Re: [rust-dev] Deprecating rustpkg

2014-01-28 Thread Gaetan
I also agree on the task force proposal, it's the right way to capitalize
on past failure and success.

For me, rust-pkg will not success if it doesn't have a proper centralized
repository. That's a debate, the current version explicitely specify the
URL where to download stuff. But things changes, developers changes, URL
get broken, or a new developer forks a project or continue it on another

I have quite a good experience (I think) on dependency management, mostly
on C++ (QT/Linux projects and embedded) and now python (that's why I love
the simplicity and power of pipy!) so I would be glad to be associated with
such task force. For me you have two approach: enough for major use case,
things like pipy that do the job for most use case, and exhaustive
approach where you end up with complicated but extremely powerful
do-it-all tools like maven but that get eventually dropped because it's too
complex to use.

That is also joining the build system thread, where also rustpkg appeared
:) But I push to split them appart: the dependency management tool should
trigger a build system and not do everything


2014-01-28 Huon Wilson

 On 28/01/14 19:36, György Andrasek wrote:

 I never quite understood the problem `rustpkg` was meant to solve. For
 building Rust code, `rustc --out-dir build` is good enough. For running
 tests and benchmarks, `rustc` is good enough. For downloading things, I
 still need to feed it a github address, which kinda takes away any value it
 could have over `git clone` or git submodules.

 rustpkg (theoretically) manages fetching and building dependencies (with
 the appropriate versions), as well as making sure those dependencies can be
 found (i.e. what the -L flag does for rustc).

 What I would actually need from a build system, i.e. finding {C,C++,Rust}
 libraries, building {C,C++,Rust} libraries/executables and linking them to
 said {C,C++,Rust} libraries, it doesn't do. It also doesn't bootstrap rustc.

 rustpkg is unfinished and has several bugs, so describing its current
 behaviour/usage as if it were its intended behaviour/usage is not correct.
 I believe it was designed to handle native (non-Rust) dependencies to some


  [Disclaimer: I've never quite got a rustpkg workflow going. It's probably
 awesome, but completely overshadowed by `rustc`.]

 On 01/28/2014 09:02 AM, Tim Chevalier wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 10:20 PM, Val Markovic wrote:

 On Jan 27, 2014 8:53 PM, Jeremy Ong wrote:

 I'm somewhat new to the Rust dev scene. Would anybody care to summarize
 roughly what the deficiencies are in the existing system in the
 interest of
 forward progress? It may help seed the discussion for the next effort

 I'd like to second this request. I haven't used rustpkg myself but I've
 its reference manual ( and it
 like a reasonable design. Again, since I haven't used it, I'm sure I'm
 missing some obvious flaws.

 Thirded. I implemented rustpkg as it's currently known, and did so in
 the open, detailing what I was thinking about in a series of
 exhaustively detailed blog posts. Since few people seemed very
 interested in providing feedback on it as I was developing it (with
 the exception of Graydon, who also worked on the initial design), I
 assumed that it was on the right track. I rewrote rustpkg because
 there was a perception that the initial design of rustpkg was not on
 the right track, nor was cargo, but obviously simply rewriting the
 whole system from scratch in the hopes that it would be better didn't
 work, since people are talking about throwing it out. So, before
 anybody embarks on a third rewrite in the hopes that *that* will be
 better, I suggest that a working group form to look at what went wrong
 in the past 2 or 3 attempts at implementing a build system / package
 system for Rust, so that those mistakes can be learned from. Perhaps
 all that needs to be done differently is that someone more central to
 the community needs to write it, but if that's what it takes, it seems
 preferable to the wasted time and effort that I imagine will ensue
 from yet another rewrite for the sake of throwing out code.


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Re: [rust-dev] Deprecating rustpkg

2014-01-28 Thread Jeremy Ong
Rubygems is, in my opinion, one of the best examples of package managers
for a programming language out there. I don't use ruby currently but I
recall liking it much more than the competition, at least as of a few years
ago. In no particular order, it features:

- central repository
- optionally specify alternative urls on a per package basis
- hard and soft version requirements
- local bundles (so you can have multiple versions of the same package and
switch seamlessly from project to project)
- dependency calculation
- dependency groups (i.e. ability to group a number of deps in a test
group which can be switched on or off)
- local or systemwide install of libraries and executables
- easy to write a package and publish it (very easy)
- gem signing
- plugin system that allowed extensions to be written (an example plugin
was something that allowed a gem to be compiled with specific ruby versions
- with the bundler gem, an easy way to at a glance, examine all
dependencies of a given project and fetch them all (the Gemfile). This had
implications to deploy processes too (gemfile.lock).

This isn't a comprehensive list but it evidently made an impression on me.
I'm sure there are tons of other things I'm missing. Other systems that
I've worked with I found critically lacking in isolating the dependencies
of one project from another or failing to resolve dependency trees
satisfactorily. Most importantly, the ease with which packages could be
downloaded and used immediately were immense.

As mentioned before, getting this right is crucial to establishing a
vibrant developer ecosystem (see rubygems and npm).

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 1:33 AM, Lee Braiden wrote:

 On 28/01/14 08:36, György Andrasek wrote:

 I never quite understood the problem `rustpkg` was meant to solve. For
 building Rust code, `rustc --out-dir build` is good enough. For running
 tests and benchmarks, `rustc` is good enough. For downloading things, I
 still need to feed it a github address, which kinda takes away any value it
 could have over `git clone` or git submodules.

 What I would actually need from a build system, i.e. finding {C,C++,Rust}
 libraries, building {C,C++,Rust} libraries/executables and linking them to
 said {C,C++,Rust} libraries, it doesn't do. It also doesn't bootstrap rustc.

 I agree with this.  What I'd want is much more like apt (add repositories,
 update lists of available packages from those repositories, manage
 priorities between repositories, say that one repository should be
 preferred over another for a particular package, working in specific
 prefixes (/usr/local, /usr, /, ~/Projects/something-requiring-old-libs),
 but rust-specific and platform independent.


