Re: [rust-dev] rustpkg, package identifiers, filename conventions

2013-02-20 Thread Dean Thompson
:-) Ok -- that's quite a convincing argument against Python!  My
experience with it is casual.

However, I still believe the following:

- Rust should have a standard build tool that is able to handle complex

- This build tool needs a programming language.

- This programming language should not be Rust (to avoid the complexity of
recursive builds) and indeed should be interpreted.

Any similarly convincing arguments against those beliefs?


On 2/20/13 7:31 AM, wrote:

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Dean Thompson wrote:

 My suggestion: Python.

Please. Not Python. Everything but not this.

I admit: I hate Python with passion, so I may be biased. I hate not so
much the language itself but all it's tooling and constant problems
with it and people constantly putting it everywhere because the only
language they grasp or assume everyone else should know it to. (No
intention to offend the original poster, it's just a fact of life that
Python is quite easy to learn and university courses often pick it and
,,when hammer is all you got, everything looks like a nail''.

In 2011, I've spent 2 weeks rewritting (removing or decoupling,
really) the `scons`-based build system that was meant to be flexible,
powerful, fast, easy to use, with interactive features, etc.. An in
reality it was unmaintenable, complex, big and slow and the 3rd-party
components used to build it were becoming abandoned.

Python :

* Is not designed for handling dependencies from groundup like eg.
`make`. So it needs some custom foundation code to handle it, probably
with 3rd party dependencies.
* Is not really efficient for gluing external tools like shell scripts
* Is not solid (things break in runtime, and many times just because
newer minor Python version came out).
* It's not providing support for ancient tools like autotools, neither
Rust needs this, as there will be no legacy software using Rust yet.

Besides I don't understand why normal projects in Rust would require
anything more to be built other than:


or something similarly simple.

As long as Rust building system support the mentioned escape hatch,
with complex project people will be able to build using any complex
logic they like, written in any language, using any 3rd-party software
they choose. For 99.9% mainstream projects though any simple solution
will be fine, and the less potential problems and dependencies it
introduces, the best for all of us.

Imagine the scenario:

Why did this Rust package failed to build? Some weird Python error...
. Should I use different version of Python? Which one: 1.x, 2.5, 2.6,
2.7, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x ? Because programs breaks randomly (in runtime!)
between Python versions. Must I use `virtualenv` (or what's the
current/best version of this idea ATM)? Are all the pips installed and
configured correctly? Maybe one of these many funny python environment
varibles is wrong for some reason... ?

So let's not import Pythons problems into Rust world.

Dawid Ciężarkiewicz

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Lifetime notation

2013-01-31 Thread Dean Thompson
I expect it would, but at the expense of no longer being able to make as
simple a statement in the language tutorial as this:

  The notation 'foo means a lifetime called foo.

To me, it seems nicer for a newbie to wonder how is that lifetime being
used? than to wonder what's that thing after the dot?


From:  Ziad Hatahet
Date:  Thursday, January 31, 2013 6:53 AM
To:  Benjamin Striegel, Niko Matsakis
Subject:  Re: [rust-dev] Lifetime notation

Would using a dot '.' instead of a quote ' also resolve the ambiguity,
without introducing an extra sigil into the language?



On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 6:33 AM, Benjamin Striegel
 +1 to this. Option 8 was always the best-case syntax, and prefixing an
 apostrophe on lifetime names is entirely inoffensive.
 On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Niko Matsakis wrote:
 Interesting.  That would indeed address the ambiguity issue.
 Sanghyeon Seo wrote:
 UtherII on Reddit /r/rust suggested an idea I like:
 {'lt} T
 Basically option 8 of
 with ' from
 This does need a lookahead but as far as I can tell unambiguous and
 manageable. More on:
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Re: [rust-dev] Lifetime notation

2013-01-31 Thread Dean Thompson
On 1/31/13 12:56 PM, Malte Schütze wrote:

I really prefer Foo{'lt}X,Y over Foo'ltX,Y - the former makes it
visually clearer to me where each section of the declaration starts and

The non-curly choice is Foo'lt,X,Y.  How does that grab you?


