Thought for the day 30.5.17

2017-05-29 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



The core of this Universe is the Supreme Self (Paramatma). We can describe the 
Universe but the Supreme Self is beyond all description. Both the cognisable 
and the non-cognisable have emanated from the same One Indivisible 
Consciousness. Each is full and complete in itself. The individual 
consciousness is the manifestation of the Cosmic Consciousness. When the 
material sheath falls off, it merges in its source. The Vedas declare, “This is 
full, that is full. From the full emerges the full. When the Full is taken from 
the full, the full remains full”. So the Cosmos, the World, the Individual - 
all are embodiments of the Full. Nothing is fractional or incomplete. Hence all 
is indeed Divine. But this awareness of the immanence of the Universal can come 
to your experience when the ‘I’ consciousness is forgotten. When the ‘I’ in you 
disappears, you automatically become fit to know the ‘non-I’. (Divine 
Discourse, Apr 5, 1981)

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Thought for the day 29.5.17

2017-05-28 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Though humanity has achieved incalculable progress in science and technology, 
the mind of every individual is still polluted with greed, envy and gross 
selfishness. Egotism has struck deep roots in the heart and has grown to 
demonic proportions. People have become puppets, yielding to every pull of the 
string. They crave all things that confer temporary happiness on them and 
accumulate things that cater to their sense of power. They examine every item 
from their own selfish point of view. They are therefore enslaved by the 
monsters – envy, pride, fear and prejudice. True knowledge alone can save 
mankind from ruinous downfall. Sai has reiterated the four goals laid down in 
the Vedas. They are Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. Humanity must 
understand the importance of these four goals as foundational pillars, accept 
them, adore them and practice them in daily living. Only then Divinity latent 
within can shine forth in all its glory. (Divine Discourse, Mar 8, 1981)

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Thought for the day 2.5.17

2017-05-27 Thread saimsg

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Prophesies & more 


 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



The Sadhana (spiritual practice) of selfless service to better another being’s 
condition is superior to the Sadhana aimed at one’s own liberation. Worship God 
in His manifestation as mankind. Every one is a child of God, whatever the 
colour, caste, creed, and language. This sense of unity has to be fostered. 
Serving to fellow beings, is indeed worshipping God! You have in you both the 
talent and the desire to uplift your fellow beings. The country needs your 
service urgently today. In simple language, persuade fellow-beings to give up 
habits that undermine their health and peace, and promote in them the qualities 
of mutual aid, truthfulness and nonviolence! God welcomed the urge to manifest 
the Cosmos. “Ekoham Bahusyam (I am One; I shall become Many)”, He said to 
Himself. You must also feel the need to blossom and expand. Derive bliss in the 
process, possess it and share it, in order to increase it. (Divine Discourse, 
Jan 4, 1987)

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FW: Thought for the day 25.5.17

2017-05-25 Thread saimsg

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mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba 
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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Prahlada was immersed in the thought of his beloved Lord, when he was thrown 
downhill, trampled by the elephant and tortured at the direction of his father. 
He paid no heed, for he heeded only his Lord; he needed only his Lord. The 
cowherd maidens lost all attachment to the world and to the senses when they 
listened to Krishna’s flute; they yearned for the sublime spiritual merger with 
the infinite Lord. By the purification of impulses, one gets into the higher 
stage where the mystery of the Divine is grasped — this is the 
realm-of-spirituality (salokya) stage. Then by contemplation of the Divine, the 
stages of proximity to Divinity (Sameepyam) and likeness of the form of 
Divinity (Sarupyam), are won. Many great mystic poets like Jayadeva attained 
this height and sang in that strain. But if you sing that song in the same way, 
Krishna will not appear. He wants sincerity, not imitation. (Divine Discourse, 
March 1963)

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Thought for the day 25.5.17

2017-05-24 Thread saimsg

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mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba 
Prophesies & more 


 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



The passionate and ignorant (Rajasic and Tamasic) forces besieging your heart 
are bent on your downfall. Just as they give calcium and vitamin tablets to 
cure anaemia, take Repetition-of-the-Name tablets to get rid of mental anaemia 
and other illnesses. The Lord’s Name is the Narasimha for the Hiranyakasipu of 
the mind (the Avatar Narasimha slew the evil Hiranyakasipu). There are some 
throat pastilles or lozenges, which you have to keep in your mouth and swallow 
slowly in order to relieve a cough; similarly, keep the Lord’s Name on your 
tongue and imbibe its taste slowly to get rid of the troublesome upsurge of 
passions and emotions. Keep the Name lit on the tongue; it will illumine your 
interior and also the exterior. It will cleanse your mind as well as minds of 
those who listen to the Name when you recite it. Keeping it on the tongue is 
like keeping a lamp lit on the entrance doorstep of your house. (Divine 
Discourse, Apr 29, 1963)

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Thought for the day 24.5.17

2017-05-23 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Do not grieve that the Lord is testing you and putting you through the ordeal 
of undergoing the tests, for it is only when you are tested that you can assure 
yourself of success or become aware of your limitations. You can then 
concentrate on the subjects in which you are deficient and pay more intensive 
attention, so that you can pass in them too when you are tested again. Don’t 
study for the examination at the last moment; study well in advance and be 
ready with the necessary essential knowledge and with the courage and 
confidence born out of the well-acquired knowledge and skill. What you have 
studied well in advance must be rolled over and over in the mind, just previous 
to the examination; that is all that should be done. This is the pathway to 
victory. (Shivaratri Discourse, Mar 1963)

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Thought for the day 23.5.17

2017-05-22 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



The greatest disease is the absence of peace. When the mind is peaceful, your 
body will be healthy. So everyone who craves for good health must pay attention 
to their emotions, feelings, and motives that animates them. Just as you wash 
clothes, you must wash your mind free from dirt every day. To cleanse your mind 
you should mix in good company and avoid dirt elements like falsehood, 
injustice, indiscipline, cruelty, hate, etc. Truth, righteousness, peace, love 
- these form the clean elements. If you inhale the pure air of clean elements, 
your mind will be free from evil viruses and bacilli, and you will be mentally 
sturdy and physically strong. As Swami Vivekananda said, you should have nerves 
of steel and muscles of iron. You must brim in hope and joy as your unshakable 
resolution, not display despair and dejection. (Divine Discourse, Sep 21, 1960)

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FW: Thought for the day 19.5.17

2017-05-18 Thread saimsg



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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today





All the five elements have been created by the will of the Supreme. They must 
be used with reverential care and vigilant discrimination. Reckless use of any 
of them will only rebound on you with tremendous harm. Nature outside must be 
handled with discretion, caution and awe. It is the same with our inner 
‘nature’ and internal instruments too! Of these, two are capable of vast harm - 
the tongue and one’s lust. Since lust is aroused and inflamed by the food 
consumed and the drink taken in, the tongue needs greater attention. While your 
eye, ear and nose have single uses, the tongue makes itself available for two 
purposes: to judge taste and to utter word - symbols of communication. You must 
control the tongue with double care, since it can harm you in two ways. Sage 
Patanjali, the author of Yoga Sutras has declared that when tongue is 
conquered, victory is yours! (Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1968)

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Thought for the day 18.5.17

2017-05-17 Thread saimsg

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mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba 
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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Good and bad, wealth and poverty, praise and blame go together in this world. 
You cannot derive happiness out of happiness (na sukhat labhate sukham). 
Happiness comes only out of sorrow. A wealthy man today may become a pauper 
tomorrow. Similarly, a pauper may become a rich man some day or other. Today 
you are being praised, but tomorrow you may be criticised. To consider praise 
and blame, happiness and sorrow, prosperity and adversity with equal-mindedness 
is the hallmark of a true human being. The Gita declares, “Remain equal-minded 
in happiness and sorrow, gain and loss, victory and defeat (sukha dukhe same 
kritva labhalabhau jayajayau). You can truly enjoy your life as a human being 
only when you consider both sorrow and happiness, profit and loss with 
equanimity. There is no value for happiness without sorrow. Therefore, welcome 
sorrow if you want to experience real happiness. (Divine Discourse, Jul 9, 1996)

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Thought for the day 16.5.17

2017-05-16 Thread saimsg

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mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba 
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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



The word surrender has been misinterpreted and people promote idleness in the 
name of surrender. We think that we have surrendered our mind and body to the 
Lord. Your mind is not under your own control, how then can you hold it and 
give it to the Lord? You have no control over your own body too. So to say that 
you have surrendered your mind and body to the Lord is untrue! The flute is a 
very good example of an instrument close to the Lord and the one great quality 
in the flute is its complete surrender. There is nothing left inside the flute 
– it has no residual desires and is completely hollow. Like the flute has nine 
holes, our body also has nine holes. If we successfully remove the pulp of 
desire from our body, then there is no doubt that our body-flute will also 
become nearer and dearer to the Lord. (Summer Showers in Brindavan 1974, Vol 1, 
Ch 3)

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Thought for the day 15.5.17

2017-05-14 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Everyone must be interested in knowing about the experiences of ideal ones who 
struggled to arrive at the Truth; for all should have an ideal to strive for, a 
goal to be reached. For saplings to grow, soil is essential; for ideals to get 
implanted, knowledge of the struggles and successes of saints and sages is 
essential. These experiences are not uniform; each spiritual aspirant has a 
different story to tell, depending upon their equipment and enthusiasm. So the 
vision and the glory are different, though all are divine. Take the case of 
Sage Agastya. He is reported to have drunk the ocean completely in one sip. The 
real meaning of this is, he dried up the ocean of the objective world 
(samsara), with its waves of grief and joy, prosperity and adversity, success 
and failure. ‘Drinking the ocean’ is not a special feat; it is a parable 
explaining that though he was a married man with a son, he conquered all 
attachments of the world. (Divine Discourse, Feb 8, 1963)

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Thought for the day 10.5.17

2017-05-10 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today 



You are unnecessarily struggling and planning several schemes, thinking about 
them day and night. In spite of all your struggles, what has to go out of your 
hands will go. Divinity in all the human beings is one and the same. The body 
is like a water bubble. The mind is like a mad monkey. If you follow this mad 
monkey, you will get into trouble. In the same manner, if you believe in the 
body, you do not know when this body, which is like a water bubble, will burst. 
Nothing is permanent. Only the Divine Self (Atma) is eternal and immortal. ‘I’, 
‘Self’, ‘God’ are all different names by which God, the Atmaswarupa is called. 
God incarnated as Rama, Krishna and the like, and underwent several 
difficulties to demonstrate great ideals. Finally, every one of them left their 
mortal coil. The physical bodies of the Avatars undergo changes, but the Divine 
Soul (Atma) in their bodies remains the same. It is omnipresent, eternal, 
changeless and transcends time. (Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 2009)

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FW: Thought for the day 9.5.17

2017-05-08 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today 



It is indeed foolishness to single out a particular day in a year and celebrate 
only that day with great joy. Everything in this objective world is impermanent 
and unreal. Hence we must contemplate on the eternal truth and reality. We 
should not waste our time brooding over the past or anticipating the future. It 
is great foolishness to worry about the future or the past, forgetting the 
present. The present is only real. Past is past, you cannot get it back, 
however much you pray for it. The future is hidden in the womb of time. Unable 
to internalise this truth, people worry about past and future. Hence, from now, 
give importance to the present. It is important that you consider every minute 
of your every day and celebrate it with new joy! Indeed, for a true devotee, 
every day is new; every day is a festival day! (Divine Discourse, Jan 01, 2004)