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Re: [rust-dev] Deprecating rustpkg

2014-01-28 Thread György Andrasek

On 01/28/2014 10:33 AM, Lee Braiden wrote:

I agree with this.  What I'd want is much more like apt (add
repositories, update lists of available packages from those
repositories, manage priorities between repositories, say that one
repository should be preferred over another for a particular package,
working in specific prefixes (/usr/local, /usr, /,
~/Projects/something-requiring-old-libs), but rust-specific and platform

What you actually want is Paludis[0], which installs from source. I'd 
propose it as a standard Rust package manager, but it does have some 
serious flaws for that purpose:

- Designed as the package manager for a full Linux distro, so it wants 
to handle everything by itself. If you give it a build dependency on 
gcc, it'll want to maintain the entire toolchain.

- No Windows support.
- Hard dependency on `bash`.

That said, it has solved a serious number of PM problems we should learn 

- Completely build system agnostic. All tooling is done in bash 
libraries called `exheres`, with an infinite number of customization 
hooks from patching to post-install. Can build everything from glibc to 
- Separate set of build and run dependencies, with configurable install 
root: you can (probably) bootstrap an embedded Linux with it.
- Metadata lives in a number of git repos you can cherry-pick. Creating 
your own is *easy*.

- Some support for external package sources, like Hackage.
- Fast[1] dependency handling including cycles and both global and local 
keywords: `doc` pulls in the doc build tools, `bash_completion` installs 
relevant extra files, `texture-float` enables patented code in mesa.

- Installing from source control.
- All user-facing configuration is done in /etc/paludis, where you can 
apply keywords, CFLAGS, mirrors, scm options, mask/unmask packages etc. 
on a per-package per-version basis with globs and stuff.

tl;dr If you want to design a package manager, bootstrap an Exherbo[2] 

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 * You have 6 unread news items (use 'eclectic news' to read)

sys 0m1.643s
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Re: [rust-dev] Deprecating rustpkg

2014-01-28 Thread Matthew Frazier

On 01/28/2014 04:33 AM, Lee Braiden wrote:

On 28/01/14 08:36, György Andrasek wrote:

I never quite understood the problem `rustpkg` was meant to solve. For
building Rust code, `rustc --out-dir build` is good enough. For
running tests and benchmarks, `rustc` is good enough. For downloading
things, I still need to feed it a github address, which kinda takes
away any value it could have over `git clone` or git submodules.

What I would actually need from a build system, i.e. finding
{C,C++,Rust} libraries, building {C,C++,Rust} libraries/executables
and linking them to said {C,C++,Rust} libraries, it doesn't do. It
also doesn't bootstrap rustc.

I agree with this.  What I'd want is much more like apt (add
repositories, update lists of available packages from those
repositories, manage priorities between repositories, say that one
repository should be preferred over another for a particular package,
working in specific prefixes (/usr/local, /usr, /,
~/Projects/something-requiring-old-libs), but rust-specific and platform

Have you ever used Composer I know that 
Jordi Boggiano, one of the authors, has been involved with the Rust 
community in the past. Some Composer features that I think are critical 
for the new Rust package manager include:

- Tags and branches are automatically recognized from git to create 

- Version specifiers aren't just limited to this version exactly, but 
allow you to match on a range of versions (though Semantic Versioning is 

- Packages have vendor prefixes (like rust/flate or 
leafstorm/mycoollibrary) to help avoid name conflicts and allow for 
forking, but these aren't linked to the way packages are retrieved.

- There's a central repository, but it's really easy to add random git 
repositories to the composer.json, or to create your own repositories 
for internal use.

- It automatically generates a lock file that allows you to reinstall 
exactly the same versions of the dependencies across machines.

- Everything is installed per-project, so no conflicts across projects. 
(Though the new rustpkg may want to not do this exactly because of 
compile times.)

If I had more time and more Rust experience, I would be interested in 
implementing a Composer-like package manager for Rust. Unfortunately I 
have little of both. :-(

Matthew Frazier
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] RFC: Future-proof for unboxed closures

2014-01-28 Thread Niko Matsakis
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 08:33:57PM +0100, Gábor Lehel wrote:
 I think this question has a more general form, namely: when should I pass
 by value and when using move/my? I expect this will come up quite a bit
 if we add the latter.

Yes, I agree. The main reason to use `move/my` is to permit moves of
dynamically sized types. In the case of once closures, that is a trait
type. Given that, I have wondered if we can do without it, and instead
say that (e.g.) passing a DST as a by value argument is legal. Without
a region, though, we'd need some other rules to prevent that DST from
leaking. For example, you can pass a DST as an input parameter, but
you cannot have a local variable, field, or return type of DST type.

The last time I thought this through, those rules (or something like
them) seemed onerous, but now they seem quite reasonable to me. (More
or less the same as our old reference mode parameters.) They support
the important use case of passing in a (unboxed) `OnceFn` object and
permitting it to be called.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Deprecating rustpkg

2014-01-28 Thread SiegeLord

On 01/27/2014 11:53 PM, Jeremy Ong wrote:

I'm somewhat new to the Rust dev scene. Would anybody care to summarize
roughly what the deficiencies are in the existing system in the interest
of forward progress? It may help seed the discussion for the next effort
as well.

I can only speak for myself, but here are some reasons why I abandoned 
rustpkg and switched to CMake.

Firstly, and overarchingly, it was the attitude of the project 
development with respect to issues. As a comparison, let me consider 
Rust the language. It is a pain to make my code pass the borrow check 
sometimes, the lifetimes are perhaps the most frustrating aspect of 
Rust. I put up with them however, because they solve a gigantic problem 
and are the keystone of Rust's safety-without-GC story. rustpkg also has 
many incredibly frustrating aspects, but they are there (in my opinion) 
arbitrarily and not as a solution to any real problem. When I hit them, 
I do not get the same sense of purposeful sacrifice I get with Rust's 
difficult points. Let me outline the specific issues I personally hit (I 
know of other ones, but I haven't encountered them personally).

Conflation of package id and source. That fact combined with the fact 
that to depend on some external package you have to write extern mod = 
pkgid meant that you needed to create bizarre directory structures to 
depend on locally developed packages (e.g. you'd have to put your 
locally developed project in a directory tree like so: This is not something I was going to do.

The package dependencies are written in the source file, which makes it 
onerous to switch between versions/forks. A simple package script would 
have solved it, but it wasn't present by design.

