[sage-support] Re: Installation Guide - german translation

2010-04-12 Thread gsw

da brat mir einer einen Storch, nach Franzoesisch geht es los mit den
Uebersetzungen ins Deutsche! Aber Butter bei die Fische, ganz
abgesehen davon, dass der Originaltext sehr inhomogen, und teils
grauenhaft veraltet ist --- Stilblueten wie die Ueberschrift Schritte
der Installation aus der Quelle treten leider haeufiger auf. Und ganz
ohne, dass sie auf Unzulaenglichkeiten der Vorlage zurueckzufuehren
Andererseits baut eine Adresse wie die im mit Um Fehler des Documents
zu melden oder für Anregungen ... beginnenden Absatz angegebene
sagemath- at -arcor.de nicht gerade Vertrauen auf. Das soziale
Netzwerk rund herum um das Sage-Projekt lebt davon, dass
weitestgehende Offenheit herrscht. Fuer so eine mehr oder weniger
private Adresse ist leider nicht klar, was mit den Mails geschieht.
Ein Ausschlusskriterium an sich. Geschweige denn, dass auch Jahre
spaeter in den Fragen und Antworten gestoebert werden koennte, von
jedem, der sich dafuer interessiert. Und dass dort Fragen nur und
allein zur deutschen Uebersetzung des Installationshandbuchs behandelt
werden, das wird ein Hilfesuchender im Zweifelsfalle eben doch nicht
glauben wollen!
Zu guter Letzt ist nun mal vor einiger Zeit die Entscheidung für ReST/
Sphinx gefallen. Der Riesenvorteil wird erst über einen laengeren
Zeitraum klar, naemlich dass die unweigerlich notwendig werdenden
Korrekturen und Ergaenzungen im ganz normalen Aenderungsprozess (via
Trac) einfach und elegant abgehandelt werden koennen.
Ist es denn zuviel verlangt, sich gleich von Anfang an daran (ReST/
Sphinx) zu halten?

Viele Gruesse,

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[sage-support] Re: installation problems for Sage binary on Mac

2010-01-26 Thread gsw
On 24 Jan., 15:38, davidgal...@gmail.com davidgal...@gmail.com
 I downloaded


 copied the contents to my disk and tried to execute sage.
 I received the messages

 | Sage Version 4.3.1, Release Date: 2010-01-20                       |
 | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
 env: python: Bad CPU type in executable

 Mac Mini 1.66GHz Core 2
 MacOS X 10.6.2


it seems that there are two different people reporting two different
problems here.

 - On Mac OS X 10.5.8, the respective 10.5 dmg of Sage should be
used (do not expect the 10.6 one to work, sorry).

 - On a Mac Mini with 1.66GHz, I presume you haven't got a Core 2
CPU, but instead a 1.66 GHz Intel Core Duo (T2300) CPU.

Sorry, we don't have access to an old Core Duo machine (as opposed
to the newer Core 2 Duo machines, which are not only faster, but
have an enhanced command set). So in the latter case, I fear you'll
have to download a Sage source distribution and build Sage yourself
(type make, wait a few hours, but that's it).


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[sage-support] Re: f2py on mac

2010-01-21 Thread gsw

I have to build the OS X 10.4 versions of Sage 4.3.1 right now, but
will have a look at that one. Thanks!

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[sage-support] mac dmg file broken

2009-12-29 Thread gsw

On 29 Dez., 07:14, William Stein wst...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 9:55 PM, davidgal...@gmail.com

 davidgal...@gmail.com wrote:
  I downloaded the G4 PowerPC dmg file (all 409 MB) and gried to mount
  Received a message that the file was damaged. Mounted it anyway and
  tried to
  copy it to my hard disk. The copy failed.

  I note that the dmg contained a folder named sage rather than the
  which appeared on the intel dmg.

  This broken file syndrome had occurred on an earlier mark of sage.