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Thought for the day 08.05.17

2017-05-07 Thread saimsg

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mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba 
Prophesies & more 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today 


You should realise that for every action there is a consequence. The results of 
each action depend on the nature of the action, just as the nature of the tree 
depends on the seed which is sowed. The consequences of one’s actions are 
inescapable and it is for this reason that the Emperor Manu laid down that all 
should observe righteousness (Dharma). The consequences of actions may appear 
sooner or later but they are bound to occur. When you constantly think of God 
and perform all actions with divine feelings, you will experience the full 
blossoming of the human qualities. You cannot avoid actions. You must transform 
work into worship. You have to perform work in this spirit. You cannot 
substitute prayer for work. You have to combine both work and worship. Hence 
from now on, consider your every action as dedicated to God. (Divine Discourse, 
Aug 31, 1992)

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Thought for the day 07.05.17

2017-05-07 Thread saimsg

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mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba 
Prophesies & more 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today 


Develop the quality of love. Do not hate anyone. Develop the faith that 
whatever happens to you is good for you. Think that whenever you encounter any 
difficulty or suffering, you alone are responsible for it. On the other hand, 
if you insult anyone knowingly or unknowingly, that someone else may punish you 
some day. Pleasure and pain are the products of your own making. The merit or 
sin you commit, follows you like a shadow always. Many today give sermons to 
others, without they themselves following what they advice. What value will 
your advice have? Whenever you read or listen to a noble thought, it is of no 
value to you until you practice it assiduously. Help your fellow human beings 
at least in a small measure. You will be helped in return when you need it 
most. Never blame others for the difficulties you face. Never abuse anyone. 
Love all and treat everyone as your brothers and sisters. (Divine Discourse, 
Jan 01, 2004)

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mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba 
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Thought for the day 05.05.17

2017-05-04 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Mother is not just an ordinary woman; she is verily God. Scriptures give
mothers an exalted position in the Universe. Worship her and attain her
grace. Once you have the blessings of your mother, you can achieve anything
in this world. Never disobey or displease her. Never cause displeasure to
your mother. Never hurt her feelings. Then God will help you in all your
endeavours. Even today, there is no dearth of noble mothers. They feel
pained to see their children straying away from the right path. They leave
no stone unturned to correct them. A woman's prayer is more powerful than a
thousand prayers of men because women are pure and tender-hearted. Never
look down upon women. Treat all elderly women as your mother and the younger
ones as your sisters. The world will remain safe and secure only when men
have such noble feelings. (Divine Discourse, May 6 2001)

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Thought for the day 04.05.17

2017-05-03 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today






The more you grind the sandalwood, the more it yields sandal paste. The more
you crush the sugarcane, the more it yields sweet juice. As the gold is
heated more and more, it becomes purer and shines with added brilliance.
Likewise, the good qualities in a noble person blossom more and more as one
passes through the vicissitudes of life. Embodiments of Love! The
difficulties of life do not cause any hindrance to a person pursuing a noble
course of life. In spite of these, he always remains at peace and
contemplates on God constantly. Of all the living beings, to be born a human
being is the rarest occurrence (Jantunam Narajanma Durlabham), so this life
that you are gifted with is indeed a great good fortune. Having been blessed
with such a human birth, you should develop noble thoughts and experience
bliss within. Only then will you be truly fortunate. (Divine Discourse, May
06, 2001)

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Thought for the day 03.05.17

2017-05-02 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




A pure devotee is one who possesses the quality of Udasina, being
indifferent to external happening. The other quality a devotee must have is
being free from egoism and possessiveness. And one should also get rid of
the idea of doership and ownership and surrender everything to God. Krishna
has declared in the Gita that such a devotee is dear to Him. Such a devotee
naturally develops detachment towards all worldly concerns and is
indifferent to the happenings in the phenomenal world. He is indifferent to
praise or blame, pleasure or pain. Another quality you must have is giving
up attachment to the fruits of one's actions. Everything belongs to the
Divine. Hence, engage yourself in worthy acts and experience God. Everyone
in the divine mission, unaffected by success or failure, joy or sorrow, will
receive God's grace abundantly. (Divine Discourse, Oct 3, 1996)

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Tought for the day 02.05.17

2017-05-01 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Since times immemorial, you have an eternal, infinite and unbroken link to
the Atma (Self). Bhagavatam declares, "It is natural for every living
creature to go back to the source from where it came." You emerged from the
Divine (Atma) and you must merge in the Divine. Till the goal is reached, do
not treat lightly the sacred journey of life. Ask yourself, where did you
come from? Not from your mother! Your mother gifted the body, but the Soul
came from the Lord. You are not the body nor the senses nor the mind. You
are the Atma alone. Each of you is a child of immortality. That being the
case, why are you seeking this anrutha (untruth)? What is the way to
immortality? Removal of immorality is the only way to immortality. Bad
traits and evil qualities like attachment, hatred and envy, make you distant
from God. Get rid of them, God becomes nearer and dearer to you. (Divine
Discourse, Oct 3, 1996)

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Tought for the day 01.05.17

2017-04-30 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Lord Krishna indicated the qualities one should possess to enable them to
earn the love of the Lord. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna declared,
desirelessness (Anapeksha) as the first important quality. All sensual
pleasures are ephemeral. But most people are content with sensual pleasures.
Greater than the sensual is the transcendental path, Shreyo marga, which
confers lasting bliss. When you do any action as an offering to God, it gets
sanctified. Such an act becomes anapeksha (a desireless act). Every selfless
act of devotion becomes an action free from the taint of desire. The second
quality is purity (Shuchi). What is required is both internal and external
purity. God cares only for Chitta-shuddhi (purity of the mind). The third
quality is dhaksha. This means that the devotee should be steadfast and
unwavering in any situation. With their mind firmly rooted in God, they
should engage themselves in service of others and perform actions in a
spirit of detachment. (Divine Discourse, Oct 3, 1996)

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Tought for the day 30.4.17

2017-04-30 Thread saimsg

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Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Embodiments of Love! Human life is precious, noble and virtuous. It is a
pity human beings do not realise this or forget it often. The whole purpose
and goal of human life is to know one's true nature. Forgetting one's true
nature, you are caught up in worldly concerns and plunged in misery. The
ancient sages have indicated the path to be pursued for the redemption of
mankind. They commended nine forms of worship (Nava-Vidha Bhakti), any one
of which could confer bliss and redeem any individual's life. To experience
the proximity of the Divine the easiest path is Namasmarana, remembering
constantly the name of the Lord. Sage Veda Vyasa declared that in this Kali
Yuga there is nothing greater than chanting the name of Hari for realising
God. It is the easiest path for one and all, be it the scholar or
illiterate, the rich or the poor. (Divine Discourse, Oct 3, 1996)

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Tought for the day 29.4.17

2017-04-28 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today






Love is Divine. Love all, impart your love even to those who lack love. Love
is like a mariner's compass. Wherever you may keep it, it points the way to
God. In every action in daily life manifest your love. Divinity will emerge
from that love. This is the easiest path to God-realisation. But why aren't
people taking to it? This is because they are obsessed with misconception
relating to the means of experiencing God. They regard God as some remote
entity attainable only by arduous spiritual practices. God is everywhere.
There is no need to search for God. All that you see is a manifestation of
the Divine. All the human beings you see are forms of the Divine. Correct
your defective vision and you will experience God in all things. Speak
lovingly, act lovingly, think with love and do every action with a
love-filled heart. (Divine Discourse, Jul 5, 1996)

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Tought for the day 28.4.17

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today






You might say that the karma of the previous birth has to be consumed in
this birth and that no amount of grace can save man from that. Evidently,
someone has taught you to believe so. But I assure you, you need not suffer
from karma like that. When a severe pain torments you, the doctor gives you
a morphine injection and you do not feel the pain, though it is there in the
body. Grace is like the morphine; the pain is not felt, though you go
through it! Grace takes away the malignity of the karma which you have to
undergo. There are also dated drugs, which become ineffective after a
certain time. Well, so too, with Grace, the effect of karma is rendered
null, even though you go through the experience. Hence, it is wrong to say
the 'Lalaata likhitam' (fate written on the forehead) cannot be rendered
ineffective. Grace can surpass anything; nothing can stand in its way.
Remember, it is the grace of the 'All-mighty'! (Divine Discourse, Nov 23,

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Tought for the day 27.4.17

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today






You have listened to hours of spiritual discourses and you spend days and
nights in spiritual practices. Have you taken any concrete efforts to
sublimate your life? Endeavour to lead an ideal life. If there is no change
for the better in your daily conduct, remember that all your so-called
spiritual practices will be futile! People claim to spend hours in prayer
and meditation. But of what use is it if there is no concentration of mind?
It is better if you engage yourself in doing your regular duties or render
social service or participate in bhajans. By these means try to bring the
mind under control. Then your work will be transformed into worship.
Dedicate all your thoughts and actions to God. You can purify your actions
when you do everything with the only goal to please God (Sarva Karma
Bhagavad preethyartham). If you want to experience God, you have to do it
through your duties and actions. This is not so easy! (Divine Discourse, Jan
01, 1991)

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Tought for the day 26.4.17

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today






Without the control of your senses, your spiritual practices (Sadhana) will
be ineffective; it is like keeping water in a leaky pot! When the tongue
craves for some delicacy, assert that you will not cater to its whims. If
you persist in giving yourself simple food that is not savoury or hot, but
amply sustaining, the tongue may squirm for a few days, but it will soon
welcome it. That is the way to subdue it and overcome the evil consequences
of it being your master. Since the tongue is equally insistent on scandal
and lascivious talk, you must curb that tendency also. Talk little, talk
sweetly, and talk only when there is a pressing need. Also, talk only to
those to whom you must, and do not shout or raise the voice in anger or
excitement. Such control will improve health and mental peace. It will lead
to better public relations and less involvement in contacts and conflicts
with others. (Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1968)

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Tought for the day 24.4.17

2017-04-24 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Embodiments of Divine Love! Wherever you may be, never give room for any
differences. Everyone must get rid of all selfishness, self-interest and
self-centeredness. Mutual regard (Mamatha), equipoise (Samatha) and
forbearance (kshamatha) are basic qualities necessary for every human being.
Hence develop love, forbearance and compassion. Realise that love is present
in everyone. Get rid of all differences and adhere to your faith and
traditions. Learn to live in love and harmony with all the members of your
society. When differences of all kinds are given up, love will grow in you
and you can have a direct vision of God. Without love, verbal prayers are of
no avail. Divine love is the only unifier, motivator and harbinger of joy to
everyone. God is love and God can be realised only through love. All saints
and religions have emphasized the greatness of love, truth, sacrifice and
unity. Therefore cultivate love. (Divine Discourse, Dec 24, 1980)

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Tought for the day 24.4.17

2017-04-23 Thread saimsg

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Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today


Since I moved freely among people, talking and singing with them, even
intellectuals were unable to grasp My truth, My power, My glory, or My real
task as Avatar. I can solve any problem however knotty. I am beyond the
reach of the most intensive enquiry and the most meticulous measurement.
Only those who have recognised My love and experienced it can assert that
they have glimpsed My reality. Do not attempt to know Me through the
external eyes. When you go to a temple and stand before the image of God,
you pray with closed eyes, don't you? Why? Because you feel that the inner
eye of wisdom alone can reveal Him to you. Therefore, do not crave from Me
trivial material objects; but, crave for Me from within, and you will be
rewarded. The path of Love is the royal road that leads mankind to Me. My
grace is ever available to devotees who have steady love and faith. (Divine
Discourse, June 19, 1974)