My repositories have multiple crates, and rustpkg is woefully 
under-equipped to handle that case. You cannot build them without 
dealing with, and using them from other projects seemed 
impossible too (the extern mod syntax wasn't equipped to handle multiple 
crates per package). This is particularly vexing when you have multiple 
example programs alongside your library. I was not going to split my 
repository up just because rustpkg wasn't designed to handle that case.

All of those points would be solved by having an explicit package 
description file/script which was THE overarching design non-goal of 
rustpkg. After that was made clear to me, I just ditched it and went to 
C++ style package management and a CMake build system.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Today's Rust contribution ideas

2014-01-28 Thread Matthieu Monrocq
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 11:41 PM, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 9:33 AM, Matthieu Monrocq wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 3:39 AM, Brian Anderson bander...@mozilla.comwrote:

 Consensus is that the `do` keyword is no longer pulling its weight.
 Remove all uses of it, then remove support from the compiler. This is a 1.0

 # Experiment with faster hash maps (#11783)

 Rust's HashMap uses a cryptographically secure hash, and at least partly
 as a result of that it is quite slow. HashMap continues to show up very,
 very high in performance profiles of a variety of code. It's not clear what
 the solution to this is, but it is clear that - at least sometimes - we
 need a much faster hash map solution. Figure out how to create faster hash
 maps in Rust, potentially sacrificing some amount of DOS-resistance by
 using weaker hash functions. This is fairly open-ended and researchy, but a
 solution to this could have a big impact on the performance of rustc and
 other projects.

 You might be interested by a serie of articles by Joaquín M López Muñoz
 who maintains the Boost.MultiIndex library. He did a relatively
 comprehensive overview of the hash-maps implementation of Dirkumware
 (MSVC), libstdc++ and libc++ on top of Boost.MultiIndex, and a lot of
 benchmarks showing the performance for insertion/removal/search in a
 variety of setup.

 One of the last articles:

 Let me also plug this blog post from a while back:
  There's also a followup on improving deletions*, which makes the final
 form the fastest hash map I know of. It's also compact (95% load factor, 32
 bits overhead per element, but you can reduce that to 2 bits per element if
 you sacrifice some perf.), and doesn't allocate (other than doubling the
 size of the table when you hit the load factor).

 For a benchmark with lots of std::strings it was 23%, 66% and 25% faster
 for insertions deletions and lookups (compared to MSVC unordered_map), it
 also uses 30% less memory in that case.


 * the basic form has an issue where repeated deletes gradually increases
 the probe count. In pathological cases this can reduce performance by a
 lot. The fix is to incrementally fix up the table on each delete (you could
 also do it in batch every now and then). It's still faster in all cases,
 and the probe-length as well as probe-length-variance remains low even in
 the most pathological circumstances.

Thanks for the link, I should have mentioned that the C++ Standard version
is constrained by a memory stability requirement which may or may not apply
to Rust (thanks to borrow checks, it should be possible to know statically
whether an element is borrowed or not). This memory stability requirement
as well as some other requirements such as relative stability of items
within the same equivalence class during insert/erase several constrain the
design; and indeed if the requirements can be lifted it the designs
proposed on bannalia will be suboptimal.

-- Matthieu
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Deprecating rustpkg

2014-01-28 Thread Ian Daniher
Lots of good points in this thread, but I wanted to request deprecation,
but not removal until a better alternative is documented and made
available. Rustpkg works for my needs - I use it every day -  but it
definitely needs some TLC.


On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:46 AM, SiegeLord wrote:

 On 01/27/2014 11:53 PM, Jeremy Ong wrote:

 I'm somewhat new to the Rust dev scene. Would anybody care to summarize
 roughly what the deficiencies are in the existing system in the interest
 of forward progress? It may help seed the discussion for the next effort
 as well.

 I can only speak for myself, but here are some reasons why I abandoned
 rustpkg and switched to CMake.

 Firstly, and overarchingly, it was the attitude of the project development
 with respect to issues. As a comparison, let me consider Rust the language.
 It is a pain to make my code pass the borrow check sometimes, the lifetimes
 are perhaps the most frustrating aspect of Rust. I put up with them
 however, because they solve a gigantic problem and are the keystone of
 Rust's safety-without-GC story. rustpkg also has many incredibly
 frustrating aspects, but they are there (in my opinion) arbitrarily and not
 as a solution to any real problem. When I hit them, I do not get the same
 sense of purposeful sacrifice I get with Rust's difficult points. Let me
 outline the specific issues I personally hit (I know of other ones, but I
 haven't encountered them personally).

 Conflation of package id and source. That fact combined with the fact that
 to depend on some external package you have to write extern mod = pkgid
 meant that you needed to create bizarre directory structures to depend on
 locally developed packages (e.g. you'd have to put your locally developed
 project in a directory tree like so: This
 is not something I was going to do.

 The package dependencies are written in the source file, which makes it
 onerous to switch between versions/forks. A simple package script would
 have solved it, but it wasn't present by design.

 My repositories have multiple crates, and rustpkg is woefully
 under-equipped to handle that case. You cannot build them without dealing
 with, and using them from other projects seemed impossible too
 (the extern mod syntax wasn't equipped to handle multiple crates per
 package). This is particularly vexing when you have multiple example
 programs alongside your library. I was not going to split my repository up
 just because rustpkg wasn't designed to handle that case.

 All of those points would be solved by having an explicit package
 description file/script which was THE overarching design non-goal of
 rustpkg. After that was made clear to me, I just ditched it and went to C++
 style package management and a CMake build system.


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Re: [rust-dev] Deprecating rustpkg

2014-01-28 Thread Kevin Ballard
Keeping it around means maintaining it, and it means tempting people to use it 
even though it's deprecated.

My suggestion would be, if you really need rustpkg, then extract it into a 
separate repo and maintain it there. But get it out of the mozilla/rust tree.