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Lifetime notation

2013-01-31 Thread Dean Thompson
Makes sense.  One counter point though, which I find more persuasive: the
more common case by far is surely a single lifetime parameter and a single
type parameter.  In which case Foo'lt,X seems less noisy than

Having said that, Graydon gently invoked BDFL rights to push against using
the curlies. :-)  So that ship has presumably sailed.

On 1/31/13 1:37 PM, Malte Schütze wrote:

On 01/31/2013 09:58 PM, Dean Thompson wrote:
 On 1/31/13 12:56 PM, Malte Schütze wrote:
 I really prefer Foo{'lt}X,Y over Foo'ltX,Y - the former makes it
 visually clearer to me where each section of the declaration starts and
 The non-curly choice is Foo'lt,X,Y.  How does that grab you?


I'm worried that it might be confusing to read when it becomes longer.
Foo'lt,X,Y still is readable, but Foo'lt,'xy,X,Y,Z isn't anymore.
Having it in curly braces (Foo{'lt,'xy}X,Y,Z) breaks it down in
smaller parts and makes it easier to understand in my opinion.
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Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] intimidation factor vs target audience

2013-01-29 Thread Dean Thompson
It just occurred to me that the 'lt syntax for lifetimes does (I think)
provide an unambiguous way keep the pointed-to type right next to the 


Here, the usual  sigil becomes 'lt, which taken together is a prefix on
the type T.

In this notation, there is still a clear distinction between Niko's examples
below, which become

I'm not sure whether I like it better or worse than the prevailing
'bT (with the opposite meaning!)
   'b T

I believe it does address James Boyden's goals (below) 2a and 2b, although
not 2c, and this issue is orthogonal to 2d.  Since I resonate with 2a and 2b
myself, I lean toward thinking I like this alternative approach a little


James Boyden had written:
 For the above reasons, is there any way that the lifetime syntax
 could be moved *after* the type?  The current proposal of `'lt Foo`
 does address the ambiguity described in point 2b, but not 2a or 2c.
 (The `/` sigil itself actually doesn't faze me that much.)
Niko Matsakis had written:

 We considered this, but it's very hard to mix prefix and postfix notation like
 this without ambiguity.  Consider:
  Is this:
  'b T
'b T
 I suppose we could just resolve it arbitrarily, like if-else-if chains.

More completely (for reference), James Boyden had written:

 For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents:
 1. Borrowed pointer lifetimes are a very interesting concept.  I think
 they definitely enrich Rust.  However...
 2. The current syntax of `lifetime/type` completely threw me when
 I first saw it in the wild (before reading up on the topic in the
 tutorials).  I'm concerned that this could be something that might
 push Rust slightly too far towards obscure academic theory language
 for many C++ programmers.  Specifically:
 2a. I'm used to seeing the pointed-to type right next to the pointer.
 I can mentally reverse C++'s `int p` to `p: int` without problems,
 but having extra line-noise in there seems to stretch my on-the-fly
 language-parsing capability beyond its limits -- particularly so when
 the identifiers both before and after the `/` look like types, and
 there's no whitespace breaks to guide my mental tokeniser.
 2b. I found the `p: r/float` syntax especially confusing in that
 sometimes, without any prior or intervening warning, the next token
 after the borrow-pointer sigil `` was a lifetime instead of a type
 (but of course, not all the time).  When you're mentally parsing it,
 you don't get any explanation of what you're reading until *after*
 you've read those tokens.
 2c. I care more about the pointed-to type than the lifetime (at least
 on my first scan through the function parameters), so I'd strongly
 prefer to have the pointed-to type closer to the front, and closer to
 the parameter name and pointer sigil (i.e., before the lifetime name).
 This has the additional benefit that now all the parameter type info
 is together, followed by the lifetime info.
 2d. `` means pointers or (occasionally) bitwise-AND.  Please don't
 use it for any other plumbing!  (I'm thinking of Lifetime parameter
 designated with  in the previous notation.)
 For the above reasons, is there any way that the lifetime syntax
 could be moved *after* the type?  The current proposal of `'lt Foo`
 does address the ambiguity described in point 2b, but not 2a or 2c.
 (The `/` sigil itself actually doesn't faze me that much.)

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] intimidation factor vs target audience

2013-01-24 Thread Dean Thompson

Thanks ‹ that's a good exercise!