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Tought for the day 23.4.17

2017-04-23 Thread saimsg


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Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 2:16 AM
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Subject: Tought for the day 21.4.17


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Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba,
Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Consider the meaning of the name, Sai Baba. Sa means 'Divine;' ayi means
'mother' and Baba means 'father'. Your physical parents exhibit love with a
dose of selfishness; but Sai, your Divine Parent, showers affection or
reprimands only to lead you towards victory in the struggle for
self-realisation. You cannot realise God in the outer objective world; He is
in the very heart of every being. Gemstones have to be sought deep
underground; they do not float in mid-air. Seek God in the depths of
yourself, not in the tantalising, kaleidoscopic world. This human birth is
granted to you for this high purpose; but, you are now misusing it, like the
person who cooked his daily food in the gem-studded gold vase that came into
his hands as an heirloom. I desire that you may be inspired to observe the
discipline laid down by Me and progress towards the Goal of
self-realisation, the realisation of the Sai who shines in your hearts.
(Divine Discourse, June 19, 1974)

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Tought for the day 21.4.17

2017-04-20 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today


Discipline must be strictly observed. From the moment you wake up, you have
to carry out your morning ablutions, meditate on God and then do your
prescribed duties in an orderly manner without deviating from the regular
routine. Variations in the routine from day to day are undesirable. The
day's activities should be regulated by the same schedule. The ambience in
the morning is calm and serene. In this setting, immediately after finishing
the morning chores, one should devote, at least a few minutes, to loving
meditation on God. Discrimination comes next. The world is a mixture of good
and bad, right and wrong, victory and defeat. In a world replete with
opposites, you must constantly make the choice between what is right and
proper, and what is wrong and undesirable. You should not be guided by your
mind, but listen and follow the directions of your intellect (Buddhi). As
long as you follow your mind, you will not be able to attain Divinity.
(Divine Discourse, Jan 16 1988) 

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Tought for the day 20.4.17

2017-04-19 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Ignorance can be cured only by knowledge; darkness can be destroyed only by
light. No amount of argument, threat or persuasion can compel darkness to
move away. A flash of light is enough to destroy years of darkness! The
light is already there in you. But since it is heavily overladen by
repressing factors, it cannot reveal itself. Prepare yourself for that flash
of illumination! Everyone must achieve it, whether one is striving for it
now or not. It is the inevitable end to everyone's struggles, the goal to
which every being, knowingly or unknowingly is proceeding. Do not be afraid
of reaching the goal of liberation (Moksha). Do not conceive that stage as a
calamity. Liberation indeed is the end of all calamities. It is death to all
grief - grief that you will be born again. It is the birth of joy, a joy
that knows no decline! (Divine Discourse, 19 Feb 1964)

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Tought for the day 19.4.17

2017-04-19 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Devotion (Bhakti) is the highest form of Love. "Service to God is Devotion"
say the Scriptures. Devotion means constant contemplation of God. The term
Bhakti is derived from the root Bhaj meaning to worship. Devotion means
loving contemplation of God, repetition of His Name, worshipping Him and
doing penance for Him. Service to the Lord is the highest expression of
devotion. There is nothing that is not attainable through loving service to
the Divine. Devotion does not mean merely doing bhajans or performing puja.
These forms of devotion at present are based on some kind of self-interest
and self-seeking. True devotion should be an expression of love from within.
Devotion is not something to be proclaimed or demonstrated. True devotion
must be free from selfishness of all kinds. Exhibitionistic devotion will
definitely result in disaster. (Divine Discourse, Jan 16, 1988)

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Tought for the day 18.4.17

2017-04-17 Thread saimsg

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



You are the formless (Nirakara) infinite, taking the form of a finite human
(Naraakara). You are the Absolute, pretending to be the Relative; you are
the Self, pretending to be the body! The Universal Self (Atma) is the basis
for all the beings. The sky was there before houses were built under it; the
sky penetrated and pervaded them! The houses crumbled and became heaps and
mounds over time, but the sky was not affected at all! So too, the Atma
pervades the body and subsists even when the body is reduced to dust. The
same inexplicable and invisible electric current when it enters a bulb, a
fan, a stove, a cooler or a sprayer, activates each one of them or even all
of them together! So too, the Divine Principle activates all beings (Ishwara
Sarva Bhutanam). That is the inner core, the Divine Spark, more minute than
the minutest, more magnificent than the most magnificent! (Divine Discourse,
Feb 19, 1964)

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2017-04-16 Thread saimsg


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Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2017 11:05 PM
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Subject: Tought for the day 16.4.17


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Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Dedication means offering. You all offer flowers to the Lord. Flowers
symbolise your heart. When you offer the flower of your heart to God, it
should be free from the pests of desire, hatred, envy, greed, etc. So, ask
yourself, is the flower of your heart pure or infested? Is it free from
Self-conceit (Ahamkara) and envy (Asuya)? Self-conceit is the biggest
barrier between you and God, and is based on eight different factors:
Physical prowess, birth, scholarship, beauty, power and penance. As long as
a trace of this self-conceit is predominant, it is impossible to recognise
the Divine or realize your innate reality. Pride of wealth very quickly
brings about your downfall. So carefully demolish these completely. Only
when you sacrifice the egoistic pride at the altar of the Divine, can you
discover your true nature. This dedication of your pure and loving heart to
God is the first step in the spiritual journey. (Divine Discourse, Jan 16,

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Tought for the day 16.4.17

2017-04-15 Thread saimsg

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Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



You have immense capacities latent in you, waiting to be tapped and used.
You have many talents which have to be brought to light. At times, you all
feel the urge to love all beings, to share your joy and grief, to know more
and satisfy your intellect, to peep behind the awe and wonder that Nature
arouses in you. You are all adept at gathering information about what goes
on in all corners of the world. Let Me ask you: Are you aware of what
happens in the corner of your own mind? Do you know the answer to the simple
question, "Who am I?" Why have you not felt it essential to answer this
important question? Without knowing this answer, how can you go about rashly
judging, labelling and even defaming others? Earnestly ask this of yourself
and seek out the answers to the enigma, from within yourself. Our scriptures
guide you on the process by which you can discover it yourself! (Divine
Discourse, Feb 19, 1964)

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Tought for the day 15.4.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



On New Year's day, people get up early, have a sacred bath and put on new
clothes. They are interested only in external cleanliness and are not
concerned about purifying their hearts which are tainted with evil thoughts
and feelings. It is rather easy to have external cleanliness and to wear new
clothes but that is not the purpose of celebrating festivals. True
celebration of New Year lies in giving up evil qualities and purifying one's
heart. Human heart in its pristine state is highly sacred and human birth is
difficult to attain. Having attained such a precious life, people are not
making any effort to live like a true human being. Today people have become
a bundle of desires. All time and effort is spent in fulfilling desires. One
should realise that only annihilation of desires will lead to ultimate
bliss. True happiness lies in the state of desirelessness. (Divine
Discourse, Apr 13, 2002)

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Tought for the day 11.4.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



It is not possible to progress in the Universe without sacrifice (yajna).
Yajna maintains the order of the Universe. Sacrifice pleases the gods; the
gods send rain; the rain feeds the crops; the crops yield harvest, the
harvest strengthens the limbs and widens the outlook; it broadens the heart
and clarifies the vision until man reaches the goal, where there is no more
struggle or death. The highest and the most fruitful sacrifice is that of
the ego. Crucify it and be free. Dedicate your ego to God and be rich beyond
all dreams. Prepare yourself for this supreme status, by engaging in holy
action (karma), meaning, karma cleansed in the crucible of righteousness
(dharma), and attain God (Brahman - the One Indivisible Absolute) as your
reward! Have faith in God; He sees everything; He is everywhere; He is
all-powerful. He lives in every heart. (Divine Discourse, Nov 1970)

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Tought for the day 11.4.17

2017-04-10 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



If you wish to understand your true nature, you have to do three things:
Bend the body, mend the senses, and end the mind. 'Bend the Body' means you
should not allow the ego to develop within your body. Cultivate humility and
do your duties sincerely. 'Mend the Senses' requires you to examine how the
senses behave and correcting them when they tend to go astray as well as
restraining them when necessary. 'End the Mind' requires you to quieten the
vagaries of the mind by turning it to a different direction. For example,
there is a lock and key. When you turn the key to the left, it locks and
when you turn right, it opens. Similarly, your heart is the lock and mind is
the key. When you turn the mind towards God, it develops detachment. When
the mind is turned towards the world, it develops attachment. Hence turn
your mind towards God and dedicate every action of yours to Him. (Divine
Discourse, 6 May 1988)

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Tought for the day 10.4.17

2017-04-09 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Love can conquer anything. Selfless, pure, and unalloyed love leads man to
God. Selfish and constricted love binds one to the world. Unable to
comprehend the pure and sacred love, people today fall a prey to endless
worries because of their attachment to worldly objects. The primary duty of
every being is to understand the truth about the Love principle. Once a
person understands the nature of selfless love, one will not go astray.
One's thoughts, words and looks should be filled with selfless love. This is
divine love. One who is saturated with this love can never be subject to
suffering. Men and women today are affected by praise or blame. But one who
is filled with divine love transcends praise or censure. They will be
unaffected by criticism or flattery. They will treat alike joy and sorrow,
profit and loss, victory and defeat. (Divine Discourse, Dec 25 1995)

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Tought for the day 6.4.17

2017-04-06 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



The Lord, it is said, punishes some and favours others. Let Me tell you, the
Lord does neither. He is like the current in this electric wire. It rotates
the fan and makes life comfortable; it operates the electric chair and makes
a life shorter. It neither has the wish to allay the warmth nor it has
eagerness to kill. God's grace is like the wind. Roll up your sails, and the
boat lies limp and lame; unfurl them, and the boat moves faster and further.
A father gives his wealth to the son who respects his wishes and obeys his
orders, not to the rebel son who flouts him. The Lord is the Father of all.
If you are an asthika (one who accepts God's existence and lives
accordingly), then you will get the asthi (property). A person who is
ignorant of their true interests, and is unaware of their own downfall, is
not entrusted with their own property; a guardian has to take care of his
affairs until he proves himself able to manage it with care. (Divine
Discourse, Jan 25, 1963)

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Tought for the day 3.4.17

2017-04-03 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Dharma (Righteousness) is the code of conduct that will promote the ideals
of each stage of a per¬son: student, householder, earner, master, servant,
spiritual aspirant, ascetic (sanyasi), etc. When the code is distorted and
mankind undermines its earthly career, forgetting the high purpose for which
one has come, the Lord incarnates and leads people along the correct path.
Lord Rama was one such incarnation. He truly is the Embodiment of Virtue
(Dharma-swarupam) shrouded in an illusory human form; He stuck to dharma in
daily practice, even from His infancy. He is the personification of dharma.
There is no trace of vice (a-dharma) in Him. His Divine Nature is revealed
in His calm temperament and feeling of love and affection. Meditate on Him
and you are filled with love for all beings; dwell on His story and you find
all the agitations of your minds quietening in perfect calm. (Divine
Discourse, Apr 1, 1963)