 I built the binary.  I recall that the build machine has a
 case-sensitive filesystem, so that's likely the problem.      Harald
 -- can you remove the binary, then add a new one if somebody else
 provides ones for that machine.  I can't build one, evidently, since
 the build machine I have access to is actually not mine.



first of all: the newly uploaded  sage-4.3-OSX10.4-32bit-G4-
PowerMacintosh-Darwin.dmg, MD5: a2a669c7598aed3f38f05e93c04f4d9e,
approx. 420 MB in size, should be fine and do the job now. Please note
that it is not an Mac App build, however, but an old style one.

Now for some clarifications: the broken .dmg originally mentioned in
this thread is not a G4 .dmg --- probably there was a confusion with
the 4 that comes from Mac OS X 10.4. That .dmg had the name
sage-4.3-osx10.4-powerpc-PowerMacintosh-Darwin.dmg, md5 sum MD5:
ff6cc952b96b04589fda6fad03a0b4eb  and was approx. 409 MB in size.

There were two problems with that one. Firstly, it was build on a case-
sensitive file-system. If you have a non-case-sensitive file-system
(e.g. an old HFS one), than simply drag-and-drop from the opened dmg
does not work. (The workaround in the accompagnying Readme-File (via
cp -R -P ...) does work, I tested it.) Secondly, that Sage binary was
obviously built on a machine with a PowerPC G5 (again: *not* a G4),
since on a G4 machine, Sage does not start up with a well known error-
message (incompatible cpu-subtype in libgmp.3.dylib). So for certain
settings, it was perfectly usable, but it was removed nevertheless
from the servers.


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[sage-support] mac dmg file broken

2009-12-29 Thread gsw

 I have access to a PowerPC G4 with 10.4.11. I can try my hand at
 producing the binary. Can someone help me out and point me to the


Hi Franco,

thank you for your offer!

I think you posted your answer before reading mine above; the job is
already done (go e.g. to the mirror 
and you'll already see the file sage-4.3-OSX10.4-32bit-G4-
PowerMacintosh-Darwin.dmg which should do the job).

To answer your original question:

- download and unpack the source (tarred) distribution on your PowerPC
Mac in a filesystem which is not case-sensitive (default for older HFS
ones on Mac)

- in a (bash) terminal, cd to this directory, and type:

- export SAGE_BINARY_BUILD=yes

- make

- (wait some hours)

- export SAGE_APP_DMG = yes

- ./sage -bdist 4.3-OSX10.4-32bit-G4

- (wait a bit more)

- smoketest the .dmg (to be found under the new dist/ subdir), i.e.
open it, install sage from it, run that install with some commands
like ModularSymbols(53,2,1), open the notebook(), check some entry
in the help/documentation

- upload the .dmg to someplace

Additionally to (not instead of!) export SAGE_APP_DMG = yes you can
do export SAGE_APP_BUNDLE = yes, if you wish to create a Mac App

The TiBook I use has only a 550Mhz CPU, what are the specs of the G4
Mac you have access to? Could you help out building the G4 dmg every
now and then?


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[sage-support] Re: sage 4.1.2 MacOSX 10.4.11 set-up error

2009-10-24 Thread gsw

Hi there,

sorry for delayed answer. This snippet from the above log shows what
the problem is:

  Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
3.dylib: incompatible cpu-subtype

It means (with a very high probability ...) you took a Sage binary
built on MacPPC with a G5 processor, and now try to run it on a MacPPC
with only a G4 processor (or maybe a G3, there are still some in use
out there with Sage running on them).
Yesterday I uploaded a(nother) MacPPC OS X 10.4 Sage binary
sage-4.1.2-OSX10.4-32bit-G4-PowerMacintosh-Darwin.dmg  (note the
G4 in the name) to


for exactly this reason. It should appear sooner or later in the usual
download places (maybe not, if Sage 4.2 is released very soon), but
anyway, you can fetch it from there.

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[sage-support] Re: Naming Conventions for Mac PPC binaries

2009-10-24 Thread gsw


if you've got an IBookG4, and try to run a MacPPC Sage binary without
a ...G4... in its name, you very likely hit the error reported in
this recent other thread:


I do agree that the namings are sub-optimal ... hopefully trac ticket
#7235 leads to some improvement w.r.t. the information in the

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[sage-support] Re: Problem building Sage 4.1 from source on Fedora 11

2009-07-20 Thread gsw


thanks for the report!
It seems to me a known bug, whose patch is already at:
but which isn't incorporated in Sage-4.1 yet.
Hopefully the patch (is good and) will make it into Sage-4.1.1.

