[Samba] Win XP profile problem...

2005-03-02 Thread Mike Cisar
I'm hoping someone may have run across this issue before.  I have a client
running a relatively recent version of Samba (the exact version number
escapes me at the moment).  Windows XP client machines running against samba
as a PDC with roaming profiles active.  

They can log off just fine, and their profile gets successfully written to
the server... likewise when they log back on to the server the profile is
downloaded from the server just fine.  

*BUT* files on their desktop or favorites or whatever that they have deleted
from their system since the last logoff come back.  It seems as if although
the profile gets updated, files that have been deleted from the computer's
profile do not get deleted from the network copy of the profile and then get
returned to the computer on next login.  Files that are modified or added
seem to be fine, it's just the deleted ones that cause grief.

Has anyone seen this issue before?


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[Samba] Windows XP and Samba, slow access with many subdirectories...

2005-01-21 Thread Mike Cisar
I know this may not be a Samba specific issue, but I have a client running
Samba on the server side as a PDC with Windows XP clients.  They have a data
share on the server where there are currently about 7000 subdirectories in a
directory... when windows clients browse to the directory the performance is
very slow as I presume windows has to read in all of the directory entries
and attributes each time.

Is there any way that anyone is aware of (short of rearranging their
subdirectory structure), either through tweaks to the samba config or tweaks
to the workstations themselves that can improve this performance?  This is a
small office and they are running over gigabit ethernet so the network part
of the equation is as good as it's going to get.

Any hints or tips appreciated.


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[Samba] only user deprecated

2004-06-27 Thread Mike Cisar
I have just finished a samba upgrade on a client's system and notice that
Samba now warns that only user is now deprecated.  

I did not originally set this system up, so I'm not entirely sure what the
purpose of flagging several of the shares with that flag had.  What I do
know is that it's important that I maintain that functionality whatever it
was :-)

What is the current recommended method of achieving the same end?


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RE: [Samba] Browse list issues with Windows XP

2004-06-07 Thread Mike Cisar
Thanks Mark,

That was exactly the problem.  Have gone around the client's network and
removed apostrophes and I now have a whole domain full of happy, if no
longer grammatically correct users :-)


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 6:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [Samba] Browse list issues with Windows XP
 Check out the Computer Description field.  I found that if 
 there is a special character (single quote) in this field, 
 then the PC would not display in the browse list.

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[Samba] Browse list issues with Windows XP

2004-06-02 Thread Mike Cisar
To further the discussion (or lack thereof) of the browse list issues
(systems not showing up in the browse list, even though their shares are
accessable with //system/sharename) that 5 or 10 people on the list have
been having over the past month or so...

I was out to this client the other day, had the opportunity to try the few
things that had been suggested, all to no avail.  I then proceeded to join a
new machine to the domain, after I had it all set up I happened to stumble
into Network Neighborhood and to my shock and awe there was the new system
showing up (along with the server which had always been visible).  The other
workstations are still not visible however.  I went on to the server and ran
smbtree and it happily listed the shares on the server, and on the new
workstation... but no others.  

There have been no changes to the samba configuration, so that can safely be
eliminated as the cause... likewise both the new and old machines have all
updates applied, so that reduces (it's microsoft so can't guarantee that it
eliminates completely) the chances that its caused by a microsoft patch.

I have checked wins.dat and browse.dat (browse.txt, the exact name escapes
me) and I can't see any obvious differences for the entries for the new
machine vs. the existing systems.

This should be relatively easy to troubleshoot now that I have working and
non-working examples on the same server...  if someone has suggestions of
where to look?  Is there anything in any of the .tdb files that would have
any bearing on a machine showing in network neighborhood or not?  A viewer
to peek at those files and look for any differences at all?  Any ideas? 


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RE: [Samba] Workgroup shows up, but not the computer

2004-05-29 Thread Mike Cisar
I can't really be of much help except to say me too.  There have been 4 or
5 users (including) myself post regarding similar problems over the past 2
months or so in both workgroup and domain configurations, as far as I'm
aware none have yet resolved the problem. 