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Tought for the day 3.4.17

2017-04-02 Thread saimsg

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Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



There are three types of devotion: The Vihanga method, where like a bird
swooping down upon the ripe fruit on the tree, the devotee is too impatient
and by the very impatience one exhibits, loses the fruit, which falls from
one's hold. The Markata method is akin to a monkey which grabs one fruit and
then chooses another and tugs at that, giving way to unsteadiness as it is
unable to decide which fruit it wants. So too, the devotee of this type
hesitates and changes the goal much too often and thus loses all chances of
success. The third and ideal type is the Pipilika method, where like the
ant, which slowly but steadily proceeds towards the sweetness, the devotee
also moves directly, with undivided attention towards the Lord and wins His
Grace. (Divine Discourse, Feb 1955)

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Tought for the day 1.4.17

2017-04-01 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



No one is prepared to make the effort for spiritual victory. If you demand
the job of a District Collector to be given to you straightaway, how can it
be done? There are certain qualifications required - scholarship,
efficiency, talent, experience, etc. The flower must become the fruit, the
fruit must ripen and the ripeness expresses itself as sweetness. So
everything takes its own time! Hence from today, resolve to engage only in
virtuous deeds, good thoughts and good company. Do not waste a single moment
in idle gossip or vain boasting or demeaning recreations. Do only good
things, speak soft and sweet, never injure or insult another, serve those in
need and keep the image of God always before your mind's eye. Implant God
firmly in your heart. Then, you will see God everywhere, even in the
objective world! For, everything in this Universe is truly Divine (Sarvam
Brahmamayam)! (Divine Discourse, 14 Jan, 1964)

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Tought for the day 30.3.17

2017-03-29 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



In the past, Divine incarnations rid the world of evil by destroying the few
fanatics and ogres who wrought it. But in the present times, fanaticism and
felony reigns in every heart. The evil people are legion, no one is free
from that taint, and all are wicked to some extent or the other. Therefore,
everyone needs correction. Everyone must be educated and guided in the right
path. Every being is a pilgrim destined to return to God and merge in Him.
But most people have forgotten the path, they wander like lost children,
wasting precious time in the by-lanes of the world. Human beings are the
best amongst creation who can feel, think and experience their own journey
across time! Armed with the sword of discrimination (Viveka) and the shield
of renunciation (Vairagya), you must use this precious opportunity to
transform yourself to become Divine - that is your destiny, the plan and
purpose of your being. (Divine Discourse, Jan 25, 1963)

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Tought for the day 29.3.17

2017-03-28 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



To reform one's tendencies and character is indeed an uphill task. One may
have studied all the text-books of spiritual practice, also read all the
scriptures, and may even have lectured for hours on them; but one slips into
error when confronted by temptation. Like the land that is parched, the
heart may appear to be free from any crop of evil, but when the first
showers fall, the seeds and roots underneath the soil change the parched
land into a carpet of green. You may have the best of vegetables, you may
have the most capable chef in the world, but if the copper vessel in which
you prepare the soup is not tinned, the dish you cook will be highly
poisonous. Similarly, you must 'tin' your heart with truth, right conduct,
peace and divine love. Only then will it become a vessel fit to repeat holy
names, practice meditation, observe religious vows, do ritualistic worship,
and so on. (Divine Discourse, 13 Jan 1965)

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Tought for the day 27.3.17

2017-03-27 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



An old year is gone by and a new year has come, and people joyfully
celebrate the arrival of the new year. Do you know how many centuries have
elapsed since the history of mankind? There is no use turning back and
watching the road traversed - your duty is to watch the road ahead and march
steadily towards your goal. It is lack of faith that causes you to lose
temper and fly into fits of anger; it is lack of faith in yourself and in
others. If you see yourself as truly the undefeatable Divine Self and
everyone around you as your reflections, just as the scriptures declare them
to be, you will never be provoked to get angry. What you must resolve today
in the auspicious New Year is to march steadily on the spiritual path to
manifest your Divinity. Resolve to do this one thing - Practice first, and
then preach! (Divine Discourse, May 23, 1965)

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Tought for the day 27.3.17

2017-03-26 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



The contact of the senses with object arouses desire and attachment; this
leads to effort and consequently, either elation or despair! Then, there is
the fear of loss or grief at failure and the train of reactions elongates.
The 'see-er' must not attach oneself to the 'seen'; that is the secret to
live happily. With many doors and windows kept open to all the winds that
blow, how can the flame of the lamp within survive? The lamp is your mind,
which must burn steadily unaffected by the demands of the world outside.
Complete surrender to the Lord (Saranagathi) is one way of closing the
windows and doors. For, when you surrender completely to the Lord, you are
bereft of 'ego' and so, you are not buffeted by joy or grief. Saranagathi,
will enable you to draw upon the Lord's Grace for meeting all the crises
that arise in your life and renders you heroic, steadfast and better
prepared to face life's challenges. (Divine Discourse, Jan 13, 1965)

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Tought for the day 26.3.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Like the kitten calling the mother to where it sits by merely mewing, all
that the true devotee needs to do is just yearn for the Lord! A mere mew
with the pain of separation will win His heart. The growing crop in the
fields thirsts for rain. It sees the heavy rain clouds sail across the sky,
but it cannot rise up to that altitude, nor can it bring the clouds down to
the ground. Humanity too sizzles in the hot sun, the unbearable heat of ego
and greed. It needs the rain of grace; it knows only then it can flourish in
peace and joy. Just as the clouds form droplets and fall upon the fields
that they choose to foster, the Formless Absolute individualises Itself,
assumes form, and comes down in the midst of humanity to save and sustain.
That is the secret of God (Madhava) coming down as man (manava). Once the
rains come, the sun has its uses! So too, when the grace of the Lord is
gained, ego and greed can be put to profit by being made to flow into useful
channels. (Divine Discourse, Jan 25, 1963)

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Tought for the day 25.3.17

2017-03-24 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



You may doubt whether such a small word like Rama, Sai or Krishna can take
you across the boundless sea of worldly life. People cross vast oceans on a
tiny raft; they are able to walk through dark jungles with a tiny lamp in
their hands. The Name, even the Pranava (Om) which is smaller, has vast
potentialities. The raft need not be as big as the sea. The recitation of
the Divine Name is like the operation of a bore well to tap underground
water; it is like the chisel-stroke that will release the image of God
imprisoned in the marble. Break the encasement and the Lord will appear;
cleave the pillar, as Prahlada (Lord Vishnu's devotee) asked his father to
do, and the Lord who is ever there will manifest Himself. Churn and you
bring the butter, latent in the milk, into view. (Divine Discourse, Jan 13,

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Tought for the day 24.3.17

2017-03-23 Thread saimsg

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Practice-that is the real thing that matters in spirituality! Scholarship is
a burden, it is very often a handicap. So long as God is believed to be far
away in temples and holy places, you will feel religion to be a burden and a
hurdle. But plant him in your heart and you will feel light, burdenless and
in fact, stronger! It is like the food basket - when you carry it on the
shoulder, it feels heavy and you feel you are too weak to even carry it
during a walk. But sit near a stream and eat it. Though the total weight has
not decreased, the consequence of eating the food makes you feel lighter and
in fact stronger! Similarly, apply this to the idea of God. Do not carry it
on your shoulder, take 'Him' in! Let Him blossom within you! Keep the memory
of the Lord and His Glory always with you! (Divine Discourse, Feb 18, 1964)

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Tought for the day 22.3.17

2017-03-21 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Do not tell me that you are completely satisfied with the delusion of
worldly pleasures and do not care about bliss and peace! Trust Me, your
basic nature abhors this dull, dreary routine of eating, drinking and
sleeping, and is seeking earnestly something which it knows it has lost,
which is contentment (Shanthi). In their heart of hearts, everyone craves
for liberation from bondage to the trivial and temporary, and this is
available at only one shop - the contemplation of the Highest Self, which is
the source of all that is seen! However high a bird may soar, sooner or
later, it seeks to perch on a tree top, to enjoy the quietness. So too, a
day will come, when even the most haughty, the most willful, the most
unbelieving and even those who assert that there is no joy or peace in
contemplation of the Lord, will have to pray, "Oh Lord, grant me peace,
grant me consolation, strength and joy!" [Divine Discourse, Feb 7, 1959]

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Tought for the day 21.3.17

2017-03-20 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



Intellect revels in discussion and disputation. Once you yield to the
temptation of dialectics, it will take a very long time for you to escape
from its shackles and enjoy the bliss. Hence be aware of the limitation of
reason. Logic must give way to love and devotion. Intellect can help you for
a little distance along the Godward path, the rest is inspired and
illuminated by intuition. And often, egoism tends to encourage and justify
the wildness, for a person is led along the wrong path by their very reason,
if that is the path they like! You very often come to the conclusion you
want to reach! Reason can be tamed only by discipline, by systematic
application of the yoke of compassion, calmness, forbearance and endurance
(Dhaya, Shantham, Kshama, Sahana). Train it to quietly walk along small
stretches of road and after you are confident of its docility, you can take
it along the tortuous road of six-fold temptations - lust, anger, greed,
delusion, pride and jealousy. [Divine Discourse, 12 April 1959]

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Tought for the day 20.3.17

2017-03-20 Thread saimsg



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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today



God is not attracted by learning or scholarship, which does not lead
anywhere except towards egoism and pride. God is drawn only by pure
devotion. Bring to Me, whatever troubles you have, I shall take them on and
give you bliss! You rush to the temple or Prasanthi Nilayam and crave to get
a darshan! What greater sign of devotion is needed than this yearning? But,
this love is not enough! In fact, it does not mean much at all! What is
needed is the regulation of that Love, in the form of virtue and service. If
you succeed in that, you truly achieve something. Renunciation and divine
love should reverberate the atmosphere, and silence as the discipline should
fill the place. Have the Name of the Lord on your tongue and the form of
your chosen Lord before your eye. If you shape yourself this way, the place
where you stand will become Kashi and your home will become Badri. [Divine
Discourse, 3 Feb 1964]

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Tought for the day - 14.3.17

2017-03-13 Thread saimsg




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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




You know only the present, what is happening before your eyes; you do not know 
that the present is related to the past and is preparing the course of the 
future. Each birth wipes out the memory of the one already experienced. People 
do not realise that the end of this cycle of birth and death is in their own 
hands. The tree came from the seed and the seed from the tree and so on, since 
the beginning of time. You may not know which came first – tree or seed, but 
you should know that you can easily put an end to the cycle by frying the seed. 
A fried seed will not sprout again! You claim to have mastered your senses and 
all low desires, but they sprout at the very first opportunity, just like grass 
that grows after the first summer shower. Just as you seek the udder of the cow 
for the milk it gives, seek only the Lord and His Glory in Nature. As a matter 
of fact, Nature is useful only when it adds to the wonder and awe that it is 
able to provoke and sustain. (Divine Discourse, Feb 12, 1964)

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Tought for the day - 13.3.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Remember, like underground water, the Divine is there in everyone. The Lord is 
the Indweller in all beings; He is All-pervading. He is the Soul (Atma) of 
every being. He is in you as much as in everyone else. He is not more in a rich 
person or bigger in a fat being; His spark illumines the cave of the heart of 
every one. The sun shines equally on all; His Grace is falling evenly on all. 
It is only you that erect obstacles that prevent the rays of His Grace from 
warming you. Do not blame the Lord for your ignorance or foolishness or 
perversity. Just as underground water wells up in a gushy spring when a bore is 
sunk down to that depth, by constant chanting of the Divine Name, touch the 
spring of Divinity, so that one day it gushes out plentifully, granting you 
coolness and unending joy. (Divine Discourse, 20 Dec 1958)