On Jan 28, 2014, at 11:28 AM, Ian Daniher wrote:

 Lots of good points in this thread, but I wanted to request deprecation, but 
 not removal until a better alternative is documented and made available. 
 Rustpkg works for my needs - I use it every day -  but it definitely needs 
 some TLC.
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:46 AM, SiegeLord wrote:
 On 01/27/2014 11:53 PM, Jeremy Ong wrote:
 I'm somewhat new to the Rust dev scene. Would anybody care to summarize
 roughly what the deficiencies are in the existing system in the interest
 of forward progress? It may help seed the discussion for the next effort
 as well.
 I can only speak for myself, but here are some reasons why I abandoned 
 rustpkg and switched to CMake.
 Firstly, and overarchingly, it was the attitude of the project development 
 with respect to issues. As a comparison, let me consider Rust the language. 
 It is a pain to make my code pass the borrow check sometimes, the lifetimes 
 are perhaps the most frustrating aspect of Rust. I put up with them however, 
 because they solve a gigantic problem and are the keystone of Rust's 
 safety-without-GC story. rustpkg also has many incredibly frustrating 
 aspects, but they are there (in my opinion) arbitrarily and not as a solution 
 to any real problem. When I hit them, I do not get the same sense of 
 purposeful sacrifice I get with Rust's difficult points. Let me outline the 
 specific issues I personally hit (I know of other ones, but I haven't 
 encountered them personally).
 Conflation of package id and source. That fact combined with the fact that to 
 depend on some external package you have to write extern mod = pkgid meant 
 that you needed to create bizarre directory structures to depend on locally 
 developed packages (e.g. you'd have to put your locally developed project in 
 a directory tree like so: This is not 
 something I was going to do.
 The package dependencies are written in the source file, which makes it 
 onerous to switch between versions/forks. A simple package script would have 
 solved it, but it wasn't present by design.
 My repositories have multiple crates, and rustpkg is woefully under-equipped 
 to handle that case. You cannot build them without dealing with, and 
 using them from other projects seemed impossible too (the extern mod syntax 
 wasn't equipped to handle multiple crates per package). This is particularly 
 vexing when you have multiple example programs alongside your library. I was 
 not going to split my repository up just because rustpkg wasn't designed to 
 handle that case.
 All of those points would be solved by having an explicit package description 
 file/script which was THE overarching design non-goal of rustpkg. After that 
 was made clear to me, I just ditched it and went to C++ style package 
 management and a CMake build system.
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Re: [rust-dev] rustpkg error: Package ____ depends on ____, but I don't know how to find it

2014-01-28 Thread Philippe Delrieu

Any info or idea?
I update from the master and now all my project have the same issue.
If I use rustc I have no problem. I see the thread about rustpkg, 
perhaps I should migrate to rustc and cmake?


Le 26/01/2014 16:25, Philippe Delrieu a écrit :


I have the same problem since 2 or 3 days with the portmidi project.


Le 26/01/2014 14:06, Cadence Marseille a écrit :


I am seeing a new build error and I am not sure what is causing it. 
rust-pcre, libpcre 
bindings for Rust, is set up to use Travis and Rust CI  The latest build is failing with:

rustpkg install pcre

WARNING: The Rust package manager is experimental and may be unstable

error: Package pcre depends on extra, but I don't know how to find it

task 'unnamed' failed at 'explicit failure', 

task 'main' failed at 'receiving on a closed channel', 

task 'unnamed' failed at 'Error running custom build command', 

make: *** [install] Error 65


I looked at some other Rust CI-enabled projects and found a similar 

What is causing this error and how do I fix it?


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[rust-dev] static mut and owning pointers

2014-01-28 Thread Alexander Stavonin
Hi all! I’m not sure is it an error or static mut variables misunderstanding 
from my side. The source:

struct MyStruct {
val: int

static mut global_data: Option~MyStruct = None;

fn test_call() {
unsafe {
match global_data {
Some(data) = { println!(We have data {:?}, data);}
None = { println!(We don't have data);}

fn main() {

unsafe {
global_data = Some(~MyStruct{val: 42});


and output:

We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
We don't have data

But if I’m changing global_data from Option~MyStruct to OptionMyStruct 
output is changed also:

We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}

Is it normal behaviour and owning pointers cannot be stored in global variables 
or an error?___
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] static mut and owning pointers

2014-01-28 Thread Kevin Ballard
Your code is moving the contents of Option~MyStruct into the match arm. It 
just so happens that this seems to be zeroing out the original pointer in 
memory, and that happens to be the same representation that None does for the 
type Option~MyStruct (since ~ pointers are non-nullable), so the act of 
moving the value just happens to be transforming it into a None.

Normally you couldn't do this, but mutable statics are weird (which is why you 
need the unsafe block to access it).

When you remove the ~, the lines end up printing the same because MyStruct is 
implicitly copyable, so your match arm is now copying instead of moving.

The correct fix here is to use `Some(ref data)` instead of `Some(data)`. This 
will take a reference to the data instead of moving it, and the static will 
remain unchanged.


On Jan 28, 2014, at 11:48 AM, Alexander Stavonin wrote:

 Hi all! I’m not sure is it an error or static mut variables 
 misunderstanding from my side. The source:
 struct MyStruct {
 val: int
 static mut global_data: Option~MyStruct = None;
 fn test_call() {
 unsafe {
 match global_data {
 Some(data) = { println!(We have data {:?}, data);}
 None = { println!(We don't have data);}
 fn main() {
 unsafe {
 global_data = Some(~MyStruct{val: 42});
 and output:
 We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
 We don't have data
 But if I’m changing global_data from Option~MyStruct to OptionMyStruct 
 output is changed also:
 We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
 We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
 Is it normal behaviour and owning pointers cannot be stored in global 
 variables or an error?
 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Function shipping

2014-01-28 Thread Tony Arcieri
On Tuesday, January 28, 2014, Noah Watkins wrote:

 It would be particularly useful to be able to ship a
 closure to be executed remotely.

The only language I've seen do this well is Erlang, and it still requires
both nodes have the same version of the same module loaded at the same time.

Tony Arcieri
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] static mut and owning pointers

2014-01-28 Thread François-Xavier Bourlet
damned, my gmail client was not up to date, you've got a better answer
already (I got the ref keyword right at least ;))

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 1:00 PM, François-Xavier Bourlet wrote:
 match global_data {
 Some(data) =

 You should be able to do:
   Some(ref data)

 Which will take a reference instead of moving the owned pointer.

 In the second case (no owned pointer) you are actually copying the
 struct everything. Using ref data would safe a copy as well.