In my case I am running a domain, and the server (samba) is the only machine
that shows up visibly when browsing the domain, whereas all of the XP
workstations are invisible but still accessable in the manner you
describe.  I would like to try plugging a samba workstation (or maybe
windows 9x) into the domain and see if it will show up (this would determine
I think whether it's a bug across the board somehow, or whether it's a bug
in the interaction between Windows XP and Samba)... that might be something
to try if you're able.  

Unfortunately I can only get out to the client's site once a month, so the
amount of live troubleshooting I'm able to do is quite limited.  Go out,
try some things, fail and try again next month :-)


 -Original Message-
 I am running Mandrake 10.0 Official PowerPack, I have Samba 
 3.0.2a and my Windows XP PCs can see the Workgroup but there 
 is no PC in the Workgroup.
 However, I can type \\computername and see all of the 
 shared folders and printers.  After doing this the Network 
 Neighborhood still does not show the computer in the 
 Workgroup.  Does anyone know why this is occurring and how to fix it?

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[Samba] Windows XP Pro, file permissions...

2004-05-15 Thread Mike Cisar
Don't know if this issue is Windows XP specific, or whether it's Samba
that's contributing to the problem.  Running Samba 3.0.3 as a PDC on a
network of 5 Windows XP Pro workstations.  They have their important data
stored in a file share on the server, permissions set for all of them to
access no problem.  

They each also have a shared documents directory on their individual PC, and
this is where the problems are arising.  User A will create a document in
Word or Excel and save it to their shared document directory, no problem.
But if they move it to user B's shared document directory, in the process it
becomes read-only.  Likewise if User A creates a new document in User B's
shared directory... User A has full access, but User B is read-only.  

Is there any way (either through permissions somehow in Samba, or through
permissions on the windows directory itself) that this problem can be
resolved.  Although they all have permissions to change file permissions,
they are getting agrivated (sp?) that they have to do it each and every time
they go to open a file.

I did see that there was mention in another thread of permissions issues
with Office applications, but I'm not sure if this is the same issue or not,
since I'm dealing with shares on the workstations and not on the server.

Any thoughts are appreciated.


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RE: [Samba] Unable to browse workgroup, shares otherwise accessible

2004-04-24 Thread Mike Cisar
 After upgrading from Mandrake Linux 9.2 to Mandrake Linux 10 
 I can no longer browse my workgroup domain in My Network 
 Places from my XP Pro clients.
 However, I can still access the shares on my Samba server 
 without problem using either Add Network Place or by 
 entering the path directly in Explorer. Another symptom is 
 found in my Samba log where a lot of the following messages 
 are being produced:

Well I can't be of any real help, but I ran into exactly the same problem
(though I don't recall seeing that error message) in a recent upgrade from
RH8 to Fedora.  Have not yet been able to resolve it here.


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RE: [Samba] Trust relationship failed...

2004-03-23 Thread Mike Cisar
Following up on my original post I checked to verify that I was using the
correct (original) secrets.tdb, which I was.  I started digging a bit more
in depth into nmbd.log.  There I found some references to a .200 IP which I
had used temporarily while the server was out of the client's site for the

Note that is the correct IP address of the server, the was the temporary address.  After seeing this, I temporarily
added the .200 IP address on to the server and in to the smb.conf at which
point I was once again able to access shares and printers via
\\workstation1\share (I had to unjoin and rejoin 2 of the machines from the
domain for this to work, the other 3 worked without any changes).  But still
the only machine that shows up when trying to browse the network is the
server itself.  When I got to this point I decided to once again remove the
.200 IP address from both places and reboot.  

After rebooting I still am able to access the shares via their UNC paths but
still only see the server when I try to browse the domain.  If you will look
wayyy down right at the bottom of the log file attached (appologies for the
long log post but I'm not sure exactly what might be pertenant) there is
reference to it not being able to get the workgroup name from domain master
browser even though 2 lines above it shows is now a master
broweser on subnet  I'm sure this is the cause of the
problem, but no clue how to rectify it.  How can I get this thing to forget
that the .200 IP address ever existed.  The machine obviously became a
master browser under that IP address while it was on the temporary network,
and just doesn't want to let go, and such it isn't propagating the browse
list properly... it must be something in a cache somewhere because there
were no config changes (until this morning when I did so temporarily) which
restored the client's network to something functional yet awkward (a user...
type a UNC path... correctly... HAHAHA). 