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Tought for the day - 12.3.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Each and every one of you has a great deal of concentration. You know the art, 
for every task requires it and everyone benefits from good concentration. The 
carpenter, the weaver, the clerk, the boatman - all have it in a greater or 
lesser degree. Use that power of concentration for the task of directing the 
mind, towards its own goodness. Examine its working and train it to restrict 
itself to good company, good thoughts and good deeds. Practice meditation on 
any form of the Lord and repeat any name of the Lord with the awareness of its 
sweetness. That will teach your mind to be sharp and produce good music out of 
the joys as well as the griefs that are incidental to life. If the arena of 
life is entered just for getting sensory joy, you are in for all kinds of 
trouble. It is like sailing in a tiny boat on a storm-tossed sea without a 
rudder. So enter upon the path of spiritual discipline now itself. (Divine 
Discourse, 20 Dec 1958)

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Tought for the day - 2.3.17

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Have you heard the story of the rabbit that borrowed from Mother Earth four 
paise? She thought that if she moved into a new place or country she would be 
free from the obligation. So one day, she ran as fast as her legs could carry 
her and went extremely far away from the place where she took the amount from 
Mother Earth. Pleased with her endeavor herself, she sat down in great relief 
and said to herself, “Now no one will ask me to repay!” To her utter dismay, 
right beneath where she sat, from the ground underneath, she heard a voice, 
“Mother Earth is right underneath your feet, right here. You cannot escape me, 
however far you run!” So too, you cannot run away from Me. All I demand is good 
conduct, good habits, good thoughts and good company, wherever you are. Use 
this precious opportunity to strive earnestly, more than ever before, to reach 
your goal. (Divine Discourse, 11 Feb, 1964)

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Tought for the day - 2.3.17

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Giving up the little ‘I’ is the true meaning of renunciation (Tyaga). Tyaga 
does not mean running away from the hearth and home into the jungle. It means 
sublimating every thought, word and deed as an offering to God and saturating 
all acts with Divine intent. This is the best spiritual practice to cultivate 
selfless love. Love gives for ever, it never asks another to give. Shower it, 
and you will be showered in return. Selfless love thrives on renunciation, they 
are inseparable. The essential reality of a human being rejects the ego as a 
blemish. When you sincerely investigate into the question, “Who am I”, you will 
find that everyone is included in ‘I’, and your love will expand limitlessly. 
Ego should not be allowed to express itself freely, as it smothers the spring 
of love. God is love, so all things created by God are filled with love. 
(Divine Discourse, Jul 17, 1981)

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Tought for the day - 7.3.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




All of you have vast resources of powers. When you do not utilise them while 
discharging duties to yourself and to the society that sustains you, you are 
only becoming a target for ridicule. When you are on a railway station 
platform, waiting for the train that is due and you hear the announcement that 
it will arrive five hours later, how do you feel? Don’t you fling abusive words 
at the train? When the mere coaches receive from you such a treatment, how much 
worse treatment would you deserve if you do not fulfill your duty and your 
responsibilities to the society? Utilise your skills and learning as 
consistently and effectively as duty demands. Unless used, even a watch gets 
rusted, what can be said therefore of unused skill? The body has not been 
granted by God to be fed, well clothed and to be paraded around in pride. The 
body has to be exercised to keep it trim as a tool for serving others. (Divine 
Discourse, June 27, 1981)

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Tought for the day - 6.3.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Seeing a glass half filled with water, the optimist is glad that the glass is 
half-full, while the pessimist is sad that it is half-empty. Though both the 
statements are correct the optimist hopes to fill the other half too, while the 
pessimist gives up in despair. The optimist has faith, the pessimist has no 
faith to sustain him – this is the key difference. Faith is power. Develop 
faith by steady effort. You all have faith in tomorrow following today and 
hence you take up activities and projects, that extend beyond this day! People 
with no faith cannot plan, they court misery due to their lack of faith! Faith 
must lead to effort. Through knowledge, faith and effort, wisdom can be 
attained. Equipped with these, you can scale great heights and emerge 
victoriously. Do not cultivate too much faith in things that are merely 
material. Develop deep faith in the eternally valid Truth - God! (Divine 
Discourse, Jun 27, 1981)

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Tought for the day - 3.3.17

2017-03-02 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




All of you have five advisors in your life. They are: “Who, When, Where, What 
and How”. Before undertaking any action, you must get answers for these five 
questions. When you get the correct answers for these, the actions based on 
them, will naturally be right conduct. Unfortunately, most people today act 
without any concern for these factors. All of you must exercise your own 
judgement using your powers of observation and discretion, using all the 
God-gifted instruments to you through the form of organs of perception and 
action. In every limb of yours, there is divine potency. That divine potency is 
called ‘Angirasa’. This name is derived from the fact that God is present in 
every limb (Anga) as an essence (Rasa). Hence, there is no need to search for 
God outside yourself. You are Divine. All your powers are your divine 
potencies. (Divine Discourse, 14 Jan, 1997) 


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Tought for the day - 2.3.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Though the source of peace and bliss is within, people seek them in the 
external, like one pursuing a mirage. Owing to restless activity, endless worry 
and limitless desires, peace of mind is lost and it has become prey to 
discontent and misery. At the outset, peace has to be cultivated within 
ourselves. And then that peace has to be extended to the family. From the home 
it should be spread to our village. Thus, peace should begin with the 
individual and spread to the whole society. In the Sai organisation, efforts 
are made to propagate the values of Truth, Righteousness, Love, Peace and 
Nonviolence. This is only propagation, but not practice (or demonstration). 
Mere preaching is of no avail. Of all the virtues, love is the foremost. If 
love is fostered, all other qualities flow from it. Our degradation is the 
result of forgetting God. When we remember God, our life will be filled with 
peace and happiness. (Divine Discourse, Mar 23, 1989)

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Tought for the day - 1.3.17

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It is the consciousness in the physical body that enables man to enjoy the 
pleasures derived from the objects experienced through the senses. Once the 
truth, that humans alone have the ability to seek the everlasting by giving up 
attachment to the body, is realised, the divine nature of consciousness will 
become clear. Then, every action can be regarded as an offering to the Divine. 
Work will then be transformed into worship. When the identification of the Self 
with the body goes, action which may seem to be done for personal enjoyment can 
be converted into actions of dedication to the Divine. When actions are 
performed in this unselfish spirit, one can experience a sense of liberation 
and enjoy bliss that is beyond understanding. It all begins with the control of 
the senses, which is in fact the first stage in Self-realisation. It must be 
taken up early in one's life. One should not wait till old age to embark on 
this vital exercise. When death knocks at the door and one is surrounded by 
one's wailing kith and kin, there may be no time to think of God. Begin the 
Godward journey from now on. (Divine Discourse, 19 Feb 1987)

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Tought for the day - 28.2.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Divine Life is based on the quality of calm serenity (satwa guna), which must 
be cultivated. This quality can be built only upon satwic food - food that 
promotes health, strength, lightness of spirit, and earnestness of endeavour. 
There is no use distributing the juice of spirituality to underfed and weak 
people; make them strong enough to entertain strong beliefs and preserve strong 
ideals. Physical hunger must first be appeased by simple pure (satwic) food. 
Then, try to repeat the name of the Lord, the name that appeals to you the 
most. Do not treat the Name lightly; respect it even if you hear it from the 
lips of a beggar who uses it to procure alms. Though the person who utters it 
may not be good or may not have good intention, do not ill-treat the Name; for 
its purity can never be harmed. Thank them for reminding you of the Lord and go 
your way. Above all, do not laugh at and discourage those who call on the Lord. 
(Divine Discourse, 14 Dec 1958)

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Tought for the day - 27.2.17

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To reach the Divine within, you must qualify yourself to pass through the four 
gates of self-control (Shama), self-enquiry (Vicharana), contentment (Trupti) 
and the company of the pious and virtuous (Satsanga). Shama calls for steadfast 
faith in the Lord and control of your senses and the mind. When you succeed in 
controlling the cognitive senses (Jnanendriyas), it becomes much easy to 
control the organs of action (Karmendriyas). Shama makes one a master of the 
mind and indriyas (sense and action organs). Such a person transcends the 
animal nature and can go forward from the human to the Divine. Birds, beasts 
and other creatures are concerned with the enjoyment of external things. Man 
alone is gifted with the capacity to discriminate between the transient and the 
permanent, and seek what is everlasting by controlling the senses and giving up 
attachment to the perishable body and the ephemeral objects of the phenomenal 
world. (Divine Discourse, 19 Feb, 1987)

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Tought for the day - 25.2.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




‘Ratri’ or Night signifies darkness. 'Shiva' means auspiciousness. So, 
‘Shivarathri’ speaks of an auspiciousness which is inherent in darkness. It 
refers to the wisdom which exists in the midst of ignorance. Ignorance and 
wisdom are not distinct; they are basically the same. They are the opposite 
polarities of the same underlying principle. The state that transcends both 
wisdom and ignorance is Divinity (Paratatva). It is a stage which is not 
associated with any coming or going, where birth and death do not occur. So 
long as there is birth for the body, death has to follow. What is it that has 
taken birth? Is it the Atma? No. It is only the body which has taken birth. 
Remember, you are the eternal, never changing Atma. Light has value only when 
there is darkness. Therefore in times of trouble and sorrow, whenever problems 
arise, remember to evoke the principle of Divinity, which will shed 
illumination and light! (Divine Discourse, 17 Feb 1985)

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On Shivaratri day you must try to establish friendship between your mind and 
God. Shivarathri is to remind you that the same Divinity is all-pervasive and 
is found everywhere. People believe Shiva lives in Kailasa. Where is Kailasa? 
Kailasa is your own joy and bliss. It signifies that Lord Shiva lives in the 
Kailasa of delight. If you develop joy and delight in your mind, then Shiva 
lives in you. How can you get this joy? It comes when you develop purity, 
steadiness and sacredness. Then your heart becomes filled with peace and bliss 
and is indeed Shiva’s Kailasa! Shiva will live in the sanctum sanctorum of your 
heart, within the temple which is your body. There is no use in just thinking 
of Shivaratri once a year. Every minute, every day, every night, you should 
think of Divinity and sanctify your time, for the Time Principle truly speaking 
is Shiva. (Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985)

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Tought for the day - 23.2.17

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When a person gets rid of ignorance, one can experience this infinite Light, 
this spiritual flame, declared the ancient sages. Where did they experience 
this Divinity? Not in the external world. The sages regarded the human body as 
a shrine in which the Divine is the Indweller. Exploring the five life breaths 
and the five sheaths of the human body, they experienced the Light of the 
Spirit in their hearts within. They realised that those who love God can find 
Him nearer to themselves than anything in the world. To those who have no 
yearning for God, He is farther than the farthest object in the planet! 
Remember, every individual is a spark of the Divine. You are not just a 
fragment of the Nature or simply a combination of the five basic elements 
(earth, water, fire, air, ether). You are indeed verily a part (amsa) of the 
immortal Omni-Self. (Divine Discourse, Feb 19 1987)

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New video of Sai Baba chanting the Gayatri Mantra - The next global Gayatri Mantra chanting takes place on Saturday, 25th February 2017.