Niko has indicated that the sequences like this:

 Some(ref value) = {
 let value: self/V = value;

are working around a current bug in ref.  The let should be unnecessary.

 All in all, my feeling after trying to understand the code is that it is too
 and that especially the 'self/' thing should be in some sort of type
inference part
 of the compiler.

Yes, the Rust team is trying to balance good defaults with allowing the
programmer to exercise control when needed.  Here's a good
stream-of-consciousness blog post from Niko exploring the options:

I'd be interested in how you react to the syntax Niko is currently
experimenting with:

'lt Foo

In this syntax, a lifetime named foo is always written as 'foo.


From:  Alexander Kjeldaas
Date:  Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:10 AM
To:  Graydon Hoare
Subject:  Re: [rust-dev] intimidation factor vs target audience

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 6:23 PM, Graydon Hoare wrote:
 On 22/01/2013 6:55 AM, Dean Thompson wrote:
  I'm looking at some code that Niko Matsakis updated in
pure fn each(self, f: fn((self/K, self/V)) - bool) {
  match *self {
Leaf = (),
Tree(_, ref left, ref key, ref maybe_value, ref right) = {
  let left: self/@RBMapK,V = left;
  let key: self/K = key;
  let maybe_value: self/OptionV = maybe_value;
  let right: self/@RBMapK,V = right;
  match *maybe_value {
  Some(ref value) = {
  let value: self/V = value;
  f((key, value));
  None = ()
  I understand this code reasonably well. I greatly value the attention
  to safety in Rust, and I appreciate the value of pointer lifetimes in
  maintaining that safety.
  My gut reaction, though, is that this code is almost as intimidating
  as Haskell. Even more worrisome to me, I think most mainstream
  programmers would find the *explanation* of this code intimidating.
 I agree that the cognitive load on this code sample is high. This is the
 main risk we took (aside from potential unsoundness, which I didn't
 really think to be a big risk, judging from Niko's comfort with the
 semantics) when adopting first class region pointers: that the resulting
 types would be too complex to understand, and/or require too much
 chatter when writing out in full.
 To my eyes the matter is not yet entirely clear. It's complex but it's
 not quite impossibly complex; if you made all the 'self/' symbols
 into just '' it would be, I think, not so bad. Compare if you like to
 the associated bits of code from libc++ required to implement
 roughly-equivalent iterate through the treemap sort of functionality:

And with this clue, I think I can jump into the discussion because I know
*nothing* about the semantics you are discussing.

This is my wild guess at what is happening in this function, and what is not
obvious, line by line:

   pure fn each(self, f: fn((self/K, self/V)) - bool) {

There is some difference between  and 'ref', but they are both some sort of
'fn' is a callback function that takes a tuple with the key and value.

The self/K syntax is impossible to understand, but given your clue that I
could just assume it doesn't exist, I will guess that
self/K means that the lifetime of K is somehow bound to self, so that the
callback function must copy K and V if they should be retained.  I am pretty
familiar with the concept of alias analysis in a compiler.

It is not obvious why there is a 'self/' instead of 'self/' though.

 match *self {

I'm not sure why we need *self here, but it looks like dereferencing so
we're matching on the structure of the tree.

   Leaf = (),
   Tree(_, ref left, ref key, ref maybe_value, ref right) = {

As I said earlier, why this is 'ref' and not '' is not clear, but it is
obvious that they are both some kind of reference.

 let left: self/@RBMapK,V = left;
 let key: self/K = key;
 let maybe_value: self/OptionV = maybe_value;
 let right: self/@RBMapK,V = right;

The above is sort of straight forward, but I am a little disappointed that
the self/ stuff isn't inferred, given that we have
f((key, value)) below.  I mean, if my intuition on self/ is correct, then
in Haskell at least, the 'self/' part of the 'key' and 'value' would be
inferred by the compiler because of the restriction in the type of 'fn'.


This tells me that the first parameter to the function is special.  I am not
sure whether each(left, f) would be valid or not.