 I might be wrong, I am a newcomer on rust :)

 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Alexander Stavonin wrote:
 Hi all! I'm not sure is it an error or static mut variables
 misunderstanding from my side. The source:

 struct MyStruct {
 val: int

 static mut global_data: Option~MyStruct = None;

 fn test_call() {
 unsafe {
 match global_data {
 Some(data) = { println!(We have data {:?}, data);}
 None = { println!(We don't have data);}

 fn main() {

 unsafe {
 global_data = Some(~MyStruct{val: 42});


 and output:

 We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
 We don't have data

 But if I'm changing global_data from Option~MyStruct to OptionMyStruct
 output is changed also:

 We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
 We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}

 Is it normal behaviour and owning pointers cannot be stored in global
 variables or an error?

 Rust-dev mailing list

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Re: [rust-dev] Compile-time function evaluation in Rust

2014-01-28 Thread Kevin Ballard
It sounds like you're proposing that arbitrary functions may be eligible for 
CTFE if they happen to meet all the requirements, without any special 
annotations. This seems like a bad idea to me. I understand why it's 
attractive, but it means that seemingly harmless changes to a function's 
implementation (but not its signature) can cause compiler errors in other 
modules, or even other crates if the AST for the function happens to be made 

A more conservative approach would be to require the #[ctfe] annotation, which 
then imposes all the given restrictions on the function. The downside is such a 
function then is restricted to only calling other CTFE functions, so we'd have 
to go in to the standard libraries and add this annotation whenever we think 
it's both useful and possible.

This approach mirrors the approach being used by C++11/C++14.


On Jan 28, 2014, at 2:15 PM, Pierre Talbot wrote:

 The Mozilla foundation proposes research internships [1] and the CTFE 
 optimization in the Rust compiler seems to be a really exciting project. I 
 wrote a proposal [2] that I'll send with my application and so I'd like to 
 share it with you and discuss about bringing CTFE inside Rust.
 Here a non-exhaustive summary of key points in my proposal.
 First of all, we need to establish when CTFE is triggered, I found two 
 contexts (denoted as a hole []):
 * Inside a immutable static variable (static ident ’:’ type ’=’ [] ’;’).
 * In a vector expression (’[’ expr ’,’ .. [] ’]’).
 Next in a similar way than with inline attributes we might want to add 
 these new attributes:
 * #[ctfe] hints the compiler to perform CTFE.
 * #[ctfe(always)] asks the compiler to always perform CTFE resulting in a
 compiler error if it’s impossible.
 * #[ctfe(never)] asks the compiler to never perform CTFE resulting in a 
 error if this function is called in a CTFE context.
 The rational behind this is that some functions might want to disallow CTFE, 
 for example if they manipulate machine-dependent data (such as playing with 
 endianness). Some might want to be designed only for compile-time and so we 
 want to disable run-time execution. Finally others might hints the compiler 
 to try to optimize whenever you can, of course if the function contains 
 infinite loop for some input, the compilation might not terminate.
 I propose some requirements on function eligible for CTFE (see the proposal 
 for references to the Rust manual):
 1. Its parameters are evaluable at compile-time.
 2. It isn’t a diverging function.
 3. It isn’t an unsafe function.
 4. It doesn’t contain unsafe block.
 5. It doesn’t perform I/O actions.
 6. The function source code is available to the compiler. It mustn’t be in an 
 block, however it can be an extern function.
 In this proposal, you'll also find a pseudo-coded algorithm, related work (in 
 D and C++), and much more :-)
 If you have any suggestions or corrections, do not hesitate. Also, feel free 
 to ask questions.
 Pierre Talbot
 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Compile-time function evaluation in Rust

2014-01-28 Thread Josh Matthews
Out of that list of requirements, #5 (doesn't perform I/O actions) is the
one that strikes me as least well-defined. Could you elaborate on how you
would enforce it?


On 28 January 2014 14:15, Pierre Talbot wrote:


 The Mozilla foundation proposes research internships [1] and the CTFE
 optimization in the Rust compiler seems to be a really exciting project. I
 wrote a proposal [2] that I'll send with my application and so I'd like to
 share it with you and discuss about bringing CTFE inside Rust.

 Here a non-exhaustive summary of key points in my proposal.

 First of all, we need to establish when CTFE is triggered, I found two
 contexts (denoted as a hole []):

 * Inside a immutable static variable (static ident ':' type '=' [] ';').
 * In a vector expression ('[' expr ',' .. [] ']').

 Next in a similar way than with inline attributes we might want to add
 these new attributes:

 * #[ctfe] hints the compiler to perform CTFE.
 * #[ctfe(always)] asks the compiler to always perform CTFE resulting in a
 compiler error if it's impossible.
 * #[ctfe(never)] asks the compiler to never perform CTFE resulting in a
 error if this function is called in a CTFE context.

 The rational behind this is that some functions might want to disallow
 CTFE, for example if they manipulate machine-dependent data (such as
 playing with endianness). Some might want to be designed only for
 compile-time and so we want to disable run-time execution. Finally others
 might hints the compiler to try to optimize whenever you can, of course
 if the function contains infinite loop for some input, the compilation
 might not terminate.

 I propose some requirements on function eligible for CTFE (see the
 proposal for references to the Rust manual):

 1. Its parameters are evaluable at compile-time.
 2. It isn't a diverging function.
 3. It isn't an unsafe function.
 4. It doesn't contain unsafe block.
 5. It doesn't perform I/O actions.
 6. The function source code is available to the compiler. It mustn't be in
 an external
 block, however it can be an extern function.

 In this proposal, you'll also find a pseudo-coded algorithm, related work
 (in D and C++), and much more :-)

 If you have any suggestions or corrections, do not hesitate. Also, feel
 free to ask questions.

 Pierre Talbot

 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Compile-time function evaluation in Rust

2014-01-28 Thread Pierre Talbot

On 01/28/2014 11:24 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

It sounds like you're proposing that arbitrary functions may be eligible for 
CTFE if they happen to meet all the requirements, without any special 
annotations. This seems like a bad idea to me. I understand why it's 
attractive, but it means that seemingly harmless changes to a function's 
implementation (but not its signature) can cause compiler errors in other 
modules, or even other crates if the AST for the function happens to be made 
A more conservative approach would be to require the #[ctfe] annotation, which 
then imposes all the given restrictions on the function. The downside is such a 
function then is restricted to only calling other CTFE functions, so we'd have 
to go in to the standard libraries and add this annotation whenever we think 
it's both useful and possible.