2017-02-22 Thread saimsg


Dear Gods and Goddesses!


The next global Gayatri Mantra chanting program takes place on Saturday, 25th 
February 2017, from 2:30pm to 6:30pm (at your country's local time). 


Via the below link, you can watch a new video of Sai Baba chanting the Gayatri 


Sai Baba chanting the Gayatri Mantra (Solo):


For the global Gayatri Mantra chanting program, which takes place on the last 
Saturday of every two months, we chant as guided and taught by Sathya Sai Baba. 
The video has His voice chanting in the perfectly correct manner (and so this 
video is important for all who participate).


Everyone can join in, from any country, both genders, any age, being of any 
background, culture, religion and circumstance. You can chant aloud, silently, 
on your own or as a group. Travelling, working, as part of meditation or as a 
public or private group gathering - The main thing is that we all unite and 
chant the Gayatri Mantra Unconditionally; to express Pure Love to God.


We are uniting from all over the world to express Pure Unconditional Love to 
God, from around 70 countries now. We are asking of nothing for ourselves. We 
are simply and absolutely asking God: Every Avatar that He incarnates as; to 
take care of His/Her own physical well-being, just as He does of us; His 


Let us chant with full conviction in our Trust of the Lord. Let us have 
unshakeable Faith in His Omni-Potence, Omni-Consciousness and Omni-Presence. - 
With Faith all things are possible. Let's have 100% Faith i.e. Surrender to His 
Will and Command:


"The devotees prayers are my medicine." - Sai Baba


"I incarnate from age to age." - Sai Baba


We continue to chant, as God continues to incarnate! Whether He manifest as 
Jesus, Rama, Krishna, Durga, Buddha, Shirdi Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba or Prema 
Sai Baba: All are One! Hence, let us all Obey His guidance absolutely, 
constantly and infinitely...


The Gayatri Mantra:


"Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvah Thath Savithur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo 
Nah Prachodayath"


The Gayatri Mantra's meaning:


'We meditate on God's glory, who has created the universe, who is fit to be 
worshipped, who is the embodiment of knowledge and light, the remover of all 
sins and ignorance. May He enlighten our intellects.'


"You may give up any other Mantra, but never give up the Gayatri." - Sai Baba

"All that is visible shines as Gayatri, for speech (vaak) is Gayatri and all 
objects are speech, are indicated by speech, and are subsumed in speech.  It is 
speech that describes them, declares them, and denotes them. All objects are 
also of the world. Nothing can go beyond it. This world is the body of mankind; 
one can’t leap out of the body. The breath (prana) that sustains a person is 
inside the heart (hridaya), and it cannot move outside and beyond the heart." - 
Sai Baba

The next global Gayatri Mantra chanting program is on Saturday, 25th February 
2017, from 2:30pm to 6:30pm (at your country's local time)...


Please do forward this email on to others. The more we unite and chant, the 
more loving vibrations we send out. The more Love and Faith we show to God, the 
less anxiety and fear we shall have in the world. Devotion should be 
Unconditional and full of Faith!


"Anxiety is removed by faith in the Lord; the faith that tells you that 
whatever happens is for the best and that the Lord’s Will be done." - Sai Baba


God bless all,

God make all wise;



"Everywhere there is God, and there is no second entity anywhere." - Sai Baba




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Tought for the day - 21.2.17

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




For the wisdom of the ancient sages to dawn on every individual when they most 
need it, elders must set an example of discrimination (Viveka) and detachment 
(Vairagya). If they run after sensory pleasures with feverish excitement, how 
can the younger generation be blamed for their selfishness and greed? Elders 
must practice what they preach, show how divine life confers joy, mental poise, 
contentment and real happiness. They must spend some time every day in reciting 
the Lord’s name or in meditation, then the children too will imbibe that and 
acquire the means to attain peace for themselves. People say that there is 
nothing as sweet as the name of the Lord, but do not repeat it at all. The road 
is spoilt by neglect and wanton destruction, but they advise the children to 
walk along it. They will discover the hoax. As a matter of fact, the 
responsibility of any person who holds forth an ideal is great, for the person 
has to attempt to reach it oneself while advising others to adopt it. (Divine 
Discourse, 14 Dec 1958)

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Tought for the day - 19.2.17

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One always seeks happiness by trying to satisfy desires. If a desire is 
fulfilled, one feels joy, and when it is not, one feels grief. But the trouble 
is, desire is a bonfire that burns with greater fury, asking for more fuel. One 
desire leads to ten, and one is exhausted trying to exhaust the demands of 
desire. One has to be turned back from this path of never ending desire to the 
path of inner content and joy. One grieves because one has developed attachment 
toward the unreal. One cultivates an unreasonable affection for wealth, but is 
prepared to sacrifice the riches in order to save the lives of one’s children, 
for attachment to children is stronger than to the wealth that has been earned! 
One stoops so low as to neglect the children when the choice is between 
survival and the children’s welfare! But the bliss that is got when one dwells 
on the Atma is unbounded and imperishable. That is the real joy. (Divine 
Discourse, 14 Dec 1958)

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Tought for the day - 18.2.17

2017-02-17 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Ego is deep rooted in every person from their countless previous lives. It 
grows very fast in this life too, seeking sensual pleasure, possessions in 
plenty, applause and appreciation, authority over others, fame and fortune. It 
can be removed only by relentless enquiry into your true Reality. When you are 
awake, you experience a variety of relationships. You are interested in a 
multiplicity of people, possession and problems. You pass through joy and 
grief, praise and ridicule, insult and injury. When you are dreaming, the 
entire outer world fades away. When you are awake, you experience pleasure and 
pain; you plunge into fear and throw yourself in despair. When asleep, you are 
no longer alert or active. You are alone with the Divine Soul (Atma), which is 
your reality. The Atma is with you through all the three stages, even though 
you ignored it and perhaps denied it! This Atma is the truth, “That Thou Art”! 
(Tat-Twam-Asi). (Divine Discourse, Jan 2, 1987)

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Tought for the day - 16.2.17

2017-02-16 Thread saimsg


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Divinity is inherent and immanent in every living being and the process of 
reminding man of that fact began with the very dawn of human history. What has 
to be done to lead the Divine Life is just the removal of the fog that hides 
the Truth and makes one imagine one is something else — something inferior, 
evanescent, material, and momentary. All are holy, pure, and part of eternity. 
But these things shine in each in proportion to their spiritual practices, just 
as bulbs spread illumination according to the wattage. There is no body that is 
not sustained by the Absolute; there is no name that does not indicate the 
Universal. All objects are suffused by that Principle; all names are attributes 
of its Glory. Divine Life is based on the quality of calm serenity (satwa 
guna), which must be cultivated. (Divine Discourse, 14 Dec, 1958)

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2017-02-15 Thread saimsg


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Activity finds fulfilment when wisdom dawns. Sanctified action (Karma) is the 
path to attain spiritual wisdom (Jnana). Every worthwhile activity must result 
in purifying the mind. Therefore, no one, not even a recluse or monk can desist 
from engaging in good deeds. These deeds must originate spontaneously and 
should not leave any trace of pride in the mind. Nor should any attachment to 
the result of the deed lead to a craving for claiming it for oneself. 
Renunciation must be the only source of joy. The Gita recommends 'inaction in 
action' and asserts that 'inaction’ is the most rewarding ‘action' for those 
who strive for supreme peace. This attitude is named Karma Sanyasa 
(non-attachment to action). Action or activity is generally associated with the 
body only, but the mind is also busy with the world. The Atma alone is the 
unaffected witness. So, the secret of 'inaction in action' lies in taking 
refuge in the Atma and in recognising all living beings as fundamentally the 
Atma. (Divine Discourse, Jan 2, 1987)

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Tought for the day - 15.2.17

2017-02-14 Thread saimsg


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In the journey of earthly life, people take some wealth for expenses and when 
they reach the goal, they hand over the balance to some trustworthy friend and 
sleep soundly. Everyone brings the wealth of love from the moment of his birth. 
In this Karmakshetra (field of activity) that is the world, it is difficult to 
safeguard the treasure of Prema (love). Therefore everyone should look for a 
faithful friend. Today, the only true friend is God. When you hand over the 
wealth of love to God, it will be easy for you to carry on a life of security 
and peace. There is no greater teacher than your heart. Time is the greatest 
preacher. The whole world is a scriptural text. God is the best friend. With 
full faith in these four, lead your life happily. (Divine Discourse, 17 July 

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Tought for the day - 14.2.17

2017-02-13 Thread saimsg


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The whole world and the objects therein are interrelated by the bond of love. 
It is love that binds the human race together. The world cannot exist without 
love. God is love and resides in the heart of every one. Love is the natural 
possession of every human being. Love is the fruit of the tree of life. There 
are certain impediments to overcome before you enjoy the tasty fruit. First you 
must remove the skin and rind covering the pulp inside, and also cast off the 
seed. Similarly the fruit of love is also covered by the thick skin of ego. You 
must peel off this skin of ‘mine and thine’. You can then taste the sweet fruit 
and its nutritious juice. With pure love, you must establish unity with the 
Divine. The path of love is the straightforward road to realise the Divine. 
Vedas describe God as, “Raso Vai Saha” – the Supreme Sweet Essence. Endeavour 
to progress in this journey of life from ‘I’ to ‘We’ to ‘He’. (Divine 
Discourse, 17 July 1997)

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Tought for the day - 12.2.17

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The scriptures have declared that it is difficult to acquire a human body. 
Human life is the highest among all living beings in creation. With all these 
endowments if people lack jnana (wisdom), they are no better than an animal. It 
is wisdom that distinguishes man from other animals. In spite of possessing a 
human body with its sacred capacities, people pursue wrong paths and indulge in 
misdeeds, thereby degrading their precious heritage. One who ought to dedicate 
oneself to the pursuit of the Divine - Nivritti marga (the inward path) and 
experience bliss, makes oneself a slave of the senses and wastes one’s life in 
the pursuit of the external - Pravritti marga (the outward path). All efforts 
are directed towards the cultivation of sensual pleasures instead of aiming at 
realisation of the power of the Spirit within. It is this preoccupation with 
the mundane that is at the root of all the insecurity and unhappiness 
experienced by man. (Divine Discourse, 19 Jan, 1989) 

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2017-02-11 Thread saimsg
Dear All,

We are now dealing with MIND and its functions in the blog posts on

When the blog was made open to all, it is clear that the blog is for the world 
at large in the long run and the need for the author to know who is accessing 
the blog is not there anymore, as the initial membership by invitation rule has 
been withdrawn.

However, Love flows incessantly for all of you and that is why this mail.

Let us start with this Swami’s quote on Mind:


​"Consider a cloth which has been made into a handkerchief. Its basis is 
cotton, which does not have any specific form. It may be considered as pure and 
unlimited. From this cotton, have come the threads. By joining the threads 
together a cloth has emerged. In the same way, from the pure and unlimited Atma 
the I-thought has emerged. From this, in turn, has come the mind. Therefore, 
your mind and the “I” have both originated from the pure, unlimited Divinity, 
the One Reality which is your true Self”. (Source -Peter trucker’s compilation 
of Swami’s sayings on mind and SELF -WWW.ATMAPRESS.COM 
<> ).

So, Swami says Mind and SELF (our divinity) have originated from the same 
infinite/absolute divinity which you may call as God or Pure consciousness.