Re: [rust-dev] intimidation factor vs target audience

2013-01-23 Thread Dean Thompson
Benjamin Striegel writes:

Sadly, you should really read this subsequent blog post:

Ok, here's another suggestion:

pure fn each/f/(self, f: fn((/f/K, /f/V)) - bool) { ... }

Lifetimes are always written in slashes. We drop the convention
of using a /self/ lifetime. We require the explicit lifetime
parameter on the function, to minimize magic.

struct StringReader/s/ {
value: /s/str,
count: uint

struct Foo/f/, T: Reader+Eq {
value: /f/T,
count: uint

We treat the lifetime as a type parameter, in  We stick to
requiring that it be explicit on the struct and the field, to
minimize magic. I believe this meets Niko's goal of recognizing
lifetimes in the parser.

struct RefPair/fst/, /snd/, T {
 first: /fst/T,
 second: /snd/T

Multiple lifetime parameters on a struct work fine.
It is clear both to the human reader and to the parser
that /snd/ is another lifetime while T is a type.

impl StringReader {
fn new/f/(value: /f/str) - StringReader/f/ {
StringReader { value: value, count: 0 }

fn value/f/(s: /f/StringReader/f/) - /f/str {
return s.value;

Lots of characters, yes, but the author of the code is
intentionally exercising great control, so I feel it is
worth spelling out what is going on. To my eye, the
consistency of always writing the lifetime in the same
way, /f/, helps tie the mentions of it together. Although
/f/str is less concise than today's syntax f/str, I
feel that /f/str alerts the C++-trained reader that
something special is going on, and perhaps even suggests
that f is a modifier of some kind.

fn remaining(s: StringReader) - uint {
return s.value.len() - s.count;

Here, the author has chosen to exercise less control.

We default to scoping the lifetimes across the function


It's a thought!


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] intimidation factor vs target audience

2013-01-23 Thread Dean Thompson
Lol ‹ I like 'lt

Somehow it makes me laugh compared to the ML usage, but I like it.  Perhaps
it plays off my brain's wiring for reading something like I think 's are
pretty.  (Or for reading brain's, for that matter.)

I like the {lt} approach ok, too, although not as much.  I hadn't noticed
that the ambiguity in your original Option 8 went away when we put the
lifetime in the angle brackets, even if we then used curlies. But yeah, it
feels heavier.


From:  Niko Matsakis
Date:  Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:44 PM
To:  Dean Thompson
Subject:  Re: [rust-dev] intimidation factor vs target audience

Dean Thompson wrote:
 Personally, though, I find myself increasingly attracted to the idea of
 having a consistent notation for writing a lifetime everywhere one
 appears, independently of the  symbol. (/lt/ is the only such notation
 I've found yet that seems reasonable.)

I like this idea too, I just don't like /lt/ for that role.

Maybe `'`? (shades of ML)

'lt Foo

That actually doesn't look half bad to me.

Maybe `.`?

.lt Foo

I don't like, but .lt Foo and Foolt might be ok, though it
doesn't adhere to the principle (in that lifetime names are just like any
other identifier).

Another option:

{lt} Foo

But the latter form feels pretty sigil heavy.


Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] intimidation factor vs target audience

2013-01-22 Thread Dean Thompson
I am new to Rust, but quite excited about it.  I have read most of the

I'm looking at some code that Niko Matsakis updated in

  pure fn each(self, f: fn((self/K, self/V)) - bool) {
match *self {
  Leaf = (),
  Tree(_, ref left, ref key, ref maybe_value, ref right) = {
let left: self/@RBMapK,V = left;
let key: self/K = key;
let maybe_value: self/OptionV = maybe_value;
let right: self/@RBMapK,V = right;
match *maybe_value {
Some(ref value) = {
let value: self/V = value;
f((key, value));
None = ()

I understand this code reasonably well. I greatly value the attention
to safety in Rust, and I appreciate the value of pointer lifetimes in
maintaining that safety.

My gut reaction, though, is that this code is almost as intimidating
as Haskell. Even more worrisome to me, I think most mainstream
programmers would find the *explanation* of this code intimidating.

Who is our target audience for Rust? Graydon has said it is
frustrated C++ developers, but how sophisticated and how brave
are we thinking they will be?

(I'd like to think of myself as a team member who is just getting
started, so while deferring to the senior folks, I'll say we.)

How intimidating do we think Rust is today? Am I just overreacting
to unfamiliarity?

How can we calibrate our intimidation factor before language
decisions start getting harder to change?

Do we want (and is it feasible) to define a simpler subset of the
language that beginners are encouraged to stick to and that most
libraries don't force clients away from?