Kind regards,
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[sage-support] Re: Sage Installation on Mac OS X 10.5.7

2009-06-21 Thread gsw

On 21 Jun., 15:01, William Stein wst...@gmail.com wrote:
 2009/6/21 quark123 alexwo...@gmail.com:

  1. I am running Mac OS X 10.5.7.
  2. I downloaded sage-4.0.1-OSX10.5.PowerPC-PowerMacIntosh-Darwin.dmg
  3. When I run the Unix Executable file sage using Terminal, I get the
  following error:

  local/bin/sage-sage: line 198:   407 Illegal instruction     sage-
  ipython $@ -i

  4. What do I have to do?


 Do you have a G4 or a G5?
 Your option are either build from source or wait for us to produce a binary
 that works on your hardware.


As soon as the ...G4... Mac OS X binary for Sage 4.0.2 has been
mirrored out, please download and test it, and report back. It has
OSX10.4 in its name, but should work fine on OS X 10.5. Since it is
built on a 550MHz PowerBook, it always quite a little longer than th
other builds. (It is done by now, but I have yet to test it, to upload
it, and then it has to be put on the server.)


I'll open a trac ticket for issuing a better error message ...

 William Stein
 Associate Professor of Mathematics
 University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org
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[sage-support] Re: How to doctest a pyx file?

2009-06-20 Thread gsw

On 20 Jun., 08:15, Simon King simon.k...@uni-jena.de wrote:

 On 19 Jun., 10:30, Simon King simon.k...@uni-jena.de wrote:

  Note that things worked in the past, when I had the following:
  - mtx.so was in the current directory
  - I set SAGE_PATH to the current directory
  - I did sage -t -long -optional mtx.pyx

  What is the difference?

 Apparently the difference lies in Sage and not in my tests. I just
 tried again the exact setting in which testing my extension modules
 used to work -- now it fails, since sage -t mtx.pyx tries to compile
 mtx.pyx for whatever reason.

Hi Simon,

first of all: yes, you are right. A few versions ago, sage -t ...
worked differently. I dimly remember one or two threads on sage-devel
about people wanting to doctest arbitrary files in arbitrary
directories, which didn't work as they expected back then.

If I understand it correctly, the doctesting mechanism was changed, to
be part of (or to make use of) the load/attach mechanism of Sage ---
so if you can successfully load foobar.pyx into Sage, you also
should be able to doctest it, with current Sage versions. But for most
stuff which is greater than one file, the current behaviour is worse
than it was before and is a regression IMHO.

And also for me, these code changes did break some setup of mine,
where I had installed own stuff in .../python/site-packages/...

I could make doctesting my code (extension modules) work again in two
hours or so mainly by inserting some of these infamous #clib ...
#cinclude ... poor-man's pragmas I heartily dislike.

If you wish, we could discuss this topic further and in depth on sage-
devel (where it belongs), just open a thread there.

 Couldn't sage -t just take any text file, search for sage: prompts
 etc, and verify the output?

I didn't check it, but if you move all your doctests out of a *.pyx
file into another file --- say a *.py file with the necessary
imports --- then doctesting this new file should work fine. At least
for me, this is not an alternative, because I want to have the
doctests in the very same file and as close to the source code lines
they test.

 Another idea.

 Let knight be a (python) package or module. Is there a function
 (say, recursive_doc_test) in Sage that does the doc tests for knight
 and, recursively, for its contents (functions; classes; methods of
 these classes; other modules, if knight is a package; ...) and returns
 the results of the test as a string? I mean
   sage: import knight
   sage: recursive_doc_test(knight)
   'The following items had faiilures:
    In knight.Ni.Shrubbery, l. 12:

 The line number would refer to the 12th line in the doc string of the
 class knight.Ni.Shrubbery, say.

 Is there anything of that kind in sage? Should there be?