This approach mirrors the approach being used by C++11/C++14.

I understand your point of view but adding #[ctfe] doesn't solve the 
problem either, the library designer could remove this annotation, isn't 
it? I didn't precise it, but I gave a different semantic to #[ctfe] than 
what you understood. Let me rephrase it:

* #[ctfe] hints the compiler that performing CTFE outside of the contexts (as 
specified) is safe. It means that for any input this function will terminate 
[in a reasonable amount of time and memory].

We should keep in mind the drawbacks of the constexpr semantic:

1. Force the library designer to think about CTFE, the user might be in 
a better position since he knows well which parameters he'll give to 
this function.
2. Annotate functions means more maintenance, more changes and more 
errors. Moreover, the C++11 constexpr only allow a subset of the 
language, which is practical for the compiler implementor but not for 
the library designer. In D, they specify when a function is *not* eligible.

Thanks for comments!

On Jan 28, 2014, at 2:15 PM, Pierre Talbot wrote:


The Mozilla foundation proposes research internships [1] and the CTFE 
optimization in the Rust compiler seems to be a really exciting project. I 
wrote a proposal [2] that I'll send with my application and so I'd like to 
share it with you and discuss about bringing CTFE inside Rust.

Here a non-exhaustive summary of key points in my proposal.

First of all, we need to establish when CTFE is triggered, I found two contexts 
(denoted as a hole []):

* Inside a immutable static variable (static ident ’:’ type ’=’ [] ’;’).
* In a vector expression (’[’ expr ’,’ .. [] ’]’).

Next in a similar way than with inline attributes we might want to add these 
new attributes:

* #[ctfe] hints the compiler to perform CTFE.
* #[ctfe(always)] asks the compiler to always perform CTFE resulting in a
compiler error if it’s impossible.
* #[ctfe(never)] asks the compiler to never perform CTFE resulting in a compiler
error if this function is called in a CTFE context.

The rational behind this is that some functions might want to disallow CTFE, for example 
if they manipulate machine-dependent data (such as playing with endianness). Some might 
want to be designed only for compile-time and so we want to disable run-time execution. 
Finally others might hints the compiler to try to optimize whenever you can, 
of course if the function contains infinite loop for some input, the compilation might 
not terminate.

I propose some requirements on function eligible for CTFE (see the proposal for 
references to the Rust manual):

1. Its parameters are evaluable at compile-time.
2. It isn’t a diverging function.
3. It isn’t an unsafe function.
4. It doesn’t contain unsafe block.
5. It doesn’t perform I/O actions.
6. The function source code is available to the compiler. It mustn’t be in an 
block, however it can be an extern function.

In this proposal, you'll also find a pseudo-coded algorithm, related work (in D 
and C++), and much more :-)

If you have any suggestions or corrections, do not hesitate. Also, feel free to 
ask questions.

Pierre Talbot

Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] static mut and owning pointers

2014-01-28 Thread Niko Matsakis
Probably this should yield an error -- I tend to think we should only
permit moves that we cannot enforce from `*` pointers, just to add an
extra barrier.


On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 12:12:23PM -0800, Kevin Ballard wrote:
 Your code is moving the contents of Option~MyStruct into the match arm. It 
 just so happens that this seems to be zeroing out the original pointer in 
 memory, and that happens to be the same representation that None does for the 
 type Option~MyStruct (since ~ pointers are non-nullable), so the act of 
 moving the value just happens to be transforming it into a None.
 Normally you couldn't do this, but mutable statics are weird (which is why 
 you need the unsafe block to access it).
 When you remove the ~, the lines end up printing the same because MyStruct is 
 implicitly copyable, so your match arm is now copying instead of moving.
 The correct fix here is to use `Some(ref data)` instead of `Some(data)`. This 
 will take a reference to the data instead of moving it, and the static will 
 remain unchanged.
 On Jan 28, 2014, at 11:48 AM, Alexander Stavonin wrote:
  Hi all! I’m not sure is it an error or static mut variables 
  misunderstanding from my side. The source:
  struct MyStruct {
  val: int
  static mut global_data: Option~MyStruct = None;
  fn test_call() {
  unsafe {
  match global_data {
  Some(data) = { println!(We have data {:?}, data);}
  None = { println!(We don't have data);}
  fn main() {
  unsafe {
  global_data = Some(~MyStruct{val: 42});
  and output:
  We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
  We don't have data
  But if I’m changing global_data from Option~MyStruct to OptionMyStruct 
  output is changed also:
  We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
  We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
  Is it normal behaviour and owning pointers cannot be stored in global 
  variables or an error?
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Re: [rust-dev] Compile-time function evaluation in Rust

2014-01-28 Thread Eric Reed
That's what I figured. Forbidding unsafe is definitely a good way to keep
things simple starting out. Compile time evaluation can always be extended
later on.

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Pierre Talbot wrote:

 On 01/28/2014 11:26 PM, Eric Reed wrote:

 Looks pretty reasonable to me at first glance.
 Out of curiosity, what's the rationale behind forbidding unsafe

  In the reference manual we can read things such as: Mutating an
 immutable value/reference, if it is not marked as non-freeze. This would
 be impossible at compile-time.
 But I'm agree that we could relax this constraint and specify more
 precisely in which cases we disallow this.|

 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Pierre Talbot mailto: wrote:


 The Mozilla foundation proposes research internships [1] and the
 CTFE optimization in the Rust compiler seems to be a really
 exciting project. I wrote a proposal [2] that I'll send with my
 application and so I'd like to share it with you and discuss about
 bringing CTFE inside Rust.

 Here a non-exhaustive summary of key points in my proposal.

 First of all, we need to establish when CTFE is triggered, I found
 two contexts (denoted as a hole []):

 * Inside a immutable static variable (static ident ':' type '='
 [] ';').
 * In a vector expression ('[' expr ',' .. [] ']').

 Next in a similar way than with inline attributes we might want
 to add these new attributes:

 * #[ctfe] hints the compiler to perform CTFE.
 * #[ctfe(always)] asks the compiler to always perform CTFE
 resulting in a
 compiler error if it's impossible.
 * #[ctfe(never)] asks the compiler to never perform CTFE resulting
 in a compiler
 error if this function is called in a CTFE context.