But, lo and behold, our mind does not seem to be all that divine as of now.


Dear Ones,

The present theme MANAS BUDDHI CHITA AHAMKARA is all about knowing this mind, 
which has to be ultimately exercised to reach God and merge with God.

Around 12 posts in this theme is already through and many more to follow.

We do not need to be scared about the above Sanskrit terms and instead, we just 
need to know the following initially, to get into the posts on the theme MIND.

*   We believe in the above Swami’s words that our MIND must have been 
initially pure and divine, as it has originated from divinity. 
*   So, MIND by itself, left alone to itself, without influence of any 
other factor, has to be necessarily divine. Swami Says so and we believe each 
word off our SAI.
*It follows then that there must be few other factors that influence 
our mind which then either sustains its divine nature or loses its divine 
*   The factors that influence our MIND, which are dealt in detail in the 
posts are:-

1.  BUDDHI - Discriminative, Intellect.
2.  AHAMKARA - the EGO which can be either pure ego (Aham, the pure I) or 
impure ego, (Ahamkara, the lower i). This Ahamkara again has 5 coloring which 
are dealt in detail.
3.  CHITTA - mind Lake which stores various impressions of the past.

*   Now, these three factors can either singly influence our mind or they 
can join hands to influence our thoughts which go on to push our mind to act in 
a particular manner.
*   With each action done, except for actions of realized masters or 
spiritual seekers at a very advanced stage, each actions of human beings result 
in fresh impressions getting stored in their mind lake which can also be easily 
referred to as MEMORY BANK.

So, the entire study of mind through the posts under the current theme in the 
blog is to understand the four functions of mind- MANAS, BUDDHI, CHITTA, 
AHAMKARA so that, with proper use of these 4 functions, with proper 
coordination of these 4 functions, with proper knowledge of DOs and Don’t DOs 
of these 4 functions of mind, we are able to restore, retrieve, re-trace the 

With Love, as Always,



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Tought for the day - 10.2.17

2017-02-10 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




The first quality that you have to cultivate is gratitude to the Divine. People 
are thankful for even small acts of service done to them. Is it not necessary 
to be grateful to the Divine who has provided us with so many essential 
benefits through Nature and the five elements? The air you breathe, the water 
you drink, and the earth on which you walk are all gifts of God. How grateful 
are you to the Sun, who provides light, which cannot be equalled by all the 
electric bulbs in the world? Can all the pumpsets in the world provide as much 
water as is offered in a single downpour of rain? Can all the fans in the 
world, provide as much breeze as you get when the wind blows? Without being 
grateful for these Divine gifts, man goes after the trivial and wastes his 
life. The great sages of yore who adored God in various ways considered 
devotion as a means of expressing gratitude to Providence. (Divine Discourse, 
14 Jan, 1989) 


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Tought for the day - 8.2.17

2017-02-07 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Cleanse your heart with the water of love, and the detergents of prayer and 
contrition so that the stains of desire are removed completely. Then God will 
pour His abundant Grace into it. If you yearn for God, you should give up 
Iokabhranti and dehabhranti (attachment to the external world and to the body). 
There is no use trying to have one foot in one boat and the other foot in 
another. You may be living in PrashantiNilayam for over 20 years, but if you 
worry more about your physical needs, then all your spiritual efforts are 
indeed futile; you have made no progress at all. The waving of the camphor 
flame at the end of a bhajan is only to remind you that your sensual cravings 
must be fully burnt away without leaving any trace behind, and you must offer 
yourself to God to be merged in Him and His glory. (Divine Discourse 8-Sep-1966)

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Tought for the day - 7.2.17

2017-02-06 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Today, people are conducting themselves in such a manner that it appears they 
have no understanding at all of the need for self-confidence. Without 
self-confidence, one will not be able to achieve much, even if one has faith 
and devotion. Similarly, one may have confidence in one’s own self, but if 
there is no devotion and faith, that too will not help. Devotion and 
self-confidence are like the negative and positive. It is the combination of 
these two that will enable us to fulfil our sacred thought. The first thing we 
should do is to promote and strengthen our self-confidence. This confidence in 
one’s own self is like the foundation at the bottom. On the foundation of that 
confidence, we should build the wall of self-satisfaction, and then add the 
roof of self-sacrifice. In the mansion thus built, we should attain 
self-realisation. (Summer Showers in Brindavan, 1977, Ch 10)

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Tought for the day - 6.2.17

2017-02-05 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Only when the sacredness of the body and the sacredness of the mind come 
together, can divine strength be generated. With the help of the body, we 
should undertake sacred tasks. With the help of the mind, we should develop 
divine thoughts. This body is given to us and is intended for helping others. 
With the help of the body, we should be able to do good service and help the 
community. Whatever work we undertake, it should be done with a feeling that it 
is being done for the pleasure of the Lord. Hanuman was one who had such sacred 
ideas, and he always dedicated his work to the Lord. Our body is like the 
plastic cover on a wire. Our mind is like the copper wire inside. Along with 
the body, when the mind also joins, can divine strength flow into us. (Summer 
Showers in Brindavan, 1977, Ch 10) 

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Tought for the day - 8.1.17

2017-01-07 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Many banks in this world have safe deposit vaults where customers can keep 
their valuables, jewels, legal documents, etc. to protect them from thieves; 
they can then be free from worry and sleep in peace. The Bank dealing with 
spiritual accounts too has a safe deposit vault. Consign to that vault, to the 
care of the Lord, your jewels of intelligence, cleverness, ability to serve, 
and the gem that you value the most, namely your ego. Then you will be happy. 
In the Gita, Lord Krishna invites, “Surrender to Me alone(Maam Ekam 
Sharanam Vraja)”. If you do so, He assures you, “You need not grieve at all (Ma 
Shuchah)”. The normal banks deal with dhanam (money) which can be earned by 
anyone; even black marketeers and dacoits, crooks and pirates can amass this 
wealth. But that dhanam which is acceptable in the Spiritual Bank comes only to 
those who struggle to be virtuous and detached, humble and holy. (Divine 
Discourse, July 14, 1966) 


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Tought for the day - 7.1.17

2017-01-06 Thread saimsg


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As the Universe is constituted by the three attributes or Gunas (Satwa, 
Rajasand Tamas) and is permeated by them, the first stage in spiritual practice 
is to put an end to the Tamo Guna, whichis characterised by foolish obstinacy 
(moorkatwa). When filled with inertia of this guna, the person exhibits dull 
intelligence and is inclined to indulge in meaningless questioning and 
argumentativeness. Instead, study every issue deeply and then draw conclusions. 
Only then your experience will be rewarding. The Tamasicperson is incapable of 
perceiving the truth and cannot realise the Divine. Such a person will be 
caught in the endless cycle of birth and death. Avoid endless verbal debate 
over every trivial matter. Such controversies result in only provoking 
bitterness, instead of harmony. It will not serve you to realise the truth. 
(Divine Discourse, Jan 8, 1988).

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Tought for the day - 5.1.17

2017-01-04 Thread saimsg


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Desires for worldly objects can plunge you into endless misery. Desires are 
like a green pumpkin which will sink in water. A desireless person is like a 
dried pumpkin that floats in water; such people will be able to overcome the 
pulls of the mundane world and also aspire for a divine life. They may not be 
particular about liberation, but they will never give up devotion. God looks 
after the progress and well-being of such a person, here in this world and 
thereafter,only because they are desireless and are detached, with all their 
thoughts centered on God. To secure the grace of the Divine in this way is 
truly the best spiritual practice (yoga). To preserve such hard-won grace is 
the best way to ensure your well-being (kshemam). It can be got only through 
grace-filled human effort. Some spiritual exercises are indeed necessary for 
this purpose. (Divine Discourse, Jan 8, 1988)

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Tought for the day - 4.1.17

2017-01-03 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




All of you accumulate money with great care, by thousands of acts of denial; 
denying yourself this comfort or that convenience, saving every possible way, 
spending less and earning more! But a day comes when you must leave this pile 
and go empty handed. Instead of accumulating money and depositing it in worldly 
banks, open an account today with God’s Bank. It receives deposits and 
maintains accounts strictly and confidentially. Every little sum is accounted 
for – your deeds, thoughts, words, whether good, bad or indifferent. No son or 
daughter can sue for that wealth; no tax-gatherer can lay his hands on it. No 
crook can transfer it to his purse. Open a deposit account there for your 
prosperity here and hereafter. That deposit, growing by your spiritual efforts, 
will give you joy and peace. While you should develop this saving habit here, 
for the sake of old age and a rainy day, it is necessary you develop ‘that 
saving habit’ for the hereafter, so that you may be saved. (Divine Discourse, 
July 14, 1966)

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Tought for the day - 21.12.16

2016-12-28 Thread saimsg


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Wealth (Artha) is one of the Purusharthas or legitimate objects of human 
endeavour. The four purusharthas are Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. They have 
been listed so in that order on purpose. Righteousness (Dharma) must direct and 
control the process of earning wealth (Artha) and liberation (Moksha) is to be 
the regulating factor of desire (kama). All wealth accruing from sources 
tainted by unrighteousness (Adharma) is to be treated with contempt and is 
unworthy of you. All desires that do not subserve the one supreme need for 
liberation are to be given up as beneath your dignity. So the spiritual basis, 
Dharma and Moksha, must be the root of Artha and Kama. Without this order, 
earning degenerates into plundering; desire degenerates into death. (Divine 
Discourse, Jul 14, 1966)

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Tought for the day - 28.12.16

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The most valuable message the scriptures convey is this: Carry on your 
legitimate duties, discharge your obligations, and live up to your rights; but 
do not allow attachment to grow. Be like a trustee so far as family, riches, 
reputation, knowledge and skills are concerned. Leave them gladly aside, when 
the call of death comes. Death is pictured by some as a terror-striking God who 
rides a monster-buffalo, and pounces on you with a noose (Lord Yama in Indian 
scriptures). No, the noose is of your own making. He does not pounce; he gives 
advance notice of his arrival to take you - in the form of intimations like 
grey hair, falling teeth, failing vision, deafness, wrinkles, etc. He does not 
ride any beast; he is only another name for Time. It is Time that creeps 
steadily towards you and shears the cord of life. So utilise your capacity for 
karma (action) which you are endowed with to liberate yourself from the 
clutches of Time. (Divine Discourse, Mar 23, 1966)

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Tought for the day - 21.12.16

2016-12-23 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Two thousand years ago, when narrow pride and thick ignorance defiled mankind, 
Jesus came as an embodiment of Love and compassion and lived amongst men, 
holding forth the highest ideals of life. You must pay attention to the lessons 
He elaborated throughout His life. 'I am the Messenger of God,' He declared 
first. Yes. All of you too must accept that role of messenger and live as 
examples of Divine Love and Charity. Jesus knew that God wills all. So, even on 
the cross, when He suffered agony, He bore no ill-will towards anyone and He 
exhorted those with Him to treat all as instruments of God’s Will. "All are 
one; be alike to everyone" - practise this attitude in your daily lives. As you 
celebrate Christmas, bring to mind the words He uttered, the advice He offered, 
the warning He gave, and decide to direct your daily lives along the path He 
laid down. His words must be imprinted on your hearts and you must resolve to 
practise all that He taught. (Divine Discourse 24-Dec-1980)

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Journey-Deep-Within: BLOG MADE PUBLIC

2016-12-21 Thread saimsg


From: satyamurthy viswanathan [] 
Sent: 17 December, 2016 13:05
To: rainand
Subject: Journey-Deep-Within: BLOG MADE PUBLIC


Man wants to be happy: Swami Satchitananda

(Posted on on Thursday, Dec 8, 2016)

If you observe carefully, throughout nature you will find one common goal in 
everybody and everything—even in the atom. All are searching for happiness. In 
the case of human beings you see hundreds of efforts of various forms. The 
common purpose behind all these efforts is the search for happiness.