Dean Thompson

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] intimidation factor vs target audience

2013-01-22 Thread Dean Thompson
Looking at Niko's blog post

We do, to my eye, get a huge improvement if we both tweak the notation and
also augment the ref deconstruction syntax to indicate the resulting

Doing this with Niko's preferred option 8 gives us:

pure fn each(self, f: fn(({self}K, {self}V)) - bool) {
match *self {
  Leaf = (),
  Tree(_, ref{self} left, ref{self} key,
   ref{self} maybe_value, ref{self} right) = {
match *maybe_value {
Some(ref{self} value) = {
f((key, value));
None = ()

FWIW, Niko's ${foo}bar notation helps my mental parser a great deal,
because it 
makes foo look like a modifier to me. When I see foo/bar, my mind fights
to make 
it a pointer to foo with a strange trailing bar.


On 1/22/13 9:23 AM, Graydon Hoare wrote:

On 22/01/2013 6:55 AM, Dean Thompson wrote:

 I'm looking at some code that Niko Matsakis updated in
   pure fn each(self, f: fn((self/K, self/V)) - bool) {
 match *self {
   Leaf = (),
   Tree(_, ref left, ref key, ref maybe_value, ref right) = {
 let left: self/@RBMapK,V = left;
 let key: self/K = key;
 let maybe_value: self/OptionV = maybe_value;
 let right: self/@RBMapK,V = right;
 match *maybe_value {
 Some(ref value) = {
 let value: self/V = value;
 f((key, value));
 None = ()
 I understand this code reasonably well. I greatly value the attention
 to safety in Rust, and I appreciate the value of pointer lifetimes in
 maintaining that safety.
 My gut reaction, though, is that this code is almost as intimidating
 as Haskell. Even more worrisome to me, I think most mainstream
 programmers would find the *explanation* of this code intimidating.

I agree that the cognitive load on this code sample is high. This is the
main risk we took (aside from potential unsoundness, which I didn't
really think to be a big risk, judging from Niko's comfort with the
semantics) when adopting first class region pointers: that the resulting
types would be too complex to understand, and/or require too much
chatter when writing out in full.

To my eyes the matter is not yet entirely clear. It's complex but it's
not quite impossibly complex; if you made all the 'self/' symbols
into just '' it would be, I think, not so bad. Compare if you like to
the associated bits of code from libc++ required to implement
roughly-equivalent iterate through the treemap sort of functionality:

__tree_iterator operator++() {
__ptr_ = static_cast__node_pointer(
return *this;

template class _NodePtr
__tree_next(_NodePtr __x) _NOEXCEPT
if (__x-__right_ != nullptr)
return __tree_min(__x-__right_);
while (!__tree_is_left_child(__x))
__x = __x-__parent_;
return __x-__parent_;

template class _NodePtr
__tree_is_left_child(_NodePtr __x) _NOEXCEPT
return __x == __x-__parent_-__left_;

template class _NodePtr
__tree_min(_NodePtr __x) _NOEXCEPT
while (__x-__left_ != nullptr)
__x = __x-__left_;
return __x;

And keep in mind that there is no memory-safety in that code: if I
invalidate a C++ map while iterating, I just get a wild pointer
dereference and crash. If I rewrote it in terms of shared_ptr it'd be
even chattier.

 Who is our target audience for Rust? Graydon has said it is
 frustrated C++ developers, but how sophisticated and how brave
 are we thinking they will be?

The target audience is frustrated C++ developers, same as always. If
they balk at the syntax for lifetime-bounds on borrowed pointers, then
yes, we've blown the cognitive budget, and have failed.

It is not clear to me yet that that's true. But it's a risk. One we're
all aware of and worried about.

 How intimidating do we think Rust is today? Am I just overreacting
 to unfamiliarity?

I don't know. It's a very hard thing to measure. I know of lots of
languages that have failed for this reason. It's a major hazard.

 How can we calibrate our intimidation factor before language
 decisions start getting harder to change?

If you search our mailing list, IRC logs or meeting minutes for
cognitive budget, cognitive load or cognitive burden you will see
we have always been keenly aware of this risk and treat it as a primary
constraint when doing design work. It's a leading reason why many
features have been removed