like `once fn`.


 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Error casting to trait: value may contain borrowed pointers

2013-12-04 Thread Christian Ohler
I see, thanks for the explanation.  Looks like a compiler bug, then.
I'll work around it with an unsafe transmute for now.


On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 5:49 AM, Felix S. Klock II wrote:

 In general, we need to ensure that for an expression `source as target`
 that any borrowed pointers in the type of source are not obscured [1] by
 the cast.

 A  collection of conditions sufficient to enforce this are listed in a
 comment in librustc/middle/ that I think is apropos here:

 However, there are probably other conditions that would also suffice that we
 might add to that set.

 In particular, I do not see anything immediately wrong with your example;
 the type-expression  `'a V` should ensure that `V` does not contain any
 lifetimes that are shorter than 'a, and therefore it should be safe to cast
 `v: 'a V` to a `'a T`.

 I have filed this as issue #10766 [2].




 On 30/11/2013 23:22, Christian Ohler wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm trying to learn rust and ran into an error message I don't
 understand, and would appreciate some help.  This code:

 trait T {}

 fn f'a, V: T(v: 'a V) - 'a T {
  v as 'a T

 is rejected with this error message: 4:5 error: value may contain borrowed pointers; add
 `'static` bound v as 'a T

 I'm trying to upcast from V to T so that I can put v in a container of
 element type T (in code not shown here).  The suggestion to add a
 'static bound doesn't sound like what I'm looking for.

 What is the concern about borrowed pointers here?  What would an
 implementation of T and a caller of f look like to lead to a safety

 I'm using a version of rust that is a few days old.

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 email: {fklock, pnkfelix}

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Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Persistent data structures

2013-12-04 Thread David Piepgrass
Please disregard this message; I hadn't seen Bill Myers' solution
by cloning only when reference count  1), which sounds like it's probably
perfect for Rust.

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 9:03 PM, David Piepgrass qwertie...@gmail.comwrote:

 My next goal is a persistent tree-map, probably cribbing from Haskell's

 I look forward to hearing how that goes!

 I've been meaning to make a data structure in Rust too, but it's hard to
 find the time, so how's about I tell you guys about it instead.

 I call my data structure an optionally-persistent hashtable or hashset.
 In C# I implemented this optionally-persistent hashtable and hashset with
 mutable and immutable variants of each (the term semi-persistent was
 already taken and means something else). I've been meaning to write an
 article about this, but didn't get around to it yet.

 Optionally-persistent means that it's structured as if it were persistent,
 but each node can be either mutable (locally) or immutable (recursively).
 Each node has a frozen flag which implicitly applies recursively to all
 children. Converting the tree from immutable to mutable, or mutable to
 immutable takes O(1) time. Immutable to mutable is essentially a no-op (the
 mutable copy has copy-on-write behavior), while mutable-to-immutable simply
 requires marking the root node as frozen.

 The hashtable is really a tree that is up to 8 levels deep, with each
 level representing 4 bits of the hashcode (not sure if this is the best
 approach). Lots more details in the doc comment:

 My benchmarks show that mutating such a set/map is dramatically faster
 than immutable editing (which requires copying multiple nodes for each
 change), and not that much slower than a traditional hashtable, so I think
 it's hands down superior to a traditional persistent hash tree.

 In my version, from the end-user's perspective, there's a separate data
 type for immutable and mutable versions of the data structure (MMapT and
 MSetT are mutable, MapT and SetT are immutable). Both data types
 encapsulate an instance of InternalSetT which is the real data
 structure. InternalSetT manages a tree of nodes, where each node has 16
 entries and represents 4 bits of the hashcode. There's also an interesting
 variation called InvertibleSetT; an invertible set can represent a
 negative set such as all integers except 0 and 1.

 - David

- David
Rust-dev mailing list