 The rational behind this is that some functions might want to
 disallow CTFE, for example if they manipulate machine-dependent
 data (such as playing with endianness). Some might want to be
 designed only for compile-time and so we want to disable run-time
 execution. Finally others might hints the compiler to try to
 optimize whenever you can, of course if the function contains
 infinite loop for some input, the compilation might not terminate.

 I propose some requirements on function eligible for CTFE (see the
 proposal for references to the Rust manual):

 1. Its parameters are evaluable at compile-time.
 2. It isn't a diverging function.
 3. It isn't an unsafe function.
 4. It doesn't contain unsafe block.
 5. It doesn't perform I/O actions.
 6. The function source code is available to the compiler. It
 mustn't be in an external
 block, however it can be an extern function.

 In this proposal, you'll also find a pseudo-coded algorithm,
 related work (in D and C++), and much more :-)

 If you have any suggestions or corrections, do not hesitate. Also,
 feel free to ask questions.

 Pierre Talbot

 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] static mut and owning pointers

2014-01-28 Thread Alex Crichton
Our discussion in a recent meeting concluded that statics will not be
allowed to contain types with destructors, and you also won't be able
to move out of static items:

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:
 At first glance it seems reasonable to prohibit moving out of a mutable 
 static, but I'm not sure it really makes sense to try and put restrictions on 
 mutable statics when we can't make them safe.


 On Jan 28, 2014, at 3:26 PM, Niko Matsakis wrote:

 Probably this should yield an error -- I tend to think we should only
 permit moves that we cannot enforce from `*` pointers, just to add an
 extra barrier.


 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 12:12:23PM -0800, Kevin Ballard wrote:
 Your code is moving the contents of Option~MyStruct into the match arm. 
 It just so happens that this seems to be zeroing out the original pointer 
 in memory, and that happens to be the same representation that None does 
 for the type Option~MyStruct (since ~ pointers are non-nullable), so the 
 act of moving the value just happens to be transforming it into a None.

 Normally you couldn't do this, but mutable statics are weird (which is why 
 you need the unsafe block to access it).

 When you remove the ~, the lines end up printing the same because MyStruct 
 is implicitly copyable, so your match arm is now copying instead of moving.

 The correct fix here is to use `Some(ref data)` instead of `Some(data)`. 
 This will take a reference to the data instead of moving it, and the static 
 will remain unchanged.


 On Jan 28, 2014, at 11:48 AM, Alexander Stavonin 

 Hi all! I'm not sure is it an error or static mut variables 
 misunderstanding from my side. The source:

 struct MyStruct {
val: int

 static mut global_data: Option~MyStruct = None;

 fn test_call() {
unsafe {
match global_data {
Some(data) = { println!(We have data {:?}, data);}
None = { println!(We don't have data);}

 fn main() {

unsafe {
global_data = Some(~MyStruct{val: 42});


 and output:

 We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
 We don't have data

 But if I'm changing global_data from Option~MyStruct to OptionMyStruct 
 output is changed also:

 We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}
 We have data ~MyStruct{val: 42}

 Is it normal behaviour and owning pointers cannot be stored in global 
 variables or an error?
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Re: [rust-dev] Compile-time function evaluation in Rust

2014-01-28 Thread Pierre Talbot
The way it is implemented in Rust is by using the libc, but the 
requirement #6 says we can't call external function, so implicitly the 
problem is solved. I'm agree that it isn't formal, but I can't come up 
with a better solution for now.

You made me think of another requirements (so basic that I forgot to 
mention it):

* A function is eligible for CTFE if every function calls inside this 
function are themselves eligible.

On 01/28/2014 11:27 PM, Josh Matthews wrote:
Out of that list of requirements, #5 (doesn’t perform I/O actions) is 
the one that strikes me as least well-defined. Could you elaborate on 
how you would enforce it?


On 28 January 2014 14:15, Pierre Talbot wrote:


The Mozilla foundation proposes research internships [1] and the
CTFE optimization in the Rust compiler seems to be a really
exciting project. I wrote a proposal [2] that I'll send with my
application and so I'd like to share it with you and discuss about
bringing CTFE inside Rust.

Here a non-exhaustive summary of key points in my proposal.

First of all, we need to establish when CTFE is triggered, I found
two contexts (denoted as a hole []):

* Inside a immutable static variable (static ident ’:’ type ’=’
[] ’;’).
* In a vector expression (’[’ expr ’,’ .. [] ’]’).

Next in a similar way than with inline attributes we might want
to add these new attributes:

* #[ctfe] hints the compiler to perform CTFE.
* #[ctfe(always)] asks the compiler to always perform CTFE
resulting in a
compiler error if it’s impossible.
* #[ctfe(never)] asks the compiler to never perform CTFE resulting
in a compiler
error if this function is called in a CTFE context.

The rational behind this is that some functions might want to
disallow CTFE, for example if they manipulate machine-dependent
data (such as playing with endianness). Some might want to be
designed only for compile-time and so we want to disable run-time
execution. Finally others might hints the compiler to try to
optimize whenever you can, of course if the function contains
infinite loop for some input, the compilation might not terminate.

I propose some requirements on function eligible for CTFE (see the
proposal for references to the Rust manual):

1. Its parameters are evaluable at compile-time.
2. It isn’t a diverging function.
3. It isn’t an unsafe function.
4. It doesn’t contain unsafe block.
5. It doesn’t perform I/O actions.
6. The function source code is available to the compiler. It
mustn’t be in an external
block, however it can be an extern function.

In this proposal, you'll also find a pseudo-coded algorithm,
related work (in D and C++), and much more :-)

If you have any suggestions or corrections, do not hesitate. Also,
feel free to ask questions.

Pierre Talbot

Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Compile-time function evaluation in Rust

2014-01-28 Thread Huon Wilson

On 29/01/14 10:45, Kevin Ballard wrote:

On Jan 28, 2014, at 3:16 PM, Pierre Talbot wrote:

On 01/28/2014 11:24 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

It sounds like you're proposing that arbitrary functions may be eligible for 
CTFE if they happen to meet all the requirements, without any special 
annotations. This seems like a bad idea to me. I understand why it's 
attractive, but it means that seemingly harmless changes to a function's 
implementation (but not its signature) can cause compiler errors in other 
modules, or even other crates if the AST for the function happens to be made 
A more conservative approach would be to require the #[ctfe] annotation, which 
then imposes all the given restrictions on the function. The downside is such a 
function then is restricted to only calling other CTFE functions, so we'd have 
to go in to the standard libraries and add this annotation whenever we think 
it's both useful and possible.