The goal is approached by many in different ways. Some people want to be happy 
quickly, so they take shortcuts and get temporary happiness, but borrowed joy 
comes and goes. The happiness that we seem to be getting by our daily efforts 
is fleeting and mixed with a lot of troubles, worries, and unhappiness. 
Happiness cannot come without unhappiness before and after.


It’s better to say, “I am happy,” than, “I want to be happy.” The minute you 
say, “I want to be happy,” that very want disturbs the mind. And suppose the 
want is fulfilled? How many people go crazy over a small piece of paper, a 
stamp printed some one hundred years ago? They pay thousands of dollars to get 
that piece of paper. They give value to it and struggle to obtain it. If you 
are caught up in this, you’ll say, “I can’t be happy without the stamp.” So you 
pay the price. Then you say, “Ah, I got it.” It’s simple enough. First you 
said, “I want it.” After all the effort you say, “I got it.” Where are you now? 
The same place you were before you wanted it. Happy.


You were happy before you wanted the stamp. The moment you wanted it, you 
became unhappy. And the moment you got it, you were happy again. Where did the 
happiness come from? The thing by itself didn’t give you any happiness. You 
regained the happiness when you took the want back or when you fulfilled the 
cavity or depression created by the want.


When we finally tire of searching for happiness outside, we sit quietly and 
analyze and realize that true and lasting happiness can never come from 
outside. It can’t come because it simply is. You are Happiness personified. You 
are that Supreme Bliss. You are that Joy. You are the image of happiness. God 
is the one who is always happy, and you are the image of God.


Swami Satchitananda



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Post Title




Swami on Spirituality




Spirituality: Sadhana, the inward path




Man wants to be happy: Swami Satchitananda




True Happiness: Swami Krishnananda




Happiness Within




Seeking Happiness
















Let us summarize




What has drawn us away from God







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Let us as drops join this stream into the river of Spirituality to eventually 
merge into the infinite ocean that HE is.





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Tought for the day - 21.12.16

2016-12-20 Thread saimsg


  Sathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, 
Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




The centre of every home must be the shrine room; the fragrance of flower and 
incense emanating from there must pervade the home and purify it. The mother 
must set the example in making the shrine the heart of the household. She must 
enforce discipline over the children in personal cleanliness, in humility and 
hospitality, in good manners and acts of service. She must persuade the 
children by example and precept to revere elders and to allot some time both in 
the morning and evening for prayer, and silent meditation. The shrine room must 
be clean and consecrated; special festival days should be observed, so that 
their significance will impress the young minds. However self-centred and 
haughty the husband is, by systematic regulation of the domestic time-table 
with worship of God as its focal point, he will soon realise how a God-centered 
home is a home of peace and joy. He too will follow soon and be a pillar of 
faith. (Divine Discourse, July 26, 1969)

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Tought for the day - 20.12.16

2016-12-19 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




It is not enough if your home budget is balanced; you must learn the art of 
having a balanced view of life, which will not be affected by triumphs and 
troubles, gains or losses, victory or defeat. This balance can be got only by 
reliance on God and faith in the indwelling God. You must learn to steer clear 
of hatred, malice, greed, anger, anxiety, pride and other obstacles that come 
in the way of your inner peace. Education must render you a monarch of your 
talents and your tools for acquiring knowledge. The eye, the ear, the tongue, 
etc. are like wild horses that have no bridle between the teeth; learn the art 
of meditation (dhyana) through which the senses can be controlled and the will 
directed inwards towards the mastery of feelings and emotions. You must heed 
one discipline - controlling of your senses; if you give them free rein, they 
will drag you into calamity. (Divine Discourse, July 26, 1969)

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Tought for the day - 2.12.16

2016-12-02 Thread saimsg


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Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




It is the foremost duty of everyone to transform every activity of their life 
into one of strength and beauty. Unfortunately, the education system of today 
fails to nourish the qualities of wholesomeness, unity and love, which are the 
hallmarks of true education. All of you should realise that your life span is 
fast melting away like ice, whether you care to improve yourselves or not. Many 
people feel that the acquisition of food, clothing, shelter, wealth, 
conveniences and comforts constitute the very purpose of life. Life remains a 
tragedy as long as people labour under this delusion. Many are blind to the 
goal of life, some do not even feel the pain of being ignorant about this. Only 
one in a million strives to realise it. This striving is the stepping stone for 
the realisation of the purpose of life. The day one realises the purpose of 
life, they undergo a total transformation, from agony (vedana) to freedom from 
pain (nirvedana). (Ch 1, Summer Roses on Blue Mountains 1996)

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Tought for the day - 1.12.16

2016-12-01 Thread saimsg


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Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




A person is judged by actions. Good actions reveal a good person and bad 
actions reveal a wicked person. Your qualities and actions are interdependent 
as actions reveal your inner qualities and your inner qualities drive your 
actions. Strive to reform yourself by developing good qualities. Merely 
listening to spiritual discourses or living in sacred places or in sacred 
company is of no use, unless an effort is made to practice a few of the noble 
teachings. Qualities like forbearance (kshama), compassion, truth, love and 
empathy are not restricted to any nation, race or faith. These are spiritual 
qualities and are essential for people everywhere, at all times. Propagation of 
Righteousness (Dharma) does not mean spreading knowledge about something that 
is unknown. Knowledge of Dharma is acquired only to promote its practice and 
only those who practice righteousness are qualified to propagate it. By 
practicing in daily living alone, you learn its true nature and realise its 
full value. (Divine Discourse, Jan 7, 1988)

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Tought for the day - 1.12.16

2016-11-30 Thread saimsg


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Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




The human heart is very soft when it is young. It responds to grief and pain in 
fellow beings. It is the example of elders, the lessons they receive from 
parents, the company they get into and the training they get in school and 
society that harden these hearts into stone! Keep those hearts soft. Share with 
others their grief and their joy. Do not be jealous when others are happier or 
appreciated or rewarded with prizes. Emulate their hard-working nature, pray 
for a higher share of intelligence or a sharper memory, but never give room to 
envy and malice in your hearts. Envy is a deadly poison, it will contaminate 
your character, ruin health and rob you of peace. Like a pest that destroys 
growing crops, envy enters slyly and spreads quickly causing rampant damage. 
So, even in small matters, be vigilant to ensure you do not fall a prey to 
envy. Be unaffected by envy (anasuya) and you can please God. (Divine 
Discourse, Apr 18, 1966)

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Tought for the day - 30.11.16

2016-11-29 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Company of the pious (Satsanga) leads you to gradually withdraw from entangling 
worldly activities. When a bit of cold coal is placed in the midst of glowing 
cinders and when the fire is fanned, the coal too glows with fire. Fire of 
Wisdom (Jnana agni) operates similarly. Individual effort and Divine Grace are 
both interdependent. Without effort, there will be no conferment of grace; 
without grace there can be no taste in the effort. To win that precious Grace 
from the Lord, all you need is only faith and virtues. You need not praise Him 
to win His favour. Praise feeds the fire of egoism and fogs genuine faith. God 
does not like mere external verbal praise and offerings of kind. He is yours 
and you are His. The entire mankind is God’s family. Knock with faith: the 
doors of Grace will open. Open your door! The Sun’s rays waiting outside will 
flow silently in and flood your room with light. (Divine Discourse, Mar 27 1966)

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Tought for the day - 29.11.16

2016-11-28 Thread saimsg


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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Youth and students should go to the four corners of the country, cleanse the 
place and keep away from doctors by themselves being clean. If the aim is to do 
good to others, then God Himself will take care of the selfless aim of doing 
good. This is the essence of Vyasa’s eighteen Puranas. To be able to do good to 
others is a great virtue (punya) and to be able to keep away from doing harm to 
others is also a merit. Therefore, even if you are not able to do good, just 
sit quietly and keep silent; but do no harm to others. You must take care to 
see that all the five organs are without any blemish. You should not see any 
bad with your eyes. You should not talk anything unworthy with your mouth; and 
you should not touch anything unclean. You should thus keep all your five 
organs in a sathwik (or sacred) state. (Summer Roses on Blue Mountains, 1976, 
Ch 15)

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Tought for the day - 27.11.16

2016-11-26 Thread saimsg




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Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more 

 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Today, the commodities available are limited, and desires are unlimited. As our 
wants and desires are increasing beyond availability, there is an economic 
imbalance in the world. Many people are attempting to fix this by increasing 
the availability of commodities. Instead, if people learn to curb their wants 
and desires, there is neither need for increase in effort nor expenditure. This 
aspect of decreasing our desires and wants is called ‘Vairagya’ (detachment) in 
scriptures. The word Vairagya does not mean that you should run away from your 
family, sit in a forest, close your nose and put yourself to physical torture. 
The true meaning of detachment (vairagya) is you must stay in the society, do 
your duties, and learn to contain your desires and wants. Our life is a long 
journey. In this long journey of life, make every effort to diminish your wants 
and desires. Practice of Vairagya also includes taking sufficient food, 
avoiding wastage. (Summer Roses on Blue Mountains, 1976, Ch 15)

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Tought for the day - 27.11.16

2016-11-25 Thread saimsg



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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




You had a house and lived in it. You take great care to see that it is 
comfortable, charming and impressive. You get angry when some poster is pasted 
on its walls! Then one day you sell it. It is no longer the object of your 
attachment. Indeed, even if lightning strikes it you are not disturbed! Now you 
call the money you got yours; you put it in a bank and become attached to the 
passbook issued by the bank. You keep it in an iron safe and scan its pages 
lovingly. The money you gave the bank may be loaned by them to someone you do 
not like, but you do not care. You have the pass book with you. Now what 
exactly is yours? To which are you attached so deeply? The house, the money, or 
the pass book? You were attached to prestige, comfort, show, and greed - things 
that arose in your mind as desire; you were attached to your own ego, 
basically. That was the thing which induced you to claim these things, one 
after the other, as yours! Each of you must take up some spiritual effort in 
order to cleanse the mind of lust and greed, of envy and hate. (Divine 
Discourse, March 27, 1966)

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Tought for the day - 21.11.16

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 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today




Education is an ornament for you, it is your secret wealth that confers 
prosperity and fame. It is one's unfailing kinsman in foreign travel. More than 
wealth, this secures the respect of rulers. Education is the basis for leading 
a purposeful life in the physical world, in the realm of the mind and in 
society. It equips you with mental strength and steadiness to face the 
challenges in life and understand the myriad manifestations in Nature. Only 
when you understand the power of your mind, you can recognise the relationship 
between the world and society. Education should promote discrimination and 
humility, and enable you to recognise your obligations to your parents and 
others who have made you who you are today. Gratitude is a supreme virtue. Be 
grateful to your parents. Broaden your vision. Be aware of the Divinity that is 
inherent in every being. Cultivate the spirit of love and fill your life with 
joy. (Divine Discourse, Nov 22 1988)

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