Doctesting is done on the shell level. There, you can say sage -t
mydir/ and all the files under mydir and its subdirectories are
doctested in one go. Since python modules are grouped hierarchically,
this comes very close to what you described. Any shell commands may be
issued from inside Sage (since you can from within Python: os.system
(command arguments), and the output piped into a file or what you
like. So essentially, everything is already there and available. But
kind of low-level ...

 The disadvantage would be that recursive_doc_test probably couldn't
 test cdef-methods.

If inside Sage something polished existed as you describe it, most
probably one *could* doctest cdef-methods with it. At least it should
be written this way IMHO.


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[sage-support] Re: Mac OS X 10.4 32bit G4 Support

2009-06-15 Thread gsw

On 12 Jun., 08:55, paramaniac luka...@student.ethz.ch wrote:
 After 9 hours of hard work, my brave PowerBook G4 800MHz 1GB managed

Well, imagine how hard my brave PowerBook G4 550 MHz 768MB has to
work ... and it did build all the Sage OS X 10.4 PPC G4 versions from
3.4 on. This also explains why these builds are usually a bit behind
the others.

 to compile Sage 4.0.1 :-) The result can be found 
 The process was much easier than I thought. Interestingly, Sage became

Hey, thanks for the effort! Sage is a community project, after all!

 much bigger (1.5GB) and 680MB compressed.

Normally, in a bdist all the .../spkg/standard/*.spkg files are
replaced by placeholder files, to save space.

 Now I have a question for the next release of Sage:
 Are there any specific export commands to optimize the build for a
 ppc7450 machine?

Not that I knew of --- Atlas, gmp-mpir, and some other packages seem
however to recognize the CPU quite good, and optimize accordingly.
IIRC, there once was an isue with a Sage PPC version built on a Mac
with a PPC G5 CPU, and the optimizations performed prevented Sage to
run on G3/G4 Macs.


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[sage-support] Re: installing binary of sage-3.4.1 OSX10.4 on G4

2009-05-04 Thread gsw

Hi all,

after several attempts I was able to produce a Sage-3.4.1dmg the
contents of which are drag-and-droppable, and the issue should not
arise again (knock on wood) for future versions of Sage. Sorry for
that! I expect Sage 3.4.2 to be out before the end of the week, so you
might want to wait for this one. I don't know if the re-made
Sage-3.4.1dmg will make it to the official Sage download page,
poke me if you need it.

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[sage-support] Re: installing binary of sage-3.4.1 OSX10.4 on G4

2009-05-03 Thread gsw

Hi sage-support,
thanks for reporting this. As was noted in a message above:

 The README.text file includes

  ** WARNING ** If you get an error copying the folder do the
     Do not drag the the folder out of the dmg image. Use the
     shell (via Terminal) and do a
      cp -R -P /Volumes/sage-2.9.2-OSX10.4-intel-i386-Darwin/sage .
     from the location where you want to install to. Adjust the name of
     Volume as needed.

and I just took that .dmg, opened it, opened a terminal session, cd'ed
to a test directory, and executed the adjusted command (e.g. enter cp
-R -P /Volumes/sage-, use tab completion, then add /sage . at the

cp -R -P /Volumes/sage-3.4.1-OSX10.4-32bit-G4-PowerMacintosh-
PowerMacintosh-Darwin/sage .

and it worked fine. Everything was copied, including the sage/spkg/
Please test this, and report back (whether it has worked, or not),
thank you!

@Michael, Justin:
The Readme.txt has not been updated since sage-2.9.2 (obviously),
but essentially it describes correctly what to do --- at least to me
it was obvious that Adjust the name of the Volume as needed. leads
to the above command, and a working Sage. Since I am a developer,
things obvious to me might not be so obvious to other people ... but
this means I might be the wrong person to try to rephrase the

I had noticed with this 3.4.1 .dmg that dragging and dropping did
not work. I don't remember exactly with which version, but I had had
another .dmg (not -bdisted by me) with the same problem a while ago.
Since the Readme.txt already adressed this issue, I didn't care
much, guessing this was some familiar Sage/Mac oddity. I'll poke
around a bit nevertheless, if I can manage to create a drag-and-
droppable version.


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