Thanks again in advance,

Log clip follows...
  There is already a domain master browser at IP for workgroup
CASCADE-01 registered on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
[2004/03/23 10:18:45, 0]
  Attempting to become domain master browser on workgroup CASCADE-01, subnet
[2004/03/23 10:18:45, 0]
  become_domain_master_browser_wins: querying WINS server from IP for domain master browser name CASCADE-011b on workgroup
[2004/03/23 10:18:46, 0]
  There is already a domain master browser at IP for workgroup
CASCADE-01 registered on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
[2004/03/23 10:23:46, 0]
  Attempting to become domain master browser on workgroup CASCADE-01, subnet
[2004/03/23 10:23:46, 0]
  become_domain_master_browser_wins: querying WINS server from IP for domain master browser name CASCADE-011b on workgroup
[2004/03/23 10:23:47, 0]
  There is already a domain master browser at IP for workgroup
CASCADE-01 registered on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
[2004/03/23 10:27:17, 0]
  Doing a node status request to the domain master browser
  for workgroup CASCADE-01 at IP failed.
  Cannot sync browser lists.
[2004/03/23 10:28:48, 0]
  Attempting to become domain master browser on workgroup CASCADE-01, subnet
[2004/03/23 10:28:48, 0]
  become_domain_master_browser_wins: querying WINS server from IP for domain master browser name CASCADE-011b on workgroup
[2004/03/23 10:28:48, 0]
  There is already a domain master browser at IP for workgroup
CASCADE-01 registered on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
[2004/03/23 10:33:32, 0]
  Samba name server CAS1 is now a local master browser for workgroup
CASCADE-01 on subnet
[2004/03/23 10:33:32, 1]
  process_node_status_request: status request for name CASCADE-011b from
IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET - name not 

[Samba] Trust relationship failed...

2004-03-22 Thread Mike Cisar
I'm hoping someone can give me a hand in figuring out this problem, I have
seen several other similar problems in searching, but nothing that exactly
matches what I am seeing here.  

I have recently migrated a client from a Samba server running 2.2.7 (Redhat
9) to 3.0.2 (Fedora 1).  The samba installation is running as a PDC for 5
Win XP workstations and was working perfectly prior to the upgrade.  When I
did the migration I copied the entire contents of the /etc/samba directory
across to the new machine (no changes at all).  

Now that I have done the migration I *CAN* still do the following...
- log in to the domain
- the user's roaming profiles transfer successfully back and forth to the
- existing mapped drives on the workstations (to shares on the server) work
as they always have
- can map new shares to the server with no problem

But, the following items no longer work...
- In XP if I go to entire network and try to view the computers in the
domain, only the server shows up... none of the 5 workstations show up in
the domain as previously.
- Can no longer access printers shared on the workstations
- If I try to enter \\workstation1\data (or any of the valid, pre-existing,
previously working shares on any of the workstations) from any of the 5
workstations, either via start | run, or via the address bar in My Computer
I get an error that states Trust relationship between this workstation and
primary domain failed.  

So, to summarize, all of the workstations see the server just fine but the
workstations don't seem to be able to see eachother or their shared
resources any longer and complain about the trust problem.

Prior to copying the contents of /etc/samba to the new server I did a
comparison between the distributed smb.conf file and the old file.  I did
not see any added or removed keys so I chose to save typing and just use the
existing file.  
The following are the files which I copied over... smb.conf, smbusers,
lmhosts, secrets.tdb and smbpasswd.  I assumed by doing this that any
possible required configuration would get transferred across to the new
machine.  I have done an in-place upgrade from RH9 to FC1 on another server
(rather than doing a clean install and transferrig the configs) and the
samba install there worked just fine (also with making no changes from the
existing configs), so I'm really lost as to what could be causing this

Any hints, tips or suggestions are appreciated.


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