This approach mirrors the approach being used by C++11/C++14.


I understand your point of view but adding #[ctfe] doesn't solve the problem 
either, the library designer could remove this annotation, isn't it? I didn't 
precise it, but I gave a different semantic to #[ctfe] than what you 
understood. Let me rephrase it:

* #[ctfe] hints the compiler that performing CTFE outside of the contexts (as 
specified) is safe. It means that for any input this function will terminate 
[in a reasonable amount of time and memory].

We should keep in mind the drawbacks of the constexpr semantic:

1. Force the library designer to think about CTFE, the user might be in a 
better position since he knows well which parameters he'll give to this 
2. Annotate functions means more maintenance, more changes and more errors. 
Moreover, the C++11 constexpr only allow a subset of the language, which is 
practical for the compiler implementor but not for the library designer. In D, 
they specify when a function is *not* eligible.

Yes, I was using #[ctfe] to mean something slightly different than you were. In my case, 
it meant mark this function as eligible for CTFE, and impose all the CTFE 
restrictions. And it does fix the problem I mentioned, because #[ctfe] would be 
considered part of the function signature, not the function implementation. Everyone is 
already used to the idea that modifying the function signature may cause compiler errors 
at the call site. But the only example I can think of right now for when changing a 
function's _implementation_ causes call site compiler errors is when you're using C++ 

FWIW, `transmute` causes such errors in Rust. e.g. `fn errorsT(x: T) { 
unsafe { std::cast::transmute::T, int(x); } }` will fail to compile 
when passed u16, but not when passed uint, and this isn't encoded in the 
type signature.


Not only that, but with your approach, changing the implementation of one 
function could accidentally cause a whole host of other functions to become 
ineligible for CTFE. And the farther apart the actual source of the problem, 
and the resulting error, the harder it is to diagnose and fix such errors.

That said, I was not aware that D already takes this approach, of allowing CTFE 
by default. I'm curious how it works for them, and how they handle these 

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Re: [rust-dev] Faster communication between tasks

2014-01-28 Thread Simon Ruggier
A small update: I've gotten a resizable version of my disruptor
implementation working, and the performance looks pretty good so far. I
still have a few loose ends to tie up before I push out the changes. I
should have the updated code on GitHub hopefully within a couple of weeks,
depending on how much time I find to work on it.

On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 2:13 PM, Simon Ruggier wrote:

 Hi all, I've tentatively come up with a design that would allow the sender
 to reallocate the buffer as necessary, with very little added performance
 cost. The sending side would bear the cost of reallocation, and there would
 be an extra test that receivers would have to make every time they process
 an item (no extra atomic operations needed). However, it may be a few weeks
 or more before I have a working implementation to demonstrate, so I figured
 it might be worthwhile to mention now that I'll be working on this.

 Also, I think it would be interesting to investigate doing something like
 the Linux kernel's deadlock detection[1], but generalized to apply to
 bounded queues, and implemented as a static check. I know little about
 this, but even so, I can see how it would be an enormous amount of work. On
 the other hand, I would have thought the same thing about the memory safety
 rules that Rust enforces. I'm hopeful that this will eventually be possible
 as well.


 On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 12:55 AM, Simon Ruggier wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Brian Anderson bander...@mozilla.comwrote:

  On 10/28/2013 10:02 PM, Simon Ruggier wrote:

 Greetings fellow Rustians!

 First of all, thanks for working on such a great language. I really like
 the clean syntax, increased safety, separation of data from function
 definitions, and freedom from having to declare duplicate method prototypes
 in header files.

 I've been working on an alternate way to communicate between tasks in
 Rust, following the same approach as the LMAX Disruptor.[1] I'm hoping to
 eventually offer a superset of the functionality in the pipes API, and
 replace them as the default communication mechanism between tasks. Just as
 with concurrency in general, my main motivation in implementing this is to
 improve performance. For more information about the disruptor approach,
 there's a lot of information linked from their home page, in a variety of

 This is really exciting work. Thanks for pursuing it. I've been
 interested in exploring something like Disruptor in Rust. The current
 channel types in Rust are indeed slow, and fixing them is the topic of

 I'll start paying attention to that. The Morrison  Afek 2013 paper looks
 like something I should read.

 This is my first major contribution of new functionality to an
 open-source project, so I didn't want to discuss it in advance until I had
 a working system to demonstrate. I currently have a very basic proof of
 concept that achieves almost two orders of magnitude better performance
 than the pipes API. On my hardware[2], I currently see throughput of about
 27 million items per second when synchronizing with a double-checked wait
 condition protocol between sender and receivers, 80+ million items with no
 blocking (i.e. busy waiting), and anywhere from 240,000 to 600,000 when
 using pipes. The LMAX Disruptor library gets up to 110 million items per
 second on the same hardware (using busy waiting and yielding), so there's
 definitely still room for significant improvement.

 Those are awesome results!

 Thanks! When I first brought it up, it was getting about 14 million with
 the busy waiting. Minimizing the number of atomic operations (even with
 relaxed memory ordering) makes a big difference in performance. The 2/3
 drop in performance with the blocking wait strategy comes from merely doing
 a read-modify-write operation on every send (it currently uses atomic swap,
 I haven't experimented with others yet). To be fair, the only result I can
 take credit for is the blocking algorithm. The other ideas are straight
 from the original disruptor.

 I've put the code up on GitHub (I'm using rustc from master).[3]
 Currently, single and multi-stage pipelines of receivers are supported,
 while many features are missing, like multiple concurrent senders, multiple
 concurrent receivers, or mutation of the items as they pass through the
 pipeline. However, given what I have so far, now is probably the right time
 to start soliciting feedback and advice. I'm looking for review,
 suggestions/constructive criticism, and guidance about contributing this to
 the Rust codebase.

 I'm not deeply familiar with Disruptor, but I believe that it uses
 bounded queues. My general feeling thus far is that, as the general 'go-to'
 channel type, people should not be using bounded queues that block the
 sender when full because of the potential for